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05-09-2017, 06:40 PM
What are your thoughts?

05-09-2017, 06:48 PM
The dude investigating him just got fired you would have to be a complete fucking moron to not read what's going on. The only more obvious this can get is Trump sitting out on Dupont circle with a sign over his head.

05-09-2017, 07:03 PM
Comey isn't the dude investigating him. Comey doesn't investigate shit. He is incharge of the people who investigate.

05-09-2017, 07:07 PM
he has however been testifying at the grand jury the past few days

05-09-2017, 07:08 PM
I love how suddenly the left loves Comey now. Weren't they complaining he had cost Hillary the election just a couple of days ago?

I am kind of surprised at the firing though. Maybe Trump wants someone who will spend less time on useless investigations like the Russian bullshit and will look for ways to charge Hillary with a crime after all.

05-09-2017, 07:08 PM
he has however been testifying at the grand jury the past few days

And he still can testify. So can the new FBI director.

05-09-2017, 07:15 PM
Considering Giuliani's sources his prognosticating, wonder if Comey wasn't sabotaged with this latest error he made before congress.

Either way, its a lose lose situation. Comey was no good, his replacement will be no good.

05-09-2017, 07:15 PM
Comey will probably still be testifying. He isn't the investigator, but he still is the guy that is reported too. He still knows all the information, up until he was fired, about the investigation. The Director is an Administrative and Figurehead leader. He is usually from within the DoJ, but he isn't generally from LE or the FBI. The Deputy Director is the Operational Leader. The Deputy Director may be actually investigating something of this magnitude. Comey, on the other hand, not so much.

05-09-2017, 07:19 PM
OMG, let me help out the mental midgets here. Why the fuck would he do something this controversial at this sensitive and most controversial time? He would want to hurt himself in the polls or he's a complete idiot. He's not an idiot and even an idiot could see doing something like this to an FBI director with a 10 year tenure (appointed 2013) is completely fucking insane. So... WHY?

05-09-2017, 07:23 PM
OMG, let me help out the mental midgets here. Why the fuck would he do something this controversial at this sensitive and most controversial time? He would want to hurt himself in the polls or he's a complete idiot. He's not an idiot and even an idiot could see doing something like this to an FBI director with a 10 year tenure (appointed 2013) is completely fucking insane. So... WHY?

Ask Bill Clinton. He is the only other President to have fired an FBI Director.

05-09-2017, 07:25 PM
I love how suddenly the left loves Comey now. Weren't they complaining he had cost Hillary the election just a couple of days ago?

I am kind of surprised at the firing though. Maybe Trump wants someone who will spend less time on useless investigations like the Russian bullshit and will look for ways to charge Hillary with a crime after all.

From WTOP radio on my way in. Seems like he was grossly incorrect about the number of classified e-mails forwarded by Clinton's Aide to her husband. That is what it sounded like on the radio, I haven't had a chance to read anything on it yet.

05-09-2017, 07:28 PM
Ask Bill Clinton. He is the only other President to have fired an FBI Director.

Yes, for legit reasons of FBI director sessions STEALING from the government and who was being investigated for YEARS....NOT out of the blue, cya!

So, unless Comey was caught red-handed last night trying to cross the Mexican border with 50 kilos of coke and a dead tijuana hooker in the trunk of his car... most likely this is NOT about Comey.

05-09-2017, 07:29 PM
It wasn't out of the blue. He made erroneous statements to a congressional panel.

05-09-2017, 07:35 PM
The President just fired someone investigating him. He did it, in part, on the recommendation of someone else potentially being investigated.

This has happened exactly one other time. Nixon.

If you can't see the problem here, you're selling out your country.
Don't normalize this. This is not what happens in healthy democracies.

05-09-2017, 07:36 PM
The President just fired someone investigating him. He did it, in part, on the recommendation of someone else potentially being investigated.

This has happened exactly one other time. Nixon.

If you can't see the problem here, you're selling out your country.
Don't normalize this. This is not what happens in healthy democracies.

Oh, he fired the Deputy Director and a bunch of Agents? I didn't see that part.

05-09-2017, 07:38 PM
It wasn't out of the blue. He made erroneous statements to a congressional panel.

Really? J edgar hoover dressed up as a woman in a brutally conservative period of US history and he's still remembered as a legendary FBI director and you think POTUS should give a shit (to the point of dismissal) because he said 671,100 emails when it was actually 671,200 emails.

05-09-2017, 07:39 PM
Really? J edgar hoover dressed up as a woman in a brutally conservative period of US history and he's still remembered as a legendary FBI director and you think POTUS should give a shit because he said 671,100 emails when it was actually 671,200 emails.

The fact that none of them contained classified materials when he said that they did is a pretty big distinction. As far as J Edgar's crossdressing, not only did nobody know about it until long after, but I figured you'd see him as a hero for that.

05-09-2017, 07:40 PM
Oh, he fired the Deputy Director and a bunch of Agents? I didn't see that part.

You're being willfully obtuse.


Presidents cannot be allowed to fire the people investigating them. This isn't okay. This is what Dictators do.

05-09-2017, 07:40 PM
he has however been testifying at the grand jury the past few days

Also scheduled to testify this Thursday.

05-09-2017, 07:43 PM
You're being willfully obtuse.


Presidents cannot be allowed to fire the people investigating them. This isn't okay. This is what Dictators do.

No, directors don't investigate shit. They are the Administrative heads of the FBI and serve as the figure head. Stop being ignorant about the structure of the FBI and go read a little. The Director is almost always appointed from OUTSIDE the FBI to serve a 10 year term, until resignation of dismissal. the DEPUTY Director comes from within the FBI and is incharge of operations, which is Investigations. Yes, they report to the Director, but he isn't leading the investigation of shit. But hey, I'm sure you're going to link some retarded news article that says he led investigations. Probably also call DevGru SEAL team 6, because they don't know wtf they are talking about.

05-09-2017, 07:44 PM
Oh, he fired the Deputy Director and a bunch of Agents? I didn't see that part.

This is particularly damning, he just cleaned house. The director is a political position appointed by a political appointee(POTUS). Firing low level career government personel (who ARE investigating him) is fucking shady as hell , this is like firing the SecDef then going ahead and firing 20 Seargents/grunts.Stop defending the indefensible!

05-09-2017, 07:44 PM
You're being willfully obtuse.

In other words: "Even though I just got finished saying this is the exact same thing as Nixon, and you pointed out I was wrong, stop pointing out where I'm wrong and just fall in line!"

Presidents cannot be allowed to fire the people investigating them. This isn't okay. This is what Dictators do.

I think dictators do more than just "fire" the head person in charge of a federal agency.

Also stop acting like Comey is out there in the field asking questions and gathering evidence or some shit. He has a fucking desk job.

05-09-2017, 07:44 PM
Oh, he fired the Deputy Director and a bunch of Agents? I didn't see that part.

You have to worry that whoever takes over for comey will undermine the investigations. Not sure if you're trolling, but comey was in charge of any investigation by the FBI.

This will lead to an independent investigation. Also, the reason for firing comey is asinine. He was basically fired for the way he treated Clinton.

Trump also had his personal bodyguard deliver the letter. It's crazy.

I hope this is trump's version of Nixon/cox. The beginning of the end.

05-09-2017, 07:48 PM
This is particularly damning, he just cleaned house. The director is a political position appointed by a political appointee(POTUS). Firing low level career government personel (who ARE investigating him) is fucking shady as hell , this is like firing the SecDef then going ahead and firing 20 Seargents/grunts.Stop defending the indefensible!

He can't do that. They are all Civil Service Employees and have the rights of appeal and several other protections. I was being sarcastic.

You have to worry that whoever takes over for comey will undermine the investigations. Not sure if you're trolling, but comey was in charge of any investigation by the FBI.

This will lead to an independent investigation. Also, the reason for firing comey is asinine. He was basically fired for the way he treated Clinton.

Trump also had his personal bodyguard deliver the letter. It's crazy.

I hope this is trump's version of Nixon/cox. The beginning of the end.

He is incharge of it the way that he is incharge of every investigation. He isn't investigating anything, information is just being given to him. The people actually doing the work were not touched. If you're worried about "interfering" with investigations... The FBI is under the DoJ... Who is incharge of the DoJ?

The Deputy Director exists precisely so that politics can't muck up the FBI too much. He is a career Civil Service Employee who actually runs shit and doesn't have to sit infront of congress all the time.

05-09-2017, 07:50 PM
You have to worry that whoever takes over for comey will undermine the investigations. Not sure if you're trolling, but comey was in charge of any investigation by the FBI.

This will lead to an independent investigation. Also, the reason for firing comey is asinine. He was basically fired for the way he treated Clinton.

Trump also had his personal bodyguard deliver the letter. It's crazy.

I hope this is trump's version of Nixon/cox. The beginning of the end.

It's comedy now. I'm certain that we're being bamboozled and this is all secretly a crazy reality TV show orchestrated by the mass media for ratings.


05-09-2017, 08:01 PM
In other words: "Even though I just got finished saying this is the exact same thing as Nixon, and you pointed out I was wrong, stop pointing out where I'm wrong and just fall in line!"

I think dictators do more than just "fire" the head person in charge of a federal agency.

Also stop acting like Comey is out there in the field asking questions and gathering evidence or some shit. He has a fucking desk job.

Um, it's clear that she thinks Comey is Fox Mulder.

05-09-2017, 08:05 PM

05-09-2017, 08:42 PM
He can't do that. They are all Civil Service Employees and have the rights of appeal and several other protections. I was being sarcastic.

He is incharge of it the way that he is incharge of every investigation. He isn't investigating anything, information is just being given to him. The people actually doing the work were not touched. If you're worried about "interfering" with investigations... The FBI is under the DoJ... Who is incharge of the DoJ?

The Deputy Director exists precisely so that politics can't muck up the FBI too much. He is a career Civil Service Employee who actually runs shit and doesn't have to sit infront of congress all the time.

You're right. Absolutely. He's overseeing the whole thing. The people doing the actual investigation are likely STILL working on the investigation now.

But, if a new director comes in with intentions of delaying or undermining these Russia investigations, we may never get to the bottom of the whole thing. Which is why a special independent investigation needs to occur.

Would you agree?

05-09-2017, 08:44 PM
You're right. Absolutely. He's overseeing the whole thing. The people doing the actual investigation are likely STILL working on the investigation now.

But, if a new director comes in with intentions of delaying or undermining these Russia investigations, we may never get to the bottom of the whole thing. Which is my special independent investigation needs to occur.

Would you agree?

I wouldn't mind if the investigators themselves were before Congress with their findings at the conclusion of their investigation, that is fine with me (not that it matters if it is fine with me or not.) If that was to be a known condition, no new Director would be able to influence them. Something at this high a level, I think anyone appointed to Director would know that is a likelihood. Infact, it'd be a guarantee if they find something on Trump himself. The onus is on Congress. They can subpeona investigators. If they decide that the newly appointed Director, or anyoen else, influenced the investigation... You have problems and that leads to impeachments.

05-09-2017, 08:45 PM
The President just fired someone investigating him. He did it, in part, on the recommendation of someone else potentially being investigated.

This has happened exactly one other time. Nixon.

If you can't see the problem here, you're selling out your country.
Don't normalize this. This is not what happens in healthy democracies.

Leave it to time4fun to really bring the stupidity here.

05-09-2017, 08:46 PM
You're being willfully obtuse.


Presidents cannot be allowed to fire the people investigating them. This isn't okay. This is what Dictators do.

So.. we can add FBI investigations to the long, long list of shit you know nothing about.

In before you claim you used to be an FBI agent.

05-09-2017, 09:00 PM
You have to worry that whoever takes over for comey will undermine the investigations. Not sure if you're trolling, but comey was in charge of any investigation by the FBI.

This will lead to an independent investigation. Also, the reason for firing comey is asinine. He was basically fired for the way he treated Clinton.

Trump also had his personal bodyguard deliver the letter. It's crazy.

I hope this is trump's version of Nixon/cox. The beginning of the end.

Not only that, but let's look at what happened and how:

It was just confirmed that there was a second investigation by the FBI into Trump's Russian business dealings.

Comey just happened to be out in LA- which means he would have had no time to try to preserve any evidence in his own office (if he's fired- he's not allowed back into the FBI offices).

It's been reported that the White House attempted to keep the Yates hearing from happening

Trump's own letter specifically claimed out that Comey apparently told him he wasn't under investigation (which, by the way, the man investigating him would NEVER say)

The justification blamed actions by Comey that Trump repeatedly praised

This. Is. Wrong. This is corruption. If you support this, if you justify it, you're doing something grotesque to our democracy. This is terrifying.

At the end of the day, what should send chills down everyone's spine is that the White House clearly knew the blowback on this would be huge. That means that they deemed the potential damage Comey's investigation could do to them to be even worse.

This is a political and constitutional crisis.

05-09-2017, 09:02 PM
Not only that, but let's look at what happened and how:

It was just confirmed that there was a second investigation by the FBI into Trump's Russian business dealings.

Comey just happened to be out in LA- which means he would have had no time to try to preserve any evidence in his own office (if he's fired- he's not allowed back into the FBI offices).

It's been reported that the White House attempted to keep the Yates hearing from happening

Trump's own letter specifically claimed out that Comey apparently told him he wasn't under investigation (which, by the way, the man investigating him would NEVER say)

The justification blamed actions by Comey that Trump repeatedly praised

This. Is. Wrong. This is corruption. If you support this, if you justify it, you're doing something grotesque to our democracy. This is terrifying.

At the end of the day, what should send chills down everyone's spine is that the White House clearly knew the blowback on this would be huge. That means that they deemed the potential damage Comey's investigation could do to them to be even worse.

This is a political and constitutional crisis.

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5e/5e6116694147369871eda4b177afec9ad0dce249c30070c349 52716e7d639098.jpg

05-09-2017, 09:02 PM
Dan Rather hits the nail on the head:

“Future generations may mark today as one of the truly dark days in American history, a history that may soon take an even more ominous turn.
President Trump’s sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey is a matter that should deeply concern every American, regardless of party, partisan politics or ideological leanings."

05-09-2017, 09:03 PM
This. Is. Wrong. This is corruption. If you support this, if you justify it, you're doing something grotesque to our democracy. This is terrifying.

