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  1. Battle of the Sexes: SCOTUS
  2. Anti-Gun Democratic Senator in California arrested for...ARMS TRAFFICKING.
  3. North Korean men 'ordered to get Kim Jong-un's haircut' reports claim
  4. Climate Expert Says Human Contribution to Global Warming "Insignificant"
  5. The Chinese Smuggler Haircut
  6. Which one of you is Tag Greason?
  7. Future Fight
  8. D- Jim Moran "Congress is Underpaid @ $174,000/yr
  9. Possible breach of millions of social security numbers
  10. Circumcision Should Be Mandatory
  11. The Bus to Tijuana
  12. Ft. Hood Gun Shop
  13. Marco Won't Run for Both President and Senate
  14. Who owns your Congressman (or woman)?
  15. Boehner Says Lack of Immigration Reform Is Obama's Fault
  16. Crazy Veteran Shooters?
  17. Al Sharpton, Crime Fighter
  18. What the fuck is happening is Nevada?
  19. TWC
  20. 22 people stabbed at a high school
  21. 1 in 6 Americans can find Ukraine on a map
  22. Wait...does voter fraud exist or doesn't it?
  23. Finish This Sentence for George Bush
  24. Obama Birth Certificate Lady died in plane crash...yeah there was a video...
  25. Scientists come up with some viable solutions to climate change!
  26. ‘Damned lunatic’: Brainless Joe Biden tells survivors Boston bombing ‘was worth it'
  27. Electile Dysfunction
  28. al Qaeda convention in Yemen and we missed it.
  29. Casual marijuana use linked with brain abnormalities, study finds
  30. The US is an Oligarchy
  31. Jews ordered to register in Eastern Ukraine
  32. Everytown for gun safety by Michael Bloomberg
  33. Iran mother spares son’s killer from hanging on gallows
  34. Discipline or Abuse? Parents Spank Child Over 60 Times with Belt, Post Video Online
  35. A 19-year-old reveals she’s undocumented to Hillary Clinton
  36. White House declining to answer on Bieber deportation petition
  37. Democrats playing race card
  38. Move to Amend
  39. Illinois house committee wants taxpayers to pay 100m for Obummer Library
  40. The Snowden Pulitzer
  41. The War on Easter
  42. Legalize It
  43. Obama's Manhood Problem
  44. Republicans to Impeach Nixon
  45. Colorado Politicians Mad at Christie About Marijuana
  46. Georgia Gets Good Gun Law
  47. Nothing to do with politics, everything to do with character
  48. Accident with Ducks Ruins Political Careers
  49. Kerry Uses the "A" Word
  50. Palin: Waterboarding Is How We Baptize Terrorists
  51. National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace
  52. Operation Choke Point
  53. Should Federal Government Provide Irrigation for Pot Growers?
  54. Russia suggests US astronauts use trampolines to get to Space Station
  55. Donald Sterling and Political Theory
  56. Mississippi Congressman Calls Clarence Thomas "Uncle Tom"
  57. Microagressions
  58. The Darkest Election?
  59. Florida Senate bill amended to include zombie apocalypse http://www.latimes.com/nati
  60. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Don't Worry, Earth Will Survive Climate Change — We Won't
