View Full Version : Atlanta Is a Bad Place

01-15-2017, 09:55 PM
ATLANTA — In his war of words with Democratic U.S. Rep. John Lewis, President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter , scolding the longtime representative but also taking swipes at his district, saying it was “falling apart” and “crime-infested.”

More... (http://www.wsj.com/articles/atlanta-hits-back-after-trump-tirade-1484507178)

Most of you aren't brave enough to have visited the The Big Peach. I visited it once as a child and managed to escape. As I remember it, there was a whole building with CNN offices where they make fake news. And the movie theater was shaking so much I thought it was going to fall down. At least they gave you free a free Coke when it was over. The Jimmy Carter museum is there, and it draws the worst sorts.