View Full Version : General Gemstone
- IGGM - Why Monopoly Go Is So Popular Among Video Games In 2025? (0 replies)
- POECurrency - What Surprises Will PoE 2 Patch 0.2.0 Bring Us? (0 replies)
- IGGM - Is Diablo 4 Season 8 Really An Exciting Boss Challenge? (0 replies)
- Script check (51 replies)
- MA groups are ruining the game!! (according to Discord keyboard warriors) (57 replies)
- Puzzlebox (4 replies)
- Can't install the launcher? (1 replies)
- Prettys Girls in your town for night (0 replies)
- Find Sexy Girls from your city for night (1 replies)
- Beautiful Girls from your city - Real-life Girls (1 replies)
- Pretty Womans from your town - Verified Females (0 replies)
- Search Girls from your city for night (0 replies)
- Pretty Girls from your city - Genuine Females (0 replies)
- Find Sexy Womans in your town for night (0 replies)
- Prettys Womans in your city - Real Women (0 replies)
- Womans in your city - True Females (0 replies)
- Womans in your town - Verified Damsels (0 replies)
- Find Prettys Girls in your town for night (0 replies)
- Sexy Girls from your town for night (0 replies)
- Returning From Long Hiatus (4 replies)
- An old list of "valuable weapons" (6 replies)
- Help with Lich (3 replies)
- The Inspector cometh... (2 replies)
- Storm peak - level 80 mobs (1 replies)
- Hunting is still serious business! (2 replies)
- Premier Сasual Dating - Genuine Ladies (0 replies)
- Outstanding Сasual Dating - Genuine Damsels (1 replies)
- HELP, My 2x XP scroll is wearing off! (2 replies)
- Optimal Сasual Dating - Verified Ladies (0 replies)
- Passwords (13 replies)
- Exemplary Сasual Dating Living Women (3 replies)
- [Outstanding Сasual Dating Real-life Females] (3 replies)
- Well that was type of script check? (4 replies)
- Ranger vs Bard (post cap) (23 replies)
- Been gone about a year - anything new (1 replies)
- Simucoins 80% sale now? Worth making a nearly ungimped char for $25 a year? (9 replies)
- Script Checks (64 replies)
- GMs giving up on silvers? (108 replies)
- Returning player (6 replies)
- Roblar/ Duskruin disaster (6 replies)
- Hardcore GS (2 replies)
- Game/Website down? (18 replies)
- Is identity theft a thing in GS or should I take this as flattery? (6 replies)
- ChatGPT drawing ASCII art of GS rooms. (28 replies)
- GMs triggering hunts now to bust you for scripting (28 replies)
- Well that doesn't seem fair (3 replies)
- Twilight Hall's 9th Annual Magic of Spring Festival (1 replies)
- profession change? (4 replies)
- Discord - new Privacy Policy to go live March 27th (3 replies)
- Threading via 5G Smartphone / Laptop (10 replies)
- Nervestaff or Parasite Staff? (3 replies)
- New Ascension Area: Manual Hunting Only (27 replies)
- I may have beaten all odds. (3 replies)
- Official Forums officially locked from posting (9 replies)
- First annual Rat Hunt! (15 replies)
- What's the deal with loot boosts? (5 replies)
- David Whatley No Longer CEO of Simutronics (48 replies)
- test (0 replies)
- Question (5 replies)
- ChatGPT plays Gemstone (18 replies)
- GS & IRS $600 rule (53 replies)
- Friendly reminder for people who hunt hidden (14 replies)
- Taking characters to beyond level 100 (6 replies)
- Level 16 GoS Warcamp Group (0 replies)
- player shop pricing mistake (4 replies)
- Luukos 340 Talismans (2 replies)
- Working on a new service: automatic middleman (35 replies)
- Web Client Macros (5 replies)
- player shops easter egg (0 replies)
- necrotic rings (1 replies)
- Empowered Items (6 replies)
- Easiest/fastest/efficient way to organize loot? (4 replies)
- What did you get at DR? (25 replies)
- Anyone get anything good from the 1 million silver prize pile? (3 replies)
- 620 quickly becoming least valuable service (22 replies)
- Discord (1 replies)
- Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces - how do these work? (1 replies)
- question about the new mithril arms (2 replies)
- Ore from HESS (0 replies)
- Estild (micro-penis) just hit his waterloo / Divergence (1 replies)
- Bounty Badge (5 replies)
- do you have a box type preference? (7 replies)
- Another Archival Post - SimuCon 2000 (0 replies)
- 90 day returner code - GS2022SUMMER (0 replies)
- Character Portraits (2 replies)
- Having weird connection issues. HELP! (5 replies)
- How has the loot cap mechanics panned out? (43 replies)
- Poll: Are you in favor of a pickpocketing flag? (76 replies)
- Gemstone 4 (SIMU) changes / new currency / GS4 SOLD? (80 replies)
- Sunfist Raze Warcamp Task Advice (3 replies)
- Considering taking a break (10 replies)
- Currency Conversions (1 replies)
- Gemstone 4 is dead within max 24 months (8 replies)
- POLICY 18 and POLICY 19 Updated per Wyrom (50 replies)
- Divergence Updates (0 replies)
- Pedoanne | Caropedo | Pedobait ban & you (171 replies)
- OSA Critter Names (0 replies)
- Fucking unicorn mounts? (11 replies)
- Silver economy talk (13 replies)
- Players corner now nothing but merchant and garbage politics threads (47 replies)
- Shared missing kids and heirloom bounties (13 replies)
- So uhh...what's going on with OSA at the moment? (9 replies)
- Enough about missing kids! Let’s talk loot boosts! (7 replies)
- Let's talk missing kids! (11 replies)
- What's the secret to heirloom search bounties? (17 replies)
- Rendena lockout (17 replies)
- Raffling off legendary runestaff (17 replies)
- Need some forging advice (4 replies)
- Raffling off a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment (12 replies)
- To attune or not to attune, an (over)simplified analysis (20 replies)
- Giving away blood crystals (1 replies)
- Giving away a shimmer trinket (1 replies)
- 18,700 digs! And what did it get me?!? This! (13 replies)
- my back is tired from using the free pickaxe (2 replies)
- Cleric & Convert (12 replies)
- Capped Hunting - Profession Flexibility (14 replies)
- Simu came through for me! (22 replies)
- Gemstone players will drop by half | no more f2ps? (44 replies)
- Players DO have a weight on Simu decisions | continue to put pressure! (11 replies)
- Reasons to continue playing gemstone | FMO (3 replies)
- Aderion is a leech that abuses poor dead people (20 replies)
- Fart sniffers on discord won, farmers out (8 replies)
- Song of the Whale (1 replies)
- Reality check MOFOs, gemstone is dead (23 replies)
- Another sad QQ retirement story - Boo Hoo (108 replies)
- Almost a PR for box size (9 replies)
- OSA: moving from KF to Landing (33 replies)
- Note from the Pool (168 replies)
- Possibly gonna do a scavenger hunt with a legendary weapon as a prize (0 replies)
- New Character February Challenge (24 replies)
- What happens to house membership if you reroll (2 replies)
- Spam skip (0 replies)
- Dreaven bandit train accepting passengers (9 replies)
- Missing no-dachi (1 replies)
- PSM Changes - The Good? The Bad? (4 replies)
- Wizard Review (26 replies)
- 50 CER armor (1 replies)
- Could not find your target creature. (6 replies)
- Bard Review (188 replies)
- Hunting pairs (18 replies)
- Titles Missing since new changes (6 replies)
- weapons for my TWC ranger (4 replies)
- A thread for your OSA Details (6 replies)
- The 5 customers you meet in GS4 (16 replies)
- What are your DR finds? (22 replies)
- Sigil Cloak Info Is Ya Missed It (3 replies)
- DR Endless (53 replies)
- F2P and OSA (0 replies)
- please change my login to giantmanbard (0 replies)
- Item retrieval janitor (18 replies)
- Simutronics is worth 2 million dollars. (14 replies)
- Leveling with Ascension (38 replies)
- Hi, I'm Will, a new player playing an elvin paladin, this game is GOOD! (15 replies)
- They serious about Warnings & HMC (26 replies)
- Treasure (10 replies)
- To the moon! (0 replies)
- Stats after 1,279 fox hunts (31 replies)
- Bless Mechanics (3 replies)
- Fox Hunts! How do they work?! (5 replies)
- Player shop on closed account? (9 replies)
- Farming Silvers Question (11 replies)
- Pathragers retirement (56 replies)
- For almost a week 735 didn't cost any energy (2 replies)
- Inventory Item Management (11 replies)
- TSC death on raise (3 replies)
- GemStone Raids and Group content (5 replies)
- When is it acceptable to clear another person's warcamp? (24 replies)