At the end of the day, what should send chills down everyone's spine is that the White House clearly knew the blowback on this would be huge. That means that they deemed the potential damage Comey's investigation could do to them to be even worse.

This is a political and constitutional crisis.

You seriously need to get control of your emotions... be it via therapy or pharmaceuticals.

05-09-2017, 09:04 PM
Dan Rather hits the nail on the head:

“Future generations may mark today as one of the truly dark days in American history, a history that may soon take an even more ominous turn.
President Trump’s sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey is a matter that should deeply concern every American, regardless of party, partisan politics or ideological leanings."

Yes.. Dan Rather is the epitome of balanced and unbiased journalism.

You're being spoon fed... and swallowing everything put in front of you.

05-09-2017, 09:05 PM
If you actually read the explanation for why he was fired, which the White House kindly put in writing, you'll see it was because of what Comey did on July 5, 2016, when he made a public announcement about the Clinton investigation, instead of just being quiet about it and passing his recommendation to the Attorney General. I'm sure you remember Trump severely criticizing Comey at the time.

Trump's letter was not impolite. In the letter Trump thanked Comey for "informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation."

Read the whole thing right here.. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/09/politics/fbi-james-comey-fired-letter/

05-09-2017, 09:05 PM
https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18342675_1066473273484696_2888260864473113620_n.jp g?oh=ab121cd11f4c7b7957706d312bd68c74&oe=5978EC40

05-09-2017, 09:07 PM
Leave it to time4fun to really bring the stupidity here.

She's right. This is the perception of anyone who isn't biased towards the GOP or Trump.

I'm right in the middle. I've congratulated trump and I've openly ridiculed him. I WANT trump to do well. No bias here.

This appears to be an attempt to disrupt the investigation and plant someone of his choosing as FBI director.

How can you not be skeptical at this point? Even as a trump supporter... come on.

05-09-2017, 09:08 PM
If you actually read the explanation for why he was fired, which the White House kindly put in writing, you'll see it was because of what Comey did on July 5, 2016, when he made a public announcement about the Clinton investigation, instead of just being quiet about it and passing his recommendation to the Attorney General. I'm sure you remember Trump severely criticizing Comey at the time.

Trump's letter was not impolite. In the letter Trump thanked Comey for "informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation."

Read the whole thing right here.. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/09/politics/fbi-james-comey-fired-letter/

Right? Can you believe they even put that in writing?

05-09-2017, 09:19 PM
This. Is. Wrong. This is corruption. If you support this, if you justify it, you're doing something grotesque to our democracy. This is terrifying.

Says the dumb cunt who saw nothing wrong with the fucking attorney general meeting with a former president and the husband of a presidential candidate who was under investigation by the FBI. You Democrats have lost your credibility a long time ago when you tried to get that corrupt shit head Hillary elected.

05-09-2017, 09:19 PM
Grand jury subpoenas have been issued to flynn associates. The plot thickens...

05-09-2017, 09:21 PM
Says the dumb cunt who saw nothing wrong with the fucking attorney general meeting with a former president and the husband of a presidential candidate who was under investigation by the FBI. You Democrats have lost your credibility a long time ago when you tried to get that corrupt shit head Hillary elected.

Lynch meeting with Clinton wasn't good, but it pales in comparison.

Is it necessary to call someone a cunt? Come on. Did she strike a nerve?

05-09-2017, 09:22 PM
This is a cover up. It's extremely clear.

There has been and a pattern of disruptive behavior on the part of the White House in regards to the investigations.

There's nothing a President can say that justifies this action. There's nothing that Sessions can say that justifies the action (he recused himself from the Russia/Trump investigation and then fired the head of that investigation).

Our democracy is at stake here. We now have a big question in front of us: will we be a country where this behavior is normalized and acceptable? Or we will be a country that holds itself to a higher standard? This can't be a Republican vs Democrat situation. This is a point where we just need to be Americans. And we have a line that we can either draw or ignore.

05-09-2017, 09:22 PM
Lynch meeting with Clinton wasn't good, but it pales in comparison.

Is it necessary to call someone a cunt? Come on. Did she strike a nerve?

Read a lot of her previous posts in the political forums. She has very cuntish behavior on this side of the boards.

05-09-2017, 09:23 PM
Lynch meeting with Clinton wasn't good, but it pales in comparison.

How do you figure? The attorney general is the one who decides if someone is going to be prosecuted or not. The FBI director is basically just a figure head.

Is it necessary to call someone a cunt? Come on. Did she strike a nerve?

Yes it is necessary to call dumb cunts dumb cunts. She's not even trying to have a rational discussion here. It's just "OMG! IF YOU DON'T IMMEDIATELY CALL FOR TRUMP'S IMPEACHMENT THEN YOU ARE LITERALLY HITLER!!111" She is literally just spouting off conspiracy theories and far left wing pundit talking points.

05-09-2017, 09:25 PM
Is it necessary to call someone a cunt? Come on. Did she strike a nerve?

Shes a big girl and can defend herself. She is also pretty big into name calling, they just reciprocate each other.

05-09-2017, 09:25 PM
Comey will probably still be testifying. He isn't the investigator, but he still is the guy that is reported too. He still knows all the information, up until he was fired, about the investigation. The Director is an Administrative and Figurehead leader. He is usually from within the DoJ, but he isn't generally from LE or the FBI. The Deputy Director is the Operational Leader. The Deputy Director may be actually investigating something of this magnitude. Comey, on the other hand, not so much.

You mean Trump didn't wipe Comey with a cloth?

05-09-2017, 09:26 PM
Leave it to time4fun to really bring the stupidity here.

This is a cover up. It's extremely clear.

There has been and a pattern of disruptive behavior on the part of the White House in regards to the investigations.

There's nothing a President can say that justifies this action. There's nothing that Sessions can say that justifies the action (he recused himself from the Russia/Trump investigation and then fired the head of that investigation).

Our democracy is at stake here. We now have a big question in front of us: will we be a country where this behavior is normalized and acceptable? Or we will be a country that holds itself to a higher standard? This can't be a Republican vs Democrat situation. This is a point where we just need to be Americans. And we have a line that we can either draw or ignore.


05-09-2017, 09:27 PM
No, directors don't investigate shit. They are the Administrative heads of the FBI and serve as the figure head. Stop being ignorant about the structure of the FBI and go read a little. The Director is almost always appointed from OUTSIDE the FBI to serve a 10 year term, until resignation of dismissal. the DEPUTY Director comes from within the FBI and is incharge of operations, which is Investigations. Yes, they report to the Director, but he isn't leading the investigation of shit. But hey, I'm sure you're going to link some retarded news article that says he led investigations. Probably also call DevGru SEAL team 6, because they don't know wtf they are talking about.

She used to serve in the FBI and received multiple degrees from them.

05-09-2017, 09:27 PM
How do you figure? The attorney general is the one who decides if someone is going to be prosecuted or not. The FBI director is basically just a figure head.

Yes it is necessary to call dumb cunts dumb cunts. She's not even trying to have a rational discussion here. It's just "OMG! IF YOU DON'T IMMEDIATELY CALL FOR TRUMP'S IMPEACHMENT THEN YOU ARE LITERALLY HITLER!!111" She is literally just spouting off conspiracy theories and far left wing pundit talking points.

To be fair its not just far left wing people that are a bit suspicious about the move, myself included. I still haven't had the chance to look into what Comey did regarding the mismanagement of the Clinton Aide case.

05-09-2017, 09:33 PM
After thinking about it a short while, I'm ready to make one of my famous predictions. In a few weeks, everybody will figure out that Trump and Sessions were outsmarted by Rod Rosenstein -- the guy who wrote the memorandum that was attached to Sessions' letter that was attached to Trump's letter.

P.S. I looked again at the letter from Trump on White House stationery. Who typed that, I wonder? The space for his signature is centered horizontally on the letterhead. Nobody does that.

05-09-2017, 09:34 PM
To be fair its not just far left wing people that are a bit suspicious about the move, myself included. I still haven't had the chance to look into what Comey did regarding the mismanagement of the Clinton Aide case.

Here's all you need to know:

The letter cited behavior that Trump celebrated repeatedly in the past. And if there were concerns over past behavior, then the firing should've happened as soon as the administration came into office.

And does it matter? Is there really a circumstance where it's okay for a President to fire the person investigating them? Is there any interpretation here that doesn't scream abuse of power? Why didn't they immediately assign an independent prosecutor to take over? Why NOW? Why TODAY?

05-09-2017, 09:35 PM
Dan Rather hits the nail on the head:

“Future generations may mark today as one of the truly dark days in American history, a history that may soon take an even more ominous turn.
President Trump’s sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey is a matter that should deeply concern every American, regardless of party, partisan politics or ideological leanings."

What should really concern the American people is how shitty he handled the investigation and media circus around it as Director of the FBI. I would also suggest it is possible that he did so in order to stay alive and maybe save Lynch's sorry neck too.

05-09-2017, 09:35 PM
Who typed that, I wonder? The space for his signature is centered horizontally on the letterhead. Nobody does that.

Guccifer 2.0

05-09-2017, 09:35 PM
Shes a big girl and can defend herself. She is also pretty big into name calling, they just reciprocate each other.

I thought we were having a pleasant conversation. Cunt seemed harsh and out of left field.

Very well, carry on.

05-09-2017, 09:39 PM
Firing him for an event you spent months lauding and most certainly helped you win the election is either the craziest diversionary stunt ever or the most idiotic. Even the republicans are not thrilled with this from the comments I am reading. The timing couldn't have been more bizarre unless he waited to hand him the letter while he was testifying in front of the senate.

05-09-2017, 09:39 PM
What should really concern the American people is how shitty he handled the investigation and media circus around it as Director of the FBI. I would also suggest it is possible that he did so in order to stay alive and maybe save Lynch's sorry neck too.

That's point, even a valid point and I see your position though I disagree. I mean, I didn't like Comey. The circumstanced around the Clinton investigation thing just before the election shows that he'd lost it. There is a strong case to fire him but firing the FBI director is no small thing. It's only happened one other time and that guy was running afoul of ethics laws regarding misappropriation of funds.

The timing on this is horrible. I think that if Trump were acting in good faith he'd let this guy do his thing, let this blow over, and then fire him in a year.

05-09-2017, 09:42 PM
Firing him for an event you spent months lauding and most certainly helped you win the election is either the craziest diversionary stunt ever or the most idiotic. Even the republicans are not thrilled with this from the comments I am reading. The timing couldn't have been more bizarre unless he waited to hand him the letter while he was testifying in front of the senate.

Ditto. I applaud your logical take, sir.

05-09-2017, 09:42 PM
That's point, even a valid point and I see your position though I disagree. I mean, I didn't like Comey. The circumstanced around the Clinton investigation thing just before the election shows that he'd lost it. There is a strong case to fire him but firing the FBI director is no small thing. It's only happened one other time and that guy was running afoul of ethics laws regarding misappropriation of funds.

The timing on this is horrible. I think that if Trump were acting in good faith he'd let this guy do his thing, let this blow over, and then fire him in a year.

And now he gets to appoint the new leader of the FBI. So the last "Independent" person investigating him will be someone he selects.

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

Let me say that one more time:

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

05-09-2017, 09:44 PM
Trump should've fired comey day 1 if he disliked how he handled the Clinton thing. He chose to fire him after comey testified that he may or not go after trump.

We've learned with Yates and now comey, that if you cross trump or can't be controlled by trump, you're gone.

Is this a republic or a monarchy? ��

05-09-2017, 09:44 PM
And now he gets to appoint the new leader of the FBI. So the last "Independent" person investigating him will be someone he selects.

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

Let me say that one more time:

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

Comey wanted to indict Hillary but couldn't because protection from Lynch/Obama. You are what you eat.

05-09-2017, 09:45 PM
And now he gets to appoint the new leader of the FBI. So the last "Independent" person investigating him will be someone he selects.

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

Let me say that one more time:

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

Which is why an independent investigation needs to happen.

05-09-2017, 09:46 PM
Umm Lynch has been gone for 4 months, where is this prosecution? Sessions could have proceeded if there was enough to do anything could he not? I mean between attack legal pot and sanctuary cities he had some free time I assume.

05-09-2017, 09:46 PM
Comey wanted to indict Hillary but couldn't because protection from Lynch/Obama. You are what you eat.

Nothing you just said is remotely factual. You're making things up at this point.

They also have literally NOTHING to do with what happened tonight. This is not a punishment for people you disagreed with.

This is a pattern of behavior that is the definition of corruption.

05-09-2017, 09:47 PM
And now he gets to appoint the new leader of the FBI. So the last "Independent" person investigating him will be someone he selects.

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

Let me say that one more time:

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

The good news from the Right Wing media, and we've seen it here, is that the FBI director doesn't even investigate. It's just a figurehead position so no worries.

05-09-2017, 09:47 PM
Which is why an independent investigation needs to happen.

That's great, but guess whom they would have to lean on HEAVILY for their evidence and the larger investigation logistics and activities?

The FBI.

05-09-2017, 09:48 PM
How do you figure? The attorney general is the one who decides if someone is going to be prosecuted or not. The FBI director is basically just a figure head.

Yes it is necessary to call dumb cunts dumb cunts. She's not even trying to have a rational discussion here. It's just "OMG! IF YOU DON'T IMMEDIATELY CALL FOR TRUMP'S IMPEACHMENT THEN YOU ARE LITERALLY HITLER!!111" She is literally just spouting off conspiracy theories and far left wing pundit talking points.I think it's fair to say I read a lot of posts on this forum. I can't remember one time someone called you any of the things you loudly insist people call you. You're jumping at shadows.


05-09-2017, 09:52 PM
Nothing you just said is remotely factual. You're making things up at this point.

They also have literally NOTHING to do with what happened tonight. This is not a punishment for people you disagreed with.

This is a pattern of behavior that is the definition of corruption.

You poor dear, still in denial.

05-09-2017, 09:52 PM
Right? Can you believe they even put that in writing?

It means that it was VERY MUCH on his mind when he made this decision.

05-09-2017, 09:55 PM
Here's all you need to know:

The letter cited behavior that Trump celebrated repeatedly in the past. And if there were concerns over past behavior, then the firing should've happened as soon as the administration came into office.

And does it matter? Is there really a circumstance where it's okay for a President to fire the person investigating them? Is there any interpretation here that doesn't scream abuse of power? Why didn't they immediately assign an independent prosecutor to take over? Why NOW? Why TODAY?

