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01-14-2018, 07:53 PM
The Daily Beast was informed late Friday that porn star Jessica Drake is not allowed to discuss President Donald J. Trump on account of a non-disclosure agreement she signed barring her from any such talk. NDAs are often deployed as part of settlements to silence accusers.

More... (https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-accuser-jessica-drake-has-an-nda-preventing-her-from-talking-about-donald-trump)

Remember when this would have been a big deal?

01-14-2018, 08:17 PM

01-14-2018, 08:22 PM
Remember when this would have been a big deal?


01-15-2018, 10:31 AM
Remember when this would have been a big deal?

If she were truly for the cause why would she sign a NDA? Can she tell us anything about the next Duskruin?

01-23-2018, 01:04 PM

I hope they're not implying that Trump committed the crime of using campaign funds to settle a personal dispute.

01-23-2018, 02:09 PM
After I posted about it, CREW had to tweet a clarification..



02-14-2018, 09:21 AM
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, said on Tuesday that he had paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a pornographic-film actress who had once claimed to have had an affair with Mr. Trump.

In the most detailed explanation of the 2016 payment made to the actress, Stephanie Clifford, Mr. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed for the payment.

"Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly," Mr. Cohen said in a statement to The New York Times. "The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone."

He declined to answer several follow-up questions, including whether Mr. Trump had been aware that Mr. Cohen made the payment, why he made the payment or whether he had made similar payments to other people over the years.

More... (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/13/us/politics/stormy-daniels-michael-cohen-trump.html)

Cohen's story has the ring of truth. Yes, it rings true. Anybody who has ever hired a lawyer knows that's the sort of generous thing they do for you. If it had been a payment from, or on behalf of, the Trump campaign, then that would have been a violation of campaign finance laws.

It's also smart politics. At a time when the White House is embroiled in a domestic abuse scandal, they can distract the press by pointing out that they paid hush money to a porno star.

02-14-2018, 09:23 AM
Shut up Latrin.

02-14-2018, 09:25 AM
Cohen's story has the ring of truth. Yes, it rings true. Anybody who has ever hired a lawyer knows that's the sort of generous thing they do for you. If it had been a payment from, or on behalf of, the Trump campaign, then that would have been a violation of campaign finance laws.

It's also smart politics. At a time when the White House is embroiled in a domestic abuse scandal, they can distract the press by pointing out that they paid hush money to a porno star.

HAHAHA, It is wicked smart. They get caught in one scandal the immediately pivot to a worse scandal. They're like firemen who spray kerosene instead of water

02-14-2018, 05:35 PM
HAHAHA, It is wicked smart. They get caught in one scandal the immediately pivot to a worse scandal. They're like firemen who spray kerosene instead of water

Talk about surrounding yourself with stupid lawyers. Not only did this lawyer open himself and Trump up to criminal charges but this disclosure nullified the NDA and now this women involved says she's going to tell everything.

02-14-2018, 06:02 PM
Stormy Daniels, the porn star who allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump, now says she’s ready to tell all about their tryst after Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen admitted he paid her $130,000 out of his own pocket a week before the 2016 presidential election, website The Blast reported on Wednesday, citing sources.

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Cohen told the New York Times.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, believes Cohen’s admission that he paid her amounts to a breach of their contract and frees her from “further performance of the non-disclosure agreement” between the parties, the website said.

02-14-2018, 06:12 PM
The current ABA Model Rule “walks the line” between these two ethical approaches. On one hand, the ABA rule yields to concerns of access to justice and permits the lawyer to: (1) advance court costs and litigation expenses (allowing repayment to be contingent on the outcome of a matter); and (2) make outright gifts of these same costs to indigent clients. On the other hand, the ABA remains steadfast in prohibiting lawyers from lending or donating money to clients for any other expenses, including living expenses.

Looks like the lawyer will likely get disbarred for this too.

Cohen right now:


02-15-2018, 08:25 PM
HAHAHA, It is wicked smart. They get caught in one scandal the immediately pivot to a worse scandal. They're like firemen who spray kerosene instead of waterLike how he tried to get cute with his Porter "due process" complaint by saying it could have been about one of his other associates accused of assaulting women... immediately making everyone think of just how many people fit that bill. Smoooooooth.

02-15-2018, 08:28 PM
Like how he tried to get cute with his Porter "due process" complaint by saying it could have been about one of his other associates accused of assaulting women... immediately making everyone think of just how many people fit that bill. Smoooooooth.

No doubt. I vote we give them all the due process they crave.

02-20-2018, 06:01 PM
From the press pool report..

Motorcade drove past the Ultra Gentleman's Club near Palm Beach International Airport, which was advertising an event: "Stormy Daniels Making America Horny Again." The sign said the event is taking place April 13-14.

More... (http://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2018/02/18/paul-ryan-and-trump-discuss-border-security-school-shooting/)

Why did Trump has his motorcade drive past the place where Ms. Daniels will be performing?

02-20-2018, 06:28 PM
Shut up Latrin.

02-20-2018, 07:58 PM
No doubt. I vote we give them all the due process they crave.

You are for all the due process in the world as long as it suits your political ends.

02-20-2018, 08:24 PM
You are for all the due process in the world as long as it suits your political ends.

HAHAHA, wtf? Man you really phoned that in. It's about as good as "I know you are but what am I"

02-20-2018, 08:46 PM
HAHAHA, wtf? Man you really phoned that in. It's about as good as "I know you are but what am I"

So you are saying you would be fine with prosecuting Hillary for lying to the FBI, destruction of evidence in a Federal investigation and mishandling classified documents? The head of the DNC for for rigging the primary for Hillary, Donna Brazile for election tampering by giving Hillary the debate questions, Comey and Rosenstein for willfully misleading a FISA court and Obama for his possible conspiracy in all this?

Sure you are.

Like I said, only when it suits you.

02-20-2018, 08:50 PM
So you are saying you would be fine with prosecuting Hillary for lying to the FBI, destruction of evidence in a Federal investigation and mishandling classified documents? The head of the DNC for for rigging the primary for Hillary, Donna Brazile for election tampering by giving Hillary the debate questions, Comey and Rosenstein for willfully misleading a FISA court and Obama for his possible conspiracy in all this?

Sure you are.

Like I said, only when it suits you.

So you were okay with Hillary being investigated by the FBI but you're not okay with Trump being investigated by the FBI? Sounds like you need to practice what you preach.

02-20-2018, 09:15 PM
So you are saying you would be fine with prosecuting Hillary for lying to the FBI, destruction of evidence in a Federal investigation and mishandling classified documents? The head of the DNC for for rigging the primary for Hillary, Donna Brazile for election tampering by giving Hillary the debate questions, Comey and Rosenstein for willfully misleading a FISA court and Obama for his possible conspiracy in all this?

Sure you are.

Like I said, only when it suits you.Due process does not refer solely to prosecution. In this case, everything you know for a clear and obvious fact that Hilary Clinton did she has been investigated for and not charged with - that you disagree with the result does not necessarily mean she has not received due process.

As for Donna Brazile, she could literally have burned the votes cast for Bernie Sanders and she wouldn't have committed election tampering, because the primary nomination is not an election.

As for the rest, you should put as much stock in a Republican Congressperson's memo alleging Obama's collusion with Comey as you would a Democratic Congressperson's memo alleging Trump's collusion with Russia. Unbiased people, like me, view both with skepticism.

02-20-2018, 10:22 PM
So you were okay with Hillary being investigated by the FBI but you're not okay with Trump being investigated by the FBI? Sounds like you need to practice what you preach.

If the FBI was investigating Trump on evidence not tampered with and without decent bias, then it might be ok, but it isn't. It's so badly tainted and biased that even if Mueller did find something really juicy on Trump himself, the evidence is unlikely to stand up in anything other than a kangaroo court. Also, Hillary publicly admitted to her crimes and yet has not been prosecuted. We have military personnel in military prison because they self reported mishandling one piece of information just one time and yet she is walking around free.

02-20-2018, 10:23 PM
Due process does not refer solely to prosecution. In this case, everything you know for a clear and obvious fact that Hilary Clinton did she has been investigated for and not charged with - that you disagree with the result does not necessarily mean she has not received due process.

As for Donna Brazile, she could literally have burned the votes cast for Bernie Sanders and she wouldn't have committed election tampering, because the primary nomination is not an election.

As for the rest, you should put as much stock in a Republican Congressperson's memo alleging Obama's collusion with Comey as you would a Democratic Congressperson's memo alleging Trump's collusion with Russia. Unbiased people, like me, view both with skepticism.

Thank you Captain Semantics for the tap dancing around the facts and dismissing a summary of what people already knew. You are clearly not unbiased, self deluded, yes, unbiased, no.

02-20-2018, 10:33 PM
If the FBI was investigating Trump on evidence not tampered with and without decent bias, then it might be ok, but it isn't.

Says who? Trump and his meat puppets?

02-20-2018, 10:45 PM
Says who? Trump and his meat puppets?

I have been over this multiple times with you moron but your dope addled, mush headed liberally retarded brain continues to be dismissive of anything that does not fit your narrative. So, rather than get into it again over the same information I have posted to you over and over again, I am going to treat you like the entitled bratty child you are.

Says me and that's all the explanation you need.

02-20-2018, 10:47 PM
I have been over this multiple times with you moron but your dope addled, mush headed liberally retarded brain continues to be dismissive of anything that does not fit your narrative. So, rather than get into it again over the same information I have posted to you over and over again, I am going to treat you like the entitled bratty child you are.

Says me and that's all the explanation you need.

So you got nothing but personal attacks. Gotcha.

02-21-2018, 08:46 PM
If the FBI was investigating Trump on evidence not tampered with and without decent bias, then it might be ok, but it isn't. It's so badly tainted and biased that even if Mueller did find something really juicy on Trump himself, the evidence is unlikely to stand up in anything other than a kangaroo court. Also, Hillary publicly admitted to her crimes and yet has not been prosecuted. We have military personnel in military prison because they self reported mishandling one piece of information just one time and yet she is walking around free.It is not a crime to mishandle classified information unless certain other specific criteria are met. There are two possibilities here:
1) the "ban marijuana" Department of Justice and the "Patriot Act" FBI are in the bag for Democrats and no one (least of all Republicans) noticed until two years ago, or
2) you somewhat overestimate your legal knowledge.
Thank you Captain Semantics for the tap dancing around the facts and dismissing a summary of what people already knew. You are clearly not unbiased, self deluded, yes, unbiased, no.The law often rests on semantics, what with being written words.

03-06-2018, 08:23 PM
Adult film star Stormy Daniels sued Donald Trump Tuesday, alleging that he never signed the nondisclosure agreement that his lawyer had arranged with her.

The civil suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by NBC News, alleges that her agreement not to disclose her "intimate" relationship with Trump is not valid because while both Daniels and Trump's attorney Michael Cohen signed it, Trump never did.

More... (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/stormy-daniels-sues-trump-says-hush-agreement-invalid-because-he-n854246)

The agreement requires arbitration for any disputes. Arbitration will be hidden from public view. Trump's lawyer is trying to force her into arbitration, and he will probably succeed.

03-06-2018, 08:28 PM
The agreement requires arbitration for any disputes. Arbitration will be hidden from public view. Trump's lawyer is trying to force her into arbitration, and he will probably succeed.

Doesn't matter what the agreement says if it's ruled invalid/void because Trump never signed it.

03-09-2018, 10:38 PM
Cohen's story has the ring of truth. Yes, it rings true. Anybody who has ever hired a lawyer knows that's the sort of generous thing they do for you. If it had been a payment from, or on behalf of, the Trump campaign, then that would have been a violation of campaign finance laws.

I totally called it!

President Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen said he transferred $130,000 to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels from his home equity line as scrutiny rises over the reported nondisclosure payment from October 2016.

More... (http://thehill.com/homenews/news/377673-cohen-says-stormy-daniels-payment-was-transferred-from-his-home-equity-line)

NBC News reported earlier Friday that Cohen used his Trump Organization email to negotiate and arrange the payment to Daniels, Her attorney, Michael Avenatti, told NBC News that the fact that Cohen used his Trump Organization email instead of his personal one suggests that the money may have come from a Trump Organization bank account.

Cohen rejected Avenatti's claim, telling ABC News that the emails back up his previous accounts of the payment to Daniels.

That's generosity. Trump's lawyer mortgaged his own house to make the payment, never expecting anybody to reimburse him. It's the sort of thing any lawyer would do for a client.

03-09-2018, 11:11 PM
I totally called it!

That's generosity. Trump's lawyer mortgaged his own house to make the payment, never expecting anybody to reimburse him. It's the sort of thing any lawyer would do for a client.

