View Full Version : 4 black ADULTS kidnap and torute white man

01-05-2017, 06:46 PM
Because this deserves its own thread:



My favorite part:

“Although they are adults, they’re 18. Kids make stupid decisions — I shouldn’t call them kids; they’re legally adults, but they’re young adults, and they make stupid decisions,” Duffin said.

Kids make stupid decisions! Well, okay, they're not kids, but they are still young adults! Let's not jump to any conclusions!

They are adults who are devoid of any humanity. Stop trying to downplay shit like this by playing games such as this. "They were kids!" "They were teens!" "They were young adults!"

They were adults. Full stop. Throw the fucking book at them. Hopefully they're in prison until they are in their 60's, you know, "old adults."

And to make sure we bring in the usual liberal crowd into this story I'm sure Trump said something mildly offensive today too, so you know, you have that to get outraged over.

01-05-2017, 06:50 PM
I haven't seen any evidence of torute taking place.

Reported for fake news about torute!

01-05-2017, 06:53 PM
I haven't seen any evidence of torute taking place.

Reported for fake news about torute!

Torute happening all over up in this place!

01-05-2017, 06:54 PM
Has Sharpton and Jackson arrived in Chicago yet to initiate the protests and sit ins?

01-05-2017, 06:57 PM
Has Sharpton and Jackson arrived in Chicago yet to initiate the protests and sit ins?

No, but check out these two black racists on CNN:


Don Lemon: "I don't think this was evil."

Symone Sanders: "We cannot callously go around calling everything a hate crime!" We've had slavery in this country before therefore this happened!

01-05-2017, 07:06 PM
I wouldn't defend the four black adults who perpetrated this assault.

I'm not familiar enough with the case, but based on the headlines I've seen, the motivation appeared to be based on political views rather than the fact that the guy was white, which I would argue would make it ineligible to be considered a hate crime. I would not call it a terrorist attack that I've seen thrown around though.

01-05-2017, 07:09 PM
I'm not familiar enough with the case, but based on the headlines I've seen, the motivation appeared to be based on political views rather than the fact that the guy was white, which I would argue would make it ineligible to be considered a hate crime.

They were screaming at him "Fuck white people." Plus he was special needs.

From what I understand the police are asking for hate crime charges based on his special needs, not his race. If true that means if Illinois never updated their hate crime laws to include targeting someone for their disabilities then this wouldn't even be considered a hate crime, even though they recorded themselves repeatedly saying "Fuck white people."

African American
01-05-2017, 07:14 PM

01-05-2017, 07:20 PM
They were screaming at him "Fuck white people." Plus he was special needs.

From what I understand the police are asking for hate crime charges based on his special needs, not his race. If true that means if Illinois never updated their hate crime laws to include targeting someone for their disabilities then this wouldn't even be considered a hate crime, even though they recorded themselves repeatedly saying "Fuck white people."
Well, that's new information for me... as I've only been reading the politically-driven headlines and haven't dove into the details. If that's the case, then I agree that it is a hate crime.

01-05-2017, 07:22 PM
This definitely was a hate crime, whether race-related or disability-related. Don't even know why anyone is trying to even offer a defense.

01-05-2017, 07:45 PM
Well, that's new information for me... as I've only been reading the politically-driven headlines and haven't dove into the details. If that's the case, then I agree that it is a hate crime.

Just go watch the clip instead of worrying about reading. It's like a half hour long and tells more than any article ever could.

01-05-2017, 08:18 PM
To bad they don't have the death penalty.

01-05-2017, 08:36 PM
No, but check out these two black racists on CNN:


Don Lemon: "I don't think this was evil."

Symone Sanders: "We cannot callously go around calling everything a hate crime!" We've had slavery in this country before therefore this happened!

Talk about a double standard.

01-06-2017, 09:58 AM
Pretty quiet on all fronts for a hate crime.

01-06-2017, 10:05 AM
As black guys beating up a white guy, it's kind of commonplace to be news. No wonder it's having a hard time getting traction. It happens all the time.

01-06-2017, 10:39 AM
Pretty quiet on all fronts for a hate crime.


You know they were already charged with a hate crime, right?

01-06-2017, 01:06 PM
Pretty quiet on all fronts for a hate crime.

Other than being plastered 24/7 on every news outlet, yeah.

01-07-2017, 07:57 AM

You know they were already charged with a hate crime, right?

Yes, I realize that. I was referring to rioting, looting, presidential press conferences, family invites to the white house, etc.

01-07-2017, 09:30 AM


01-07-2017, 10:35 AM
To bad they don't have the death penalty.

They wouldn't get it anyways, supreme court ruled you need to murder to be sentenced to death.

01-07-2017, 12:10 PM
They wouldn't get it anyways, supreme court ruled you need to murder to be sentenced to death.

Damn hippies.

01-07-2017, 12:15 PM
Damn hippies.

Yeah... Happened about 10-20 years ago. Guy in Louisiana raped a minor and then attempted to murder her, she got away. He was sentenced to death. Got up to Supreme Court, they made them resentence because murder had not been committed.

01-07-2017, 01:14 PM
Yeah... Happened about 10-20 years ago. Guy in Louisiana raped a minor and then attempted to murder her, she got away. He was sentenced to death. Got up to Supreme Court, they made them resentence because murder had not been committed.

So he tried and failed and got a participation sentence.

01-07-2017, 02:19 PM
As black guys beating up a white guy, it's kind of commonplace to be news. No wonder it's having a hard time getting traction. It happens all the time.
I was also thinking about how little this story has stood out. Sure, there's some media on it and it's made it to the storyboard on Yahoo's front page...but not all that it 'should' be. Turn the colors around and the country would be in an uproar. Rioting, looting, and all that fun stuff.

