View Full Version : Working on a new service: automatic middleman

10-21-2022, 05:04 AM
Wyrom himself has verified on Discord that using this service does NOT violate any sort of in game rules. So feel free to help me test this and once it has been tested feel free to use this as a regular service!

I've created a script where one of my characters can act as an automatic middleman between two other parties.

The plan is to have a character parked in the Landing who will be available to automatically conduct business between two parties.

The person selling the item/silvers gives my character the item. The seller WILL NOT be able to automatically get their item back unless the buyer cancels the transaction with my character, otherwise I will personally get in contact with both parties to figure out what the heck is going on before deciding what to do with the item.

The buyer can then check with my character to see if the seller has indeed dropped off the item they are buying. They can then proceed with payment or cancel the transaction at this time.

If the buyer cancels the transaction then the buyer can get their item back from my character.

Once the seller has received payment they will confirm the transaction with my character, the buyer will then be able to automatically pick up their item.

This way a neutral and trusted source acts as a middleman, also it has the added benefit that the two parties don't need to arrange their schedules to meet up in game; the seller simply drops off the item, the buyer checks to make sure the item is there then sends payment, then the seller can confirm the transaction next time they are on, then the buyer can pick up the item.

The script is mostly done (I need to do more coding to look in containers and stuff like that), but it's mostly working. I just need a few people to try and break the script to make sure it's working properly and I'm not giving out items wrongly. You'll either need to test with a friend or with your own alts.

DO NOT test with items/silvers you don't want to lose. While I'm pretty sure the script won't be giving your item away to the wrong person, I can't say for sure yet. So just test with random crap and small amounts of silvers.

To get a list of commands whisper "help" to the character.

Here are the commands:

(OOC) Dreaven's player whispers, "To start the process of selling something whisper to me: sell."
(OOC) Dreaven's player whispers, "To get something you're buying, whisper to me: buy <name of seller>"
(OOC) Dreaven's player whispers, "To have an item returned to you that you have given me to be sold (remember the other party must cancel the transaction) whisper to me: return <name of buyer>"
(OOC) Dreaven's player whispers, "To cancel a transaction with someone selling you something whisper to me: cancel <name of seller>. ONLY DO THIS IF THE DEAL HAS BEEN CANCELED. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT PAYMENT, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET THE ITEM AND THE SELLER CAN GET THEIR ITEM BACK."
(OOC) Dreaven's player whispers, "To confirm that payment has been received for an item you have sold whisper to me: confirm <name of buyer>. EXAMPLE: whisper to me: confirm Larry. Be sure to enter their EXACT name and be sure you have received payment before confirming, because once you confirm the buyer will be able to get the item."

I keep saying "character" because I plan to roll up a new character just for this, but for now I'm testing with Dreaven.

10-21-2022, 09:40 AM
What could go wrong?

10-21-2022, 09:47 AM
This is ripe for being popped by a GM for botting, because it's the literal policy definition of it.

10-21-2022, 11:05 AM
This is ripe for being popped by a GM for botting, because it's the literal policy definition of it.

Also note: Dreaven is a piece of shit. Enjoy getting scammed.

10-21-2022, 11:17 AM
Absolute scripting corrupts absolutely.

10-21-2022, 02:17 PM
This is ripe for being popped by a GM for botting, because it's the literal policy definition of it.

The GMs would have to be the most miserable human beings alive to actually bust this for botting, so I suppose it is a possibility.

This is a solution to their own player base being scammed that they apparently don’t care is happening.

The script is literally just accepting items and handing them to people based on a mutual agreement between two people.

Seems like people don’t want solutions, they just want to complain.

10-21-2022, 02:22 PM
The GMs would have to be the most miserable human beings alive

Greetings new player, welcome to Gemstone IV.

10-21-2022, 02:38 PM
I like this idea and actually had a similar one a few years ago for a currency exchanger, which would have instantly converted bs into silvers and back and other currencies into each other. Unfortunately, ended up not doing it for the same reason, due to this dumb botting policy that some GM would be eager to apply even to a char that doesn't do shit but sit in a room all day.

