View Full Version : Kushner to visit Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia for peace plan talks

06-13-2018, 09:33 AM

President Trump's Middle East peace team, senior adviser Jared Kushner and special envoy Jason Greenblatt, will travel to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia next week to discuss the next stages of the peace effort and the crisis in Gaza, a senior U.S. official tells me.

Why it matters: The official said Kushner and Greenblatt want to discuss lingering questions they have as they finish drafting the peace plan, including the optimal time for launching it. The U.S. official added the trip may include other stops as well, but does not include a meeting with Palestinian officials — who are refusing to meet following Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

The peace team didn’t ask for a meeting [with the Palestinians] for this trip. The Palestinian leadership will know Kushner and Greenblatt are in the region and if the Palestinian leadership wants to meet, Kushner and Greenblatt are ready to meet."

"The administration wants to launch the plan when the circumstances are right, and Kushner and Greenblatt want to hear the parties’ thoughts on that. The administration has not set a date yet for launching the plan.

06-13-2018, 09:53 AM
He's gonna do it this time he's really gonna solve it, go JKush!

06-13-2018, 11:38 AM
Whatever is happening I have no doubt that cwolff is outraged.

06-13-2018, 03:09 PM
These trumps are corrupt as shit. Son in law as the main WH point man globally while also being heavily invested or in debt to the countries he's dealing with on my behalf as a U.S. citizen. Don Sr. refusing to separate himself from his business. Ivanka and her trademarks, her 0$ salary while she and Jared made $82 million last year. The forced security clearances because Jared can't pass a background check.

This is some swampy swampy shit we're dealing with in the White House.

06-13-2018, 03:11 PM

06-13-2018, 03:16 PM

This is correct.