He isn't investigating him.. That much I know. So, yes it does matter. I know this has been explained a few times already in this thread.

05-09-2017, 09:57 PM
He isn't investigating him.. That much I know. So, yes it does matter. I know this has been explained a few times already in this thread.

Comey just confirmed an activate FBI investigation into allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Clapper just confirmed an active investigation into Trump's Russia-Business ties.

So I'm curious- how do you know he was not being investigated?

05-09-2017, 09:57 PM
It means that it was VERY MUCH on his mind when he made this decision.

I hope it means that he's unable to be controlled by handlers (because you can bet your ass that no seasoned Washintonian would have allowed that if they could stop it) and he's going to end up hanging himself with this stuff. Like the letter he sent to Graham. Maybe that will be entered into evidence against him someday.

05-09-2017, 09:59 PM
I hope it means that he's unable to be controlled by handlers (because you can bet your ass that no seasoned Washintonian would have allowed that if they could stop it) and he's going to end up hanging himself with this stuff. Like the letter he sent to Graham. Maybe that will be entered into evidence against him someday.

He'll only face consequences if the American voters decide that they don't want to live in a country where the President can fire the person investigating him.

05-09-2017, 09:59 PM
Is there really a circumstance where it's okay for a President to fire the person investigating them?

So basically a person can have a job for life by just continually "investigating" the one person who can fire them?

I might actually agree with your position if this move resulted in all of the investigations against Trump and his admin being dropped. Until then this is nothing short of hysterics by a party desperately clinging to relevancy.

05-09-2017, 10:01 PM
I think it's fair to say I read a lot of posts on this forum. I can't remember one time someone called you any of the things you loudly insist people call you. You're jumping at shadows.


You've never seen time4fun call people here on the PC racist, sexist, Islamphobic, or even homophobic? You must not read nearly as many posts as you think you do.

05-09-2017, 10:04 PM
Just reported by CNN:
CNN exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation (http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/09/politics/grand-jury-fbi-russia/)

Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn seeking business records, as part of the ongoing probe of Russian meddling in last year's election, according to people familiar with the matter. CNN learned of the subpoenas hours before President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey.

There's no way Trump didn't know about this. The White House would appear to be panicking.

05-09-2017, 10:04 PM
World leaders never cozied up to Trump, not like they did with past US Presidents. Means their intelligence services gave them the frown and held their noses for the international symbol of something is fishy. Only time will tell.

I must say though the intrigue in D.C. now is at cartoonish levels, all people can talk about from hipsters in Adams Morgan to embassies in Kalorama is this fucked up palace cloak and dagger shit. Is this really what we want from our Commander in Chief? Shouldn't our leader not have this insane baggage when coming into office? Whatever, I guess we'll find out.

05-09-2017, 10:06 PM
So basically a person can have a job for life by just continually "investigating" the one person who can fire them?

I might actually agree with your position if this move resulted in all of the investigations against Trump and his admin being dropped. Until then this is nothing short of hysterics by a party desperately clinging to relevancy.

He had a 10 year term. It was better to let him continue on as director than to fire him.

Just wait, any day now trump will be lifting Russia sanctions and companies like Exxon will be moving in. Just wait.

05-09-2017, 10:08 PM
He had a 10 year term.

And what if at the end of his 10 year term he was in the middle of investigating the current president? DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE! WE CAN'T REPLACE THE FBI DIRECTOR NOW! THAT'S WHAT DICTATORS WOULD DO!!!111!!!"

It was better to let him continue on as director than to fire him.

No, you don't keep someone around just because. That's how we got into the mess of members of congress having something stupid like a 90% reelection rate.

Just wait, any day now trump will be lifting Russia sanctions and companies like Exxon will be moving in. Just wait.

They've already turned down companies like Exxon who wanted an exemption from the Russian sanctions and Tillerson has already gone on record as saying the sanctions that resulted from Russia's Crimea annexation won't be lifted until Crimea is returned to Ukraine. But why worry about pesky things like facts when we got our feelings to guide us?

05-09-2017, 10:09 PM
Comey just confirmed an activate FBI investigation into allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Clapper just confirmed an active investigation into Trump's Russia-Business ties.

So I'm curious- how do you know he was not being investigated?

I didn't mean Trump isn't being investigated, I meant that Comey isn't the one doing the investigation. Does the director have a part in it, yes. We'll have to see how it plays out, it is well within Trump's authority to fire him.

I don't like it, I think what Ardwen said is probably the best way this should have gone. But we are where we are. I'm tired of everyone getting riled up over everything that happens without knowing even half the facts.

05-09-2017, 10:11 PM
Gonna call it now. He's going to be the first POTUS to get impeached and eventually go to jail and/or suspended jail sentence probation in deference to his age and former status as POTUS.

05-09-2017, 10:12 PM
Gonna call it now. He's going to be the first POTUS to get impeached and eventually go to jail and/or suspended jail sentence probation in deference to his age and former status as POTUS.

Other Presidents have been impeached.

05-09-2017, 10:16 PM
I didn't mean Trump isn't being investigated, I meant that Comey isn't the one doing the investigation. Does the director have a part in it, yes. We'll have to see how it plays out, it is well within Trump's authority to fire him.

I don't like it, I think what Ardwen said is probably the best way this should have gone. But we are where we are. I'm tired of everyone getting riled up over everything that happens without knowing even half the facts.

Comey was IN CHARGE of the investigation. To say he wasn't doing the investigating is sort of a bizarre obscuring of the situation.

Trump is now going to get to choose who is in charge of that investigation. You say it's within his authority, but if it was done to interfere with the investigation, then actually it's extraordinarily illegal.

I guess you should just ask yourself this: if the President wanted to block an investigation into him and his team, what sort of actions might he take to do that?

And how familiar do those actions sound?

05-09-2017, 10:17 PM
This whole thread full of GOTCHA BITCH is everything that's wrong with America, and more specifically our two party system.

Trump is a clown show. This is just another step along the brick paved path to the Lion's Den.

The alternative was an equally ridiculous clown show. Hillary was in no way, shape, or form able to be president. I blame her and the DNC, more so for the reason we're in the predicament we're in that I do the GOP for putting forth Trump.

We're getting fucked. It doesn't matter who's in power. It doesn't matter who has the White House, Congress, or House. We're fucked. And instead of following the money, we're fighting amongst ourselves. Which is exactly where they want us.

So for me, I take the stance I've been taking for a while now. I work. I support my family. I pay taxes. I keep my head down and hope for the best for my children, and my children's children.

This is the most I've ever said as far as my political leanings, and probably the most you'll ever get out of me.

05-09-2017, 10:18 PM
Comey was IN CHARGE of the investigation. To say he wasn't doing the investigating is sort of a bizarre obscuring of the situation.

Trump is now going to get to choose who is in charge of that investigation. You say it's within his authority, but if it was done to interfere with the investigation, then actually it's extraordinarily illegal.

I guess you should just ask yourself this: if the President wanted to block an investigation into him and his team, what sort of actions might he take to do that?

And how familiar do those actions sound?

He is IN CHARGE of it the same way he is IN CHARGE of every investigation the FBI condicts. The quality and thoroughness of the investigation will not be effected by his dismissal. Stop being dense and read how the FBI operates.

05-09-2017, 10:18 PM
Comey was IN CHARGE of the investigation. To say he wasn't doing the investigating is sort of a bizarre obscuring of the situation.

Trump is now going to get to choose who is in charge of that investigation. You say it's within his authority, but if it was done to interfere with the investigation, then actually it's extraordinarily illegal.

I guess you should just ask yourself this: if the President wanted to block an investigation into him and his team, what sort of actions might he take to do that?

And how familiar do those actions sound?

It's the right wing spin machine. They're out on all the networks saying the same thing now. I admire how well they get their message out.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said*Tuesday*that it was "time to move on" from the investigations into ties between Trump campaign officials and Russia, hours after the president fired FBI Director James Comey


I don't think it affects at all in any capacity whatsoever,” she said.*“You will have the same people*that will be carrying it out to*the Department of Justice. The process continues both I believe*in the House and Senate*committees and I don't see any*change or disruption there.”

05-09-2017, 10:18 PM

05-09-2017, 10:28 PM
Think those of you saying Comey never investigated Trump is missing one critical and damning point. Comey was fired right after the FBI started issuing subpeonas to Flynn and Co. It's the timing here that makes it so fucked up. Why the fuck now? Why this instant tonight? Was Comey spotted on 5th ave shooting people? It's just too obviously biased, and the fact that the Trump team just could not find any other way to handle this must mean it's really bad.

05-09-2017, 10:32 PM
Think those of you saying Comey never investigated Trump is missing one critical and damning point. Comey was fired right after the FBI started issuing subpeonas to Flynn and Co. It's the timing here that makes it so fucked up. Why the fuck now? Why this instant tonight? Was Comey spotted on 5th ave shooting people? It's just too obviously biased, and the fact that the Trump team just could not find any other way to handle this must mean it's really bad.

I imagine it would be because of testimony that he literally just gave to Congress.

05-09-2017, 10:33 PM

Do you like that Tgo does Dreavenings?

05-09-2017, 10:35 PM
This whole thread full of GOTCHA BITCH is everything that's wrong with America, and more specifically our two party system.

Trump is a clown show. This is just another step along the brick paved path to the Lion's Den.

The alternative was an equally ridiculous clown show. Hillary was in no way, shape, or form able to be president. I blame her and the DNC, more so for the reason we're in the predicament we're in that I do the GOP for putting forth Trump.

We're getting fucked. It doesn't matter who's in power. It doesn't matter who has the White House, Congress, or House. We're fucked. And instead of following the money, we're fighting amongst ourselves. Which is exactly where they want us.

So for me, I take the stance I've been taking for a while now. I work. I support my family. I pay taxes. I keep my head down and hope for the best for my children, and my children's children.

This is the most I've ever said as far as my political leanings, and probably the most you'll ever get out of me.

Drama queen alert...

05-09-2017, 10:38 PM
Drama queen alert...

He ain't wrong.

05-09-2017, 10:39 PM
Drama queen alert...

Who are you again sweetheart?

05-09-2017, 10:47 PM
Who will be next to go? My money is on McMaster.

05-09-2017, 11:06 PM
Who will be next to go? My money is on McMaster.

I think it will be Time4fun.

05-09-2017, 11:10 PM
Who are you again sweetheart?

Someone calling you a drama queen because of your drama post.

05-09-2017, 11:51 PM
This whole thread full of GOTCHA BITCH is everything that's wrong with America, and more specifically our two party system.

Trump is a clown show. This is just another step along the brick paved path to the Lion's Den.

The alternative was an equally ridiculous clown show. Hillary was in no way, shape, or form able to be president. I blame her and the DNC, more so for the reason we're in the predicament we're in that I do the GOP for putting forth Trump.

We're getting fucked. It doesn't matter who's in power. It doesn't matter who has the White House, Congress, or House. We're fucked. And instead of following the money, we're fighting amongst ourselves. Which is exactly where they want us.

So for me, I take the stance I've been taking for a while now. I work. I support my family. I pay taxes. I keep my head down and hope for the best for my children, and my children's children.

This is the most I've ever said as far as my political leanings, and probably the most you'll ever get out of me.

We totally agree on something. Who would've thunk! You are on point with the "we're fighting amongst ourselves" comment. They need us to be against each other so they can keep the power.

It's totally fishy. It has been from before the election. It continues to be. What else would any rational person expect but for it to continue?

They are playing power games at our expense and with our tax dollars. Carlin was right.

05-09-2017, 11:59 PM
We totally agree on something. Who would've thunk! You are on point with the "we're fighting amongst ourselves" comment. They need us to be against each other so they can keep the power.

It's totally fishy. It has been from before the election. It continues to be. What else would any rational person expect but for it to continue?

They are playing power games at our expense and with our tax dollars. Carlin was right.

Except that in RC's anti-political party diatribe he just took the current situation and boiled it right back down to Republicans vs Democrats.

This isn't supposed to be a partisan issue. This is basic rule of law and democracy. The President of the US just fired the person overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he has set himself up to now get to choose who will next oversee those investigations.

This after months of active interference in the investigations.

It's painfully obvious what's going on here, and more "I hate Democrats/I hate Republicans" garbage is the opposite of helpful. Especially when you try to dress it up as being nonpartisan/above the fray.

And "Keeping your head down" isn't bravery or political independence. It's complacency and tacit approval. That shouldn't earn you maturity points.

05-10-2017, 12:02 AM
So for me, I take the stance I've been taking for a while now. I work. I support my family. I pay taxes. I keep my head down and hope for the best for my children, and my children's children.

We can't expect to count on this "the best for my children, and my children's children." if people continue to do this " take the stance I've been taking for a while now" or this "I keep my head down" or this "I pay taxes".

There is a bit of a sense of irony to your complete post though, that we will fight amongst ourselves yet still pay our federal income tax...kind of fucky.


05-10-2017, 12:12 AM
Except that in RC's anti-political party diatribe he just took the current situation and boiled it right back down to Republicans vs Democrats.

This isn't supposed to be a partisan issue. This is basic rule of law and democracy. The President of the US just fired the person overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he has set himself up to now get to choose who will next oversee those investigations.

This after months of active interference in the investigations.

It's painfully obvious what's going on here, and more "I hate Democrats/I hate Republicans" garbage is the opposite of helpful. Especially when you try to dress it up as being nonpartisan/above the fray.

And "Keeping your head down" isn't bravery or political independence. It's complacency and tacit approval. That shouldn't earn you maturity points.

You are the last person on this forum to be spouting this crap. GTFO

05-10-2017, 12:20 AM
Except that in RC's anti-political party diatribe he just took the current situation and boiled it right back down to Republicans vs Democrats.

This isn't supposed to be a partisan issue. This is basic rule of law and democracy. The President of the US just fired the person overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he has set himself up to now get to choose who will next oversee those investigations.

This after months of active interference in the investigations.

It's painfully obvious what's going on here, and more "I hate Democrats/I hate Republicans" garbage is the opposite of helpful. Especially when you try to dress it up as being nonpartisan/above the fray.

And "Keeping your head down" isn't bravery or political independence. It's complacency and tacit approval. That shouldn't earn you maturity points.

"If you're not on board with my petty outrage then you hate Democracy!" STFU already.

05-10-2017, 12:22 AM
Except that in RC's anti-political party diatribe he just took the current situation and boiled it right back down to Republicans vs Democrats.

This isn't supposed to be a partisan issue. This is basic rule of law and democracy. The President of the US just fired the person overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he has set himself up to now get to choose who will next oversee those investigations.

This after months of active interference in the investigations.

It's painfully obvious what's going on here, and more "I hate Democrats/I hate Republicans" garbage is the opposite of helpful. Especially when you try to dress it up as being nonpartisan/above the fray.

And "Keeping your head down" isn't bravery or political independence. It's complacency and tacit approval. That shouldn't earn you maturity points.

Have you come to your senses and are now willing to take up the libertarian cause? Surely by now you can see why the Federal government should be starved of it's funding. Or are you still comfortable with the idea of the people in Washington redistributing wealth?

05-10-2017, 12:38 AM
We totally agree on something. Who would've thunk! You are on point with the "we're fighting amongst ourselves" comment. They need us to be against each other so they can keep the power.

It's totally fishy. It has been from before the election. It continues to be. What else would any rational person expect but for it to continue?

They are playing power games at our expense and with our tax dollars. Carlin was right.

It's almost as if this is what Russia wanted.....

05-10-2017, 12:48 AM
It's almost as if this is what Russia wanted.....

What exactly has Russia gotten out of a Trump presidency so far? Sanctions lifted? No. Being able to do whatever they want to do in Syria? No.

05-10-2017, 12:48 AM
This isn't supposed to be a partisan issue. This is basic rule of law and democracy. The President of the US just fired the person overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he has set himself up to now get to choose who will next oversee those investigations.

Nothing is supposed to be a partisan issue. It is all supposed to be what is best for Americans. You have no problem citing basic rule of law, well except when it effects you or your family. What happened to the "basic rule of law" when it comes your brother that is here illegally? Be consistent, you can't be for something when it help you and against it when it adversely effects you and then expect people to take you seriously. You want your cake and to eat it to.

This after months of active interference in the investigations.

You only have a problem when it Republicans who do it, not if its Democrats doing it. Again be consistent, if you got outraged when Democrats do it, again, people might take you seriously.

You can spout about your degrees and this or that job you've held. I saw a wonderful post the other day regarding intelligence (not on this forum).

Found it:

Ben Carson is such a great example of how the concept of raw intelligence doesn’t exist, and that people can have wildly varying types of intelligence. This man is the best brain surgeon in America. Possibly the world. He invented a new way to treat seizures. He separated conjoined twins in a surgery that everyone else said was impossible. And he thinks going to prison makes you gay. He thinks the pyramids were grain silos built by the biblical Joseph.

So maybe you suck at something because in one area you’re Ben Carson The Politician but in another area you might be Ben Carson The Neurosurgeon.

05-10-2017, 12:57 AM
Can't be under FBI investigation if there's no FBI Director.

05-10-2017, 01:11 AM
Came for the insane right right mental gymnastics. Wasn't disappointed.

Lol @ "he's not the guy ACTUALLY, you know, going out and asking questions. So it doesn't count."

Holy shit guys. Like, really?

05-10-2017, 01:16 AM
Came for the insane right right mental gymnastics. Wasn't disappointed.

But you agree with the brain dead argument of "If you don't hate Trump NOW then you just don't care about Democracy"? Of course you do.

Lol @ "he's not the guy ACTUALLY, you know, going out and asking questions. So it doesn't count."

Holy shit guys. Like, really?

Yes, really. Like I said before; if this move somehow made all of the investigations against Trump and his administration go away then MAYBE I might change my mind. You guys are acting like Comey was the only guy out there investigating this shit and he kept all of his files in a filing cabinet and both he and said filing cabinet disappeared. Life will go on. Investigations will continue.

Not falling in line behind fascists like time4fun wants us to doesn't mean we hate Democracy.

For fuck's sake. Our founding fathers (I wonder if that phrase triggers people now?) Our founding persons were not stupid people. Do we really think they didn't take into account a loophole such as this?

Hey the president can be tried for high crimes and impeached, but let's give him the sole power to just fire everyone who has the power to investigate him.

05-10-2017, 02:15 AM
It's hilarious reading posts on Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter from people who said Trump would never fire Comey because Trump and Comey are corrupt just mere hours before Trump did in fact fire Comey.

I wonder how many of those people are now screaming this move is a threat to our Democracy.

05-10-2017, 06:22 AM
It's hilarious reading posts on Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter from people who said Trump would never fire Comey because Trump and Comey are corrupt just mere hours before Trump did in fact fire Comey.

I wonder how many of those people are now screaming this move is a threat to our Democracy.

That's politics in a nut shell. There is no logic. There is no rationality. Humans are stupid and fickle.

05-10-2017, 07:05 AM
President Donald Trump weighed firing his FBI director for more than a week. When he finally pulled the trigger Tuesday afternoon, he didn't call James Comey. He sent his longtime private security guard to deliver the termination letter in a manila folder to FBI headquarters.

He had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia. He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn’t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said.

Trump's firing of the high-profile FBI director on the 110th day since taking office marked another sudden turn for an administration that has fired its acting attorney general, national security adviser and now its FBI director, who Trump had praised until recent weeks and even blew a kiss to during a January appearance.

The news stunned Comey, who saw his dismissal on TV while speaking inside the FBI office in Los Angeles. It startled all but the uppermost ring of White House advisers, who said grumbling about Comey hadn't dominated their own morning senior staff meetings. Other top officials learned just before it happened and were unaware he was considering firing Comey. "Nobody really knew," one senior White House official said. "Our phones all buzzed and people said, What?"

By ousting the FBI director investigating his campaign and associates, Trump may have added more fuel to the fire he is furiously trying to contain — and he was quickly criticized by a chorus of Republicans and Democrats. "The timing of this firing was very troubling," said Sen. Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican.

Trump had grown angry with the Russia investigation — particularly Comey admitting in front of the Senate that the FBI was investigating his campaign — and that the FBI director wouldn't support his claims that President Barack Obama had tapped his phones in Trump Tower.

Bipartisan criticism of Comey had mounted since last summer after his lengthy statement outlining why he was closing the investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

But the fallout seemed to take the White House by surprise. Trump made a round of calls around 5 p.m., asking for support from senators. White House officials believed it would be a "win-win" because Republicans and Democrats alike have problems with the FBI director, one person briefed on their deliberations said.

Instead, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told him he was making a big mistake — and Trump seemed "taken aback," according to a person familiar with the call.

By Tuesday evening, the president was watching the coverage of his decision and frustrated no one was on TV defending him, a White House official said. He wanted surrogates out there beating the drum.

Instead, advisers were attacking each other for not realizing the gravity of the situation as events blew up. "How are you not defending your position for three solid hours on TV?" the White House aide said.

Two White House officials said there was little communications strategy in handling the firing, and that staffers were given talking points late Tuesday for hastily arranged media appearances. Aides soon circulated previous quotes from Schumer hitting Comey. After Schumer called for a special prosecutor, the White House huddled in press secretary Sean Spicer's office to devise a strategy and sent "fresh faces" to TV, one White House official said.

By Tuesday night, aides were using TV appearances to spin the firing as a simple bureaucratic matter and call for an end to the investigation. "It's time to move on," Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the deputy press secretary, said on Fox News.

In his letter dismissing Comey, Trump said the FBI director had given him three private assurances that he wasn't under investigation. The White House declined to say when those conversations happened — or why Comey would volunteer such information. It is not the first time Trump has publicly commented on an ongoing investigation — typically a no-no for presidents. He said earlier this month that Comey had done Clinton a favor by letting her off easy.

Trump received letters from Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, and Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, calling for Comey's dismissal, on Tuesday, a spokesman said. The president then decided to fire him based on the recommendations and moved quickly. The spokesman said Trump did not ask for the letters in advance, and that White House officials had no idea they were coming.

But several other people familiar with the events said Trump had talked about the firing for over a week, and the letters were written to give him rationale to fire Comey.

The decision marked a turnabout for Trump. On the campaign trail, the candidate led chants of "Lock her up!" and praised Comey’s “guts” in October for reopening the probe into her email server. He joked openly with Comey at the White House two days after the inauguration.

Trump, as one White House official noted, believed Comey was too soft on Clinton — not too unfair, as Rosenstein’s letter Tuesday indicated.

At FBI headquarters, one senior official said the bureau was essentially in lockdown, not answering calls flooding in and referring all questions to the Justice Department. "I got nothing for you. Sorry," said the official. "We were caught totally off guard. But we are not commenting in any kind of way, and referring calls to DOJ."

Comey had flown on an FBI plane to Los Angeles for a "diversity and recruiting" event. Trump’s director of Oval Office operations, longtime security aide Keith Schiller, hand-delivered the dismissal letter to FBI headquarters.

By Tuesday evening, the shock that had spread throughout the ranks of current and former FBI officials was mixed with a growing sense of anger among the many Comey loyalists, and demands for answers as to why the director had been fired — and why now.

“We just have no idea why this happened. No idea,” said one recently retired top FBI official who worked closely with Comey on many high-profile investigations. “No one knew this was coming. Everyone is just shocked that this happened.”

There was no immediate front-runner for the job, one White House official said. "If there's a list, I haven't seen it," said one senior White House official.

While shock dominated much of the FBI and the White House, the mood was more elated at Roger Stone's house in Florida. Several Stone allies and friends said Stone, who has been frequently mentioned in the investigation, encouraged the president to fire Comey in conversations in recent weeks.

On Twitter, Stone signaled praise for the move by posting an image of Trump from The Apprentice saying "You're fired."

Stone declined to comment Tuesday night but said he was enjoying a fine cigar.

Josh Meyer, Tara Palmeri and Annie Karni contributed to this report.


05-10-2017, 07:13 AM
Except that in RC's anti-political party diatribe he just took the current situation and boiled it right back down to Republicans vs Democrats.

This isn't supposed to be a partisan issue. This is basic rule of law and democracy. The President of the US just fired the person overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he has set himself up to now get to choose who will next oversee those investigations.

This after months of active interference in the investigations.

It's painfully obvious what's going on here, and more "I hate Democrats/I hate Republicans" garbage is the opposite of helpful. Especially when you try to dress it up as being nonpartisan/above the fray.

And "Keeping your head down" isn't bravery or political independence. It's complacency and tacit approval. That shouldn't earn you maturity points.

The only thing I said is that I blame the left more so than the right. I still blame the right a metric fuckton for running a retard in Trump.

And in keeping my head down I meant that I don't talk politics with anyone in my life, regardless of their political leanings. I speak with my voting. You may not like it, but it's how I chose to live my life. Feel free to continue with your assumptions though; If I couldn't care less what the few people I'm close to think I damn sure don't care what someone I've never met on a message board does.

05-10-2017, 07:27 AM
She's right. This is the perception of anyone who isn't biased towards the GOP or Trump.

I'm right in the middle. I've congratulated trump and I've openly ridiculed him. I WANT trump to do well. No bias here.

Please stop. You had one of the biggest meltdowns after he took office. You claiming to have no bias is hilarious.

This appears to be an attempt to disrupt the investigation and plant someone of his choosing as FBI director.

If you are anti-Trump, yes, this would appear to be something other than it is.

How can you not be skeptical at this point? Even as a trump supporter... come on.

Because people like you, crying over everything he does and calling it a conspiracy makes me think you are too emotionally invested in President Trump.

05-10-2017, 07:31 AM
That's point, even a valid point and I see your position though I disagree. I mean, I didn't like Comey. The circumstanced around the Clinton investigation thing just before the election shows that he'd lost it. There is a strong case to fire him but firing the FBI director is no small thing. It's only happened one other time and that guy was running afoul of ethics laws regarding misappropriation of funds.

The timing on this is horrible. I think that if Trump were acting in good faith he'd let this guy do his thing, let this blow over, and then fire him in a year.

You would keep a bad employee for a year, just so you don't look badly to some people? That's just pathetic.

President Trump doesn't seem to be someone who gives a shit about appearances. A bad employee has to go.

05-10-2017, 07:32 AM
And now he gets to appoint the new leader of the FBI. So the last "Independent" person investigating him will be someone he selects.

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.

Let me say that one more time:

We are about to let a President CHOOSE the person who is investigating him.


Senate has to confirm him.. take some more xanax.

05-10-2017, 07:33 AM
Trump should've fired comey day 1 if he disliked how he handled the Clinton thing. He chose to fire him after comey testified that he may or not go after trump.

We've learned with Yates and now comey, that if you cross trump or can't be controlled by trump, you're gone.

Is this a republic or a monarchy? 🤔

Yes, yes.. no bias here at all!

You should go into journalism.

05-10-2017, 09:11 AM
In January right after the inauguration, Trump blew a kiss to Comey..

President Donald Trump appeared to blow a kiss at FBI Director James Comey during a White House event on Sunday.

More... (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-james-comey-air-kiss_us_58857527e4b096b4a232b942)

I found the video..


05-10-2017, 09:14 AM
He is a jilted lover.

05-10-2017, 09:17 AM
Honestly, the best thing for him to do is just allow for a special independent prosecutor so they can finish their investigation and clear his name once and for all. It's just too fucked now, instead of killing the issue by firing Comey he just killed it and raised it in the form of a Lich more powerful than ever.

05-10-2017, 09:25 AM
In January right after the inauguration, Trump blew a kiss to Comey..

I found the video..


Only if we could be so lucky as to have man like Michael Corleone as our president. A war hero, a family man, a practicing Catholic.

05-10-2017, 09:42 AM
Honestly, the best thing for him to do is just allow for a special independent prosecutor so they can finish their investigation and clear his name once and for all. It's just too fucked now, instead of killing the issue by firing Comey he just killed it and raised it in the form of a Lich more powerful than ever.

Clear his name? Trump just risked political corruption and obstruction charges. If he thought there was a good chance an independent investigation would exonerate him, be would never have taken that risk.

05-10-2017, 09:44 AM
Really.... I just want to see Trump's birth certificate.

This whole thing is completely idiotic, but once you set it to the Benny Hill music and remind yourself that there's absolutely nothing you can do here but wait until the next election.... it's not so bad.

05-10-2017, 09:50 AM
Only if we could be so lucky as to have man like Michael Corleone as our president. A war hero, a family man, a practicing Catholic.

