View Full Version : How about that sexual equality?

05-06-2018, 09:21 PM
So, women want equality, guess they need to start getting killed at work, committing suicide and getting convicted more then. Got to step up those numbers women, those are amateur numbers.


05-07-2018, 02:47 AM
So, women want equality, guess they need to start getting killed at work, committing suicide and getting convicted more then. Got to step up those numbers women, those are amateur numbers.



05-07-2018, 10:22 PM

I self identify as mixed nationality. Genetically I can't be racist. You take that back.

05-07-2018, 10:27 PM
I remember when I was in accounting the professor said white males commit the most white collar crimes, but only because other races and sexes haven't been given as much a chance to commit them yet.

05-08-2018, 05:27 AM
Gelston i literally lol'd at that, and not because i didn't agree with what your teach had to say.

05-08-2018, 07:18 AM
It takes a truly insecure man to feel so threatened by equality.

It's pathetic.

05-08-2018, 07:32 AM
It takes a truly insecure man to feel so threatened by equality.

It's pathetic.

Unless that democrat is a man, then fuck it, beat the shit out of the woman and it's totally cool.

05-08-2018, 07:34 AM
Unless that democrat is a man, then fuck it, beat the shit out of the woman and it's totally cool.

Another insecure man and your sentence is equally pathetic. WTF is wrong with you people?

05-08-2018, 07:47 AM
Another insecure man and your sentence is equally pathetic. WTF is wrong with you people?

Take note that you quacks have said absolutely nothing about Eric Schneiderman but sentence structure and words are the things you just can't tolerate.

Elect more abusive democrats, killing babies and beating woman, it's what they do.

05-08-2018, 07:56 AM
Take note that you quacks have said absolutely nothing about Eric Schneiderman but sentence structure and words are the things you just can't tolerate.

Elect more abusive democrats, killing babies and beating woman, it's what they do.

Sentence structure? I wasn't criticizing your grammar. I am attacking your words. You're a god damn idiot. You know Schneiderman resigned within 3 hours of the story breaking and they are opening investigations into him already? He's not president.

05-08-2018, 07:56 AM
Who would have guessed that rocktar is an incel. :lol:

05-08-2018, 07:57 AM
Who would have guessed that rocktar is an incel. :lol:

IKR! It's so topical. I just learned the word because of that terrorist in Canada and Rocktard immediately graced us with this thread. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

05-08-2018, 08:01 AM
IKR! It's so topical. I just learned the word because of that terrorist in Canada and Rocktard immediately graced us with this thread. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

You should cry.

Get it all out of your system, cupcake.

Cry it all out.

05-08-2018, 08:05 AM
Sentence structure? I wasn't criticizing your grammar. I am attacking your words. You're a god damn idiot. You know Schneiderman resigned within 3 hours of the story breaking and they are opening investigations into him already? He's not president.

Only the president can't beat women, but it's totally OK for a state attorney to beat women and then point fingers at other people for sexual misconduct?

Surely we can expect to hear 10 months worth of crying from you over this. What other abuses did this asshole take part in using his position of power?

Time4fun, PK, you, Ashliana....the entire crew of the PC communists will avoid this like the plague.

05-08-2018, 08:08 AM
Only the president can't beat women, but it's totally OK for a state attorney to beat women and then point fingers at other people for sexual misconduct?

Surely we can expect to hear 10 months worth crying from you over this. What other abuses did this asshole take part in using his position of power?

You don't even make sense. You're just looking for a fight to pick with democrats and will make that fight even without being able to articulate a reasonable position. You've got problems

05-08-2018, 08:11 AM
You've got problems <--------- gaslighting

Schneiderman beat women up, was an attorney general for the state of New York and here you are "You've got problems".

So more abuse from the democrats.

05-08-2018, 08:23 AM
<--------- gaslighting

Schneiderman beat women up, was an attorney general for the state of New York and here you are "You've got problems".

So more abuse from the democrats.

And he resigned. When is Trump going to resign for all his abuse?

05-08-2018, 08:25 AM
And he resigned. When is Trump going to resign for all his abuse?

What abuse? The abuse Shneideramn and company have been accusing Tump of between their woman beating sessions?

05-08-2018, 08:26 AM
And he resigned. When is Trump going to resign for all his abuse?

Wait....didn't you take advantage of women as well?

Birds of a fucking feather, yo.