- Animalistic Spirit Armor (7 replies)
- Ascension questions and more! (91 replies)
- Wyromania list? (32 replies)
- LOL GEMSTONE LOGIC aka P2W you mofo (12 replies)
- UAC best profession (3 replies)
- Please, complain about the lootcap (25 replies)
- Need help on not dying (21 replies)
- Trainer update. (3 replies)
- Update from Tillmen (2 replies)
- Tarts (3 replies)
- You guys ever... (3 replies)
- briarmoon (3 replies)
- Alteration Language Question (Krolegh) (5 replies)
- Can't find a good VPN for Gemstone (3 replies)
- Back after a long time, got into a new hobby (35 replies)
- Old News? (5 replies)
- Neat Weapon Find (1 replies)
- GS Throwback Post III: CyberStrike w/ GS3 Mention (4 replies)
- Fiery red orase runestaff lost in the Landing (1 replies)
- Zaoyosnitch and you (31 replies)
- Average player volume? (8 replies)
- Vishra = andraste (9 replies)
- Silvers through normal play? (6 replies)
- State of the game? EG now Pay to Play alot? (20 replies)
- Lnet and moderation (46 replies)
- Chris in billing steakhouse giftcard issue (50 replies)
- GM Wraex and you (17 replies)
- Dragon Carved Hoarbeam Long Bow Lost in Nelemar (4 replies)
- Cool article I came across about Gemstone III (2 replies)
- Will Ebon Gate become Pay2Win fest as well? (11 replies)
- Pathragers has been banned (65 replies)
- Newly Capped, hunting area suggestions? (9 replies)
- Lost item in OTF (2 replies)
- Computer died, no Dreavenings until I can get it fixed (59 replies)
- Ascension Released (81 replies)
- What happens when you REDEEM HESS certs? (7 replies)
- stupid playershops question (6 replies)
- What I used to go to DR for... (5 replies)
- altering sprite gear (4 replies)
- Lnet DOWN and you (3 replies)
- Rendena's Items, Dropped In WL-TSC (4 replies)
- Tell me the story behind your favorite alter for a podcast episode, win prizes. (3 replies)
- Creatures that use longswords? (17 replies)
- Gemstone, rebalancing and you (14 replies)
- 90 day offer codes? (1 replies)
- How's the game as of late? RP still solid? (23 replies)
- LNET vs Boomernet or the power of moderation (38 replies)
- Rendena (11 replies)
- Vishra aka Time4fun (33 replies)
- Returning Player needs help identifying items (12 replies)
- Madmountain aka GM Haxus and the t5 corasine issue (35 replies)
- Predictions on what gets changed in game next (18 replies)
- Portraits Redux (2 replies)
- Fix Gemstone!! - And while we're at it..... (5 replies)
- Simutronics Racism - account cancellation (4 replies)
- Players, their main characters and their agenda (s) (16 replies)
- Alastir is a women beater, frustrated 5 times divorced, sour fatman that hates life (8 replies)
- GMs are going to literally rewrite game lore and mechanics to remove racism (557 replies)
- capped character the best investments? (6 replies)
- Planning to return, looking for some lost partners... (3 replies)
- Crossed another "Line in the Sand?" (31 replies)
- Post Your Favorite Item (34 replies)
- Kassdorgia is a fucking bad player and sux at life (24 replies)
- What am I missing? (17 replies)
- Pathragers is the most lying piece of shit ever (52 replies)
- Looking for Sicarium, Silenti, Scrumples and Aeryus (3 replies)
- Gemstone Wizard Music (12 replies)
- You've got to get up pretty early in the morning if you want a good name in GemStone (14 replies)
- Creating a Characters Last Name (6 replies)
- Are you glad you invested so much time in your capped character? (9 replies)
- Discord - Expired (3 replies)
- Restricted-use unchargeable crumbly enhancive (7 replies)
- Project Piece (4 replies)
- Detailed Scripts for Mount'N Cloaks (0 replies)
- Massies during Dreavening (4 replies)
- Old guy needs help. (4 replies)
- Account bond item? Using "locker trick"? (3 replies)
- Lich Guide for New and Returning Players (37 replies)
- Twilight Hall lockers in Icemule (1 replies)
- the monster manual of gemstone players (1 replies)
- Lost OHE (1 replies)
- Archery Update Design Plans (177 replies)
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