Tongue in cheek prediction from CNN panelist: Cohen will come out and say that he screwed Clifford because that's the only way this makes sense.

03-16-2018, 06:39 PM
Stormy Daniels interview with 60 Minutes airs on the 25th. :popcorn:

03-16-2018, 07:53 PM
I have no doubt she has the stamina for 60 minutes.

03-17-2018, 08:25 AM
I have no doubt she has the stamina for 60 minutes.

She does.

And then some.

03-19-2018, 07:04 PM
Stormy Daniels' Lawyer @MichaelAvenatti: I have evidence Trump was "fully aware" of the threats made against Stormy Daniels

03-19-2018, 07:37 PM
Stormy’s Lawyer on MSNBC. I’ll paraphrase. “We have photos of Trump’s penis”.

03-19-2018, 07:43 PM
Here's an interesting Stormy related article. Its WaPo so you may have a paywall but this quote sums it up:

Each day over the past two weeks, it seems, Daniels has been in the news. Unless, that is, your main news source is Fox News, in which case you’ve seen very little discussion of Daniels at all.


03-19-2018, 07:43 PM
Stormy’s Lawyer on MSNBC. I’ll paraphrase. “We have photos of Trump’s penis”.


03-20-2018, 02:37 PM
Is it possible to fake a polygraph test? Yes.

A polygraph exam taken by adult-film star Stormy Daniels in 2011 supported her account of an affair she said she had with Donald Trump five years earlier, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

The newspaper obtained reports of the exam, which Daniels took on May 19, 2011. The polygraph showed she truthfully said she had unprotected sex with Trump around July 2006.

She also said Trump told her she would get on his television show, “The Apprentice,” but the accuracy of that answer was inconclusive.

The White House and Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, have denied that the president ever had an affair with Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.

More... (http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/379325-wall-street-journal-publishes-polygraph-results-backing-stormy)

03-23-2018, 09:32 AM

This is a tweet from Daniel's lawyer, Michael Avenatti, who is also a race car driver.

03-23-2018, 10:21 AM
Lordy there's a sex tape!

03-23-2018, 12:46 PM
Lordy there's a sex tape!

As long as there are no pee games. That's a yellow line that the president won't cross!

03-24-2018, 09:11 PM
With less than 24 hours to go, it's time we as a community make a decision about how to react to whatever happens tomorrow night. I suggest a solemn oath. On our sacred honor, we will agree that if Stormy puts photos on the internet of the President's private parts, we will never ever look at them. While the liberal media rages about it, we will mind our own business for the benefit of the country. Is everybody with me?

03-24-2018, 09:56 PM



03-25-2018, 04:04 PM
With less than 24 hours to go, it's time we as a community make a decision about how to react to whatever happens tomorrow night. I suggest a solemn oath. On our sacred honor, we will agree that if Stormy puts photos on the internet of the President's private parts, we will never ever look at them. While the liberal media rages about it, we will mind our own business for the benefit of the country. Is everybody with me?

First Lady Melania Trump will remain in Florida while President Trump travels back to Washington, D.C., on Sunday, the White House said.

"The first lady will be staying in Florida as is their tradition for spring break," deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters said in a statement.

Guess Melania and Donthecon won't be getting popcorn and watching the show together. Turns out they observe the passing of the seasons in the ancient way; by going to Florida for Spring Break. I never knew they were so religious.


03-25-2018, 04:12 PM
Well this is disappointing. Turns out the Stormy Daniels story is just fake news:

A longtime confidant of President Trump said Sunday that the president has called "much of" the controversy surrounding Stormy Daniels a "political hoax."
"He said he thought that much of the Stormy Daniels stuff was a political hoax," Chris Ruddy said during an interview on ABC's "This Week."
"Again, those were his words."


Ruddy, the CEO of Newsmax, added that he thinks the American people are "really dismissing this as political witch hunts."

In related news; "Gerson said, “It’s an extraordinary culture moment that a porn star is more credible than the president of the United States when it comes to these matters...." Marinate on that a little bit. SMH

03-25-2018, 04:16 PM
Well this is disappointing. Turns out the Stormy Daniels story is just fake news:

In related news; "Gerson said, “It’s an extraordinary culture moment that a porn star is more credible than the president of the United States when it comes to these matters...." Marinate on that a little bit. SMH


03-25-2018, 04:23 PM
Well this is disappointing. Turns out the Stormy Daniels story is just fake news:

In related news; "Gerson said, “It’s an extraordinary culture moment that a porn star is more credible than the president of the United States when it comes to these matters...." Marinate on that a little bit. SMH

Only extreme retards like you thought otherwise.

03-25-2018, 07:50 PM
Immediately after having sex with Daniels he tells her she reminds him of his daughter Ivanka.... :puke:

03-26-2018, 01:21 PM
First, it’s chiefly concerned with “certain still images and/or text messages.” Yes, later in the agreement, the “confidential information” at issue is expansively defined, to include absolutely anything, tangible or intangible, that Daniels might know about Trump, including, of course, whether she spanked him with a magazine or not.

But far more ink is spilled discussing what Daniels is supposed to do with those texts and images: give copies to Cohen and destroy the originals.

Now the strategy starts to make sense. This dispute isn’t about the affair: it’s about those pictures or texts. As viewers of Daniels’ 60 Minutes interview surely noticed, the only question Daniels refused to answer was about whether she’s got more evidence of the affair.

More... (https://www.thedailybeast.com/stormy-daniels-legal-strategy-strongly-suggests-she-has-photos-of-donald-trump)

I hope it's not the spanking video.

03-26-2018, 03:03 PM
Immediately after having sex with Daniels he tells her she reminds him of his daughter Ivanka.... :puke:

He don't want to fuck Tiffany? Just Ivanka? Oh man, I bet poor Tiff feels like the ugly duckling.

03-26-2018, 04:37 PM
This Stormy thing is really getting some media play and makes it worthwhile to revisit the Clinton impeachment.

That got started as an investigation into shady business dealings. Two prosecutors found no fault with the Clintons. TWO! The first one filed his report; that wasn't good enough for the Newt Gingrich crowd so they authorized another investigation led by Kenn Starr. He also found to evidence of wrongdoing and wrapped up his investigation. Only after that did Linda Tripp reach him about Monica Lewinsky and we all know the rest of that story.

03-26-2018, 06:14 PM
This Stormy thing is really getting some media play and makes it worthwhile to revisit the Clinton impeachment.

That got started as an investigation into shady business dealings. Two prosecutors found no fault with the Clintons. TWO! The first one filed his report; that wasn't good enough for the Newt Gingrich crowd so they authorized another investigation led by Kenn Starr. He also found to evidence of wrongdoing and wrapped up his investigation. Only after that did Linda Tripp reach him about Monica Lewinsky and we all know the rest of that story.

Clinton was a clear cut example of sexual harassment and perjury.

Trump isn't even close to either of these.

03-26-2018, 08:58 PM
Adultery is a private choice. The important rejection of it comes from love, not intimidation. The reason not to commit it is that it is likely to devastate someone you love if he or she learns about it. And the only way that person won't learn about it is if you tell a lot of lies. Telling a lot of lies eventually harms your ability to maintain a trusting relationship; secretiveness undermines intimacy. And tending a committed, intimate relationship is a deeply meaningful part of life, though we all know it has its share of bad days.

While biographers have described people who are exceptions and seem able to countenance adultery and marital intimacy at the same time, by and large the reason not to choose adultery is that the pleasure it offers is taken in trade for harming more enduring love and more important loved ones.

But publicly humiliating anyone for consensual adultery is draconian, and wrong. It teaches children cynicism. What they see is how little respect there is for privacy, and how gratuitously and harshly adults will harm one another to gain a little power. And using adultery or any aspect of consensual adult sexuality as a weapon in political battles is more abhorrent than the act itself.

You might say that how and why we disapprove of adultery is as important as whether we do.

03-26-2018, 09:26 PM
Adultery is a private choice. The important rejection of it comes from love, not intimidation. The reason not to commit it is that it is likely to devastate someone you love if he or she learns about it. And the only way that person won't learn about it is if you tell a lot of lies. Telling a lot of lies eventually harms your ability to maintain a trusting relationship; secretiveness undermines intimacy. And tending a committed, intimate relationship is a deeply meaningful part of life, though we all know it has its share of bad days.

While biographers have described people who are exceptions and seem able to countenance adultery and marital intimacy at the same time, by and large the reason not to choose adultery is that the pleasure it offers is taken in trade for harming more enduring love and more important loved ones.

But publicly humiliating anyone for consensual adultery is draconian, and wrong. It teaches children cynicism. What they see is how little respect there is for privacy, and how gratuitously and harshly adults will harm one another to gain a little power. And using adultery or any aspect of consensual adult sexuality as a weapon in political battles is more abhorrent than the act itself.

You might say that how and why we disapprove of adultery is as important as whether we do.


03-26-2018, 09:26 PM
Clinton got into trouble because he lied. If he had done the honest thing and said something like "Yeah, what of it." it would have been done and gone in a week or less since the media was fawning over Clinton as much or more than they did over Obama. Hillary knew he was having affairs, hell, she was having affairs, people like that just seem to do that kind of thing. It's part of that whole "Do as I say, not as I do" thing that elitist jackasses get into. Almost no one gives a damn that he fucked a porn star before becoming POTUS, even less people care that he paid her off, it's what rich people do, it's only a big deal because CNN and the Liberal/Socialist elite have nothing else to try and go on to get rid of Trump and she thinks she can get more money. Mostly it's jealousy because she likely turned a lot of them down.

03-26-2018, 09:29 PM
Clinton got into trouble because he lied. If he had done the honest thing and said something like "Yeah, what of it." it would have been done and gone in a week or less since the media was fawning over Clinton as much or more than they did over Obama. Hillary knew he was having affairs, hell, she was having affairs, people like that just seem to do that kind of thing. It's part of that whole "Do as I say, not as I do" thing that elitist jackasses get into. Almost no one gives a damn that he fucked a porn star before becoming POTUS, even less people care that he paid her off, it's what rich people do, it's only a big deal because CNN and the Liberal/Socialist elite have nothing else to try and go on to get rid of Trump and she thinks she can get more money. Mostly it's jealousy because she likely turned a lot of them down.

Tell Cohen it's not a big deal when he gets disbarred over this.

03-26-2018, 09:38 PM
Clinton got into trouble because he lied. If he had done the honest thing and said something like "Yeah, what of it." it would have been done and gone in a week or less since the media was fawning over Clinton as much or more than they did over Obama. Hillary knew he was having affairs, hell, she was having affairs, people like that just seem to do that kind of thing. It's part of that whole "Do as I say, not as I do" thing that elitist jackasses get into. Almost no one gives a damn that he fucked a porn star before becoming POTUS, even less people care that he paid her off, it's what rich people do, it's only a big deal because CNN and the Liberal/Socialist elite have nothing else to try and go on to get rid of Trump and she thinks she can get more money. Mostly it's jealousy because she likely turned a lot of them down.

Ya you're 100% correct about Clinton. He got caught lying. The second half of your paragraph is wishful thinking.

Jealousy, just what rich people do, blame CNN and liberal elite. Come on man. Get real. Paying hush money to a pornstar weeks before the election is the type of thing a nation of laws should investigate. Maybe its all ok and that's alright too, but for God's sakes you can't reasonably argue that its not worthy of review.

03-26-2018, 10:20 PM
Ya you're 100% correct about Clinton. He got caught lying. The second half of your paragraph is wishful thinking.

Jealousy, just what rich people do, blame CNN and liberal elite. Come on man. Get real. Paying hush money to a pornstar weeks before the election is the type of thing a nation of laws should investigate. Maybe its all ok and that's alright too, but for God's sakes you can't reasonably argue that its not worthy of review.

What law was broken exactly?

You're retarded.

03-26-2018, 10:31 PM
What law was broken exactly?

Someone other than Hillary got elected.

You're retarded.

This is correct.

03-27-2018, 09:28 AM
Clinton got into trouble because he lied. If he had done the honest thing and said something like "Yeah, what of it." it would have been done and gone in a week or less since the media was fawning over Clinton as much or more than they did over Obama. Hillary knew he was having affairs, hell, she was having affairs, people like that just seem to do that kind of thing. It's part of that whole "Do as I say, not as I do" thing that elitist jackasses get into. Almost no one gives a damn that he fucked a porn star before becoming POTUS, even less people care that he paid her off, it's what rich people do, it's only a big deal because CNN and the Liberal/Socialist elite have nothing else to try and go on to get rid of Trump and she thinks she can get more money. Mostly it's jealousy because she likely turned a lot of them down.

