View Full Version : Secret Military Space Shuttle Announces Its Arrival in Florida

05-08-2017, 11:00 AM
Not secret anymore..

The U.S. Air Force confirmed that its X-37B unmanned mini space shuttle landed at KSC after spending 718 days in orbit. The spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on May 20, 2015.

What it has been doing circling the planet all this time is the secret part that military officials won’t discuss, though many experts believe it has intelligence-gathering equipment. What the military did confirm in a news release is that mini shuttle is “an experimental test program to demonstrate technologies for a reliable, reusable, unmanned space test platform for the U.S. Air Force.”

This was fourth space trip for the 29-foot-long, 11,000-pound mini shuttle, but it was the first time it has landed in Florida — which is why Sunday’s sonic boom provided an unexpected wake-up call.

Hundreds of people took to social media and contacted local media to find out what caused the big boom.

More... (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/space/go-for-launch/os-sonic-boom-military-space-shuttle-0507-story.html)

What do you think it was doing in space for two years?

05-08-2017, 11:11 AM
Not secret anymore..

What do you think it was doing in space for two years?

Secret as in we still don't know wtf it's doing precisely. Other than that this is old news (the shuttle itself).

05-08-2017, 11:28 AM
Sending signals to aliens to invade North Korea