From your mouth to God's ear!

05-10-2017, 09:51 AM
Really.... I just want to see Trump's birth certificate.

This whole thing is completely idiotic, but once you set it to the Benny Hill music and remind yourself that there's absolutely nothing you can do here but wait until the next election.... it's not so bad.

It's only idiotic if you think Trump had nothing to lose by allowing the investigation to continue unhindered.

Note- the only reason Republicans in Congress turned on Nixon was the sudden proliferation of political demonstrations that popped up after the Saturday Night massacre. So there's definitely plenty we can do before the election!

05-10-2017, 09:53 AM
From your mouth to God's ear!

Yes let's take seriously the opinions of someone who spent weeks logging into lnet broadcasting insane racist and anti-Semitic garbage. (And whose posts were the reason for the PC moderator hunt)

05-10-2017, 09:54 AM
I may disagree with the timing and how it was handled, but the Director is a political appointment and serves at the pleasure of the President. I personally believe that Mr Comey is a good man who tried to do the right thing, but was in a no win situation so no matter what the outcome, some group would be asking for his dismissal. Better to get someone into that position that is confirmed through the Senate and can straighten out this mess

05-10-2017, 10:09 AM
Yes let's take seriously the opinions of someone who spent weeks logging into lnet broadcasting insane racist and anti-Semitic garbage. (And whose posts were the reason for the PC moderator hunt)

You do realize Michael Corleone is a fictional character and it was a joke post... right?

05-10-2017, 10:11 AM
Yes let's take seriously the opinions of someone who spent weeks logging into lnet broadcasting insane racist and anti-Semitic garbage. (And whose posts were the reason for the PC moderator hunt)

Now I'm the reason for the "PC moderator hunt" in your land of make believe? you have serious issues.

05-10-2017, 10:17 AM
It's only idiotic if you think Trump had nothing to lose by allowing the investigation to continue unhindered.

Note- the only reason Republicans in Congress turned on Nixon was the sudden proliferation of political demonstrations that popped up after the Saturday Night massacre. So there's definitely plenty we can do before the election!

No. It's idiotic, period. I can't even muster up the energy to be shocked anymore. But instead of standing on my soapbox and screaming against the waves of unyielding stupidity, I'm getting involved in politics at a local level and trying to see how I can help there.

05-10-2017, 10:17 AM
Really.... I just want to see Trump's birth certificate.

This whole thing is completely idiotic, but once you set it to the Benny Hill music and remind yourself that there's absolutely nothing you can do here but wait until the next election.... it's not so bad.

The price of a mocha latte hasn't really changed since Trump became president, I think we will be fine.

05-10-2017, 10:27 AM
Now I'm the reason for the "PC moderator hunt" in your land of make believe? you have serious issues.
To the extent of the information I have, there is no evidence that Neveragain was behind those racist spam accounts...

While it is possible that a proxy was used to create/post from those accounts, from what I have found, people that use proxies tend to fuck up and forget to activate/deactivate the proxy when using their main account, and add some level of trace ability between the garbage and main accts.

05-10-2017, 10:32 AM
To the extent of the information I have, there is no evidence that Neveragain was behind those racist spam accounts...

While it is possible that a proxy was used to create/post from those accounts, from what I have found, people that use proxies tend to fuck up and forget to activate/deactivate the proxy when using their main account, and add some level of trace ability between the garbage and main accts.

It's been confirmed by several people, and he's never denied it when accused.

05-10-2017, 10:34 AM
It's been confirmed by several people, and he's never denied it when accused.

Who? And what information do they have that the board moderator, that can see IP addresses, doesn't?

05-10-2017, 10:34 AM
It's been confirmed by several people, and he's never denied it when accused.

You're fucking retarded.

05-10-2017, 10:37 AM
You're fucking retarded.

Uh huh. Don't forget to take your meds.

05-10-2017, 10:38 AM
It's been confirmed by several people, and he's never denied it when accused.
Who, and what basis/evidence are they citing for confirmation without having access to the moderation console and IP logs of posts?

Because now you're saying that I'm wrong, so that's taking it to a different level.

05-10-2017, 10:40 AM
No. It's idiotic, period. I can't even muster up the energy to be shocked anymore. But instead of standing on my soapbox and screaming against the waves of unyielding stupidity, I'm getting involved in politics at a local level and trying to see how I can help there.

Good. Stupid deserves to hear facts too though.

What's your plan? We're headed to a Swing Left rally at the only swing district within 50 miles this weekend.

Had to talk my BF out of going to an SF rally instead.

05-10-2017, 10:41 AM
To the extent of the information I have, there is no evidence that Neveragain was behind those racist spam accounts...

While it is possible that a proxy was used to create/post from those accounts, from what I have found, people that use proxies tend to fuck up and forget to activate/deactivate the proxy when using their main account, and add some level of trace ability between the garbage and main accts.

Writing style is much more telling between posters. Use of words, writing levels, and use of certain syntax. Just some hints.

05-10-2017, 10:41 AM
Uh huh. Don't forget to take your meds.

No honestly i'm interested now. Me who still doesn't bother to take the time to learn to post a gif correctly is somehow doing whatever the fuck it takes to mask my IP or whatever the fuck it is and .... I'm listening?

05-10-2017, 10:42 AM
Nothing is supposed to be a partisan issue. It is all supposed to be what is best for Americans. You have no problem citing basic rule of law, well except when it effects you or your family. What happened to the "basic rule of law" when it comes your brother that is here illegally? Be consistent, you can't be for something when it help you and against it when it adversely effects you and then expect people to take you seriously. You want your cake and to eat it to.

You only have a problem when it Republicans who do it, not if its Democrats doing it. Again be consistent, if you got outraged when Democrats do it, again, people might take you seriously.

You can spout about your degrees and this or that job you've held. I saw a wonderful post the other day regarding intelligence (not on this forum).

Found it:

Ben Carson is such a great example of how the concept of raw intelligence doesn’t exist, and that people can have wildly varying types of intelligence. This man is the best brain surgeon in America. Possibly the world. He invented a new way to treat seizures. He separated conjoined twins in a surgery that everyone else said was impossible. And he thinks going to prison makes you gay. He thinks the pyramids were grain silos built by the biblical Joseph.

So maybe you suck at something because in one area you’re Ben Carson The Politician but in another area you might be Ben Carson The Neurosurgeon.


05-10-2017, 10:43 AM
Writing style is much more telling between posters. Use of words, writing levels, and use of certain syntax. Just some hints.
Except I believe that is one of only a handful of times you've used capital letter or punctuation in a post rather than just shitting into post form. It's easy enough to spoof.

05-10-2017, 10:47 AM
Except I believe that is one of only a handful of times you've used capital letter or punctuation in a post rather than just shitting into post form. It's easy enough to spoof.

I always use proper punctuation. Some telling punctuation I use is '...', use that a ton. I try to use improper punctuation when trying to hide my alt accounts.

In terms of genocide guy, I think he was spotted on Lnet, perhaps that is what time4fun is talking about. It doesn't sound like what Neveragain would do however.

05-10-2017, 10:48 AM
No honestly i'm interested now. Me who still doesn't bother to take the time to learn to post a gif correctly is somehow doing whatever the fuck it takes to mask my IP or whatever the fuck it is and .... I'm listening?

Except I'm more interested in the FBI than your past rants on lnet.

05-10-2017, 10:51 AM
I may disagree with the timing and how it was handled, but the Director is a political appointment and serves at the pleasure of the President. I personally believe that Mr Comey is a good man who tried to do the right thing, but was in a no win situation so no matter what the outcome, some group would be asking for his dismissal. Better to get someone into that position that is confirmed through the Senate and can straighten out this mess

For once I agree with you.

05-10-2017, 10:51 AM
Comey was too hot on both sides. Republicans already think he put politics first by refusing to recommend prosecuting Clinton. Dems thought his public flambe of Clinton cost her the election and cost America dearly.

Comey was in the public too much.

Comey's job requires trust. No politicians can trust him.

I personally believe that Mr. Comey knew he was taking a big hit with his Clinton press conference. If he recommends prosecution, and she actually had been prosecuted, he would have effectively subverted the democratic process of the United States by eliminating a major party's candidate. If he withheld all information, he may have allowed a candidate that he knew had serious issues become president.

In the end, he took the personal hit, was hated on all sides, and did it for what he felt was the best.

He still had to go.

05-10-2017, 10:51 AM
Except I'm more interested in the FBI than your past rants on lnet.

There was no rants on lnet you stupid cunt.

05-10-2017, 10:53 AM
It's been confirmed by several people, and he's never denied it when accused.

Sort of like how Bill Clinton raping underage girls on Epstein's Orgy Island has been confirmed by multiple people and Bill has never denied it?

05-10-2017, 10:59 AM
Comey was too hot on both sides. Republicans already think he put politics first by refusing to recommend prosecuting Clinton. Dems thought his public flambe of Clinton cost her the election and cost America dearly.

Comey was in the public too much.

Comey's job requires trust. No politicians can trust him.

I personally believe that Mr. Comey knew he was taking a big hit with his Clinton press conference. If he recommends prosecution, and she actually had been prosecuted, he would have effectively subverted the democratic process of the United States by eliminating a major party's candidate. If he withheld all information, he may have allowed a candidate that he knew had serious issues become president.

In the end, he took the personal hit, was hated on all sides, and did it for what he felt was the best.

He still had to go.

YES but why now? and why so incredibly sudden? And doing this to a FBI director (who isn't charged criminally) is incredibly unorthodox.

Further, if you really wanted to do something like this wouldn't it be wiser to drag him through the mud a bit, get public criticism of him going from both sides, and finally fire him months later on when everyone trashed him thoroughly (including Trump; who praised him to the heavens and even blew a kiss at him). Then the Trump/Comey love affair suddenly ends right when Flynn and friends get subpeona'd and the investigation gets deeper... why not just take a polaroid of Trump holding a bloody knife kneeling over a dead body?

05-10-2017, 11:00 AM
Except I'm more interested in the FBI than your past rants on lnet.

aka you have no evidence

This is the problem that the Democrats have with their far left members. Throwing around accusations with no evidence.

Sorry, I'm going to trust the guy with the IP logs versus someone who deflects when pressed for their sources.

05-10-2017, 11:00 AM
Sort of like how Bill Clinton raping underage girls on Epstein's Orgy Island has been confirmed by multiple people and Bill has never denied it?

uhhh wut? source?

05-10-2017, 11:06 AM
Comey was too hot on both sides. Republicans already think he put politics first by refusing to recommend prosecuting Clinton. Dems thought his public flambe of Clinton cost her the election and cost America dearly.

Comey was in the public too much.

Comey's job requires trust. No politicians can trust him.

I personally believe that Mr. Comey knew he was taking a big hit with his Clinton press conference. If he recommends prosecution, and she actually had been prosecuted, he would have effectively subverted the democratic process of the United States by eliminating a major party's candidate. If he withheld all information, he may have allowed a candidate that he knew had serious issues become president.

In the end, he took the personal hit, was hated on all sides, and did it for what he felt was the best.

He still had to go.

The best advice I've heard when it comes to understanding the administration is to focus on what they do, not what they say.

If you get into a discussion of whether or not Comey is the person you want in charge of the FBI- you miss the real question: is it appropriate for a President to fire the person investigating him and then to appoint their next investigator?

The letter outlining the reasons for firing Comey was garbage on its face, but it was intended to steer the conversation away from the Constitutional crisis of a President who actively works to undermine the justice system.

05-10-2017, 11:19 AM
If you get into a discussion of whether or not Comey is the person you want in charge of the FBI- you miss the real question: is it appropriate for a President to fire the person investigating him and then to appoint their next investigator?

What if Comey had been caught doing rails of coke off a hookers ass in his office? Would you object to the President firing him even if his administration was currently under investigation by the organization he oversees?

If you answer yes, then we agree that the President has and should have that ability. The question becomes at what offense does that right become improper.

You are playing your own game of hide the ball. You want people to look over here and ignore whats going on someplace else.

Its the old joke:

A man walks up to a woman at a bar and asks "Would you have sex with me for a million dollars?" She replies "Well, that is a lot of money, ok." He then asks "Well then, will you do it for 10 dollars?" She replies " Of course not, what do you think I am a whore?" He says "I've already established that, at this point we're simply negotiating."

05-10-2017, 11:23 AM
Yes let's take seriously the opinions of someone who spent weeks logging into lnet broadcasting insane racist and anti-Semitic garbage. (And whose posts were the reason for the PC moderator hunt)

You are

It's been confirmed by several people, and he's never denied it when accused.

Certifiably crazy

05-10-2017, 11:23 AM
Uh huh. Don't forget to take your meds.


05-10-2017, 11:28 AM
The best advice I've heard when it comes to understanding the administration is to focus on what they do, not what they say.

If you get into a discussion of whether or not Comey is the person you want in charge of the FBI- you miss the real question: is it appropriate for a President to fire the person investigating him and then to appoint their next investigator?

The letter outlining the reasons for firing Comey was garbage on its face, but it was intended to steer the conversation away from the Constitutional crisis of a President who actively works to undermine the justice system.

I mean, Comey was in charge. The people doing the investigating will be doing the investigating. As mentioned above, the next person appointed has to go through Congress, which is a lulz bath in and of itself. Note well that the letter came after Rod Rosenstein, who was approved by the senate NINETY FOUR to SIX, sent a formal request to Atty. General Sessions.

People will see this a thousand different ways, which is fine. Hopefully, it makes (anti Trump or "constitutional crisis" people) feel better that the outrage over everything Trump does is not dying down.

Remember that Dems have been calling for Comey's head for how long? Repubs have, too. Trump gave them what they wanted. This is the biggest cognitive dissonance bomb since the election, and it's okay for people to feel....crazy.

Besides, Trump's letter states that he's not under investigation! :tongue:

05-10-2017, 11:55 AM

Apparently Comey asked the deputy AG (who wrote the memo justifying firing him) for more resources on the Russian interference investigation last week.

Sure looks like an attempt to shut down the investigation to me.

05-10-2017, 11:58 AM
Good. Stupid deserves to hear facts too though.

What's your plan? We're headed to a Swing Left rally at the only swing district within 50 miles this weekend.

Had to talk my BF out of going to an SF rally instead.