People cared a great deal in 1998 that the President engaged in private immoral behavior. "Character counts," you may remember, or at least it did 20 years ago. The Clinton scandal lowered the bar for future presidents. Trump benefits from the lowered bar.

The Lewinsky scandal became public in January 1998. By the end of 1998, the House had impeached Clinton and the Senate had acquitted him. Clinton's approval rating (http://news.gallup.com/poll/116584/presidential-approval-ratings-bill-clinton.aspx) at the end of 1998 was confoundingly higher -- above 70%, the highest point in his presidency -- than at the beginning of the year, when he had adamantly denied the allegations and when most Democrats, including most importantly his wife, had defended him. I think his approval rating soared because Clinton finally, but not until August 1998, admitted his error and showed humility and remorse. If Trump adopted a little of Clinton's humility, Trump's approval rating would rise too.

03-27-2018, 09:42 AM
People cared a great deal in 1998 that the President engaged in private immoral behavior. "Character counts," you may remember, or at least it did 20 years ago. The Clinton scandal lowered the bar for future presidents. Trump benefits from the lowered bar.

The Lewinsky scandal became public in January 1998. By the end of 1998, the House had impeached Clinton and the Senate had acquitted him. Clinton's approval rating (http://news.gallup.com/poll/116584/presidential-approval-ratings-bill-clinton.aspx) at the end of 1998 was confoundingly higher -- above 70%, the highest point in his presidency -- than at the beginning of the year, when he had adamantly denied the allegations and when most Democrats, including most importantly his wife, had defended him. I think his approval rating soared because Clinton finally, but not until August 1998, admitted his error and showed humility and remorse. If Trump adopted a little of Clinton's humility, Trump's approval rating would rise too.


03-27-2018, 12:22 PM
People cared a great deal in 1998 that the President engaged in private immoral behavior. "Character counts," you may remember, or at least it did 20 years ago. The Clinton scandal lowered the bar for future presidents. Trump benefits from the lowered bar.

The Lewinsky scandal became public in January 1998. By the end of 1998, the House had impeached Clinton and the Senate had acquitted him. Clinton's approval rating (http://news.gallup.com/poll/116584/presidential-approval-ratings-bill-clinton.aspx) at the end of 1998 was confoundingly higher -- above 70%, the highest point in his presidency -- than at the beginning of the year, when he had adamantly denied the allegations and when most Democrats, including most importantly his wife, had defended him. I think his approval rating soared because Clinton finally, but not until August 1998, admitted his error and showed humility and remorse. If Trump adopted a little of Clinton's humility, Trump's approval rating would rise too.

Go shave your legs Latrin.

03-27-2018, 12:59 PM
Go shave your legs Latrin.

This, also, is correct.

03-27-2018, 03:49 PM
People cared a great deal in 1998 that the President engaged in private immoral behavior. "Character counts," you may remember, or at least it did 20 years ago. The Clinton scandal lowered the bar for future presidents. Trump benefits from the lowered bar.

The Lewinsky scandal became public in January 1998. By the end of 1998, the House had impeached Clinton and the Senate had acquitted him. Clinton's approval rating (http://news.gallup.com/poll/116584/presidential-approval-ratings-bill-clinton.aspx) at the end of 1998 was confoundingly higher -- above 70%, the highest point in his presidency -- than at the beginning of the year, when he had adamantly denied the allegations and when most Democrats, including most importantly his wife, had defended him. I think his approval rating soared because Clinton finally, but not until August 1998, admitted his error and showed humility and remorse. If Trump adopted a little of Clinton's humility, Trump's approval rating would rise too.

Night and day difference.

One happened during the Presidency and was sexual harassment.

One happened 10 years ago.




03-27-2018, 04:18 PM
One happened during the Presidency and was sexual harassment.

One might even say he was, "In-office". Ahahaha. I kill me.

03-27-2018, 05:33 PM
Clinton was a clear cut example of sexual harassment and perjury. Trump isn't even close to either of these.Ken Starr was appointed in August 1994. President Clinton didn't commit perjury until January 1998. Logically, you should refrain from judgment until the same period has passed after Mueller's appointment, which would take us to November 2020.

But we both know logic has nothing to do with it for you.

03-27-2018, 09:04 PM
Ken Starr was appointed in August 1994. President Clinton didn't commit perjury until January 1998. Logically, you should refrain from judgment until the same period has passed after Mueller's appointment, which would take us to November 2020.

But we both know logic has nothing to do with it for you.

That is an asinine assertion based on nothing but your butt hurt.

03-27-2018, 09:25 PM
That is an asinine assertion based on nothing but your butt hurt.


03-27-2018, 09:38 PM

Damn! You are right. Sorry.

03-27-2018, 09:45 PM
Ken Starr was appointed in August 1994. President Clinton didn't commit perjury until January 1998. Logically, you should refrain from judgment until the same period has passed after Mueller's appointment, which would take us to November 2020.

But we both know logic has nothing to do with it for you.

Don't forget Mr. Fiske. Both Fiske and Starr cleared the Clintons. The sex is what got him. Stormy's got to be making the right nervous...at least the one who know their history. The parallels are amazing.

"The investigation of Bill Clinton began in January 1994, when Attorney General Janet Reno appointed special prosecutor Robert Fiske to head the Whitewater investigation. Fiske's appointment, Gormley writes, first "prompted universal praise ... among Republicans."
The praise lasted for several months — until Fiske wrapped up his criminal investigation within six months of his appointment. The short investigation, combined with Fiske's announcement that there was "no evidence that issues involving Whitewater, or other personal legal matters of the president or Mrs. Clinton, were a factor in [Vince] Foster's suicide," caused Republicans to declare Fiske "unfit for the job," Gormley writes."

03-27-2018, 09:46 PM
Don't forget Mr. Fiske. Both Fiske and Starr cleared the Clintons. The sex is what got him. Stormy's got to be making the right nervous...at least the one who know their history.

"The investigation of Bill Clinton began in January 1994, when Attorney General Janet Reno appointed special prosecutor Robert Fiske to head the Whitewater investigation. Fiske's appointment, Gormley writes, first "prompted universal praise ... among Republicans."
The praise lasted for several months — until Fiske wrapped up his criminal investigation within six months of his appointment. The short investigation, combined with Fiske's announcement that there was "no evidence that issues involving Whitewater, or other personal legal matters of the president or Mrs. Clinton, were a factor in [Vince] Foster's suicide," caused Republicans to declare Fiske "unfit for the job," Gormley writes."

The lying under oath is what got him, not the sexual harassment.

04-09-2018, 04:09 PM
It's hard to know which topic to report his under. This is probably the right place..

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

More... (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/09/us/politics/fbi-raids-office-of-trumps-longtime-lawyer-michael-cohen.html)

04-09-2018, 04:15 PM
It's hard to know which topic to report his under. This is probably the right place..

Woa! This just happened?

04-10-2018, 03:38 PM
I'll laugh if Donald Trump is the one who claims the reward.


04-11-2018, 04:56 AM
They are looking at campaign finance violations here. We don't know the details on this yet, but it sure seems like a violation.

Adult-film actress Stormy Daniels is reportedly cooperating with federal investigators looking into the $130,000 payment she received from President Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen.
NBC News first reported that Daniels was cooperating with investigators. Daniels's lawyer Michael Avenatti later tweeted out that he and his client would "fully cooperate with any search for the truth" relating to the $130,000 payment.


04-17-2018, 02:01 PM
If you know this man, you can collect a $100,000 reward! It's a sketch of the man Stormy says threatened her into signing the secret agreement that we've all read.


04-17-2018, 02:03 PM
It's Tom Brady.

04-17-2018, 02:15 PM
If you know this man, you can collect a $100,000 reward! It's a sketch of the man Stormy says threatened her into signing the secret agreement that we've all read.


Good luck catching Superman.


04-17-2018, 02:27 PM
That's Tom Brady.

04-24-2018, 03:31 PM

Although the signs themselves are real and not the product of digital manipulation, they are not authentic promotional material for Cohen. The fake ads are the product of a prankster’s wry take on Cohen’s widespread reputation as a loyal and discreet attorney for Donald Trump — and who has also represented Fox News host Sean Hannity, while his own business dealings are the subject of an ongoing federal investigation.

The web site and phone number listed on the advertising posters are both functional. Calls to “The Fixer” are greeted with a voicemail message that states: “Got problems? You’ve reached Michael Cohen, The Fixer. Press one if you need a hush payment made. Press two if you need someone threatened with physical violence. Press three if you are the President of the United States. Otherwise, stay on the line and please leave a message.”

More... (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/michael-cohen-the-fixer-ads/)

Not true, says Snopes.

04-25-2018, 08:01 PM
Looks like our good friend Cohen IS, in fact, going to plead the 5th (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-cohen-fifth-amendment-stormy-daniels-lawsuit/) in the Stormy Daniels civil suit:

President Trump's personal lawyer says he'll use his Fifth Amendment rights in the lawsuit filed by adult film star Stephanie Clifford against him and Mr. Trump, citing the FBI's ongoing criminal investigation into him. A person testifying can invoke the Fifth Amendment to protect against self-incrimination.

Cohen, in a court declaration made to a California federal court Wednesday, cited the ongoing federal criminal investigation into him and FBI raids of his home, office and hotel room as the reason for his decision to plead the fifth. Cohen claimed that FBI officials "seized various electronic devices and documents in my possession, which contain information relating to the $130,000 payment to plaintiff Stephanie Clifford at the center of this case, and my communications with counsel, Brent Blakely, relating to this action." Cohen said he made the decision at the advice of his counsel.

This was almost certainly the right thing to do, but unfortunately for Cohen it's potentially risky to plead the 5th in civil cases.

04-25-2018, 08:37 PM
Trump in September 2016: "The mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"

Even funnier considering Cohen's mob ties.

04-25-2018, 08:41 PM
This was almost certainly the right thing to do, but unfortunately for Cohen it's potentially risky to plead the 5th in civil cases.

This isn't unexpected - I would have been rather surprised if Cohen had not done so.

Should make for an interesting case. Someone should televise it, but I expect that's illegal one way or another. Too bad.

04-25-2018, 08:47 PM
This isn't unexpected - I would have been rather surprised if Cohen had not done so.

Should make for an interesting case. Someone should televise it, but I expect that's illegal one way or another. Too bad.

Yeah, it's standard in a situation like this. But, like I said earlier, in a civil suit it carries risks that aren't there in a criminal one.

05-02-2018, 10:13 PM
Giuliani just went on Fox News and stated that Trump DID reimburse Cohen for the Stormy Daniels payment.

It seems that this might have been done intentionally to try to make this not a campaign finance issue- which would mean that the Government might not be able to subpoena Trump campaign records.

But Cohen still gave the money, which is illegal. And in this instance, Giuliani basically just told the world that Trump knew about the campaign finance violation.

But this is way out of my comfort zone with campaign finance law.

05-02-2018, 10:22 PM
Okay, it looks like the FEC has documentation (https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/handling-loans-debts-and-advances/personal-loans-candidate/)on this:

Personal gifts and loans

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.


When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Having said that, the FEC has its own guidelines about which violations they go after and which they don't. I wonder if a situation like this would fall outside of what they normally commit resources to?

It's all very confounding.

05-03-2018, 09:49 AM
Giuliani just went on Fox News and stated that Trump DID reimburse Cohen for the Stormy Daniels payment.

After the interview, Giuliani said that Trump was "very pleased (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/transcript-giuliani-interview-with-the-washington-post/2018/05/03/a35c4a3c-4e9b-11e8-af46-b1d6dc0d9bfe_story.html)" with the interview. If that is true, then Trump will continue to put Giuliani on teevee. If not, he'll start sending somebody else.

05-03-2018, 10:03 AM
After the interview, Giuliani said that Trump was "very pleased (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/transcript-giuliani-interview-with-the-washington-post/2018/05/03/a35c4a3c-4e9b-11e8-af46-b1d6dc0d9bfe_story.html)" with the interview. If that is true, then Trump will continue to put Giuliani on teevee. If not, he'll start sending somebody else.

Oh it's very true. I wrote about this in the Russia thread. There are good reasons why he went on TV and said that

05-03-2018, 10:07 AM
But this is way out of my comfort zone with campaign finance law.

Oh stop. Don't ever think that.

Just explain to us that you were once a campaign finance lawyer on a campaign for someone in California.. and you can just pretend you are the authority.

05-03-2018, 10:34 AM
Oh stop. Don't ever think that.