10-21-2022, 02:44 PM
I like this idea and actually had a similar one a few years ago for a currency exchanger, which would have instantly converted bs into silvers and back and other currencies into each other. Unfortunately, ended up not doing it for the same reason, due to this dumb botting policy that some GM would be eager to apply even to a char that doesn't do shit but sit in a room all day.

Yeah it's dumb that the GMs have instilled this sense of fear into everything we do, even to the point where players are legit afraid of doing something that would benefit the community for literally NO reward to any party involved, other than adding another layer of safety against getting scammed.

10-21-2022, 03:09 PM
I like this idea and actually had a similar one a few years ago for a currency exchanger, which would have instantly converted bs into silvers and back and other currencies into each other. Unfortunately, ended up not doing it for the same reason, due to this dumb botting policy that some GM would be eager to apply even to a char that doesn't do shit but sit in a room all day.

Currency exchange and open source coding is the only fix.

10-21-2022, 03:19 PM
Screw it, I'll risk the GMs smiting me down for daring to try and protect their own customers from being scammed.

If anyone wants to help me test this, I'll be in Lich room 9652 in the Wayside Inn for the next 30 minutes or so.

Just try whatever you can to break the script, but only use items/silvers amounts you're willing to lose just in case something isn't working right.

10-21-2022, 04:01 PM
The risk doesn't seem worth it to me, say something happens and you get locked out of the game while you had the item? You gonna be responsible for the lost cash? Seems like a lot of risk vs very little reward.

10-21-2022, 04:04 PM
The risk doesn't seem worth it to me, say something happens and you get locked out of the game while you had the item? You gonna be responsible for the lost cash? Seems like a lot of risk vs very little reward.

To my understanding, lockouts aren't a thing anymore.

10-21-2022, 04:31 PM
Alright! Straight from Wyrom himself on Discord:


Today at 3:06 PM
Hey, GMs, I plan on setting up a """"""""""bot"""""""""" that will help facilitate trades between two parties to help cut down on the number of your paying customers that are getting ripped off by other players. Some people have expressed concern that you will crack down on this """"""""""botting"""""""""" behavior. Can you go ahead and just give me a heads up that you consider it a violation of your rules to help ensure your paying customers don't get scammed by your other players. Thanks in advance!


Today at 3:18 PM
Item for item, or perhaps the two people can't meet up at the same time so they use a neutral third party as a middleman to facilitate the trade.
Or "other reasons."
Point is the ONLY thing that this """"""""""bot"""""""""" would be doing is helping cut down on people being scammed, there is no mechanical or silver advantage whatsoever.

Today at 3:20 PM
Only if you name who made up the fact that we even talked about it already.

Today at 3:20 PM
I hope it's named Escrow.

Today at 3:20 PM
Can't crack down on something that no one even heard of.
We do have a no cash sales bit here on Discord though.

Today at 3:21 PM
I'm sorry, I really don't understand what you referring to, I didn't talk about anything about this:/

Today at 3:23 PM
GMs aren't cracking down on anything. Why insert a problem where there wasn't one?
Why the negative spin

Today at 3:23 PM
That's what I'm wondering myself.
But that's what people are telling me they are afraid of.

Today at 3:23 PM
So weird.

Today at 3:23 PM
So I thought some clarification would help assuage some problems people might be having with this.

Here is how it would work: seller hands item to my character, buyer verifies with my character that seller has indeed given my character the item, buyer pays seller, seller tells my character they have received their payment, buyer can pick up their item.
My character has no knowledge or requirement of what payment is being used (silvers, items, bloodscrip, etc) my character just verifies from the buyer that they have received payment.

Today at 3:26 PM
I don't see an issue with you communicating to Discord if you're going to be a safety net.

Today at 3:26 PM
Would this script/character be breaking any rules in game?
From doing what I have described?

Today at 3:26 PM
No, not as the policy is written today.

So there we have it! The script does NOT break Discord rules nor in game botting rules.

So help me test this script! And once all of the kinks are ironed out feel free to use this free service that Wyrom himself isn't against any sort of rules! Feel safer with any transaction you have!

10-21-2022, 04:34 PM
Dreaven will be in room 9652 in the Wayside Inn in Landing until about 6:30PM EST.

Wyrom himself said using this service will NOT violate any in game rules, so you have nothing to fear.

