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  1. IGGM - Why Monopoly Go Is So Popular Among Video Games In 2025? (0 replies)
  2. POECurrency - What Surprises Will PoE 2 Patch 0.2.0 Bring Us? (0 replies)
  3. IGGM - Is Diablo 4 Season 8 Really An Exciting Boss Challenge? (0 replies)
  4. Script check (51 replies)
  5. MA groups are ruining the game!! (according to Discord keyboard warriors) (57 replies)
  6. Puzzlebox (4 replies)
  7. Can't install the launcher? (1 replies)
  8. Prettys Girls in your town for night (0 replies)
  9. Find Sexy Girls from your city for night (1 replies)
  10. Beautiful Girls from your city - Real-life Girls (1 replies)
  11. Pretty Womans from your town - Verified Females (0 replies)
  12. Search Girls from your city for night (0 replies)
  13. Pretty Girls from your city - Genuine Females (0 replies)
  14. Find Sexy Womans in your town for night (0 replies)
  15. Prettys Womans in your city - Real Women (0 replies)
  16. Womans in your city - True Females (0 replies)
  17. Womans in your town - Verified Damsels (0 replies)
  18. Find Prettys Girls in your town for night (0 replies)
  19. Sexy Girls from your town for night (0 replies)
  20. Returning From Long Hiatus (4 replies)
  21. An old list of "valuable weapons" (6 replies)
  22. Help with Lich (3 replies)
  23. The Inspector cometh... (2 replies)
  24. Storm peak - level 80 mobs (1 replies)
  25. Hunting is still serious business! (2 replies)
  26. Premier Сasual Dating - Genuine Ladies (0 replies)
  27. Outstanding Сasual Dating - Genuine Damsels (1 replies)
  28. HELP, My 2x XP scroll is wearing off! (2 replies)
  29. Optimal Сasual Dating - Verified Ladies (0 replies)
  30. Passwords (13 replies)
  31. Exemplary Сasual Dating Living Women (3 replies)
  32. [Outstanding Сasual Dating Real-life Females] (3 replies)
  33. Well that was weird...new type of script check? (4 replies)
  34. Ranger vs Bard (post cap) (23 replies)
  35. Been gone about a year - anything new (1 replies)
  36. Simucoins 80% sale now? Worth making a nearly ungimped char for $25 a year? (9 replies)
  37. Script Checks (64 replies)
  38. GMs giving up on silvers? (108 replies)
  39. Returning player (6 replies)
  40. Roblar/ Duskruin disaster (6 replies)
  41. Hardcore GS (2 replies)
  42. Game/Website down? (18 replies)
  43. Is identity theft a thing in GS or should I take this as flattery? (6 replies)
  44. ChatGPT drawing ASCII art of GS rooms. (28 replies)
  45. GMs triggering hunts now to bust you for scripting (28 replies)
  46. Well that doesn't seem fair (3 replies)
  47. Twilight Hall's 9th Annual Magic of Spring Festival (1 replies)
  48. profession change? (4 replies)
  49. Discord - new Privacy Policy to go live March 27th (3 replies)
  51. Threading via 5G Smartphone / Laptop (10 replies)
  52. Nervestaff or Parasite Staff? (3 replies)
  53. New Ascension Area: Manual Hunting Only (27 replies)
  54. I may have beaten all odds. (3 replies)
  55. Official Forums officially locked from posting (9 replies)
  56. First annual Rat Hunt! (15 replies)
  57. What's the deal with loot boosts? (5 replies)
  58. David Whatley No Longer CEO of Simutronics (48 replies)
  59. test (0 replies)
  60. Question (5 replies)
  61. ChatGPT plays Gemstone (18 replies)
  62. GS & IRS $600 rule (53 replies)
  63. Friendly reminder for people who hunt hidden (14 replies)
  64. Taking characters to beyond level 100 (6 replies)
  65. Level 16 GoS Warcamp Group (0 replies)
  66. player shop pricing mistake (4 replies)
  67. Luukos 340 Talismans (2 replies)
  68. Working on a new service: automatic middleman (35 replies)
  69. Web Client Macros (5 replies)
  70. player shops easter egg (0 replies)
  71. necrotic rings (1 replies)
  72. Empowered Items (6 replies)
  73. Easiest/fastest/efficient way to organize loot? (4 replies)
  74. What did you get at DR? (25 replies)
  75. Anyone get anything good from the 1 million silver prize pile? (3 replies)
  76. 620 quickly becoming least valuable service (22 replies)
  77. Discord (1 replies)
  78. Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces - how do these work? (1 replies)
  79. question about the new mithril arms (2 replies)
  80. Ore from HESS (0 replies)
  81. Estild (micro-penis) just hit his waterloo / Divergence (1 replies)
  82. Bounty Badge (5 replies)
  83. do you have a box type preference? (7 replies)