Just explain to us that you were once a campaign finance lawyer on a campaign for someone in California.. and you can just pretend you are the authority.

Well, I could lean on my qualifications as someone with no experience with law or politics, no post-secondary education, and no exposure to news beyond article titles from highly partisan news sites...but I wouldn't want to steal your identity.

05-03-2018, 10:56 AM
Well, I could lean on my qualifications as someone with no experience with law or politics, no post-secondary education, and no exposure to news beyond article titles from highly partisan news sites...but I wouldn't want to steal your identity.

I bet you're over weight and ugly.

05-03-2018, 10:59 AM
That looks more like one of her posts.

05-03-2018, 10:59 AM
I bet you're over weight and ugly.

No, this is her.


That looks more like one of her posts.

No one will ever know what you're talking about.

05-03-2018, 11:01 AM
Well, I could lean on my qualifications as someone with no experience with law or politics, no post-secondary education, and no exposure to news beyond article titles from highly partisan news sites...but I wouldn't want to steal your identity.

I suppose I could equally lean on my make believe qualifications as someone who made up experience with law and politics, a post-secondary education, and a wide array of exposure to news beyond articles from highly partisan news sites... but I'm not a dumb cunt like you.


05-03-2018, 11:04 AM
This thread has porn star in the title and not a lot of pictures so....


05-03-2018, 11:08 AM
I bet you're over weight and ugly.

Wait.. are you talking about her real life or her "real" life she says on the Internet?

Because those are two completely different things..

05-03-2018, 11:09 AM

05-03-2018, 11:10 AM

We did not find results for "porn stars" Try the suggestions below or type a new query above.

05-03-2018, 11:12 AM
Trustnav adblocker took over my search engine.. and decided to just filter out porn stars?




05-03-2018, 12:27 PM
Well, I could lean on my qualifications as someone with no experience with law or politics, no post-secondary education, and no exposure to news beyond article titles from highly partisan news sites...but I don't believe in representing myself honestly on the internet.


05-03-2018, 12:29 PM
This thread has porn star in the title and not a lot of pictures so....



05-03-2018, 12:46 PM

05-03-2018, 01:41 PM

That’s part of the entertainment though.

05-03-2018, 02:10 PM
Today w/ @RepKathleenRice we’re calling for the @FBI to investigate the questionable campaign payments made by @realDonaldTrump’s associates during the election. As former prosecutors, we believe these actions constitute felonies. More on our letter here: http://bit.ly/2oJcC0I .


Hell ya, they should investigate it. That would be an obvious and reasonable course of action to take.

05-03-2018, 02:43 PM
I should quit being a huge drama queen. That would be an obvious and reasonable course of action to take. But I have too much estrogen in my system so it's impossible.

You're just now realizing this? What a retard.

05-03-2018, 02:55 PM
Reporters using the the L word asking SHS questions about trump's stormy daniels denials. I do think that Michelle Wolf's jokes about SHS lying have had a positive impact on the press pool.

05-03-2018, 02:59 PM
Rudy G's comments just made things a whole lot worse for Cohen and made indictments against him even easier, increasing the odds that he'll flip in order to avoid a very lengthy prison stint. GG Rudy!

05-03-2018, 03:02 PM
Rudy G's comments just made things a whole lot worse for Cohen and made indictments against him even easier, increasing the odds that he'll flip in order to avoid a very lengthy prison stint. GG Rudy!

you're pretty retarded.

05-03-2018, 03:03 PM
Rudy G's comments just made things a whole lot worse for Cohen and made indictments against him even easier, increasing the odds that he'll flip in order to avoid a very lengthy prison stint. GG Rudy!

I'm torn about this. I can't tell if the trump crew is utterly incompetent or if they're playing a deep strategy and this ties into plans they're making behind the scenes.

Now Guiliani is saying "if we had to defend this we can say it's for personal reasons. Trump was hurt by this."

It think KellyAnn's husband has a different take on it.


05-03-2018, 03:08 PM
Reporters using the the L word asking SHS questions about trump's stormy daniels denials. I do think that Michelle Wolf's jokes about SHS lying have had a positive impact on the press pool.

Even fox news was putting SHS on blast for lying about the payment.

05-03-2018, 03:09 PM
I'm torn about this. I can't tell if the trump crew is utterly incompetent or if they're playing a deep strategy and this ties into plans they're making behind the scenes.

Now Guiliani is saying "if we had to defend this we can say it's for personal reasons. Trump was hurt by this."

It think KellyAnn's husband has a different take on it.


It is pure incompetence. Rudy G is way over his head. And his wife filed for divorce yesterday :lol:

05-03-2018, 03:10 PM
Rudy doesn't think Cohen had his "wires tapped". Apparently you can't wiretap a lawyer.

“Us lawyers have talked about it, we don’t believe it’s true,” Giuliani told The Daily Beast. “We think it’s going to turn out to be untrue because it would be totally illegal. You can’t wiretap a lawyer, you certainly can’t wiretap his client who’s not involved in the investigation. No one has suggested that Trump was involved in that investigation. So they’re going to wiretap the lawyer, his client, and his client the president of the United States? I don’t think so, not if they want to stay out of jail. Disclosing a wiretap is a federal felony. I never took ‘em home when I was a U.S. attorney.”


Meanwhile trump is calling stormy an extortionist and bolstering her defamation lawsuit.

05-03-2018, 03:11 PM
I'm torn about this. I can't tell if the trump crew is utterly incompetent or if they're playing a deep strategy and this ties into plans they're making behind the scenes.

Now Guiliani is saying "if we had to defend this we can say it's for personal reasons. Trump was hurt by this."

It think KellyAnn's husband has a different take on it.


His profile pic looks like George Takei and Ted Cruz fucked and this came out 9 months later.


05-03-2018, 03:14 PM
It is pure incompetence. Rudy G is way over his head. And his wife filed for divorce yesterday :lol:

It's amazing to see. I am having a hard time believing that they're bungling so badly. Last night on MSNBC one of the commentators, who used to work for Rudy or in SDNY or something like that, got choked up talking about how Rudys lost a step and that it's difficult to see. Other people have been on the record lately saying that Rudy was just fine and as sharp as ever. Whatever's going on with him is being debated openly and in public which is not a good sign for him.

05-03-2018, 03:16 PM
Rudy doesn't think Cohen had his "wires tapped". Apparently you can't wiretap a lawyer.


Meanwhile trump is calling stormy an extortionist and bolstering her defamation lawsuit.

More proof that Rudy is a fucking moron. Being a lawyer doesn't grant you special immunity from being investigated for crimes.

05-03-2018, 03:35 PM
More proof that Rudy is a fucking moron. Being a lawyer doesn't grant you special immunity from being investigated for crimes.

Dershowitz is flailing too. He was on MSNBC making some points in defense of trump including one about campaign contributions and a bunch about trumps civil liberties being trampled by the law enforcement community. The guy he was talking said that he'd address the first point but the rest he'll ignore because it's basis is that the U.S. DOJ is now defunct. So Dersh is pushing the conspiracy theories and struggling to make a reasonable argument anymore. It's good to see the pushback.

Here's what Dershowitz said (http://dailycaller.com/2018/05/03/dershowitz-i-dont-want-to-live-in-police-state/):

“I do not trust the government. I do not trust judges. I do not trust prosecutors when they are zealously seeking to go after a particular target, in this case Donald Trump,” the lawyer stated on MSNBC. “Nobody would have been going after Michael Cohen if he weren’t Donald Trump’s lawyer. That’s the reality.”

“People don’t investigate campaign contribution lapses or campaign rule violations generally about people who aren’t in the public life, and I just worry that when you have somebody with a target on his or her back – whether it is Hillary Clinton who could have been elected and had the same thing happen to her, or Donald Trump that civil libertarians ought to express concern.”

“I don’t want to live in the surveillance state,” he continued. “I want to do everything in my power no matter who the target is to prevent this from occurring.”

“It was Lavrentiy Beria who told Stalin, ‘show me the man, and I’ll find your crime.’ You can go through the federal criminal code and find crimes that virtually any businessman, any politician has committed,” Dershowitz stated. “It is so easy to get a warrant. It is so easy to persuade a judge to give you a wiretap warrant. That simply doesn’t protect American citizens, and any civil libertarian who was exposed to what’s going on here today — if Hillary Clinton were the subject — would be taking exactly the opposite position.”

“There is so much hypocrisy, partisan hypocrisy out there. I don’t mind if conservatives take the view we ought to trust government or former prosecutors take the view we ought to trust government. My gripe is against civil libertarians and criminal defense lawyers who are always on the side of challenging the government, the ACLU, who have suddenly lost its way and forgotten what they’ve preached for 50 years because it is Donald Trump they’re after.”

And more here (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/04/22/alan_dershowitz_only_thing_that_matters_on_michael _cohen_is_federal_sword_of_damocles_over_his_head. html):

ROCAH: That's what's called investigating.

DERSHOWITZ: … he can find against anybody who is associated with the president so he can flip them...

STEPHANOPOULOS: But if it weren't there it wouldn't be a problem.

DERSHOWITZ: Of course. But it's there -- you know, crime -- broad federal criminal statutes, campaign contributions, bank records, you can find them against almost every very complex business person or political person. The question is how hard you look. And when you look hard, you have enough for a search warrant, which is fairly minimal. And then the pressure increases.

05-03-2018, 04:16 PM
This was put up on Twitter by Seth Abramson today:

KEN WHITE (ex-AUSA) on the COHEN wiretap: “[This] sort of thing happens all the time if you’re doing mob wiretaps. That'd be the classic scenario—when they’re calling their lawyer or their fixer.” And yep—the feds may have captured a mob boss (Trump) talking to his fixer (Cohen).

05-03-2018, 04:41 PM
Trump was told not to call Cohen because they suspected a wiretap. Trump called anyway. This is why no one wants to be his lawyer.

05-03-2018, 05:29 PM
NBC News with a big correction: MSNBC Banner reads right now: "Correction: Feds are monitoring, not listening to Cohen's calls."

Update on the wiretapping of Cohen.

05-03-2018, 05:32 PM
Even fox news was putting SHS on blast for lying about the payment.

I hope that the absurdity of trumps constant stream of lies is getting to be too much to defend. It's probably a one time thing but I am glad to see right wingers calling out his B.S.

In an interview with CNN, Dent noted that the story directly contradicts past statements made by both Sanders and the president, adding that he believes Trump's newly appointed lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R), who made the claim Wednesday night in an explosive interview with Fox News's Sean Hannity.

"Well, it's clear that someone wasn't telling the truth, either Sarah Huckabee Sanders or the president," Dent said. "I believe what Rudy Giuliani said last night — that Michael Cohen was reimbursed by the president for this hush payment," he continues.
"I guess at some point you have to ask the question, how does Sarah Huckabee Sanders go to work every day if she was sent out there to mislead the American people?"

05-03-2018, 06:39 PM
More proof that Rudy is a fucking moron. Being a lawyer doesn't grant you special immunity from being investigated for crimes.

He knows. Just like Trump knew that the Cohen raid wasn't an assault on attorney-client privilege.

They're trying to paint all of this as highly illegal and corrupt. His base will believe it. It's all part of building cover for firing Sessions or Rosenstein. (Based on comments today, it would appear Sessions is back in the crossfire)

05-03-2018, 06:42 PM
Edited: I was thinking of the email accounts being monitored

05-03-2018, 06:59 PM
The thing I don't understand is how the wiretapping is new news? The fillings from SDNY already mentioned that Cohen's phones had been tapped for months, didn't they? Or was it email accounts?

Who leaked it? That would tell us a lot. Judging by the way these things have gone, the story could easily have been planted by the WH so they have something to birch about

05-03-2018, 07:03 PM
Yeah they're responsible for a LOT of the leaks they complain about. I've heard journalists on several networks hint at that based on their own experiences.

In fairness though Mueller's team is airtight, but the SDNY may not be. Based on the correction, it seems like this came from SDNY (or someone in their orbit, most likely). Then the WH leaked that it was just a pen registry in return.

My money is actually on Avenatti for the original leak.

05-03-2018, 07:35 PM

05-03-2018, 07:54 PM
He knows. Just like Trump knew that the Cohen raid wasn't an assault on attorney-client privilege.

They're trying to paint all of this as highly illegal and corrupt. His base will believe it. It's all part of building cover for firing Sessions or Rosenstein. (Based on comments today, it would appear Sessions is back in the crossfire)

I was going to point out that I don't believe this is highly illegal and corrupt, but then I don't consider myself part of the Trump base (even though I am a lifelong Republican), so never mind.

Also if Trump actually did repay the money for Stormy Daniels...well I think that's the beginning of the end here.