05-08-2018, 08:34 AM
What abuse? The abuse Shneideramn and company have been accusing Tump of between their woman beating sessions?

What abuse? The multiple women that have come forward and accused Trump of sexual harassment/assault.

05-08-2018, 08:34 AM
Wait....didn't you take advantage of women as well?

No. Keep up with the slandering though.

05-08-2018, 08:44 AM
No. Keep up with the slandering though.

Slandering, multiple women have accused you of these actions, one of them openly talked about it here. Do you not hold yourself to the same standards you hold others to?

05-08-2018, 08:47 AM
What abuse? The multiple women that have come forward and accused Trump of sexual harassment/assault.

But yet Trump never stepped down from any position over it (which suggests the truth is on his side) and your hero stepped down within hours of the accusations (which suggests the guy beats women up).

Keep turning the blind eye to the shit hole party you so ignorantly continue to follow.

05-08-2018, 08:49 AM
Slandering, multiple women have accused you of these actions, one of them openly talked about it here. Do you not hold yourself to the same standards you hold others to?

You should look up the definition of the word slander because you seem confused.

05-08-2018, 08:50 AM
But yet Trump never stepped down from any position over it (which suggests the truth is on his side) and your hero stepped down within hours of the accusations (which suggests the guy beats women up).

Keep turning the blind eye to the shit hole party you so ignorantly continue to follow.

My hero? I don't know a damn thing about the guy that just stepped down so I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Oh wait, you're just a useless troll that has nothing better to do than make shit up about people when they call YOU out on your bullshit. Try again loser.

05-08-2018, 08:52 AM
My hero? I don't know a damn thing about the guy that just stepped down so I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Oh wait, you're just a useless troll that has nothing better to do than make shit up about people when they call YOU out on your bullshit. Try again loser.

So the two women that have accused you of your actions are lying. Didn't you also receive a ban for the theft of items from one of these women's accounts as well?

05-08-2018, 08:54 AM



05-08-2018, 08:55 AM
So the two women that have accused you of your actions are lying. Didn't you also receive a ban for the theft of items from one of these women's accounts as well?

Yeah, Hemorrhoidpk is a thief.

05-08-2018, 08:59 AM
My hero? I don't know a damn thing about the guy that just stepped down

Another "wait", don't you come to these forums bragging about your super duper political prowess and yet you didn't know who the attorney general for the state of New York is?

So basically you're a complete fucking fraud.

05-08-2018, 09:00 AM
Didn't you also receive a ban for the theft of items from one of these women's accounts as well?

Nope. Keep trying loser.

05-08-2018, 09:00 AM
Yeah, Hemorrhoidpk is a thief.

Remember when Kranar banned you for impersonating me? good times!

05-08-2018, 09:02 AM
don't you come to these forums bragging about your super duper political prowess

Nope, man you're really struggling here. Are you Rudy Giuliani?

05-08-2018, 09:04 AM
It takes a truly insecure man to feel so threatened by equality.

It's pathetic.

No one likes you because you’re a cunt.

05-08-2018, 09:10 AM
Nope. Keep trying loser.

It's odd how you keep denying these things but everyone else is sure you're guilty as fuck and rightfully so. I'm pretty damn good at sniffing out bullshit and the chic that ended up taking care of your lazy ass sounded pretty straight to me, you on the other hand, yea, guilty as fuck.

05-08-2018, 09:13 AM
It's odd how you keep denying these things but everyone else is sure you're guilty as fuck and rightfully so. I'm pretty damn good at sniffing out bullshit and the chic that ended up taking care of your lazy ass sounded pretty straight to me, you on the other hand, yea, guilty as fuck.

Says the troll who has used multiple accounts over the years because he keeps getting called out for being a raging loser. Flail harder, it's amusing.

05-08-2018, 09:14 AM
No one likes you because you’re a cunt.

This is correct.

05-08-2018, 09:17 AM
Unless that democrat is a man, then fuck it, beat the shit out of the woman and it's totally cool.

You think that I'm not glad that bastard is out of office and is finally paying a price for being a psychopath?

This may surprise you, but some things aren't actually about political parties.

05-08-2018, 01:25 PM
You think that I'm not glad that bastard is out of office and is finally paying a price for being a psychopath?

This may surprise you, but some things aren't actually about political parties.

Selective outrage. If he was running for president you’d vote for him.

You did it for Hillary.