01-07-2017, 02:36 PM
This was an awful event but terrible things happen every day that deserve coverage. Should news outlets avoid covering those things in favor of a news story that's already been told?

01-07-2017, 02:49 PM
This was an awful event but terrible things happen every day that deserve coverage. Should news outlets avoid covering those things in favor of a news story that's already been told?I agree, things happen each and every day. The point is, had it been 4 whites attacking a black person, I'd guarantee things would be a WHOLE lot different. This has been charged as a hate crime.

01-07-2017, 03:34 PM
I agree, things happen each and every day. The point is, had it been 4 whites attacking a black person, I'd guarantee things would be a WHOLE lot different. This has been charged as a hate crime.The difference is that the left wing by and large doesn't defend this, so there's no argument to follow/foster. People are attracted to controversy. Depending on your perspective, the right wing by and large goes to great lengths to dispute white on black hate crimes or the left wing by and large goes to great lengths to believe it when it doesn't exist, hence argument, hence attention, hence more argument, hence more attention.

01-07-2017, 03:38 PM
Latrinsorm, is it your contention that the rioting, looting, presidential press conferences, etc. are in direct correlation to the right's defense of some acts.

Conversely, there has been no such actions after this hate crime because the left has not defended the actions of these four people?

01-07-2017, 03:58 PM
Latrinsorm, is it your contention that the rioting, looting, presidential press conferences, etc. are in direct correlation to the right's defense of some acts.

Conversely, there has been no such actions after this hate crime because the left has not defended the actions of these four people?I would say "directly caused by" rather than "in direct correlation to" but you've got the gist, sure. Just look at Rodney King. The video was made public March 4th, 1991. The verdict was announced April 29th, 1992. The riots started April 29th, 1992. Seems pretty straightforward, no?

01-07-2017, 05:53 PM
The difference is that the left wing by and large doesn't defend this, so there's no argument to follow/foster.


the right wing by and large goes to great lengths to dispute white on black hate crimes


You're not even trying anymore, Latrin.

01-07-2017, 06:09 PM


You're not even trying anymore, Latrin.I eagerly await your alternative explanation for why this thread is this length compared to the Trayvon thread's.

01-07-2017, 06:27 PM
I eagerly await your alternative explanation for why this thread is this length compared to the Trayvon thread's.

Because like I pointed out in the very first post, most liberals won't even bother showing up in this thread. And hey, look at that, I was right.

This is liberals wanting to sweep shit under the rug when it doesn't suit their agenda.

If this were a story about white racists torturing a black man with disabilities we would have at least 2 dozen posts from liberals by now and we would know every little bit of history about the white racists including how many times they shit their pants when they were 3 years old.

This story has mostly been silent, since you're a Republican I think I only counted 1 post from a liberal/Democrat in this thread so far.

01-07-2017, 07:05 PM
Shit we need to look no further than our own incompetent piece of shit president for which I speak.

Trayvon Martin case?

Obama speaks from the Rose Garden: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

"I hope that everyone, federal, state, and local can pull together to find out why this tragedy happened."

This torture case?

Obama doesn't give any sort of official reply to it, rather he's specifically asked about worsening race relations under his administration and he says "Oh no, I don't think race relations have gotten worse."

In a different interview where he's again asked about race relations he says they aren't getting worse, it's just that now we have cell phones everywhere so more of it is being captured on film but it's always been that way, then the interviewer points to this case as an example of this type of stuff "caught on camera", "Oh yeah, that was terrible."

Oh, it was 'terrible', Obama? Nothing about getting the federal government involved to make sure the pieces of shit are charged with federal hate crimes? No no. Doesn't fit your narrative, you piece of shit.

January 20th can't get here fast enough.

01-07-2017, 07:12 PM
Because like I pointed out in the very first post, most liberals won't even bother showing up in this thread. And hey, look at that, I was right.

This is liberals wanting to sweep shit under the rug when it doesn't suit their agenda.

No, Latrinestorm is correct in that there's no discussion to be had. What happened was indefensible, so not many people are going to be willing to engage in political football with you. Sorry. :(

If this were a story about white racists torturing a black man with disabilities we would have at least 2 dozen posts from liberals by now and we would know every little bit of history about the white racists including how many times they shit their pants when they were 3 years old.


I expect a post decrying the above incident from every conservative on the board within 5 days or you're all wasist.

01-07-2017, 07:14 PM
What kind of sentence do you think these four will get? In this similar case (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ex-football-player-avoids-jailtime-assaulting-disabled-teen-article-1.2917313) it looks like the guy got some probation and community service, but it sounds like he did some sexual stuff too. For some reason, I think that the group in Chicago will get a tougher punishment.

01-07-2017, 07:15 PM
What kind of sentence do you think these four will get? In this similar case (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ex-football-player-avoids-jailtime-assaulting-disabled-teen-article-1.2917313) it looks like the guy got some probation and community service, but it sounds like he did some sexual stuff too. For some reason, I think that the group in Chicago will get a tougher punishment.

I think three of these people have priors for armed robbery and other violent crimes, so they'll get more.

01-07-2017, 07:17 PM
I expect a post decrying the above incident from every conservative on the board within 5 days or you're all wasist.

But why would I say anything? It's just so indefensible there isn't any point in condemning it.

01-07-2017, 07:21 PM
Does anyone else think its weird that the parents waited two days to report their mentally challenged son missing?