05-03-2018, 08:11 PM
Also if Trump actually did repay the money for Stormy Daniels...well I think that's the beginning of the end here.

Even Laura Ingraham said she was highly concerned about Trump paying Cohen. Definitely not looking good for him on that front.

05-03-2018, 08:13 PM
I was going to point out that I don't believe this is highly illegal and corrupt, but then I don't consider myself part of the Trump base (even though I am a lifelong Republican), so never mind.

Also if Trump actually did repay the money for Stormy Daniels...well I think that's the beginning of the end here.

Paying for a NDA to be signed isn't illegal.. even for a President.

05-03-2018, 08:24 PM
I was going to point out that I don't believe this is highly illegal and corrupt, but then I don't consider myself part of the Trump base (even though I am a lifelong Republican), so never mind.

Also if Trump actually did repay the money for Stormy Daniels...well I think that's the beginning of the end here.

His base already knows he's lying about Stormy Daniels- they aren't going to let a campaign finance violation get to them. They're not even going to let a little light collusion with Russia get to them.

Trump's not afraid of that. He's afraid of what else might come out if the government gets full access to those Cohen files.

05-03-2018, 08:50 PM
The danger is that if he pushes it too far the regular republicans will revolt. Someone like Candor may be able to live with it so far, but there is a line for the old guard conservatives even if they are happy with the judges and,yes cuts

05-03-2018, 08:55 PM
His base already knows he's lying about Stormy Daniels- they aren't going to let a campaign finance violation get to them. They're not even going to let a little light collusion with Russia get to them.

Even if all of that is true, which I doubt, but even if it were, it's likely more than just Trump's base that wouldn't give a fuck. There are others who would normally be outraged and turn their backs on him or any president over it, and would still probably be outraged anyway, but won't turn on him because they still realize that the alternative is retards who think like you and straponwolff.

05-03-2018, 08:55 PM
The danger is that if he pushes it too far the regular republicans will revolt. Someone like Candor may be able to live with it so far, but there is a line for the old guard conservatives even if they are happy with the judges and,yes cuts

His approval with Republicans may be softer than it appears. Morning Consult (which leans Republican) came out with a recent battleground states report, and it looks like 37% of Republicans only somewhat approve of Trump.

I don't know that we'll see a revolt. I highly doubt Candor is suddenly going to vote for a Democrat (but who knows?), but the real risk is that 37% of Republicans will just stay home.

05-03-2018, 09:00 PM
Ya, write-ins and protest votes etc...

In all this mess a young Democrat has an opening to step up and be a real firebrand on the talk show circuit. I'm worried at their complacency. There is all the room in the world right now to make a name and low risk. We need some Avenattis in the Democratic party

05-03-2018, 09:02 PM
His base already knows he's lying about Stormy Daniels- they aren't going to let a campaign finance violation get to them.

For myself, it's not so much the violation but whether Trump has been lying from the beginning about it (which at this point seems rather likely).

05-03-2018, 09:09 PM
Why this lie over the thousands (literally) of others? I'm asking very sincerely

05-03-2018, 09:29 PM
Why this lie over the thousands (literally) of others? I'm asking very sincerely

I have to first say that I doubt you and I would be in complete agreement as to what Trump has lied about.

But ignoring that...every lie...and I mean every lie...bothers me. But there are two things about this one that make it a bit more troublesome for me:

1. The number of times he has restated it.
2. The fact that Clinton was impeached for lying about a somewhat similar situation (including admittedly via a sworn deposition, but still...)

05-03-2018, 10:38 PM
I have to first say that I doubt you and I would be in complete agreement as to what Trump has lied about.

But ignoring that...every lie...and I mean every lie...bothers me. But there are two things about this one that make it a bit more troublesome for me:

1. The number of times he has restated it.
2. The fact that Clinton was impeached for lying about a somewhat similar situation (including admittedly via a sworn deposition, but still...)

We do likely disagree on the number yes, but I doubt we disagree that the number is not insignificant.

Having said that: Ironically I'm actually going to defend Trump on this one. I do think it matters that Clinton lied under oath while Trump lies to the American people on camera and Twitter.

But help me understand. He changed his explanation for why he fired the guy overseeing the FBI investigation into him and his campaign at least 3 times in the first few days and has changed it a few times since. So we know he lied about that.

He lied repeatedly about not having tried to fire Mueller- but we know he tried twice.

He also repeatedly lied about whether or not Russia had meddled in our elections- despite having been briefed by the FBI on the possibility, having received an email on behalf of the Russian government saying that Russia was trying to get him elected, having received classified Intelligence briefings as a candidate, and after the US Intelligence community came out and stated that Russia had definitely meddled in the election.

He also lied about his campaign having had zero contact with the Russian government (turns out- there were dozens of contacts) and about not having business deals with them (He was working on getting Trump Tower Moscow during the campaign).

He also lied about Obama's birth certificate- repeatedly, for years. And he has repeatedly told the American people that the DNC and the Democrats were colluding with Russia (despite the fact that Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton and strategically released the emails during the campaign to make her look bad). That's obviously a lie.

I'm not saying these things to be argumentative. I'm genuinely trying to get some insight into the minds of moderate Republicans like yourself. All of those lies involve very serious matters and were repeated over and over again. Why does this one rise above the fray?

Is it that you don't believe he lied about those other things? Or is it feeling a bit fundamentally exasperated and sort of tired of forgiving and forgetting? Or is it something else entirely that my own perspectives and biases are blinding me to?

And thank you in advance for answering such a pointed question.

05-03-2018, 11:13 PM
From thehill.com. He's playing a dangerous game. trumps asking stormy and avanetti to produce their equivalent of a soiled dress.

The president said the Daniels agreement "was used to stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her about an affair."

Contradicting past claims that he knew nothing about the payment, Trump said such arrangements "are very common among celebrities and people of wealth."

05-03-2018, 11:17 PM
Yeah he is. That's how terrified he is about the whole Cohen situation. These look like insane risks from the outside, but I'm guessing that the biggest risk is in not doing something at this point.

05-03-2018, 11:28 PM
Yeah he is. That's how terrified he is about the whole Cohen situation. These look like insane risks from the outside, but I'm guessing that the biggest risk is in not doing something at this point.

Its worth considering that he's a big risk taker. He doesn't seem to exercise much caution in anything. He also has one response and that's Attack Attack Attack.

05-04-2018, 12:01 AM
Its worth considering that he's a big risk taker. He doesn't seem to exercise much caution in anything. He also has one response and that's Attack Attack Attack.

I don't know. He definitely likes to project that image. But it seems to me that he takes more risks when it's other people who are on the line. His survival instincts are well-honed.

He's pretty panicked right now.

05-04-2018, 12:09 AM
“Your base probably might not care,” Cavuto added. “But you should. I guess you’re too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you’re creating. That’s your doing. That’s your stink. Mr. President, that’s your swamp.”

This was on Fox. Guess some folks are realizing they bought a shitbird when they voted for trump.

05-04-2018, 12:46 AM
This was on Fox. Guess some folks are realizing they bought a shitbird when they voted for trump.

Wait until it comes out that Trump paid a playmate off for an abortion.

05-04-2018, 12:55 AM
Wait until it comes out that Trump paid a playmate off for an abortion.

OMG I hadn't even considered that.

My birthday is coming up soon. PLEASE let this be my birthday gift!

05-04-2018, 01:12 AM
OMG I hadn't even considered that.

My birthday is coming up soon. PLEASE let this be my birthday gift!

Michael Avenatti hinted that the $1.6 million payment to the playmate was Trump's baby and not actually Elliott Broidy's.

05-04-2018, 07:32 AM
No one cares except the butthurt.

05-04-2018, 09:47 AM
No one cares except the butthurt.

wow, considering how much you care you must be REALLY butthurt

05-04-2018, 09:50 AM
wow, considering how much you care you must be REALLY butthurt

I couldn't care less about trump's private life. No one cares about it, except those butthurt over him being president.

05-04-2018, 10:24 AM
I couldn't care less about trump's private life. No one cares about it, except those butthurt over him being president.


05-04-2018, 10:27 AM
I couldn't care less about trump's private life. No one cares about it, except those butthurt over him being president.

"I'm not upset, I just spend hours a day in the politics folder saying childish things to people who express political opinions I don't agree with"

I just want to remind you that Obamacare codified mental health coverage parity. It's never too late Wrath.

05-04-2018, 10:28 AM
"I'm not upset, I just spend hours a day in the politics folder saying childish things to people who express political opinions I don't agree with"

I just want to remind you that Obamacare codified mental health coverage parity. It's never too late Wrath.

It isn't spending hours a day. I'd imagine he is doing other stuff and then every so often clicks "new posts" and then responds. I'd bet the total time spent for day is probably about 10 minutes.

05-04-2018, 10:48 AM
I couldn't care less about trump's private life. No one cares about it, except those butthurt over him being president.

You care about what people think about Trump.

05-04-2018, 10:49 AM
It isn't spending hours a day. I'd imagine he is doing other stuff and then every so often clicks "new posts" and then responds. I'd bet the total time spent for day is probably about 10 minutes.

Other stuff like eating his shit and drawing with crayons. He's about as useful as Necro.

05-04-2018, 10:53 AM
Other stuff like eating his shit and drawing with crayons. He's about as useful as Necro.

Except he actively merchants on the GS side, so he is already infinitely above Nerco.

05-04-2018, 10:55 AM
Except he actively merchants on the GS side, so he is already infinitely above Nerco.

so? He's a full blown moron that does nothing but troll

05-04-2018, 10:56 AM
"I'm not upset, I just spend hours a day in the politics folder saying childish things to people who express political opinions I don't agree with"

I know it's difficult for you to imagine anyone doing things differently than the way you do things, but most people don't mash F5 all day like you do and spend hours writing up gigantic walls of text that nobody even reads except for cwolff. Most just click "Today's Posts" here and there, see you barfing up more stupidity, and then laugh at said stupidity while you fan more of your own farts into your face, convinced that you're the smartest person in the room everywhere you go.

I just want to remind you that Obamacare codified mental health coverage parity. It's never too late.

So what are you waiting for? Get to the mental health clinic before your cuntition gets worse.


05-04-2018, 11:04 AM
Most just click "Today's Posts" here and there, see you barfing up more stupidity, and then laugh at said stupidity while you fan more of your own farts into your face, convinced that you're the smartest person in the room everywhere you go.


05-04-2018, 11:11 AM
GG Rudy!


05-04-2018, 11:14 AM
You care about what people think about Trump.

Nope. Try again.

05-04-2018, 11:19 AM
"I'm not upset, I just spend hours a day in the politics folder saying childish things to people who express political opinions I don't agree with"

I just want to remind you that Obamacare codified mental health coverage parity. It's never too late Wrath.

So, you are upset by your own admission.

Not a surprise. I am glad that you've finally admitted it. NOW, let's get you some mental health care:



05-04-2018, 11:27 AM

Oh noes, I came in last in the "who got exposed the most" rep poll while people were like "Why is Methais on here?"

Since you keep posting this as if it actually means something though, let's take a further look at the actual votes:


4+ of those votes not even being "serious" votes. I'd say none other than Leifa and maybe Nien were real votes. Even if I "won" the poll, it still wouldn't mean shit, which is why you desperately clinging onto this as if it means something makes you look even more retarded than you usually do.

But yeah, you sure showed me.

You didn't even vote for me. Talk about low energy.

Try putting more than the bare minimum effort into anything you do and you might start having better results.

05-04-2018, 11:31 AM
Oh noes, I came in last in the "who got exposed the most" rep poll while people were like "Why is Methais on here?"

Since you keep posting this as if it actually means something though, let's take a further look at the actual votes:


4+ of those votes not even being "serious" votes. I'd say none other than Leifa and maybe Nien were real votes. Even if I "won" the poll, it still wouldn't mean shit, which is why you desperately clinging onto this as if it means something makes you look even more retarded than you usually do.

But yeah, you sure showed me.

You didn't even vote for me. Talk about low energy.

Try putting more than the bare minimum effort into anything you do and you might start having better results.

rofl, it was a multiple choice too. mgoddess, Mighty Nikkisaurus, parkbandit, Tisket, wildefire, and wross voted for everyone.

05-04-2018, 11:33 AM
Wrathbringer has 2.62 posts per day. Pk has 7.6. t4f has 3.9. Looks like you two care more than he does.

I have 5.8.

05-04-2018, 11:34 AM
Oh noes, I came in last in the "who got exposed the most" rep poll while people were like "Why is Methais on here?"

