View Full Version : Maricopa Co. Sheriff's Office: "9 points of forgery" in Obama's birth certificate

12-15-2016, 10:05 PM
I was never really a birther, but they make some pretty damning points if you look at the video.


Not that it much matters - either way his mother was American, so he's still considered a natural born citizen.

Also pretty hilarious if Donald J. Trump was right about this one too.

12-15-2016, 10:07 PM
LOL at the neg rep for me posting this.

12-15-2016, 10:08 PM

12-15-2016, 10:09 PM
LOL at the neg rep for me posting this.

Do you think that you are somehow an intrepid truth seeker?

12-15-2016, 10:11 PM
Do you think that you are somehow an intrepid truth seeker?

Are you even asking a real question?

12-15-2016, 10:15 PM
Arpaio is a retard as are you if you believe this.

12-15-2016, 10:16 PM
Are you even asking a real question?

Yes, it was. I'm going to guess the answer from your perspective is 'yes'. And laugh.

12-15-2016, 10:17 PM

12-15-2016, 10:18 PM
Not that it much matters - either way his mother was American, so he's still considered a natural born citizen.

That's the thing though, this sort of thing has never really been challenged before, neither in the courts or by Congress. They might decide that the eligibility of president means one must be born in US territory.

It's unlikely the courts/congress would decide the eligibility of president means one must be born in the US though.

12-15-2016, 10:21 PM
Have to wonder one thing, why was a sheriff in Arizona investigating this at all, and who paid. I am pretty sure Hawai'i is a little bit out of his jurisdiction

12-15-2016, 10:25 PM
LOL at the neg rep for me posting this.

This is why it's never worth it for those on these forums (you and I included) who typically stick to GS related stuff, to even bother posting in the politics folder.

12-15-2016, 10:25 PM
Have to wonder one thing, why was a sheriff in Arizona investigating this at all, and who paid. I am pretty sure Hawai'i is a little bit out of his jurisdiction

I think he said once that it is in his jurisdiction because there are electors or some shit from his county.

12-15-2016, 10:26 PM
Have to wonder one thing, why was a sheriff in Arizona investigating this at all, and who paid. I am pretty sure Hawai'i is a little bit out of his jurisdiction

It's Arpaio's thing. He jumped on the birther wagon a few years ago, got some pats on the head from Trump, and now that he's lost reelection he's trying to remain relevant (and collect donation money) any way he can.


Arpaio farmed out the investigation to volunteers on his posse, which is funded through donations, in anticipation of criticism he was throwing away taxpayer money.

12-15-2016, 10:27 PM
and who paid

Think of all the children that could have been fed!

12-15-2016, 10:28 PM
Have to wonder one thing, why was a sheriff in Arizona investigating this at all, and who paid. I am pretty sure Hawai'i is a little bit out of his jurisdiction

I can think of better things I'd like to have done for past 5 years than investigate a birth certificate.

I imagine that "delegitimizing" someone's position in an elected office is the norm - really glad I never had an interest in politics.

12-15-2016, 10:35 PM
Isn't he under investigation for something or other now anyway?

12-15-2016, 10:42 PM
Isn't he under investigation for something or other now anyway?

He's been under investigation pretty much constantly for the last 23 years. I think one was just recently settled for $40 million.

12-15-2016, 10:54 PM
Do you think that you are somehow an intrepid truth seeker?

Yeah, how dare someone look at new information to see if its valid.

12-15-2016, 11:08 PM
Yeah, how dare someone look at new information to see if its valid.

Do you think this is new information?

12-15-2016, 11:33 PM
Do you think this is new information?

Well, yes it is. I see what you were trying to ask though. Is this new information worthwhile? I doubt it.

12-21-2016, 05:44 PM
I can think of better things I'd like to have done for past 5 years than investigate a birth certificate.

I imagine that "delegitimizing" someone's position in an elected office is the norm - really glad I never had an interest in politics.

It wasn't the norm previously. It will probably be now.

Delegitimizing someone's position as an American citizen is the real concern, because that can be done to anyone, and they won't have the power of the presidency like Obama did to fend it off.

12-21-2016, 05:47 PM
It wasn't the norm previously. It will probably be now.

Delegitimizing someone's position as an American citizen is the real concern, because that can be done to anyone, and they won't have the power of the presidency like Obama did to fend it off.

This has been around in many forms since forever. They used to call people communist sympathizers for example.

12-21-2016, 05:50 PM
It wasn't the norm previously. It will probably be now.

Romney's father went through the same shit Obama went through 50 years ago.

But oh yeah, Obama's black so obviously this is the first time it has happened and because racism.

12-21-2016, 05:59 PM
Romney's father went through the same shit Obama went through 50 years ago.

But oh yeah, Obama's black so obviously this is the first time it has happened and because racism.

Does it make you feel good inside to look at somebody's words, read whatever you want, and then attack people for it? Not the norm does not mean first time ever.

12-21-2016, 05:59 PM
This has been around in many forms since forever. They used to call people communist sympathizers for example.

Hmm. I assume you're referring to the first point. I don't recall the McCarthy witchhunts going after Members of Congress. Could be wrong though.

12-21-2016, 06:00 PM
Hmm. I assume you're referring to the first point. I don't recall the McCarthy witchhunts going after Members of Congress. Could be wrong though.

They used "UnAmerican" and "Communist sympathizer" on other members of Congress, especially ones that spoke against McCarthy. One of the reasons he was able to get away with that shit for so long. That is just one example though, there was calling people Royalist, Loyalist, and tons of other crap throughout history. Besmirching and discrediting someone, whether through lies or truth, isn't new. Don't even pretend like this is something that was created specifically at Obama. It wasn't.

12-21-2016, 06:02 PM
Does it make you feel good inside to look at somebody's words, read whatever you want, and then attack people for it? Not the norm does not mean first time ever.

Thanks. Tgo has a problem with strawmen arguments.

12-21-2016, 06:07 PM
They used "UnAmerican" and "Communist sympathizer" on other members of Congress, especially ones that spoke against McCarthy. One of the reasons he was able to get away with that shit for so long.

So serious question, because I haven't dived as much into the Red Scare as I have in other parts of American history - did those Congressmen who spoke out against him end up losing elections? I know there were no expulsions.

12-21-2016, 06:09 PM
Don't even pretend like this is something that was created specifically at Obama. It wasn't.

It may not be new, but it's certainly persistent when it comes to Obama. It's been going on for, what, 8 years? And still going on even as he's leaving office. I wonder why that is, especially because nobody's seriously investigating McCain, Cruz, or Romney Jr.

12-21-2016, 06:10 PM
It may not be new, but it's certainly persistent when it comes to Obama. It's been going on for, what, 8 years? And still going on even as he's leaving office. I wonder why that is, especially because nobody's seriously investigating McCain, Cruz, or Romney Jr.

One idiot trying to stay in the headlines and a 24/7 media cycle with nothing else to talk about.

12-21-2016, 06:11 PM
Does it make you feel good inside to look at somebody's words, read whatever you want, and then attack people for it? Not the norm does not mean first time ever.

I read through the lines, yes. I've become quite good at seeing bullshit.

And I would say it was already "the norm" to question someone's eligibility to be president if there were questions surrounding it. Romney was born in Mexico, of course his opponents (DEMOCRATS) were going to question the legitimacy of his candidacy because they wanted to win.

The reason it isn't "the norm" to question whether every candidate is eligible to run is because there is no need to. George W Bush was born in Connecticut and raised in Texas. Bill Clinton was born and raised in Arkansas.

They questioned Romney's father because he was born in Mexico.

They questioned Obama because his father wasn't an American and Obama was raised in Indonesia.

12-21-2016, 06:12 PM
Thanks. Tgo has a problem with strawmen arguments.

Oh the fucking irony.

12-21-2016, 06:20 PM
One idiot trying to stay in the headlines and a 24/7 media cycle with nothing else to talk about.


