View Full Version : Politics
- Barack W. Bush?
- Black Hole found in Dallas, TX
- Sex Offender Castration
- MIKAEL GORBACHOV tribute song?!?
- For those who like polls: Bush and Obama tied
- McCain's VP prospects start to refine image
- An argument against Obama's tax plan
- Fiar Doctrine hypocrisy
- Cynthia McKinney for President!
- Obama & Teacher's Unions
- McCain's Cabinet
- The Costs of Pulling Out of Iraq
- President Bush to Lift Executive Ban on Offshore Drilling
- New Yorker Cover
- Bush Says Drill, Drill, Drill — and Oil Drops $9!
- Oil Compromise under Pelosi's Nose
- Divine Curse on the White House
- Current Obama VP buzz
- Scraping by on billions a day
- Al Gore's Carbon Footprint
- Carbon Offsets: Government Warns of Fraud Risk
- More nails in McCain's coffin
- Obama's 'civilian national security force'
- Iraq Needs a New Prime Minister
- Dear Ashliana-
- Obama's Foreign Policy
- Hot Muslims
- McCain to Steal Obama's Thunder?
- PETA Fights Military Medical Training
- Chuck Grassley in Trouble in Iowa
- Media's guilt plays well for Obama and McCain
- Barack wants to pay you to have babies
- Interfering with the Federal Reserve
- He ventured forth to bring light to the world
- Obama in Europe
- 'Time' Publishes Definitive Obama Puff Piece
- Bruce Wayne who??
- PC Politics match game
- I love McCain but I think it just was never meant to be
- Minimum wage hiked to $6.55
- Grand Spectacles and Frenzied Crowds
- Prayer
- Karl Rove Attacked in Iowa
- Raising Income Taxes
- Why I hate Politicians & Congress
- Obamanomics Is a Recipe for Recession
- Longest serving senator, Alaskan Republican, indicted on multiple corruption charges.
- Democrats & Republicans Switch Sides
- Hillary for VP?
- McCain's desperate borrowing from the Rove/Bush Playbook
- More Predatory Lending Victims
- What do you dislike about your candidate?
- Superdelegates For Sale
- Obama gets my vote!
- Obama Is Too Skinny
- Human Cockfighting
- Awesome
- Bates: No such thing as "executive privilege"
- WSJ: Wal-Mart Warns of Democratic Win
- Obama's Flipping Burgers
- Are you an idiot if you don't vote
- I've found ClydeR's secret stash of knowledge!
- House apologizes for slavery, 'Jim Crow' injustices
- The Bradley Effect
- PBS Lies About the Bible
- The Return of Sampson
- Obama panders to Ohio and Florida
- Obama proposes tapping nation's oil reserves to help drive down gasoline prices
- The Nonpuzzle of the Close Election Polls
- Clinton Says, 'I Am Not a Racist'
- Is Voting Irrational?
- Does Voting Enjoy Anal Sex?
- Drill Drill Drill Is Working
- Paris for President?
- Why so quiet?
- I am denouncing Ron Suskind, formerly of the Wall Street Journal
- Bob Barr - Libertarian?
- On interstate competition and business unfriendly atmospheres
- Big donors are the key to Obama's record haul
- Obama overexposed?
- I think I'm changing my vote
- Bruce Ivins -- Anthrax
- Sentence for Osama's Driver
- PolitiFact's "Flip-O-Meter"!
- Is Obama the Antichrist?
- Campaign Donation Bundlers
- Obama Wants a Stronger Dollar
- Because Everybody Knows About McCain: Someting of a History
- McCain and Obama Name Favorite Superheros
- Edwards Admits It
- An Endowed Chair: McCain's Campaign Finance Reform
- McCain's camp vets Lieberman as VP
- Doomsday Device
- I've made my Presidential decision
- Edwards' Cover-up Cost Clinton the Nomination
- McCain Gets Tough with Russia
- Pelosi open to vote on offshore drilling
- Beijing Olympics: China's Sham Face to the World
- Most US Firms Avoid Federal Taxes
- Bad Political Jokes
- Barack Obama - No Socialist Aspirations Here
- Iraq minister: US troops will pull out in three years unde deal
- Obama Backs off Tax Increases
- Clinton's name will be put in nomination at convention
- A Return to the Cold War?
- Platform Differences between Republicans and Democrats
- How the 44th President and the 38th Governor of California, Saved America
- First Serious Crisis Since Cold War?
- North Texas school district will let teachers carry guns
- Missile shield accord draws Russian fire
- Kerry for VP?
- Obama Aging Fast
- Huckabee Supporters Upset with McCain
- DNC Secret Jail
- McCain Gains on Obama
- Beware the Cone of Silence
- Obama Disrespectful of Clarence Thomas?
- Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race
- Obama's Taxes are about "fairness"
- Obama VP Poll
- Toby Keith Praises Obama, Says He's A Democrat
- Obama is Losing
- US makes missle deal with Poland
- Clinton applies pressure...
