View Full Version : Trump will actually kill the GOP?

03-24-2017, 09:05 AM
Like a parasitic virus injected into the GOP, do you think Trump will kill the Republican party once and for all?

Follow up: Do you think Trump was a plant by the Democrats to sabotage the Republican party?

03-24-2017, 09:09 AM
Good riddance. The GOP stopped having anything to offer over 20 years ago.

Any party that gives us Bush and Trump needs to be replaced with something else.

03-24-2017, 09:16 AM
Good riddance. The GOP stopped having anything to offer over 20 years ago.

Any party that gives us Bush and Trump needs to be replaced with something else.

Obvious troll is obvious.

03-24-2017, 09:42 AM
Good riddance. The GOP stopped having anything to offer over 20 years ago.

Any party that gives us Bush and Trump needs to be replaced with something else.

Retarded troll is retarded.

03-24-2017, 09:46 AM
Hi, McGuyver.



03-24-2017, 09:47 AM
Hi, McGuyver.



He does like his polls, doesn't he?

03-24-2017, 09:51 AM
I'm still waiting for him to say something about the picture...

03-24-2017, 10:02 AM
Godot doesn't​ come when called

03-24-2017, 10:24 AM
Godot doesn't​ come when called

Haha. True. I suppose it shall remain an inside joke yup those who went to Vapiano's.

03-24-2017, 10:25 AM
It's funny because the OP and Time4fun still can't figure out why Trump won.

03-24-2017, 10:46 AM
Good riddance. The GOP stopped having anything to offer over 20 years ago.

Any party that gives us Bush and Trump needs to be replaced with something else.

The Democratic Party gave us Trump.

03-24-2017, 11:08 AM
Also, why no tacos?

03-24-2017, 11:16 AM
The Democratic Party gave us Trump.

Not even close. What "gave us" Trump is:

1) The insane GOP primary system which incentivizes and rewards super hard-right politics, and
2) The history of Republican lawmakers who say they're for (insert bullshit here: be it "fiscal responsibility," "limited government," etc) and then once in power, immediately do the opposite as hard as possible.
3) Pyrrhic, deliberate government dysfunction and the tendency for people to blame the current executive in charge when it happens (which will soon be backfiring on Trump himself).
4) Nativism (i.e., white identity politics).

03-24-2017, 11:23 AM
Also Russia. Don't forget Russia. Plus voter suppression in GOP controlled swing States.

03-24-2017, 11:28 AM
Not even close. What "gave us" Trump is:

1) The insane GOP primary system which incentivizes and rewards super hard-right politics, and
2) The history of Republican lawmakers who say they're for (insert bullshit here: be it "fiscal responsibility," "limited government," etc) and then once in power, immediately do the opposite as hard as possible.
3) Pyrrhic, deliberate government dysfunction and the tendency for people to blame the current executive in charge when it happens (which will soon be backfiring on Trump himself).
4) Nativism (i.e., white identity politics).

Right. It had nothing at all to do with Hillary being a complete shit candidate.

No siree, nothing at all.

1) The insane GOP primary system

http://twt-thumbs.washtimes.com/media/image/2015/11/15/DEM_2016_Clinton_Early_Advantage.JPEG-006af_c0-131-2957-1855_s885x516.jpg?74bb2310a9b321e7c2322542b7ec454c ed3fa695

03-24-2017, 11:37 AM
Right. It had nothing at all to do with Hillary being a complete shit candidate.

No siree, nothing at all.

Are you even reading? Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of anything that Hillary did, or didn't, do. Trump is spectacularly unqualified, and somehow beat out all those other GOP governors, senators, """""intellectuals,""""" etc, and that had nothing to do with Hillary.

The Democrats didn't produce Trump, nor did they produce the environment in which he thrived -- the GOP's primary system. It elected a mentally unbalanced imbecile and compulsive liar with zero experience, no moral compass and no understanding of how government works.

03-24-2017, 11:47 AM
Are you even reading? Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of anything that Hillary did, or didn't, do. Trump is spectacularly unqualified, and somehow beat out all those other GOP governors, senators, """""intellectuals,""""" etc, and that had nothing to do with Hillary.