Please help me TEST this service. Only use items/silver amounts you are willing to lose because I can't guarantee at the moment that the script won't lose them (this is why we are testing it after all.)

10-21-2022, 05:13 PM
So many people helping test that the script can barely keep up! But some testing would be great if you have the time. Try your hardest to break the script so I can find any bugs.

10-21-2022, 05:40 PM
I hope it's named Escrow.


10-21-2022, 06:01 PM

Yeah I really like that idea, I have a feeling someone already snatched up the name by now though.

The amount of butthurt on Discord is unreal though, almost matches the amount of butthurt in this thread here.

Who knew trying to help protect people against scammers would bring out the worst in people?

10-21-2022, 06:02 PM
Yeah I really like that idea, I have a feeling someone already snatched up the name by now though.

The amount of butthurt on Discord is unreal though, almost matches the amount of butthurt in this thread here.

Who knew trying to help protect people against scammers would bring out the worst in people?

why would anyone have any butthurt over this at all?

And honestly, this should already be something that exists through the mail system.

10-21-2022, 06:04 PM
why would anyone have any butthurt over this at all?

And honestly, this should already be something that exists through the mail system.

Mostly just troglodytes who say I am untrustworthy, even though I have done literally billions of silvers worth of transactions going back 13+ years. But haters gonna hate.

10-21-2022, 06:15 PM
well they probably don't like your political stance, and you know FEELINGS!!

10-21-2022, 08:54 PM
shrug, don't particularly like Tgo, odds are the feeling is mutual, however never once have I believed he was untrustworthy. Can be both of those things.

10-21-2022, 10:38 PM
shrug, don't particularly like Tgo, odds are the feeling is mutual, however never once have I believed he was untrustworthy. Can be both of those things.

I have nothing against you, I have nothing against almost anyone on the PC/in game. Just a couple of notable exceptions. They know who they are.

10-22-2022, 12:24 AM
shrug, don't particularly like Tgo, odds are the feeling is mutual, however never once have I believed he was untrustworthy. Can be both of those things.

I've had the guy blocked on PC for years just so I don't inadvertently lose any IQ points reading his posts, but I'd trust this service. I think it's a pretty good idea.

10-22-2022, 01:42 AM
shrug, don't particularly like Tgo, odds are the feeling is mutual, however never once have I believed he was untrustworthy. Can be both of those things.

Hating someone's political stance and illogic is a lot different from someone like Dreaven's in-game rep. Even when there is anything protecting ones items/gear in such a service, I'd be pretty surprised if anyone could legitimately call the intention dishonest or a disservice.

10-22-2022, 03:44 AM
Alright! Straight from Wyrom himself on Discord:


Today at 3:06 PM
Hey, GMs, I plan on setting up a """"""""""bot"""""""""" that will help facilitate trades between two parties to help cut down on the number of your paying customers that are getting ripped off by other players. Some people have expressed concern that you will crack down on this """"""""""botting"""""""""" behavior. Can you go ahead and just give me a heads up that you consider it a violation of your rules to help ensure your paying customers don't get scammed by your other players. Thanks in advance!


Today at 3:18 PM
Item for item, or perhaps the two people can't meet up at the same time so they use a neutral third party as a middleman to facilitate the trade.
Or "other reasons."
Point is the ONLY thing that this """"""""""bot"""""""""" would be doing is helping cut down on people being scammed, there is no mechanical or silver advantage whatsoever.

Today at 3:20 PM
Only if you name who made up the fact that we even talked about it already.

Today at 3:20 PM
I hope it's named Escrow.

Today at 3:20 PM
Can't crack down on something that no one even heard of.
We do have a no cash sales bit here on Discord though.

Today at 3:21 PM
I'm sorry, I really don't understand what you referring to, I didn't talk about anything about this:/

Today at 3:23 PM
GMs aren't cracking down on anything. Why insert a problem where there wasn't one?
Why the negative spin

Today at 3:23 PM
That's what I'm wondering myself.
But that's what people are telling me they are afraid of.

Today at 3:23 PM
So weird.

Today at 3:23 PM
So I thought some clarification would help assuage some problems people might be having with this.

