View Full Version : Russia Investigation Cooling Down

04-28-2018, 09:53 AM




04-28-2018, 10:42 AM

04-28-2018, 10:52 AM
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Methais again."

05-02-2018, 10:50 AM
Your gift for political prognostication is just stunning.

05-02-2018, 11:06 AM
My gift for being an insufferable cunt who lives in a unicorn bubble and believes everyone else is inferior to me is just stunning.


05-02-2018, 02:13 PM
Your gift for political prognostication is just stunning.


This just in: You scored a -3

05-04-2018, 09:23 AM
The unemployment rate has dipped below 4% for the first time since 2000.


In before democrats say this is bad for reasons that make no fucking sense at all.

05-04-2018, 09:41 AM

In before democrats say this is bad for reasons that make no fucking sense at all.

Thanks Obama.

05-04-2018, 09:42 AM
It's clearly Obama's policies taking a decade to kick in and Trump is stealing all the credit.

05-04-2018, 09:43 AM
It's clearly Obama's policies taking a decade to kick in and Trump is stealing all the credit.

Have you thanked Obama today?

05-04-2018, 10:25 AM
Have you thanked Obama today?

5 times every day.

05-04-2018, 01:30 PM
Federal judge accuses Mueller's team of 'lying,' trying to target Trump: 'C'mon man!' (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/04/federal-judge-accuses-muellers-team-lying-trying-to-target-trump-cmon-man.html)

A federal judge on Friday harshly rebuked Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team during a hearing for ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort – suggesting they lied about the scope of the investigation, are seeking “unfettered power” and are more interested in bringing down the president.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III told Mueller’s team. “You really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you to lead you to Mr. Trump and an impeachment, or whatever."

Further, Ellis demanded to see the unredacted “scope memo,” a document outlining the scope of the special counsel’s Russia probe that congressional Republicans have also sought.

The hearing, where Manafort’s team fought to dismiss an 18-count indictment on tax and bank fraud-related charges, took a confrontational turn as it was revealed that at least some of the information in the investigation derived from an earlier Justice Department probe – in the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Manafort’s attorneys argue the special counsel does not have the power to indict him on the charges they have brought – and seemed to find a sympathetic ear with Ellis.

The Reagan-appointed judge asked Mueller’s team where they got the authority to indict Manafort on alleged crimes dating as far back as 2005.

The special counsel argues that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein granted them broad authority in his May 2, 2017 letter appointing Mueller to this investigation. But after the revelation that the team is using information from the earlier DOJ probe, Ellis said that information did not “arise” out of the special counsel probe – and therefore may not be within the scope of that investigation.

“We don’t want anyone with unfettered power,” he said.

Mueller’s team says its authorities are laid out in documents including the August 2017 scope memo – and that some powers are actually secret because they involve ongoing investigations and national security matters that cannot be publicly disclosed.

Ellis seemed amused and not persuaded.

He summed up the argument of the Special Counsel’s Office as, "We said this was what [the] investigation was about, but we are not bound by it and we were lying."

He referenced the common exclamation from NFL announcers, saying: "C'mon man!"

The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Ellis said.

House Republicans have also sought the full document, though the Justice Department previously released a redacted version, which includes information related to Manafort but not much else.

The charges in federal court in Virginia were on top of another round of charges in October. Manafort has pleaded not guilty to both rounds. The charges filed earlier this year include conspiring against the United States, conspiring to launder money, failing to register as an agent of a foreign principal and providing false statements.

Earlier this year, Ellis suggested that Manafort could face life in prison, and “poses a substantial flight risk” because of his “financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large.”



05-04-2018, 03:50 PM
Case law says prosecutors motives don't matter, the crime committed does. Just like the Judge told Manafort's lawyer.

05-04-2018, 04:15 PM
Case law says prosecutors motives don't matter, the crime committed does. Just like the Judge told Manafort's lawyer.