01-07-2017, 07:24 PM
But why would I say anything? It's just so indefensible there isn't any point in condemning it.

Exactly. I'm glad you agree.

01-07-2017, 07:26 PM
Does anyone else think its weird that the parents waited two days to report their mentally challenged son missing?

From what I understand the parents dropped off their son to meet one of the suspects for a sleepover so it probably didn't occur to them right away that something was wrong because they knew he would be gone at least 1 day.

01-07-2017, 07:28 PM
Yeah, the victim called and said he was alright on the first day, because he was not yet a victim.

01-07-2017, 07:44 PM
Exactly. I'm glad you agree.

Except there has been a disturbing number of these politically/racially motivated attacks lately where the people are filming themselves carrying out the attacks; the video where those black men pulled a white man out of his car and beat him, those Hillary supporters taunting and attacking an elderly homeless black Trump supporter, this story, the attacks in California where a group of people surrounded a white Trump supporter and taunted her and threw eggs at her face while the police watched.

I think that's what makes this case particularly egregious, the fact that they have no remorse and so little understanding of what they are doing is wrong that they didn't fear filming themselves doing it and playing it on Facebook Live. They've been brainwashed into thinking Trump supporters are racist so it's okay to treat them this way, I mean why else would there be story after story of people filming themselves doing this shit?

How about those riots recently? "Dey white! Beat dey ass!"

Marching down a street "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? NOW!"

"Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon!"

This is the narrative lately and we have racists like Don Lemon downplaying saying this act wasn't evil. We have that racist chick on CNN who openly mocked that white man pulled from his car and beaten and insisted this torture case wasn't a hate crime.

I don't think now is the time to sit idly by and just THINK "Yeah that's fucked up." It's time to start telling people this shit is not acceptable, because their actions clearly indicate they think it is acceptable.

01-07-2017, 08:02 PM
I don't think now is the time to sit idly by and just THINK "Yeah that's fucked up." It's time to start telling people this shit is not acceptable, because their actions clearly indicate they think it is acceptable.

The scope of our conversation is pretty clearly limited to the posters on this board, all (well, most) of which know that racial violence is bad, and that goes for both sides. Just because someone doesn't post in a topic doesn't mean they tacitly approve of something.

01-07-2017, 08:06 PM
Montel Williams is telling people it is unacceptable. No further action required.

01-07-2017, 09:07 PM
The difference is that the left wing by and large doesn't defend this, so there's no argument to follow/foster. People are attracted to controversy. Depending on your perspective, the right wing by and large goes to great lengths to dispute white on black hate crimes or the left wing by and large goes to great lengths to believe it when it doesn't exist, hence argument, hence attention, hence more argument, hence more attention.

Cause there is no controversy here... They taped themselves doing it.. There isn't a grey area here, its so straight forward. With Trayvon there was a HUGE gray area. With Michael Brown there was a HUGE gray area. The difference is the video. There doesn't seem to be a gray area here.

01-08-2017, 12:04 AM
Because this deserves its own thread:



My favorite part:

Kids make stupid decisions! Well, okay, they're not kids, but they are still young adults! Let's not jump to any conclusions!

They are adults who are devoid of any humanity. Stop trying to downplay shit like this by playing games such as this. "They were kids!" "They were teens!" "They were young adults!"

They were adults. Full stop. Throw the fucking book at them. Hopefully they're in prison until they are in their 60's, you know, "old adults."

And to make sure we bring in the usual liberal crowd into this story I'm sure Trump said something mildly offensive today too, so you know, you have that to get outraged over.

Why they gotta be black??? That's racist!

01-08-2017, 01:28 PM
Except there has been a disturbing number of these politically/racially motivated attacks lately where the people are filming themselves carrying out the attacks; the video where those black men pulled a white man out of his car and beat him, those Hillary supporters taunting and attacking an elderly homeless black Trump supporter, this story, the attacks in California where a group of people surrounded a white Trump supporter and taunted her and threw eggs at her face while the police watched.

I think that's what makes this case particularly egregious, the fact that they have no remorse and so little understanding of what they are doing is wrong that they didn't fear filming themselves doing it and playing it on Facebook Live. They've been brainwashed into thinking Trump supporters are racist so it's okay to treat them this way, I mean why else would there be story after story of people filming themselves doing this shit?People cheerfully used fire hoses on children in the 60s even when they were being broadcast on national TV. Try to avoid the arrogance of the present, that everything now is novel, important, critical, historic. Most of the time it isn't.

01-08-2017, 05:08 PM
People cheerfully used fire hoses on children in the 60s even when they were being broadcast on national TV. Try to avoid the arrogance of the present, that everything now is novel, important, critical, historic. Most of the time it isn't.

You automatically lose if you have to use black and white photographs to defend something that happened two days ago.

People used to be boiled alive back in the days too, I guess this guy should consider himself lucky then instead of crying like a bitch.

01-08-2017, 05:20 PM
You automatically lose if you have to use black and white photographs to defend something that happened two days ago.Nobody here is defending anything. I'm pointing out that your assessment is at odds with the facts. You read that as a defense because you refuse to go past "us vs. them". You should stop doing that, you'll be a lot happier and more correct.

01-08-2017, 05:32 PM
Nobody here is defending anything.

That's funny because it looked like you were, or at the very least downplaying it. Might want to stick to the facts of this case and stop pulling up shit that happened 60+ years ago.

I'm pointing out that your assessment is at odds with the facts.

"The facts"? I brought up "the facts", I gave you numerous examples of "the facts" and you come back with "Well 60 years ago..." I realize trolling is in your blood but maybe now isn't the time for it?

01-08-2017, 05:42 PM
You automatically lose if you have to use black and white photographs to defend something that happened two days ago.

People used to be boiled alive back in the days too, I guess this guy should consider himself lucky then instead of crying like a bitch.

You do realize we had slavery in this country at one point, right?

Fucking racist.

01-08-2017, 05:47 PM
I realize trolling is in your blood but maybe now isn't the time for it?

Why is this time any different than every single day since 10/03?

01-08-2017, 05:51 PM
Why is this time any different than every single day since 10/03?

Wishful thinking on my part :(

01-08-2017, 08:26 PM
That's funny because it looked like you were, or at the very least downplaying it. Might want to stick to the facts of this case and stop pulling up shit that happened 60+ years ago.

"The facts"? I brought up "the facts", I gave you numerous examples of "the facts" and you come back with "Well 60 years ago..." I realize trolling is in your blood but maybe now isn't the time for it?You brought up what's happened "lately", drawing a comparison to the past. You were wrong. You remain wrong. Pointing out that you are wrong has nothing whatsoever to do with what these other people have done. It doesn't minimize it, defend it, downplay it, excuse it. You are just wrong.

01-08-2017, 08:32 PM
You brought up what's happened "lately", drawing a comparison to the past.

Yes, "lately" it has become acceptable behavior to attack whites, the police, and Trump supporters. You don't see people on national TV openly mocking black people when they are attacked by white people because they voted for Hillary or Obama, and if you can find a case there is pretty much universal disgust, you don't have the mainstream media and Republicans supporting these assholes.

The difference between racist whites and racist blacks of today is racist blacks are tolerated by a large segment of our society, whereas racist whites are not.

The fact that you had to go back 60+ years to find an example of when racist whites were acceptable proves my point for me, so at this point you are openly admitting you are just trolling, right?

It doesn't minimize it, defend it, downplay it, excuse it.

Sure. I point out several examples of behavior deemed acceptable to attack/mock white people/Trump supporters and you literally come back with "Yeah but 60 years ago..."

Shit, I'm surprised you didn't act like that racist bitch on CNN and imply this torture case was really the fault of white people because we had slavery and Jim Crow laws in this country once upon a time.

Latrin you aren't even making a point. You are flat out just trolling. As usual. Again, maybe in a story about a white man with mental health issues who was tortured because of the color of his skin by racist blacks you should keep the trolling at bay for a while? Maybe? Just maybe?

01-08-2017, 11:11 PM
Maybe you should find a safe space

01-08-2017, 11:22 PM
Has Sharpton and Jackson arrived in Chicago yet to initiate the protests and sit ins?

Ya know, I figured they'd already be there to protest the record number of black homicides in Chicago last few years, but...no...no sign of them.

01-08-2017, 11:23 PM

01-09-2017, 06:57 AM
Was that bloody skyscraper a white or black skyscraper before it was murdered? The shootings are out of control!

01-09-2017, 11:41 AM
http://i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah212/Adam_May/FB_IMG_1483979190805_zpsyuw81yqp.jpg (http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/Adam_May/media/FB_IMG_1483979190805_zpsyuw81yqp.jpg.html)

01-10-2017, 07:34 PM
The fact that you had to go back 60+ years to find an example of when racist whites were acceptable proves my point for me

But a racist white man was just elected President! That means racist whites can't claim they are being discriminated against any more.

01-10-2017, 07:46 PM
But a racist white man was just elected President! That means racist whites can't claim they are being discriminated against any more.

And a racist black man has been President for the last 8 years! That means racist blacks can't claim they are being discriminated against any more.

01-10-2017, 08:18 PM
People have been saying black people aren't allowed to complain about discrimination any more since the day Obama was elected, that's not a new development.

01-10-2017, 08:25 PM
People have been saying black people aren't allowed to complain about discrimination any more since the day Obama was elected, that's not a new development.

I accept your apology.

01-10-2017, 08:28 PM
People have been saying black people aren't allowed to complain about discrimination any more since the day Obama was elected, that's not a new development.

I think people have been saying there is no such thing as widespread and institutionalized racism in the US anymore that keeps the black man down, and what better way to prove it then pointing towards our current president? And Obama was what like 47 when he became president? If he was being kept down his whole life because of rampant racism against blacks then he wouldn't be president right now, right?

Of course there are still racists in this country, the four 4 black racists mentioned in this article proves that beyond a doubt. But there are no more widely accepted or practiced forms of racism in this country anymore. Except of course for affirmative action, which again works against whites.

But again, nice distraction away from the story being discussed here. You and Latrin make a good team.

01-10-2017, 08:34 PM
But a racist white man was just elected President! That means racist whites can't claim they are being discriminated against any more.

Also good job, people like you are part of the reason this shit even happens. Trump is racist! Therefore all Trump supporters are racist!

Seriously, did you even watch the video being discussed here? This is the shit they were screaming at this guy as they were dunking his head into a toilet. But I guess ensuring pieces of shit like Hillary gets elected is more important than innocent mentally challenged people literally being tortured by racist blacks.

You race baiting liberals have lost all moral superiority a long time ago. This shit is on your hands.

Nathala Crane
01-10-2017, 08:42 PM
That's funny. I thought the prevailing Republican view was that Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore would not have experienced institutionalized racism anyway. Then again, this one's even better: let's use the guy raised by his white mother and grandparents to attempt to disprove the notion of modern racism ingrained into our society.

01-10-2017, 08:45 PM
Why is fucking tapatalk sending me news updates now? Not from PC Forum, but just general news?