12-21-2016, 06:22 PM

Oh, I'm not saying it didn't used to have quite a few followers proscribing to it. It has mostly dwindled down to a few crackpots though. Look at that graph around 2013. No one cares anymore, although I'm sure there was a short spike again in the google searches.

12-21-2016, 07:00 PM
It wasn't the norm previously. It will probably be now.

Delegitimizing someone's position as an American citizen is the real concern, because that can be done to anyone, and they won't have the power of the presidency like Obama did to fend it off.

Yea.. no wonder Obama never really warmed up to Hillary Clinton. He's probably "fuck her for starting this shit.. glad she lost the election"

12-21-2016, 07:02 PM
Does it make you feel good inside to look at somebody's words, read whatever you want, and then attack people for it? Not the norm does not mean first time ever.

It's happened many, many times throughout the history of this country. It's not new.

Like it's not new at all.

12-21-2016, 07:04 PM
So serious question, because I haven't dived as much into the Red Scare as I have in other parts of American history - did those Congressmen who spoke out against him end up losing elections? I know there were no expulsions.

If only there was a place you could read up on stuff.

12-21-2016, 07:07 PM
For all of the ex military on this board I'm shocked at how bleeding heart liberal it has become. Disgusting.

12-21-2016, 07:14 PM
They used "UnAmerican" and "Communist sympathizer" on other members of Congress, especially ones that spoke against McCarthy. One of the reasons he was able to get away with that shit for so long. That is just one example though, there was calling people Royalist, Loyalist, and tons of other crap throughout history. Besmirching and discrediting someone, whether through lies or truth, isn't new. Don't even pretend like this is something that was created specifically at Obama. It wasn't.


12-21-2016, 07:39 PM
If only there was a place you could read up on stuff.


12-21-2016, 07:40 PM

with the lead pipe.

12-21-2016, 07:41 PM
What's a libarry?

12-21-2016, 07:45 PM
What's a libarry?

A place where camgirls frequently go to diddle themselves.

12-21-2016, 07:49 PM
A place where camgirls frequently go to diddle themselves.

2. A place where Throgg plays GemStone IV.

12-21-2016, 07:54 PM
They used "UnAmerican" and "Communist sympathizer" on other members of Congress, especially ones that spoke against McCarthy. One of the reasons he was able to get away with that shit for so long. That is just one example though, there was calling people Royalist, Loyalist, and tons of other crap throughout history. Besmirching and discrediting someone, whether through lies or truth, isn't new. Don't even pretend like this is something that was created specifically at Obama. It wasn't.

Now you're "racist", "bigoted", "misogynistic"...nothing changes but the words.

12-21-2016, 07:55 PM
A place where camgirls frequently go to diddle themselves.

I will need directions to your library. Because, um, I heard they have the best books.. Yeah the books.

12-21-2016, 08:01 PM
Romney's father went through the same shit Obama went through 50 years ago. But oh yeah, Obama's black so obviously this is the first time it has happened and because racism.It should be easy for you to cite a single person demanding that George Romney produce his birth certificate, then.
And I would say it was already "the norm" to question someone's eligibility to be president if there were questions surrounding it. Romney was born in Mexico, of course his opponents (DEMOCRATS) were going to question the legitimacy of his candidacy because they wanted to win.Romney's opponents were not Democrats (nor DEMOCRATS), because he never got past the Presidential primaries.
They used "UnAmerican" and "Communist sympathizer" on other members of Congress, especially ones that spoke against McCarthy. One of the reasons he was able to get away with that shit for so long. That is just one example though, there was calling people Royalist, Loyalist, and tons of other crap throughout history. Besmirching and discrediting someone, whether through lies or truth, isn't new. Don't even pretend like this is something that was created specifically at Obama. It wasn't.There is a difference between unAmerican and not American.