Yeah the entire exchange was incredibly strange. Absent corrupt intent or a violation of DoJ policy, the Judiciary doesn't get to determine the staffing plan of investigations and prosecutions if the Executive has signed off on it. And, at least to my knowledge, there's nothing that says you can't use charges to flip a witness. It's pretty standard practice. Does anyone know of any case law that suggests otherwise?

What I really don't understand is why the Judge is asking for an unredacted version of the memo. The parts of it that are redacted aren't related to Manafort, and the parts that are already unredacted clearly indicate that Manafort's Ukraine work is under the purview of Mueller's investigation.

05-04-2018, 05:21 PM
Yeah the entire exchange was incredibly strange. Absent corrupt intent or a violation of DoJ policy, the Judiciary doesn't get to determine the staffing plan of investigations and prosecutions if the Executive has signed off on it. And, at least to my knowledge, there's nothing that says you can't use charges to flip a witness. It's pretty standard practice. Does anyone know of any case law that suggests otherwise?

What I really don't understand is why the Judge is asking for an unredacted version of the memo. The parts of it that are redacted aren't related to Manafort, and the parts that are already unredacted clearly indicate that Manafort's Ukraine work is under the purview of Mueller's investigation.

One article opines that the judge is not wanting to be used in a trial that will go away as soon as Manafort flips. He doesn't want to be known as the judge in this case or have his legacy be about a case that's only leverage against a client so he'd like to push it off to another district the way they referred out the Cohen case.

That makes some sense. It also could reflect something I said earlier. Trump can't win in a fair fight and doesn't believe in fighting fair anyway. They won't make a brilliant legal case to defend him on a level playing field. If he wins it's going to have to be in some other crazy way. Some sort of "October surprise" drastic measures that do an end run around the process because he sure as hell can't make it through a straight investigation involving things like him giving a deposition before a grand jury.

This judge is worrisome. Our entire legal system is adversarial. We base convictions on turning people to make them flip on a bigger fish. Now this judge is repeating almost verbatim some of the talking points about the "witch hunt" and trying to force DOJ to release more confidential information the way Nunes has done. Once again it occurs to me that the normal people of this country still haven't grasped the idea that we are up against a total scorched earth take no prisoners win at all costs right wing.

05-04-2018, 05:24 PM
In before democrats say this is bad for reasons that make no fucking sense at all.

Thanks Obama.

Have you thanked Obama today?

You're not too far off really. Obama got this ball rolling. All the way down to what 4-5% range? Trump doesn't believe these numbers though. They're all fake. Judging by his ideas the real unemployment must still be up around 15-20%.

Sep. 7, 2012
“Unemployment rate only dropped because more people are out of labor force & have stopped looking for work. Not a real recovery, phony numbers”
Oct. 19, 2012
"7.8% unemployment number is a complete fraud as evidenced by the jobless claims number released yesterday. Real unemployment is at least 15%”
Aug. 11, 2013
“We can rev up this economy like it should be, not with false numbers like 7.4 percent unemployment. But with real numbers.”
May 31, 2014
“Unemployment is a totally phony number.”
June 16, 2015
“Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it.”
Aug. 11, 2015
“Then you hear there's a 5.4 percent unemployment. It's really — if you add it up, it's probably 40 percent if you think about it.”
Aug. 30, 2015
“They show those phony statistics where we are 5.4 percent unemployment. The real number, I saw a number that could be 42 percent, believe it or not.”
Sept. 28, 2015
“I hear 5.3 percent unemployment, that is the biggest joke there is in this country. That number is so false.”