The Democrats didn't produce Trump, nor did they produce the environment in which he thrived -- the GOP's primary system. It elected a mentally unbalanced imbecile and compulsive liar with zero experience, no moral compass and no understanding of how government works.

And then he trounced the Democratic *nominee.

03-24-2017, 11:51 AM

That's all I heard.

03-24-2017, 11:53 AM
Also Russia. Don't forget Russia. Plus voter suppression in GOP controlled swing States.

lol you're retarded.

03-24-2017, 11:55 AM
And then he trounced the Democratic *nominee.

By getting almost 3 million fewer votes? Even after heavy foreign interference in the election on his behalf?

That's an odd definition of "trounced".

03-24-2017, 11:59 AM
By getting almost 3 million fewer votes? Even after heavy foreign interference in the election on his behalf?

That's an odd definition of "trounced".

You fucking idiot, no one campaigns for the popular vote because it doesn't matter. Keep clinging to your retarded beliefs tho. You've been told this before and yet your retardation inhibits understanding and so you continue. It's annoying. Shut the fuck up already

03-24-2017, 11:59 AM
It's an absurd notion to blame the loser for the winner.

"That guy who came in second place is why Usain Bolt won the gold. If the second place guy didn't suck so bad Bolt wouldn't have won!"

Thats some backward ass logic if I ever heard it.

03-24-2017, 12:00 PM
It's an absurd notion to blame the loser for the winner.

"That guy who came in second place is why Usain Bolt won the gold. If the second place guy didn't suck so bad Bolt wouldn't have won!"

Thats some backward ass logic if I ever heard it.

You're retarded back. Fucking retarded.

03-24-2017, 12:01 PM
You fucking idiot, no one campaigns for the popular vote because it doesn't matter. Keep clinging to your retarded beliefs tho. You've been told this before and yet your retardation inhibits understanding and so you continue. It's annoying. Shut the fuck up already

You're retarded back. Fucking retarded.

Damn. Triggered.

Lighten up already. Trump won.

03-24-2017, 12:05 PM
By getting almost 3 million fewer votes?

STILL don't know how elections work? This is getting kind of sad.

Even after heavy foreign interference in the election on his behalf?

Why does this matter? Over 1 billion dollars was spent trying to get Hillary elected. Yes, that's billion with a b. But Russia supposedly spread some news stories around and that's the thing that gave Trump the victory?

Oh poor Hillary, she had no one by her side to help her get elected. Because she's a woman.

03-24-2017, 12:08 PM
Are you even reading? Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of anything that Hillary did, or didn't, do. Trump is spectacularly unqualified, and somehow beat out all those other GOP governors, senators, """""intellectuals,""""" etc, and that had nothing to do with Hillary.

The Democrats didn't produce Trump, nor did they produce the environment in which he thrived -- the GOP's primary system. It elected a mentally unbalanced imbecile and compulsive liar with zero experience, no moral compass and no understanding of how government works.

The point is RC was correct when he said the democrat party gave us Trump. Hillary was just the cherry on top.

If it weren't for Obama and the left's past 8 years of extreme bullshit, Trump probably wouldn't have even run, much less gotten anywhere in the primaries.

The real star of your post though is you complaining about primaries when your candidate literally stole the primaries from Bernie.

This is why you people will keep losing because you refuse to identify the problem.

03-24-2017, 12:17 PM
The point is RC was correct when he said the democrat party gave us Trump. Hillary was just the cherry on top.

Except for that inconvenient part where neither you or he actually bothered to substantiate that assertion, whereas I did mine.

If it weren't for Obama and the left's past 8 years of extreme bullshit, Trump probably wouldn't have even run, much less gotten anywhere in the primaries.

:rofl: Right. Because Obama was "an extremist," despite consistently governing as center-leaning-right. Your political compass is so misaligned, you don't know up from down, left from right anymore.

The real star of your post though is you complaining about primaries when your candidate literally stole the primaries from Bernie.

This is why you people will keep losing because you refuse to identify the problem.