Since you keep posting this as if it actually means something though, let's take a further look at the actual votes:


4+ of those votes not even being "serious" votes. I'd say none other than Leifa and maybe Nien were real votes. Even if I "won" the poll, it still wouldn't mean shit, which is why you desperately clinging onto this as if it means something makes you look even more retarded than you usually do.

But yeah, you sure showed me.

You didn't even vote for me. Talk about low energy.

Try putting more than the bare minimum effort into anything you do and you might start having better results.

Don't think you can tell me if my vote was serious or not.

It was very serious. Voting and polling on the PC is VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS!

PS - I won :P

05-04-2018, 11:35 AM
Don't think you can tell me if my vote was serious or not.

It was very serious. Voting and polling on the PC is VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS!

PS - I won :P

Oh look, I still haven't voted.

05-04-2018, 11:37 AM
Wrathbringer has 2.62 posts per day. Pk has 7.6. t4f has 3.9. Looks like you two care more than he does.

I have 5.8.

But time4fun was in gone for a long period of time because she was obligated to not post here as she was attempting to get the SafeSpace Forums up and running. No one followed her there, so now she's been forced to come back here.

Also, didn't Androidpk leave for a good stretch too.. like after his real life was splashed in here and people began to realize what a piece of shit he was?

05-04-2018, 11:53 AM
Oh noes, I came in last in the "who got exposed the most" rep poll while people were like "Why is Methais on here?"

Since you keep posting this as if it actually means something though, let's take a further look at the actual votes:


4+ of those votes not even being "serious" votes. I'd say none other than Leifa and maybe Nien were real votes. Even if I "won" the poll, it still wouldn't mean shit, which is why you desperately clinging onto this as if it means something makes you look even more retarded than you usually do.

But yeah, you sure showed me.

You didn't even vote for me. Talk about low energy.

Try putting more than the bare minimum effort into anything you do and you might start having better results.


05-04-2018, 12:00 PM
If anyone spends hours on their posts, it's time4flatulence with her research, sourcing, 1st draft, 2nd draft with cuntiness and then the posting of her novels no one reads. Except for cloaff. I think from now on length of post should determine how upset someone is. It's more accurate I think. For example: Time4dung posts novels, she must be really upset. Wrathbringer posts appropriate two word "you're retarded" replies to said novels, he must just think she's retarded.

05-04-2018, 12:01 PM
Wrathbringer has 2.62 posts per day. Pk has 7.6. t4f has 3.9. Looks like you two care more than he does.

I have 5.8.

Yes, I do care about politics, it's why I post a lot in the politics folder.

05-04-2018, 12:19 PM
Oh Parkbandit, you still trying to suck your own cock? Try losing some weight, it may help!

Is that how you managed to start sucking yours?

05-04-2018, 12:20 PM
Everybody, including Giuliana, has the Stormy Daniels story wrong, said Trump. "It's actually very simple," he said. Then he left for the NRA convention.

WASHINGTON — President Trump undercut his attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, on Friday, and said the former New York mayor will eventually get the facts right regarding a payment to a pornographic actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

Everything “has been said incorrectly,” Mr. Trump said, blaming the media coverage and Mr. Giuliani’s short time on the job.

Mr. Giuliani, who joined Mr. Trump’s legal team last month, “started a day ago,” Mr. Trump said, speaking to reporters on Friday as he left Washington to attend a National Rifle Association convention in Dallas.

“He’s a great guy,” Mr. Trump said. “He’ll get his facts straight.”

More... (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/04/us/politics/trump-giuliani-stormy-daniels.html)

“It’s actually very simple,” the president said, without elaboration.

05-04-2018, 12:21 PM
I have no response and wasn't expecting to be called out for being this stupid, so I'll just repost this as I Homer Simpson into the bushes, as I don't hear any women masturbating in there, so I'm safe.


At least you're starting to be honest with yourself. That's the first step in curing yourself of the massive retardation you suffer from.


05-04-2018, 12:22 PM
At least you're starting to be honest with yourself. That's the first step into curing yourself of massive retardation.

oh hey, it's one of the 3 shit stooges


05-04-2018, 12:26 PM
Is that how you managed to start sucking yours?

If I could suck my own dick I'd never leave the house.

05-04-2018, 12:28 PM
oh hey, it's one of the 3 shit stooges


Feel free to explain why that screenshot is so significant to you. And why it should be significant to anyone else.


05-04-2018, 12:44 PM
Feel free to explain why that screenshot is so significant to you. And why it should be significant to anyone else.



05-04-2018, 12:58 PM
Oh Parkbandit, you still trying to suck your own cock? Try losing some weight, it may help!

Why would I? Your mom is always available for a dollar.

InBeforeRektAgain... all this for $25.... I see where you get your "I'll do anything for a dollar" comes from now.

05-04-2018, 01:00 PM
At least you're starting to be honest with yourself. That's the first step in curing yourself of the massive retardation you suffer from.

That type of mental retardation is incurable.

Don't bother trying to make sense out of him.. he's the retard who complained about a girl masturbating too loudly when he was sponging off her and never left her guest room.

Some things make absolutely no sense. Androidpk is one of them.

05-04-2018, 01:06 PM


Let's remember this exchange next time time4pk complains about someone trolling.

Zero. Self. Awareness.

05-04-2018, 01:13 PM
That type of mental retardation is incurable.

Don't bother trying to make sense out of him.. he's the retard who complained about a girl masturbating too loudly when he was sponging off her and never left her guest room.

Some things make absolutely no sense. Androidpk is one of them.

Sponged so hard I paid half the rent and utilities. What a deal!

05-04-2018, 01:14 PM

Let's remember this exchange next time time4pk complains about someone trolling.

Zero. Self. Awareness.

Pointing out you being one of the PC's biggest trolls is trolling? :lol2:

Maybe you guys could use a safe space so people stop laughing at you.

05-04-2018, 01:18 PM
Sponged so hard I paid half the rent and utilities. What a deal!

How long was it that you didn't have a job until you finally landed at Goodwill?

I love the real life stories diethx told. I wish she would come back and tell us more.

PS - This is probably the right time to break out your "Oh yea? Well, well, well, his girlfriend works for McDonalds and he's divorced!"

05-04-2018, 01:23 PM
How long was it that you didn't have a job until you finally landed at Goodwill?

I love the real life stories diethx told. I wish she would come back and tell us more.

PS - This is probably the right time to break out your "Oh yea? Well, well, well, his girlfriend works for McDonalds and he's divorced!"

How long was it until you got new material? Oh yeah. Still holding on to BS you heard from 5 years ago. GG :)

05-04-2018, 01:24 PM
How long was it until you got new material? Oh yeah. Still holding on to BS you heard from 5 years ago. GG :)

But that stuff is timeless. It literally illustrates what a pathetic piece of shit you are.

And the best part is: It's 100% true.

05-04-2018, 01:33 PM
But that stuff is timeless. It literally illustrates what a pathetic piece of shit you are.

And the best part is: It's 100% true.

Rage more you impotent old man. :lol2:

05-04-2018, 01:48 PM
Pointing out you being one of the PC's biggest trolls is trolling? :lol2:

Maybe you guys could use a safe space so people stop laughing at you.

You're right now that I think about it, you're not actually trolling. Trolling requires intent, and what you're doing instead is literally just showcasing your extreme stupidity and your inability to understand basic concepts and logic while high fiving yourself. Perhaps you should attend one of time4fun's logic classes.

You're seriously too dumb to even argue with. At this point you're even more retarded than Necro. The only one left for you to dethrone is Backlash.

Grats bro.

05-04-2018, 01:50 PM
Shut the fuck up you dumb old faggot. You’re a fucking loser you need to realize that you fat cock sucker. You’re at the end of your life and all you have to show for it is berating a young kid, a veteran to boot, who struggled and is finally on getting ahead.

When you find your cock, try not putting it in your mouth you piece of vile excrement.

----> Kranar https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-23-2015/bONuAN.gif <---- You

05-04-2018, 01:54 PM
You're right now that I think about it, you're not actually trolling. Trolling requires intent, and what you're doing instead is literally just showcasing your extreme stupidity and your inability to understand basic concepts and logic while high fiving yourself. Perhaps you should attend one of time4fun's logic classes.

You're seriously too dumb to even argue with. At this point you're even more retarded than Necro. The only one left for you to dethrone is Backlash.

Grats bro.

Low energy troll. Sad.

05-04-2018, 01:57 PM
How long was it until you got new material?

Low energy troll. Sad.

How long is it until you get some new material?

Zero. Self. Awareness.

But tell us your definition of low energy anyway. This should be interesting, considering you are the epitome of low energy.

----> Literally anyone else https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-23-2015/bONuAN.gif<---- time4pk trying to be clever

05-04-2018, 01:59 PM
Shut the fuck up you dumb old faggot. You’re a fucking loser you need to realize that you fat cock sucker. You’re at the end of your life and all you have to show for it is berating a young kid, a veteran to boot, who struggled and is finally on getting ahead.

When you find your cock, try not putting it in your mouth you piece of vile excrement.

You're mad because I outted your mom? Bitch, please. Everyone knew already.

Sucking dicks for a dollar has been your family business for generation now.

You should be thanking me.. maybe you'll get some business from this and actually make the $25 you've been so upset about not having.

Maybe Androidpk can put in a good word for you at Goodwill. They will literally hire anyone.

05-04-2018, 02:02 PM
Rage more you impotent old man. :lol2:

You confuse rage with humor. Why would I be mad about you being a useless piece of shit?

Your life here is amusing as hell.

05-04-2018, 02:11 PM
I'm still mad at Methais because he won't send me pics of his massive Italian sausage.

Tell you what. Get me some clips of Tisket masturbating, preferably VERY LOUDLY because then I won't have to worry about pkwolff trying to get ahold of it, and I'll send Tisket a pic of my enormous dong, and then if she wishes to share it with you, I won't be able to stop her.

05-04-2018, 02:19 PM
You confuse rage with humor.

No one confuses your vitriol for humor.

05-04-2018, 02:22 PM
No one confuses your vitriol for humor.

aren't you sick of getting owned all day? Geez, I know you're trying to up your post count via any means possible, but get a clue and stop posting for awhile so you stop getting owned.

05-04-2018, 02:26 PM
You're mad because I outted your mom? Bitch, please. Everyone knew already.

Sucking dicks for a dollar has been your family business for generation now.

You should be thanking me.. maybe you'll get some business from this and actually make the $25 you've been so upset about not having.

Maybe Androidpk can put in a good word for you at Goodwill. They will literally hire anyone.

Remember that time you had a conniption when I implied your daughters would take to the poll because you spend your free time playing video games as a 40 year old man?

But please, tell me how another poster's mom sucks dicks for a dollar.

PS - Rachel actually seems to be a well-adjusted, empathetic, liberal-leaning individual. It's probably for the best that you ignored her during her formative years. She is better off for it.

05-04-2018, 02:30 PM
Hey look it's that fag Keller. Hey fag!

05-04-2018, 02:31 PM
Remember that time you had a conniption when I implied your daughters would take to the poll because you spend your free time playing video games as a 40 year old man?

Is this for federal or state/local elections?

05-04-2018, 02:32 PM
Is this for federal or state/local elections?

Federal for sure.

05-04-2018, 02:32 PM
Hey look it's that fag Keller. Hey fag!


05-04-2018, 02:33 PM
Hey look it's that fag Keller. Hey fag!


05-04-2018, 04:00 PM
Remember that time you had a conniption when I implied your daughters would take to the poll because you spend your free time playing video games as a 40 year old man?

But please, tell me how another poster's mom sucks dicks for a dollar.

PS - Rachel actually seems to be a well-adjusted, empathetic, liberal-leaning individual. It's probably for the best that you ignored her during her formative years. She is better off for it.

Pretty sure you mean "pole", not "poll". Glad to see you're as stupid as ever.

And way to turn up the creep factor. See Androidpk? THIS is how you properly stalk someone.

05-04-2018, 04:14 PM
Pretty sure you mean "pole", not "poll". Glad to see you're as stupid as ever.

Four letter words are harder then they look..


05-04-2018, 07:52 PM
Four letter words are harder then they look..


I'm sure he meant that it was paid by check, as opposed to cash from a money roll.


Geez Latrin, does everything need to be spelled out for you??????????

05-04-2018, 08:24 PM
Remember that time you had a conniption when I implied your daughters would take to the poll because you spend your free time playing video games as a 40 year old man?

But please, tell me how another poster's mom sucks dicks for a dollar.

PS - Rachel actually seems to be a well-adjusted, empathetic, liberal-leaning individual. It's probably for the best that you ignored her during her formative years. She is better off for it.

