View Full Version : The Wrong Side of Dick Cheney

06-18-2014, 09:29 PM
Harry Reid reacted today on the Senate floor to Dick Cheney's op-ed (http://online.wsj.com/articles/dick-cheney-and-liz-cheney-the-collapsing-obama-doctrine-1403046522) in the Wall Street Journal.

And what is truly absurd is the fact that after all these years, their suggestions haven’t changed one bit. And who are these so-called experts, so eager to commit American service members to another war? Why is their advice so valuable?

How about former Bush Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, who has accused President Obama of not taking a ‘strong position’ in Iraq? In 2003, Wolfowitz took a strong position on Iraqi sectarian violence, when he absurdly stated: “There’s been none of the record in Iraq of ethnic militias fighting one another.”

There’s also conservative pundit Bill Kristol, who infamously predicted that American soldiers would be welcomed as liberators, and that the Iraq war would last two months. He also claimed that there’s no evidence of discord among Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq. Yet, even in light of his incorrect assertions about Iraq, Kristol is beating the war drum alongside all of his neo-conservative friends.

This morning, an op-ed by former Vice President Dick Cheney appeared in the Wall Street Journal. If there is one thing we can all agree on here, it’s that we should not be taking advice on Iraq from Dick Cheney. To be on the wrong side of Dick Cheney is to be on the right side of history.

To the architects of the Iraq War who are now so eager to offer their expert analysis, I say: “Thanks, but no thanks.” Unfortunately, we already tried it your way and it was the biggest foreign policy blunder in United States history. President Obama and his military advisors are considering their options to address ISIS – but putting combat troops back into Iraq is not and should not be one of them.

More... (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2014/06/18/reid_to_be_on_the_wrong_side_of_dick_cheney_is_to_ be_on_the_right_side_of_history.html)

Harry Reid got it completely backwards. But don't take my word for it. Read Dick Cheney's op-ed for yourself..

Al Qaeda and its affiliates are resurgent and they present a security threat not seen since the Cold War. Defeating them will require a strategy—not a fantasy. It will require sustained difficult military, intelligence and diplomatic efforts—not empty misleading rhetoric. It will require rebuilding America's military capacity—reversing the Obama policies that have weakened our armed forces and reduced our ability to influence events around the world.

More... (http://online.wsj.com/articles/dick-cheney-and-liz-cheney-the-collapsing-obama-doctrine-1403046522)

As Cheney said, this is the greatest security threat since the Cold War. Nothing since then has been this bad for the United States. I can't think of anything. Can you?

06-18-2014, 09:35 PM
North Korea while they were actually blowing nukes up, but that has died down for now at least. Plus the Chinese would stomp them senseless, especially because the Chinese prop up the North Korean's right now.

As for the Middle East... the majority of Americans are ignorant to an astounding fault, but we're a free country, so people can be whatever they want. History seems to go in cycles as such. When another huge attack occurs, or multiple smaller bombings all over the US, or planes get hijacked, or more kidnappings occur... people will then complain and go why, why?

06-18-2014, 10:54 PM
"Obama completely failed at cleaning up the enormous mess I made of everything!" -Cheney.

06-18-2014, 11:46 PM
Wait.. I thought Obama said global warming was the greatest threat we face today?

06-19-2014, 12:20 AM
Wait.. I thought Obama said global warming was the greatest threat we face today?

You mean it's not?