Bernie got millions of fewer votes in the primaries than Hillary did -- she didn't "steal" anything. And FYI, I'm a total Bernie supporter - 10 times out of 10, he would have been my choice. You could argue that the DNC's primary system should be improved so as to give non-establishment candidates a better chance -- I don't necessarily disagree. However, create a polar opposite and you end up with the RNC's system, which resulted in Trump -- a.k.a., a disaster.

03-24-2017, 12:21 PM
By getting almost 3 million fewer votes? Even after heavy foreign interference in the election on his behalf?

That's an odd definition of "trounced".

reality TV star beats out political juggernaut..

yeah, democrats got trounced

03-24-2017, 12:35 PM
I love when people say Clinton "stole" the primary from Bernie.

What exactly did Clinton do to steal the primary again?

03-24-2017, 12:38 PM
I love when people say Clinton "stole" the primary from Bernie.

What exactly did Clinton do to steal the primary again?

Had the DNC pushing for her victory?

Russia "helped" Trump get elected! TREASON! UNFAIR! UNDEMOCRATIC!

DNC helped Hillary win the primary. What's the problem here?

It's actually worse in the DNC's case because they are supposed to be impartial. You're crazy if you think Russia is supposed to be impartial.

03-24-2017, 12:39 PM
Had the DNC pushing for her victory?

Russia "helped" Trump get elected! TREASON! UNFAIR! UNDEMOCRATIC!

DNC helped Hillary win the primary. What's the problem here?

I assume you're talking about the leaked DNC e-mails, which showed people discussing doing some horrendous things that never actually happened.

So please show the class how Clinton was responsible for those e-mails, and please demonstrate to the class what concrete, underhanded things were done to steal the primary from Bernie.

I'm in the Bernie fan club too, btw. He's been my political hero for over 10 years. But I still like facts.

03-24-2017, 12:44 PM
And this is why establishment democrats are a cancer.

03-24-2017, 12:46 PM
He's been my political hero for over 10 years.


Thats my hero.

03-24-2017, 12:46 PM
School House Rock is never not appropriate.

03-24-2017, 12:47 PM
School House Rock is never not appropriate.

Double negatives are though.

03-24-2017, 12:48 PM
It's an absurd notion to blame the loser for the winner.

"That guy who came in second place is why Usain Bolt won the gold. If the second place guy didn't suck so bad Bolt wouldn't have won!"

Thats some backward ass logic if I ever heard it.

Except for the part where a lot of democrats stayed home or voted for Trump or 3rd party simply because they refused to vote for Hillary. With some of them sticking around after and becoming republicans after your people threw their neverending hissy fits and riots and cry ins.

Except for that inconvenient part where neither you or he actually bothered to substantiate that assertion, whereas I did mine.

That's because everyone but like 3 people here already know that making any sort of "real" post to people like you and time4farts is a complete waste of time. When you spend all day arguing that the sky is red, you're just going to get trolled.

Right. Because Obama was "an extremist," despite consistently governing as center-leaning-right. Your political compass is so misaligned, you don't know up from down, left from right anymore.

This coming from the party that thinks Trump wanting to enforce laws that are already in place makes him an extremist. :lol:

03-24-2017, 12:58 PM
I assume you're talking about the leaked DNC e-mails, which showed people discussing doing some horrendous things that never actually happened.

So please show the class how Clinton was responsible for those e-mails, and please demonstrate to the class what concrete, underhanded things were done to steal the primary from Bernie.

I'm in the Bernie fan club too, btw. He's been my political hero for over 10 years. But I still like facts.

Here I'll let an opinion piece on HuffPost explain it all:


Educate yourself at your own peril. I know you dislike learning new things that doesn't fit your narrative.

03-24-2017, 01:00 PM
Here I'll let an opinion piece on HuffPost explain it all:


Educate yourself at your own peril. I know you dislike learning new things that doesn't fit your narrative.

In before "something something a fool something something *inhales another fart*"

03-24-2017, 01:04 PM
Here I'll let an opinion piece on HuffPost explain it all:


Educate yourself at your own peril. I know you dislike learning new things that doesn't fit your narrative.

Snopes or Politifact or GTFO.

03-24-2017, 01:36 PM
I assume you're talking about the leaked DNC e-mails, which showed people discussing doing some horrendous things that never actually happened.

So please show the class how Clinton was responsible for those e-mails, and please demonstrate to the class what concrete, underhanded things were done to steal the primary from Bernie.

I'm in the Bernie fan club too, btw. He's been my political hero for over 10 years. But I still like facts.

All of a sudden being anti-Semitic is cool as long as they are Democrat emails.

Why am I not surprised Free Stuff Dude is your hero?

03-24-2017, 01:40 PM
Here I'll let an opinion piece on HuffPost explain it all:


Educate yourself at your own peril. I know you dislike learning new things that doesn't fit your narrative.

Did you actually read that article? Almost nothing in there was about real actions.

But, let me educate *you* on some subjects:

-The DNC doesn't run the state primaries. State primaries are run by- wait for it- the state governments.
-Yes there was a Hilary Clinton Victory Fund. You know what else there was? A Bernie Sanders Victory Fund. The DNC set up both of them for the candidates, but Sanders preferred to rely on small donations. He would criticize Clinton for her Victory Fund, but he had his own the whole time.
-As for the constant whining about the DNC "Changing the rules to hurt Bernie", that was totally nonsense (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/may/19/claims-bernie-sanders-supporters-fraud-and-miscond/).
-One of the things that gets missed in all of this is that Wiki Leaks specifically emphasized particular emails in their tweets and such aimed at making the DNC and Clinton look bad in the eyes of Sanders' supporters. It was cherry picking particular parts of conversations and leaving out the rest. Over 20,000 emails were leaked, and they found very little in there that seemed to show favortism. You can count the number of emails on one hand, and none of them happened. (BTW there are tons of emails about campaign finance law, asking their lawyers to give them objective advice on what was and wasn't okay- they weren't running around violating the law for Clinton)

03-24-2017, 01:51 PM
Did you actually read that article? Almost nothing in there was about real actions.

Did you read the article?

Rigged elections don’t need a “smoking gun” email with the words MAKE SURE HILLARY CLINTON WINS. The DNC knew that Bernie’s name recognition from the start was a weakness, and ensured that limited debates would bolster Clinton’s chances in early contests. There’s a reason Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed “The DNC remains neutral in this primary based on our rules, but when I heard what happened at the Nevada state Democratic convention this weekend I was deeply disturbed.” Contrary to the propaganda, there was no violence in Nevada, although the DNC emails show Wasserman perpetrated the myth.

Most importantly, while Bernie funded his campaign without the help of Wasserman Schultz, the DNC helped raise money for Clinton. Hillary Clinton’s ultimate advantage over Bernie Sanders is highlighted in a POLITICO piece titled Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties:

But, let me educate *you* on some subjects:


03-24-2017, 01:51 PM
One of the things that gets missed in all of this is that Wiki Leaks specifically emphasized particular emails in their tweets and such aimed at making the DNC and Clinton look bad in the eyes of Sanders' supporters. It was cherry picking particular parts of conversations and leaving out the rest. Over 20,000 emails were leaked, and they found very little in there that seemed to show favortism. You can count the number of emails on one hand, and none of them happened. (BTW there are tons of emails about campaign finance law, asking their lawyers to give them objective advice on what was and wasn't okay- they weren't running around violating the law for Clinton)

There was only some anti-Semitic talking points and it was Democrats being anti-Semitic so it's totally OK, but if it were two hand fulls of anti-Semitic emails then it would be serious. I'm totally OK with our current DNC vice-chairman who is both a 9/11 truther and anti-Semitic and our DNC chairman that is totally about corporations being people too.

03-24-2017, 01:54 PM
Did you actually read that article? Almost nothing in there was about real actions.

Can you read or are you just retarded?

What if the four DNC officials forced to resign had contacted media to push pro-Bernie narratives?

That's an action.

No, the DNC didn’t work on Bernie’s behalf to prevent a New York Times reporter from writing a negative piece about Sanders.


What if the DNC had attended joint Bernie Sanders fundraisers


or reviewed a POLITICO piece because of some type of agreement?


What if DNC staffers pitched anti-Hillary narratives to communications director Luis Miranda?


Imagine the outrage had DNC officials targeted Hillary’s belief in God

Action...but MAYBE you can make a case here if they didn't follow up with having someone grill Sanders about his religion. I really don't care enough to find out if that happened or not.

asked a Sanders attorney to devise strategies against Clinton


To ignore the effects of the DNC’s underhanded tactics on media coverage, and the media’s bias against Bernie as a result, is to condone the rigged primary against Bernie.


the Hillary Victory Fund pocketing DNC money


The DNC doesn't run the state primaries. State primaries are run by- wait for it- the state governments.

No shit. Seriously, this is what you come back with? SAD!

Yes there was a Hilary Clinton Victory Fund. You know what else there was? A Bernie Sanders Victory Fund. The DNC set up both of them for the candidates, but Sanders preferred to rely on small donations. He would criticize Clinton for her Victory Fund, but he had his own the whole time.

Of course Sanders had his own fund...God damn you are fucking stupid. Okay you have to be trolling. I just can't believe anymore that someone is really this stupid.

Also let's not forget that you clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome since you never provided any evidence to the contrary. I guess we can go ahead and throw in stupid and troll, so until you come up with evidence that suggests otherwise we all just have to accept these allegations.

03-24-2017, 04:27 PM
That's because everyone but like 3 people here already know that making any sort of "real" post to people like you and time4farts is a complete waste of time. When you spend all day arguing that the sky is red, you're just going to get trolled.

Translation: Challenge to substantiate claims met with totally substance-free response.

This coming from the party that thinks Trump wanting to enforce laws that are already in place makes him an extremist. :lol:

Notice how your response here isn't connected to anything that I said and is also a strawman of Democrats? Yeah.

03-24-2017, 04:52 PM
Not even close. What "gave us" Trump is:

1) The insane GOP primary system which incentivizes and rewards super hard-right politics, and
2) The history of Republican lawmakers who say they're for (insert bullshit here: be it "fiscal responsibility," "limited government," etc) and then once in power, immediately do the opposite as hard as possible.
3) Pyrrhic, deliberate government dysfunction and the tendency for people to blame the current executive in charge when it happens (which will soon be backfiring on Trump himself).
4) Nativism (i.e., white identity politics).

1) GOP Primary system was at least fair. The Dem Primary was a fucking farce and will never change. Super Delegates?
2) I actually agree with this one. We need a real Conservative in that role.
3) You mean how the GOP was the Party of No and that was bad.. but now the Democrats are the Party of No, but they are doing the Lord's work? Stop...
4) Nativism would actually be Native American identity politics. Derp.

03-24-2017, 04:56 PM
The funny thing, Ashliana reappeared the exact same day someone called time4fun Ashliana.

03-24-2017, 04:59 PM
The funny thing, Ashliana reappeared the exact same day someone called time4fun Ashliana.

It would actually explain a lot if Ashliana == time4fun.

03-24-2017, 05:07 PM
It would actually explain a lot if Ashliana == time4fun.

Both love to pretend to be something they are not online.

I wouldn't be surprised.

At all.

03-24-2017, 05:08 PM
1) GOP Primary system was at least fair. The Dem Primary was a fucking farce and will never change. Super Delegates?

It's fair, sure. It also hands the process to the most fanatical at the cost of those who aren't (or can't be) as involved. If you like the process that gave you Trump, uhh, that's your business.

The combination of pledged and super delegates is a hybrid designed to give the party some influence, and grassroots some influence. Should the balance be shifted towards one or the other? Probably. Eliminated entirely so as to resemble the GOP's? I don't think so.

2) I actually agree with this one. We need a real Conservative in that role.

The problem with that is that while a certain percentage of Americans certainly like Republicans (or at least, detest Democrats), they really dislike conservative policy.

3) You mean how the GOP was the Party of No and that was bad.. but now the Democrats are the Party of No, but they are doing the Lord's work? Stop...

During Obama's presidency, the GOP came to represent not just opposition, but total dysfunction. And it just blew up in their faces with the total failure of their healthcare bill. You had 7 years to come up with an alternative -- and you couldn't. And why? Because the ACA itself was the conservative plan that the Democrats naively thought they'd also be on board with, instead of just shifting hard-right.

