View Full Version : Trump vs. Vaccines

01-10-2017, 07:11 PM
President-elect Donald Trump asked Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a proponent of a widely discredited theory that vaccines cause autism, to chair a new commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity, Kennedy said Tuesday.

The stunning move pushes up against established science, medicine and the government’s position on the issue. It comes after Trump — who has long been critical of vaccines — met at Trump Tower with Kennedy, who has spearheaded efforts to roll back child vaccination laws.

More... (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-to-meet-with-proponent-of-debunked-tie-between-vaccines-and-autism/2017/01/10/4a5d03c0-d752-11e6-9f9f-5cdb4b7f8dd7_story.html)

It's not a new thing. Trump was skeptical of vaccines way back in 2012 when he revealed that an employee of his had taken a two-year old child for vaccines and the child then developed autism within a month.

The same thing happened, he says, to a different employee of his in 2015 who also took a two-year old child for vaccines and the child then developed autism.

You know it's bad or the same thing would not have happened to the same employer twice.

01-10-2017, 10:22 PM
Since we don't know what causes Autism in all it's different forms and degrees, this notion is such bullshit. Also, the kid may have been autistic before the vaccination and only diagnosed afterwards. Giving any credence to this blatantly bad science (worse than climate change) is bad.