05-08-2018, 06:19 PM
I think the whole "equality" thing is stupid. I am never going to expect women to treat men the same way they do other women, nor men to treat women the same way they do other men. It's a pretty ridiculous. And whoever started using the word equal was an idiot. You don't treat people in the work place with different talents, abilities, or personalities the same( least if you have any brains ), but you do treat them fairly. I'd not expect you to treat the person you hate most in the world like the person you love the most in the world. Realistically I am not even going to expect you to treat the person you hate most fairly either, although I'd sincerely wish it. But that isn't the way people are taught to behave as a whole.

And talk about a mixed message, most Democrats want ( or at least claim to want) equal treatment for all while embracing their differences. Some will make the claim that it is a semantic argument I am making but the word equal means the same and when things are different you don't treat them the same. But words are hard.

05-08-2018, 07:00 PM
Says the troll who has used multiple accounts over the years because he keeps getting called out for being a raging loser. Flail harder, it's amusing.

Over the years? How many accounts have I had "over the years"?

Even if this is the case, show me where I actually committed theft, show me where I harmed another person or their property.

I have had 2 accounts. you on the other hand FUCKING STOLE FROM PEOPLE. If you don't understand the difference you're a complete retard...no...you are below retarded because even a retard knows the difference.

05-08-2018, 07:05 PM
I think the whole "equality" thing is stupid. I am never going to expect women to treat men the same way they do other women, nor men to treat women the same way they do other men. It's a pretty ridiculous. And whoever started using the word equal was an idiot. You don't treat people in the work place with different talents, abilities, or personalities the same( least if you have any brains ), but you do treat them fairly. I'd not expect you to treat the person you hate most in the world like the person you love the most in the world. Realistically I am not even going to expect you to treat the person you hate most fairly either, although I'd sincerely wish it. But that isn't the way people are taught to behave as a whole.

And talk about a mixed message, most Democrats want ( or at least claim to want) equal treatment for all while embracing their differences. Some will make the claim that it is a semantic argument I am making but the word equal means the same and when things are different you don't treat them the same. But words are hard.

You're a bigot, racist, homophobe, sexist, NAZI, literally Hitler, Russian colluding and any other 'ist I didn't manage to list. Because feelings are more important than facts.

05-08-2018, 07:08 PM
You think that I'm not glad that bastard is out of office and is finally paying a price for being a psychopath?

This may surprise you, but some things aren't actually about political parties.

This is the same psychopath that has been one of the Democrats dishing out the bullshit on Trump and you believe the shit the rapist tells you.

This is exactly what we are witnessing from the people behind this obvious coup.


05-08-2018, 08:26 PM
The problem is that when people ask to be treated better or more fairly or for a change in how they are treated there is a knee jerk reflexive backlash. The word equality doesn't even matter here. The movement is simply that women want to be treated differently in their professional life and that causes this whole big thing where people freak out and start whining/crying about PC culture and "hurt feelings". The reality is that they feel hurt. They feel attacked or somehow accused of behaving badly so they lash out. Things would be soooooo much easier if we didn't have to go through this stupid backlash all the time. Gays want to marry: no worries; African Americans prefer being called African American: Doesn't bother me one bit; Women don't want to be ogled at work: Fair enough. The reality is that these things should be simple and easy but we always find a way to make it a wedge issue. People have to take to the streets, hold rallies/marches and fight political/social war just to be treated in the manner they prefer.

It stood out to me the other day at work. We had a class to take and one of the engineers gave the class. She's pretty hot. At the end, as she gathered up our tests, my boss made some crack about how he could barely pay attention because her eyes are so beautiful. They dazzled him. The instructor just smiled and played along but it occurred to me that she probably gets some comment on her physical appearance all the time and it must grate on her nerves. After all, she's a fully qualified and educated engineer but she still has to politely smile and laugh along when the guys halfway hit on her. The next week we were told about recent HR complaints and zero tolerance and I'm wondering if she finally got fed up and complained.

05-08-2018, 08:29 PM
time4cunt, plz get some new material. all you do is throw around the same fake points over and over with Backfag, Androidfagk et al. Gotta stop “my dear.” mmmkay.

uh oh looks like another cuntwolff in the making! :D

Look at Necro's new alt.

05-08-2018, 08:36 PM
I have had 2 accounts. you on the other hand FUCKING STOLE FROM PEOPLE. If you don't understand the difference you're a complete retard...no...you are below retarded because even a retard knows the difference.

