View Full Version : Politics
- Military humor
- Stick a Fork in Kerry, he's DONE!!!
- Downing Street Memo Hearing
- Ex-Klan member convicted of murders that took place in 1964
- U.S. to provide food to North Korea
- Brothers In Arms - An Iraqi Soldier Story
- Kelo et al v. City of New London, 04-108
- High court OKs personal property seizures
- Karl Rove is DEFINATELY on crack!
- [Neo-Nazi] skin head rally on historic revolutionary war battlefield
- Safer Vehicles for Soldiers
- 18: Old Enough?
- 12 more years of Iraq
- Iran New Leader to Restart Nuke Program
- MiddleEast (Iran) to become a land of glass?
- WTF - BTK killer
- Another high court ruling hits the streets
- Sen. Barack Obama - "working hard at killing his career"
- The President’s Speech at Ft. Bragg, N.C.
- In less reported news: Senate Passes Energy Bill
- Bush says US to double Africa aid
- Army recruits shortfall blamed on Iraq war critics
- Iranian VP was voice of the 1979 hostage-takers
- Sandra Day O'Connor retires
- I think our justice system is a bit overboard
- Touchy touchy subject (abortion)
- War and Peace in the 21st century
- United Church of Christ Backs Alternative Marriage
- Dumbassed Lawsuit of the Day
- Conservatives Can Read This If They Really Want To Now
- Fallen Soldiers in Afghanstan / Iraq
- The Abortion Thread... Let it out here
- A Post Liberals Can Read for Inclusiveness, bipartisanship, and unity
- 2012 Olympics
- Inevitable Supreme Court battle?
- Happy Birthday President Bush!
- July 7th terrorist attack.
- Terrorism-Your Views
- Did British Gov't know about 7/7 in Advance?
- How do you like your Bush? (Poll)
- Hosts say that members are "regular folks"
- Those whacky Anglicans
- I am Hillary - Hear Me RoaR!
- Updates on London investigation
- The Karl Rove Thread :)
- Is the media biased?
- 27 killed in Baghdad suicide blast
- Clinton seeks video game sex scene probe
- A legal victory in the War on Terror.
- California County to use Ebonics
- Farmer or insurgent?
- What is a terrorist?
- Feds: Media Shield Bill Bad Public Policy
- The AMT and YOU. Good News
- More Explosions in the U.K.
- An Email
- House Approves Renewal of Patriot Act
- Asian Man Shot Dead by Police in London (Linked to bombings)
- What are you apathetic to in the political spectrum (voters and non-voters)
- China revalues yuan
- 'Raging Grannies' want to enlist, go to Iraq
- First London, now Eygpt!
- Would you have supported a Rwandan intervention?
- Here ya go!
- July 2001 NY Times article- "The Decling Terrorist Threat"
- Republicans Shouldn't Read This Because They Don't Read Literary Fiction
- There is a god!
- The excellent campaign strategy of democrats
- Blair: World slept after 9/11
- Bush flips or flops?
- Recess appointment for Bolton?
- Bush on "Intelligent Design"
- Novak Suspended from CNN.
- Environmental issues with the Bush Admin.
- Interesting Article...
- Joseph Wilson on One on One this morning
- Half of why gas prices are so high.
- Cindy Sheehan
- “Justice Sunday II”
- The U.S. has a fever...
- Thou Shalt Not Murder
- Gaza Withdrawal
- Cindy Sheehan
- LOL: Pat Robertson
- China/Russia joint Wargames
- Scalia blasts 'judge moralists'
- Scientific Savy? In U.S. Not Much.
- Your government, still hard at work.
- Another reason for Iraq added to list.
- Hastert Questions rebuilding NO
- Locating and Aiding Hurricane Katrina Refugees
- The Secret Life of John Roberts
- Al Sharpton is on CRACK
- Rehnquist Dies at Home
- Hey, you hired them:
- End-running America.
- And it starts .....
- Get Off His Back
- Realpolitik: Nixon on the Bohemian Grove
- Under the Bush admin LA received more money for flood control than any other state, but wasted hundr
- A thank you to Texas.
- Bush Takes Blame. Your Reaction?
- Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional
- Whats on Bush's Mind?
- 200 Billion Katrina Slush Fund.
- Nagin has no noggin
- Tax cuts + spending != a healthy economy.
- Capitalism
- Terrorists arrested in Washington DC
- U.S. official: Al Qaeda's No. 2 in Iraq killed
- Bill to give incentives for buying/using Hybrids
- Maybe the Corps of Engineers needs a closer look...maybe we're all wrong...
- Interesting insight into the Republican political machine: Democrats dont read...
- DeLay indicted on criminal charges:
- "God fearing society" = Socially Dysfunctional?
- Another 15 seconds of idiocy
- Giuliani considers 2008
- Not so fast there... slick.
- Harriet Miers - Who The Hell Is She?