I posted this here because everyone is talking about bullshit that has nothing to do with the topic anyways, so it seemed a good fit.

01-10-2017, 08:45 PM
That's funny. I thought the prevailing Republican view was that Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore would not have experienced institutionalized racism anyway

Prevailing Republican view? The birther movement was always a fringe group of people that was started by Hillary supporters by the way.

let's use the guy raised by his white mother and grandparents to attempt to disprove the notion of modern racism ingrained into our society.

Not sure what you're getting at here.

Nathala Crane
01-10-2017, 08:52 PM
Prevailing Republican view? The birther movement was always a fringe group of people that was started by Hillary supporters by the way.

This has been proven false countless times, but no. The birther movement was started by an article written by Debbie Schlussel. A conservative columnist, by the way.

Not sure what you're getting at here.

You don't think his upbringing afforded him more privileges than most white people, let alone black people?

Whatever. I'll let you guys get back to your "white racism" circle jerk.

01-10-2017, 09:01 PM
This has been proven false countless times, but no. The birther movement was started by an article written by Debbie Schlussel. A conservative columnist, by the way.

Since Snopes is seen as gospel around here I'll just link this article:


The theme was pushed further in December 2006 by conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel, who published an article entitled "Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always a Muslim," which stated that "Obama has a 'born-again' affinity for the nation of his Muslim father, Kenya."

Note she didn't say Obama was born in Kenya, but rather he has a "born-again" affinity for Kenya, a reference to his book "Dreams of my Father."

The idea that Obama was born elsewhere, specifically Kenya, was first floated in April 2008, according to a 22 April 2011 Politico article by Ben Smith and Byron Tau on the origins of birtherism:

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous e-mail questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site Snopes.com in April 2008.

You don't think his upbringing afforded him more privileges than most white people, let alone black people?

So people didn't take one look at the color of his skin and deny him placement in schools and in the workplace? Good to know.

01-10-2017, 09:04 PM
You don't think his upbringing afforded him more privileges than most white people, let alone black people?

Whatever. I'll let you guys get back to your "white racism" circle jerk.

This seems racist.. Are you saying because he was raised by white people that is the reason for his success? Are you saying if he was raised by black people he couldn't have been as successful?

01-10-2017, 09:35 PM
You don't think his upbringing afforded him more privileges than most white people, let alone black people?

Whatever. I'll let you guys get back to your "white racism" circle jerk.

You make no sense.

Like at all.

Nathala Crane
01-11-2017, 12:06 AM
This seems racist.. Are you saying because he was raised by white people that is the reason for his success? Are you saying if he was raised by black people he couldn't have been as successful?

No, but I should've expected a comment like this. Unlike Parkbandit, you're probably not that dense, so why don't you sit down and think about what I said, in the context of this thread, and draw your own conclusions from that?

Here's a hint: it goes back to what I said about institutionalized racism, which favors white people. (And you're thoroughly misguided if you don't think it exists.)

01-11-2017, 12:31 AM
No, but I should've expected a comment like this. Unlike Parkbandit, you're probably not that dense, so why don't you sit down and think about what I said, in the context of this thread, and draw your own conclusions from that?

Here's a hint: it goes back to what I said about institutionalized racism, which favors white people. (And you're thoroughly misguided if you don't think it exists.)

Then guide me to the light.

We are talking about a self identified black person. You said:

Then again, this one's even better: let's use the guy raised by his white mother and grandparents to attempt to disprove the notion of modern racism ingrained into our society.

You literally said that being raised by a white person let him get as far as he did. This implies that had it been a black family that raised him he wouldn't have done as well. That sounds pretty racist to me... Maybe that isn't what you meant to say, but that is what you are saying.

01-11-2017, 01:43 AM
No, but I should've expected a comment like this. Unlike Parkbandit, you're probably not that dense, so why don't you sit down and think about what I said, in the context of this thread, and draw your own conclusions from that?

Here's a hint: it goes back to what I said about institutionalized racism, which favors white people. (And you're thoroughly misguided if you don't think it exists.)

I think you are stretching this one though. Had his parents(grandparents in his case) been black and everything else had been the same he would have done just as well. Now on average a white family is more likely to be well off, which kind of ties into what you were saying which is why I say you are stretching this one.

Something that kills me is that all the rich black people could work together to turn this around by actually doing something with their money instead of mostly just running their mouths, but good luck with that one happening.

01-11-2017, 02:33 AM
Also good job, people like you are part of the reason this shit even happens. Trump is racist! Therefore all Trump supporters are racist!

Seriously, did you even watch the video being discussed here? This is the shit they were screaming at this guy as they were dunking his head into a toilet. But I guess ensuring pieces of shit like Hillary gets elected is more important than innocent mentally challenged people literally being tortured by racist blacks.

You race baiting liberals have lost all moral superiority a long time ago. This shit is on your hands.

It never ceases to amaze me how blindly you will lash out at imagined enemies. What I said was clearly a joke, but that doesn't matter because you have a liberal to attack. I don't think all Trump supporters are racist, but who cares, there is a liberal to attack. I know what they did and I have in no way defended it, nor would I ever, but who cares, liberals to attack. I did not vote for Hillary nor want her to be the President, but what does that matter, fuckin' liberals! Get 'em!

You really don't know my stance on anything. You don't know what I believe in. You know nothing about be. I am not the "them" that your "us" has to defeat. But none of that matters as long as you have a liberal to attack, right?

01-11-2017, 03:12 AM
What I said was clearly a joke

I guess the lack of me laughing threw me off.

