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  1. New Anonymous Video
  3. 2016 Election Betting (silvers)
  4. Podesta leaks
  5. Julian Assange in trouble?
  6. DNC Contractors discuss voter fraud
  7. Third Presidential Debate: 10/19/16
  8. Last Debate
  9. 2016 Election Prediction Thread
  10. Trump says electing Clinton could mean WWIII
  11. Who was giving me 10:1 odds...
  12. Hillary supporters attack homeless black woman
  13. An interesting video.
  14. October Surprise on the Environment
  15. Election Night Bash!
  16. FBI Vault dumps
  17. School Segregation
  18. FBI was persuing indictment(s) on Clinton Foundation
  19. Your setup for the big night?
  20. Photos from election day
  21. BREAKING: CNN Florida exit polls
  22. Who Should Be the Special Prosecutor?
  23. Exhausting Court Proceedings on the Horizon
  24. Winners and Losers of the 2016 Presidential Election
  25. The Wall
  26. Who Cried The Hardest Last Night When HRC Lost?
  27. Donald Trump's Contract With The American Voter
  28. Thoughts on Electoral College?
  29. Canada already willing to re-negotiate NAFTA
  30. The Big Gulp, Part 2
  31. No we do not hate you.
  32. Do you think Trump is really a liberal?
  33. Carrier Factory in Indianapolis
  34. The comedy of a California succession.
  35. Blue Feed, Red Feed
  36. Trump's Tax Plan: If you're playing Gemstone you probably lost money.
  37. Safe Places
  38. Legislative prediction
  39. OBJECTified Airs Tonight!
  40. Political bias in the media
  41. Romney Is a Hypocrite
  42. Trump Blasts Media in Closed Door Session
  43. Transgender Debate - Jordan Peterson
  44. Trump AG Nominee Will Enforce Marijuana Laws
  45. Fidel Castro Dead
  46. Hypocrisy Run Rampant
  47. Faithless Electors
  48. How Close is an Election?
  49. War on Christmas Nearly Over
  50. Facial Recognition Technology
  51. Things that made you frown today (Political version)
  52. Allow Cell Phones During Flights?
  53. Is Rogue One Anti-Trump?
  54. Maricopa Co. Sheriff's Office: "9 points of forgery" in Obama's birth certificate
  55. Loss Aversion
  56. Going Nuclear
  57. The Popular Vote
  58. Dr. Jordan Peterson Professor of Psychology on Extremists of Left and Right.
  59. Russia Spy House Closed Down
  60. Putin Was Framed!
  61. PEOTUS Wishes Happy New Year to Everybody
  62. Trump Expels Unflattering Biographer from His Golf Course
  63. The hilarity of racists fomenting over words
  64. 4 black ADULTS kidnap and torute white man
  65. Trump vs. Kasich
  66. Nobody Gets Ratings Like Trump
  67. Trump vs. Streep
  68. North Korea
  69. South Korea
  70. Congress to Overturn High School Art Contest
  71. Trump vs. Vaccines
  72. The Media's Responsibility
  73. L.L. Bean Boycott Backlash
  74. Obama Ends Preferential Cuban Immigration Policy
  75. Trump removing general in charge of security at inauguration - during it
  76. Atlanta Is a Bad Place
  77. Trump vs. Saturday Night Live
  78. Trumpcare -- Better Than Obamacare
  79. Just two more days of Obama, unless...
  80. It's a Small World
  81. Huge Attendance at Trump Inauguratin
  82. Protectionism
  83. Is America Great Yet?
  84. Liberal salty "thoughts" about the new administration
  85. Thread for people being oppressed by Trump
  86. Trump’s federal hiring freeze
  87. Trump Revives Ban on Foreign Aid to Groups That Give Abortion Counseling
  88. Trump Pulls U.S. Out Of Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal
  89. I'm calling it: Trump is a liberal.
  90. More Media Blackouts
  91. Trump to direct federal resources toward building a border wall on Wednesday
  92. Is the Deficit Still a Thing?
  93. Best Selling Book
  94. Huge Crowd at March for Life
  95. The Chimeras Have Arrived
  96. GOP Platform Over Time
  97. Trump has no plan for Obamacare repeal and replacement
  99. You still like Trump?
  100. Clinton Foundation Closing
  101. Trump's Supreme Court picks
  102. Tears are Delicious
  103. White House Correspondents' Dinner 2017
  104. #DeleteUber
  105. House votes to loosen background checks rules?
  106. Lies of the Trump Adminstration
  107. Trump vs. Schwarzenegger, round 2
  108. The Insane Conservative Mindset...
  109. Media Covering Up Terrorist Attacks?
  110. Who Is Paying the Protestors?
  111. Sanders vs. Cruz Live on CNN Tuesday Night
  112. Senior ATF official proposes loosening gun regulations
  113. Immigration Ban Hearing
  114. Obama Learns to Kite-Surf
  115. Crony Cabinet
  116. Immigrants Should Give Their Twitter Passwords to the US
  117. New Fukushima info going mainstream
  118. Quebec massacre
  119. Who Is the White House Leak?
  120. Who is the face of the Democrat party?
  121. Have feminists become too unstable to hold positions that could put people at risk?
  122. Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser
  123. Trump not appropriate for schools?
  124. Mysterious Death at Russian Embassy in NY on Election Day in 2016
  125. Uncovered video, possibly Podesta, WARNING!!! Content is disturbing WARNING!!!
  126. Trump Adored Worldwide
  127. Six White House Staffers removed
  128. White Kid With Rifle Terrorizes Oakland By Drawing Dicks On Cars
  129. Should the US Help Russia Overthrow the Government of Ukraine?