  84. Another Archival Post - SimuCon 2000 (0 replies)
  85. 90 day returner code - GS2022SUMMER (0 replies)
  86. Character Portraits (2 replies)
  87. Having weird connection issues. HELP! (5 replies)
  88. How has the loot cap mechanics panned out? (43 replies)
  89. Poll: Are you in favor of a pickpocketing flag? (76 replies)
  90. Gemstone 4 (SIMU) changes / new currency / GS4 SOLD? (80 replies)
  91. Sunfist Raze Warcamp Task Advice (3 replies)
  92. Considering taking a break (10 replies)
  93. Currency Conversions (1 replies)
  94. Gemstone 4 is dead within max 24 months (8 replies)
  95. POLICY 18 and POLICY 19 Updated per Wyrom (50 replies)
  96. Divergence Updates (0 replies)
  97. Pedoanne | Caropedo | Pedobait ban & you (171 replies)
  98. OSA Critter Names (0 replies)
  99. Fucking unicorn mounts? (11 replies)
  100. Silver economy talk (13 replies)
  101. Players corner now nothing but merchant and garbage politics threads (47 replies)
  102. Shared missing kids and heirloom bounties (13 replies)
  103. So uhh...what's going on with OSA at the moment? (9 replies)
  104. Enough about missing kids! Let’s talk loot boosts! (7 replies)
  105. Let's talk missing kids! (11 replies)
  106. What's the secret to heirloom search bounties? (17 replies)
  107. Rendena lockout (17 replies)
  108. Raffling off legendary runestaff (17 replies)
  109. Need some forging advice (4 replies)
  110. Raffling off a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment (12 replies)
  111. To attune or not to attune, an (over)simplified analysis (20 replies)
  112. Giving away blood crystals (1 replies)
  113. Giving away a shimmer trinket (1 replies)
  114. 18,700 digs! And what did it get me?!? This! (13 replies)
  115. my back is tired from using the free pickaxe (2 replies)
  116. Cleric & Convert (12 replies)
  117. Capped Hunting - Profession Flexibility (14 replies)
  118. Simu came through for me! (22 replies)
  119. Gemstone players will drop by half | no more f2ps? (44 replies)
  120. Players DO have a weight on Simu decisions | continue to put pressure! (11 replies)
  121. Reasons to continue playing gemstone | FMO (3 replies)
  122. Aderion is a leech that abuses poor dead people (20 replies)
  123. Fart sniffers on discord won, farmers out (8 replies)
  124. Song of the Whale (1 replies)
  125. Reality check MOFOs, gemstone is dead (23 replies)
  126. Another sad QQ retirement story - Boo Hoo (108 replies)
  127. Almost a PR for box size (9 replies)
  128. OSA: moving from KF to Landing (33 replies)
  129. Note from the Pool (168 replies)
  130. Possibly gonna do a scavenger hunt with a legendary weapon as a prize (0 replies)
  131. New Character February Challenge (24 replies)
  132. What happens to house membership if you reroll (2 replies)
  133. Spam skip (0 replies)
  134. Dreaven bandit train accepting passengers (9 replies)
  135. Missing no-dachi (1 replies)
  136. PSM Changes - The Good? The Bad? (4 replies)
  137. Wizard Review (26 replies)
  138. 50 CER armor (1 replies)
  139. Could not find your target creature. (6 replies)
  140. Bard Review (188 replies)
  141. Hunting pairs (18 replies)
  142. Titles Missing since new changes (6 replies)
  143. weapons for my TWC ranger (4 replies)
  144. A thread for your OSA Details (6 replies)
  145. The 5 customers you meet in GS4 (16 replies)
  146. What are your DR finds? (22 replies)
  147. Sigil Cloak Info Is Ya Missed It (3 replies)
  148. DR Endless (53 replies)
  149. F2P and OSA (0 replies)
  150. please change my login to giantmanbard (0 replies)
  151. Item retrieval janitor (18 replies)
  152. Simutronics is worth 2 million dollars. (14 replies)
  153. Leveling with Ascension (38 replies)
  154. Hi, I'm Will, a new player playing an elvin paladin, this game is GOOD! (15 replies)
  155. They serious about Warnings & HMC (26 replies)
  156. Treasure (10 replies)
  157. To the moon! (0 replies)
  158. Stats after 1,279 fox hunts (31 replies)
  159. Bless Mechanics (3 replies)
  160. Fox Hunts! How do they work?! (5 replies)
  161. Player shop on closed account? (9 replies)
  162. Farming Silvers Question (11 replies)
  163. Pathragers retirement (56 replies)
  164. For almost a week 735 didn't cost any energy (2 replies)
  165. Inventory Item Management (11 replies)
  166. TSC death on raise (3 replies)
  167. GemStone Raids and Group content (5 replies)
  168. When is it acceptable to clear another person's warcamp? (24 replies)
