View Full Version : Time to Build a New White House?

08-02-2017, 10:10 AM
The White House, though well cared for, is more than 200 years old. Its proximity to public areas poses a security risk. And there is no longer a great need for physical proximity to the Capitol.

President Donald Trump has told members of his New Jersey golf club that he spends so much time away from Washington because the White House is a "real dump."

More... (http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/trump-reportedly-white-house-real-dump-48983512)

It's not right to expect the President to live in a dump. While we have a builder in the Oval Office, the government should buy a large parcel of land and build a new White House. It could be Trump's legacy. Just imaging how majestic it would be. The old White House would make a fine museum.

08-03-2017, 06:51 PM
President Trump is vigorously disputing the claim that he called the White House a "dump."


But the reporter is refusing to retract the story..

But Shipnuck defended his 7,424-word story in a podcast published Wednesday, and said he also backed his work in response to a demand for a retraction from White House aide Hope Hicks. Multiple people were present for the comment that the president made "in a moment of candor," Shipnuck said.

“I explained to her: It’s not a lie. The president said this in front of eight or nine members and staffers at Bedminster,” he said.

The reporter said someone who was part of the conversation relayed it to him, and Shipnuck said he found that person "to be an extremely credible source on any number of topics."

“The week of the U.S. Women’s Open, I heard the same story told by two or three different other sources. This is certainly a moment that has already passed into legend at Trump Bedminster. It might be inconvenient for her boss and she might wish he didn’t say it, but it’s not a lie,” he said.

More... (https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2017-08-03/golf-reporter-stands-by-donald-trump-white-house-dump-report)

08-03-2017, 06:55 PM
Where do people get those "officialized" tweets?

08-03-2017, 07:00 PM
Where do people get those "officialized" tweets?

From https://twitter.com/RealPressSecBot

Since this forum does not allow embedding from Twitter, the image links from that feed are easier to repost than making your own images from Trump's account.

08-03-2017, 10:20 PM
The reporter said someone who was part of the conversation relayed it to him, and Shipnuck said he found that person "to be an extremely credible source on any number of topics."


08-07-2017, 10:38 AM
Trump left town so they could fix that dump where the President is forced to live.

President Trump and his staff are set to temporarily move out of the West Wing as renovations on the building get underway.

Trump leaves Friday for what the White House has called an extended "working vacation" at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., while his staff in Washington will clear out of the West Wing and move into the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door.

Work has already begun to replace the West Wing's 27-year-old heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, a White House official told reporters Thursday. Because of the frequency of use, the HVAC system's usage age is pegged at around 84 years old.

White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters told reporters that the South Portico steps on the South Lawn will also be repaired. Those steps haven't been restored since President Dwight Eisenhower was in the White House.

Among the other facets of the White House that will be refurbished are the Navy mess kitchen, a restaurant in the West Wing run by the U.S. Navy, the building's lower lobby, the information technology (IT) system and other "generic cosmetic upgrades."

Trump is expected to stay at his New Jersey golf club for 17 days.

More... (http://thehill.com/homenews/news/345265-white-house-set-for-renovations-as-trump-goes-on-working-vacation)

08-07-2017, 11:10 AM
I think it's pretty interesting how the lamestream media portrayed this as a long vacation for Trump and what a hypocrite he is for taking a vacation. Yet the truth is the White House is undergoing some much needed renovations. But why let silly things like facts get in the way of a good outrage?

08-07-2017, 11:11 AM
Are they gonna make it whiter? I hope so just for triggers.

08-07-2017, 11:26 AM
I think it's pretty interesting how the lamestream media portrayed this as a long vacation for Trump and what a hypocrite he is for taking a vacation. Yet the truth is the White House is undergoing some much needed renovations. But why let silly things like facts get in the way of a good outrage?

Really though...

"I would rarely leave the White House because there's so much work to be done," Trump said in July 2015. "I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off."
"I'm going to be working for you," Trump said in August 2016. "I'm not going to have time to go play golf."

So far, Trump has spent 13 of 28 weekends in office away from the White House, mostly at his properties in Palm Beach, Florida, or in Bedminster, New Jersey, according to an Associated Press count...

Trump also frequently plays golf at his properties, though the White House typically will not acknowledge that he plays.

...do you seriously think he's spending 17 days at one of his golf resorts and is just going to be working the whole time?

08-07-2017, 11:32 AM
Really though...

...do you seriously think he's spending 17 days at one of his golf resorts and is just going to be working the whole time?

No I don't think he's going to be "working the whole time" in much the same way almost every single person on the planet gets down time. Even the 8 year olds in China who make my cell phone get an hour or two of leisure time a week. Are you suggesting our president shouldn't have as much if not more downtime? This is 'Murica, dammit!

I also see the distraction game you played there. And I don't like it.

08-07-2017, 11:40 AM
Yes, pointing out Trump's frequent trips to golf resorts is totally a distraction. It's also a distraction how THE WHITE HOUSE called this a "working vacation." How disingenuous of people to call this a vacation after The White House says it is!

08-07-2017, 11:53 AM
I have a question for you, Tgo. If this isn't a vacation, why is Trump spending it at one of his golf resorts instead of moving over to work in the building next door? You know, the building where his Chief of Staff, advisers, lawyers, etc. are working?

08-07-2017, 11:56 AM
Yes, pointing out Trump's frequent trips to golf resorts is totally a distraction. It's also a distraction how THE WHITE HOUSE called this a "working vacation." How disingenuous of people to call this a vacation after The White House says it is!

Yes. I lambasted the media for portraying this as if Trump just threw up his hands one day and said "BABY NEEDS A VACAY!" when the reality is the White House is undergoing renovations. You didn't have a coherent response to this so you distracted to Trump's golfing trips.

As far as THE WHITE HOUSE calling this a "working vacation" that's because they have to because the ones who keep score on this type of shit consider ANY time spent away from the White House/DC as a "vacation" (not counting official visits and the like.) That's why Bush is credited with so many "vacation" days, because he spent so much time at the luxurious place known as Crawford, Texas.

08-07-2017, 12:27 PM
Yes. I lambasted the media for portraying this as if Trump just threw up his hands one day and said "BABY NEEDS A VACAY!" when the reality is the White House is undergoing renovations. You didn't have a coherent response to this so you distracted to Trump's golfing trips.

My coherent response is, if this is not a vacation, why is he spending it at a golf resort instead of the building next to The White House where everybody else is working?

Besides the small group of aides traveling to New Jersey with the President, West Wing staffers won't take a vacation themselves while the renovations are completed: they're just moving next door to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

08-07-2017, 12:30 PM
This just in - 204 year old building needs repairs.



Doing that math reminded me that maybe we should just let Canada burn it down again so we can build a new one, with marble and gold filigree, like the Trump Taj Mahal.

08-07-2017, 12:31 PM
My coherent response is, if this is not a vacation, why is he spending it at a golf resort instead of the building next to The White House where everybody else is working?

So the media narrative has moved from "TRUMP IS A GIANT HYPOCRITE! PLANNING 3 WEEK VACATION SO EARLY!" to "Well, okay, Trump was forced out of the White House due to needed renovation, BUT WHY DIDN'T HE JUST MOVE TO THE EISENHOWER BUILDING TO DO HIS WORK?!"

And Tenlaar dances to the new song without missing a beat.

08-07-2017, 01:39 PM
So the media narrative has moved from "TRUMP IS A GIANT HYPOCRITE! PLANNING 3 WEEK VACATION SO EARLY!" to "Well, okay, Trump was forced out of the White House due to needed renovation, BUT WHY DIDN'T HE JUST MOVE TO THE EISENHOWER BUILDING TO DO HIS WORK?!"

And Tenlaar dances to the new song without missing a beat.

You're not having a conversation with "the media" and their narrative. You are having a conversation with one person, who is asking you one question: in your mind, if this is not the President taking a vacation, why did he go to a golf resort in New Jersey while everybody else (his Chief of Staff, his lawyers, his advisers, the entire rest of the west wing staff) just went one building over to continue working?

I understand you not wanting to answer this question, but please, try to keep your childish hyperbole and lashing out to a minimum.

08-15-2017, 09:51 AM

08-15-2017, 12:52 PM

See? As long as Trump is in the US he's not on vacation because the entire US is his home.

4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!

08-15-2017, 01:28 PM
See? As long as Trump is in the US he's not on vacation because the entire US is his home.

4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!

I like how you shamelessly ignored Tenlaar's question. Isn't that what you and the other hyenas are constantly accusing Time of doing?

08-15-2017, 01:38 PM
I like how you shamelessly ignored Tenlaar's question. Isn't that what you and the other hyenas are constantly accusing Time of doing?

Don't you have historical monuments to tear down?

08-15-2017, 01:42 PM
Don't you have historical monuments to tear down?

Uhh.. Okay? Your comments to me are increasingly divorced from anything I've ever said. Did you ever respond to my challenge about whatever "safe space" you were referring to? Can't say I've ever commented on cultural iconoclasm, though.

08-15-2017, 01:45 PM
I like how you shamelessly ignored Tenlaar's question. Isn't that what you and the other hyenas are constantly accusing Time of doing?

I love how you shamelessly keep using the word shamelessly.

08-15-2017, 01:45 PM
I love how you shamelessly keep using the word shamelessly.

What an adorable, further dodge.

08-15-2017, 01:49 PM
Uhh.. Okay? Your comments to me are increasingly divorced from anything I've ever said. Did you ever respond to my challenge about whatever "safe space" you were referring to? Can't say I've ever commented on cultural iconoclasm, though.

You obviously didn't get the memo, everyone is guilty by association now.

Get to work comrade, we have Democrat history to scrub.

08-15-2017, 01:56 PM
You obviously didn't get the memo, everyone is guilty by association now.

Get to work comrade, we have Democrat history to scrub.

You mean the monuments to the confederate roots that the traitorous, southern, conservative, white, rural states erected during the era of Jim Crow, whose descendants voted for Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP? Right. Democrat history. I mean, you'd have to be literally retarded to paint the modern-day Democrats, whose base of power is in the coastal cities, with the post-confederate south, right?

Yeah, the elected representatives of those localities should take those down of their own volition.

08-15-2017, 02:10 PM
You mean the monuments to the confederate roots that the traitorous, southern, conservative, white, rural states erected during the era of Jim Crow, whose descendants voted for Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP? Right. Democrat history. I mean, you'd have to be literally retarded to paint the modern-day Democrats, whose base of power is in the coastal cities, with the post-confederate south, right?

Yeah, the elected representatives of those localities should take those down of their own volition.

Holy shit you're dumb.

08-15-2017, 02:10 PM
You mean the monuments to the confederate roots that the traitorous, southern, conservative, white, rural states erected during the era of Jim Crow, whose descendants voted for Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP? Right. Democrat history. I mean, you'd have to be literally retarded to paint the modern-day Democrats, whose base of power is in the coastal cities, with the post-confederate south, right?

Yeah, the elected representatives of those localities should take those down of their own volition.

Less yapping more destruction, if they ever find out we have a Lenin statue in Seattle we may never hear the end of it.

08-15-2017, 02:41 PM
Holy shit you're dumb.

Holy shit you're [totally unable to come up with a substantive response].

Better luck next time. And continued kudos on the totally shameless dodging.

08-15-2017, 02:44 PM
Holy shit you're [totally unable to come up with a substantive response].

Better luck next time. And continued kudos on the totally shameless dodging.

No I mean it. You're just flat out dumb. I read some pretty stupid shit on the internet and I think "Wow these people are dumb! At least they seem to be in the minority and no one actually thinks this way." Then I come to the PC and see you spouting the exact same shit and the only thing I'm left with is "Holy shit you're dumb."

08-15-2017, 02:48 PM
No I mean it. You're just flat out dumb. I read some pretty stupid shit on the internet and I think "Wow these people are dumb! At least they seem to be in the minority and no one actually thinks this way." Then I come to the PC and see you spouting the exact same shit and the only thing I'm left with is "Holy shit you're dumb."

There's a reason why you didn't respond to anything that Tenlaar said, or that I said. There's a reason why the only answer you can come up with is an insult. You don't have anything to say.

What, precisely, am I "in the minority about"? The fact that the post-confederate south turned into the modern-day GOP base? That's called history, buddy. Take a class. Open a book.

I get it -- you're used to reading nice, comforting, fact-free bullshit on sites like Breitbart, and when you leave your safe space, you get the unwelcome reality shoved in your face. That's on you, though. Nobody else.

08-15-2017, 04:07 PM
Things that need destroyed:

The White House ~ Built using slave labor
Monticello ~ Owned by a slave owner
Union Pacific Railway ~ Built using slave labor
All things Charles Lindbergh ~ NAZI sympathizer
well fuck just burn it all down.

08-15-2017, 04:12 PM

We need to finish Napoleons good deeds. These symbols of oppression must be removed from the face of the planet!

08-15-2017, 04:22 PM
Things that need destroyed:

The White House ~ Built using slave labor
Monticello ~ Owned by a slave owner
Union Pacific Railway ~ Built using slave labor
All things Charles Lindbergh ~ NAZI sympathizer
well fuck just burn it all down. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTiZVrkZIGUmnkRf9VuNbGthob-e7gJhu9lPqCoZ2m8aQd4Kak

We need to finish Napoleons good deeds. These symbols of oppression must be removed from the face of the planet!

That would be a decent argument, if only it wasn't incredibly intellectually dishonest, as most of the confederate imagery that people have been protesting was erected during the Jim Crow era as a response to the civil rights movement (https://www.splcenter.org/news/2016/04/21/splc-study-finds-1500-government-backed-tributes-confederacy-across-us).

If you had stuck to other cases where social justice types are actually trying to erase history, like trying to get UVA's president to stop quoting Thomas Jefferson (who founded the school), you might have a point. Got anything else?

08-15-2017, 04:53 PM
That would be a decent argument, if only it wasn't incredibly intellectually dishonest, as most of the confederate imagery that people have been protesting was erected during the Jim Crow era as a response to the civil rights movement (https://www.splcenter.org/news/2016/04/21/splc-study-finds-1500-government-backed-tributes-confederacy-across-us).

If you had stuck to other cases where social justice types are actually trying to erase history, like trying to get UVA's president to stop quoting Thomas Jefferson (who founded the school), you might have a point. Got anything else?

Why would we just focus on Confederate imagery? Or is it really just a bullshit trap for the left to label everyone who does not fall in line? I mean there are so many other terrible things in our past that need to be destroyed.

Look at these ISIS fellers doing your deeds, think of the vital works the saviors of society could do with the help of these folks.


My mistake, the left is already working with them.


08-15-2017, 04:55 PM
Why would we just focus on Confederate imagery? Or is it really just a bullshit trap for the left to label everyone who does not fall in line? I mean there are so many other terrible things in our past that need to be destroyed.

Look at these ISIS fellers doing your deeds, think of the vital works the saviors of society could do with the help of these folks.


Do you even know what you're talking about? Where did I ever claim to support the destruction of anything? I stated the opposite. Or is this magic "Ashliana is responsible for everything the left does" day?
I'm sure tomorrow, when it's "Neveragain is responsible for the entire right" day, you won't have any issues.

08-15-2017, 05:21 PM
Do you even know what you're talking about? Where did I ever claim to support the destruction of anything? I stated the opposite. Or is this magic "Ashliana is responsible for everything the left does" day?
I'm sure tomorrow, when it's "Neveragain is responsible for the entire right" day, you won't have any issues.

No, you're guilty by association. This is how it is now. You have already said these offensive historical artifacts need to be destroyed. I'm super excited for the bible burning, obviously this needs to be done because the Confederacy practiced Christianity. The Southern Churches need to be burned too. Why are we not destroying all artifacts that remain from those dark days?

08-15-2017, 06:15 PM
I read some pretty stupid shit on the internet and I think "Wow these people are dumb! At least they seem to be in the minority and no one actually thinks this way." Then I come to the PCThese are backwards. hth
Why would we just focus on Confederate imagery?Because they're the ones who committed treason against America.
No, you're guilty by association. This is how it is now. You have already said these offensive historical artifacts need to be destroyed. I'm super excited for the bible burning, obviously this needs to be done because the Confederacy practiced Christianity. The Southern Churches need to be burned too. Why are we not destroying all artifacts that remain from those dark days?Because the Bible is not a celebration of the Confederacy - the giveaway is that the Bible was written over a thousand years before the Confederacy existed. Dead giveaway. You gotta look for the clues, they're subtle, but they're there.

08-15-2017, 06:41 PM
Because they're the ones who committed treason against America.

So we should be running over Democrats with our Dodge Challengers? I mean they did start the KKK.



08-15-2017, 06:48 PM
So we should be running over Democrats with our Dodge Challengers? I mean they did start the KKK.


If you want to run over the direct descendants of those southern, white, rural, conservative men who started the KKK -- in other words, modern-day Republicans, then by all means. Love you posting Byrd's picture, though, as if he didn't spend a career in the senate owning up to, and trying to make amends for, his racist past. Surely we're better off celebrating totally unrepentant, unironically self-identified "white nationalists" like you.