Show me my criminal charges. Show me where I was banned by Simu for supposedly hacking someone's account and ransacking it. I'll wait. Loser.

05-08-2018, 08:44 PM
Show me my criminal charges. Show me where I was banned by Simu for supposedly hacking someone's account and ransacking it. I'll wait. Loser.

You stole shit. Everyone knows it.

05-08-2018, 08:52 PM
The problem is that when people ask to be treated better or more fairly or for a change in how they are treated there is a knee jerk reflexive backlash. The word equality doesn't even matter here. The movement is simply that women want to be treated differently in their professional life and that causes this whole big thing where people freak out and start whining/crying about PC culture and "hurt feelings". The reality is that they feel hurt. They feel attacked or somehow accused of behaving badly so they lash out. Things would be soooooo much easier if we didn't have to go through this stupid backlash all the time. Gays want to marry: no worries; African Americans prefer being called African American: Doesn't bother me one bit; Women don't want to be ogled at work: Fair enough. The reality is that these things should be simple and easy but we always find a way to make it a wedge issue. People have to take to the streets, hold rallies/marches and fight political/social war just to be treated in the manner they prefer.

It stood out to me the other day at work. We had a class to take and one of the engineers gave the class. She's pretty hot. At the end, as she gathered up our tests, my boss made some crack about how he could barely pay attention because her eyes are so beautiful. They dazzled him. The instructor just smiled and played along but it occurred to me that she probably gets some comment on her physical appearance all the time and it must grate on her nerves. After all, she's a fully qualified and educated engineer but she still has to politely smile and laugh along when the guys halfway hit on her. The next week we were told about recent HR complaints and zero tolerance and I'm wondering if she finally got fed up and complained.

The problem is that you're extremely stupid.

05-08-2018, 08:54 PM
You stole shit. Everyone knows it.

You got banned from the pc for impersonating me. THAT is a fact. Not the BS you trolls keep spewing.

05-08-2018, 08:59 PM
You got banned from the pc for impersonating me. THAT is a fact. Not the BS you trolls keep spewing.

You keep bringing this up like some magic talisman. I left some neg reps and signed your name. You bitched cried about it until I got banned for 30 days. That's it. You stole gear from other players.

05-08-2018, 09:10 PM
You keep bringing this up like some magic talisman. I left some neg reps and signed your name. You bitched cried about it until I got banned for 30 days. That's it. You stole gear from other players.

I mentioned it once and got your pathetic ass banned. Can't wait until it happens again :lol:

05-08-2018, 09:16 PM
I mentioned it once and got your pathetic ass banned. Can't wait until it happens again :lol:

Him getting banned or you banging another married chick and stealing her GS shit?

05-08-2018, 09:25 PM
Him getting banned or you banging another married chick and stealing her GS shit?

one of the founding principles of this country is "innocent until proven guilty" and that you have the right to face your accuser.

You think that it's right that someone can come forward with an accusation and that the accused be destroyed? I don't.


05-08-2018, 09:33 PM
Show me my criminal charges. Show me where I was banned by Simu for supposedly hacking someone's account and ransacking it. I'll wait. Loser.


as usual you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, keep up your pathetic attempts at slandering me, it's not working ~PK red lulzrep

Do you even know what slander is? I don't even fucking know who your character is or who the fuck you are in real life. I'm just going by what you and the women you have fucked over have publicly said here, this is not slander, sub-retard boy.

05-08-2018, 09:33 PM

That's in a legal setting and this isn't CSI: Landing.

05-08-2018, 09:43 PM
Wow. The Incels are getting all worked up. I guess its because they don't get laid. lol.

05-08-2018, 09:46 PM
Here comes this retard

05-08-2018, 09:47 PM
That's in a legal setting and this isn't CSI: Landing.

In a legal setting? I'm not sure what you're trying to get at but defamation is a crime.

05-08-2018, 09:53 PM
In a legal setting? I'm not sure what you're trying to get at but defamation is a crime.

What I'm getting at is that you're not on trial in a courtroom under formal charges where 'innocent until proven guilty' is a thing.

We can believe whatever we want, and almost all (maybe all) of us believe you stole her shit.

05-08-2018, 09:54 PM
In a legal setting? I'm not sure what you're trying to get at but defamation is a crime.

Did you or did you not have a huge public "domestic dispute" with one of the women that accused you of these things here on the PC? I will answer this for you, yes you did. As a witness to this public argument I have come to the conclusion that you did these things. All of this can be found here on the PC, your own fucking words. Are you going to press charges against yourself for publicly defaming your own reputation?

