View Full Version : Should FAA Ban Flights to Israel?

07-23-2014, 10:24 PM
Should FAA Ban Flights to Israel?

WASHINGTON — The most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington has come out against a Federal Aviation Administration ban on U.S. airlines flying to Israel after a rocket landed near Ben Gurion International Airport, saying that the ban “sends the entirely wrong message.”

In a statement released on Wednesday, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee acknowledges that the FAA must protect air travelers’ safety but says it is “concerned” by the FAA’s decision to ban flights to Israel.

“Air travel to Israel has been safe and unhindered,” the statement reads in part. “Safety is an important consideration, but this decision appears overly harsh and excessive. Moreover, we are concerned that it could have the unintended effect of encouraging terrorists to become even more committed to make civil aviation a target.”

More... (http://www.buzzfeed.com/rosiegray/aipac-calls-for-reversal-of-flight-ban-to-tel-aviv)

Conservatives in the United States have criticized U.S. government warnings about traveling to Israel during the current conflict. The Weekly Standard argued that “Obama administration is using the travel warning to exert pressure on Israel to agree to a ceasefire” after the State Department put out a travel advisory warning U.S. citizens about the dangers of traveling to Israel and the Palestinian territories right now. Sen. Ted Cruz alleged that, via the FAA ban on flights to Tel Aviv, the Obama administration “has just used a federal regulatory agency to launch an economic boycott on Israel, in order to try to force our ally to comply with his foreign-policy demands” in a statement on Wednesday.

One Democratic congressional staffer argued that AIPAC’s position mirroring Cruz’s and other Republicans’ on the ban could hurt the lobby group’s sway among Democrats in Congress.

“This seems like they’re joining the crazies in crazyland,” the aide said. “To suggest that that there was anything other than safety was the reason for FAA’s decision, indulges in the worst sort of conspiracies about this president. ”

“I assume statements like this are meant to appease their growing right-wing flank, but, regardless of the reason, it certainly cost them credibility with Democrats on Capitol Hill,” the aide said.

There's absolutely no danger to US airlines flying near Israel. The rockets that terrorists have around Israel aren't nearly as good as the rockets that terrorists have around Ukraine. I agree with Republicans that it's all political and not based on any real security concerns.

07-23-2014, 10:28 PM
I don't know about Obama launching an economic boycott on Israel but I did find it strange that they banned flights to Tel Aviv when I read the story.

Israel and Palestine have been killing each other for decades now, how many times have we canceled all flights to Tel Aviv?

07-23-2014, 10:28 PM
Should FAA Ban Flights to Israel?

There's absolutely no danger to US airlines flying near Israel. The rockets that terrorists have around Israel aren't nearly as good as the rockets that terrorists have around Ukraine. I agree with Republicans that it's all political and not based on any real security concerns.

Well, except both Egypt and Syria are known to have had SA11s.. And you know, both of those countries being in not so good states in either the recent past or the present... Not large stretch of the imagination.

It could be that maybe he knows something that the Senate at large doesn't, and can't reveal exactly what due to, you know, it being sensitive information and all.

07-23-2014, 10:32 PM
I have to say I'd be less worried about my parents flying to Israel than on Malaysian Airlines like they were going to.

07-23-2014, 11:08 PM
They already banned the flights. Wrong question.

07-24-2014, 03:32 PM
4... or 5?... aircraft shot down over Ukraine in the past month.

0 aircraft shot down over Israel in the past forever.

Ban on flights to Israel... no ban on flights to the Ukraine.

Political as all get out. Don't forget the $47 million that Kerry took over that day and gave to the Palestinians (ie. Hamas - since they're the elected officials to run the country).

07-24-2014, 03:39 PM
4... or 5?... aircraft shot down over Ukraine in the past month.

0 aircraft shot down over Israel in the past forever.

Ban on flights to Israel... no ban on flights to the Ukraine.

Political as all get out. Don't forget the $47 million that Kerry took over that day and gave to the Palestinians (ie. Hamas - since they're the elected officials to run the country).

There are bans for US Flights over that area of the Ukraine.

07-24-2014, 04:46 PM
4... or 5?... aircraft shot down over Ukraine in the past month.

0 aircraft shot down over Israel in the past forever.

Ban on flights to Israel... no ban on flights to the Ukraine.

Political as all get out. Don't forget the $47 million that Kerry took over that day and gave to the Palestinians (ie. Hamas - since they're the elected officials to run the country).To be fair, Kerry walks around with at least $47m on any given day. That ketchup paper, you know what I am saying?

07-26-2014, 10:39 AM
There have been planes shot down over Israel. At least one of which was a commercial one. Not that it's really pertinent to the discussion, but, oh no, tangent!