View Full Version : Leveling with Ascension

07-09-2021, 03:35 PM
Decided since I have capped and being capped is kind of stagnant (IMO) I would play around with bringing a guy up and pumping ascension as much as that level would allow to really enjoy some of those hunting area's longer and delay capping as much as possible. I know someone can do the math for what it should break down for each level but I figured I would map my EXP gain using ascension and post it because, well I can.

20: 11,728
21: 24,768
22: 39,158
23: 54,981 - 1 ATP
24: 72,345
25: 89,560
26: 109,970 - 1 ATP
27: 131,928
28: 155,653 - 1 ATP

07-09-2021, 03:41 PM
Ascension point breakdown

2 earned by EXP
Strength 1/40 Common Stat
Two-Handed Weapon 2/50 Common Skill

2 earned by EXP
Aura 2/40 Common Stat
Wisdom 1/40 Common Stat

07-09-2021, 04:42 PM
I certainly feel the pinch with my level 58/59...whatever level he is, I forget off the top of my head....warmage. I have his ascension exp set to 55%. So his normal exp gain is 45% and ascension is 55%.

I'm pulling ascension training points at an okay speed, but they pail in comparison of actually earning enough experience to level up. You benefit so much more from a level of TPs and skills you put up over 1-2 ATPs you earn in the same time frame. Take it as you want, but I wouldn't really sink much into ascension exp gain right away unless you're really determined.

07-09-2021, 07:28 PM
Yea but if your goal is to avoid the monotony of capped hunting it is a way to accomplish that goal.

07-09-2021, 08:17 PM
I certainly feel the pinch with my level 58/59...whatever level he is, I forget off the top of my head....warmage. I have his ascension exp set to 55%. So his normal exp gain is 45% and ascension is 55%.

I'm pulling ascension training points at an okay speed, but they pail in comparison of actually earning enough experience to level up. You benefit so much more from a level of TPs and skills you put up over 1-2 ATPs you earn in the same time frame. Take it as you want, but I wouldn't really sink much into ascension exp gain right away unless you're really determined.

It’s not really for the ATPs but to still earn exp and have the challenge of some of the more fun hunting areas. I still have my capped dude to mess around with but short of hitting the 70s I have a pretty wide margin of where I can hunt for fun and learn from it.

07-09-2021, 08:19 PM
Yea but if your goal is to avoid the monotony of capped hunting it is a way to accomplish that goal.

I am hoping hinterwilds changes that (though SoS is pretty dope). But even if say zombies get tedious (though they aren’t) I can spice it up with a huge array of hunting options.

I still have my capped dude, this is just a nice break and it slows down getting to cap nicely. Plus I kind of just wanted to do it to see if I could

07-09-2021, 08:23 PM
I'd probably enable it to the max in wealthy areas and disable it in poor or annoying mechanical areas.

07-09-2021, 08:51 PM
You should be pretty stout by the time you reach level 100 as well with all those ATP's.....in 2026

07-09-2021, 08:56 PM
You should be pretty stout by the time you reach level 100 as well with all those ATP's.....in 2026


Honestly the one time/place I may not use it is once I get to the high levels because hunting is so sparse, though like you said who knows how many options I will have in 4-5 years

07-09-2021, 09:36 PM
Is there a generally accepted ascension plan for how much experience to put in and when to start?

07-09-2021, 09:41 PM
Is there a generally accepted ascension plan for how much experience to put in and when to start?

Unless you have specific goals in mind it's generally best to wait until you're at least 2x cap before you even start looking into putting any experience into ascension. You're almost always better off getting your skills leveled up via training points rather than ascension.

07-09-2021, 10:11 PM
Unless you have specific goals in mind it's generally best to wait until you're at least 2x cap before you even start looking into putting any experience into ascension. You're almost always better off getting your skills leveled up via training points rather than ascension.

Thank you sir for doing the research so I don’t have to!

07-09-2021, 11:02 PM
Is there a generally accepted ascension plan for how much experience to put in and when to start?

Ascension hasn't been around long enough for there to be an accepted plan. In my case I'm quite a few multiples past cap, so I dump all exp into ascension. If I'd just capped, I'd probably take the gimmie ascension points you get for feats, and put them into low hanging fruit right away, if I hadn't already. Then I would finish off the first 4-5 points of a handful of ascension stats/skills, and then move mostly back to regular exp till I had filled out major secondary skills. After that, I think you can do whatever you want, as it gets much harder to move the needle.

07-10-2021, 01:29 PM
I'm over 3x capped, but still not done maxing out all the stuff I should have, so I only put in 10% to ascention. I branched a bit and did CM and dodging, because it sure as hell makes life a little easier in some hunting situations.

