View Full Version : Clinton Opines on Immigration

07-28-2014, 07:01 PM
I never heard of "the beast" before, except in Revelations.

More than 57,000 children traveling without a parent or guardian have been apprehended by Border Patrol since October 1, 2013. The poorest child migrants venture through Mexico on a dangerous freight train, known as "la bestia," or "the beast."

Clinton, who served as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, said that screening applicants for refugee status in their home countries would allow U.S. officials to evaluate a child's case “before they get in the hands of coyotes, or they get on the beast, or they are raped.”

But screening for refugee applicants may not be enough. The U.S. government plans to accept only 70,000 refugees worldwide this year. Of those, a mere 5,000 slots are designated for people from Latin America and the Caribbean.

There's also the question of whether people fleeing gang violence -- even if they are children -- will meet the criteria for refugee status. To qualify as a refugee, one must demonstrate fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

Speaking with Ramos, Clinton also reiterated her conviction that not all children who come to the U.S. illegally should be allowed to stay, saying that "some of them should be sent back."

"But, who would you deport?" Ramos asked.

"Whoever was in the category of where they don’t have legitimate claim for asylum, where they don’t have some kind of family connection, those children should be returned to their families and the families should be told that they should not be sending these young children on their own to face the dangers that exist on that travel," she said.

More... (http://fusion.net/justice/story/hillary-clinton-backs-refugee-screening-abroad-central-american-895022)

Republicans, though, are not going to provide any funds for deporting children unless President Obama agrees not to do any more executive orders on immigration. Wait. Did I just say Republicans are not going to fund deportations unless Obama promises no new executive orders? Umm, yes, I believe I did.

Sessions is concerned by news reports that Obama is considering another executive action on immigration law that would allow 5 million people with expired work visas to stay in the country if they have children that are U.S. citizens.

Sessions said Obama’s plan would “nullify the immigration laws of the United States.” He has been an ardent critic of allowing more foreign workers into the country while so many Americans are out of work.

“We have people in our own country living in violence, fear, and poverty every single day,” Sessions said. “They have demanded an immigration policy that puts their jobs, wages and communities first.”

More... (http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/213474-sessions-border-bill-should-ban-more-executive-orders)

07-29-2014, 09:09 PM
Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe the undocumented Central American children entering along the U.S.-Mexico border should be treated as refugees, a new poll shows.

More... (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/poll-border-children-refugees-109480.html)

The findings come as the Obama administration and Congress debate how to respond to the influx of more than 50,000 undocumented children that have arrived at the border since October. Congressional Republicans are largely pushing for a change to a 2008 law that would expedite the deportation process for the children, while Democrats have resisted a change in the law.

Do you think Clinton knew about this poll when she made her statement?