  61. Sharia Law
  62. Seattle May Day March
  63. Condi Rice Refuses to Speak If There Will Be Protestors
  64. Congresswoman Walks Out of Prayer Event
  65. The 11 Types of Liberal
  66. Judge Fired for Changing Baby's Name from Messiah to Martin
  67. Taking God Out of the Air Force
  68. Interesting article in NYT
  69. Smart Gun Controversy
  70. When does "no" not mean "no"?
  71. This teacher deserves a medal...why was she fired?
  72. Sultan of Brunei
  73. Federal Judge Halts Investigation of Scott Walker
  74. Palin Says Hillary Will Become Pro-Life After Grandchild
  75. The National Mall Is Too Crowded
  76. Online Gambling Has Got to Go!
  77. John Kerry asks African Leaders if they rode in on Donkeys
  78. Black GOP delegate putting smack down on white racist Democrat
  79. Can't even trust WHO anymore?
  80. Rubio Denies Human Contribution to Climate Change
  81. Obama Says No More Citing Leaked Classified Info
  82. Should GOP Allow Immigration Vote in 2014?
  83. I'm not a Democrat, I'm Anti-Republican
  84. Rove Says Clinton Suffered Brain Damage in 2012
  85. Let's clarify some things!
  86. Common Core
  87. Is One Party a Great? Or Do Both Parties Suck?
  88. Net Neutrality Moves Forward!
  89. Ukraine
  90. Benghazi - Because fuck you, that's why.
  91. Is the USA getting dumber?
  92. Obama the Conservative
  93. Cowboy, Curmudgeon, Biker or Normal Guy?
  94. Obama Did Nothing and Saved the World
  95. Taking the Socialism Out of School Lunches
  96. Obama Announces Plans For A Third Term Presidential Run
  97. VA Hospitals Scandal
  98. Painful Explanation for Conservative Simplicity
  99. USPS is not allowed to save money
  100. NFL Painkiller Lawsuit
  101. Florida Redistricting Trial
  102. Word Clouds Show Shift Toward Medical Socialism
  103. I really hate when administrations do this, any administration
  104. Pennsylvania Man Arrested for Flying Flag Upside Down
  105. South Dakota Pol Holds Mature Subject Matter Press Conference
  107. Turns out I'm friends with both parties.
  108. Muslims Are Racist Against Dogs
  109. Obama breaks the law
  110. Obamacare May Not Be the Big Fight of 2014
  111. SC Governor Says No More Events in Her State for Black Bikers
  112. We Come to It At Last
  113. A rose by any other name..
  114. 15 dollar an hour minimum wage in Seattle
  115. Russian Troll Army
  116. Obama;s Coincidences
  117. .999 = 1
  118. Darn Democrat obstructionists!
  119. TX GOP 2014 Platform - 'Revamped'
  120. Wisconsin Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down By Federal Judge
  121. Rising Tide Lifts All Boats?
  122. Vladimir Putin and Women
  123. Scott Brown Gives Back Stock in Cosmetic/Gun Company
  124. Billionaires who can buy entire cities
  125. Released Taliban - More Kidnappings Inbound
  126. Assisted Suicide - For or Against?
  127. At what % does a minority group affect the rest of society
  128. Cool cities around the world - that are a tad shady!
  129. These feminists are out of their damn minds.
  130. Kids just deserve a beating sometimes - Am I right, or am I right?
  131. How conceited is Hillary Clinton??
  132. Obama thinks the US should be ashamed
  133. Eric Cantor Loses Primary
  134. Hillary Clinton thinks Obama hates women
  135. Slow Drivers in the Left Lane
  136. What to do in Iraq?
  137. Former President Bush celebrates his 90th birthday today!
  138. Would you let your daughter marry a Democrat?
  139. Poly-Family Movement! Finally here!
  140. IRS Says It Lost 2 Years of Lois Lerner's Emails Due to "Computer Crash"
  141. Lawmakers slam DEA for targeting Mass. doctors
  142. Leader of the free world - To tired /sigh
  143. Thrown Out of Court: How corporations became people you can't sue
  144. Google Buys Skybox, or how Latrin got an erection reading the Wall Street Journal
  145. U.S Marine files lawsuit against government after illegal detainment
  146. Clinton's Favorite Books
  147. All Politics Is Local, No More
  148. US seizes Benghazi raid 'ringleader'
  149. Paul Ryan in 2016?
  150. U.S. Dead Last in Health Care
  151. Do You Believe the IRS Really Lost Those Emails In a "Computer Crash"?
  152. Do You Believe the IRS "Computer Crash" Story?
  153. The Wrong Side of Dick Cheney
  154. Clinton's Views on Marijuana
  155. We are completely ass backwards when stuff like this happens.
  156. Senate to vote on medical marijuana amendment
  157. Gov. Scott Walker Part of a "Criminal Scheme," Say Unsealed Court Documents
  158. Crossover Voting -- the best-laid schemes gang aft agley