Once those primary skills are done though, that number will likely shift. Honestly once you cap, it's more about what the hell do you want to do that's a bit more fun than just the typical stuff.

07-11-2021, 11:41 PM
You're almost always better off getting your skills leveled up via training points rather than ascension.

Totally agree

Unless you have specific goals in mind it's generally best to wait until you're at least 2x cap before you even start looking into putting any experience into ascension.

Totally disagree. Start ascension as early as possible

It might be semantics, but I do not look at it as leveling up my skills. I look at it more like augmenting my skills. Who doesn't wish they have +5/10/15/20 CS/AS? And when did they start wishing for the extra AS/CS. It certainly wasn't at 2-3x cap. It was probably closer to level 20 when things started getting tougher. Putting experience into ascension at level 20 was only logical. To me the benefits outweigh the alternative.

I have started 2 characters with 2 different ideas to see which plan was better.

Player A: Level 20 start with 20% ascension absorption rate. Each level I increased it by 1% until 40 (40%) . I then have stayed at 40%.

Here I am at level 59.

Level: 59 Fame: 33,397,628
Experience: 3,390,903 Field Exp: 722/973
Ascension Exp: 1,313,759 Recent Deaths: 0
Total Exp: 4,704,662 Death's Sting: None
Long-Term Exp: 0 Deeds: 0
Exp until lvl: 71,597 Exp to next ATP: 36,241
PTPs/MTPs: 34/0 ATPs: 0

Xxxxx, your Ascension experience is as follows:

Ascension Experience: 1,313,759
Absorption Rate: 40%
ATPs Earned: 28
ATPs Spent: 28
ATPs Available: 0

Player B: Straight 20%

Level: 46 Fame: 14,542,401
Experience: 2,217,217 Field Exp: 0/976
Ascension Exp: 514,594 Recent Deaths: 0
Total Exp: 2,731,811 Death's Sting: None
Long-Term Exp: 279 Deeds: 0
Exp until lvl: 83,283 Exp to next ATP: 35,406
PTPs/MTPs: 26/0 ATPs: 1

Xxxxx, your Ascension experience is as follows:

Ascension Experience: 514,594
Absorption Rate: 20%
ATPs Earned: 12
ATPs Spent: 11
ATPs Available: 1

Player A (Sorcerer) will have +5 CS additional around level 60. He will also have additional TD (+5? spirit and elemental) and an additional Spirit point (which is helpful if your society/class expends these points). There are also additional benefits. The only con, it will take me longer to cap. Based on my total exp I should be around level 73 instead of 59. At level 80, I believe I will have almost +4 more CS (for a total of +9 CS, I have not run the numbers so I could be a little off). I could always get some enhancives, but my CS/TD is permanent and requires no upkeep. To me +5 CS/TD at 60 and +9 CS/TD at 80 is better then +9 CS at 2-3x cap.

But these are just my opinions

07-12-2021, 09:51 AM
This is an idea that I think what profession and race you are matter. If you are doing cheap things, to boost td, stats and that can save you if you have a low bonus in say aura or something. why not go for it ASAP. If you are a pure, and mowing stuff down just wait. Realk is at 25 % and not raking in asc points.. but i'm at 2.5x on him and in the middle of CM

My cleric is at 13 million and he only does 10% which i feel is fine because there is still a lot that i'd like to learn from regular training. I've thought about the idea of putting more into asc for my babies but from a perspective of I dont want to outgrow my friends. I don't think it makes sense to do it for any other reason (to me)

07-14-2021, 02:30 PM
got the first ATP with about 20k or so left in the level at that time and another level older

11-29-2021, 08:37 AM
decided to dust this back off and get back in to the action. Will keep updating as I go.

11-29-2021, 06:19 PM
I have all my doods maxed ascension point for their level - it helps with uphunting:
- one bard has +10 MoC from ascension. Combined with +50 MoC from enhancives, allowed him to get 135 total skill much earlier... the extra attack is really powerful with UAC - alot of times that last attack is the kill.
- one bard has max influence and 10 more influence with ascension. It makes the success rate of 1005 much greater.

12-07-2021, 01:44 PM
level bump - added level 25.

12-08-2021, 03:59 PM
I think this makes a lot of sense leveling since you can slow your rate down, get richer in the low loot pressure areas for newer non maxed players and then reap the benefits when you do cap.

12-08-2021, 05:24 PM
I think this makes a lot of sense leveling since you can slow your rate down, get richer in the low loot pressure areas for newer non maxed players and then reap the benefits when you do cap.

