View Full Version : This is why Iowa is the first in the nation.

05-02-2018, 11:25 PM
Never allowed slavery, fought for the Union, first college in the nation to allow men and women to attend the same college, first in the nation to legally recognize gay marriage and now again the leader of the nation in human rights.


'Heartbeat' bill: Iowa lawmakers pass most restrictive abortion legislation

The bill now heads to Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds, who is anti-abortion but hasn't said publicly if she will sign it into law. Her press secretary, Brenna Smith, indicated in an email the Republican was open to signing it.

Pretty proud right now.


05-03-2018, 12:02 AM

I wonder how many abortions happened as a result of Charlie Sheen. It could be 0, but I'd guess more than 0.

05-03-2018, 12:23 AM
I wonder how many abortions happened as a result of Charlie Sheen. It could be 0, but I'd guess more than 0.

I know of at least one, his career.

05-03-2018, 09:42 AM
what the fuck is an iowa?

05-03-2018, 03:37 PM
what the fuck is an iowa?

It's a synonym for corn.

05-03-2018, 07:23 PM
what the fuck is an iowa?


If you're a single adult Iowa is boring as fuck. If you're married with kids it's probably one of the best states in the nation to live and it was ranked as so as of recent. Best k-12 schools in the nation, cost of living is really cheap, not too hard to find a decent job, the people are really friendly, low crime. There has been some pretty decent growth over the past decade, it also has the highest internet speeds in the nation, google just finished building storage buildings for a shit fuck ton of servers. Basically it's like the south but the winters suck, they're not racist and we don't fuck our cousins.

05-03-2018, 07:24 PM
Iowa is boring as fuck.

That is all I got out of that.

05-03-2018, 07:46 PM
It's a synonym for corn.

This is also correct.

06-02-2018, 12:47 PM
A Democrat in Farm Country Hopes to Beat One of Congress’ Biggest Racists
First-time candidate J.D. Scholten hits the Iowa highways in a retro Winnebago on a quest to unseat eight-term congressman Steve King

Now is the time. If Iowa wants to redeem itself this is the opportunity. Dump King.


06-02-2018, 01:48 PM
Number one, that law is dumb as fuck.

Number two, lol mother jones.

06-02-2018, 02:22 PM
Now is the time. If Iowa wants to redeem itself this is the opportunity. Dump King.


I like how cwolff will attack every source someone links that he disagrees with, then he goes and links shit from motherjones. :lol:

Zero. Self. Awareness.

06-13-2018, 04:27 AM
It’s so disturbing & depressing how a sitting US congressman can tweet out neo-Nazi propaganda & it’s not a national scandal & none of his colleagues are calling for him to resign. https://t.co/N9v4YrsMZy

Christopher Mathias on Twitter. Hes asking a really good question. How the hell does this guy not get censured by the GOP?

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) retweeted a British neo-Nazi on Tuesday, the latest in a series of incidents in which the congressman has parroted or promoted the views of unabashed white supremacists and other bigots.

“Europe is waking up... Will America... in time?” King tweeted, linking to an anti-immigrant tweet from political activist Mark Collett.

06-13-2018, 06:51 AM
It’s so disturbing & depressing how a sitting US congressman can tweet out neo-Nazi propaganda & it’s not a national scandal & none of his colleagues are calling for him to resign. https://t.co/N9v4YrsMZy

Christopher Mathias on Twitter. Hes asking a really good question. How the hell does this guy not get censured by the GOP?

Sadly, Steve King isn't going anywhere. This should also give Democrats a sign as to how far they have fallen, Kings district is historically deep blue. Dude wasn't even a blip on the radar until the 2010 midterms, honestly he is the result of the Democrat party going over the left field fence.

06-13-2018, 07:11 AM
Sadly, Steve King isn't going anywhere. This should also give Democrats a sign as to how far they have fallen, Kings district is historically deep blue. Dude wasn't even a blip on the radar until the 2010 midterms, honestly he is the result of the Democrat party going over the left field fence.

Dems are fucked. It stresses me out as a democrat. This party can't message or campaign for shit

06-13-2018, 07:35 AM
Yeah. Same. The dems are absolutely messageless, leaderless and directionless. They don't stand for anything. They're just the "We Aren't Trump" party.

06-13-2018, 07:50 AM
Dems are fucked. It stresses me out as a democrat. This party can't message or campaign for shit

They do a fine job of sending out a message, it's just their message for the past 8 years has been "you're all racists."

For example, I got off work yesterday and stopped in at a gas station to get some water. I have been doing some drywall work so I looked like shit and probably smelled even worse. As I'm walking in I pass by this little black gal, she was pretty cute, I smiled at her as I walked by and got a sneer in return.

Now I know to the PC community you probably imagine that I am all tatted up with swastikas and white pride shit, this is not the case as I don't have ink on my body at all. All I could think at the moment was "Listen you snotty little bitch, my privilege today was to work in 90 degree temps with 80% humidity while your ass is getting a free ride at one of the best engineering schools in the country.". Oddly in the past black women are usually pretty attracted to me for some reason and I have dated black women more than once. I'm particularly attracted to Creole women.

06-13-2018, 08:10 AM
It’s so disturbing & depressing how a sitting US congressman can tweet out neo-Nazi propaganda & it’s not a national scandal & none of his colleagues are calling for him to resign. https://t.co/N9v4YrsMZy

Christopher Mathias on Twitter. Hes asking a really good question. How the hell does this guy not get censured by the GOP?

I don't know much about King. Was the tweet about the little girl in Germany or what?

06-13-2018, 08:18 AM
I don't know much about King. Was the tweet about the little girl in Germany or what?

He deleted it. The tweet was about 65% of Italians under age 35 oppose mass immigration.