View Full Version : Other Games
- New Games
- Purchasing Rift 20% Off
- Elder Scrolls Skyrim (Elder Scrolls 5)
- Dark Souls!
- R.U.S.E.
- Battlefield 3!
- Evil Warrior
- Super Meat Boy!
- Rift Beta 7 Invite
- Poker
- DC Universe
- How well can you multitask?
- Facebook Games
- We Dare
- Dead Island
- New Mortal Kombat
- Dawn of War II: Retribution
- The Sims - Medieval
- Catherine
- Rift - What shard/faction are you on?
- Dragon Age II
- Fight Night Champion
- Facebook Game: Dragon Age Legends
- Rift Technical Problems
- Luminary
- Magic the Gathering: Online
- Rift Patch 1.1 Notes
- Rift free weekend
- Rift patch
- Hack Slash Crawl
- World of Tanks
- Mortal Kombat
- Gears of War 3
- Vindictus
- Infinity Blade for the iPad
- Vindictus Video
- Angry Stick (iPod App. Game)
- Heroes of Newerth - Testing Stream
- Infamous 2
- MapTool
- North American Star League::Season 1 Finals
- Planetside 2
- Ocarina of Time
- Magicka Multiplayer, anyone?
- Minecraft
- SC2: Squad TD bonus minerals chart
- League of Legends
- One word to describe Simutronics?
- The Light Within
- Bastion
- Onlive gaming service
- Space Marine
- Star Wars - The Old Republic
- NCAA 2012
- NCAA 2012 PS3
- Wii games suggestion
- Portal 1 Available for Free until 9/20
- Gears of War 3
- Rage
- Dungeon Seige 3
- The Light Within (completed)
- Skyrim 11-11-11
- Orcs must die
- Modern Warfare 3
- Team Fortress 2
- Gaming Headphones
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- Skyrim: Cheats, Glitches, or Helpful Tips
- Steam Sale!
- Anyone interested in building rooms?
- iphone Games Zombie Gunship and Glow Hockey 2 Free Today ONLY
- Diablo III
- Buying a New Gaming Rig
- Marvel Pinball
- FIFA 12
- Simutronics Tower Defense IOS Game Tiny Heroes Free for Short Time
- Shogun 2: The Fall of the Samurai
- What's the next great MMO?
- Settlers of Catan
- 360 4gb Slim, with games, x12 and Fight Stick
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
- Super Mario Bros. Crossover Version 2.0
- Mass Effect 3 Demo
- Guild Wars 2 beta signup.
- Wargame: European Escalation
- Game of Thrones MMO
- Mass Effect 3
- Sim City
- Mass Effect 3- With Spoilers.
- WoW
- Unwritten Legends
- Diablo 3 Finally Gets a Release Date
- Everquest goes Free
- Wasteland 2
- Journey
- AION, V2
- Social & Casual games (Words w/ Friends, Draw Something, etc)
- Max Payne 3
- Bastion (yes, again)
- Legend of Grimlock
- God of War 4
- Diablo 3 Open Beta Weekend
- Tera
- Prototype 2
- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- Sins Of A Dark Age
- Shogun 2
- PC Steam Group
- Dota 2
- Super Monday Night Combat
- TES: Online
- PC Minecraft Server?
- MtGO
- World of Warcraft. Free cataclysm upgrade.
- Carmageddon: Reincarnation
- Smite
- Diablo 3 Trade Fodder Thread,
- Diablo Barbarian Builds
- Games to avoid
- Watch Dogs
- Dragon's Dogma
- Max Payne 3
- Games I can play one handed
- Current and Good MMOs?
- Xenoblade for Wii
- Gaming Industry Now Hiring Economists
- The Secret World
- Dawnguard DLC
- EVO 2012
- Rome 2 Total War
- I Bet You Can't Beat Spelunky!
- Other RP-focused games
- Kickstarter and the OUYA
- DayZ - an Arma 2 Mod
- Slender the game...
- Phantasy Star Online 2
- Phone/Tablet Game
- ADOM 1.2.0 pre-release out...10 years since previous version
- Persona 4 Arena
- Blizzard hacked: loses account names, security question, authenticator info
- Anyone still playing Diablo 3?
- Prepare to die!
- Remember Me
- TF2 Co-Op
- Borderlands 2
- Survival Horrors
- Age of Sorcery
- MMO Development and the Future
- Dishonored
- One Epic Knight
- Ign's current top 100 rpg list
- The PC's Top 10 RPGs
- Minecraft SMP
- Resident Evil 6 (FALLEN WE NEED TO PLAY!!)
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- Wing Commander/ other space sim fans
- Fun little video game quiz: ABC's
- Herzog Zwei
- Greed monger Kickstarter
- Skyrim Mods
- Farcry 3
- South Park: The Stick of Truth
- War Z
- Lack of fantasy FPS...
- Fun flash based mmorpg
- Stream (Mortal Kombat)
- The Resistance (card/tabletop)
- Repeat question about FPS
- Need something browser based...
- SimCity
- Best Free to Play MMORPG?
- Cyberpunk 2077
- FFXIV Reboot
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
- Crysis 3
- Elder Scrolls Online *gag* beta sign ups.
- Black Ops PS3
- Fantasy University
- Who wants a free copy of DOTA 2?
- Pretty amazing
- Hotline Miami
- Path of Exile
- Best MMORPG Out There Now
- Pirates of the Burning Sea (Not an STD)
- Playstation 4
- Wizardry Online
- Dead Space 3
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- XBOX Durango
- WarZ gets better and better
- Aliens - Colonial Marines
- The game i've been working on the past year....
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengence
- Castlevania on 3DS
- RIFT's Trion Worlds hijacked by SIMU management?
- Looking for game design ideas. You know ... for the kids.
- War Thunder
- Assassin's Creed 4 Trailer
- Torment
- New game from the creator of Ultima Online on Kickstarter
- Watch Oz The Great and Powerful movie online
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (WII U)
- Battlefield 4
- DuckTales Remastered
- Bioshock Infinite
- Defiance
- MGS 5: The Phantom Pain
- LucasArts Closed
- Anyone play Torchlight 2?
- Not a game but hardware question.
- Darksiders 2
- Far Cry: Blood Dragon
- Wii u
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Rift and Rift Storm Legion
- 90's Nokia Snake game
- Metro Last light.
- Xbox One
- Warhammer 40K Armageddon
- Best of PS3
- MtG Online
- Grand Strategy Games
- ARMA 3
- ps3 black ops 2
- Star Wars Battlefront is coming back!!!
- The Witcher 3
- Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade
- MMOs
- NCAA Football 14
- Steam Summer Sale Going on Now!
- League of Legends deemed a professional sport by the US government
- The Bureau X-Com Declassified
- Qonqr: Phone Geolocation War Game
- Space Hulk
- Indie Horror Games
- RPGs
- Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn
- Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
- W40k Space Hulk
- New WH40k Game
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
- Payday 2
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Parthia - An alternate history
- Need a new game to play (or possibly an old one to replay)?
- Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator
- Blizzard Shutting Down Diablo 3 Auction House
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