It's been fun. In the 2-3 weeks I have been in TV hunting Luune Weald or whatever it is spelled I have made almost 4m. I know for some people that is nothing, but for me that's good money.

12-08-2021, 11:33 PM
I didn't think of starting ascension until I realized it would be a good way to keep my 3 guys all around the same level, esp since I've been hunting 2 together in reim a lot. I put my wiz and sorc that hunt reim together on like 50 and 60% ascension and my warrior who I just hunt with the wiz for weekly grit on 0. I haven't spent any points yet. I guess I still have to figure that part out.

I kind of like the idea of slowing down and being more powerful at lower levels. I've been around forever but never capped a character. However, I fear getting there and having my pures just get beat to death by manuevers in a few overhunted and poor areas.

12-13-2021, 02:41 PM
another level down. For the first 6 with the % climb you would get 1 ATP per 3 levels. I am guessing it is going to get to 2 levels per ATP if not 27-28 or 29-30

12-13-2021, 07:29 PM
Spend your ATP points. You can unlearn and switch to something else easily when you figure out what you want. Might as well benefit from taking something while you are fully evaluating

12-13-2021, 07:34 PM
Spend your ATP points. You can unlearn and switch to something else easily when you figure out what you want. Might as well benefit from taking something while you are fully evaluating

Oh I have been =)

For my pally I have +1 STR and +1 2HW (not 26 yet)
For my Sorc I have +2 Aura and +1 WIS

I am debating sinking points in to STR and PF to get porter for my Sorc once I get +5 aur/wis since my Sorc is the one who likes to carry boxes. Add a little weird diversity to my guy that otherwise I would have never sank in to on my capped guy

12-20-2021, 08:30 AM
level 28 and 131k ascension exp

12-20-2021, 04:29 PM
Level: 48
Experience: 2,411,503
Ascension Exp: 822,025

12-20-2021, 05:42 PM
Level: 48
Experience: 2,411,503
Ascension Exp: 822,025

Oh nice! Have you been doing max amount each level?

12-20-2021, 05:52 PM
Oh nice! Have you been doing max amount each level?

Not really I started around level 37ish I think

12-21-2021, 10:19 AM
Oh I have been =)

For my pally I have +1 STR and +1 2HW (not 26 yet)
For my Sorc I have +2 Aura and +1 WIS

I am debating sinking points in to STR and PF to get porter for my Sorc once I get +5 aur/wis since my Sorc is the one who likes to carry boxes. Add a little weird diversity to my guy that otherwise I would have never sank in to on my capped guy

I recommend phase, though with zero demon lore you'll find a lot of boxes that are too heavy to phase. Also get 314 scrolls since that now reduces the weight of silvers in boxes as well.

12-21-2021, 11:27 AM
I recommend phase, though with zero demon lore you'll find a lot of boxes that are too heavy to phase. Also get 314 scrolls since that now reduces the weight of silvers in boxes as well.

I have been trying to get a couple points in to Demon lore and good look on 314! Once the new changes go live I will probably have way more demon lore because I am super excited about the minor summoning changes. I will pile drive my training to accomodate that spell so its my toons thing

12-21-2021, 11:28 AM
Not really I started around level 37ish I think

oh wow, and thats a decent chunk of exp

12-22-2021, 12:02 AM
Nice ascension epeen

12-22-2021, 12:57 AM
I have been trying to get a couple points in to Demon lore and good look on 314! Once the new changes go live I will probably have way more demon lore because I am super excited about the minor summoning changes. I will pile drive my training to accomodate that spell so its my toons thing

What summon changes ?!!!!

12-22-2021, 07:19 AM
What summon changes ?!!!!

It’s in the sorcerer folder somewhere or might be in gemstone mechanics? but it’s pretty amazeballs. Unique summons based on necro training or demon training. Last I heard it’s in coding and it was the reason I chose sorcerer so I hope they don’t change it haha

12-23-2021, 07:28 AM
lumnis boost burned and another level in the books AND a new ascension point in the books too. I think they will now come in every other level

12-30-2021, 05:06 PM
Unless you have specific goals in mind it's generally best to wait until you're at least 2x cap before you even start looking into putting any experience into ascension. You're almost always better off getting your skills leveled up via training points rather than ascension.

Have to disagree a bit there, you can start dropping exp into major stats immediately at cap for some fun permanent boosts. Plus when you can't train in your main weapon skill anymore it kind of takes the edge off the finality of your AS numbers. I've had friends hit the AS wall at cap and go into straight shock and stop responding. Never gets easier to see.

01-02-2022, 02:20 AM
"I've had friends hit the AS wall at cap and go into straight shock and stop responding. Never gets easier to see. "

People stop responding to your messages because their AS plateaus?