  169. Animalistic Spirit Armor (7 replies)
  170. Ascension questions and more! (91 replies)
  171. Wyromania list? (32 replies)
  172. LOL GEMSTONE LOGIC aka P2W you mofo (12 replies)
  173. UAC best profession (3 replies)
  174. Please, complain about the lootcap (25 replies)
  175. Need help on not dying (21 replies)
  176. Trainer update. (3 replies)
  177. Update from Tillmen (2 replies)
  178. Tarts (3 replies)
  179. You guys ever... (3 replies)
  180. briarmoon (3 replies)
  181. Alteration Language Question (Krolegh) (5 replies)
  182. Can't find a good VPN for Gemstone (3 replies)
  183. Back after a long time, got into a new hobby (35 replies)
  184. Old News? (5 replies)
  185. Neat Weapon Find (1 replies)
  186. GS Throwback Post III: CyberStrike w/ GS3 Mention (4 replies)
  187. Fiery red orase runestaff lost in the Landing (1 replies)
  188. Zaoyosnitch and you (31 replies)
  189. Average player volume? (8 replies)
  190. Vishra = andraste (9 replies)
  191. Silvers through normal play? (6 replies)
  192. State of the game? EG now Pay to Play alot? (20 replies)
  193. Lnet and moderation (46 replies)
  194. Chris in billing steakhouse giftcard issue (50 replies)
  195. GM Wraex and you (17 replies)
  196. Dragon Carved Hoarbeam Long Bow Lost in Nelemar (4 replies)
  197. Cool article I came across about Gemstone III (2 replies)
  198. Will Ebon Gate become Pay2Win fest as well? (11 replies)
  199. Pathragers has been banned (65 replies)
  200. Newly Capped, hunting area suggestions? (9 replies)
  201. Lost item in OTF (2 replies)
  202. Computer died, no Dreavenings until I can get it fixed (59 replies)
  203. Ascension Released (81 replies)
  204. What happens when you REDEEM HESS certs? (7 replies)
  205. stupid playershops question (6 replies)
  206. What I used to go to DR for... (5 replies)
  207. altering sprite gear (4 replies)
  208. Lnet DOWN and you (3 replies)
  209. Rendena's Items, Dropped In WL-TSC (4 replies)
  210. Tell me the story behind your favorite alter for a podcast episode, win prizes. (3 replies)
  211. Creatures that use longswords? (17 replies)
  212. Gemstone, rebalancing and you (14 replies)
  213. 90 day offer codes? (1 replies)
  214. How's the game as of late? RP still solid? (23 replies)
  215. LNET vs Boomernet or the power of moderation (38 replies)
  216. Rendena (11 replies)
  217. Vishra aka Time4fun (33 replies)
  218. Returning Player needs help identifying items (12 replies)
  219. Madmountain aka GM Haxus and the t5 corasine issue (35 replies)
  220. Predictions on what gets changed in game next (18 replies)
  221. Portraits Redux (2 replies)
  222. Fix Gemstone!! - And while we're at it..... (5 replies)
  223. Simutronics Racism - account cancellation (4 replies)
  224. Players, their main characters and their agenda (s) (16 replies)
  225. Alastir is a women beater, frustrated 5 times divorced, sour fatman that hates life (8 replies)
  226. GMs are going to literally rewrite game lore and mechanics to remove racism (557 replies)
  227. capped character the best investments? (6 replies)
  228. Planning to return, looking for some lost partners... (3 replies)
  229. Crossed another "Line in the Sand?" (31 replies)
  230. Post Your Favorite Item (34 replies)
  231. Kassdorgia is a fucking bad player and sux at life (24 replies)
  232. What am I missing? (17 replies)
  233. Pathragers is the most lying piece of shit ever (52 replies)
  234. Looking for Sicarium, Silenti, Scrumples and Aeryus (3 replies)
  235. Gemstone Wizard Music (12 replies)
  236. You've got to get up pretty early in the morning if you want a good name in GemStone (14 replies)
  237. Creating a Characters Last Name (6 replies)
  238. Are you glad you invested so much time in your capped character? (9 replies)
  239. Discord - Expired (3 replies)
  240. Restricted-use unchargeable crumbly enhancive (7 replies)
  241. Project Piece (4 replies)
  242. Detailed Scripts for Mount'N Cloaks (0 replies)
  243. Massies during Dreavening (4 replies)
  244. Old guy needs help. (4 replies)
  245. Account bond item? Using "locker trick"? (3 replies)
  246. Lich Guide for New and Returning Players (37 replies)
  247. Twilight Hall lockers in Icemule (1 replies)
  248. the monster manual of gemstone players (1 replies)
  249. Lost OHE (1 replies)
  250. Archery Update Design Plans (177 replies)