View Full Version : Off-Topic
- Usenet vs. Torrents
- Uncontacted People
- Interesting story - Cracking the Scratch Lottery Code
- Femenists protest by going topless
- Holy shit.. thank you Google!
- Palladium Virus
- "Bless Me iPhone, For I Have Sinned"
- Spinach Used For Hydrogen Fuel Production?
- Set theory question
- Buying a New Computer. *recommendations here*
- Save Alice, the dog in the box
- 2045 - The Year Man Becomes Immortal
- Solar flare activity
- A Tribe Called Quest
- Tablets
- US rep says agents ambushed by Zetas in Mexico.
- Anyone else watch jeopardy?
- Electronic Help.
- what to do
- State Tax Question.
- The Way of Kings
- lich issue/question
- The Moon
- Post your favorite brooch thread
- Elizabeth Ward Gracen
- Any linguistics majors?
- Old Baseball cards
- Man pays $200,000 to save fake girlfriend in online scam
- Just out: A Wise Man's Fear
- Fiscal vs calendar year.
- Ipad2
- Nerd video: Upgrading from MS Dos 5.0 through every version of Windows
- Stephan Colbert or Jon Stewart
- You Call This An Economic Recovery?
- NASA Scientist Claims Evidence of Alien Life on Meteorite
- Never look at Monopoly the same way again
- South Park or Family Guy
- Calvin and Hobbes or The Far Side
- You're too white
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- How the Human Penis Lost its Spine
- If you could only eat at one restaurant....
- New Chuck Norris jokes
- Looming 'supermoon' triggers debate
- 8.9 Earthquake hits Japan
- Earthquake Is Biggest in Japan’s Recorded History
- Object behind the sun
- iPhone software update
- Nate Dogg dead at 41
- Broken microSD card
- Meow boy, do you know how fast you were going?
- Albert Pike & World War III
- WTF? Two Prime Minsters, One speech
- Name this song?
- I've heard of nickle slots, but . . .
- Stories like this make me cry
- stories like this make me throw up
- My company on ABC's Shark Tank
- Verizon HP Netbook
- Anyone still play or collect Magic The Gathering Cards?
- When Someone Fabricates Stories About You...
- Guile Theme Goes With Everything
- The Jokes Are Over!!!
- Game of Thrones airs on HBO on the 17th
- Bikefest 3 blocks from my house
- cheap manual transmission vehicle
- Put something in IW's Mouth
- should IW be banned?
- My Strange Co-workers...
- PC building advice.
- Firefox 4 question.
- The Hobbit
- Awesome armour in movies
- Fun day on Wall Street
- sorry for all the mess...
- favorite TV serial
- 7 Horrible Ways The Universe Can Destroy Us Without Warning
- Is this a resume win or fail?
- No poll. Best superhero and supervillain. Your picks.
- DVD/RW Drive Missing?!
- Military Lessons from Passover
- What TV Series Should I Watch Next?
- Apple, Google Collect User Data
- Games2U on Rachel Ray
- Zombies!
- Water for Elephants
- I want more dropbox space (online storage whoring)
- Royal Wedding
- New Monitor time!
- 6÷2(1+2)=?
- Girl getting owned in an epic fashion.
- Stupid Zombies > Angry Birds
- Favorite Android Apps
- I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry...
- SE Asia
- New Monitor
- Dear Math Wizards of the PC
- Gingerphobia?
- Anticor Has Sullied My Name!
- My wife was in a car accident
- Hide the Weed
- Firefox Add-Ons, Which Do you Use?
- Limewire
- Finally the government admits it's gonna happen!
- Fixskills?!? What did you do?
- End of the world begins tomorrow.
- Chinese prisoners forced to play Internet games for guards' profit
- Keynes v Hayek
- The Witcher
- Bangladesh woman cuts off 'attacker's' penis
- Russian man asks to be buried alive...
- New alarm clock shreds your money if you don't wake up
- Video Card Technical Help
- Are we limited to the number of threads we can create about an identical topic?
- Are we limited to the number of threads we can create about an identical topic?
- Are we created identical to the topic of limited thread numbers?
- Threads, Topics, Quantities?
- Chinese prisoners forced to mine virtual gold in online games
- Getting Work Done
- Friday @ Work
- I need a hacker
- Beat this (stormfront memory leak)
- Paradise Lost
- WTB hoverbike
- U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors
- What GS couple is this?