And FYI, the Democrats haven't done anything remotely close to what the GOP's done in the last few years -- yet.

4) Nativism would actually be Native American identity politics. Derp.

Emphasis on "derp" here, PB. Educate yourself.

The funny thing, Ashliana reappeared the exact same day someone called time4fun Ashliana.


03-24-2017, 05:19 PM
It's fair, sure. It also hands the process to the most fanatical at the cost of those who aren't (or can't be) as involved. If you like the process that gave you Trump, uhh, that's your business.

Trump wasn't my first pick, but at least it was fair. 16 establishment members lost to an outsider.

The combination of pledged and super delegates is a hybrid designed to give the party some influence, and grassroots some influence. Should the balance be shifted towards one or the other? Probably. Eliminated entirely so as to resemble the GOP's? I don't think so.

You criticising the GOP primary is hilarious, given that Hillary was dragged through it as the nominee, even though millions hated her as a candidate. She won because she had it fixed. There was zero doubt in the very beginning she would be the nominee. Trump was given 0 chance. He won anyway.

The problem with that is that while a certain percentage of Americans certainly like Republicans (or at least, detest Democrats), they really dislike conservative policy.

Conservatism is hard.. because you don't get free shit out of it like you do with Liberalism. It's about hard choices and tough fiscal policies.. but it's for the good of the country.

During Obama's presidency, the GOP came to represent not just opposition, but total dysfunction. And it just blew up in their faces with the total failure of their healthcare bill. You had 7 years to come up with an alternative -- and you couldn't. And why? Because the ACA itself was the conservative plan that the Democrats naively thought they'd also be on board with, instead of just shifting hard-right.

Revisionist history much? GOP was locked out of the ACA and it had to be passed in the middle of the night through bullshit bribes and Congressional tricks. It had 0 Republican support.

It was a shitty Bill that became a shitty law. It's terrible, but that was by design. Too bad Hillary didn't win, because then the plan would have worked.

Repeal it.

And FYI, the Democrats haven't done anything remotely close to what the GOP's done in the last few years -- yet.

You're delusional. Look at the SCOTUS shit going on now. They are like petulant children in there.. which is good and one of the biggest reasons they have been losing elections every 2 years. I am thrilled they haven't learned any lessons from 2016.

Emphasis on "derp" here, PB. Educate yourself.


03-24-2017, 05:30 PM
You criticising the GOP primary is hilarious, given that Hillary was dragged through it as the nominee, even though millions hated her as a candidate. She won because she had it fixed. There was zero doubt in the very beginning she would be the nominee. Trump was given 0 chance. He won anyway.

Another substance-free response combined with willful or incidental ignorance or strawmanning about Democrats. Notice how you keep coming back to Hillary? Sure, Hillary was a shitty nominee. That, however, doesn't address the question at hand -- "what produced Trump." Hillary had nothing to do with why Trump became the GOP nominee -- and given Hillary's obvious unpopularity, I'm sure Trump wouldn't have been the only one who had a decent chance of beating her.

If the outcome of the DNC nominations were as "fixed" as you're delusionally claiming here, totally sans-evidence, then Hillary wouldn't have lost to Obama. Much as I wish he'd won, Bernie lacks Obama's charisma and his campaign's organization.

Conservatism is hard.. because you don't get free shit out of it like you do with Liberalism. It's about hard choices and tough fiscal policies.. but it's for the good of the country.

What an interesting non-sequitur. The reality remains that conservative policy isn't particularly popular with the American public -- even among Republicans.

Revisionist history much? GOP was locked out of the ACA and it had to be passed in the middle of the night through bullshit bribes and Congressional tricks. It had 0 Republican support.

It was a shitty Bill that became a shitty law. It's terrible, but that was by design. Too bad Hillary didn't win, because then the plan would have worked.

Repeal it.

Ah, it just wouldn't be PB without that defining hypocrisy and projection. Spoiler Alert: Your characterization of the ACA is almost, point by point, incorrect.