12-21-2016, 08:02 PM
They used "UnAmerican" and "Communist sympathizer" on other members of Congress, especially ones that spoke against McCarthy. One of the reasons he was able to get away with that shit for so long. That is just one example though, there was calling people Royalist, Loyalist, and tons of other crap throughout history. Besmirching and discrediting someone, whether through lies or truth, isn't new. Don't even pretend like this is something that was created specifically at Obama. It wasn't.


12-21-2016, 08:03 PM
There is a difference between unAmerican and not American.

Yeah...only one of those is something an American should be worried about.

12-21-2016, 08:06 PM
Oh, I'm not saying it didn't used to have quite a few followers proscribing to it. It has mostly dwindled down to a few crackpots though. Look at that graph around 2013. No one cares anymore, although I'm sure there was a short spike again in the google searches.

The point of the paper wasn't numbers, it was who those numbers were.

12-21-2016, 08:12 PM
It should be easy for you to cite a single person demanding that George Romney produce his birth certificate, then.

This is a stupid argument, therefore you're stupid. No one was doubting that Romney was born in Mexico, Romney himself wasn't even denying this. Romney's position was that he was still eligible to be president of the US.

As far as people still questioning whether or not he was eligible here is a link:


Reuters is still considered "real" news to Democrats, right?

In George Romney's case, most of the questions were raised initially by Democrats who cited the Constitution's requirement that only a "natural born citizen" can be president.

As early as February 1967 - a year before the first 1968 presidential primary - some newspapers were raising questions as to whether George Romney's place of birth disqualified him from the presidency.

By May 1967, U.S. congressman Emmanuel Celler, a Democrat who chaired the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, was expressing "serious doubts" about George Romney's eligibility.

The next month, another Democratic congressman inserted a lengthy treatise into the Congressional Record in which a government lawyer - writing in a "personal capacity" - argued that George Romney was ineligible for the White House because he was born outside U.S. territory.

Romney's opponents were not Democrats (nor DEMOCRATS), because he never got past the Presidential primaries.

And I refer you to my previous link.

Damn Latrin. I usually have to put at least some sort of effort into totally and completely destroying you. This was like sad though. I put in so little effort it in fact reinvigorated me, as if I somehow put in negative effort and felt refreshed afterwards.

12-21-2016, 08:13 PM
It should be easy for you to cite a single person demanding that George Romney produce his birth certificate, then.


Records in a George Romney archive at the University of Michigan describe how questions about his eligibility to be president surfaced almost as soon as he began his short-lived campaign.

In many ways, they appear to echo today's complaints that Trump and some other conservative "birthers" have made about Obama while questioning whether Obama - whose father was from Kenya and mother was from Kansas - was born in Hawaii.

Romney's opponents were not Democrats (nor DEMOCRATS), because he never got past the Presidential primaries.

In George Romney's case, most of the questions were raised initially by Democrats who cited the Constitution's requirement that only a "natural born citizen" can be president.

As early as February 1967 - a year before the first 1968 presidential primary - some newspapers were raising questions as to whether George Romney's place of birth disqualified him from the presidency.

By May 1967, U.S. congressman Emmanuel Celler, a Democrat who chaired the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, was expressing "serious doubts" about George Romney's eligibility.

The next month, another Democratic congressman inserted a lengthy treatise into the Congressional Record in which a government lawyer - writing in a "personal capacity" - argued that George Romney was ineligible for the White House because he was born outside U.S. territory.


12-21-2016, 09:15 PM
This is a stupid argument, therefore you're stupid. No one was doubting that Romney was born in Mexico,so it was in no way comparable to the people who explicitly doubted Obama's claim that he was born in America. I think we're done here.
Records in a George Romney archive at the University of Michigan describe how questions about his eligibility to be president surfaced almost as soon as he began his short-lived campaign. In many ways, they appear to echo today's complaints that Trump and some other conservative "birthers" have made about Obama while questioning whether Obama - whose father was from Kenya and mother was from Kansas - was born in Hawaii.I said "a single person demanding that George Romney produce his birth certificate". George Romney's birth certificate is not mentioned at any point anywhere in your link. You're not even trying. :(
In George Romney's case, most of the questions were raised initially by Democrats who cited the Constitution's requirement that only a "natural born citizen" can be president.Again, you're not even trying. As a candidate in the primaries George Romney's opponents were not Democrats, that's just a fact. His opponents were other Republicans. Can't you try for one second to look beyond the my team your team bs? smh

12-21-2016, 09:18 PM
so it was in no way comparable to the people who explicitly doubted Obama's claim that he was born in America.