I did not vote for Hillary nor want her to be the President

Please. Like you wouldn't have preferred her to win over Trump.

01-11-2017, 03:20 AM
I guess the lack of me laughing threw me off.

You laughing is not required for something to clearly be a tongue-in-cheek comment not meant to be taken seriously.

Please. Like you wouldn't have preferred her to win over Trump.

Eh. Clinton made a career out of being the snake, Trump did it selling the oil. I think Clinton would be a less unpredictable President, but I can't say if she would be better. I don't think either of them are fit to run the country. Care to try again? I'm sure eventually you can find something to point at me and make me into "them" again.

01-11-2017, 03:36 AM
Eh. Clinton made a career out of being the snake, Trump did it selling the oil. I think Clinton would be a less unpredictable President, but I can't say if she would be better. I don't think either of them are fit to run the country. Care to try again? I'm sure eventually you can find something to point at me and make me into "them" again.

You didn't even say anything, you just did a bunch of double talk. Maybe you should be president.

01-11-2017, 10:19 AM
No, but I should've expected a comment like this. Unlike Parkbandit, you're probably not that dense, so why don't you sit down and think about what I said, in the context of this thread, and draw your own conclusions from that?

Here's a hint: it goes back to what I said about institutionalized racism, which favors white people. (And you're thoroughly misguided if you don't think it exists.)

We are still waiting on your explanation..

I just chalked it up to a dumb post by a dumb person... but you say this time, your post will be different!

I can't wait to read it.

01-11-2017, 09:20 PM
You didn't even say anything, you just did a bunch of double talk. Maybe you should be president.

What part are you having trouble with? I think Clinton would be less unpredictable than Trump but I don't have any belief that she would, simply for being Hillary Clinton, be a better President. So no, I really wouldn't have preferred that she won. I'd prefer if neither of them won. But again, it's you, so whether I actually wanted or voted for Hillary doesn't matter. You'll always have a reason to be angry at whoever you decide is a part of "them."

01-11-2017, 09:43 PM
Yes, "lately" it has become acceptable behavior to attack whites, the police, and Trump supporters.http://i.imgur.com/k0mvO5l.gif

All I said was that people have been doing terrible things on camera for decades. You said my example happened decades ago... which is the whole reason I brought it up! Because people doing terrible things on camera for decades is my point!

Terry, there's just no talking to you anymore. Refusing to read sources (even when they're your own) is one thing, but if you're not going to read my posts then what's the point? I get that you're angry that nobody here is defending this, because you would have for once actually had proof for one of your cockamamie theories. Suck it up. You were wrong.

01-11-2017, 09:46 PM

All I said was that people have been doing terrible things on camera for decades. You said my example happened decades ago... which is the whole reason I brought it up! Because people doing terrible things on camera for decades is my point!

Terry, there's just no talking to you anymore. Refusing to read sources (even when they're your own) is one thing, but if you're not going to read my posts then what's the point? I get that you're angry that nobody here is defending this, because you would have for once actually had proof for one of your cockamamie theories. Suck it up. You were wrong.

I hope Symone Whatever from CNN never gets offered another chance to be on TV.

01-11-2017, 09:59 PM
What part are you having trouble with? ... I'd prefer if neither of them won.

This is the part you are having trouble with. Your choices are Hillary or Trump. Pick one. You're trying to choose both and neither at the same time to "win" this argument.

All I said was that people have been doing terrible things on camera for decades. You said my example happened decades ago... which is the whole reason I brought it up! Because people doing terrible things on camera for decades is my point!

Tgo01: Hey let's talk about A.
Latrinsorm: Let's instead talk about X, Y, and Z because it's easier for me to win an argument if we talk about those things instead!
Tgo01: But A...
Latrinsorm: Forget about A! We're now talking about X, Y, and Z and therefore you lose!

Latrin, just stop. You are failing so badly lately I'm starting to feel bad for you :(

01-11-2017, 10:15 PM
No, but I should've expected a comment like this. Unlike Parkbandit, you're probably not that dense, so why don't you sit down and think about what I said, in the context of this thread, and draw your own conclusions from that?

Here's a hint: it goes back to what I said about institutionalized racism, which favors white people. (And you're thoroughly misguided if you don't think it exists.)

It doesn't exist.

When you can no longer point directly and identify your enemy, but instead insist that all the bad things that happen are because of some mysterious cabal of evil people with some hidden agenda...congrats, you've become a tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorist.

01-11-2017, 11:21 PM
What part are you having trouble with? I think Clinton would be less unpredictable than Trump but I don't have any belief that she would, simply for being Hillary Clinton, be a better President. So no, I really wouldn't have preferred that she won. I'd prefer if neither of them won.

I agree with all of this. I'm ashamed that this is the best each party could put forward.

01-11-2017, 11:22 PM

All I said was that people have been doing terrible things on camera for decades. You said my example happened decades ago... which is the whole reason I brought it up! Because people doing terrible things on camera for decades is my point!

Sooooo...universal surveillance?

01-13-2017, 04:35 PM
Sooooo...universal surveillance?Of course! Remember that time four black ADULTS kidnapped and toru- tortured a white man, and we successfully caught and prosecuted them because they taped themselves doing it? Same principle.

01-14-2017, 08:18 AM
Of course! Remember that time four black ADULTS kidnapped and toru- tortured a white man, and we successfully caught and prosecuted them because they taped themselves doing it? Same principle.


01-15-2017, 01:05 AM
Of course! Remember that time four black ADULTS kidnapped and toru- tortured a white man, and we successfully caught and prosecuted them because they taped themselves doing it? Same principle.