You're delusional. Look at the SCOTUS shit going on now. They are like petulant children in there.. which is good and one of the biggest reasons they have been losing elections every 2 years. I am thrilled they haven't learned any lessons from 2016.

You either can't read, or you're desperately praying I won't point out your reading comprehension failures or ideological blinders. What did I say? "And FYI, the Democrats haven't done anything remotely close to what the GOP's done in the last few years -- yet."

You brought up SCOTUS as an example. Remind me: Is Gorsuch getting hearings? What's that? He IS? Well, certainly not shit-for-brains-ignorant PB, tell me: did Merrick Garland, who is conservative, universally praised, and in totally unprecedented fashion, get denied a hearing? What's that? He DID?

But no, I'm "delusional" for saying the Democrats haven't done the same thing as the Republicans have. You are a totally shameless imbecile, PB.

03-24-2017, 05:39 PM
Another substance-free response combined with willful or incidental ignorance or strawmanning about Democrats. Notice how you keep coming back to Hillary? Sure, Hillary was a shitty nominee. That, however, doesn't address the question at hand -- "what produced Trump." Hillary had nothing to do with why Trump became the GOP nominee -- and given Hillary's obvious unpopularity, I'm sure Trump wouldn't have been the only one who had a decent chance of beating her.

If the outcome of the DNC nominations were as "fixed" as you're delusionally claiming here, totally sans-evidence, then Hillary wouldn't have lost to Obama. Much as I wish he'd won, Bernie lacks Obama's charisma and his campaign's organization.

What an interesting non-sequitur. The reality remains that conservative policy isn't particularly popular with the American public -- even among Republicans.

Ah, it just wouldn't be PB without that defining hypocrisy and projection. Spoiler Alert: Your characterization of the ACA is almost, point by point, incorrect.

You either can't read, or you're desperately praying I won't point out your reading comprehension failures or ideological blinders. What did I say? "And FYI, the Democrats haven't done anything remotely close to what the GOP's done in the last few years -- yet."

You brought up SCOTUS as an example. Remind me: Is Gorsuch getting hearings? What's that? He IS? Well, certainly not shit-for-brains-ignorant PB, tell me: did Merrick Garland, who is conservative, universally praised, and in totally unprecedented fashion, get denied a hearing? What's that? He DID?

But no, I'm "delusional" for saying the Democrats haven't done the same thing as the Republicans have. You are a totally shameless imbecile, PB.

What happened to your catch phrase "No self awareness!" you kept hoping was going to catch on?

I would respond, but after years of trying, there's no teaching stupid people anything.

Here, I'll just leave you this cookie to keep you busy for a few hours.. wondering how you are going to eat it.


03-24-2017, 06:33 PM
Continued failure to substantiate positions

Yeah -- I wouldn't have tried defending your various retarded stances either, PB.

03-24-2017, 06:35 PM
Yeah -- I'm a mouth breathing retard that pretends to be a woman on an online forum because I like to get male attention any way I can get it.


03-24-2017, 06:43 PM

Yeah, except for that part where I never did that, and there's a post like 3 weeks after I joined the forum where I expressly criticized someone for presuming I was female.

Oh! I'm sorry -- I wasn't supposed to interrupt the complete fantasy that you, as a retarded neocon, live in. My bad. Carry on being forced to resort to your desperate "HELP! I'M LOSING AN ARGUMENT ON THE INTERNET AND DON'T KNOW ELSE TO DEAL WITH IT" deflection strategy.

03-24-2017, 07:03 PM
No one is going to tell me what to do with my uterus!

No one cares.

03-24-2017, 07:08 PM
Help! The world is scary! I'm going to pretend that Trump's not a disaster in every regard, and the GOP doesn't need to change at all to compete in an increasingly less-white America!


03-24-2017, 07:14 PM
I hate that I'm a hairy, ugly guy. And I hate that I am white. I wish I was a different color, because then I wouldn't be such a loser!


Just think of it as your own "special" sweater.

03-24-2017, 07:17 PM
Except for that inconvenient part where neither you or he actually bothered to substantiate that assertion, whereas I did mine.

:rofl: Right. Because Obama was "an extremist," despite consistently governing as center-leaning-right. Your political compass is so misaligned, you don't know up from down, left from right anymore.

Bernie got millions of fewer votes in the primaries than Hillary did -- she didn't "steal" anything. And FYI, I'm a total Bernie supporter - 10 times out of 10, he would have been my choice. You could argue that the DNC's primary system should be improved so as to give non-establishment candidates a better chance -- I don't necessarily disagree. However, create a polar opposite and you end up with the RNC's system, which resulted in Trump -- a.k.a., a disaster.

Super delegates are dumb.

03-24-2017, 07:17 PM
I want tacos.

03-24-2017, 07:26 PM
Can you read or are you just retarded?

That's an action.





Action...but MAYBE you can make a case here if they didn't follow up with having someone grill Sanders about his religion. I really don't care enough to find out if that happened or not.




No shit. Seriously, this is what you come back with? SAD!

Of course Sanders had his own fund...God damn you are fucking stupid. Okay you have to be trolling. I just can't believe anymore that someone is really this stupid.

Also let's not forget that you clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome since you never provided any evidence to the contrary. I guess we can go ahead and throw in stupid and troll, so until you come up with evidence that suggests otherwise we all just have to accept these allegations.

Of course she is a troll. She sparks LNET outrage too.

03-24-2017, 07:32 PM
LOL...Ashliana, AKA time4fun is triggered:

Thread: FBI Confirms Probe into Trump-Russian Collusion
You sure showed me, what with your *total* lack of argument, and all. Jackass.


03-24-2017, 07:33 PM
I want tacos.


03-24-2017, 07:37 PM
LOL...Ashliana, AKA time4fun is triggered:

"Whaaa! Responding to my rep comment means Ashliana was triggered!"

You're kind of an idiot, dude.

03-24-2017, 11:42 PM
"Whaaa! Responding to my rep comment means Ashliana was triggered!"

You're kind of an idiot, dude.

Triggered again Vishra!

03-25-2017, 03:04 AM
Hillary had nothing to do with why Trump became the GOP nominee -- and given Hillary's obvious unpopularity, I'm sure Trump wouldn't have been the only one who had a decent chance of beating her.

I never said she was the reason Trump became the GOP nominee, but she is absolutely the reason he became president. I'm glad we can agree on this.

03-25-2017, 08:16 AM
Translation: Challenge to substantiate claims met with totally substance-free response.

Notice how your response here isn't connected to anything that I said and is also a strawman of Democrats? Yeah.

Sorry my bad. Let me try again...

That's because everyone but like 3 people here already know that making any sort of "real" post to people like you and time4farts is a complete waste of time. When you spend all day arguing that the sky is red, you're just going to get trolled.

This coming from the party that thinks Trump wanting to enforce laws that are already in place makes him an extremist.

Am I doing it right?

03-25-2017, 08:29 AM
What happened to your catch phrase "No self awareness!" you kept hoping was going to catch on?

Vishliana went back to the drawing board and is trying again, but the new catch phrase is "substance-free".

03-25-2017, 08:43 AM
Trump swings a Spin-Laden Dumbshit Supported Ryancare at Obamacare!
AS 210 vs. DS 510 AvD +17 Roll: 1 = -283
the Ryancare snaps back on to Trump!
...50 points of damage!
...Trump is stunned!


03-25-2017, 01:12 PM
Neither party is based on an ideology. This lack of foundation has allowed them both to cheerfully do 180º turns multiple times in the past, and it will allow them to survive any demographics, policy shifts, realignments, etc.

The GOP currently finds itself with an ineffectual President and a splintered majority. That's not a great state to be in, but it's far from the worse federal standing they've survived - consider the FDR era when Democrats routinely enjoyed control of all three branches with Senate supermajorities. The first step back was with Nixon, who took over the vacated appeal to socially regressive America, and the second was with Reagan, who countered the Democrats' welfare spending/bribery with military-industrial spending/bribery. The obvious way forward now is to eject the social regressives who focus on race, thereby opening Hispanic and foreign blocs, but it doesn't even have to be that. Republicans, like life, will find a way.