Of course it's comparable. The first step in the "birther" movement was proving Obama was not born in the US, the next step would be to then challenge his right to become US president because he was not born in the US.

It just so happens with George Romney they could skip the first step since there was no question he wasn't born in the US.

More negative effort on my part here.

12-21-2016, 10:07 PM
so it was in no way comparable to the people who explicitly doubted Obama's claim that he was born in America. I think we're done here.I said "a single person demanding that George Romney produce his birth certificate". George Romney's birth certificate is not mentioned at any point anywhere in your link.

Right.. You are trying to compare someone who said he was born outside the country with someone who said he was born inside the country. Apples to oranges. You should be comparing Mitt to Obama. Mitt also released his birth record. What is the point you are trying to make?

His opponents were other Republicans. Can't you try for one second to look beyond the my team your team bs? smh

He was running for the right to run against a democrat. The Democrats don't magically become friends of Republicans because it's the primaries, they are still the ultimate opponents. Why would candidates bash the other side's candidate then? They aren't their opponents, right? Are we done arguing semantics?

12-21-2016, 10:23 PM
Democrats often bash Republicans in the primary to try and get specific Republicans they think will be weak candidates to win. They did the same in the most recent Republican primaries, bashing several people other than Cruz, Trump, and Carson.

12-21-2016, 10:29 PM
Democrats often bash Republicans in the primary to try and get specific Republicans they think will be weak candidates to win. They did the same in the most recent Republican primaries, bashing several people other than Cruz, Trump, and Carson.

Like Trump not bashing Sanders so much.

12-21-2016, 10:30 PM
Like Trump not bashing Sanders so much.

Exactly the same. Trump also believed he could steal over Sander's voters too. I never thought he was really going to get a lot of them, but I did figure he could tempt them into not voting for Hillary. A bunch of Hillary supporters helped him there with being a bunch of rude, nasty son of a bitches to them.

12-22-2016, 07:42 AM
Are we done arguing semantics?


12-22-2016, 08:47 AM
It may not be new, but it's certainly persistent when it comes to Obama. It's been going on for, what, 8 years? And still going on even as he's leaving office. I wonder why that is, especially because nobody's seriously investigating McCain, Cruz, or Romney Jr.

Are you seriously playing the race card? Again?

12-22-2016, 08:58 AM
It may not be new, but it's certainly persistent when it comes to Obama. It's been going on for, what, 8 years? And still going on even as he's leaving office. I wonder why that is, especially because nobody's seriously investigating McCain, Cruz, or Romney Jr.

If you watched the clip, he said in the beginning that the reason it was brought back up was because they finished their investigation and were just presenting their findings. He also said he doesn't know or care where Obama was born and that he's just saying that what the White House presented as Obama's birth certificate was fraudulent.

Whether that was truthful or not though, nobody knows. And I'm pretty sure nobody cares at this point.

12-22-2016, 09:07 AM
If you watched the clip, he said in the beginning that the reason it was brought back up was because they finished their investigation and were just presenting their findings. He also said he doesn't know or care where Obama was born and that he's just saying that what the White House presented as Obama's birth certificate was fraudulent.

Whether that was truthful or not though, nobody knows. And I'm pretty sure nobody cares at this point.

Obummer has misrepresented everything else, why not his birth certificate? And I care at this point. If we could get him jailed for misrepresenting himself during the election and fraudulently becoming president I'd be cool with that.

12-22-2016, 02:37 PM
Obummer has misrepresented everything else, why not his birth certificate? And I care at this point. If we could get him jailed for misrepresenting himself during the election and fraudulently becoming president I'd be cool with that.