Sept. 29, 2015
“The number is not reflective. I have seen numbers of 24 percent. I saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. … That number is so false.”
Oct. 9, 2015
“They say 5.3 percent employment. The number is probably 32 percent.”
Oct. 11, 2015
“Nobody has jobs. … It is not a real economy. It is a phony set of numbers. They cooked the books.”
Jan. 17, 2016
“Look again, you hear these phony jobs numbers? People that gave up looking for jobs? They are considered employed.”
Feb. 9, 2016
“Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. As high as 35 — as in fact, I heard recently, 42 percent.”
March 12, 2016
“The numbers are phony. These are all phony numbers. Numbers given to politicians to look good. These are phony numbers.”
May 24, 2016
“You hear a 5 percent unemployment rate. It's such a phony number. That number was put in for presidents and for politicians so that they look good to the people.”
July 7, 2016
“The phony 5 percent numbers that we hear about with the unemployment.”

Aug. 8, 2016
“The 5 percent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in modern politics.”
Nov. 4, 2016
“The terrible jobs report that just came out … you can see phony numbers, 5 percent.”
Dec. 8, 2016
“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction.”

05-04-2018, 06:52 PM
Federal judge accuses Mueller's team of 'lying,' trying to target Trump: 'C'mon man!' (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/04/federal-judge-accuses-muellers-team-lying-trying-to-target-trump-cmon-man.html)

A federal judge on Friday harshly rebuked Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team during a hearing for ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort – suggesting they lied about the scope of the investigation, are seeking “unfettered power” and are more interested in bringing down the president.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort,” U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III told Mueller’s team. “You really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you to lead you to Mr. Trump and an impeachment, or whatever."

Further, Ellis demanded to see the unredacted “scope memo,” a document outlining the scope of the special counsel’s Russia probe that congressional Republicans have also sought.

The hearing, where Manafort’s team fought to dismiss an 18-count indictment on tax and bank fraud-related charges, took a confrontational turn as it was revealed that at least some of the information in the investigation derived from an earlier Justice Department probe – in the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Manafort’s attorneys argue the special counsel does not have the power to indict him on the charges they have brought – and seemed to find a sympathetic ear with Ellis.

The Reagan-appointed judge asked Mueller’s team where they got the authority to indict Manafort on alleged crimes dating as far back as 2005.

The special counsel argues that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein granted them broad authority in his May 2, 2017 letter appointing Mueller to this investigation. But after the revelation that the team is using information from the earlier DOJ probe, Ellis said that information did not “arise” out of the special counsel probe – and therefore may not be within the scope of that investigation.

“We don’t want anyone with unfettered power,” he said.

Mueller’s team says its authorities are laid out in documents including the August 2017 scope memo – and that some powers are actually secret because they involve ongoing investigations and national security matters that cannot be publicly disclosed.

Ellis seemed amused and not persuaded.

He summed up the argument of the Special Counsel’s Office as, "We said this was what [the] investigation was about, but we are not bound by it and we were lying."

He referenced the common exclamation from NFL announcers, saying: "C'mon man!"

The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to Manafort.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Ellis said.

House Republicans have also sought the full document, though the Justice Department previously released a redacted version, which includes information related to Manafort but not much else.

The charges in federal court in Virginia were on top of another round of charges in October. Manafort has pleaded not guilty to both rounds. The charges filed earlier this year include conspiring against the United States, conspiring to launder money, failing to register as an agent of a foreign principal and providing false statements.

Earlier this year, Ellis suggested that Manafort could face life in prison, and “poses a substantial flight risk” because of his “financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large.”




05-04-2018, 07:08 PM
Yeah the entire exchange was incredibly strange. Absent corrupt intent or a violation of DoJ policy, the Judiciary doesn't get to determine the staffing plan of investigations and prosecutions if the Executive has signed off on it. And, at least to my knowledge, there's nothing that says you can't use charges to flip a witness. It's pretty standard practice. Does anyone know of any case law that suggests otherwise?

What I really don't understand is why the Judge is asking for an unredacted version of the memo. The parts of it that are redacted aren't related to Manafort, and the parts that are already unredacted clearly indicate that Manafort's Ukraine work is under the purview of Mueller's investigation.


