View Full Version : Uncovered video, possibly Podesta, WARNING!!! Content is disturbing WARNING!!!

02-15-2017, 09:21 PM
As the title reads, the following video is very disturbing. This week Sandusky's son was arrested on multiple counts of child abuse, tuesday the FBI raided an international adoption ring based out of Strongsville, Ohio. The following video was either found or leaked from worldcorp.net. The pizzagate thing is NOT something I have given any credit to, I have only recently started giving it a second glance.

Again the video is extremely disturbing, do NOT click on the video if you will turn around and point fingers at me. I'm NOT attempting to troll or spread false information, this topic is for YOU to make your own conclusion. The video has been released over Twitter, the accusation is this is the voice of John Podesta.

WARNING!!! Disturbing Content WARNING!!!


02-15-2017, 09:25 PM
What the hell did I just watch?

02-15-2017, 09:37 PM
What the hell did I just watch?

I wish I could give you an honest answer man.

02-15-2017, 09:39 PM
Why do you care so much to post it on the unofficial message board of a nearly 30-year-old text-based RPG?

02-15-2017, 09:40 PM
Meanwhile, here are some other choice nuggets from this youtube user, "Crusaders hu Akbar".



It also seems a little odd to me given that your initial video was posted to youtube mere minutes ago tonight that "I don't usually give conspiracy theories credence". If you're finding freshly posted conspiracy theory shit...you're probably giving it credence. Or you're the guy posting the shit.

02-15-2017, 09:47 PM
Lol pizzagate

02-15-2017, 09:50 PM
Why do you care so much to post it on the unofficial message board of a nearly 30-year-old text-based RPG?

Podesta is a politician, this is the politics portion of PC where politics is discussed. I gave you the viewer the warning, it's even in the title.

02-15-2017, 09:51 PM
I swear to God, a clickbait bot has infiltrated the PC Forums.

02-15-2017, 09:57 PM
I swear to God, a clickbait bot has infiltrated the PC Forums.

This man committed a genocide of special needs children.

Find out more here (http://www.galacticbinder.com/images/DarkestMoments/youngling.jpg).

02-15-2017, 09:57 PM
Meanwhile, here are some other choice nuggets from this youtube user, "Crusaders hu Akbar".



It also seems a little odd to me given that your initial video was posted to youtube mere minutes ago tonight that "I don't usually give conspiracy theories credence". If you're finding freshly posted conspiracy theory shit...you're probably giving it credence. Or you're the guy posting the shit.

This is mirrored from other sources, as I said it was released over Twitter many hours ago. I have no association with the video providers nor do I profit from any of it. I'm merely presenting one small chunk of evidence that's being compiled by a larger group of people.

02-15-2017, 09:59 PM
I swear to God, a clickbait bot has infiltrated the PC Forums.

Then don't click, I gain nothing from this. You're creating your own conspiracy.

02-15-2017, 10:02 PM
Podesta is a politician, this is the politics portion of PC where politics is discussed. I gave you the viewer the warning, it's even in the title.
I think you missed what I was asking.

02-15-2017, 10:06 PM
This is mirrored from other sources, as I said it was released over Twitter many hours ago. I have no association with the video providers nor do I profit from any of it. I'm merely presenting one small chunk of evidence that's being compiled by a larger group of people.

I think you and reality have a very different opinion of what constitutes "evidence". And your reasonings for posting this thread sound an awful lot like macgyver's reasonings for posting a lot of threads. In fact, you and he joined the PC in the exact same month. September 2016. There's a conspiracy theory for ya, ya fuckin' nutjob.

02-15-2017, 10:07 PM
I think you missed what I was asking.

Because we discuss politics here. I'm sorry you clicked when you were warned not to, if this is what you were going to do.

02-15-2017, 10:17 PM
I think you and reality have a very different opinion of what constitutes "evidence". And your reasonings for posting this thread sound an awful lot like macgyver's reasonings for posting a lot of threads. In fact, you and he joined the PC in the exact same month. September 2016. There's a conspiracy theory for ya, ya fuckin' nutjob.

Dude, there's no reason for the name calling and I also suggested last week that this information and FBI raids were going to be happening this week. I'm sorry it's fucking ugly.

02-15-2017, 10:22 PM
Dude, there's no reason for the name calling and I also suggested last week that this information and FBI raids were going to be happening this week. I'm sorry it's fucking ugly.

You're here posting videos with 113 views from a website that doesn't exist supposedly from a twitter account that you haven't mentioned on a youtube channel of a guy posting videos of UFOs hiding behind clouds.