- How do I boot this $%^@ computer?
- Bacon Torch
- It's hard out there for a ... 39?
- Does anyone know this game name?
- Trojan steals bitcoins
- The Plan: War against the system
- Free Excell
- Civilian paramilitary units
- Rock and roll and literature
- Got Milk?
- Whitey Bulger arrested
- Do you know all your vowels?
- Neighborhood decision upsets wife of war vet
- James Franco making money selling invisible art
- Windows VPSes
- How much is too much cyber protection?
- Computer Tech help needed
- text messaging apps
- Chris Hansen caught cheating in undercover camera sting
- UFO or Not
- Help with a math problem
- GRE vocab help
- A Request
- I don't even know how to describe this.
- Beat the Picture Above You
- Blizzard being slow <Torchlight 1, and now 2
- n0w4b4z4xr250511 oizmbc
- Video card artifacts?
- Difference between High School & College
- Honorary Penis Cutters Thread
- Spotify
- What will happen if you use it to play DOTA?
- LSU To Brew And Sell Its Own Beer
- Spotify
- Croutons
- Two women Bulgarian students find hidden cameras in apartment
- Moving to Hawaii...
- Does anyone remember what this TV special/program was called?
- Playing too much Gemstone can kill you....
- Epic?
- Bare chest, Bare back, Bare thighs,I really do this?
- Navy Seals killed
- Warren Buffet is such a joke
- The Dumbest Thing Ever
- Neighbor's Dog
- Nearly free glasses - pay for lenses and shipping.
- HP Tablet (WebOS) 16GB -- $99
- Freak Storm Forces Pope to Cut Youth Vigil Speech
- Libel and other law questions
- JPM / BofA Takeover?
- Pa. lawyer suspended, blames video-game addiction
- New computer advice
- Astronomers discover planet made of diamond
- Hurricane Irene
- The Rum Diary (movie)
- Building a new workstation
- amusing nerd rage fantasy
- Space station may be evacuated by late November
- merchant accounts
- Houston Veteran's Cemetery Lawsuit
- awkward family photo
- What do you like?
- loyalty card program
- Disposing of the flag from a soldier's funeral
- Schweddy Balls ice cream coming to a store near you
- Liar and Thief: Sheikh/Durgrimst
- Remember when MTV played music videos? This website is like that.
- KurzweilAI article worth reading
- Good article: The shame of college sports
- Work Boots
- A few smart words from the late George Carlin
- Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 just crapped out during exam week
- RIP Andy Whitfield (Spartacus)
- Defunct NASA satellite to crash to Earth this week
- Online gamers crack AIDS enzyme puzzle | Games Blog
- Rofl "the gas masks are stored behind the vanity mirror"
-'s not just for overdone alterations anymore
- Pan Am
- The Onion is running a story on JD
- Looking for IT help
- why my girlfriend always forced me to this?
- Refusing to Kill Daughter who was raped, Pakistani Family Draws Anger
- KKK Ice Cream?
- Josh Krajcik on X Factor
- Bank Of America To Charge $5 fee
- Dexter, Season 6
- ADT Pulse
- Open Cloud AV virus
- Jobs is dead
- Looks like Idaho is packed with Weeeezards!
- Free Domino's Artisan pizza, today only.
- Is There a Law School Scam?
- Survey Says!
- thanks PC
- The Avengers - Trailer
- Penny-Arcade mentioned Simutronics/Gemstone in today's post.
- Pentagon doesn't know where the money is going
- gchat for android phone?
- Lions, tigers and bears... oh my.
- A thread for the Etsy people
- Camera help?
- Global Hard Drive Shortage
- End them.
- Wrong Number Texts
- Funny article on arguing
- German guy does not like American idioms
- web development
- Strange issue with viewing the PC
- Banks vs. Credit Unions
- Andy Rooney RIP
- You too can seek revenge via gay sex.
- Michael Jackson verdict reached
- Nationwide Ban on Spanking
- Uranium Ore
- Happy Birthday USMC
- The White People Thread
- A moment to salute the Veterans! (salute)
- Gigantic Structures In the Middle of the Chinese Desert
- Awesome Football Quote X2
- eBook Conversion Service
- Woman injects 'fix a flat' in buttocks of another woman
- Science discovers Veniom.
- What should I buy?!? Christmas dilemas...
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