Here is how it would work: seller hands item to my character, buyer verifies with my character that seller has indeed given my character the item, buyer pays seller, seller tells my character they have received their payment, buyer can pick up their item.
My character has no knowledge or requirement of what payment is being used (silvers, items, bloodscrip, etc) my character just verifies from the buyer that they have received payment.

Today at 3:26 PM
I don't see an issue with you communicating to Discord if you're going to be a safety net.

Today at 3:26 PM
Would this script/character be breaking any rules in game?
From doing what I have described?

Today at 3:26 PM
No, not as the policy is written today.

So there we have it! The script does NOT break Discord rules nor in game botting rules.

So help me test this script! And once all of the kinks are ironed out feel free to use this free service that Wyrom himself isn't against any sort of rules! Feel safer with any transaction you have!

I'm just impressed that you managed to work the word "assuage" into the conversation.

If you could have found a way to include "sausage" in the exchange, the world would have been a better place for us all.


10-22-2022, 01:53 PM
What's hypocritical is... if there are any worries about "scripting", it never occurs during paid events that require thousands of runs to complete to collect enough of a currency to feasibly afford anything.

That "scripting"? Cool.

Other stuff outside of that? Ehhhhh, maybe?

10-27-2022, 03:55 PM
Almost got this script ready.

For silver transactions my character will hold silvers in his bank account and can tell the buyer how many silvers are in the transaction before the buyer gives the seller payment.

For item transactions my character will hold onto the item and before the buyer gives the seller payment my character can whisper the buyer the ANALYZE info, INSPECT info, READ info, REACLL info, and will SHOW the item to the buyer (I can easily add in any other important info as well, but I figure these are probably the most important ones.)

If the buyer then decides they no longer want to proceed with the deal they should CANCEL the transaction, which would then let the seller get their silvers/items back automatically.

Also script will track how many times someone has successfully sold an item with this service, bought an item, how many disputes they have been involved in, and how many disputes have been ruled against them, and this information will be available to anyone who asks and is also whispered to the seller about the buyer and to the buyer about the seller before the transaction is confirmed.

Script will also keep a log of ALL transactions, which will include information such as the seller, the buyer, the item/silvers in the transaction, whether the transaction was completed or canceled or resulted in a dispute. This information will only be available to the person asking and only about transactions they were involved in (so Bob can ask for his information and only transactions where Bob was the buyer or seller will be shared with him.) Also this information will be used if there are any disputes.

This character will be parked in Icemule because Icemule is my home, homie.

I'll let this character/script run for about a month and if there is little/no interest then I will end the service, I will obviously allow any pending transactions to continue before I stop the service.

10-27-2022, 04:30 PM
Yeah I really like that idea, I have a feeling someone already snatched up the name by now though.

The amount of butthurt on Discord is unreal though, almost matches the amount of butthurt in this thread here.

Who knew trying to help protect people against scammers would bring out the worst in people?

You should name it ;zaoloo

well they probably don't like your political stance, and you know FEELINGS!!

This is correct.

10-27-2022, 07:04 PM
watch out for tricks like...

Person whispers, "Person just gave you 100000000 coins which you quickly pocket."

10-27-2022, 07:45 PM
watch out for tricks like...

Person whispers, "Person just gave you 100000000 coins which you quickly pocket."

agreed, but it doesn't have the commas from commarage... but I think that's why he's still considering it beta testing

10-27-2022, 07:49 PM
watch out for tricks like...

Person whispers, "Person just gave you 100000000 coins which you quickly pocket."

Hopefully this was already taken into consideration and the NPC checks that the item is in the NPC's inventory.

I personally think TGO is going too far out on a limb by offering this service. Too many opportunities to get caught up in bullshit.

10-27-2022, 07:54 PM
watch out for tricks like...

Person whispers, "Person just gave you 100000000 coins which you quickly pocket."

Yup yup. The script should account for that. Gonna ask people to help me test it before I take it live too, just in case I missed something.

10-27-2022, 07:55 PM
I personally think TGO is going too far out on a limb by offering this service. Too many opportunities to get caught up in bullshit.

What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment.

10-27-2022, 08:09 PM
So can we knock him over and pickpocket all the coins while he can't get up? That's what I want to know.

10-27-2022, 08:14 PM
So can we knock him over and pickpocket all the coins while he can't get up? That's what I want to know.