05-04-2018, 07:12 PM
You're not too far off really. Obama got this ball rolling. All the way down to what 4-5% range? Trump doesn't believe these numbers though. They're all fake. Judging by his ideas the real unemployment must still be up around 15-20%.


05-04-2018, 07:20 PM
Thanks Obama.

I think we have to thank George Bush, he enacted the first policies to head off the recession, clearly 9/11 and the recession was Clinton's fault.

05-04-2018, 10:02 PM
Yeah the entire exchange was incredibly strange. Absent corrupt intent or a violation of DoJ policy, the Judiciary doesn't get to determine the staffing plan of investigations and prosecutions if the Executive has signed off on it. And, at least to my knowledge, there's nothing that says you can't use charges to flip a witness. It's pretty standard practice. Does anyone know of any case law that suggests otherwise?

I think the judge is letting them know that they have both weak ass cases, they possibly go past their mandate, they also may be null due to statue of limitations. Since intent supposedly plays a part in guilt or prosecution (see Comey inappropriately exonerating Hillary) then the intent of the prosecution in making up charges and so on to try and flip someone could come into play. Also, there are some rules about false and intentionally malicious petty prosecutions.

What I really don't understand is why the Judge is asking for an unredacted version of the memo. The parts of it that are redacted aren't related to Manafort, and the parts that are already unredacted clearly indicate that Manafort's Ukraine work is under the purview of Mueller's investigation.

Ummm, since they were redacted, unless you have some mythical connection to someone that has read the unredacted memo, are in illegally in possession of classified data or are some kind of psychic/mentat/full of shit you have no idea what the redacted parts are.

05-04-2018, 10:03 PM
I think the judge is letting them know that they have both weak ass cases, they possibly go past their mandate, they also may be null due to statue of limitations. Since intent supposedly plays a part in guilt or prosecution (see Comey inappropriately exonerating Hillary) then the intent of the prosecution in making up charges and so on to try and flip someone could come into play. Also, there are some rules about false and intentionally malicious petty prosecutions.

Ummm, since they were redacted, unless you have some mythical connection to someone that has read the unredacted memo, are in illegally in possession of classified data or are some kind of psychic/mentat/full of shit you have no idea what the redacted parts are.

You...didn't do any background reading on this, did you?

05-04-2018, 10:19 PM
You...didn't do any background reading on this, did you?

Do you even have to ask? He saw what fox news was foaming at the mouth about and just went with it.

05-04-2018, 10:24 PM
You...didn't do any background reading on this, did you?

You don't deserve anything more than the most base interpretation of your banal drivel.

05-04-2018, 10:27 PM
You don't deserve anything more than the most base interpretation of your banal drivel.

This is correct.

05-04-2018, 10:33 PM
It's completely bonkers how you alt right wingnuts can rationalize all of this. Hillary was let off because the FBI was protecting her. The FBI are investigating Trump because deep state/corruption. It's all a vast left wing conspiracy and all the Republicans involved are secretly just Democrats in disguise. No matter what evidence is provided you'll just bury your heads in the sand and scream that it doesn't matter because there's just no way on Earth Trump could ever do something illegal and even if he did do something illegal it doesn't matter because he's not a liberal.

05-04-2018, 10:40 PM
You don't deserve anything more than the most base interpretation of your banal drivel.

So no.

Because- as usual- if you had bothered to use sources that aren't utter garbage (as PK is pointing out)- you would know the following:

1) The Judge *explicitly* said he wasn't questioning the actual merits of the case itself

2) Mueller's team explicitly told them what was in the redacted portions of the memo and why they were redacted

At what point are you going to finally realize that you are utterly clueless about major events because you fill yourself up with garbage sources that intentionally mislead you for their own partisan purposes?