You are. A fucking. Nutjob.

Never use the word "evidence" again. You clearly have no idea what it means.

02-15-2017, 10:26 PM
This sounds like a step dad or something yelling at a child. Since the visuals could be absent and provide the same amount of info and since you can't see anyone talking or how any of the sound is created you can't even be sure the audio and the video are linked.

You may not be spreading false information but you are spreading bad information. You don't know where the video is from, what the context is, or even who is talking in it. We gain zero knowledge from this video other than it exists.

02-15-2017, 10:29 PM
Dude, there's no reason for the name calling


02-15-2017, 10:47 PM
Because we discuss politics here. I'm sorry you clicked when you were warned not to, if this is what you were going to do.
You still don't understand. My question has nothing to do with this being political or not. I didn't even watch the video. Why did you feel the need to post this to this specific website?

02-15-2017, 10:49 PM
You're here posting videos with 113 views from a website that doesn't exist supposedly from a twitter account that you haven't mentioned on a youtube channel of a guy posting videos of UFOs hiding behind clouds.

You are. A fucking. Nutjob.

Never use the word "evidence" again. You clearly have no idea what it means.

Twitter account that posted video: https://twitter.com/suziedaud

Website link: http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

Link to video with over 33,000 views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPy7arsGAZs

This same group of people said that the arrests, FBI actions and further evidence would be coming this week. I talked about this last week when I brought up that prosecutors are consider bringing more charges against Anthony Weiner for child-pornography.

Again, I'm sorry this is ugly shit.

02-15-2017, 10:51 PM
You still don't understand. My question has nothing to do with this being political or not. I didn't even watch the video. Why did you feel the need to post this to this specific website?

Because this is one of the places I discus politics.

Nobody seems to blink when we talk about 10's of thousands of bombs being dropped. It's ugly shit, I get it.

02-15-2017, 10:55 PM
No, this is retarded shit.

02-15-2017, 11:02 PM
No, this is retarded shit.

Yet the busts keep coming.

02-15-2017, 11:06 PM
Did you really just post a link citing as evidence a video of presumably the owner of that site pissing in a toilet and then drinking it, sticking his dick in a vaccuum cleaner? Rapping over 1960s home video? Sticking a post-it note on an iphone that says "worldcorp products are better"?

The fuck is wrong with you you fucking psychopath?

Here are the links in question. Do not click them if you're a normal human being.

http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/Advert%20For%20Optimal%20Viewer%20Understanding.mp 4



02-15-2017, 11:10 PM
Did you really just post a link citing as evidence a video of presumably the owner of that site pissing in a toilet and then drinking it, sticking his dick in a vaccuum cleaner? Rapping over 1960s home video? Sticking a post-it note on an iphone that says "worldcorp products are better"?

The fuck is wrong with you you fucking psychopath?

Here are the links in question. Do not click them if you're a normal human being.

http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/Advert%20For%20Optimal%20Viewer%20Understanding.mp 4



You asked for the link, I gave it to you. I didn't go through the videos, this is where sick fucks post shit. What do you expect to walk in on a murder scene and have it not be fucked up?

I warned that this content was disturbing many times. I take no pleasure in it, maybe you should ask people like Weiner why the fuck they do and why the fuck they are involved with our Government. For fuck sake Dem's elected a man with prior history in a prostitution ring that included minors without flinching. Not my problem.

02-15-2017, 11:12 PM
You asked for the link, I gave it to you. I didn't go through the videos, this is where sick fucks post shit. What, do you expect to walk in on a murder scene and have not be fucked up?

Murder scenes are handled by police officers, and yes, I know exactly how fucked up they can be. That website is not an open forum for posting shit. It's a basic html page with videos uploaded from just one webmaster, none of them with any context, but all clearly uploaded by a fucking lunatic.

02-15-2017, 11:28 PM
Murder scenes are handled by police officers, and yes, I know exactly how fucked up they can be. That website is not an open forum for posting shit. It's a basic html page with videos uploaded from just one webmaster, none of them with any context, but all clearly uploaded by a fucking lunatic.

I'm not saying their not lunatics, they absolutely are. They are fucking sick.

Like I said Barney Frank was running a prostitution ring out of his apartment and Democrats gave 0 shits. He was busted in 1989 and still held office until he retired in 2012.

02-15-2017, 11:31 PM
Nevermind. This guy is fuckin' macgyver. I'm out.

02-16-2017, 12:00 AM
Nevermind. This guy is fuckin' macgyver. I'm out.


02-16-2017, 12:02 AM
Nevermind. This guy is fuckin' macgyver. I'm out.