  130. Uncovered video, definitely Milo, WARNING!!! Content is disturbing WARNING!!!
  131. Coming Pension Crisis?
  132. Trump to Crack Down on States that Legalize Marijuana
  133. Spicy Blocks News Organizations Critical of Trump
  134. Trump 1, Witches 0
  135. Media Not Reporting Decline in National Debt
  136. Transgender Teenager Wins Texas State Wrestling Championship
  137. Do Not Put Your Feet on the Furniture
  138. Good Speech
  139. V.O.I.C.E.
  140. New Theory -- Trump Is a Glitch in the Matrix
  141. New Revelations Regarding Trump's Campaign and Russia
  142. Pence Used Private E-mail While In Office...And Was Hacked
  143. TrumpTowerGate
  144. Do you think we'll get a smoking gun?
  145. Trump To Sign New Travel Ban
  146. Travel Ban 2.0 Released
  147. Proof That Trump Was Taped
  148. GOP Health Plan Released
  149. Vault 7
  150. Trump Appoints Russia Ambassador
  151. Smart things conservatives say:
  152. New EPA Administrator Signals Course Change for Agency
  153. Rachel Maddow Has Trump's Tax Returns
  154. Democrats to Shut Down the Government?
  155. Interesting Videos to Watch
  156. Budget Discussion
  157. Trump Kicked One Direction Out of His Hotel
  158. Design the Wall!
  159. FBI Confirms Probe into Trump-Russian Collusion
  160. Vote Ronan, 2020
  161. Vote Ronan, 2020
  162. Trump will actually kill the GOP?
  163. Energy Sec. Rick Perry Challenges Texas A&M Student Body Election
  164. Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)
  165. Trump Opens Two-Front Political War
  166. Should Men Dine Alone with Female Business Colleagues?
  167. Things that made you frown today (Political)
  168. What is everyone's race?
  169. Impeachment Betting Pool
  170. Meanwhile over at the DNC.
  171. I just got moderated!
  172. Judge Allows Suit Against Trump for Violence at Trump Rally
  173. Former RNC Chair Says Get Ready for President Pence
  174. Kansas Standing Against Porn
  175. Trump Will Totally Fix North Korea
  176. Chemical Attack in Syria
  177. Bannon Out, Perry In
  178. The Return of Romney
  179. Google Fact Check Goes Live
  180. The Golden Knight
  181. America First
  182. Fearless Girl and Charging Bull
  183. Church Can Start Its Own Police Force, Alabama Senate Says
  184. Trump Has Bigger Patriots Attendance Than Obama
  185. Trump gets Egypt to free American held unjustly
  186. Trump to Unveil Tax Plan on Wednesday
  187. Trump's First 100 Days
  188. Wisconsin Does Too Border Canada
  189. Transgender person sues to have birth certificate changed
  190. Demand That Your Workplace Honor Loyalty Day
  191. New Research Shows Trump Was Right to Have Only Billionaires in His Cabinet
  192. Laugh at Jeff Session, Go to Jail
  193. GOP Rep. gets call from constituents who'll die on Trumpcare...
  194. ACLU Surrenders in Fight with Trump
  195. Trump Supporters be like...
  196. Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs Anti-Sanctuary City law
  197. Secret Military Space Shuttle Announces Its Arrival in Florida
  198. GoFCCyourself
  199. Jedi Politics
  200. FBI Director Comey FIRED by Trump!
  201. Comey fired
  202. Trump Develops Pitch to Market Tax Reforms
  203. Jeff Sessions Increases Drug Sentencing
  204. Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?
  205. Use Your Energy Wisely. It Is Finite.
  206. So...
  207. Charlottesville protest likened to ‘days of the KKK’
  208. Lot of Yelling Tonight in the White House
  209. Obama on Trump: He's nothing but a bullshiter...
  210. Trump to Keep Iran Deal
  211. Trump Treated Worse Than Anybody Ever
  212. Keeping Track of time4fun's forum persona
  213. Trump to Keep US Embassy in Tel Aviv
  214. Times square shut down, car running people over.
  215. Why doesn't Trump just pardon Flynn?
  216. Mind Your Own Business
  217. Manchester Bombing - Ariana Concert
  218. Al Franken Writes a Book
  219. CBO Scores House "Healthcare" Bill
  220. Violence in Montana Politics!
  221. Is Montenegro a Real Place?
  222. US Embassy in Israel
  223. German Election 2017
  224. Paris Accord
  225. Trump Russia Fake News War
  226. A Thread for Trump's Self-Inflicted Wound of the Day
  228. Comey Testimony
  229. Unconstitutional for Trump to Block People on Twitter?
  230. Trump Asks if Presbyterians Are Christians
  231. 9th Circuit Refuses to Reinstate the Revised Musclim Ban
  232. Alt left shooter
  233. Southern Baptists and the Curse of Ham
  234. Donald Trump Under Active Investigation for Obstruction of Justice
  235. Megyn Kelly on NBC
  236. Supreme Court rules government can't refuse disparaging trademarks
  237. Hollywood slush funds fail to buy election
  238. Senate Healthcare Bill
  239. Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud, hire lawyers
  240. Sorry, But It’s Entirely the Right’s Fault
  241. $15 / hour study releases
  242. National Enquirer buys CNN
  243. Trump Attacks Mika Brzezinski
  244. Onward Christian Soldiers!
  245. WSJ: GOP Activist Who Sought Clinton Emails Cited Trump Campaign Officials
  246. Happy 4th of July
  247. U.S. Apology Tour
  248. Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism #1 NYT Bestseller
  249. Afghan 2.0
  250. A thread to keep track of all the "suicides" associated with the Clintons