Seems legit.

01-16-2017, 01:45 PM
You're trying to choose both and neither at the same time to "win" this argument.

Actually, what I'm doing is refusing to play your game. You want me to say anything at all, even something as simple as "I dunno, maybe Hillary could possibly be a slightly less awful President" so that you can then point at me like I'm a Hillary supporter and I'm part of "them" and I'm part of what's wrong with this country and blah blah blah. Sucks for you though, because no matter how bad you want it to be, I did not support nor in any way want Clinton and no amount of irrational anger on your part will make it so.

01-16-2017, 02:45 PM
Actually, what I'm doing is refusing to play your game. You want me to say anything at all, even something as simple as "I dunno, maybe Hillary could possibly be a slightly less awful President" so that you can then point at me like I'm a Hillary supporter and I'm part of "them" and I'm part of what's wrong with this country and blah blah blah. Sucks for you though, because no matter how bad you want it to be, I did not support nor in any way want Clinton and no amount of irrational anger on your part will make it so.


01-16-2017, 03:35 PM

You are a fringe nutbag and nobody cares.

01-16-2017, 04:23 PM
You are a fringe nutbag and nobody cares.

It would be easier for you to admit that you don't know how any of this works.

01-16-2017, 06:15 PM
Actually, what I'm doing is refusing to play your game. You want me to say anything at all, even something as simple as "I dunno, maybe Hillary could possibly be a slightly less awful President" so that you can then point at me like I'm a Hillary supporter and I'm part of "them" and I'm part of what's wrong with this country and blah blah blah. Sucks for you though, because no matter how bad you want it to be, I did not support nor in any way want Clinton and no amount of irrational anger on your part will make it so.


01-16-2017, 06:45 PM
It would be easier for you to admit that you don't know how any of this works.

I know exactly how it works. TG needs a way to try to paint me as the "Clinton loving liberal" he so gleefully hates and he will not be phased by mere facts...like how I did not want, support, or vote for her.

Why don't you tell us about the hundreds of millions of innocent people you believe we should annihilate in nuclear fire again, and then explain how you're not a fringe nutbag. Those mental gymnastics should occupy you for a while.

01-16-2017, 07:17 PM
Actually, what I'm doing is refusing to play your game. You want me to say anything at all, even something as simple as "I dunno, maybe Hillary could possibly be a slightly less awful President" so that you can then point at me like I'm a Hillary supporter and I'm part of "them" and I'm part of what's wrong with this country and blah blah blah. Sucks for you though, because no matter how bad you want it to be, I did not support nor in any way want Clinton and no amount of irrational anger on your part will make it so.

I didn't want Hillary or Trump to be president either but since the reality was always that one of them was going to be president (since after the primaries anyways) then I would rather Trump be president than Hillary.

It's just hilarious watching you think you're making some sort of stand in this thread by not making a stand.

01-16-2017, 07:19 PM
I know exactly how it works. TG needs a way to try to paint me as the "Clinton loving liberal" he so gleefully hates and he will not be phased by mere facts...like how I did not want, support, or vote for her.

Why don't you tell us about the hundreds of millions of innocent people you believe we should annihilate in nuclear fire again, and then explain how you're not a fringe nutbag. Those mental gymnastics should occupy you for a while.

Why should I explain my position yet again when it has not changed? Unlike you I don't cower from a debate because someone may call me a name. Really it only confirms that you don't know how this works, you choose to not take a firm stance so you get kicked around by the "fringe" as you put it. IE You are our bitch.

01-16-2017, 07:24 PM
Did they scream "WORLD STAR" at the top of their lungs?

01-16-2017, 07:40 PM
It's just hilarious watching you think you're making some sort of stand in this thread by not making a stand.

You're the one who wants me to take some kind of stand so that you can attack it, not me. You desperately want me to say that I would rather have Clinton as President than Trump. You want something to attack because that is all that matters to you, Us vs. Them.

01-16-2017, 07:43 PM
Why should I explain my position yet again when it has not changed?

It's the part where you wanting to rain nuclear holocaust upon an entire region of the world doesn't make you a fringe nutbag who everybody should ignore that I wanted you to explain, since you don't seem to realize that's how you come across.

Nathala Crane
01-16-2017, 07:44 PM
You're the one who wants me to take some kind of stand so that you can attack it, not me. You desperately want me to say that I would rather have Clinton as President than Trump. You want something to attack because that is all that matters to you, Us vs. Them.

Why don't you do what I've done and use the ignore feature on these idiots? It's not worth your time. At all. Trust me on that.

01-16-2017, 07:44 PM
You're the one who wants me to take some kind of stand so that you can attack it, not me. You desperately want me to say that I would rather have Clinton as President than Trump. You want something to attack because that is all that matters to you, Us vs. Them.

I would rather have Clinton as President than Trump.


01-16-2017, 07:48 PM


01-16-2017, 07:53 PM
You desperately want me to say that I would rather have Clinton as President than Trump. You want something to attack because that is all that matters to you, Us vs. Them.

I am "attacking" the arguments you have made. They stand on their own, even if you had to go back and pull the "I was just joking, you guys!" card.

You then made this big deal about how you're not a Hillary supporter because I made a comment about how Democrats seem to care more about putting Hillary in the White House than all of the people Democrats have physically attacked over the past few months. When I pointed out you didn't have to be a Hillary supporter in order for you to prefer her to be president over Trump you've been engaged in a song and dance ever since then refusing to answer one simple question.

It IS possible to prefer one thing over another even if you don't like either option. I don't like tea at all, but if the choice was between drinking tea or my own piss I would choose tea in a heartbeat.

01-16-2017, 08:32 PM
It's the part where you wanting to rain nuclear holocaust upon an entire region of the world doesn't make you a fringe nutbag who everybody should ignore that I wanted you to explain, since you don't seem to realize that's how you come across.

And again you prove that you don't know how this works.

01-16-2017, 08:38 PM

01-16-2017, 08:42 PM
And again you prove that you don't know how this works.


01-17-2017, 11:53 AM

The guy who believed Bernie's promises of free stuff, who then put his support behind the woman that sabotaged him and his supporters, then purchased his third home.

When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything. ~ G.K. Chesterton

01-17-2017, 11:54 AM
I know exactly how it works. TG needs a way to try to paint me as the "Clinton loving liberal" he so gleefully hates and he will not be phased by mere facts...like how I did not want, support, or vote for her.

Why don't you tell us about the hundreds of millions of innocent people you believe we should annihilate in nuclear fire again, and then explain how you're not a fringe nutbag. Those mental gymnastics should occupy you for a while.

Watching you squirm is entertaining.

Thank you tgo01.

01-17-2017, 11:57 AM
Why don't you do what I've done and create my own Safe Space by using the ignore feature on these idiots? I hate opposing viewpoints, they are threatening to my gentle well being. Trust me, I'm a very sensitive snowflake.

Corrected for accuracy

01-17-2017, 07:26 PM
When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything. ~ G.K. Chesterton

I wonder if you can name where that quote is from?

Let me help you, he didn't. The irony is just delicious.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.

01-17-2017, 10:41 PM
I wonder if you can name where that quote is from?

Let me help you, he didn't. The irony is just delicious.

I think this went completely over your head, of course it is the reason you would believe a candidate like Bernie could deliver on his promises. Your lack of common sense made you out a sucker while he was shopping for his third home. History has proven time and time again that what Bernie promised fails, even with the abundance of evidence you still fell for it and got burnt bigly.

01-17-2017, 10:53 PM
I think this went completely over your head, of course it is the reason you would believe a candidate like Bernie could deliver on his promises. Your lack of common sense made you out a sucker while he was shopping for his third home. History has proven time and time again that what Bernie promised fails, even with the abundance of evidence you still fell for it and got burnt bigly.

You completely miss why I like Bernie in the first place. I never thought he would be able to get his ideas passed. I liked him because he was honest. This set him apart from the other candidates in my eyes. I still think he could have killed Trump in the general election.

So where is this "gotcha"? Oh right, you don't have one actually.

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe.

01-17-2017, 11:12 PM
You completely miss why I like Bernie in the first place. I never thought he would be able to get his ideas passed. I liked him because he was honest. This set him apart from the other candidates in my eyes. I still think he could have killed Trump in the general election.

So where is this "gotcha"? Oh right, you don't have one actually.

But he wasn't honest, he was selling chickens in every pot but you continued to believe because you had a deep seated belief in his message. He couldn't beat Hillary even after the scam was revealed, the evidence is there that he wouldn't have beaten Trump but you just refuse to accept it because you're a believer of his message. Quit acting like you have a belief system that doesn't require faith.

I honestly think you should watch this so your knee jerk reaction to "believers" doesn't make you fall far another Bernie.


01-17-2017, 11:35 PM
But he wasn't honest, he was selling chickens in every pot but you continued to believe because you had a deep seated belief in his message. He couldn't beat Hillary even after the scam was revealed, the evidence is there that he wouldn't have beaten Trump but you just refuse to accept it because you're a believer of his message. Quit acting like you have a belief system that doesn't require faith.

You're an idiot. If you can't tell the difference between me thinking Bernie would have won vs God is real.. I just..


01-18-2017, 12:44 AM
You're an idiot. If you can't tell the difference between me thinking Bernie would have won vs God is real.. I just..


That's not at all what I'm saying, it's that you're so hell bent on rejecting the idea that you don't even consider the why. You completely reject the idea without evidence (faith), I certainly know I don't reject science though it has yet to provide the evidence to remove the idea of a creator from the equation.

The video (which is a discussion between an atheist and a christian) explains why atheists gravitate towards collectivism. It has nothing to do with "is there a god or no god" which you have turned this into because of your knee jerk reaction at the mention of a creator.

01-18-2017, 12:57 AM
That's not at all what I'm saying, it's that you're so hell bent on rejecting the idea that you don't even consider the why. You completely reject the idea without evidence (faith), I certainly know I don't reject science though it has yet to provide the evidence to remove the idea of a creator from the equation.

The video (which is a discussion between an atheist and a christian) explains why atheists gravitate towards collectivism. It has nothing to do with "is there a god or no god" which you have turned this into because of your knee jerk reaction at the mention of a creator.

WTF am I rejecting? I think that Bernie could have won the general election. Of course its faith... I don't base any part of my life on it though... WTF are you even talking about at this point. What idea are you talking about?

I'm not watching your 1 hr+ video.

01-18-2017, 02:35 PM
You completely miss why I like Bernie in the first place. I never thought he would be able to get his ideas passed. I liked him because he was honest. This set him apart from the other candidates in my eyes. I still think he could have killed Trump in the general election.

So where is this "gotcha"? Oh right, you don't have one actually.

I don't disagree at all. Didn't believe in any of his socialistic policies, but he did and he stood by those principles.

01-22-2017, 05:41 AM
It IS possible to prefer one thing over another even if you don't like either option.

It's also possible to dislike two options equally and not have a preference for one over the other. But you don't seem to be willing to accept that. Why is that?