Currently I've taken on some work as a graphic designer for the DPW and I'm trying to reach out to their web team to fix the ridiculousness of their site. I'm not a huge fan of rallies, or large groups of people in general so I'd prefer to work behind the scenes.

Tsk Tsk
05-10-2017, 12:24 PM
I don't understand the logic that "he will still be investigated, that won't stop so it doesn't matter that Comey was fired." The director sets the tone and ensures the operations are handled correctly. The administrative role chooses the course of the investigation which you'd be daft to act like is not significant. The new director could also halt the investigation if they so chose because they have that power.

05-10-2017, 02:07 PM
I don't understand the logic that "he will still be investigated, that won't stop so it doesn't matter that Comey was fired." The director sets the tone and ensures the operations are handled correctly. The administrative role chooses the course of the investigation which you'd be daft to act like is not significant. The new director could also halt the investigation if they so chose because they have that power.

Basically, our politics has become so divided that even if it was Putin in the White House as long as he has a (R) next to his name the Democrats are just hypocrites!

05-10-2017, 02:12 PM

05-10-2017, 02:35 PM
Sure looks like an attempt to shut down the investigation to me.

Of course that's what it looks like to you.

I'm shocked, really.

05-10-2017, 02:38 PM
For once I agree with you.

This is a good habit to get into.

05-10-2017, 02:39 PM
Sure looks like an attempt to shut down the investigation to me.

I don't agree, but even if you're right...the truth has a habit of making itself known sooner or later.

05-10-2017, 02:48 PM

And that's from a "Never Trump" paper.

05-10-2017, 02:55 PM
I mean, when the investigation closes, I'm pretty certain the investigators will be testifying in a closed session before Congress on their findings. If the new Director, or anyone else, unduly jacked with the investigation, that'll be brought out there. Chill people. Use logic.

05-10-2017, 03:16 PM
What exactly has Russia gotten out of a Trump presidency so far? Sanctions lifted? No. Being able to do whatever they want to do in Syria? No.

Chaos. Sanctions being lifted will happen one day. It's coming.

There is utter chaos in the WH. Things are not being ran properly. Your local Taco Bell is being ran better than the White House currently.

Trump and his crew have embarrassed and undermined the US in the eyes of the world. This is EXACTLY what Russia wants.

05-10-2017, 03:25 PM
Russian state media allowed in for Russian meeting but no American outlets:

http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x176/shaft4783/3961354E-C7CD-4983-9BDE-DD2F72A1AF03.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/shaft4783/media/3961354E-C7CD-4983-9BDE-DD2F72A1AF03.jpg.html)

http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x176/shaft4783/796D894A-DE38-4E35-8F7E-D1A0AA875ABC.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/shaft4783/media/796D894A-DE38-4E35-8F7E-D1A0AA875ABC.jpg.html)

http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x176/shaft4783/ACA4D627-B45D-44C0-86F7-31A21A663265.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/shaft4783/media/ACA4D627-B45D-44C0-86F7-31A21A663265.jpg.html)

I like imagine they're laughing at the citizens of the US who voted for Trump. "Can you believe how FUCKING stupid these people are??? Hahaha! We can do anything we want and get away with it"!

Also, those images were today, the day after the FBI boss was fired.

Here's a snapshot with merkel, who's a strong ally of the US:

http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x176/shaft4783/E23580DE-4F0C-48D6-8884-A1EA9C672DD0.jpg (http://s184.photobucket.com/user/shaft4783/media/E23580DE-4F0C-48D6-8884-A1EA9C672DD0.jpg.html)

Trump looks like he's thinking of his golf swing here. Anything to get out of this moment.

05-10-2017, 03:35 PM
Chaos. Sanctions being lifted will happen one day. It's coming.

There is utter chaos in the WH. Things are not being ran properly. Your local Taco Bell is being ran better than the White House currently.

Trump and his crew have embarrassed and undermined the US in the eyes of the world. This is EXACTLY what Russia wants.

Honestly, you're so triggered again...

It'll be ok.

05-10-2017, 03:53 PM
Trump looks like he's thinking of his golf swing here. Anything to get out of this moment.

i love this interpretation of this photo

05-10-2017, 04:03 PM
Chaos. Sanctions being lifted will happen one day. It's coming.

There is utter chaos in the WH. Things are not being ran properly. Your local Taco Bell is being ran better than the White House currently.

Trump and his crew have embarrassed and undermined the US in the eyes of the world. This is EXACTLY what Russia wants.

You're retarded. The idea that you have any clue what Russia wants is laughable. You lost. Get over it.

05-10-2017, 04:20 PM
You're retarded. The idea that you have any clue what Russia wants is laughable. You lost. Get over it.

lol, because Wraith KNOWS.. oh he KNOWS what Putin is thinkin'

05-10-2017, 06:30 PM
The new director could also halt the investigation if they so chose because they have that power.

Yes, and I would have a problem with that. Until then we're just screaming the sky is falling because TRUMP!

The person replacing Comey until a new one can be confirmed is apparently a Democrat, so I doubt he will be playing politics in Trump's favor.

05-10-2017, 06:32 PM

Chaos due to Democrats, yes. If you're saying Russia knew Democrats would act like entitled children the way they have been then I think you're giving Russia entirely too much credit. No one could have predicted the childishness of the left.

05-10-2017, 06:47 PM
Chaos due to Democrats, yes. If you're saying Russia knew Democrats would act like entitled children the way they have been then I think you're giving Russia entirely too much credit. No one could have predicted the childishness of the left.


Seriously dude, read that. Look at things happening. Realize it's not normal. I know Obama like pissed in your cheerios or whatever, but really. Don't be scared.

But lol liberals, amirite?

05-10-2017, 06:54 PM

Seriously dude, read that. Look at things happening. Realize it's not normal. I know Obama like pissed in your cheerios or whatever, but really. Don't be scared.

But lol liberals, amirite?

SHAFT said Russia has gotten "chaos" out of Trump's election victory.

The only "chaos" I have seen since Jan 20th has been from the left. Go ahead and name me some "chaos" the Republicans have been responsible for since Jan 20th. Let's see if said "chaos" actually benefits Putin or Russia.

But lol Trump, amirite?

05-10-2017, 06:56 PM

Seriously dude, read that. Look at things happening. Realize it's not normal. I know Obama like pissed in your cheerios or whatever, but really. Don't be scared.

But lol liberals, amirite?

Probably the biggest reason most people voted for Trump... it's not the same ol' same ol' politician. He's going to do things you believe are "not normal".

You're still going to be ok. You don't have to be "terrified", "upset" or "scared".

05-10-2017, 09:06 PM

Seriously dude, read that. Look at things happening. Realize it's not normal. I know Obama like pissed in your cheerios or whatever, but really. Don't be scared.

But lol liberals, amirite?

Lol liberals and also, you lost. Get over it. Hillary emails! Obama is a crook! Lock them up!

Damn I miss George W bush....

05-10-2017, 11:07 PM
Washington Post reporting this evening that recently Comey had become increasingly concerned about collusion between the Trump campaign and the FBI: (https://www.wsj.com/articles/james-comey-had-requested-more-money-for-fbi-s-russia-investigation-before-being-fired-u-s-official-1494433061)

Mr. Comey started receiving daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation, beginning at least three weeks ago, according to people with knowledge of the matter and the progress of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe. Mr. Comey was concerned by information showing possible evidence of collusion, according to these people.

Meanwhile the Administration is now acknowledging that the firing wasn't due to the wishes of the Deputy Attorney General, and that instead it was Trump's wishes.

CNN and others (http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/10/politics/white-hot-trump-comey/) are also reporting that sources close to the President say that Trump had Comey fired because

Comey "was his own man" and could not be trusted in a role so pivotal to the presidency.

Also that he refused to disclose the details of his Senate testimony to the President and his aids before the hearing.

Multiple sources (http://abc7chicago.com/news/comey-requested-money-manpower-for-russia-probe-days-before-firing/1975402/) also confirm that Comey had just- days before- requested additional staffing and resources for the Russian investigation.

05-10-2017, 11:17 PM
Meanwhile the Administration is now acknowledging that the firing wasn't due to the wishes of the Deputy Attorney General, and that instead it was Trump's wishes.

Where are you reading that? Because every source I've seen says it was DoJ wanting Comey out. Yes, Trump was considering firing him from day 1, but it was the two letters from the DoJ that finally led to it. Trump could have fired the guy at any time, so I am pretty sure it was DoJ that led to him finally doing it.

05-10-2017, 11:26 PM
Washington Post reporting this evening that recently Comey had become increasingly concerned about collusion between the Trump campaign and the FBI: (https://www.wsj.com/articles/james-comey-had-requested-more-money-for-fbi-s-russia-investigation-before-being-fired-u-s-official-1494433061)

Meanwhile the Administration is now acknowledging that the firing wasn't due to the wishes of the Deputy Attorney General, and that instead it was Trump's wishes.

CNN and others (http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/10/politics/white-hot-trump-comey/) are also reporting that sources close to the President say that Trump had Comey fired because

Also that he refused to disclose the details of his Senate testimony to the President and his aids before the hearing.

Multiple sources (http://abc7chicago.com/news/comey-requested-money-manpower-for-russia-probe-days-before-firing/1975402/) also confirm that Comey had just- days before- requested additional staffing and resources for the Russian investigation.

You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous moaning spirit that has established a territory in the Graveyard near Wehnimer's Landing. You can get its attention by pointing out how stupid its arguments are.

05-10-2017, 11:29 PM
Where are you reading that? Because every source I've seen says it was DoJ wanting Comey out. Yes, Trump was considering firing him from day 1, but it was the two letters from the DoJ that finally led to it. Trump could have fired the guy at any time, so I am pretty sure it was DoJ that led to him finally doing it.

What sources are telling you they wanted Comey out? It's being reported that FBI Agents were in tears (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/09/omey-firing-fbi-tears-238190). And anyone who is telling you that the FBI is relieved that a subject of an investigation just fired the person overseeing that investiation is lying through their teeth.

There is literally no evidence whatsoever that the DoJ in general wanted him fired. Sessions- who had recused himself from this earlier and who is also potentially under investigation as a member of the Trump campaign team- definitely said he agreed with the decision. (which is the opposite of recusal). Are you reading the news on this? I'm asking this seriously.

The New York Times reporting (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/10/us/politics/how-trump-decided-to-fire-james-comey.html?_r=0)on Trump's anger- telling people close to him that Comey had to go over the weekend.

Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-trumps-anger-and-impatience-prompted-him-to-fire-the-fbi-director/2017/05/10/d9642334-359c-11e7-b373-418f6849a004_story.html?tid=a_breakingnews&hpid=hp_no-name_no-name%3Apage%2Fbreaking-news-bar) also now breaking news that the Deputy Attorney General threatened to quit after Trump claimed that he was the one who pushed Comey out.

Back at work Monday morning in Washington, Trump told Vice President Pence and several senior aides — Reince Priebus, Stephen K. Bannon and Donald McGahn, among others — that he was ready to move on Comey. First, though, he wanted to talk with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, his trusted confidant, and Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, to whom Comey reported directly. Trump summoned the two of them to the White House for a meeting, according to a person close to the White House.

The president already had decided to fire Comey, according to this person. But in the meeting, several White House officials said Trump gave Sessions and Rosenstein a directive: to explain in writing the case against Comey.

Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey and that the president acted only on his recommendation, said the person close to the White House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

There are several outlets who are confirming that this was Trump's call. I'm confused as to where you're getting your news.

05-10-2017, 11:31 PM
What sources are telling you they wanted Comey out? It's being reported that FBI Agents were in tears (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/09/omey-firing-fbi-tears-238190). And anyone who is telling you that the FBI is relieved that a subject of an investigation just fired the person overseeing that investiation is lying through their teeth.

Did you know the DoJ is far more than the FBI?


"Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein sent letters to Trump on Tuesday expressing concern over the way Comey handled the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server." AG and DAG sent letters.

I know you're trying to create some narrative where Trump was the only person that thought Comey was bumbling around in his job, but that just isn't the case.

05-10-2017, 11:34 PM
Did you know the DoJ is far more than the FBI?


"Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein sent letters to Trump on Tuesday expressing concern over the way Comey handled the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server." AG and DAG sent letters.

Wait-seriously? The only thing you're reading at this point is a description of the Administration's explanation? You did notice the part where Trump's own letter claimed that Comey told him three times he wasn't under investigation, right? That would never happen, and the heads of both Congressional Intelligence Committees confirmed on the record that Trump/Russian collusion was still very much under investigation tonight. Are you taking the administration's description at face value with no critical engagement?

Have you not read anything else since?

05-10-2017, 11:35 PM
Washington Post reporting this evening that recently Comey had become increasingly concerned about collusion between the Trump campaign and the FBI: (https://www.wsj.com/articles/james-comey-had-requested-more-money-for-fbi-s-russia-investigation-before-being-fired-u-s-official-1494433061)

Meanwhile the Administration is now acknowledging that the firing wasn't due to the wishes of the Deputy Attorney General, and that instead it was Trump's wishes.

CNN and others (http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/10/politics/white-hot-trump-comey/) are also reporting that sources close to the President say that Trump had Comey fired because

Also that he refused to disclose the details of his Senate testimony to the President and his aids before the hearing.

Multiple sources (http://abc7chicago.com/news/comey-requested-money-manpower-for-russia-probe-days-before-firing/1975402/) also confirm that Comey had just- days before- requested additional staffing and resources for the Russian investigation.

It's been confirmed by multiple sources that Time4lies credibility rating is lower than Trumps.

05-10-2017, 11:38 PM
Wait-seriously? The only thing you're reading at this point is a description of the Administration's explanation? You did notice the part where Trump's own letter claimed that Comey told him three times he wasn't under investigation, right? That would never happen, and the heads of both Congressional Intelligence Committees confirmed on the record that Trump/Russian collusion was still very much under investigation tonight. Are you taking the administration's description at face value with no critical engagement?

Have you not read anything else since?

Wait, you're telling me that the two folks from the DoJ who sent those letters haven't come out and denied ever sending those letters? Because they would.

05-10-2017, 11:41 PM
It's been confirmed by multiple sources that Time4lies credibility rating is lower than Trumps.

But she has soooo many degrees, expertise in 13 martial arts and created the Nike "Just Do It" campaign.