Clearing out your bookmarks some more I see?

05-04-2018, 08:40 PM
WSJ is reporting tonight (https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-probes-cohen-over-cash-he-built-up-during-campaign-1525478682) that SDNY is currently investigating some lines of credit Cohen took out right as Trump's campaign was heating up. He expanded his home equity line of credit to allow him to take out up to $775k. They're investigating whether he was using that money to quietly fix more things for Trump.

05-04-2018, 09:12 PM
WSJ is reporting tonight (https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-probes-cohen-over-cash-he-built-up-during-campaign-1525478682) that SDNY is currently investigating some lines of credit Cohen took out right as Trump's campaign was heating up. He expanded his home equity line of credit to allow him to take out up to $775k. They're investigating whether he was using that money to quietly fix more things for Trump.

So in early 2016, Cohen started going around and taking out mortgages on his properties. From just two banks, he was able to raise $774,000.

The dossier actually mentions Cohen's in-laws:

Kremlin insider highlights importance of TRUMP's lawyer, Michael COHEN in covert relationship with Russia. COHEN's wife is of Russian descent and her father a leading property developer in Moscow

February 24, 2016 - Cohen opens a home-equity line of credit for $500,000. This new, higher equity line gives Cohen the ability to borrow at least $245,000.

August 2016 - According to the dossier, Cohen meets with Kremlin officials in Prague. One of the main topics of discussion was "how to process deniable cash payments to operatives" working to undermine the American election. Cohen was described as the "lead for the TRUMP team".

In Prague, COHEN agreed contingency plans for various scenarios to protect the operation, but in particular what was to be done in the event that Hillary CLINTON won the presidency. It was important in this event that all cash payments owed were made quickly and discreetly and that cyber and other operators were stood down/able to go effectively to ground to cover their traces.

On payments, IVANOV's associate said that the operatives involved had been paid by both TRUMP's team and the Kremlin


05-07-2018, 07:18 AM
“I never thought $130,000 was a real payment ― it’s a nuisance payment,” Giuliani said.

“I don’t like saying this, but it’s not a great deal of money ― $1.3 million is a great deal of money,” he continued. “That’s the kind of money you would think of as a settlement. If I saw $130,000, I would never think it was to settle a substantial claim against my client.”

That's about what cohen paid out to hush the GOP fundraiser pregnancy. Hahaha, Rudy may have to clumsily walk this one back too.

05-07-2018, 07:43 AM
That's about what cohen paid out to hush the GOP fundraiser pregnancy. Hahaha, Rudy may have to clumsily walk this one back too.

My favorite line so far is "I'm worried about the law, not the facts".

Yes Rudy, that's exactly how law works.

05-07-2018, 07:45 AM
So... does the Cohen payment to a porn star prove, disprove or do nothing towards the investigation on Trump Russian collusion?

05-07-2018, 09:05 AM
So... does the Cohen payment to a porn star prove, disprove or do nothing towards the investigation on Trump Russian collusion?

I would almost take this all seriously if every man and woman that holds a public office is put through this same type of fishing expedition. It would totally take care of reducing the size of the federal government, maybe it's a good thing, this will forever change the political playing field in America. The exchange in fire will only worsen for future candidates, policy will no long be front and center if existent at all (kind of like the Democrats now, who have absolutely no policies they are pitching). "Yes this candidate knows the cure for cancer but remember when he banged Maryjane rotten crotch 20 years ago? Fuck that!"


05-07-2018, 09:28 AM
Sadly, that IS how it works. If our society actually operated on facts we wouldn’t have hundreds of people being exonerated through DNA evidence. Sorry girlfriend. :(

In b4 this loser gets rekt again.

05-07-2018, 09:32 AM
In b4 this loser gets rekt again.

This is correkt.

05-07-2018, 09:40 AM
This is correkt.

remember when kranar wrecked your account for being a giant moron? those were the days

05-07-2018, 10:12 AM
remember when kranar wrecked your account for being a giant moron? those were the days

Still not as bad as failing so hard that your entire account gets rekt from existence.

05-07-2018, 10:46 AM
Sadly, that IS how it works. If our society actually operated on facts we wouldn’t have hundreds of people being exonerated through DNA evidence. Sorry girlfriend. :(

Yeah... That's not how it works. There's a reason why every decision has an entire section dedicated to the fact pattern of the case.

Arguing that sometimes cases are wrongly decided is fine, but Rudy's argument is that there a notion of the law that is dovorced from the facts of the case. That's literally not how law works.

05-07-2018, 10:55 AM
Still not as bad as failing so hard that your entire account gets rekt from existence.

It's funnier.

05-07-2018, 11:12 AM
I'm really mad because I lust for Methais all day every day and he keeps rejecting my advances even when I offer him money, even though I don't have any money because I'm a loser. I almost made assistant manager at McDonald's last week though. It was my 7th try, but I'll get it on my 8th, and then maybe Methais will love me! In the meantime though I'm going to watch more Twilight while I cry about the sad state of my life both on and off the internet.


05-07-2018, 11:14 AM
It's funnier.

How is getting a normal ban funnier than being such a sack of assholes that Kranar wipes all of your accounts from existence altogether, which has literally never happened before Necro?

Would it still be funnier if it was WB's accounts getting deleted, and Necro was just getting regular bans? Why or why not?

05-07-2018, 11:37 AM
How is getting a normal ban funnier than being such a sack of assholes that Kranar wipes all of your accounts from existence altogether, which has literally never happened before Necro?

Would it still be funnier if it was WB's accounts getting deleted, and Necro was just getting regular bans? Why or why not?

It's funnier because he got it for trying to impersonate me.

05-07-2018, 11:56 AM
It's funnier because he got it for trying to impersonate me.


05-07-2018, 07:15 PM


05-08-2018, 12:01 AM
Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, Resigns Amid Assault Accusations


05-08-2018, 05:53 PM
Obviously the most important news of the day..


05-08-2018, 05:56 PM
Shut up Latrin.

05-08-2018, 06:12 PM
This article is about the GOP fundraiser who paid off the playboy model to hush affair and abortion. It's speculative and also compelling.

Broidy has a history of bribing public officials to enhance the economic prospects of his business ventures. In 2009, he pleaded guilty to bribing New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi. As part of a plea deal which led to the convictions of seven of his co-conspirators, Broidy admitted he made more than $1 million in illegal payouts and gifts to New York pension authorities. The payoff for these bribes came when the New York State Retirement Fund invested $250 million with Markstone Capital, Broidy’s private equity firm. As part of the plea deal, Broidy also agreed to pay back $18 million in investment fees that the state pension fund had paid to Markstone.

Remarkably enough, as Andrew Prokop pointed out this morning, one of Broidy’s bribes even involved paying off the girlfriend of one of the officials he was bribing:


05-08-2018, 06:15 PM
Remarkably enough, as Andrew Prokop pointed out this morning, one of Broidy’s bribes even involved paying off the girlfriend of one of the officials he was bribing:


05-09-2018, 05:49 PM
Obviously the most important news of the day..


Round and round and round we go:



05-09-2018, 06:14 PM
Round and round and round we go:



You're being investigated, no YOU'RE being investigated.

05-10-2018, 11:17 AM

President Donald Trump had been sworn into office, and his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, saw a golden opportunity.

From his perch in a law office on the 23rd floor of New York's Rockefeller Center, Cohen pitched potential clients on his close association with Trump, noting that he still was the president's lawyer, according to associates. He showed photos of himself with Trump and mentioned how frequently they spoke, even asking people to share news articles describing him as the president's "fixer."

Media: Buzz 60
Details that emerged this week reveal how Cohen quickly leveraged his role as Trump's personal attorney, developing a lucrative sideline as a consultant to companies eager for insight into how to navigate the new administration. The rapid flow of millions of dollars to Cohen shows the rush by corporations - unable to rely on the influence of Washington's traditional lobbying class in dealing with a new, populist outsider president - to lock in relationships with Trump's inner circle.

The companies cited a range of reasons for hiring Cohen. A Korean defense company competing for a U.S. contract said it paid him $150,000 to advise it on accounting practices. A global pharmaceutical company said it paid him $1.2 million to provide insight into health-care policy - money it said it was required to keep paying even after concluding that Cohen had little to offer. A telecommunication company said it turned to him simply to better understand the Trump administration.

Even the office in which he operated - which served as fulcrum of the newly created Michael D. Cohen & Associates - was a side benefit of his Trump affiliation. It was provided by the powerhouse legal and lobbying firm Squire Patton Boggs, which signed Cohen to a $500,000 deal in the wake of the 2016 election.

Cohen's business activities have been under investigation by both special counsel Robert Mueller III and the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, which conducted raids on his office, home, hotel room and safe-deposit box on April 9.

05-10-2018, 12:22 PM
Looks even shadier when you note that Cohen is not a registered lobbyist.

05-10-2018, 12:27 PM
Looks even shadier when you note that Cohen is not a registered lobbyist.

Lawyers are shady af anyways.. but he looks even worse than normal.

05-10-2018, 05:05 PM
So exactly who is paying Michael Avenatti? And is he a lawyer, an opposition researcher, a journalist, or a campaign operative?
He wants to make the discussion all about where Michael Cohen, President Trump (http://origin-nyi.thehill.com/people/donald-trump)’s personal attorney, got his money but, to have clean hands, Avenatti needs to come forward with exactly who is financing his operation, who his sources were for detailed banking information, and whether he really is an attorney solely representing Stormy Daniels or just using her as cover to wage a political operation.
From the beginning, this has been fishy. Daniels’s previous lawyer advised her to stick to her agreements. In contrast, Avenatti okayed her violating with impunity her non-disclosure agreement on “60 Minutes” despite a binding arbitration judgment against her. She acknowledged on Twitter that she is not paying for her lawyer. So who is? And did he indemnify her against all multimillion-dollar penalties?
It took a long time and even a court battle to find out that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier, a fact that was disclosed only after the damage was done, as former British spy and the dossier’s compiler, Christopher Steele, had already created a vast echo chamber as though the material he was peddling had been verified in some way, which of course, it never was. Now Avenatti is being allowed to repeat this same process, mixing truths with half truths and evading accountability.This week, Avenatti released to the media a report detailing consulting payments to Cohen, and much of it, despite a few errors, has been verified. AT&T, Novartis and a real estate firm acknowledge having hired the president’s personal attorney for insights on the incoming administration. Mueller appears to have investigated all of this months ago, and it is highly unlikely that the theory Avenatti is pounding away at — that Russians paid for Daniels — holds any water or Robert Mueller (http://thehill.com/people/robert-mueller)would not have passed the investigation on to U.S. attorneys in New York. Russia, actually, is the special counsel’s bailiwick.
It seems that everyone has his or her own theory about where the Daniels payment came from. Rudy Giuliani says it came out the president’s monthly retainer. Cohen said he paid for it. Avenatti speculates it comes from a real estate company that he alleges had ties, of course, to Russia. The Wall Street Journal published an article suggesting that Cohen and his family in 2015 and early 2016 were so prescient that he would need money for Trump women that he and his wife were refinancing their homes to build up cash for this purpose, possibly defrauding the banks.
More relevant, perhaps, is the New York Times story that Cohen had invested heavily in New York City taxi medallions and, thanks to Uber, those medallions were losing as much as 80 percent of their value and cash flow. There is a much more logical explanation for Cohen needing cash in that these investments were going south, and he needed funds to shore them up or face foreclosure.
But this release of a “report” by Avenatti also raises the question of where and how did he get this detailed financial information because he didn’t find it on Google. This is the kind of information that would have been known only by the Treasury Department, his banks or by prosecutors, raising some serious questions about what kind of operation Avenatti is running. Is there a team of people digging this up? Are they paying off sources? Is Fusion GPS involved? Are there political donors behind making this campaign work? He can’t be both an attorney and then participate as an officer of the court in trafficking illegally obtained information.
Avenatti has been given a free, unfettered media perch on TV to spread his stuff without the networks forcing him to meet any disclosure requirements, saying that he is Daniels’s attorney when someone else entirely is paying for this operation is not true disclosure that allows the viewer to evaluate the source and potential conflicts. He is now being given deference as though he is a journalist interested in protecting unverified sources while he makes headline-grabbing pronouncements. Lawyers need to disclose the source of their evidence.
I have no idea if Cohen was on the up-and-up or was playing fast and loose. I wouldn’t want my lawyer selling “insights” on me. But now we have gone from Trump-Russia collusion in the election to the Russians supposedly paying $130,000 after the election, a sum that Trump definitely wasn’t in need of, yet this has spun hours of cable commentary. If this is all a paid donor strategy to discredit Trump, it is backfiring. The more Avenatti, Daniels and Cohen blot out the Democratic message and the president is seen as making peace with North Korea, the latest polls show the Republicans are surging and Trump’s image rising as well.
The more you peel back the onion, the more Cohen and Avenatti seem alike. Both are fixers who bend every rule they can get away with. Fairly or unfairly, Cohen is being put under the microscope and we can rest assured that every payment in or out will be fully scrutinized by law enforcement. But Avenatti can’t be given a pass on these issues. Americans are entitled to know just who this guy is, who is writing his checks and whether he legally obtained his information.