05-04-2018, 10:48 PM
It's completely bonkers how you alt right wingnuts can rationalize all of this. Hillary was let off because the FBI was protecting her. The FBI are investigating Trump because deep state/corruption. It's all a vast left wing conspiracy and all the Republicans involved are secretly just Democrats in disguise. No matter what evidence is provided you'll just bury your heads in the sand and scream that it doesn't matter because there's just no way on Earth Trump could ever do something illegal and even if he did do something illegal it doesn't matter because he's not a liberal.


05-04-2018, 11:05 PM
It's completely bonkers how you alt right wingnuts can rationalize all of this. Hillary was let off because the FBI was protecting her. The FBI are investigating Trump because deep state/corruption. It's all a vast left wing conspiracy and all the Republicans involved are secretly just Democrats in disguise. No matter what evidence is provided you'll just bury your heads in the sand and scream that it doesn't matter because there's just no way on Earth Trump could ever do something illegal and even if he did do something illegal it doesn't matter because he's not a liberal.

So emotional

05-04-2018, 11:15 PM
So emotional

low energy troll, sad

05-04-2018, 11:18 PM
low energy troll, sad

It's worse than that. He's such a wannabe troll. He just runs around and says what the other trolls are saying.

It's really sad. Ostensibly he's a grown man, but you wouldn't know it.

05-04-2018, 11:19 PM
Trump May Be Involved In 1956 Lemonade Stand Scandal, Mueller Investigation Finds

New revelations from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office suggest that a 10-year-old Donnie Trump might have avoided paying taxes on $12,000 he earned at a lemonade stand over four months in the summer of 1956.

The probe also learned that Mr. Trump’s lemonade was watered down to include only 10% lemon juice and was exorbitantly priced at 25 cents a cup when other children in his Queens, NY neighborhood were only charging 10 cents per glass of cold refreshment.

“Donnie’s lemonade was always warm, weak, and watery, but he got 25 cents by bullying other kids and even their parents into buying his swill,” said Louise Marks, a former neighbor of Donald Trump in his family’s old New York neighborhood. “Donnie told everyone that his father would have them evicted from their homes if they didn’t buy his diluted crap. We were scared, so what could we do?”

The Mueller investigation is also looking into the possibility that as a 12-year-old the president had a profitable paper route and failed to pay taxes on the proceeds.

“We see a pattern here by Donald Trump of tax evasion starting as early as age ten and continuing until present day,” said Lucas McCallum, one of the lead prosecutors in Mr. Mueller’s office. “There is also suspicion that he embezzled several thousand dollars from a landscaping business he started with some friends at age 14 and possibly hid $4000 from the government in a car washing scam he pulled at age 15.”


05-04-2018, 11:37 PM
“Donnie’s lemonade was always warm, weak, and watery, but he got 25 cents by bullying other kids and even their parents into buying his swill,”


05-04-2018, 11:41 PM
It's worse than that. He's such a wannabe troll. He just runs around and says what the other trolls are saying.

It's really sad. Ostensibly he's a grown man, but you wouldn't know it.

Wow, 3 posts, you must really be triggered.

05-05-2018, 12:12 AM
It's completely bonkers how you alt right wingnuts can rationalize all of this. Hillary was let off because the FBI was protecting her. The FBI are investigating Trump because deep state/corruption. It's all a vast left wing conspiracy and all the Republicans involved are secretly just Democrats in disguise. No matter what evidence is provided you'll just bury your heads in the sand and scream that it doesn't matter because there's just no way on Earth Trump could ever do something illegal and even if he did do something illegal it doesn't matter because he's not a liberal.

Until Trump is found guilty of any wrong doing, you're the ones living the conspiracy. Remember DWS and how she fucked you up the ass and now you're all like screaming TrUuuUmp! like Ned Beatty in Deliverance?

05-05-2018, 12:18 AM
Until Trump is found guilty of any wrong doing, you're the ones living the conspiracy.

Says the person who says the special counsel investigation is a conspiracy.

05-05-2018, 12:33 AM
Says the person who says the special counsel investigation is a conspiracy.

Has Trump been found guilty?.............................No, ok.

Did DWS step down from her position as DNC chairman because she fixed the democrat primary for Hillary?....Yes, ok.

But TrUuuuuUmp!


05-05-2018, 12:48 AM
It's worse than that. He's such a wannabe troll. He just runs around and says what the other trolls are saying.

It's really sad. Ostensibly he's a grown man, but you wouldn't know it.

This is not correct.

05-05-2018, 01:18 AM
This is not correct.

This is correct.

05-05-2018, 02:33 AM
This is correct.


05-05-2018, 03:38 AM
It's completely bonkers how you alt right wingnuts can rationalize all of this. Hillary was let off because the FBI was protecting her. The FBI are investigating Trump because deep state/corruption. It's all a vast left wing conspiracy and all the Republicans involved are secretly just Democrats in disguise. No matter what evidence is provided you'll just bury your heads in the sand and scream that it doesn't matter because there's just no way on Earth Trump could ever do something illegal and even if he did do something illegal it doesn't matter because he's not a liberal.

Thays the crux of the problem isn't it? Hillary's been put through the ringer for 25 years and they will believe any conspiracy theory about her. Trump on the other hand deserves all the benefit of the doubt there is. A little consistency would be nice.

05-05-2018, 05:05 AM


Thays the crux of the problem isn't it? Hillary's been put through the ringer for 25 years and they will believe any conspiracy theory about her. Trump on the other hand deserves all the benefit of the doubt there is. A little consistency would be nice.

You’re stupid.

And you’re stupid too.

05-05-2018, 07:41 AM
Thays the crux of the problem isn't it? Hillary's been put through the ringer for 25 years and they will believe any conspiracy theory about her. Trump on the other hand deserves all the benefit of the doubt there is. A little consistency would be nice.

Hillary had 16 years to separate herself from the storm cloud, this proves she is a terrible decision maker. She chose money and power over her and her daughters own self respect. Trump fucked many super hot women before he became POTUS, people knew this before electing him. Even knowing this about Trump, I still don't envision the man fucking the intern on the resolute desk. Oddly enough I can envision Hillary using the resolute desk for kindling.

05-05-2018, 07:50 AM
Thays the crux of the problem isn't it? Hillary's been put through the ringer for 25 years and they will believe any conspiracy theory about her. Trump on the other hand deserves all the benefit of the doubt there is. A little consistency would be nice.

I don't remember you being so triggered from Hillary's email scandal at all.. but you would believe everything bad that is said about President Trump.

If that's your idea of "consistency"... no thank you.

05-05-2018, 09:56 AM
Wow, 3 posts, you must really be triggered.

Oh zing! Maybe now we'll all forget that you completely embarrassed yourself yet again a few posts ago.

I wonder if you even admit it to yourself. The sheer number of times you get called out for posting things that are 100% incorrect would make someone who was reasonably intelligent start questioning their perspective on things.

Instead you steamroll right past it and convince yourself that you weren't really wrong.

It really is embarrassing to watch.

05-05-2018, 10:19 AM

You’re stupid.

And you’re stupid too.

That’s racist. You’re SO reported.

05-05-2018, 10:23 AM
At what point are you going to finally realize that you are utterly clueless about major events because you fill yourself up with garbage sources that intentionally mislead you for their own partisan purposes?


Best line from time4hypocrite in awhile. LOL

05-05-2018, 11:23 AM
Has Trump been found guilty?.............................No, ok.

Why would he be found guilty before the investigation is over? Trump hasn't even been interviewed by Mueller yet. Where's this conspiracy exactly?

05-05-2018, 05:16 PM
At what point are you going to finally realize that you are utterly clueless about major events because you fill yourself up with garbage sources that intentionally mislead you for their own partisan purposes?

You mean like Russian collusion?

It's like you don't even see what a flaming hypocrite you are.

Thank you. It's damn rare to get this type of entertainment for free.

05-05-2018, 06:18 PM
Why would he be found guilty before the investigation is over? Trump hasn't even been interviewed by Mueller yet. Where's this conspiracy exactly?

This went way over your head, I'm not surprised at all.

05-05-2018, 06:45 PM
At what point are you going to finally realize that you are utterly clueless about major events because you fill yourself up with garbage sources that intentionally mislead you for their own partisan purposes?

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL @ this coming from you of all people while you flick your bean to Rachel Maddow every night.

At this point, even Flat Earthers should be taken more seriously than you.

05-05-2018, 06:47 PM
This went way over your head, I'm not surprised at all.

If you were trying to be clever or something you failed miserably. Incompetent troll FTL.

05-05-2018, 06:50 PM
If you were trying to be clever or something you failed miserably. Incompetent troll FTL.

http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/017/215/Ironic._My_stupid_attempt_at_a_new_meme._I_tried_4 bafa6_3552920.jpg

05-05-2018, 06:54 PM
If you were trying to be clever or something you failed miserably. Incompetent troll FTL.

There was nothing clever at all, it was pretty straight forward, you're just to lost in the conspiracy that it's made you dumber than you already were.

05-05-2018, 07:04 PM
There was nothing clever at all, it was pretty straight forward, you're just to lost in the conspiracy that it's made you dumber than you already were.

ok :lol:

05-05-2018, 07:31 PM
ok :lol:

Think he noticed?

05-05-2018, 09:13 PM
Oh zing! Maybe now we'll all forget that you completely embarrassed yourself yet again a few posts ago.

I wonder if you even admit it to yourself. The sheer number of times you get called out for posting things that are 100% incorrect would make someone who was reasonably intelligent start questioning their perspective on things.

Instead you steamroll right past it and convince yourself that you weren't really wrong.

It really is embarrassing to watch.

I almost wish I was in a state where it's legal to sell whatever you are smoking because it's some good shit and I would make a ton of cash. You are more dismissive of sources and reasoning that doesn't agree with you than a 3 year old. Keep up the good work.

05-05-2018, 09:37 PM
You are more dismissive of sources and reasoning that doesn't agree with you than a 3 year old. Keep up the good work.

So.. she's just like you?

05-05-2018, 09:39 PM
I almost wish I was in a state where it's legal to sell whatever you are smoking because it's some good shit and I would make a ton of cash. You are more dismissive of sources and reasoning that doesn't agree with you than a 3 year old. Keep up the good work.


The last time you quoted sources, you used an actual fake news site.

And you said that Prager U was more reputable than the World Bank, IMF, and real Universities.

Oh that is rich

05-06-2018, 12:44 AM
Think he noticed?

I'm highly concerned about the dude that lost his job at goodwill correcting my spelling.

05-06-2018, 10:06 AM
I'm highly concerned about the dude that lost his job at goodwill correcting my spelling.

How did I lose my job? That's news to me.

05-06-2018, 10:07 AM
How did I lose my job? That's news to me.

I heard a woman came in and masturbated and you quit.

05-06-2018, 10:11 AM
I heard a woman came in and masturbated and you quit.

You're retarded. But we already knew that.

05-06-2018, 10:41 AM
I heard a woman came in and masturbated and you quit.


05-06-2018, 10:43 AM


05-06-2018, 10:52 AM

Remember that time Kranar wrecked your account for impersonating me? That was even funnier.

05-06-2018, 10:52 AM



05-06-2018, 11:28 AM

Mueller is resorting to petty faggotry in this Russian "investigation".

05-06-2018, 11:29 AM
How did I lose my job? That's news to me.

Well, you said you no longer work there.

That would describe you losing that job.

05-06-2018, 11:40 AM
Well, you said you no longer work there.

That would describe you losing that job.

Losing a job implies being laid off or fired.

05-07-2018, 02:05 PM

05-10-2018, 09:27 PM
So here is some collusion that might need investigating:

A government watchdog group released new emails on Thursday that revealed former FBI Director James Comey seemingly coordinated his testimony last year before the Senate Intelligence Committee with special counsel Robert Mueller.

Weighing in on the newly released emails, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton slammed Comey for his actions.

"These documents show that James Comey, who was fired by the president, nevertheless had easy, friendly access to the FBI as he prepped his infamous anti-Trump testimony to the Senate," Fitton said. "This collusion led to Comey’s attacking President Trump and misusing FBI records as part of a vendetta against the president."


05-10-2018, 10:18 PM
So here is some collusion that might need investigating:


HAHAHA, Are you shitting me? This is some sort of smoking gun? What you're posting is evidence of responsible public service. And look at the way they frame this article, "...long drawn out controversial Mueller investigation". WTF! Mueller's only been at it a year. You idiots sound exactly like Nixon.

Watch this:


05-10-2018, 10:27 PM
HAHAHA, Are you shitting me? This is some sort of smoking gun? What you're posting is evidence of responsible public service. And look at the way they frame this article, "...long drawn out controversial Mueller investigation". WTF! Mueller's only been at it a year. You idiots sound exactly like Nixon.

Watch this:


You are such an asshurt little person.

05-10-2018, 10:31 PM
You are such an asshurt little person.

Awww...you got your feelings hurt because I called out your stupid Ben Shapiro bullshit? Come on man. I was 1) just having some fun and 2) helping you. You really need to get off the conspiracy cult. You put all your intelligence into twisting simple shit into complex theories because that's the only way you can make sense of what you're observing in the world around you. Cut it out! Remember that Troy McClure self help book on the Simpsons? Get Confident, Stupid!

05-11-2018, 12:24 AM
Awww...you got your feelings hurt because I called out your stupid Ben Shapiro bullshit? Come on man. I was 1) just having some fun and 2) helping you. You really need to get off the conspiracy cult. You put all your intelligence into twisting simple shit into complex theories because that's the only way you can make sense of what you're observing in the world around you. Cut it out! Remember that Troy McClure self help book on the Simpsons? Get Confident, Stupid!

I can't find the Ben Shapiro bullshit you're talking about, so I'm not really sure if you're knocking Ben or not. I personally think Ben Shapiro will be a US president at some point, he's extremely intelligent.

05-11-2018, 08:17 AM
I can't find the Ben Shapiro bullshit you're talking about, so I'm not really sure if you're knocking Ben or not. I personally think Ben Shapiro will be a US president at some point, he's extremely intelligent.

He's smart, but he's no Jordan Peterson.

05-11-2018, 08:31 AM
He's smart, but he's no Jordan Peterson.

Kind of hard to compare the two. I pretty much stick to 3 different people Jordan Peterson, Stephan Molyneux and Ben Shapiro. Peterson is for sure the smarter of the 3, but Shapiro has that presidential quality about him and the other two are Canadians so there's that problem.

05-11-2018, 08:44 AM
He's smart, but he's no Jordan Peterson.


Know who isn't smart though?


05-11-2018, 02:12 PM
I can't find the Ben Shapiro bullshit you're talking about, so I'm not really sure if you're knocking Ben or not. I personally think Ben Shapiro will be a US president at some point, he's extremely intelligent.

Check out the link from the post and you'll see his name in it. It's because the link is to an article from Shapiro's webpage.

05-11-2018, 09:13 PM
Check out the link from the post and you'll see his name in it. It's because the link is to an article from Shapiro's webpage.

I don't care enough anymore.

03-23-2019, 03:51 PM

03-23-2019, 04:03 PM
Your gift for political prognostication is just stunning.

Like you, this post didn't age well.

03-23-2019, 04:10 PM


03-23-2019, 04:16 PM



03-23-2019, 07:51 PM