02-16-2017, 02:37 AM
Wow, just wow. Your own team won't even defend you.

There are plenty of legitimate sources out there to quote/cite/take issue with. You choose this? Oh yeah, that's Podesta. No doubt about it!

To be clear, as a liberal, -I- don't even like Podesta. Hell, I might even wish this was true. But I'd need a lot more evidence than this to take it seriously.

GSPira.. er.. Neveragain is nuts.

02-16-2017, 06:07 AM
Wow, just wow. Your own team won't even defend you.

There are plenty of legitimate sources out there to quote/cite/take issue with. You choose this? Oh yeah, that's Podesta. No doubt about it!

To be clear, as a liberal, -I- don't even like Podesta. Hell, I might even wish this was true. But I'd need a lot more evidence than this to take it seriously.

GSPira.. er.. Neveragain is nuts.

I have a team?

I said it was podesta?

I didn't make any of those claims.

Wear was your screams of horror demanding someone like Barney Frank be removed from office? Where are your demands that California officials be held accountable for a broken damn that now threatens 100's of thousands of lives while they use tax dollars to give sanctuary to the human traffickers? Where is your outrage that California won't be arresting child sex workers?

Your fake outrage is ironic.

02-16-2017, 06:11 AM
Take this garbage elsewhere. You idiots end up misleading good people into dangerous situations like that guy discharging a weapon in a neighborhood family pizza place.

02-16-2017, 06:17 AM
Take this garbage elsewhere. You idiots end up misleading good people into dangerous situations like that guy discharging a weapon in a neighborhood family pizza place.

Or trashing a college and pepper spraying people that go to hear someone speak.

02-16-2017, 06:18 AM
Take this garbage elsewhere. You idiots end up misleading good people into dangerous situations like that guy discharging a weapon in a neighborhood family pizza place.

Just like a liberal blame someone else for the bad actions of another. Never mind the WARNING!! signs all around your face.

02-16-2017, 06:27 AM
Or trashing a college and pepper spraying people that go to hear someone speak.

Going totally contrarian these days? Disappointing. These two things have nothing to do with each other.

Some college kids knocking over a couple of garbage cans because they don't like a dickhead who was going to speak at their college is slightly different than people finding "secret codes" for a pedophile ring in a random pizza place.

02-16-2017, 06:52 AM
Just like a liberal blame someone else for the bad actions of another. Never mind the WARNING!! signs all around your face.

Blame who for what? Dude put the meth pipe down. I don't think you even know what a liberal really is.

You must think the boogeyman is real. Or that Santa Claus is real and the Department of Subversion has created a cover story because they don't want the public to know about the chem trails seeding the water supply with mind control drugs forcing the car manufacturers to use robots that are rebelling and putting good people out of work or some other whacked out 18 hour meth binge bullshit.

02-16-2017, 06:53 AM
Going totally contrarian these days? Disappointing. These two things have nothing to do with each other.

Some college kids knocking over a couple of garbage cans because they don't like a dickhead who was going to speak at their college is slightly different than people finding "secret codes" for a pedophile ring in a random pizza place.

I love how you downplay the actions to tipping over garbage cans, all the while supporting human trafficking by giving sanctuary to the human fodder that become victims to these sick fucks. Working for shit only to pay off the traffickers while being held hostage. Children forced into the streets to pay for their freedom, when the brutal outcome is displayed before you only then do you show your tears and blame the messenger.

02-16-2017, 06:57 AM
I love how you downplay the actions to tipping over garbage cans, all the while supporting human trafficking by giving sanctuary to the human fodder that become victims to these sick fucks. Working for shit only to pay off the traffickers while being held hostage. Children forced into the streets to pay for their freedom, when the brutal outcome is displayed before you only then do you show your tears and blame the messenger.

Stop the binge. Get some sleep.

02-16-2017, 06:58 AM
Blame who for what?

You idiots end up misleading good people into dangerous situations like that guy discharging a weapon in a neighborhood family pizza place.

Who's on the 18 hour meth binge?

02-16-2017, 07:15 AM
Stop the binge. Get some sleep.

Don't let the facts get in the way of your misguided support:


02-16-2017, 07:53 AM
Twitter account that posted video: https://twitter.com/suziedaud

Website link: http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

Link to video with over 33,000 views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPy7arsGAZs

This same group of people said that the arrests, FBI actions and further evidence would be coming this week. I talked about this last week when I brought up that prosecutors are consider bringing more charges against Anthony Weiner for child-pornography.