05-10-2017, 11:42 PM
There's gonna be a gotcha moment in all this, I think McCain is right (crazy I know) but this is not done by a long shot.

05-10-2017, 11:45 PM
But she has soooo many degrees, expertise in 13 martial arts and created the Nike "Just Do It" campaign.

Yeah...just literate. Try it sometime.

Seriously- it's sad that you never have actual sources or reasoned arguments to offer. Why are you hanging out in a politics folder if you are averse to keeping up with the news and critically engaging with the material?

05-10-2017, 11:45 PM
The PC politics section is srs bzns

05-10-2017, 11:47 PM
There's gonna be a gotcha moment in all this, I think McCain is right (crazy I know) but this is not done by a long shot.

If the WP's reporting on Ronsenstein is accurate, then this is VERY much not done. He'll be asked to testify in front of the Congressional Committees, and even Chaffetz is calling for the IG to investigate the firing. Rosenstein isn't going to fall on the sword for Trump.

05-10-2017, 11:55 PM
I think they should nominate Rick Sanchez for FBI director. He is smart with a no non-sense attitude.

05-10-2017, 11:56 PM
I think they should nominate Rick Sanchez for FBI director. He is smart with a no non-sense attitude.

I concur.


05-10-2017, 11:57 PM
Yeah...just literate. Try it sometime.

Seriously- it's sad that you never have actual sources or reasoned arguments to offer. Why are you hanging out in a politics folder if you are averse to keeping up with the news and critically engaging with the material?

I have presented a series of literate discussions, salient arguments and relevant supporting facts and materials that completely discredit your's and other's arguments in this folder over time. The response from you and others is similar to the tripe you just posted. Intellectual elitism, textural vomit, distractions, insults and dismissal all in a futile attempt to seem relevant and more importantly to you, right. There comes a point where you have to accept that you can lead a Liberal/Progressive/Socialist to knowledge but you can't make them think. I simply can't take you or others seriously, you are barely worth my time to ridicule and until that changes, I wish you a good day, a nice life and hope that when the collapse of society comes due to your misguided ideas and ideology that I get to see you get your comeuppance.

In the end, we are all going to die and karma is a bitch. I have paid my dues, my life is taking shape decently and you simply aren't important enough to engage to any substantial degree.

05-10-2017, 11:58 PM
For those not following the evolving White House explanation for Comey's firing...

This evening, the White House has changed their tune (http://time.com/4774493/james-comey-fired-donald-trump-election/) and is now saying that Trump had been considering firing Comey for quite some time:

The White House said Wednesday that President Donald Trump had been considering FBI Director James Comey's termination since the day he was elected, but wanted to give him a chance in the role first.

Of course, Tuesday:

Trump fired Comey on Tuesday evening, telling him in a letter that new leadership was needed to restore trust in the FBI. In his letter, which the White House publicized, he cited recommendations from Sessions and Rosenstein, who argued in a memo, also publicized, that Comey's handling of Hillary Clinton's private email server should be grounds for his removal.

Which is strange given:

But the statement that Trump lost confidence in Comey contradicts what both he and his administration said about the former FBI Director as recently as last week.
"I have confidence in him," Trump said last month in an interview with Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo. He did, however, acknowledge that it wasn't too late to remove him. "We'll see what happens," he told Bartiromo.


And just one week ago, on May 3, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters the president had "confidence" in Comey after he was asked why Trump was tweeting about the now-former FBI director giving Clinton a "free pass for many bad deeds," presumably by deciding not to charges against her in her email case.

When I say you have to stop paying attention to what they say and focus on what they do, this is what I mean.

05-11-2017, 12:15 AM
Meanwhile the Administration is now acknowledging that the firing wasn't due to the wishes of the Deputy Attorney General, and that instead it was Trump's wishes.

I feel you're being purposefully misleading.

Ultimately Trump is the president, "the buck stops here", right?

It's like I'm the owner of a company, one of my managers sends me a message saying he thinks employee Joe should be fired for whatever reason. Ultimately I make the decision of Joe should be fired or not, but my manager's message was part of the decision making process.

05-11-2017, 12:16 AM
When I say you have to stop paying attention to what they say and focus on what they do, this is what I mean.


Yeah a President contradicting himself isn't something new. This isn't the smoking gun you're looking for. Get some real evidence and then this discussion can make meaningful progress.

05-11-2017, 12:17 AM
There is literally no evidence whatsoever that the DoJ in general wanted him fired. Sessions- who had recused himself from this earlier and who is also potentially under investigation as a member of the Trump campaign team- definitely said he agreed with the decision. (which is the opposite of recusal).

Recusal means he can't agree with the president's decision on something?

Get the fuck out of here. I honestly can't take your stupidity sometimes. It's like I can feel your stupidness crawling all over my brain.

05-11-2017, 12:23 AM
For those not following the evolving White House explanation for Comey's firing...

This evening, the White House has changed their tune (http://time.com/4774493/james-comey-fired-donald-trump-election/) and is now saying that Trump had been considering firing Comey for quite some time:

Of course, Tuesday:

Which is strange given:


When I say you have to stop paying attention to what they say and focus on what they do, this is what I mean.

NOTHING you just quoted is out of the ordinary. In fact, it kind of makes sense. Trump had been considering firing Comey since day one but wanted to give him a chance. He gave him a chance. The two highest people in the DOJ, after an investigation, suggested he be fired, so he was fired. How is this bad?

You then go on to list a bunch of fucking nonsense it boggles the mind. You're giving Trump shit for not coming right out and saying he has no confidence in the FBI directer yet the man still has a job? What kind of message does this send? "I have no confidence in our ambassador to the UN, but I'm gonna go ahead and keep her on for a while." Until said ambassador is fired everyone will view her statements with suspect considering she doesn't have the confidence of the president.

Look, time4fun, I know to you this is the biggest scandal in US history. But to those of us who still have working brain cells this is very much a non issue, and seems rather routine. There have been Democrat congress people, including Sanders himself, who have said they think Comey needs to be fired, needs to resign, or that he no longer has the faith of the people. Now that Trump went ahead and fired Comey and now it's Watergate Part 2! This time we mean it!

Do you need the name of a good proctologist to see if they can remove your head out of your ass?

05-11-2017, 12:39 AM
Yeah a President contradicting himself isn't something new. This isn't the smoking gun you're looking for. Get some real evidence and then this discussion can make meaningful progress.

Smoking gun for what?

That they're clearly lying about why Comey was fired? You don't need a smoking gun for that.

My point was in reference to a comment I made earlier- you can't use the Administration's own description of their actions and motivations as primary sources.

05-11-2017, 12:44 AM
Smoking gun for what?

That they're clearly lying about why Comey was fired? You don't need a smoking gun for that.

My point was in reference to a comment I made earlier- you can't use the Administration's own description of their actions and motivations as primary sources.

You are asserting that he was fired because his organization is investigating Trump. Is this correct?

05-11-2017, 12:49 AM
You are asserting that he was fired because his organization is investigating Trump. Is this correct?

As has been reported by numerous outlets this evening- 3-4 of which I quoted earlier.

Including the Washington Post article (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-trumps-anger-and-impatience-prompted-him-to-fire-the-fbi-director/2017/05/10/d9642334-359c-11e7-b373-418f6849a004_story.html?utm_term=.82fffd9afcb6) that broke the news about the Deputy AG threatening to quit after Trump pinned the whole thing on him.

And- as I see where your misguided argument is headed- I'll point out that the Post article alone purportedly gathered information from 30 different sources.

So let's be clear here- this is not me personally asserting this (though truly there is no other reasonable explanation)- it's actually being widely reported as we speak.

05-11-2017, 01:05 AM
As has been reported by numerous outlets this evening- 3-4 of which I quoted earlier.

Including the Washington Post article (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-trumps-anger-and-impatience-prompted-him-to-fire-the-fbi-director/2017/05/10/d9642334-359c-11e7-b373-418f6849a004_story.html?utm_term=.82fffd9afcb6) that broke the news about the Deputy AG threatening to quit after Trump pinned the whole thing on him.

And- as I see where your misguided argument is headed- I'll point out that the Post article alone purportedly gathered information from 30 different sources.

So let's be clear here- this is not me personally asserting this (though truly there is no other reasonable explanation)- it's actually being widely reported as we speak.

Good article. Did I miss the part where they say he was fired because he was investigating Trump's involvement with Russia? Or was I supposed to infer that?

I didn't see it in there. That is you reading an article and making your own inference from it and then saying "this article says exactly what I am saying, see!". The article lists several reasons for why he was fired and none of them are because of the ongoing investigation into Trumps involvement with Russia.

He wasn’t doing a good job,” Trump told reporters Wednesday. “Very simple. He wasn’t doing a good job.”

But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey. Many of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss internal deliberations.

Trump was angry that Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Barack Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. Trump was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

I don't disagree that it COULD be the reason. I disagree that it is 100% no other discussion needed.

05-11-2017, 05:41 AM
The Trump acolytes here need a selfie of Trump high fiving Putin while they're both squatting and taking a shit on the US flag.

I understand giving someone the benefit of the doubt especially on matters of treason but he's the fucking President of the United States, there should be no doubt, and the bar/standard is at the absolute highest especially on matters of selling out your country to the enemy.

05-11-2017, 06:12 AM
The Trump acolytes here need a selfie of Trump high fiving Putin while they're both squatting and taking a shit on the US flag.

I understand giving someone the benefit of the doubt especially on matters of treason but he's the fucking President of the United States, there should be no doubt, and the bar/standard is at the absolute highest especially on matters of selling out your country to the enemy.


05-11-2017, 07:29 AM
As has been reported by numerous outlets this evening- 3-4 of which I quoted earlier.

Including the Washington Post article (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-trumps-anger-and-impatience-prompted-him-to-fire-the-fbi-director/2017/05/10/d9642334-359c-11e7-b373-418f6849a004_story.html?utm_term=.82fffd9afcb6) that broke the news about the Deputy AG threatening to quit after Trump pinned the whole thing on him.

And- as I see where your misguided argument is headed- I'll point out that the Post article alone purportedly gathered information from 30 different sources.

So let's be clear here- this is not me personally asserting this (though truly there is no other reasonable explanation)- it's actually being widely reported as we speak.

The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President. Clearly President Trump wanted him gone, since he's the only one that could fire him.

But you seriously should continue to chase the "BUT RUSSIA" angle.. because so far, that's been nothing but thin air and entertainment.

One day, after idiots like you have exhausted this excuse.. maybe you'll look back at 2016 and come to the conclusion every sane person already has: Hillary Clinton was such a flawed candidate that she paved the way for President Trump.

05-11-2017, 07:34 AM
Comey was all class in his farewell letter:

To all:
I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all. I'm not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you won't either. It is done, and I will be fine, although I will miss you and the mission deeply.

I have said to you before that, in times of turbulence, the American people should see the FBI as a rock of competence, honesty, and independence. What makes leaving the FBI hard is the nature and quality of its people, who together make it that rock for America.
It is very hard to leave a group of people who are committed only to doing the right thing. My hope is that you will continue to live our values and the mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution.
If you do that, you too will be sad when you leave, and the American people will be safer.
Working with you has been one of the great joys of my life. Thank you for that gift.
Jim Comey

Imagine if all the flip flopping Democrats had a small sliver of his class.

05-11-2017, 07:40 AM

Next time, Colbert.. prep your audience BEFORE you start. How would they know they are supposed to like Comey now unless you tell them!?!?

05-11-2017, 07:46 AM
I don't know at this point, I'm on the fence with Trump still. Either he's really a traitor or he's THE most inept politician EVER and all this is just him looking bad because of stupid (but innocent) political mistakes.

However, I would not be satisified until a fully independent investigation by multiple departments is applied to this matter. If Trump is truly innocent he should be begging for this, heck he can launch his own investigation alongside the other independent investigation teams if he thinks he'll be treated unfairly.

05-11-2017, 07:50 AM
The Trump acolytes here need a selfie of Trump high fiving Putin while they're both squatting and taking a shit on the US flag.

I understand giving someone the benefit of the doubt especially on matters of treason but he's the fucking President of the United States, there should be no doubt, and the bar/standard is at the absolute highest especially on matters of selling out your country to the enemy.

So is Russia the enemy or was there a reset button, or what?

05-11-2017, 08:25 AM
I have presented a series of literate discussions, salient arguments and relevant supporting facts and materials that completely discredit your's and other's arguments in this folder over time. The response from you and others is similar to the tripe you just posted. Intellectual elitism, textural vomit, distractions, insults and dismissal all in a futile attempt to seem relevant and more importantly to you, right. There comes a point where you have to accept that you can lead a Liberal/Progressive/Socialist to knowledge but you can't make them think. I simply can't take you or others seriously, you are barely worth my time to ridicule and until that changes, I wish you a good day, a nice life and hope that when the collapse of society comes due to your misguided ideas and ideology that I get to see you get your comeuppance.

In the end, we are all going to die and karma is a bitch. I have paid my dues, my life is taking shape decently and you simply aren't important enough to engage to any substantial degree.

That's why absolutely no one takes time4fun serious in the politics folder, she's just a wannabe macgyver troll.

05-11-2017, 08:26 AM
So is Russia the enemy or was there a reset button, or what?

Russia is our enemy as much as Syria or Iraq under Saddam, they are ideologically, geopolitically, and historically always have been since WW2. Before then Russia was fairly amicable with the U.S., they helped out during the American Revolutionary War, remained neutral but offered mediation during the Civil war, and was generally a friendly neighbor (although perhaps not 'besties').

World War 2 changed this due to power dynamics and in IR it's all about the power dynamics (note most of the 19th and 18th centuries Britain was our enemy, this was mainly because Britain was an empire bent on total world domination.) And now after the USSR blew up after the late 80's and the almost Simpson's Nelson like "HaHa" policy the U.S. took with an incredibly humiliated Russia during the 90's, the Russians are out for blood and yearning for the old empire. As Putin constantly reminds his countrymen in speeches and gatherings , "To be strong is good, to be weak is evil."

Therefore, although in terms of motives and history Russia is an opponent, due to the amount of power they wield (mostly in terms of their military) we can't just do a 'Syria Bombing' and call it a day. We must negotiate and bargain and try to compete with them on a quasi-military diplomatic level. A 'reset' just means high-level diplomatic talks resume, not let's be friends again. There are no friends in international relations. It's like prison, if you don't beat someone up on the first day you become someone's bitch.