- More Elitist Remarks from Obama
- Why Obama Has To Get Mad To Win
- Democrats Complimenting McCain
- 5th Amendment : Talking to the police by Professor James Duane.
- Obama's Falter: A UK View
- Let Economies Cure Themselves
- Obama/Bayh bumper stickers being printed
- It's Biden
- It Won't Be Romney
- Who is going to be McCain's VP?
- Christians Plan Protest at Democrat Convention
- Auto Bailout?
- I've chosen. McCain. Sign up here.
- Obama’s Birth Certificate – CHANGE you can believe in.
- Behind the scenes.. all's not "Unity"
- Hallmark Boycott
- Is Gan full of shit?
- Investigators Look Into Possible Plot To Kill Obama
- Obama: Free Speech is only for those who agree with me
- Lilly Ledbetter
- Is Daniel's...
- Hillary and the DNC tonight.
- Was Gan ever even possibly going to vote for Obama?
- Let's have more polls!
- Protests at/near DNC Convention
- DNC Convention, Protests at/near
- Pro Choice Republicans
- Kerry DNC Speech
- Liberals crack down on Freedom of Speech
- Putin accuses U.S. of orchestrating Georgian war
- DNC Convention Wrap
- Is Obama Really That Dumb?
- Is Obama Really That Dumb?
- The Perfect Stranger
- Official: Palin is the Pick
- Palin a Potential Disaster
- I've made my pick for president
- Palin as a Man
- If the election were held today
- No Attacks From Palin/McCain
- McCain and Palin Visit the Troops
- Obama's Brilliant Foreign Policy
- Another CNN take on Palin
- Palin booed for mentioning Hillary Clinton
- Sarah Palin: What we know now [at present]
- McCain fucked up. Bad
- Comparing Palin vs Obama
- Politicization of Gustav
- Sarah Palin's Daughter's Pregnancy
- Hate Cheney, Love Biden
- Alaskan Independence Party
- Another Sarah Palin Thread
- RNC Convention
- Palin...yet again
- Thompson = Schwarzenegger
- Palin Withdrawal - Place Your Bets
- Small Towns
- Palin Hail Mary -- Incomplete Pass
- John McCain Is Buggin The F%^k Out
- Amy Goodman Arrested at RNC
- Did Lieberman lie?
- A Chat with Anne Kilkenny...
- Sarah Palin's Speech
- What kind of voter are you?
- Palin: Another super-religiously motivated Bush?
- Barack Obama is Such a Hypocrite
- More About McCain's Secret Plan
- O’Reilly vs. Obama
- Daily Show Clip: Rofflehouse
- Country First
- John McCain's Speech
- And Kilpatrick goes to jail
- Voter education links
- Oprah denies Palin for show appearance.
- Partisanship at its best
- How Money & Lobbyists Fuck Up Our Healthcare
- I know why McCain thinks the economy is fine . . .
- The Best F#&king News Team Ever: Small Town Values
- kinda creepy
- Palin's Faith
- "My Muslim Faith"
- Holy Convention Bounce Batman
- Hilararious You Tube Videos
- Bush to announce Iraq troop reduction
- U.S. plans $7 billion missile-defense sale to UAE
- Third-Party Candidates in Pennsylvania
- The beginning of the end for the (proper) English Language?
- Media Attacks a Christian Candidate
- Lipstick, or Chauvinist Pig?
- McCain Women's Clinic
- The Shelf Project
- Media Attacking Palin About Wasilla Rape Policy
- Two-party 'charade' must end, Ron Paul says
- S.C. Dem chair: Palin primary qualification is she hasn't had an abortion
- White House Claims Bin Laden Was Not The ‘Mastermind’
- Autumn Angst: Dems fret about Obama
- Patriot Day
- Conservative or Liberal Reading Trends
- Obama says Sarah Palin can't hunt belled to fried left arm shots only
- Healthcare: Comparing the plans
- Dumbercrats get dumberer...
- Elitism?
- It Boggles the Mind...McCain (WCHS TV)
- Anyone want to try defending this?
- Shameful Republican attack on Barack Obama's experience
- Michael Vick condemners unite?
- Democrats on Capitol Hill fear Obama fallout
- Biden living up to his gaffe-prone reputation
- New Ad Connects Palin to AKIP
- Alaska lawmakers vote to subpoena Todd Palin
- My Speech
- Message to ClydeR, Gan, sst, PB, and sorta CRB
- Oops...
- Palin's "Small Town" Politics
- Rove: McCain going too far.
- The Ladies of the View Rake McCain Over the Coals
- Obama Fundraising Deception
- Armey: 'Bubba vote' to hurt Obama
- Palin's Iraq Trip
- Politics Rage Vid
- Lehman Brothers
- Protecting Children from Video Games
- The U.N. Is Poised to Rewrite Morality
- Ralph Nader - To Be, Or Not To Be
- Why do you vote the way you do?
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