View Full Version : Sunfist at higher levels

06-24-2011, 03:00 PM
I know Gib did it (or is doing it) recently... is transitioning to Sunfist at higher levels a good idea? Or is it just a monumental pain in the ass? I'm considering it so I don't have to hunt the fucking bowels...

Sniper build, if that matters.

06-24-2011, 03:10 PM
Weird you started this thread, I was just going to suggest it for the other one.

06-24-2011, 03:16 PM
Weird you started this thread, I was just going to suggest it for the other one.

Seemed like it was getting pretty rogue-centric, so I figured I'd relocate.

06-24-2011, 03:28 PM
Sniping is good for GoS, I enjoyed it myself with Widgets.

However, I grew fond of using no stamina at all for signs with CoL and being a stamina oriented rogue build, found CoL to be better for my playstyle in the end.

GoS is definitely good though for Snipers/Ranged. Sigil of Determination please!

And who can't deny the awesomeness of hunting just about anywhere at anytime?

Now a days, society choices are almost equal in terms of CoL/GoS. There really is no "better" easy decision from both anymore like there used to be.

I like CoL because it saves me stamina for hunting and using my cmans, along with a much larger duration period. GoS is good too for the camps, but well if I really want to hunt Camps for loot, I'll just use an alt to open them up for me who is in GoS, and just hunt in it myself.

Which is also another doable thing. You don't NEED to join GoS if you simply want to hunt warcamps, as a FYI

06-24-2011, 04:42 PM
I believe bowels are the last set of hated enemies so at least you'd be getting credit for killing them.

06-24-2011, 10:27 PM
It's definitely pretty annoying to do warcamps as a rogue at med-high levels. The faults in the hide system make it difficult to work in groups which doesn't really help. Sword and board was not tolerable. Obviously sniping is a much better experience. You're not getting caught in the open and getting hit with cmans every single time you attack something.

For razing camps, I just brought my wizard in to cull the numbers down to 10-20 and then razed it with my rogue. If you can do the same, you'll get done much faster.

As was said, the abilities are great, though.

06-24-2011, 10:50 PM
I believe bowels are the last set of hated enemies so at least you'd be getting credit for killing them.

Greater constructs are hated foes if I remember correctly.

06-24-2011, 11:08 PM
Yes, I just did GoS as a team thing with my Rogue/Empath. It was a pretty fun experience, and my 2nd attempt with Gib at it, after the epic original fail when GoS just came to be and I was clueless. I did GoS in Shattered with the rogue/war-mage, and that went well, so I knew what I was in for, and that was a big advantage to being successful. Here's a few things, from the rogue's perspective, of what to expect.

First, you're going to need a LOT of mana. I had 120 when I mastered, and decided I needed more. To be fair, I stack major protection to 3 minutes and try to keep it there, which drains stamina/mana pretty good. That brings me to stamina. If you're not over 1x in PF, you're going to run into issues. I've been low on stamina while hunting since mastering, and have moved my training focus to 2x PF... Now around 160 PF ranks, I'm starting to sustain all my sigils and surge, with smastery when needed (never put em up in cooldown.)

Now, the nitty gritty...

I didn't hunt anything but warcamps and warparties while I was mastering. I didn't want to see what OTF or Nelemar would do to me without society buffs. I made sure to have pure potions for the extra AS, and I put a dent in my scroll stash using anything I could for extra DS/AS/TD. 508, 507, 913, 1601, 310, 307, 303... you name it...I used it in the warcamps, if I had access to it. I kept my bard at the camp entrance to get tonis, kai and lucksongs. If you can get haste imbeds, use them. Also, I wore full plate and used ewave via alchemy bought blank amulets I'd imbed.

The tasks, just like bounties, go way better with a partner. I didn't do but one or two warchief/shaman tasks. They always nuked me with cmans or spells and it just wasn't worth the effort for me. I went nuts over the loot the treasure chest tasks, and the save the official. If I could manage to get the right tasks, I'd milk the camp for tasks... Intentionally keep the number up, kill what I needed for the task (if any) and leave. Take note, if you pick, you don't need a key to open the chest in the camp. The chest can be trapped... and you get normal pick exp for disarming/picking the chest. (Just a little bonus bit of info there.) Sneaking around camps made those rescue/chest tasks really manageable, as you can typically blow right by the guards before they'll sound the alarm. Also, if you sneak around the camp instead of walking in the open, the grims can't impede your movements (and force RT). That's awesome for sniper/stealth builds.