Again, I'm sorry this is ugly shit.
I think you're confusing popularity and fact again. Do you realize that things can be popular or exist without them being factual, or real events? You know, I was watching a documentary the other day about how people of Earth banded together to build this massive ship that has been seeking out new worlds and new civilizations... I think they wanted to boldly go where no one has gone before. It was amazing to see how far the technology advanced in such little time. I think it's a pretty ridiculous conspiracy that the US government has been keeping this intersteller technology away from the people holed away in Area 51. I really think Trump should be held more accountable for lying so much to the American people and restricting our access to that starship... It's incredibly contrary to the concepts of the free market to keep US citizens away from Enterprise.

02-16-2017, 08:00 AM
Going totally contrarian these days? Disappointing. These two things have nothing to do with each other.

Some college kids knocking over a couple of garbage cans because they don't like a dickhead who was going to speak at their college is slightly different than people finding "secret codes" for a pedophile ring in a random pizza place.

Yeah a couple trashcans... and burning flood lights.... and smashing windows to the college.... and assaulting people who disagree with you.... and pepper spraying people of the opposite party...

Yeah the liberals are a bunch of saints just knocking over trashcans. If this is the popular opinion then I will gladly count myself as contrarian.


02-16-2017, 08:03 AM
I think you're confusing popularity and fact again. Do you realize that things can be popular or exist without them being factual, or real events? You know, I was watching a documentary the other day about how people of Earth banded together to build this massive ship that has been seeking out new worlds and new civilizations... I think they wanted to boldly go where no one has gone before. It was amazing to see how far the technology advanced in such little time. I think it's a pretty ridiculous conspiracy that the US government has been keeping this intersteller technology away from the people holed away in Area 51. I really think Trump should be held more accountable for lying so much to the American people and restricting our access to that starship... It's incredibly contrary to the concepts of the free market to keep US citizens away from Enterprise.


02-16-2017, 08:13 AM
This worldcorpo.net has some other interesting "productions"...

Check out some of the awesome indy rap tracks.


02-16-2017, 08:15 AM
I think you're confusing popularity and fact again. Do you realize that things can be popular or exist without them being factual, or real events? You know, I was watching a documentary the other day about how people of Earth banded together to build this massive ship that has been seeking out new worlds and new civilizations... I think they wanted to boldly go where no one has gone before. It was amazing to see how far the technology advanced in such little time. I think it's a pretty ridiculous conspiracy that the US government has been keeping this intersteller technology away from the people holed away in Area 51. I really think Trump should be held more accountable for lying so much to the American people and restricting our access to that starship... It's incredibly contrary to the concepts of the free market to keep US citizens away from Enterprise.

You will have to point to where I said this is fact, the fact is I stated more than once that these are accusations the title even says "possibly". I also believe I stated I originally found the pizzagate story to be nonsense though I'm now taking a second glance at it because of some of the latest information that is factual. There seems to be a reading comprehension problem.

02-16-2017, 08:19 AM
Yeah a couple trashcans... and burning flood lights.... and smashing windows to the college.... and assaulting people who disagree with you.... and pepper spraying people of the opposite party...

Yeah the liberals are a bunch of saints just knocking over trashcans. If this is the popular opinion then I will gladly count myself as contrarian.


What does this have to do with the psycho-babble in the OP?

02-16-2017, 08:27 AM
What does this have to do with the psycho-babble in the OP?

You idiots end up misleading good people into dangerous situations

I'm not trying to defend the OP, I'm responding to your idea that people just knocked over some trashcans at the Berkeley riot recently.

Some people on the left are doing the exact same thing, "it's ok to punch a nazi". Well their definition of a nazi and mine vary greatly. They think a trump supporter = a nazi. So they think that violence is ok to use against them. You seem to have no problem with this as "it's just knocking over some trashcans".

Or do you really not know?

Here is your peaceful protest of knocking over some trashcans.


02-16-2017, 08:29 AM
What does this have to do with the psycho-babble in the OP?

It has to do with you giving alternative facts, like just tipping over a few garbage cans.

02-16-2017, 08:37 AM
Some more trashcans getting knocked over.


02-16-2017, 09:02 AM
Yay! More random, political nonsense from tinfoil hat wearing nutjobs! Get off the fucking internet for a few days or something.

02-16-2017, 09:07 AM
Back is still scarred from back when Berners were throwing chairs in Nevada.

02-16-2017, 09:28 AM
Sorry I don't see how Berkeley and the nonsense of the OP have any relation whatsoever.

I'm still going to maintain that these are college kids acting like college kids. If anyone bothered to ask me I'd tell them I don't condone that kind of violence.

02-16-2017, 09:51 AM
Sorry I don't see how Berkeley and the nonsense of the OP have any relation whatsoever.

I'm still going to maintain that these are college kids acting like college kids. If anyone bothered to ask me I'd tell them I don't condone that kind of violence.

Are you really this incapable of following a simple conversation? Here, let me dumb it down for you..

Backlash: Some college kids knocking over a couple of garbage cans because they don't like a dickhead who was going to speak at their college.
Drauz: They did far more than just knock over a couple of garbage cans. Here's some videos.
Backlash: What does this have to do with Berkeley and the OP!?
Drauz: Not defending OP, just pointing out what a dumb comment you made about the rioters were just knocking over garbage cans.
Backlash: I don't understand.. but college kids will be college kids.

02-16-2017, 10:02 AM
Are you really this incapable of following a simple conversation? Here, let me dumb it down for you..

Backlash: Some college kids knocking over a couple of garbage cans because they don't like a dickhead who was going to speak at their college.
Drauz: They did far more than just knock over a couple of garbage cans. Here's some videos.
Backlash: What does this have to do with Berkeley and the OP!?
Drauz: Not defending OP, just pointing out what a dumb comment you made about the rioters were just knocking over garbage cans.
Backlash: I don't understand.. but college kids will be college kids.

You left out my very first post in the thread and Drauz' response to it. You know, where I tell the OP to not post this kind of garbage and Drauz blaming me for the Berkeley riots or whatever the hell kind of point he was trying to make.

02-16-2017, 10:04 AM
Sorry I don't see how Berkeley and the nonsense of the OP have any relation whatsoever.

I'm still going to maintain that these are college kids acting like college kids. If anyone bothered to ask me I'd tell them I don't condone that kind of violence.

You miss the point entirely. You said that this kind of video (OP's video) promotes violence. I am trying to tell you that calling everyone that disagrees with you racist, xenophobe, sexist, etc is doing the exact same thing. Innocent people ARE getting hurt. You might condone the violence but do you condone the atmosphere that has allowed it to happen? That is the point that you seem to be missing. You say they are completely unrelated but they are just the same side of different coins. This video may lead to someone going to shoot up Comet Pizza but the left's constant labeling of their opponents is having a far worse outcome. It is breeding violence against people with opposing view points on a much larger scale.

02-16-2017, 10:11 AM
You left out my very first post in the thread and Drauz' response to it. You know, where I tell the OP to not post this kind of garbage and Drauz blaming me for the Berkeley riots or whatever the hell kind of point he was trying to make.

You idiots end up misleading good people into dangerous situations like that guy discharging a weapon in a neighborhood family pizza place.

Or trashing a college and pepper spraying people that go to hear someone speak.

Again, you miss the point entirely. I was trying to show you that your side is doing the exact same thing but far worse. It is like you are incapable of any critical thinking. I showed you exactly some of the intolerant "tolerant" left have been spoon fed a narrative and run with it. This running has lead straight to violent protests over a speaker with an opposing view point.

02-16-2017, 10:26 AM
Back refuses to fall to 3rd place behind Neveragain after losing to Time4fun, derps all over this thread.

02-16-2017, 10:28 AM
You miss the point entirely. You said that this kind of video (OP's video) promotes violence. I am trying to tell you that calling everyone that disagrees with you racist, xenophobe, sexist, etc is doing the exact same thing. Innocent people will get hurt. You might condone the violence but do you condone the atmosphere that has allowed it to happen? That is the point that you seem to be missing. You say they are completely unrelated but they are just the same side of different coins. This video may lead to someone going to shoot up Comet Pizza but the left's constant labeling of their opponents is having a far worse outcome. It is breeding violence against people with opposing view points on much larger scale.

I agree with you that it does no good to shut down opposing viewpoints instead of listening, debating, and compromising but that's nowhere near the point I was trying to make.

02-16-2017, 10:28 AM
Back refuses to fall to 3rd place behind Neveragain after losing to Time4fun, derps all over this thread.


02-16-2017, 10:36 AM
I agree with you that it does no good to shut down opposing viewpoints instead of listening, debating, and compromising but that's nowhere near the point I was trying to make.


02-16-2017, 10:51 AM
Again, you miss the point entirely. I was trying to show you that your side is doing the exact same thing but far worse. It is like you are incapable of any critical thinking. I showed you exactly some of the intolerant "tolerant" left have been spoon fed a narrative and run with it. This running has lead straight to violent protests over a speaker with an opposing view point.