08-15-2017, 06:58 PM
If you want to run over the direct descendants of those southern, white, rural, conservative men who started the KKK -- in other words, modern-day Republicans, then by all means. Love you posting Byrd's picture, though, as if he didn't spend a career in the senate owning up to, and trying to make amends for, his racist past. Surely we're better off celebrating totally unrepentant, unironically self-identified "white nationalists" like you.

Hurry you're falling behind!

Teddy Roosevelt is on the chopping block now.


“When you walk into the museum it’s the first thing you see — and it smacks of white entitlement and exploitation,” charged Edison, 63, who recently launched an online petition tarnishing the bronze. “It’s indicative of ‘the white man’s burden.’ "

08-15-2017, 07:01 PM
Love you posting Byrd's picture, though, as if he didn't spend a career in the senate owning up to, and trying to make amends for, his racist past.


08-15-2017, 07:34 PM
So we should be running over Democrats with our Dodge Challengers? I mean they did start the KKK.We got it. Nobody's laughing, but we got it. Time for a new shtick, buddy.

08-15-2017, 08:14 PM
Time for a new shtick, buddy.



I Admire Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger. ~ Hillary Clinton

08-15-2017, 08:46 PM
If you want to run over the direct descendants of those southern, white, rural, conservative men who started the KKK -- in other words, modern-day Republicans, then by all means. Love you posting Byrd's picture, though, as if he didn't spend a career in the senate owning up to, and trying to make amends for, his racist past. Surely we're better off celebrating totally unrepentant, unironically self-identified "white nationalists" like you.

Ummmm, Democrats started the KKK and continued to support it throughout it's history.

08-15-2017, 09:06 PM
Ummmm, Democrats started the KKK and continued to support it throughout it's history.

Fascinating. And who, in 2017, do the descendants of those same people vote for? Does it begin with a T and end with "ump"? Oh. And which party have basically all the secessionist and Jim Crow states voted for in virtually every election since the 60's? The GOP? Oh.

Thanks for playing.

08-15-2017, 10:18 PM
Fascinating. And who, in 2017, do the descendants of those same people vote for? Does it begin with a T and end with "ump"? Oh. And which party have basically all the secessionist and Jim Crow states voted for in virtually every election since the 60's? The GOP? Oh.

Thanks for playing.

Virtually every election? Hummmm, those same states that voted a lot for Clinton, Obama, multiple Democrat governors and so on? Also major population centers in the South, like elsewhere tend to vote Democrat pretty universally.

Keep trying.

08-15-2017, 11:07 PM
Virtually every election?

... Yes, virtually every election, beginning with Barry Goldwater, the Republican senator who ran on a platform opposing the Civil Rights Act and lost 486-52 to LBJ. Out of the 6 states that went for the GOP, 5 were former confederate states.

In 1968, a three-way race, 5 post-confederate states went GOP, 5 went Independent, and 1 Democrat.
In 1972, 11/11 went GOP.
in 1976, the real outlier, since Nixon had just been forced to resign, his VP-turned president Ford lost, and 10/11 went Democrat.
In 1980, 10/11 went GOP.
In 1984, 11/11 went GOP.
In 1988, 11/11 went GOP.
In 1992, 7/11 went GOP.
In 1996, 7/11 went GOP.
In 2000, 11/11 went GOP.
in 2004, 11/11 went GOP.
In 2008, 8/11 went GOP.
In 2012, 9/11 went GOP.
In 2016, 10/11 went GOP.

In 14 election cycles, or 154 individual contests, 117 went GOP, or 76% of the time. Viewed as a block, the majority of confederate states went GOP 11 out of 14 times, or 78.5% of the time. So yes, I stand by my statement.

Hummmm, those same states that voted a lot for Clinton, Obama, multiple Democrat governors and so on? Also major population centers in the South, like elsewhere tend to vote Democrat pretty universally.

Less than half of the confederate states voted for Clinton, and Clinton was a conservative Democrat. Barely any (3) voted for Obama the first time, fewer (2) the second time. The biggest change there is that my state, Virginia, has become blue due to NOVA's huge population density and diverse population, which tends to happen to every state as they deal with minorities in person and realize that people like Donald Trump have sold you a false bill of goods.

Keep trying.

Right back at you. Keep on rocking that revisionist version of history.