Case closed, the pretend lawyer loses again.

05-08-2018, 09:55 PM
What I'm getting at is that you're not on trial in a courtroom under formal charges where 'innocent until proven guilty' is a thing.

We can believe whatever we want, and almost all (maybe all) of us believe you stole her shit.

That has absolutely no bearing on defamation. You are free to believe whatever you like. Making accusations though is another story. And like I've said before, if I hacked someone's account and stole all their items I would have received a permanent ban from the game.

05-08-2018, 09:56 PM
Wow. The Incels are getting all worked up. I guess its because they don't get laid. lol.

Why does it come as no surprise that the board racists/bigots align themselves with the incel movement?

05-08-2018, 09:58 PM
Why does it come as no surprise that the board racists/bigots align themselves with the incel movement?

Like branching tentacles of some fungus that rots the brain, bitterness is the one constant of all their positions.

05-08-2018, 10:01 PM
That has absolutely no bearing on defamation. You are free to believe whatever you like. Making accusations though is another story. And like I've said before, if I hacked someone's account and stole all their items I would have received a permanent ban from the game.

How is anyone "defaming" you? I'd imagine most of us don't even know your real name (except the woman you stole from and the one you listened to while she masturbated lololol). Good luck with that one.

Also you didn't hack the person, you had access to her account and sold/kept her shit, and you received a temp ban for it. I'm not interested in looking up something you've admitted to for the nth time so I'll leave it to Special (ed) Prosecutor Neveragain to present the evidence.

05-08-2018, 10:02 PM
I'm so stupid that I accuse other people of defamation and then use defamation in broad brushstrokes.

Yes, we know.

05-08-2018, 10:05 PM
I'll leave it to Special (ed) Prosecutor Neveragain to present the evidence.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Taernath again

05-08-2018, 10:06 PM
Also you didn't hack the person, you had access to her account and sold/kept her shit, and you received a temp ban for it. I'm not interested in looking up something you've admitted to for the nth time so I'll leave it to Special (ed) Prosecutor Neveragain to present the evidence.

Shows how much you people know. Msconstrew told Simu that I hacked the account and they called her on her BS. I got a temporary lockout for something I said to the GM (Kiryn or something), not for any actions that I took (removing a handful of my items off a shared account).

05-08-2018, 10:06 PM
I'm not interested in looking up something you've admitted to for the nth time so I'll leave it to Special (ed) Prosecutor Neveragain to present the evidence.


05-08-2018, 10:20 PM
How is anyone "defaming" you?

How can one remove something from someone that they did not posses in the first place? In this case, the aforementioned "fame".

05-09-2018, 12:34 AM
Here comes this retard

It's Tuesday.

05-09-2018, 12:38 AM
The problem is that when people ask to be treated better or more fairly or for a change in how they are treated there is a knee jerk reflexive backlash. The word equality doesn't even matter here. The movement is simply that women want to be treated differently in their professional life and that causes this whole big thing where people freak out and start whining/crying about PC culture and "hurt feelings". The reality is that they feel hurt. They feel attacked or somehow accused of behaving badly so they lash out. Things would be soooooo much easier if we didn't have to go through this stupid backlash all the time. Gays want to marry: no worries; African Americans prefer being called African American: Doesn't bother me one bit; Women don't want to be ogled at work: Fair enough. The reality is that these things should be simple and easy but we always find a way to make it a wedge issue. People have to take to the streets, hold rallies/marches and fight political/social war just to be treated in the manner they prefer.

It stood out to me the other day at work. We had a class to take and one of the engineers gave the class. She's pretty hot. At the end, as she gathered up our tests, my boss made some crack about how he could barely pay attention because her eyes are so beautiful. They dazzled him. The instructor just smiled and played along but it occurred to me that she probably gets some comment on her physical appearance all the time and it must grate on her nerves. After all, she's a fully qualified and educated engineer but she still has to politely smile and laugh along when the guys halfway hit on her. The next week we were told about recent HR complaints and zero tolerance and I'm wondering if she finally got fed up and complained.

Telling someone not to ogle someone hot of their preferred gender is like telling them not to breath, it ain't going to happen and it is a very unreasonable request. Telling them not to speak the idiotic things that come to mind is far more reasonable though.