I would be cool if he would just fade into obscurity as one of the worst Presidents in history.

12-22-2016, 02:43 PM
I consider Obama to be one of the worst Presidents in American history, but I have never bought into the birther issue. This thing has been researched and researched and researched and it is time to just drop the issue and focus on the next four years.

12-22-2016, 02:47 PM
I consider Obama to be one of the worst Presidents in American history, but I have never bought into the birther issue. This thing has been researched and researched and researched and it is time to just drop the issue and focus on the next four years.

Cut a fart in your own face, Candor.

12-23-2016, 07:23 PM
Right.. You are trying to compare someone who said he was born outside the country with someone who said he was born inside the country. Apples to oranges. You should be comparing Mitt to Obama. Mitt also released his birth record. What is the point you are trying to make?Talk to Terry man, he's the one who brought up George to Barry. I'm as puzzled why he did so as you are.
He was running for the right to run against a democrat. The Democrats don't magically become friends of Republicans because it's the primaries, they are still the ultimate opponents. Why would candidates bash the other side's candidate then? They aren't their opponents, right? Are we done arguing semantics?This is a false dichotomy and putting words in my mouth. I will not dignify it with any further response.

12-23-2016, 08:15 PM
I like how people say "I consider Obama to be the worst President in American History." Well, we don't have a way to qualify that yet. We don't know what the long range effects of him will be yet, but I don't think he'll be anymore remembered 100 years from now any more than Calvin Coolidge is.

12-23-2016, 08:22 PM
I like how people say "I consider Obama to be the worst President in American History." Well, we don't have a way to qualify that yet. We don't know what the long range effects of him will be yet, but I don't think he'll be anymore remembered 100 years from now any more than Calvin Coolidge is.

you damn racist

12-23-2016, 08:24 PM
you damn racist

No, Warriorbird said you were the racist. My name wasn't on his list.

12-23-2016, 08:25 PM
No, Warriorbird said you were the racist. My name wasn't on his list.

What? Warriorbird has a list of pc racists? I missed this. Link please.

12-23-2016, 08:26 PM
What? Warriorbird has a list of pc racists? I missed this. Link please.


12-23-2016, 08:37 PM
No, Warriorbird said you were the racist. My name wasn't on his list.

:lol: Yeah I've made plenty of racist posts. I only meant like 80% of them though.

12-23-2016, 09:53 PM
No, Warriorbird said you were the racist. My name wasn't on his list.

Then you clearly were upset he didn't call you a racist. Did you send any racially charged rep to him.. because THAT is the definitive determination if you are a racist or not.

12-23-2016, 10:05 PM
Then you clearly were upset he didn't call you a racist. Did you send any racially charged rep to him.. because THAT is the definitive determination if you are a racist or not.


12-23-2016, 10:09 PM
Then you clearly were upset he didn't call you a racist. Did you send any racially charged rep to him.. because THAT is the definitive determination if you are a racist or not.

I don't see how that post shows me being "clearly upset" about anything?

12-24-2016, 07:48 AM
I don't see how that post shows me being "clearly upset" about anything?


12-24-2016, 07:49 AM


12-24-2016, 08:38 AM

Fuck yeah, I made the "you're a racist" list. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all these badges of honor.

Lol, the more I think about this the more successful I Gfeel. I think anyone who has read or interacted with stories I have written know I'm far from racist or a sexist. The last two lead roll characters have been women and the main plot being the creation of a state that invites a hated race to finally be welcomed as a part of the community.

12-24-2016, 08:54 AM
Fuck yeah, I made the "you're a racist" list. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all these badges of honor.


12-24-2016, 09:50 AM
Can't believe methais didn't make the list. He's probably the biggest racist here besides warriorbird.

12-24-2016, 09:58 AM
Fuck yeah, I made the "you're a racist" list. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all these badges of honor.

Lol, the more I think about this the more successful I Gfeel. I think anyone who has read or interacted with stories I have written know I'm far from racist or a sexist. The last two lead roll characters have been women and the main plot being the creation of a state that invites a hated race to finally be welcomed as a part of the community.

As opposed to nuked?

12-24-2016, 10:04 AM
Lol, the more I think about this the more successful I Gfeel. I think anyone who has read or interacted with stories I have written know I'm far from racist or a sexist. The last two lead roll characters have been women and the main plot being the creation of a state that invites a hated race to finally be welcomed as a part of the community.

LOL, 'I play a dark elf in game, this means I can't be racist IRL'

12-24-2016, 12:49 PM
LOL, 'I play a dark elf in game, this means I can't be racist IRL'

And this is exactly why the left is a giant fucking joke, their only litmus check is if you sign the dotted line with a capital D.

P.S. Democrats are the only party that used a Nuclear weapon.

12-24-2016, 12:52 PM
P.S. Democrats are the only party that used a Nuclear weapon.

A fact that you have expressed an oft repeated desire to remedy.

12-24-2016, 01:05 PM
And this is exactly why the left is a giant fucking joke, their only litmus check is if you sign the dotted line with a capital D.

P.S. Democrats are the only party that used a Nuclear weapon.

It's really more that you seem to have an extra hard time separating fantasy from reality. You are a creepy fucking dude on the boards ("stack their bodies so high they can't pray to Mecca", "their children can burn with them"), and that little meltdown thread you started confirmed you're creepy IG as well.

12-24-2016, 01:16 PM
It's really more that you seem to have an extra hard time separating fantasy from reality. You are a creepy fucking dude on the boards ("stack their bodies so high they can't pray to Mecca", "their children can burn with them"), and that little meltdown thread you started confirmed you're creepy IG as well.

I don't find it creepy at all wanting to destroy a group of people that just assassinated a foreign dignitary on live television this week, though i do find it creepy that Democrats want to allow those animals into our country.

Secondly this community and the shit it's into goes far beyond any level of creep I could live up to.

P.S. I believe that was "The Eastern horizon to pray to." Please don't edit my poetry.

12-24-2016, 01:46 PM
A fact that you have expressed an oft repeated desire to remedy.

As you have shown the continued support of "wait till they fuck bomb one of our major cities first" policy.

12-24-2016, 02:28 PM
The word "racist" has been so repeated here and other threads that it's almost become a meaningless, nonsense word.

12-24-2016, 02:37 PM
The word "racist" has been so repeated here and other threads that it's almost become a meaningless, nonsense word.

That sounds like something a RACIST would say.

See.. if I capitalize it.. it becomes serious.

12-24-2016, 02:43 PM
That sounds like something a RACIST would say.

See.. if I capitalize it.. it becomes serious.

I guess that makes me part of the in crowd.


12-24-2016, 02:48 PM
LOL, 'I play a dark elf in game, this means I can't be racist IRL'

Hey man that line has gotten me out of all kinds of jams when I made a wrong turn into the ghetto.

"You in the wrong part of town cracka we don't like your racist kind around here."

"Look man don't cry to me about racism. Try being a dark elf sorcerer in a town full of little faggot elves for 350 years and..."



This has happened at least 6 times in real life.

12-24-2016, 02:57 PM
I guess that makes me part of the in crowd.


No, the "in" crowd are the ones that require safe spaces, classes on White Privilege, will move if Trump is ever elected, want freedom of speech as long as it's speech they agree with.. if it's not, it's FAKE NEWS, have 56 definitions of what kind of sex you can be, know if you are a racist by the type of red reputation comments you leave them on a forum, etc...

You are most certainly not in the in crowd.

12-24-2016, 03:01 PM
No, the "in" crowd are the ones that require safe spaces, classes on White Privilege, will move if Trump is ever elected, want freedom of speech as long as it's speech they agree with.. if it's not, it's FAKE NEWS, have 56 definitions of what kind of sex you can be, etc...

You are most certainly not in the in crowd.

Only 56? Fucking bigot.