Overall: I'm totally happy with GoS. It's more work than CoL to keep my sigils up, but I fell I'm way better on the whole. I'm happy not using spirit for my abilities. I'm managing my stamina and mana pretty well, and working to increase them both. I'm harder to kill because of the padding sigils. I've got more mana to send while resting because of sigil of power and sigil of concentration. I've noticed the extra +5 TD sigil of focus gives over sign of dissipation, and it has already saved me.

My honest opinion. If you don't have at least 100 mana, stay in CoL. If you're 1x PF or under, and don't have any plans of training up more PF for a while, stay in CoL. If you rely on hide/ambush and aren't over 2x in hiding, stay in CoL. I'm 2x stallk/hide with 5 ranks shadow mastery, and for warcamps, I need more. Not that I can't hide at all, but I've been spotted enough times to consider it somewhat unreliable. (probably 20% failure.)

Opinions are like assholes, and I've been wrong before. :club:

06-24-2011, 11:09 PM
Greater constructs are hated foes if I remember correctly.

I think that's false, but I'll check next time I'm in OTF.

06-25-2011, 10:52 AM
I am war camping at lvl 63 and I am 1x PF and have 70 mana and have no issues with stamina or mana keeping all critical sigils up. It takes me about 3 mins to get fried so it's no real issue.

06-26-2011, 02:35 PM
I modded my sigils code to use the minor bane and protection sigils, and I've had a lot more luck keeping my mana ans stamina up. +- 5 isn't making or breaking a rogue, in AS or DS.

06-26-2011, 11:14 PM
rogue, full plate, HDP, add minor protection (cheaper and stacks with your armor damage padding for 20 points of damage padding)

06-27-2011, 01:46 AM
rogue, full plate, HDP, add minor protection (cheaper and stacks with your armor damage padding for 20 points of damage padding)

You should post some clips of some stupid high endrolls.

06-27-2011, 08:54 AM
Welp, did my first warcamp solo yesterday. 410 Grimswarm, took me about 6 hours total (kept popping my damn muscles with Vanish), only one death, and absolute crap for loot.

I think just for the BPs, I'm gonna stick with COL and deal with the fucking bowels. As long as I avoid jarls at all cost, I do pretty well.

Thanks all for the input.

06-27-2011, 01:11 PM
Yeah... the loot isn't the best. I'll give you that.

06-27-2011, 01:37 PM
The loot is relative to your location and type of grimswarm. Orcs are the worst and giants are the best. The best location I have found is the Locksmehr trail.

06-27-2011, 01:49 PM
I'm a 66 lvl warrior 108 mana and 140's in stamina. What is the best way to hunt with GOS as a warrior? What sigils to run/use. Looking for some advice since I've been away for a while. Thanks!!

Grace and Peace

06-27-2011, 04:18 PM
I'm a 66 lvl warrior 108 mana and 140's in stamina. What is the best way to hunt with GOS as a warrior? What sigils to run/use. Looking for some advice since I've been away for a while. Thanks!!

Grace and Peace

I've been playing with the sigils to see what I can and can't get to work. Currently, my empath does minor bane, major protection, and my rogue does major bane, minor protection. Otherwise...

9707: Sigil of Defense - 0:04:57 - 20 bDS, 20 pDS
9708: Sigil of Offense - 0:04:57 - 20 bAS, 20 pAS
9710: Sigil of Minor Protection - 0:00:57 - 5 bDS, 5 pDS
9711: Sigil of Focus - 0:00:57 - 20 elemTD, 20 spirTD, 20 sorcTD
9713: Sigil of Mending - 0:09:58
9714: Sigil of Concentration - 0:09:58
9715: Sigil of Major Bane - 0:00:56 - 10 bAS, 10 pAS

That's what I keep going. You might not need concentration, but in my world, extra mana is extra stuff killed.

06-27-2011, 04:26 PM
Orcs are the worst and giants are the best

... I did not know that. Didn't even know it entered into the equation. Maybe I'll see if I can find a giant camp to play with. Though I have enough troubles with plate armor, as an archer. That, and 75% of the critters gen with WoF up, so it's a waiting game.