My only issue with the latter is that people take it too far and think they should be "safe" from anything that offends them and people are getting in trouble just for others hearing something they don't like that has nothing to do with them. Just as an example to make it a bit more clear we have persons A and B who are talking and joking when person C passes by and hears something they don't like, that isn't directly related to them, so they report persons A and B who then get in trouble. One would think that after a point people would grow up and be able to recognize when words are only words and not get offended by them. This isn't to say that people should always be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want, freely and nothing happens to them either but we should be able to find some kind of happy medium.

05-09-2018, 01:09 AM
Just as an example to make it a bit more clear we have persons A and B who are talking and joking when person C passes by and hears something they don't like, that isn't directly related to them, so they report persons A and B who then get in trouble. One would think that after a point people would grow up and be able to recognize when words are only words and not get offended by them. This isn't to say that people should always be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want, freely and nothing happens to them either but we should be able to find some kind of happy medium.

Honestly this bullshit has ruined the game, not the simucoins, not Wyrom, not the owner, not the new owners but rather the people you are describing. It has made for horrid one dimensional role play, it sucks. I have a pretty good feeling though that Wyrom is starting to wise up to the bullshit games these people are playing.

05-09-2018, 02:35 AM
Honestly this bullshit has ruined the game, not the simucoins, not Wyrom, not the owner, not the new owners but rather the people you are describing. It has made for horrid one dimensional role play, it sucks. I have a pretty good feeling though that Wyrom is starting to wise up to the bullshit games these people are playing.

wtf did you just say.... pump the brakes, that's even more retarded than your normal stuff not to mention not directly related to the topic. There has always been clique's in gemstone just as in real life. How that correlates to treating people someone respectfully and sometimes just minding your own I don't get.

05-09-2018, 02:45 AM
wtf did you just say.... pump the brakes, that's even more retarded than your normal stuff not to mention not directly related to the topic. There has always been clique's in gemstone just as in real life. How that correlates to treating people someone respectfully and sometimes just minding your own I don't get.

I don't even let anyone into my GS clique, it is the most exclusive and the best clique.

05-09-2018, 02:49 AM
I don't even let anyone into my GS clique, it is the most exclusive and the best clique.

I halfway believe that only because you are one of the few people that I don't know who you actually are in game. P.S I skipped pages 5-7(I need to make more posts per page) prior to making my previous post and was simply going off of Jeril's post and his response. I now realized the thread evolved into a Android PK bashing.

05-09-2018, 02:56 AM
I halfway believe that only because you are one of the few people that I don't know who you actually are in game. P.S I skipped pages 5-7(I need to make more posts per page) prior to making my previous post and was simply going off of Jeril's post and his response. I now realized the thread evolved into a Android PK bashing.

I was most recently Etchiri, but the free month expired and, while I was going to renew, I just didn't... And then some fun new games came out and I play those now.

I was also Septimius and some sort of shady wizard.

05-09-2018, 08:42 AM
wtf did you just say.... pump the brakes, that's even more retarded than your normal stuff not to mention not directly related to the topic. There has always been clique's in gemstone just as in real life. How that correlates to treating people someone respectfully and sometimes just minding your own I don't get.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Do you honestly believe that people are not fucking sick of the "OMG REPORT, REPORT, REPORT" ?

Is your text being sexually assaulted if people look at you?

How are you now on topic?

Who am I in game.

Does your life suck this much that you keep track of who is who on the PC and in game?

Have you taken your meds lately?

05-09-2018, 08:46 AM

Wait, wait, wait... are you suggesting that even though you admitted it.. and even tried to blame diethx for talking you into doing it... but because you haven't been found guilty of it in a court of law.. you are innocent?

Dude, just stop. There isn't a single intelligent person here that believes you didn't do it.

05-09-2018, 08:48 AM
Wow. The Incels are getting all worked up. I guess its because they don't get laid. lol.

Dude.. are you really going there?

If it weren't for Beth feeling a "tiny" bit sorry for you, you'd probably still be a virgin.

05-09-2018, 08:55 AM
Dude.. are you really going there?

If it weren't for Beth feeling a "tiny" bit sorry for you, you'd probably still be a virgin.


05-09-2018, 08:57 AM
It's Tuesday.



05-09-2018, 09:00 AM
Out of respect do not look at this GIF, you can do it, I have faith in you.


05-09-2018, 09:22 AM


In b4...


What's it like knowing you're going to get the cactus dildo treatment again and again?