The OP and title are very specifically speaking about, and promoting, a debunked conspiracy that has caused one man to walk into a family pizza place in a quiet neighborhood with a loaded weapon and discharging it. This has all happened. It has been documented. That is what my comment was about.

You then jump in trying to defend that by being accusatory, contrary, using very general terms, and pointing to an entirely unrelated event as evidence of what I think is a very flimsy counterpoint. The "Oh yeah? Well you do it too!" argument. We all get it man. Everyone understands that. But that does not invalidate the point I was trying to make. It bolsters it. Yeah, people shouldn't put out bullshit that will make other people do stupid shit.

I think you aren't really trying to make a point honestly. I think you just want to have some kind of fight with some unreasonable imaginary monster someone told you lurks among us.

02-16-2017, 11:20 AM
The OP and title are very specifically speaking about, and promoting, a debunked conspiracy that has caused one man to walk into a family pizza place in a quiet neighborhood with a loaded weapon and discharging it. This has all happened. It has been documented. That is what my comment was about.

You then jump in trying to defend that by being accusatory, contrary, using very general terms, and pointing to an entirely unrelated event as evidence of what I think is a very flimsy counterpoint. The "Oh yeah? Well you do it too!" argument. We all get it man. Everyone understands that. But that does not invalidate the point I was trying to make. It bolsters it. Yeah, people shouldn't put out bullshit that will make other people do stupid shit.

I think you aren't really trying to make a point honestly. I think you just want to have some kind of fight with some unreasonable imaginary monster someone told you lurks among us.

You don't seem to realize I am agreeing that the video is stupid. I didn't feel the need to pile on my direct objection. I also realize that my attempts to take your blinders off is pretty much futile. You bitch and moan about this but a mob beating up people and pepper spraying others is just some people knocking over some trash cans. You can condemn the violence but won't condemn the actions that brought it on, I would say because it's your side. Be fair, realize that the mainstream part of your party is causing much more harm to this nation than this video could ever do. Oh, lets worry about one guy who shot up a pizza place and hurt absolutely zero people, but lets just call people chasing down people in the street and beating them unconscious as no big deal.

The point I was trying to make is that you can't sit on your high horse and only call out one side. Your point was this is what lead to someone going into Comet Pizza and firing a shot, my point is that this has lead people to thinking it's ok to hit people they think are nazis simply because they go to hear someone speak.

02-16-2017, 11:30 AM
You don't seem to realize I am agreeing that the video is stupid.

If that is the case you were attempting to make THAT point very poorly. We agree that stupid people saying stupid shit causes other stupid people to do stupid shit. You don't have to take my blinders off. Thanks by the way for caring so much that you would expend any effort even trying.

But I don't believe you for a second. You want a fight. Thats it.

02-16-2017, 11:34 AM
The OP and title are very specifically speaking about, and promoting, a debunked conspiracy that has caused one man to walk into a family pizza place in a quiet neighborhood with a loaded weapon and discharging it. This has all happened. It has been documented. That is what my comment was about.

You then jump in trying to defend that by being accusatory, contrary, using very general terms, and pointing to an entirely unrelated event as evidence of what I think is a very flimsy counterpoint. The "Oh yeah? Well you do it too!" argument. We all get it man. Everyone understands that. But that does not invalidate the point I was trying to make. It bolsters it. Yeah, people shouldn't put out bullshit that will make other people do stupid shit.

I think you aren't really trying to make a point honestly. I think you just want to have some kind of fight with some unreasonable imaginary monster someone told you lurks among us.

Debunked? Debunked by who? Snopes? Just like it was debunked that Hillary never sent or received classified information?

02-16-2017, 11:36 AM
If that is the case you were attempting to make THAT point very poorly. We agree that stupid people saying stupid shit causes other stupid people to do stupid shit. You don't have to take my blinders off. Thanks by the way for caring so much that you would expend any effort even trying.

But I don't believe you for a second. You want a fight. Thats it.

He made it very clear. You just fail at reading comprehension.

02-16-2017, 11:37 AM
Debunked? Debunked by who? Snopes? Just like it was debunked that Hillary never sent or received classified information?

It's at this point you should stop and consider you're believing Pirate's videos and arguments.

02-16-2017, 11:38 AM
It's at this point you should stop and consider you're believing Pirate's videos and arguments.

Dude, this is the guy that considers a 4 month deployment to be living somewhere.

02-16-2017, 11:40 AM
Dude, this is the guy that considers a 4 month deployment to be living somewhere.

"I was in the shit, ok?! The nearest Green Beans was closed, and the other was all the way across the base!"

02-16-2017, 11:43 AM
It's at this point you should stop and consider you're believing Pirate's videos and arguments.

Because I asked a question that automatically means I believe Pirate?

02-16-2017, 11:44 AM
"I was in the shit, ok?! The nearest Green Beans was closed, and the other was all the way across the base!"

As if, my base only had 1 Green Beans and it never closed.

02-16-2017, 11:44 AM
The point I was trying to make is that you can't sit on your high horse and only call out one side.

If there is a side I am calling out it isn't YOUR side (I hope), or anyone's side, it's generally people who spread malicious disingenuous misinformation for negative effect. I don't care who does it.

In terms of this forum and this specific thread I addressed this specific topic. It would be impossible "to get off my high horse and call out EVERY SINGLE INJUSTICE OF THE WORLD" in one topic. Give me a break, man.

02-16-2017, 11:48 AM
If there is a side I am calling out it isn't YOUR side (I hope), or anyone's side, it's generally people who spread malicious disingenuous misinformation for negative effect. I don't care who does it.

Unless it's the liberal media, right?

02-16-2017, 11:51 AM
Because I asked a question that automatically means I believe Pirate?

You've been 'asking' the same question for a few months now. We've had this conversation before. If you still have doubts about this it's because you're refusing to read anything that goes against your carefully selected reality.

02-16-2017, 11:51 AM
If that is the case you were attempting to make THAT point very poorly. We agree that stupid people saying stupid shit causes other stupid people to do stupid shit. You don't have to take my blinders off. Thanks by the way for caring so much that you would expend any effort even trying.

But I don't believe you for a second. You want a fight. Thats it.

I'm sorry all of this is so sensitive, maybe it will make you feel better knowing you support dudes in dresses peeing in the little girls room.

By the way, here's another sting that went down this week.


02-16-2017, 11:54 AM
You've been 'asking' the same question for a few months now. We've had this conversation before. If you still have doubts about this it's because you're refusing to read anything that goes against your carefully selected reality.

Uh, yeah, I've really been asking this for months..


02-16-2017, 11:57 AM
Uh, yeah, I've really been asking this for months..



How can they be sure it's fake news if it hasn't been investigated? Because someone told them it was fake?

02-16-2017, 12:00 PM
I'm sorry all of this is so sensitive, maybe it will make you feel better knowing you support dudes in dresses peeing in the little girls room.

By the way, here's another sting that went down this week.


You're off the deep end. Real cases getting investigated and broken up are good things.

02-16-2017, 12:01 PM
I see.. mentioning something once before means asking about it for months.

Don't be a Back.

02-16-2017, 12:02 PM
And for the record I don't believe. However I also don't disbelieve it. When liberal media and liberals keep flipping their shit and decrying this as fake news it makes me incredibly skeptical, especially when these are the same people that cried over and over that Emailgate was fake news.

02-16-2017, 12:08 PM
If there is a side I am calling out it isn't YOUR side (I hope), or anyone's side, it's generally people who spread malicious disingenuous misinformation for negative effect. I don't care who does it.

In terms of this forum and this specific thread I addressed this specific topic. It would be impossible "to get off my high horse and call out EVERY SINGLE INJUSTICE OF THE WORLD" in one topic. Give me a break, man.

Yes, you do care who does it. I've never once seen you say a single thing bad about a democrat.

02-16-2017, 12:08 PM
You're off the deep end. Real cases getting investigated and broken up are good things.

Of course they are. Are you still unable to read and comprehend the title of the thread? The word's "possible" and "accusation" have real meaning. I don't think you know what those words mean. I also think you somehow believe words force you to take action, especially when the words "warning" and "disturbing" are used. Like WARNING!! this fire will burn you! Quit sticking your hand in the fire if you don't like getting burned.

Do you also rub bengay on your sensitive areas? There's a reason they say not to do that, because it may burn, maybe.

02-16-2017, 12:14 PM
Of course they are. Are you still unable to read and comprehend the title of the thread? The word's "possible" and "accusation" have real meaning. I don't think you know what those words mean. I also think you somehow believe words force you to take action, especially when the words "warning" and "disturbing" are used. Like WARNING!! this fire will burn you! Quit sticking your hand in the fire if you don't like getting burned.

I take issue with this video and thread because it is a real world example of how misinformation can lead to violence against innocent people. In this case violence = man discharging gun in neighborhood family pizza place and innocent people = the owners, workers, patrons, neighbors, and public anywhere near the place of false accusations.

You know how I know they are false? Because if they were true it would have been discovered and busted a long long time ago. And also because it is simply not true.

02-16-2017, 12:19 PM
You know how I know they are false? Because if they were true it would have been discovered and busted a long long time ago. And also because it is simply not true.


02-16-2017, 12:22 PM
And for the record I don't believe. However I also don't disbelieve it. When liberal media and liberals keep flipping their shit and decrying this as fake news it makes me incredibly skeptical, especially when these are the same people that cried over and over that Emailgate was fake news.

Quoted for accuracy.

02-16-2017, 12:28 PM
You know how I know they are false? Because if they were true it would have been discovered and busted a long long time ago. And also because it is simply not true.

The same people that are digging up information on this are the same people that were digging up dirt on Fukushima. Oh yes they were called tinfoil hat nutters until you know, they finally found the documents that forced TEPCO to admit they have a huge fucking problem on their hands and we have a plume of radioactive water streaming across the Pacific.

Terrible people, I know.

02-16-2017, 12:28 PM

Meaning it is simply not true because there is no proof that it is true. This thread and the video that started it are beyond the pale conspiracy mongering.

02-16-2017, 12:32 PM
The same people that are digging up information on this are the same people that were digging up dirt on Fukushima. Oh yes they were called tinfoil hat nutters until you know, they finally found the documents that forced TEPCO to admit they have a huge fucking problem on their hands and we have a plume of radioactive water streaming across the Pacific.

Terrible people, I know.

Uh huh. And the lizard people from outer space are posing as our world leaders.

02-16-2017, 12:33 PM
I see.. mentioning something once before means asking about it for months.

Don't be a Back.

I'll be looking forward to your "I'm just saying, it's never been investigated!" post in a few more months.

02-16-2017, 12:33 PM
This thread and the video that started it are beyond the pale conspiracy mongering.

Because it slanders Democrats?

02-16-2017, 12:35 PM
Uh huh. And the lizard people from outer space are posing as our world leaders.

You have a real problem with free speech don't you.

If we hide our heads in the dirt the bad things never happen.

02-16-2017, 12:38 PM
I'll be looking forward to your "I'm just saying, it's never been investigated!" post in a few more months.

It's cute how you're keeping tabs on me.

02-16-2017, 12:39 PM
It's cute how you're keeping tabs on me.

Theres like 10 people that post regularly on here. It isn't really keeping tabs.

02-16-2017, 12:46 PM
Theres like 10 people that post regularly on here. It isn't really keeping tabs.

*updates PC spreadsheet furiously*

02-16-2017, 12:51 PM
It's cute how you're keeping tabs on me.

Weed causes paranoia. Maybe you should cut back.

02-16-2017, 12:58 PM
It's cute how you're keeping tabs on me.

I remember when people make retarded posts like that, yes. It didn't even take a minute to find despite the shitty search function we have here.

02-16-2017, 12:59 PM
Weed causes paranoia. Maybe you should cut back.

I don't smoke any more. I don't smoke any less either.

02-16-2017, 01:00 PM
Uh huh. And the lizard people from outer space are posing as our world leaders.

Maybe you should contact Podesta on the UFO subject.


02-16-2017, 01:00 PM
I remember when people make retarded posts like that, yes. It didn't even take a minute to find despite the shitty search function we have here.

you have awfully low standards for retarded posts then

02-16-2017, 03:28 PM
Back refuses to fall to 3rd place behind Neveragain after losing to Time4fun, derps all over this thread.


02-16-2017, 03:31 PM
If that is the case you were attempting to make THAT point very poorly. We agree that stupid people saying stupid shit causes other stupid people to do stupid shit. You don't have to take my blinders off. Thanks by the way for caring so much that you would expend any effort even trying.

But I don't believe you for a second. You want a fight. Thats it.

Everyone but you understood it. It couldn't have been easier to understand. For fuck sake, with the exception that I didn't say "Here comes the choo choo train! Open the door! CHOO CHOO!", I couldn't have spoon fed it any easier for you.

02-16-2017, 03:42 PM
If there is a side I am calling out it isn't YOUR side (I hope), or anyone's side, it's generally people who spread malicious disingenuous misinformation for negative effect. I don't care who does it.

A bigger piece of false news has never been posted on this forum.

Thank you.

02-16-2017, 03:57 PM
I'm going to post Tisket's sig here and leave it at that.

We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men. Edward R. Murrow

02-16-2017, 04:22 PM
Gross. This, you, whatever was done to you as a child, all of it.

02-17-2017, 11:08 AM

02-17-2017, 11:26 AM
