View Full Version : General Gemstone

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  1. Skill migration
  2. Tacky, Bad Outfits
  3. Is Gemstone down for everyone?
  4. Tones that aren't tones?
  5. Embedded spells
  6. plants and flowers
  7. Script converting
  8. Who do you miss?
  9. Polariz = potty trained (we hope)
  10. Inactive Characters:
  11. Characters you'd do!
  12. An old snippet
  13. Announcement: -ish
  14. At last!!
  15. Anchoring
  16. I got poked in tha eye!
  17. Hunting party (Who wants to do this now? 230am Game time)
  18. I know where not to go now...
  19. a day in the life of a warn whore
  20. strange
  21. Tayre is dead. BUT ONLY FOR A WHILE!!!
  22. Trying again.
  23. Gobble gobble
  24. Bards . . . explained!!!
  25. My first [unique] box found!!
  26. Most Powerful/Least Powerful
  27. Travel guides
  28. Yay for me!
  29. Multi-accounting
  30. Enjoy!
  31. Characters you wouldn't do!
  32. Best hunting combos
  33. I got a bad feeling about this (New MOC system)
  34. Inyk ... splat!
  35. OHE or Blunt?
  36. Brauden & Warden
  37. RSN
  38. Most mana?
  39. Animate Dead Update
  40. Teh bunnies!
  41. III or IV?
  42. Stormfront Questions
  43. Giggler orbs
  44. Free Fixskills, YAY!!
  45. Feature Alterations.
  46. Maximum HP
  47. So as if I needed any more reasons...
  48. Gemstone and normal people
  49. What do you highlight?
  50. Psinet problems..
  51. Finally quitting GS. (Sorta)
  52. PsiNet has moved!
  53. Dress teh Cross
  54. GM Features
  55. Weddings
  56. A quest? Bad guys? Dying? Who knows.
  57. Downtime Post
  58. This is what I get .. :Sigh: (Luxrious, Jastio, Plo)
  59. Portraits?
  60. Fixskills!
  61. What Are You Doing With Your Fixskills?
  62. Famous Last Words
  63. How to uninstall Psinet.
  64. Can you name all the Names?
  65. So what'd I miss?
  66. Critter info
  67. How many do you have?
  68. HAHAHA - My weapon ejaculated!!
  69. Hunting and outside profession reliance.
  70. Hunting with people and what that entails
  71. Glacier fun.
  72. Dear Simutronics.. take a page from this book:
  73. Merry Christmas, Lyonis. (this is just a stocking stuffer, there will be more to come)
  74. Invasion on the boulder.
  75. Um.
  76. just too funny...
  77. So...
  78. FUCKING PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
  79. Reyek
  80. Rich Critters
  81. Hidden Post Thread
  82. Things about the Rift
  83. Naked sheep!
  84. Armor Question
  85. Just throwing this out there.
  86. For 2005...
  87. Hey its me!
  88. The Champion (Mechanic Idea)
  89. So long sucker
  90. The Boulder
  91. Never seen this before.
  92. SGE Problems, Psinet Question
  93. Ardwen - Lord Smooth
  94. Aurawyn
  95. question
  96. Officially back!
  97. Mentoring
  98. Another Crash
  99. Vacation...
  100. Hello
  101. Hello. I have an announcement.
  102. My Journal
  103. Teras Rogues Guild Map
  104. Big Poker Tournament Sunday Night
  105. Ablen the Wicked.
  106. What is this for?
  108. Training Points & Conversion
  109. Profile abuse.
  110. What the..?
  111. Neat . .
  112. Lost moonstone encrusted aged mace
  113. The Fall Of Kadesha!
  114. Illistim Jail
  115. hat
  116. The Fall Of Niqk (Assassination)!
  117. PSInet?
  118. Tsins Load vs Real $$$$
  119. Elite Arm.
  120. Rapture Cloak
  121. DEBATE - Aelotoi and the variances of wing types (a log)
  122. NPC's increasing their power (The fall of... me?!).
  123. Sold Souls.
  124. Open-Ended Verbs and You
  125. Rorac's Return
  126. Michaelous pays
  127. Con Stat Penalties: Lets see them!
  128. Downgrading from premium
  129. "Real" Gems
  130. Don't you hate it when...
  131. Hahaha FUCKING PWNED!!11
  132. Hahaha FUCKING PWNED!!11
  133. Fun while rat hunting.
  134. The Fall of STFU!1
  135. OMG PLZ HELP!
  136. Character Manager Stat Reallocation
  137. Stat opinions
  138. Migrating, stat reallocation and you
  139. TP's VS. Stats who is >
  140. Need a favor from someone on Teras
  141. Billed?!
  142. Need to identify someone!
  143. Theres a Ho around back : a Pimps tale
  144. Question about artisan faire hair-changing bottles
  145. RP nominate
  146. 120m silver prize pool
  147. Wasp Nest Orbs
  148. Semi-Dux/Redux question
  149. HP Chart
  150. What's this?
  151. Why Not to Hunt and Talk at the Same Time (or: Why I am Retarded)
  152. One character only...
  153. Gemstone Selling Alter Scrolls
  154. My Attack!
  155. Flarer.
  156. the value of skinning?
  157. Best Typo Ever?
  158. Familiar Instrument Case
  159. Anyone know what these are for?
  160. What's with these people who play GS to cyber?
  161. PSINET download
  162. east gate tower
  163. There needs to be more (hot, well-dressed) Nalfein males.
  164. Square vs Semis
  165. What is the sexiest GS4 fantasy race?
  166. What's this?
  167. OH POOP
  168. The downside to owning a black ora weapon.
  169. Hide & Seek?
  170. Why do people hate Simu and GS?
  171. Question about a warblade
  172. ebay and gs
  174. Kitten Question.
  175. Omens
  176. A common yet funny mistake
  177. Subscription Poll
  178. Subscription Poll (MA poll)
  179. Demeanor
  180. Poll: Elanthian Towns
  181. MA poll, Cont'd
  182. Maliku in a bad mood today.
  183. Gemstone down...
  184. How the heck do you use a censer in game??
  185. Befriend list!
  186. The Abbey Library
  187. I wanna make a Katana user
  188. Happy E-waver boy!
  189. Call it whatever you'd like
  190. Bad
  191. Playing GS at work Appreciation Post
  192. Sneaking, Stalking, And Invisibility Changes
  193. Garrote repair??
  194. hmm I pissed off the Landing herbalist
  195. Gemstone Down?
  196. Okay , what am I doing wrong?
  197. PVP spells.
  198. NPC shop list?
  199. I wish I could get away with stuff like this!
  200. pwnd
  201. Static Merchant Records
  202. I like the pack!
  203. EN: Love it or hate it?
  204. The Rift Vr. Old Ta'Faendryl
  205. gay forum
  206. Mangled Steel Spoons
  207. Dress Lucene contest
  208. Lost in Silvergate
  209. Citizenship in town
  210. Question about containers
  211. How old were you when you started playing gemstone?
  212. GS Stabilty Dropping Like A Lead Balloon
  213. Runestone stuff....What's it do?
  214. trapped
  215. New Fixskills
  216. Col question
  217. Things that make you go ...Hmm
  218. Completely General
  219. Favorite items of all time.
  220. What would be the price of your MAIN character?
  221. SICK...Xealot takes it
  222. metal breast plate coverage
  223. curse data holder
  224. Favorite True Elanthian Word
  225. An Alternative look at GS...
  226. I have saved a life this night.
  227. whoops?
  228. What happens to a premium shop.
  229. Lost...been a while
  230. Fix Skills
  231. Who does your character look like?
  232. Random heavy shock?
  233. Psinet Oddity
  234. Broken Lands
  235. Runestaves
  236. I don't know how you guys do it.
  237. Illistim Glacier Help
  238. Kkorrik getting owned by his elemental - a painful log
  239. Spelling up with PsiNet
  240. Best prof for a hurler
  241. Psinet autoconnect
  242. Coming back...
  243. Quote of the day.
  244. Anyone hurl daggers consistantly?
  245. Men, have you ever played a female character?
  246. Spike the War Rat
  247. Player-run shops.
  248. That damned ribbon
  249. ???
  250. Wizard and Stormfront Layouts