05-09-2018, 09:24 AM


05-09-2018, 12:18 PM
What I'm getting at is that you're not on trial in a courtroom under formal charges where 'innocent until proven guilty' is a thing.

We can believe whatever we want, and almost all (maybe all) of us believe you stole her shit.

This is correct. Hemorrhoidpk is a thief.

05-09-2018, 12:19 PM
Wait, wait, wait... are you suggesting that even though you admitted it.. and even tried to blame diethx for talking you into doing it... but because you haven't been found guilty of it in a court of law.. you are innocent?

Dude, just stop. There isn't a single intelligent person here that believes you didn't do it.

This is also correct.

05-09-2018, 12:25 PM
Shows how much you people know. Msconstrew told Simu that I hacked the account and they called her on her BS. I got a temporary lockout for something I said to the GM (Kiryn or something), not for any actions that I took (removing a handful of my items off a shared account).

"I didn't hack someone and steal their shit"

"Ok, I had access to their account, but I didn't steal their shit"

"Alright I took some items, but I wasn't banned for it"

"Yes I was banned for something, but not that"

This is why nobody believes you.

05-09-2018, 12:35 PM
"I didn't hack someone and steal their shit"

"Ok, I had access to their account, but I didn't steal their shit"

"Alright I took some items, but I wasn't banned for it"

"Yes I was banned for something, but not that"

This is why nobody believes you.

You might want to get your details straight instead of being a giant fuck wad.

05-09-2018, 12:48 PM
You might want to get your details straight instead of being a giant fuck wad.

How am I the fuckwad? I didn't steal shit from a friend's account. Careful with that DeFaMaTiOn buddy otherwise I might have to countersue for damages against my internet persona.

05-09-2018, 12:50 PM
I don't know what the fuck actually happened but I'm just going to make some shit up because I can.


05-09-2018, 12:56 PM
How am I the fuckwad? I didn't steal shit from a friend's account. Careful with that DeFaMaTiOn buddy otherwise I might have to countersue for damages against my internet persona.


05-09-2018, 01:03 PM
You might want to get your details straight instead of being a giant fuck wad.

His details are spot on. You are untrustworthy.

edit: and slightly creepy

05-09-2018, 01:06 PM

Yes, we should take the word of a bitter woman. Anyway, I just remember Spungirl's assessment about the probable size of Beth's vagina and lol every time.

05-09-2018, 01:24 PM
His details are spot on. You are untrustworthy.

edit: and slightly creepy

Spot on? They're flat out wrong.

05-09-2018, 01:26 PM
Yes, we should take the word of a bitter woman. Anyway, I just remember Spungirl's assessment about the probable size of Beth's vagina and lol every time.



05-09-2018, 01:36 PM
Spot on? They're flat out wrong.

Delete your account, start over, and maybe if you're lucky you won't get mistaken for a necro alt.

I was most recently Etchiri

Ecchi is an often used slang term in the Japanese language for playfully sexual actions. As an adjective, it is used with the meaning of "sexy", "dirty" or "naughty"; as a verb, ecchi wo suru (エッチをする), with the meaning to have sex; or as a noun, to describe someone of lascivious behavior.

Also, what the fuck Gelston.

05-09-2018, 01:42 PM
Lulz at this thread. Lunch time is so much more interesting.

05-09-2018, 01:49 PM
Tisket stfu and do a painting of Methais getting anally raped by a Vathor.

Please. I need it.

You'd be fapping to that all night until your 2" boner was worn down to a 2mm nub huh?

05-09-2018, 02:00 PM
His details are spot on. You are untrustworthy.

edit: and slightly creepy



05-09-2018, 02:14 PM
Delete your account

I'm not going anywhere, thx.

05-09-2018, 06:11 PM
Delete your account, start over, and maybe if you're lucky you won't get mistaken for a necro alt.

Also, what the fuck Gelston.

And? That is a completely different word and good names in GS are hard to come by.

05-09-2018, 08:21 PM
Necro got Necrekt again.. messing up my pages!

05-09-2018, 08:39 PM
And? That is a completely different word and good names in GS are hard to come by.

We all have our vices. Yours is turning tricks in Zul Logoth.

05-09-2018, 09:09 PM
We all have our vices. Yours is turning tricks in Zul Logoth.

Yeah, the 0 people there make it so profitable.

05-10-2018, 11:13 AM
Necro got Necrekt again.. messing up my pages!