  160. As Attorney, Clinton Defended Alleged Rapist
  161. Florida Gov. Rick Scott Signs 'Pop-Tart' Gun Bill Into Law
  162. But we only use "tape backups"
  163. Hillary's Health Issues
  164. Walmart's awesome response
  165. Medical Marijuana Patients Can't Bring Up Drug's Medical Use In Federal Trial
  166. Modern-Day Trail of Tears
  167. In 107 Years, Women Will Take Over Congress
  168. UK to Ban Cigarettes for Anybody Born After 2000
  169. Michelle Obama - Racist!
  170. All That Voter ID and Disenfranchisement May Be The Wrong Strategy For Republicans
  171. Shut Down Government to Stop Ex-Im Bank
  172. Supreme Court unanimously votes that Obama is an ass
  173. House General Council to Sue Obummer Admin?
  174. Soccer is a symptom, not the cause, of US moral decay
  175. EPA, Protect Your Own Environment
  176. Massachusetts SWAT teams claim they’re private corporations, immune from open records
  177. Can this guy whine much more?
  178. Backlash from Suppressing Free Speech
  179. Oklahoma Election Contest
  180. Leaked Democrat Document Explains How to Use Tragedies to Push Gun Control
  181. No Comment
  182. No Fucking Way
  183. SCOTUS set to rule on corporations having religious "rights" today
  184. Janet Yellin's Awful Neighbors
  185. Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest
  186. Supreme Court to Rule on Rights of Pregnant Employees
  187. Newspaper admits it fucked up by endorsing Obama
  188. Democrats reminding everyone they started the KKK
  189. The Gay Whopper
  190. NC lawmaker: Pedophilia is like homosexuality
  191. Speaker on Iranian State Teevee Claims Jews Using Jinns to Spy
  192. Obama administration sues company for English requirement
  193. Funny Comment
  194. Bar Under Fire for ‘Racist’ Dress Code
  195. Full legalization of marijuana to be on DC ballots this fall.
  196. Rolling Coal
  197. Get your own .gop domain name!
  198. Did Obama Cut the Deficit Too Much?
  199. GOP Convention in Cleveland in 2016
  200. Admit it, Methais
  201. Obama learning about events from watching the news
  202. What Obama Is Really Up to in Texas
  203. Woman receives deaths threats for daring to be a Republican
  204. When you thought you'd heard the craziest politician sex story...
  205. Impeach Holder - The Next Big Thing
  206. Rick Perry's Moment to Shine
  207. Is this exploiting homeless people?
  208. Who asks a person this?
  209. Look How Racist These Black People Are!
  210. Parade float
  211. Six Californias?
  212. Belief in Global Warming Varies by Income, But Only for One of the Political Parties
  213. FCC and Net NEutrality
  214. Released Illegal Immigrant From Border Crisis Arrested For Murder Kidnapping
  215. Malaysian airliner shot down over Ukraine
  216. Voyage of the Damned
  217. This is fake, right?
  218. CA City Will Fine Couple $500 For Not Watering Lawn State Will Fine Them If They Do
  219. An argument for the death penalty
  220. Fox News Sunday July 20, 2014
  221. Are movies more politicized these days?
  222. Should FAA Ban Flights to Israel?
  223. Ted Cruz Denounces Profane Language by Vampires
  224. Mexico's president vows to retake California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico
  225. Did Obama Say Stocks Are Too High?
  226. Clinton Opines on Immigration
  227. Palin Gets Her Own Much Deserved Teevee Channel
  228. The 50 Most Beautiful People on Capitol Hill
  229. Report on Medicare and Social Security
  230. Court Upholds Florida Gun Ban on Doctors
  231. New Wealth Study Shows Why Republicans Will Win in 2016
  232. LA GOP House Candidate Lenar Whitney
  233. CIA director admits they hacked Senators' computers
  234. House Unexpectedly Kills Border Bill
  235. Protesters in California want teacher fired because of his skin color
  236. Congressman Don Young of Alaska Has Quite a Grip
  237. This Happened a Few Hours Before 9/11
  238. Obama Uses the T Word
  239. The Pope Is Too Liberal for the House
  240. The I Word
  241. Happy Birthday, Mr. President
  242. Backlash in the 21st Century
  243. Israel Spied on John Kerry
  244. Donald Trump Says Not to Bring Back Americans with Ebola
  245. Next Big Thing - Big Outside Spending on Judicial Races
  246. Alabama Congressman Accuses Dems of "War on Whites"
  247. Personal Gun Control/Non Violent Measures Control Anecdote
  248. Should the Blind Have Guns?
  249. Steve King Stands Up to DREAMer while Rand Paul Flees!
  250. Couple co signed daughter's student loans, shocked when they have to pay