- Warriorbird, the FBI says "sorry"
- Indiana Republicans are attempting to ban pregnancy outside of marriage
- A Little Humor
- Church Minister Remonstrates Liberalism
- Do your elected representatives serve your interests?
- Just what the Republicans need.
- Watch it Syria....
- So what are you REALLY?
- Your favorite Plamegate talking point?
- Harriet Miers ousted by her own party
- How to Understand a Republican, if you Have to.
- Chavez - No Halloween for YOU!
- Let the battle begin...
- Howard Dean (yarrrrrrgh) says bush shouldn't play "hide the salami"?
- Ok, how the heck is this possible?
- Utah judge with 3 wives fights for job
- Defending Imperial Nudity
- On the subject of polls
- Do they really have to go that far?
- Lewis "Scooter" Libby. What a guy.
- France
- Ahmad Chalabi: WTF?
- US/Mexico border situation
- Big Oil has its day in the senate.
- Whacko Viewpoints: Whose is the Craziest?
- Republicans in Congress: Like rats on a sinking ship.
- Democrats: ???
- Bill O'Reilly, Military Recruiting, & Terrorism
- Pilgrims flock to see Buddha Boy in Nepal
- Spin me right round.
- Venezuela sending cheap oil to Massachusetts
- Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera news
- Canada's government expected to fall Monday
- Like we wouldnt find out eventually?
- Bush Wars VI: Return of the Sheehan
- Do political agendas belong in schools?
- World According to Ronald Reagan
- Chairman of House Intelligence subcommittee convicted
- Excerpts: White House Iraq strategy
- Another Liberal Myth Destroyed by Fact.
- Boycott 2006/2008 Elections
- Kinky Friedman for Texas Governor
- If you knew then what you know now...
- Abstinence, AIDS and the White House
- WTF is the Iranian president thinking?
- Thank God we have some SANE politicians
- Bush/Republicans...losing their beloved Patriot Act...
- Saddam Moved WMD's to Syria
- Media Study
- NYC Transit strike
- Intelligence... by design!
- Indigenous Coca Farmer Set to Win Bolivian Election
- PC’s Loser of the Year 2005 Awards Poll
- Greta Van Susteren
- Political Attrocities List (Bush Administration)...
- I can see the light..(more bush stuff)...
- Unanswer Man
- The Right to Privacy: A strategy from the Left
- Ohio Patriot Act?
- Legalizing Voter Disenfranchisement or Much Needed Vote Reform?
- John Hinkley granted overnight visits...
- 2006: The Dems' Make-or-Break Year
- New Year's Resolution
- More Corruption Surfaces...
- Are you a criminal now?
- No thread on Alito yet?
- Dirty Politics
- Canadian election today
- Iran, impending crisis
- Top 10 Censored News Stories of 2005
- Political Cartoon Riots
- Gonzales was not sworn in.
- This explains alot.
- Cheney authorized leak?
- Israel/Palestine/Hamas
- Whistle-blowers suppressed
- For wezer who has a secret crush on O'Reilly
- Your tax dollars for propaganda.
- Walmart in MA forced to carry morning after pill
- Real Time with Bill Maher
- Does Europe's cushy maternity leave enviroment help women advance?
- Supreme Court Reopens Abortion Issue on Alito's First Day
- The G dubbya Years. (2000-2008)
- Abortion bill passed in South Dakota
- God save us from religious nuts
- Abortion Ban
- Parental Notification Discussion
- Department of Faith-Based Security
- Roe v. Wade for Men
- Supreme Court using foriegn laws or court decisions
- Act to repeal 22nd amendment (limiting presidential terms)
- Honey.........I am preggers...:( BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE!!!
- R.C. Church Kudos
- New study from the Journal of Research Into Personality says...
- Impeachment
- A world without US intervention and our cowboy President
- Arab Reaction to the invasion of Iraq
- Conflict Paper
- Russia Passed Info To Saddam?
- Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control bill
- Sen. Burns Scrutinized for Earmark Tied to Abramoff
- Term limits
- White House Memo leaked
- why?
- Women fined for anti-Bush bumper sticker
- Don't mess with Texas
- Georgia Congresswoman Assaulted ...
- Cold reception for Condi
- A ray of hope?
- Bush's admin legacy in 50 years
- Culture of corruption
- Venezuela.
- Gotta say, he hung in there alot longer than I would have.
- Women Presidents
- As if driving in Mexico was not dangerous enough...
- Bush: Above the Law?
- Congressman Kennedy drives drunk, crashes. No, not that one, the other one.
- CIA Director Porter Goss Resigns
- Do you vote? Why or why not?
- Teacher fired for pr0n
- Cape Wind: An Energy Alternative or a bunch of Kennedy hot air?
- "Jeb would make a great president" - Dubya
- And the ship continues to sink
- Bolivia: No compensation for nationalization
- Another Republican Victory!
- Teacher NOT fired for showing skin.
- Al Gore opens SNL
- Hugo Chavez = Not making sense
- Well, definitely leaning towards a more conservative point of view
- Lets discuss social issues in America
- Gotham?
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