05-11-2017, 08:29 AM
That's why absolutely no one takes time4fun serious in the politics folder, she's just a wannabe macgyver troll.


05-11-2017, 08:42 AM
Question to get you to think along the lines I want you to think:

With this much cognitive dissonance going on, why would a public investigation with multiple groups get that the obama administration and the fbi (until now) couldn't?

I mean they used the golden showers dossier.

Investigations are done with people, and finding neutral investigators for Mr. Trump is harder than finding a neutral jury for the OJ simpson trial.

See what comes to wikileaks after this.

05-11-2017, 08:48 AM
Question to get you to think along the lines I want you to think:

With this much cognitive dissonance going on, why would a public investigation with multiple groups get that the obama administration and the fbi (until now) couldn't?

I mean they used the golden showers dossier.

Investigations are done with people, and finding neutral investigators for Mr. Trump is harder than finding a neutral jury for the OJ simpson trial.

See what comes to wikileaks after this.

If all else fails they could get a third party (read as French or Swiss or Canadian investigators etc.) to pursue this. This will NEVER happen because of the optics but it's an option. And the FBI and other areas of the US government still have a lot of patriots. None of these guys serve at the pleasure of the President or any political party.

05-11-2017, 08:52 AM
=. And the FBI and other areas of the US government still have a lot of patriots. None of these guys serve at the pleasure of the President or any political party.

This is a very good point. I do trust that the "investigators" that were working on it before, and continue to do so, are fine - or at least as good as any other we're likely to get.

My point is like we keep calling for "special this" and "more investigations", etc etc etc - when we haven't even seen the results of what actually is going on.

05-11-2017, 08:54 AM
That's why absolutely no one takes time4fun serious in the politics folder, she's just a wannabe macgyver troll.

No one?

I can imagine a couple of the real crazy lefties here do. Like Backlash.

05-11-2017, 08:58 AM
This is a very good point. I do trust that the "investigators" that were working on it before, and continue to do so, are fine - or at least as good as any other we're likely to get.

My point is like we keep calling for "special this" and "more investigations", etc etc etc - when we haven't even seen the results of what actually is going on.

That's because there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. This investigation, officially and unofficially, has been going on for over 9 months... if there really was a connection it would have been found by now.

But the Democrats can't agree with that because that would mean that Hillary was responsible for her own loss.. and that would be far too upsetting. So now that the Director of the FBI was fired, they need a "special prosecutor" to investigate this and anything else they can to hound President Trump for the next 4 years.

05-11-2017, 09:08 AM
This is a very good point. I do trust that the "investigators" that were working on it before, and continue to do so, are fine - or at least as good as any other we're likely to get.

My point is like we keep calling for "special this" and "more investigations", etc etc etc - when we haven't even seen the results of what actually is going on.

I get your point and agree. I'm afraid of White House interference and partisanship. That's why I would feel better about a special investigation. The worse outcome would be a tainted incomplete investigation.

05-11-2017, 09:15 AM
Multiple sources (http://abc7chicago.com/news/comey-requested-money-manpower-for-russia-probe-days-before-firing/1975402/) also confirm that Comey had just- days before- requested additional staffing and resources for the Russian investigation.

Justice Department: Report that Comey asked for more money for Russia probe is 'totally false'...


05-11-2017, 09:20 AM
Justice Department: Report that Comey asked for more money for Russia probe is 'totally false'...


DoJ is THE most corrupt and politicized department in the government. Grain of salt.

05-11-2017, 09:20 AM
I get your point and agree. I'm afraid of White House interference and partisanship. That's why I would feel better about a special investigation. The worse outcome would be a tainted incomplete investigation.

The only outcome for you would be President Trump is guilty of something.

Anything less, is a tainted investigation that was plagued by White House interference and partisanship.

05-11-2017, 09:25 AM
Well one dude is happy right now...


I never understood if a President is found guilty and is considered a criminal why the person he chose as his running mate becomes the new President? Isn't that sorta a contradiction?

05-11-2017, 09:36 AM
The only outcome for you would be President Trump is guilty of something.

Anything less, is a tainted investigation that was plagued by White House interference and partisanship.

And RUSSIA!!!1!1 Don't forget about Russia!

05-11-2017, 09:51 AM
But she has soooo many degrees, expertise in 13 martial arts and created the Nike "Just Do It" campaign.

I would just like for her to name sources. I'm curious if she would name the stupid cunt that's used her position as a police dispatcher to dox other gemstoners.

05-11-2017, 09:53 AM
That's because there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. This investigation, officially and unofficially, has been going on for over 9 months... if there really was a connection it would have been found by now.

Just like how the Benghazi hearings stopped after 9 months, right?

05-11-2017, 09:57 AM
What's really fucked up is that this isn't a partisan issue. Everyone should care deeply that this is investigated thoroughly.

05-11-2017, 10:51 AM
Just like how the Benghazi hearings stopped after 9 months, right?


I think the investigation focused way too much on the event itself and not to the coverup after.. the blaming of a video was retarded..

But elections have consequences.. Democrats are the minority's in both the House and Senate, so unless they can get some RINOs to vote with them, they are pretty much powerless, thanks to Dirty Harry Reid.

05-11-2017, 10:52 AM
What's really fucked up is that this isn't a partisan issue. Everyone should care deeply that this is investigated thoroughly.

It's been a partisan issue when the left made up the allegations of coercion because Hillary lost.

05-11-2017, 12:12 PM
What's really fucked up is that this isn't a partisan issue. Everyone should care deeply that this is investigated thoroughly.

Yeah- suddenly you start to genuinely understand how Democracies fall into dictatorships. You divide the public up enough, and half of them become so invested in their party/politics that they'll happily go along with anything.

In other news, Trump is now back on his "I really want to insert myself into our voting process" kick in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

Let's see...attacks on free press, attempts to control the undermine faith in the voting process (and to recommend some great new changes I'm sure), attacks on the people investigating him and his campaign....yeah, this is definitely looking familiar.

05-11-2017, 12:14 PM
DoJ is THE most corrupt and politicized department in the government. Grain of salt.

The DoJ is NOT the most corrupt and politicized department in the government. That's about the most batshit insane thing I've heard (at least since PK's "Bill Clinton rapes virgins!" post). Do not confuse the fact that OTHER PEOPLE politicize the DoJ with the DoJ itself being political.

Having said that, AG and Deputy AG were both involved in Comey's firing, and they- as well as their spokespeople- all report up to Trump. To take their official statements at face value here is insane. And it kills me that I now live in a country where I have to say something like that.

05-11-2017, 12:43 PM
The DoJ is NOT the most corrupt and politicized department in the government. That's about the most batshit insane thing I've heard (at least since PK's "Bill Clinton rapes virgins!" post). Do not confuse the fact that OTHER PEOPLE politicize the DoJ with the DoJ itself being political.

Having said that, AG and Deputy AG were both involved in Comey's firing, and they- as well as their spokespeople- all report up to Trump. To take their official statements at face value here is insane. And it kills me that I now live in a country where I have to say something like that.

But it was reported in the Washington Examiner. Hahaha

05-11-2017, 12:49 PM
Yeah- suddenly you start to genuinely understand how Democracies fall into dictatorships. You divide the public up enough, and half of them become so invested in their party/politics that they'll happily go along with anything.

In other news, Trump is now back on his "I really want to insert myself into our voting process" kick in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

Let's see...attacks on free press, attempts to control the undermine faith in the voting process (and to recommend some great new changes I'm sure), attacks on the people investigating him and his campaign....yeah, this is definitely looking familiar.

You're retarded.

05-11-2017, 12:53 PM
But it was reported in the Washington Examiner. Hahaha

It was tongue-in-cheek on my part to refute the reports she linked from the always unbiased WaPo. Hahaha

05-11-2017, 12:54 PM
But it was reported in the Washington Examiner. Hahaha

If you want a good understanding of why the right is looking at this so differently from everyone else, all you have to do is drop box fox news's site. The headline:

Home Video Politics U.S. Opinion Business Entertainment Tech Science Health Travel Lifestyle World On Air
New bureau boss could revisit Clinton probe, immunity deals


There's a reason why partisan news sites should never, ever, ever be your primary source of news. Same reason why I don't read Huff Post.

05-11-2017, 12:55 PM
It was tongue-in-cheek on my part to refute the reports she linked from the always unbiased WaPo. Hahaha

Seriously? Trump tells you that NY Times, Washington Post, and CNN are all "fake news sites", and so you suddenly believe it?

Did you ever wonder why he went after those three outlets in particular?

Hint: Ask Nixon.

05-11-2017, 12:59 PM
The paragraph in which our president thanks Comey for telling him personally three times that he was not under investigation cracks me up. It's such a childish move. What a damn fool our president is.

05-11-2017, 01:00 PM
It was tongue-in-cheek on my part to refute the reports she linked from the always unbiased WaPo. Hahaha

Oh shit. I fell for it. You got me on that one

05-11-2017, 01:18 PM
Seriously? Trump tells you that NY Times, Washington Post, and CNN are all "fake news sites", and so you suddenly believe it?

Did you ever wonder why he went after those three outlets in particular?

Hint: Ask Nixon.




This from the retard that used Brian Fallon as a credible source.

Seriously, I realize you were once on the panel of Unbiased News Committee when you gave all those speeches about bias in the news..

But you are really retarded.

05-11-2017, 01:21 PM
Seriously? Trump tells you that NY Times, Washington Post, and CNN are all "fake news sites", and so you suddenly believe it?

Did you ever wonder why he went after those three outlets in particular?

Hint: Ask Nixon.

I watch CNN and read the other two. I don't need Trump to tell me where I should get my news from.

Eta: You really should stop with all of the assumptions about me. I'm about as close to the middle as it gets around here. Just because I call you out from time to time on your hypocritical stances doesn't make me an evil Republican.

05-11-2017, 01:49 PM
I watch CNN and read the other two. I don't need Trump to tell me where I should get my news from.

Eta: You really should stop with all of the assumptions about me. I'm about as close to the middle as it gets around here. Just because I call you out from time to time on your hypocritical stances doesn't make me an evil Republican.

In her warped mind, you are either an alt leftie like she is, or you are a far right extremist. There is no "middle".. besides, it's those middle mother fuckers like you that got Trump elected, so clearly you are a racist, sexist, xenophobic and all around asshole.

05-11-2017, 02:48 PM
It's slightly reaffirming to the 5th Estates partisan positions when Townhall and NRO both release articles about how poorly this plays.

In a perfect world Trump is innocent of any wrong doing and media is the malaise of the modern age. Admittedly not my perfect world but at least a perfectly functioning United States.

If that is the case, I think the President should surround himself with much better advisers it's easy to say the optics are bad because CNN is bad but now conservative outlets are starting to balk.

We live in interesting times.

05-11-2017, 03:03 PM
Bottomline: In this country you are innocent before being proven guilty. I stand by Trump as POTUS until the facts come out.

05-11-2017, 03:34 PM
Bottomline: In this country you are innocent before being proven guilty. I stand by Trump as POTUS until the facts come out.

Um. He fired the guy who was overseeing an investigation into him and his campaign, which puts him in a position to determine his replacement.

I'm sorry, but the "I'll wait until he does something wrong" ship has sailed. This is corruption in every sense of the word, and I promise you that if you were hearing about how the President of another country fired the person investigating them under false pretenses, you would have no problems condemning the action.

05-11-2017, 03:37 PM
Um. He fired the guy who was overseeing an investigation into him and his campaign, which puts him in a position to determine his replacement.

I'm sorry, but the "I'll wait until he does something wrong" ship has sailed. This is corruption in every sense of the word, and I promise you that if you were hearing about how the President of another country fired the person investigating them under false pretenses, you would have no problems condemning the action.

When are you going to admit that Hillary Clinton was the target of the FBI investigation last year? When are you going to admit she sent and received classified information?

05-11-2017, 03:40 PM
Um. He fired the guy who was overseeing an investigation into him and his campaign, which puts him in a position to determine his replacement.

I'm sorry, but the "I'll wait until he does something wrong" ship has sailed. This is corruption in every sense of the word, and I promise you that if you were hearing about how the President of another country fired the person investigating them under false pretenses, you would have no problems condemning the action.

While I understand you used to work for the FBI as a Special Agent, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Seriously, you should watch what McCabe said today to the Congressional Committee.. I'm pretty sure he knows just a little bit more than you do on how the FBI works... you know, since he's now acting Director.

SPOILER ALERT: McCabe said you are full of shit.

05-11-2017, 03:41 PM
When are you going to admit that Hillary Clinton was the target of the FBI investigation last year? When are you going to admit she sent and received classified information?


05-11-2017, 03:55 PM
When are you going to admit that Hillary Clinton was the target of the FBI investigation last year? When are you going to admit she sent and received classified information?

You're not addressing me and this might be a personal thing between the two of you however I have no problem admitting the first part, the second part will forever be argued both ways. No indictments, no verdicts, no trial etc etc one (not you specifically) can talk out the side of their mouth about both cases.

They are still separate cases, are they not? I just don't find the statement particularly moving as an argument for Trumps innocence or how this is a fake media hoax.

I see "get over it Hillary lost" and various offshoots of "but her emails" all the time here, and they even have merit when talking Hillary Clinton, or in just trying to piss off filthy libss, but how does that help you hold up Trump against this?

Unless you are just trolling T4F?

05-11-2017, 04:05 PM
I jsut love this...

"The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene."


"The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene."

And again

"The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene."

Oh look:

Amid reports that Comey had asked for more resources for the Russia investigation, McCabe testified that he believed the bureau had adequate resources to complete the job. He was asked by Republican Sen. Marco Rubio whether the dismissal of Comey had "in any way impeded, interrupted, stopped or negatively impacted" the investigation.

"As you know, senator, the work of the men and women of the FBI continues despite any changes in circumstance, any decisions, so there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date," McCabe told members of the Senate intelligence committee. "Simply put, sir, you cannot stop the men and women of the FBI from doing the right thing, protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution."

05-11-2017, 04:07 PM
I jsut love this...

"The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene."


"The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene."

And again

"The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene." "The acting FBI director also said there has been no effort to impede the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the election, but vowed to inform a Senate panel if the White House tried to intervene."

But, wouldn't firing the FBI director and most of his deputies constitute intervention?