View Full Version : GOODBYE JAY CARNEY!

05-30-2014, 02:10 PM
Good Riddance, you fucking weasel.

Oh and General Shinseki...

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. VA healthcare doesn't cover rectal bruising.

05-30-2014, 02:15 PM
I dislike the guy but being White House Press Secretary is probably one of the most stressful jobs there is.

05-30-2014, 02:37 PM
I dislike the guy but being White House Press Secretary is probably one of the most stressful jobs there is.

He was a sniveling little fuck... and he's probably the same way when he's not under so much "stress".

05-30-2014, 04:01 PM
I'm not really seeing any circumstances where members of one party would like the press secretary of another party.

05-30-2014, 04:03 PM
I'm not really seeing any circumstances where members of one party would like the press secretary of another party.


05-30-2014, 04:07 PM
I also liked Dee Dee Myers back in the day and didn't like Ari Flesher much.

05-30-2014, 04:14 PM
Has to be the worst job in America. I felt the same way about Ari but completely understood he was in a fumed position from the get go. Not surprised press secretaries don't last as long as their administrations.

05-30-2014, 04:23 PM
The one thing that I have always struggled with is how does any legitimate journalist take that job. You essentially have to, if not out right lie, then certainly skew stories so heavily as to never be able to once again claim objectivity. But maybe they do not care about that, maybe like Dana Perino they will simply get a job on a talk show where they can render their opinion and no longer have to be objective.

Having said all that, he always struck me as an obsequious little snot that wanted to tow the company line too much but was not very good at it. This became especially poignant more recently when the bloom wore off the administration rose and his 'friends' in the media stopped tossing him softballs. I had a lot more respect for Robert Gibbs, not sure why, but he never struck me as the kid most likely to get his ass kicked.

05-30-2014, 04:23 PM
The one thing that I have always struggled with is how does any legitimate journalist take that job. You essentially have to, if not out right lie, then certainly skew stories so heavily as to never be able to once again claim objectivity. But maybe they do not care about that, maybe like Dana Perino they will simply get a job on a talk show where they can render their opinion and no longer have to be objective.

Having said all that, he always struck me as an obsequious little snot that wanted to tow the company line too much but was not very good at it. This became especially poignant more recently when the bloom wore off the administration rose and his 'friends' in the media stopped tossing him softballs. I had a lot more respect for Robert Gibbs, not sure why, but he never struck me as the kid most likely to get his ass kicked.

I don't think we've had legitimate journalists in a while.

05-30-2014, 05:54 PM
The one thing that I have always struggled with is how does any legitimate journalist take that job. You essentially have to, if not out right lie, then certainly skew stories so heavily as to never be able to once again claim objectivity. But maybe they do not care about that, maybe like Dana Perino they will simply get a job on a talk show where they can render their opinion and no longer have to be objective.

Having said all that, he always struck me as an obsequious little snot that wanted to tow the company line too much but was not very good at it. This became especially poignant more recently when the bloom wore off the administration rose and his 'friends' in the media stopped tossing him softballs. I had a lot more respect for Robert Gibbs, not sure why, but he never struck me as the kid most likely to get his ass kicked.

I don't think you understand what the job is. He's not there to objectively report the news.

As far as press secretaries go "Who gives a shit." They're just a mouthpiece who's job is to stand up there and present the President in the best possible light. It's good experience for the person who's PS, a great resume padder and an awesome way to see how power works in this country but other than that they really don't mean too much. It's a plug and play position.

05-30-2014, 06:19 PM
The one thing that I have always struggled with is how does any legitimate journalist take that job. You essentially have to, if not out right lie, then certainly skew stories so heavily as to never be able to once again claim objectivity. But maybe they do not care about that, maybe like Dana Perino they will simply get a job on a talk show where they can render their opinion and no longer have to be objective.

Having said all that, he always struck me as an obsequious little snot that wanted to tow the company line too much but was not very good at it. This became especially poignant more recently when the bloom wore off the administration rose and his 'friends' in the media stopped tossing him softballs. I had a lot more respect for Robert Gibbs, not sure why, but he never struck me as the kid most likely to get his ass kicked.

Gibbs was just as bad, IMO. And the job of the Press Secretary has very little to do with being a legitimate journalist.

05-30-2014, 06:37 PM
The Rock should be WH press secretary no matter who's in office.

If not him, then Ric Flair. I'd say Vince, but he should be on the Oval Office.

05-30-2014, 06:48 PM
To those that pointed out that the Press Secretary is not a journalist, I understand that, I know all too well what the job is, but they keep hiring journalist to do it in an attempt to add legitimacy to the position; to somehow try to say, 'This person is journalist, they would not try to spin things, believe what they say.'

05-30-2014, 07:24 PM
Press Secretaries almost always leave the job before a "term" is up. They need to use the influence they currently have to get the next job. Worst job there is.. Press Secretary at the end of a term. AKA, these next 1.5 years. Carney was both horrible at the job, and great. Every time Obama was caught in a lie, or some scandal broke.. he was right there to cover Obama's ass.

05-30-2014, 07:29 PM
To those that pointed out that the Press Secretary is not a journalist, I understand that, I know all too well what the job is, but they keep hiring journalist to do it in an attempt to add legitimacy to the position; to somehow try to say, 'This person is journalist, they would not try to spin things, believe what they say.'

Who were journalists prior to being put in that position besides Jay Carney?

05-30-2014, 07:32 PM
Press Secretaries almost always leave the job before a "term" is up. They need to use the influence they currently have to get the next job. Worst job there is.. Press Secretary at the end of a term. AKA, these next 1.5 years. Carney was both horrible at the job, and great. Every time Obama was caught in a lie, or some scandal broke.. he was right there to cover Obama's ass.

A great Press Secretary would be able to provide cover for the President without it being blatantly obvious. Carney was absolutely terrible at his job. His smug attitude made him an easy target for criticism.

He really was the worst in memory. I didn't like Gibbs much, but he was 10x better than Carney.

05-30-2014, 07:45 PM
A great Press Secretary would be able to provide cover for the President without it being blatantly obvious. Carney was absolutely terrible at his job. His smug attitude made him an easy target for criticism.

He really was the worst in memory. I didn't like Gibbs much, but he was 10x better than Carney.

As much of a douche Gibbs was, Carney makes him look awesome in comparison.

Well maybe not awesome, but something along the lines of...


Gibbs by comparison: