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  1. Things that made you frown today (Political Version)
  2. Senate Health Care Bill Dead?
  3. CNN hired top al-Qaeda propagandist for Syria documentary
  4. Chris Christie Caught a Foul Ball
  5. Climate Debate on Teevee
  6. China Is First to Teleport
  7. NYT Interview: Trump attacks the independence of the Justice Department
  8. Why Would the Person Seated by Trump Lie About Speaking English?
  9. WaPo: Trump Currently Exploring Pardoning Powers to Undercut Russian Investigation
  10. Russia Investigation Heating Up
  11. Spicey out - James Bond Villain in
  12. Trump Needs a Pet
  13. Did not take long for Nunes to get thrown under the bus
  14. Brookings Releases House Candidate Recruitment Count- One Party Smashed the Record
  15. Trump's Boyscouts speech whines go here
  16. Do you think Trump will go to jail?
  17. House Passes Russian Sanctions Bill With Overwhelming Majority
  18. Imran Awan Arrested At Dulles Airport After Attempt to Flee The Country
  19. Trump Bans Transgenders from the Military
  20. POTUS mandatory Military Service
  21. New White House Press Secretary Wants FBI To Investigate Reince Priebus
  22. Cable Networks Black Out Coverage on Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal
  23. Calexit - referendum is closer to being on the 2018 ballot
  24. Real Life Race Gemstone Stats
  25. Fascinating Read..regardless of party affiliation.
  26. WAR : Trump's Final Move...
  27. Reince goes down!
  28. The River of Blood
  29. Scaramucci OUT as White House Communications Director.
  30. Trump and REAL News
  31. Fox contributor Rod Wheeler says the network fabricated his quotes...
  32. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Pwnage
  33. Time to Build a New White House?
  34. Tax Reform Is Next
  35. Ben Rhodes sliding down the shit rope.
  36. The left is completely stupid...OMG
  37. Do as I say, not as I do.
  38. WaPo Obtains Transcripts From Trump's First Calls with Mexico and Australia
  39. More Stupid from the Left: How your pet is contributing to global warming
  40. West Virginia Rally - Event filled to Capacity - Dem Gov. Switching Sides
  41. Racists on the forum.
  42. Tangled web connects Russian oligarch money to GOP campaigns
  43. So, about voter fraud
  44. A little on why Trump won
  45. Google fires employee over diversity memo
  46. FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home
  47. So, Hillary got offered a plea?
  48. Look who's flippin'
  49. Anti-Stress Policy pulled
  50. All the entire Politics discussions
  51. Trump v Bannon
  52. Trump Says Good Riddance to Merck CEO
  53. Should Trump Pardon Joe Arpaio?
  54. The Big One -- Stone Mountain
  55. Baltimore Removes Confederate Statues
  56. Is Trump Resigning?
  57. USS Fitzgerald update
  58. Terror Attack in Barcelona
  59. Oh snap! BANNON FIRED!
  60. Antifa to shut down Sturgis
  61. President to Address the Nation Monday Night
  62. Statuary Hall in the Capitol
  63. USS John S. McCain collision
  64. Selling a thing, it's the bestest thing, I only make the best things.
  65. What Is a Twitter Storm?
  66. Wall or Bust!
  67. Space Invaders
  68. Is Trump Abandoning Tax Reform?
  69. Political Implications of Harvey
  70. Reimbursement/Other
  71. Hurricane Harvey is racist
  72. FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks
  73. Trump Ends DACA
  74. Guns being seized due to Irma
  75. Don't Give Your Twitter Password to Your Staff
  76. Mueller should resign
  77. Rocket Man
  78. New Internet Censorship Bill
  79. Share the Wealth 1934 Redux
  80. NFL players kneeling during National Anthem
  81. Books That Should Be Banned 2017
  82. North Korean minister says Trump has declared 'war' on our country
  83. Are Puerto Ricans American Citizens?
  84. AG Sessions Says Justice Dept. Will Fight Schools That Restrict Speech
  85. Senator Roy Moore
  86. Las Vegas shooting
  87. 1492
  88. Tax Cuts for the Stock Market
  89. Trump Cares About Troops More Than Obama
  90. McCain Better Be Careful
  91. Trump Says FBI May Have Commissioned the Dossier
  92. “going armed to the terror of the public”
  93. Trump to Release Last of Kennedy Papers
  94. Trump Declares National Emergency, Recall of Military Retirees
  95. Trump vs. Corker
  96. NYC terrorist attack
  97. Donna Brazile spills the beans on DNC corruption/cheating.
  98. Trump to End Sexual Harassment
  99. The Night the Lights Went Out in D.C.
  100. Trump Goes to China
  101. Samurai vs. Missile
  102. Remember to Vote Tomorrow
  103. Trump's Powers Just Doubled
  104. Sexual Harassment claims
  105. Trump Calls Ball "Ungrateful Fool"
  106. FCC attempting to get rid of Net Neutrality
  107. Trump's Tax Reform
  108. Trump Goes All in on Roy Moore
  109. Toilets in the Obama Presidential Library
  110. Putin Declares What Democracy Must Not Be
  111. Can We Afford CHIP?
  112. Trump Threatens Ending Aid to Countries Critical of US
  113. The Wedding
  114. So Much for Global Warming
  115. Leonard Bernstein Defends Trump
  116. Obama's List of Best Books of 2017
  117. Trump Threatens to Cut Aid for Palestinians
  118. The Most Dishonest & Corrupt Media Awards of the Year
  119. Fire and Fury
  120. Trump Is Mentally Stable
  121. Is Oprah the Democrats' Answer to Trump?
  122. Trump and the National Anthem
  123. Did Trump Say It or Not?
  124. Another Porno Star
  125. 2018 Government Shutdown
  126. Murphy Brown Returning to Teevee
  127. Trump administration considers nationalizing 5G cellular
  128. State of the Union 2018
  129. 2018 midterm elections
  130. Nunes Memo Declassified
  131. Biggest Stock Drop Ever
  132. The names Page, Carter Page, int'l man of mystery
  133. Human Centipede
  134. Iranian drone enters Israeli airspace, Israel bombs Syria, Syria downs Israeli f-16
  135. That's a lot of dead Russians!
  136. Obama Portraits
  137. Trump Fires Senior White House Official
  138. Is Oprah Insecure?
  139. Niger
  140. White House Security Clearances
  141. Florida Legislature Cracks Down on Risks
  142. MIA
  143. Guns VS Immigrants
  144. Trump Would Have Fought Florida Shooter Barehanded
  145. Immigrants can be held indefinitely
  146. Denouement of U.S. Empire
  147. Who's our next victim
  148. Trump: "Take the guns away first, go through due process second"
  149. The Police exist to protect the 1% from the other 99%.
  150. Alec Baldwin
  151. Trade War!
  152. Sunday Talk Shows, March 4, 2018
  153. Trump Drops on Forbes List
  154. Florida: CS/SB 7026
  155. How Smart Is Maxine Waters?
  156. Poisoning in the UK
  157. Ex Tillerson
  158. Canada -- Surplus or Deficit?
  159. Space Force: Would you like to know more?
  160. How Don Jr. Met Vanessa
  161. Ain't Nothin' More Powerful Than the Odor of Mendacity
  162. The Pelosi Problem
  163. Cambridge Analytica
  164. Huge Group from Honduras Marching Toward U.S.
  165. Trump Daily Lie Tracker
  166. Trump vs. Amazon
  167. Who is the most retarded person on the pc?
  168. About that pesky voter fraud
  169. Bill Clinton's Novel
  170. Scaramucci Holding Event for Sugar Daddies
  171. Senate to Change Rules for Duckworth
  172. Hillary is less popular than Trump
  173. Questions About Trump's Wealth
  174. Trump Lawyer Says Cohen Will Flip
  175. Word Cup 2026
  176. Russia Investigation Cooling Down
  177. Hummmmm, this is an interesting retraction
  178. It's a health issue
  179. Israel's Netanyahu to give emergency speech tonight on Iran's nuclear activities
  180. Trump Doctor Raided
  181. This is why Iowa is the first in the nation.
  182. How about that sexual equality?
  183. Are you tired of winning yet?
  184. Quid Pro Quo?
  185. Strong Farm Bill
  186. Kill Alaskan Bear and Wolf Cubs - Lure them with food and lights - Trump 2018
  187. Broidy
  188. Common sense media control
  189. Why multiculturalism is bad and how to defeat it
  190. What the death of Freedom really looks like
  191. Memorial Day
  192. Trump Weighs in on Roseanne, sort of
  193. Bill requiring display of 'In God We Trust' at schools becomes law
  194. Is trump a socialist?
  195. Bake me a cake!!!!
  196. Secret Obama-era license let Iran tap dollars
  197. Is Paul Manafort going to prison?
  198. The Trump Prophecy
  199. Trump Withdraws from G7 Agreement
  200. Trump Planning Tent Cities for Migrant Kids
  201. Kushner to visit Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia for peace plan talks
  202. Trump Foundation
  203. Public Approval of Trump Way Up
  204. Don Jr. Dumps George P.
  205. Donald Trump and the Art of War
  206. Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together
  207. Things that you have taken seriously today (Political version)
  208. Department of Education and Employment
  209. Tom Arnold and Michael Cohen Are Teaming Up
  210. Things that made you Facepalm today (Political Version)
  211. Democrats, you have been defrauded.
  212. A step in the right direction
  213. Bernie Sanders has a great great grand-daughter? - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  214. Worst week for liberals since Black Wednesday 11/9/16
  215. Rise of the Super Elites
  216. Is it really that different?
  217. One more thing that is NOT a Right.
  218. Trump Reveals Obama's Iran Deal Secret
  219. Military Getting Rid of Foreigners
  220. How to meet liberals and piss them off
  221. The War on Breastfeeding
  222. Reported
  223. Brett Kavanaugh
  224. ‘Unmasking Antifa Act' includes 15-year prison term proposal
  225. Who Will Be the 2020 Democrat Nominee?
  226. #TrumpProtest 2018
  227. "The Most Serious Mistake of His Presidency"
  228. The Trump Tapes
  229. CNN obtains secret Trump-Cohen tape
  230. Should Melania Be Allowed to Watch CNN?
  231. Expletive Deleted
  232. Manafort
  233. Did Trump obstruct justice?
  234. Trump Says Queen Made Him Wait
  235. How Smart is LeBron James?
  236. LOL @ your net neutrality - Senate democrats just suicided themselves -
  237. Omarosa
  238. How many genders are there?
  239. Is it acceptable to use homophobic slurs in the context of friendly "banter"?
  240. List of Trump Legal Problems
  241. Madden Football Tournament Shooting
  242. Social Media Companies and Fake News
  243. Drag Queen Story Time
  244. Trump Lists His Great Supporters
  245. Google Ledger
  246. Trump Suggests DoJ shouldn't indict Republicans close to an election
  247. Fear: Trump in the White House
  248. Little Marco vs. Alex Jones
  249. Anonymous Op-Ed by "Senior Official in the Trump Administration"
  250. "Donald Trump is a symptom, not the cause"