06-27-2011, 05:16 PM
Maybe I'm missing the point, but why would anyone spend 6 hours soloing a camp? You aren't gaining optimal exp per hour at all and for the loot you may as well be hunting pretty much anything else.
Is it just for the society value for GoS? I aren't too familiar with whatever that might be.

06-27-2011, 05:17 PM
Then again I noticed you decided it was a shit idea too so maybe nevermind.

06-27-2011, 05:26 PM
The size of the camp, or rather the number of Grimswarm you've killed in the camp, is another very important factor in loot quality. The more you've killed, the better the loot will be--thus, finishing a 500 camp will get you 25 boxes of superior quality, assuming the other factors that have been listed aren't negative enough to tank the loot.

06-27-2011, 05:28 PM
Maybe I'm missing the point, but why would anyone spend 6 hours soloing a camp? You aren't gaining optimal exp per hour at all and for the loot you may as well be hunting pretty much anything else.
Is it just for the society value for GoS? I aren't too familiar with whatever that might be.

The hope had been I would die less (which I did, by a lot... I generally die 5-9 times a day hunting the bowels) and get nice loot (which ended up not even CLOSE, skewed in favor of the bowels).

In the final equation, though, hunting the bowels I get OK loot (nothing fancy or enhancive, but a steady stream of decent gems, and about 30k per hunt total), plus the BPs, which I wouldn't get doing GoS. My biggest goal was finding a hunting ground where I didn't die quite so often, but I'm just gonna have to power through it as best I can.

06-27-2011, 08:11 PM
Maybe I'm missing the point, but why would anyone spend 6 hours soloing a camp? You aren't gaining optimal exp per hour at all and for the loot you may as well be hunting pretty much anything else.
Is it just for the society value for GoS? I aren't too familiar with whatever that might be.

You can get tasks from GoS after mastering to gain exp and force a saturated mind state. The loot on a regular interval isn't good in Warcamps, however the opportunity to get something REALLY NICE is way higher. Warcamps in my world are a good change from the monotony of hunting Nelemar or OTF, which I've been doing for years. I take a day or 2 out of the week anymore to dedicate to dropping a camp. I've got a few in-game friends who will join me to drop a camp for the sole purpose of dropping a camp, because we can. Not getting BPs kinda does suck though.

06-30-2011, 04:47 PM
A spectral triton defender rushes forward at you with her blue steel harpoon and attempts a charge!
[Roll result: 160 (open d100: 68)]
A spectral triton defender lunges at you with an expert charge and you flip through the air, landing on your head with a crash! :club:
... 9 points of damage!
Beautiful shot pierces skull! Amazing you weren't killed outright!
Roundtime: 18 sec.
[Roll result: 163 (open d100: 61)]
A spectral triton defender swings a lackluster blue steel harpoon at your arcane dagger and connects!
Your arcane dagger is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 15 sec.
A triton executioner swings a coral-hilted sharply tapered longsword at you!
AS: +433 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +20 = +220
... and hits for 7 points of damage!
Diagonal slash to your weapon arm.
Strike misses but bruises a few knuckles.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a spectral triton defender engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A spectral triton defender thrusts with a lackluster blue steel harpoon at you!
AS: +444 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +20 = +229
... and hits for 12 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the back.

A spectral triton defender thrusts with a lackluster blue steel harpoon at you!
AS: +444 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +87 = +296
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right arm.

A spectral triton defender thrusts with a lackluster blue steel harpoon at you!
AS: +444 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +37 = +246
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the chest.

A spectral triton defender thrusts with a lackluster blue steel harpoon at you!
AS: +444 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +70 = +285
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
Well placed shot to the neck!

A spectral triton defender thrusts with a lackluster blue steel harpoon at you!
AS: +444 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +7 = +222
... and hits for 13 points of damage!
Minor strike to the neck.

>--- Lich: heal active.
You didn't supply a target! You need to tell me who to heal.
A triton executioner swings a coral-hilted sharply tapered longsword at you!
AS: +433 vs DS: +240 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +23 = +233
... and hits for 9 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left leg.

You take a quick appraisal of Gibreficul and find that he has severe head trauma and bleeding from the ears, moderate bleeding from his neck, some minor cuts and bruises on his right arm, some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg, some minor cuts and bruises on his right hand, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, and minor cuts and bruises on his back.
He is bleeding badly from the neck and from the head.