Some Rogue
05-10-2018, 05:38 PM
So exactly who is paying Michael Avenatti? And is he a lawyer, an opposition researcher, a journalist, or a campaign operative?
He wants to make the discussion all about where Michael Cohen, President Trump (http://origin-nyi.thehill.com/people/donald-trump)’s personal attorney, got his money but, to have clean hands, Avenatti needs to come forward with exactly who is financing his operation, who his sources were for detailed banking information, and whether he really is an attorney solely representing Stormy Daniels or just using her as cover to wage a political operation.
From the beginning, this has been fishy. Daniels’s previous lawyer advised her to stick to her agreements. In contrast, Avenatti okayed her violating with impunity her non-disclosure agreement on “60 Minutes” despite a binding arbitration judgment against her. She acknowledged on Twitter that she is not paying for her lawyer. So who is? And did he indemnify her against all multimillion-dollar penalties?
It took a long time and even a court battle to find out that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier, a fact that was disclosed only after the damage was done, as former British spy and the dossier’s compiler, Christopher Steele, had already created a vast echo chamber as though the material he was peddling had been verified in some way, which of course, it never was. Now Avenatti is being allowed to repeat this same process, mixing truths with half truths and evading accountability.This week, Avenatti released to the media a report detailing consulting payments to Cohen, and much of it, despite a few errors, has been verified. AT&T, Novartis and a real estate firm acknowledge having hired the president’s personal attorney for insights on the incoming administration. Mueller appears to have investigated all of this months ago, and it is highly unlikely that the theory Avenatti is pounding away at — that Russians paid for Daniels — holds any water or Robert Mueller (http://thehill.com/people/robert-mueller)would not have passed the investigation on to U.S. attorneys in New York. Russia, actually, is the special counsel’s bailiwick.
It seems that everyone has his or her own theory about where the Daniels payment came from. Rudy Giuliani says it came out the president’s monthly retainer. Cohen said he paid for it. Avenatti speculates it comes from a real estate company that he alleges had ties, of course, to Russia. The Wall Street Journal published an article suggesting that Cohen and his family in 2015 and early 2016 were so prescient that he would need money for Trump women that he and his wife were refinancing their homes to build up cash for this purpose, possibly defrauding the banks.
More relevant, perhaps, is the New York Times story that Cohen had invested heavily in New York City taxi medallions and, thanks to Uber, those medallions were losing as much as 80 percent of their value and cash flow. There is a much more logical explanation for Cohen needing cash in that these investments were going south, and he needed funds to shore them up or face foreclosure.
But this release of a “report” by Avenatti also raises the question of where and how did he get this detailed financial information because he didn’t find it on Google. This is the kind of information that would have been known only by the Treasury Department, his banks or by prosecutors, raising some serious questions about what kind of operation Avenatti is running. Is there a team of people digging this up? Are they paying off sources? Is Fusion GPS involved? Are there political donors behind making this campaign work? He can’t be both an attorney and then participate as an officer of the court in trafficking illegally obtained information.
Avenatti has been given a free, unfettered media perch on TV to spread his stuff without the networks forcing him to meet any disclosure requirements, saying that he is Daniels’s attorney when someone else entirely is paying for this operation is not true disclosure that allows the viewer to evaluate the source and potential conflicts. He is now being given deference as though he is a journalist interested in protecting unverified sources while he makes headline-grabbing pronouncements. Lawyers need to disclose the source of their evidence.
I have no idea if Cohen was on the up-and-up or was playing fast and loose. I wouldn’t want my lawyer selling “insights” on me. But now we have gone from Trump-Russia collusion in the election to the Russians supposedly paying $130,000 after the election, a sum that Trump definitely wasn’t in need of, yet this has spun hours of cable commentary. If this is all a paid donor strategy to discredit Trump, it is backfiring. The more Avenatti, Daniels and Cohen blot out the Democratic message and the president is seen as making peace with North Korea, the latest polls show the Republicans are surging and Trump’s image rising as well.
The more you peel back the onion, the more Cohen and Avenatti seem alike. Both are fixers who bend every rule they can get away with. Fairly or unfairly, Cohen is being put under the microscope and we can rest assured that every payment in or out will be fully scrutinized by law enforcement. But Avenatti can’t be given a pass on these issues. Americans are entitled to know just who this guy is, who is writing his checks and whether he legally obtained his information.



05-10-2018, 05:45 PM
If she's not paying Avenatti then who is she paying? She has a go fund me account that Avenatti has been promoting. Raising $300k+ last time I looked.

05-10-2018, 07:44 PM
So exactly who is paying Michael Avenatti? And is he a lawyer, an opposition researcher, a journalist, or a campaign operative?
He wants to make the discussion all about where Michael Cohen, President Trump (http://origin-nyi.thehill.com/people/donald-trump)’s personal attorney, got his money but, to have clean hands, Avenatti needs to come forward with exactly who is financing his operation, who his sources were for detailed banking information, and whether he really is an attorney solely representing Stormy Daniels or just using her as cover to wage a political operation.
From the beginning, this has been fishy. Daniels’s previous lawyer advised her to stick to her agreements. In contrast, Avenatti okayed her violating with impunity her non-disclosure agreement on “60 Minutes” despite a binding arbitration judgment against her. She acknowledged on Twitter that she is not paying for her lawyer. So who is? And did he indemnify her against all multimillion-dollar penalties?
It took a long time and even a court battle to find out that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier, a fact that was disclosed only after the damage was done, as former British spy and the dossier’s compiler, Christopher Steele, had already created a vast echo chamber as though the material he was peddling had been verified in some way, which of course, it never was. Now Avenatti is being allowed to repeat this same process, mixing truths with half truths and evading accountability.This week, Avenatti released to the media a report detailing consulting payments to Cohen, and much of it, despite a few errors, has been verified. AT&T, Novartis and a real estate firm acknowledge having hired the president’s personal attorney for insights on the incoming administration. Mueller appears to have investigated all of this months ago, and it is highly unlikely that the theory Avenatti is pounding away at — that Russians paid for Daniels — holds any water or Robert Mueller (http://thehill.com/people/robert-mueller)would not have passed the investigation on to U.S. attorneys in New York. Russia, actually, is the special counsel’s bailiwick.
It seems that everyone has his or her own theory about where the Daniels payment came from. Rudy Giuliani says it came out the president’s monthly retainer. Cohen said he paid for it. Avenatti speculates it comes from a real estate company that he alleges had ties, of course, to Russia. The Wall Street Journal published an article suggesting that Cohen and his family in 2015 and early 2016 were so prescient that he would need money for Trump women that he and his wife were refinancing their homes to build up cash for this purpose, possibly defrauding the banks.
More relevant, perhaps, is the New York Times story that Cohen had invested heavily in New York City taxi medallions and, thanks to Uber, those medallions were losing as much as 80 percent of their value and cash flow. There is a much more logical explanation for Cohen needing cash in that these investments were going south, and he needed funds to shore them up or face foreclosure.
But this release of a “report” by Avenatti also raises the question of where and how did he get this detailed financial information because he didn’t find it on Google. This is the kind of information that would have been known only by the Treasury Department, his banks or by prosecutors, raising some serious questions about what kind of operation Avenatti is running. Is there a team of people digging this up? Are they paying off sources? Is Fusion GPS involved? Are there political donors behind making this campaign work? He can’t be both an attorney and then participate as an officer of the court in trafficking illegally obtained information.
Avenatti has been given a free, unfettered media perch on TV to spread his stuff without the networks forcing him to meet any disclosure requirements, saying that he is Daniels’s attorney when someone else entirely is paying for this operation is not true disclosure that allows the viewer to evaluate the source and potential conflicts. He is now being given deference as though he is a journalist interested in protecting unverified sources while he makes headline-grabbing pronouncements. Lawyers need to disclose the source of their evidence.
I have no idea if Cohen was on the up-and-up or was playing fast and loose. I wouldn’t want my lawyer selling “insights” on me. But now we have gone from Trump-Russia collusion in the election to the Russians supposedly paying $130,000 after the election, a sum that Trump definitely wasn’t in need of, yet this has spun hours of cable commentary. If this is all a paid donor strategy to discredit Trump, it is backfiring. The more Avenatti, Daniels and Cohen blot out the Democratic message and the president is seen as making peace with North Korea, the latest polls show the Republicans are surging and Trump’s image rising as well.
The more you peel back the onion, the more Cohen and Avenatti seem alike. Both are fixers who bend every rule they can get away with. Fairly or unfairly, Cohen is being put under the microscope and we can rest assured that every payment in or out will be fully scrutinized by law enforcement. But Avenatti can’t be given a pass on these issues. Americans are entitled to know just who this guy is, who is writing his checks and whether he legally obtained his information.



05-10-2018, 09:12 PM
If she's not paying Avenatti then who is she paying? She has a go fund me account that Avenatti has been promoting. Raising $300k+ last time I looked.

If you think you can get that level of legal help and all the other stuff he has put in for 300K, I have ocean front property in Idaho to sell you. He is getting a load more, he is also likely taking it in for TV appearances and likely, someone is behind the scenes writing checks in dollars or other considerations.

05-10-2018, 09:18 PM
If you think you can get that level of legal help and all the other stuff he has put in for 300K, I have ocean front property in Idaho to sell you. He is getting a load more, he is also likely taking it in for TV appearances and likely, someone is behind the scenes writing checks in dollars or other considerations.

At the level this is at, she probably could get it for 300k. The promotion of his image and becoming nationally known is pretty huge.

05-10-2018, 09:53 PM
If she's not paying Avenatti then who is she paying? She has a go fund me account that Avenatti has been promoting. Raising $300k+ last time I looked.

$300K is nothing.

This is all about the money for her and what it does to President Trump for whoever is picking up the actual tab.

Nothing more.

05-10-2018, 10:07 PM
At the level this is at, she probably could get it for 300k. The promotion of his image and becoming nationally known is pretty huge.

Hell, he should be paying her. I never heard of him before and he's something of a rock star now.

Is there a conspiracy theory going around that he's funded by Soros or some other nefarious shadow group?

05-10-2018, 10:16 PM
Is there a conspiracy theory going around that he's funded by Soros or some other nefarious shadow group?

Hillary of course :lol:

05-10-2018, 10:18 PM
Hillary of course :lol:

Are you joking? Tell me you're joking!

05-10-2018, 10:59 PM
Are you joking? Tell me you're joking!

He's joking. Or just stupid.

Hard to tell with him.

05-11-2018, 10:20 AM
He's joking. Or just stupid.

Hard to tell with him.

There's probably some random in a basement somewhere blaming it on Hillary, therefore this is clearly what all Trump supporters think now.

05-11-2018, 10:36 AM
There's probably some random in a basement somewhere blaming it on Hillary, therefore this is clearly what all Trump supporters think now.

Well, the majority of /r/t_d are basement dwellers, so yes.

05-11-2018, 10:38 AM
Well, the majority of /r/t_d are basement dwellers, so yes.

So.. people you can relate to who also have some social anxiety that keeps them in their rooms for weeks on end, never leaving?

I'm glad you have a support group.

05-11-2018, 10:41 AM
So.. people you can relate to who also have some social anxiety that keeps them in their rooms for weeks on end, never leaving?

I'm glad you have a support group.

T_D has far more in common with people like you.

05-11-2018, 10:45 AM
T_D has far more in common with people like you.

I'm able to get out of my room and socialize with other people.

Basement dwellers, like you, have a very difficult time doing so.

Sounds like they are more your type of people.

I hope you find help and support with them.

05-11-2018, 10:55 AM
I'm able to get out of my room and socialize with other people.

Basement dwellers, like you, have a very difficult time doing so.

Sounds like they are more your type of people.

I hope you find help and support with them.

Yeah, you've shown us how good you are at socializing with people.. :lol2:


05-11-2018, 10:59 AM
Yeah, you've shown us how good you are at socializing with people.. :lol2:


Says the retard whose best friends are time4fun, cwolff, and Necro.

And who doesn't know how to count: