View Full Version : Things that made you Facepalm today (Political Version)

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06-25-2018, 10:24 PM

06-25-2018, 10:33 PM
Tolerant Left. They are soooo going to have a rough time in Trump's second term.

07-31-2018, 12:42 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38072462_2179413258943244_2063793023371706368_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=ff961a97dc865e0d556879db1fe9ac0b&oe=5C0E93BF

08-02-2018, 10:09 PM

08-02-2018, 10:16 PM
Who the fuck wrote that, T4F?

08-02-2018, 10:23 PM
Who the fuck wrote that, T4F?

Sounds about right.

08-02-2018, 10:53 PM
My problem is that if you replace white with any other nationality I doubt they would have stood by her, but its towards whites so they can get a pass. I think they even fired a white person for even less, Quinn Norton.

08-03-2018, 08:40 PM

08-03-2018, 09:01 PM

You’re awfully racist for implying an Asian lady is racist.

08-03-2018, 09:08 PM
The title still reads 'racist' so it's not like they're whitewashing anything. Generally if you're writing something and you find yourself using a word too much, you'll change that word to something similar so it reads better.

08-03-2018, 09:26 PM
The title still reads 'racist' so it's not like they're whitewashing anything. Generally if you're writing something and you find yourself using a word too much, you'll change that word to something similar so it reads better.


Thats the article, they barely use the word racist and almost exclusively from quotes by people.

Changing it to quotes kind of signals that they aren't really racist. Calling them inflammatory further signals that they don't feel they weren't "really" racist (they were incredibly racist). I stand by my thoughts that if white was changed to almost any other race would she still have a job? I doubt it.

08-03-2018, 09:36 PM

Thats the article, they barely use the word racist and almost exclusively from quotes by people.

Changing it to quotes kind of signals that they aren't really racist. Calling them inflammatory further signals that they don't feel they weren't "really" racist (they were incredibly racist). I stand by my thoughts that if white was changed to almost any other race would she still have a job? I doubt it.

Eh, reading the context I disagree that it was racist. I think the bigger issue is that a tech journalist wasn't aware and/or didn't behave as if Twitter is a public platform.

08-03-2018, 09:39 PM
Eh, reading the context I disagree that it was racist.


08-03-2018, 09:41 PM

The context being that people were saying 'fuck asian people' to her, and she said 'fuck white people' back.

08-03-2018, 09:44 PM
Eh, reading the context I disagree that it was racist. I think the bigger issue is that a tech journalist wasn't aware and/or didn't behave as if Twitter is a public platform.

I don't buy her "explanation". Maybe if they were @'d to someone. They are just a collection of random racist thoughts that seem to be ok because they are only against white people. I think she is just racist and is trying to backtrack the best she can, obviously she is doing it well though since she has her job.

08-03-2018, 09:44 PM
The context being that people were saying 'fuck asian people' to her, and she said 'fuck white people' back.

Yeah I could understand that. But one tweet in particular said something about white people burn up in the sun so they are predisposed to living underground like groveling goblins. I don't think the best way to deal with a few people trolling you with racist tweets directed at you is to reply with racist tweets directed at an entire group of people.

08-03-2018, 09:45 PM
The context being that people were saying 'fuck asian people' to her, and she said 'fuck white people' back.


08-03-2018, 09:49 PM

You know what's funny is that it was the upper right tweet about delighting in being cruel to old white men that convinced me this was a big ball of concern trolling. I'm positive I've seen someone say the exact same thing here and nobody takes it seriously.

Yeah I could understand that. But one tweet in particular said something about white people burn up in the sun so they are predisposed to living underground like groveling goblins.

I mean, it's true though, I'm white as fuck and don't tan because of my cursed Irish genes.

08-03-2018, 09:53 PM
I mean, it's true though, I'm white as fuck and don't tan because of my cursed Irish genes.

To the underground with you to live with the mole people!


08-03-2018, 09:57 PM
You know what's funny is that it was the upper right tweet about delighting in being cruel to old white men that convinced me this was a big ball of concern trolling. I'm positive I've seen someone say the exact same thing here and nobody takes it seriously.

We are also on text game forum without real names. I could understand the excuse if these were all clumped together time wise, but these are like a year and a half+ of tweets. I'm sure some are trolling but I doubt it all is, and I still think she probably believes them. The whole say something offensive and gauge how its taken and if not taken well just say "just kidding".

I still stand by the fact that if she had said anything like this about black people and tried the just trolling thing, she would be crucified and would never get another reporting job ever. Wouldn't even be a question about it. She would have to move to Europe with their whole right to be forgotten internet laws.

08-03-2018, 10:07 PM
We are also on text game forum without real names. I could understand the excuse if these were all clumped together time wise, but these are like a year and a half+ of tweets. I'm sure some are trolling but I doubt it all is, and I still think she probably believes them. The whole say something offensive and gauge how its taken and if not taken well just say "just kidding".

I still stand by the fact that if she had said anything like this about black people and tried the just trolling thing, she would be crucified and would never get another reporting job ever. Wouldn't even be a question about it. She would have to move to Europe with their whole right to be forgotten internet laws.

I don't buy her counter-trolling argument either. The screen shot she provided of someone calling her a racist name came from an anonymous non-verified account that had no likes or retweets and she uses that as an excuse to say awful things about an entire race of people.

08-03-2018, 10:18 PM
We are also on text game forum without real names.

Like I said earlier, if you want to make the case that she should have known better, I'd be 100% there with you. I just don't think that when groups of people tweet racial slurs at you and you respond similarly, it necessarily means you're racist.

I could understand the excuse if these were all clumped together time wise, but these are like a year and a half+ of tweets.

My dude have you SEEN the Respond to Reputation Comments thread?

08-03-2018, 10:20 PM
Who is she?

08-03-2018, 10:27 PM
Like I said earlier, if you want to make the case that she should have known better, I'd be 100% there with you. I just don't think that when groups of people tweet racial slurs at you and you respond similarly, it necessarily means you're racist.

My dude have you SEEN the Respond to Reputation Comments thread?

Eh, agree to disagree.

08-03-2018, 10:32 PM
Yeah, just because people are tweeting racist shit to her doesn't mean she isn't racist when she tweets racist stuff back.

08-03-2018, 10:47 PM
You know what's funny is that it was the upper right tweet about delighting in being cruel to old white men that convinced me this was a big ball of concern trolling. I'm positive I've seen someone say the exact same thing here and nobody takes it seriously.

Do you think Roseanne would have gotten canceled if she instead said, "Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old black men"? Or any of those tweets but about black people?

08-03-2018, 10:48 PM
My dude have you SEEN the Respond to Reputation Comments thread?

Again I could have more understanding if she maybe @'d someone. Respond to comments are directed to someone. I don't see people getting a rep comment and then in a random thread not quoting anyone saying something racist.

08-03-2018, 11:13 PM
Again I could have more understanding if she maybe @'d someone. Respond to comments are directed to someone. I don't see people getting a rep comment and then in a random thread not quoting anyone saying something racist.

I thought we agreed to disagree. My point was that people have carried drama like that on for years if not decades, I don't understand why you think her tweets need to be within a certain timeframe to be legit.

Do you think Roseanne would have gotten canceled if she instead said, "Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old black men"? Or any of those tweets but about black people?

Hypothetical Roseanne lives in a different timeline so you'll have to let Hypothetical Taernath handle that one.

08-03-2018, 11:18 PM
Hypothetical Roseanne lives in a different timeline so you'll have to let Hypothetical Taernath handle that one.

I mean I'm literally just asking for your opinion.

08-03-2018, 11:28 PM
I'm of the opinion that someone saying words doesn't necessarily make one a racist. I think actions speak louder than words.

However if the world we live in mandates a comedian can lose her job in a single day for making a joke comparing a black woman to a character from Planet of the Apes then I don't see how this person gets to keep her job. I know two entirely different companies made these decisions but let's be real, there is absolutely no way in hell the NYT would have kept a white woman on the payroll if she made even half of those comments in regards to black people.

08-03-2018, 11:31 PM
I thought we agreed to disagree. My point was that people have carried drama like that on for years if not decades, I don't understand why you think her tweets need to be within a certain timeframe to be legit.

This is also a little more close knit that ALL of twitter.

08-04-2018, 12:01 AM
This is also a little more close knit that ALL of twitter.

It’s like a year round Thanksgiving argument.

08-04-2018, 12:48 AM
I mean I'm literally just asking for your opinion.

The reason I'm not answering your hypothetical is because the situations aren't as similar as you seem to think they are and I don't want to waste either of our's time.

08-04-2018, 01:16 AM
The reason I'm not answering your hypothetical is because the situations aren't as similar as you seem to think they are and I don't want to waste either of our's time.


08-04-2018, 09:49 AM
The reason I'm not answering your hypothetical is because the situations aren't as similar as you seem to think they are and I don't want to waste either of our's time.

Fair enough, though it probably took you more time to type that up than your actual answer would have.

Which is why I'm calling my lawyer to subpoena your IP to recover my lost time. I HOPE YOU LIKE HAVING YOUR PAYCHECK GARNISHED!!!!!1


08-04-2018, 09:58 AM
The context being that people were saying 'fuck asian people' to her, and she said 'fuck white people' back.

How is that not racist on both sides?

08-04-2018, 10:00 AM
I mean, it's true though, I'm white as fuck and don't tan because of my cursed Irish genes.

Those genes also made us able to drink more!

08-04-2018, 10:03 AM
How is that not racist on both sides?

Black person: Fuck white people!

Leftists: He's just exercising his first amendment right to free speech

White person: Oh yeah, well fuck black people too!

Leftists: omg white person how could u say such racist things!?!?!?

08-04-2018, 10:15 AM
Black person: Fuck white people!

Leftists: He's just exercising his first amendment right to free speech

White person: Oh yeah, well fuck black people too!

Leftists: omg white person how could u say such racist things!?!?!?


I don't get the double standard.

08-05-2018, 02:34 PM
Good news, everybody! Some in the left media are starting to recognize that minorities CAN be racist!

Oh, as long as that minority is a conservative Trump supporter:


A Watters World segment with comedian Terrence K. Williams was abruptly cut off when the Fox New guest made a racist joke.

Yes that's right! Referring to this racist woman as "Ling Ling", saying she's "Crazynese" and she eats fortune cookies is worthy of derision and the term "racist."

But talking about how white people are "marking up" the internet with their ideas like dogs? Saying whites should live underground like groveling goblins? Saying we need to #CancelWhites? That's fine. She's a liberal who works for the NYT. Nothing to see here. Move along!

08-05-2018, 02:52 PM
That's hilarious that even Fox was self aware enough to cut him off.

08-05-2018, 03:17 PM
I bet she doesn't even know karate.

08-13-2018, 05:27 PM
The anniversary of Heather Heyer's murder and Trump is literally hanging out with Nazis dog whistling that all racism is bad.


08-13-2018, 05:35 PM
The anniversary of Heather Heyer's murder and Trump is literally hanging out with Nazis dog whistling that all racism is bad.


So who is the Nazi in this picture? Or are we just now assuming anyone who is white who is near Trump is a Nazi?

08-13-2018, 05:42 PM
The anniversary of Heather Heyer's murder and Trump is literally hanging out with Nazis dog whistling that all racism is bad.


Putins got his bikers in Russia and here in the USA. I guess don wants his bikers too. They get to go to the WH and wear their asshole patches and suck up to the alpha male. It's disgusting.

I'm not surprised that he attracts his little biker boys though. That's the mentality we're dealing with from the alt-right. They love to follow what they perceive as a strong man father figure leader type of guy. Think of the mentality of the man who is drawn to the idea of joining a motorcycle club like this and you're zeroing in on the mind of a trumplican. They dress alike, wear stupid little patches, call each other brother and try to find meaning in a life that's not doing it for them IRL. They're basically LARP'ing but think they're bad ass because they get that confirmation from being part of a pack. Might as well wear Wool and call the club Sheeple M.C.

08-13-2018, 05:45 PM
So who is the Nazi in this picture? Or are we just now assuming anyone who is white who is near Trump is a Nazi?

OMG it's like clockwork

Just like we can always count on you to go to bat for white supremacists and neo nazis.

08-13-2018, 05:47 PM
Putins got his bikers in Russia and here in the USA. I guess don wants his bikers too. They get to go to the WH and wear their asshole patches and suck up to the alpha male. It's disgusting.

I'm not surprised that he attracts his little biker boys though. That's the mentality we're dealing with from the alt-right. They love to follow what they perceive as a strong man father figure leader type of guy. Think of the mentality of the man who is drawn to the idea of joining a motorcycle club like this and you're zeroing in on the mind of a trumplican. They dress alike, wear stupid little patches, call each other brother and try to find meaning in a life that's not doing it for them IRL. They're basically LARP'ing but think they're bad ass because they get that confirmation from being part of a pack. Might as well wear Wool and call the club Sheeple M.C.

Yup. Like I said recently Putin funds radical right wing biker groups across Europe and I wouldn't be surprised if these groups get Russian $$$ as well. BTW those bikers have been linked to the Patriot Prayer group.

08-13-2018, 05:48 PM
OMG it's like clockwork

I see your transformation into a full far leftist stooge is now complete.

Far leftist: OMG! Look at these NAZIS!
Normal person: Who is a Nazi?
Far leftist: OMG! The fact that you expect me to explain to you who is a Nazi means you're a Nazi!

Kind of sad to see how far the left has fallen. Remember when they used to care about facts and logic? HA! Kidding. Remember when they pretended to care about facts and logic? Now it's just emotions and calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi.

08-13-2018, 05:50 PM
I see your transformation into a full far leftist stooge is now complete.

Far leftist: OMG! Look at these NAZIS!
Normal person: Who is a Nazi?
Far leftist: OMG! The fact that you expect me to explain to you who is a Nazi means you're a Nazi!

Kind of sad to see how far the left has fallen. Remember when they used to care about facts and logic? HA! Kidding. Remember when they pretended to care about facts and logic? Now it's just emotions and calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi.


08-13-2018, 05:50 PM
I love how you goons think I'm suddenly on the far left just because I call Trump a piece of shit.

08-13-2018, 05:55 PM

So again I ask; who is the Nazi in the picture? Or do I just take some random person's word for it on Twitter like you do?

I love how you goons think I'm suddenly on the far left just because I call Trump a piece of shit.

You're a far left basket case because you act like a far left basket case.

08-13-2018, 05:59 PM
White Knight Tgo

08-13-2018, 06:12 PM
I love how you goons think I'm suddenly on the far left just because I call Trump a piece of shit.

You were a Bernie supporter.. you don't get much farther left than him.

And that was before you went all meltdown mode on Trump.

08-13-2018, 06:13 PM
Putins got his bikers in Russia and here in the USA. I guess don wants his bikers too. They get to go to the WH and wear their asshole patches and suck up to the alpha male. It's disgusting.

I'm not surprised that he attracts his little biker boys though. That's the mentality we're dealing with from the alt-right. They love to follow what they perceive as a strong man father figure leader type of guy. Think of the mentality of the man who is drawn to the idea of joining a motorcycle club like this and you're zeroing in on the mind of a trumplican. They dress alike, wear stupid little patches, call each other brother and try to find meaning in a life that's not doing it for them IRL. They're basically LARP'ing but think they're bad ass because they get that confirmation from being part of a pack. Might as well wear Wool and call the club Sheeple M.C.

I don't see a single bottom rocker in the entire crowd.

These little faggot cowards won't even show their faces.


Here's what the little faggots that you support do.


08-13-2018, 09:53 PM

From Saudi Arabia to Canada

08-13-2018, 10:08 PM

From Saudi Arabia to Canada

Saudi Arabia is probably the best troll in country form. First they put out that image then when they start receiving backlash they offer up the excuse that the plane merely represented Canada's ambassador going back home.

08-14-2018, 02:10 AM
You were a Bernie supporter.. you don't get much farther left than him.

And that was before you went all meltdown mode on Trump.

We’ve had some losers here on the PC, but you’re the king. You take the crown.

How does it feel to be the lowest of the low?

As scummy as PK May be, he’ll never be as rotten as you.

08-14-2018, 09:31 AM
Putins got his bikers in Russia and here in the USA. I guess don wants his bikers too. They get to go to the WH and wear their asshole patches and suck up to the alpha male. It's disgusting.

I'm not surprised that he attracts his little biker boys though. That's the mentality we're dealing with from the alt-right. They love to follow what they perceive as a strong man father figure leader type of guy. Think of the mentality of the man who is drawn to the idea of joining a motorcycle club like this and you're zeroing in on the mind of a trumplican. They dress alike, wear stupid little patches, call each other brother and try to find meaning in a life that's not doing it for them IRL. They're basically LARP'ing but think they're bad ass because they get that confirmation from being part of a pack. Might as well wear Wool and call the club Sheeple M.C.

I'd like to see you walk into a biker bar and say that with your 98 lb. soy ass. :lol:

08-14-2018, 09:32 AM
OMG I like cockwork


08-14-2018, 09:36 AM
I'd like to see you walk into a biker bar and say that with your 98 lb. soy ass. :lol:

It can't be an average biker bar though. It has to be one that is known for being dangerous. Like, there was a bar at 29 Palms in California where these bunch of Samoan dudes hung out. They would see a guy from the base walk in and they'd wait till he was leaving and then just fucking ambush him outside. Beat the fuck out of a lot of Marines. Terrible place. Had a reputation on base.

That kind of place.

08-14-2018, 09:49 AM
It can't be an average biker bar though. It has to be one that is known for being dangerous. Like, there was a bar at 29 Palms in California where these bunch of Samoan dudes hung out. They would see a guy from the base walk in and they'd wait till he was leaving and then just fucking ambush him outside. Beat the fuck out of a lot of Marines. Terrible place. Had a reputation on base.

That kind of place.


08-14-2018, 09:56 AM
They almost killed a couple marines out there. Beat them half to death.

08-14-2018, 10:00 AM
They almost killed a couple marines out there. Beat them half to death.

This would have never happened if Joe Armstrong and Curtis Jackson were there.

08-14-2018, 11:58 AM


Gay man is sexually assaulted by his feminist female professor, he goes to the university and submits a Title IX complaint which deals with this exact kind of scenario. University investigates and determines that the professor sexually harassed the man and suspends her. Other female feminist professors say the man is abusing the Title IX system because it's supposedly a female feminist tool and the man is using it against female feminists. They insist the process is supposed to be for men who are sexually assaulted by male professors or women who are sexually assaulted by male professors. Apparently female professors aren't capable of sexual assault.

08-14-2018, 12:39 PM


Gay man is sexually assaulted by his feminist female professor, he goes to the university and submits a Title IX complaint which deals with this exact kind of scenario. University investigates and determines that the professor sexually harassed the man and suspends her. Other female feminist professors say the man is abusing the Title IX system because it's supposedly a female feminist tool and the man is using it against female feminists. They insist the process is supposed to be for men who are sexually assaulted by male professors or women who are sexually assaulted by male professors. Apparently female professors aren't capable of sexual assault.

And here's the professor:


Why the fuck do these retards almost always look the same general type of hideous?

08-14-2018, 12:43 PM

Why the fuck do these retards almost always look the same general type of hideous?

Feminists or sexual harassers?

08-14-2018, 01:47 PM
Feminists or sexual harassers?

What's the difference?

08-14-2018, 01:50 PM
What's the difference?


08-14-2018, 06:49 PM
CNN reporting more on Trump "wrongly" calling the recent UK terror attack an act of terrorism than they are on actually reporting about the terror attack.

Oh and even the UK police are treating it as a terror attack. CNN Fake News strikes again.

08-16-2018, 06:27 AM

08-16-2018, 07:05 AM

Wait is that a real news story?

08-16-2018, 07:54 AM
Wait is that a real news story?


08-16-2018, 08:07 AM

People are so damn dumb. I like the obviously fake stories the couple shared that NYT led the story with about the overly friendly people they met.

“People aren’t bad! That’s just a story our Western society has made up!”

08-16-2018, 08:09 AM
The mental image this creates is comical.

08-16-2018, 09:43 AM
You think they would have learned something from this 10 year old story:

MILAN — The two friends, both performance artists, hatched the idea about a year ago: wearing white wedding dresses, they would hitchhike from Italy to the Balkans to the Middle East to send a message of peace and “marriage between different peoples and nations.”

But the message delivered by their performance piece was mostly sad and raw. After just three weeks on the road, one of the two Italian artists, Pippa Bacca, 33, was killed by a driver who offered her a ride.

Her naked body was found on April 11 in some bushes near a Turkish village after a suspect led investigators to the site. Although an official cause of death has not been given, local Turkish authorities said Ms. Bacca had been raped and strangled.


08-16-2018, 09:48 AM
You think they would have learned something from this 10 year old story:


It’s like “progressives” are hell bent on destroying all of the advice we received as kids because apparently that advice was given to us by racists.

I’m just waiting for the day when some progressive school starts telling young kids “If a man you don’t know offers you candy in the back of his van you get in that van ASAP so you don’t hurt his feelings.”

08-16-2018, 09:50 AM
It’s like “progressives” are hell bent on destroying all of the advice we received as kids because apparently that advice was given to us by racists.

I’m just waiting for the day when some progressive school starts telling young kids “If a man you don’t know offers you candy in the back of his van you get in that van ASAP so you don’t hurt his feelings.”


08-22-2018, 11:35 PM
I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
7:28 PM - 22 Aug 2018

Trump deftly attempting to change the news cycle while shouting out to his base.

08-22-2018, 11:42 PM
Trump deftly attempting to change the news cycle while shouting out to his base.

cwolff: I don't give a shit about minorities if they are white! LOL!

What a despicable world class asshole you are.

08-22-2018, 11:47 PM
cwolff: I don't give a shit about minorities if they are white! LOL!

What a despicable world class asshole you are.

Why lie? Seriously, why lie?

08-22-2018, 11:52 PM
Trump deftly attempting to change the news cycle while shouting out to his base.

Cwolff clumsily attempting to change the conversation to Manafort while ignoring the world around him.

08-22-2018, 11:52 PM
Why lie? Seriously, why lie?

You don't care about the government of South Africa forcibly taking land away from white farmers, otherwise you wouldn't be playing this bullshit game accusing Trump of "attempting to change the news cycle" while "shout out to his base."

Because apparently only Republicans can care about white minorities in other countries. The real question is why are you such a disgusting asshole and rather than realize how far you have fallen as a human being and do some serious soul searching you instead just call everyone a liar and a racist who calls you out on your shit.

08-23-2018, 12:18 AM
You don't care about the government of South Africa forcibly taking land away from white farmers, otherwise you wouldn't be playing this bullshit game accusing Trump of "attempting to change the news cycle" while "shout out to his base."

Because apparently only Republicans can care about white minorities in other countries. The real question is why are you such a disgusting asshole and rather than realize how far you have fallen as a human being and do some serious soul searching you instead just call everyone a liar and a racist who calls you out on your shit.

Oh I care. At least I care as much as I can being as far removed from South Africa as we are. What stands out to me is that this a favorite topic of the alt-right and white supremacy movements. From their lips, through Tucker Carlson and right to the White House. Now trump can shout out to his peeps that he's hearing them loud and clear.

08-23-2018, 12:19 AM
Cwolff clumsily attempting to change the conversation to Manafort while ignoring the world around him.

Well my mentally challenged friend, you might have a point if this were posted in the Manafort thread. It isn't, and you don't but hey, that never stopped you from fighting the good fight did it? #whitepower Amirite?

08-23-2018, 12:24 AM
Oh I care. At least I care as much as I can being as far removed from South Africa as we are.

Oh fuck you. If this had been a story about a Muslim minority being oppressed by a Christian government you would be demanding Trump talk more about it.

But it's a white minority being oppressed by a black government and your excuse is "I care as much as I can being as far removed from South Africa as we are."

You're just damn lucky the far left actually likes racist pieces of shit such as yourself, otherwise you would have no friends.

08-23-2018, 12:27 AM
Oh fuck you. If this had been a story about a Muslim minority being oppressed by a Christian government you would be demanding Trump talk more about it.

But it's a white minority being oppressed by a black government and your excuse is "I care as much as I can being as far removed from South Africa as we are."

You're just damn lucky the far left actually likes racist pieces of shit such as yourself, otherwise you would have no friends.

Again you lie, but I can see how emotional you are right now. If trump tweeted about a muslim minority being oppressed by a Christian government then I may have posted that. He hasn't though has he? There is something happening which is somewhat close to that. We, the USA, are now supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia and they are using these weapons dramatically in Yemen. Have I been bitching about that?

08-23-2018, 11:54 AM
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke on Thursday praised President Trump for tweeting about the “large scale killing of farmers” in South Africa.
Trump took to Twitter to announce that he ordered Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to study South Africa land and farm seizures after Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired a segment on the topic.
Duke responded to Trump's move by saying that Russia would be willing to take in "15,000 White South Africans."
“Russia has already agreed to take in 15,000 White South Africans—your move, Mr. President,” Duke tweeted .”Thank you!”

Dumbass trump and tucker getting right in the white supremacist movement with this one. No wonder David Duke is such a fan. Trumps his wet dream of a POTUS

08-23-2018, 11:56 AM
Dumbass trump and tucker getting right in the white supremacist movement with this one. No wonder David Duke is such a fan. Trumps his wet dream of a POTUS

See? You don't give a single shit about minorities being oppressed if they are white. Why are you such a racist piece of shit, cwolff? Honest question, I think the non-racist pieces of shit of the PC deserve an honest answer.

08-23-2018, 12:02 PM
See? You don't give a single shit about minorities being oppressed if they are white. Why are you such a racist piece of shit, cwolff? Honest question, I think the non-racist pieces of shit of the PC deserve an honest answer.

You're racism is showing...again. And once again I must ask, "Why do you lie" Why? What's the point? You'd lie here on an anonymous message board, what do you do IRL?

If you are comfortably part of a political movement that attracts white supremacists, neonazis, anti semites and homophobia - and think there is nothing wrong with the movement - congratulations. You’re a sociopath.~Eichenwald

08-23-2018, 12:07 PM
You're racism is showing...again. And once again I must ask, "Why do you lie" Why? What's the point? You'd lie here on an anonymous message board, what do you do IRL?

If you are comfortably part of a political movement that attracts white supremacists, neonazis, anti semites and homophobia - and think there is nothing wrong with the movement - congratulations. You’re a sociopath.~Eichenwald

So on the one hand you care about minorities being oppressed if they are white...but on the other hand you're a white supremacist, neonazi, anti-semite if you care about people being oppressed if they are white.

This leaves only two logical conclusions, cwolff. You don't give a single shit about white minorities being oppressed, or you yourself are a white supremacist, neonazi, anti-semite. Which is it? You have really backed yourself into a corner with this one because these are the only two options you have left. Let's hear your answer ;)

08-23-2018, 12:13 PM
So on the one hand you care about minorities being oppressed if they are white...but on the other hand you're a white supremacist, neonazi, anti-semite if you care about people being oppressed if they are white.

This leaves only two logical conclusions, cwolff. You don't give a single shit about white minorities being oppressed, or you yourself are a white supremacist, neonazi, anti-semite. Which is it? You have really backed yourself into a corner with this one because these are the only two options you have left. Let's hear your answer ;)

Look at you with your little gotcha games. You think you got me now don't ya? You're all proud of yourself as you show by gleefully inserting a little smiley face. LMAO. You're so fucked in the head.

I don't know a lot about S. African politics or how they are attempting to balance land ownership. I know that this topic is near and dear to the white supremacist movements here and abroad and that tucker Carlson put it on air, trump blasted it out and david duke is cheering them on. And you are cheering it on, because you're racist of course.

08-23-2018, 12:37 PM
This story is getting more interesting. Did you know that last night was the first time in trumps Presidency that he used the word Africa. He did it to decry S. African farmers being killed on a large scale which is not true. This little tweet says so much about his mindset and the incompetence of his presidency.

First use of word Africa
Policy based on a Fox/Tucker Carlson segment
White Supremacist issue being promoted by president
Fake News that white farmers are being killed on a large scale

Here's what the U.S. State department said when Fox asked them for comment:

“We are aware of these reports and have been following this issue very closely for some time. South Africa is a strong democracy with resilient institutions, including a free press and an independent judiciary. South Africans are grappling with the difficult issue of land reform through an open process including public hearings, broad-based consultations, and active civil society engagement. President [Cyril] Ramaphosa has pledged that the land reform process will follow the rule of law and its implementation will not adversely affect econ growth, agricultural production, or food security.”

For Carlson this was "unbelievable". It's not clear if he meant that they are lying or if he's exasperated that they aren't taking action against the Government of S. Africa.

08-23-2018, 02:49 PM
I don't know a lot about S. African politics or how they are attempting to balance land ownership.

What an absolute piece of shit weasel. "I don't know much about South African politics or how they are attempting to balance land ownership!"

"Balance land ownership?" Gosh you are such a fuck nugget.

Here I'll give you the short version; the South African government (mostly made up of black people) are taking land from white farm owners by force and at the moment are compensating them pennies on the dollar for the land they seize while they are busy "fixing" the constitution so they can take land without giving white land owners a single dime. Whites in South Africa make up about 8% of the total population, less than the black population here in the US.

There, you're all caught up now on them "balancing land ownership."

They are literally oppressing the minority population over there and you are simultaneously saying you care about minorities being oppressed but oh yeah if you care about the white minority being oppressed in South Africa then you are just a racist Nazi anti-semite.

This is because you have no mind of your own. You have no political beliefs. You are just a bought and paid for stooge for the far left rage machine and you prove it every fucking day with your mindless, racist posting.

08-23-2018, 02:54 PM
What an absolute piece of shit weasel. "I don't know much about South African politics or how they are attempting to balance land ownership!"

"Balance land ownership?" Gosh you are such a fuck nugget.

Here I'll give you the short version; the South African government (mostly made up of black people) are taking land from white farm owners by force and at the moment are compensating them pennies on the dollar for the land they seize while they are busy "fixing" the constitution so they can take land without giving white land owners a single dime. Whites in South Africa make up about 8% of the total population, less than the black population here in the US.

There, you're all caught up now on them "balancing land ownership."

They are literally oppressing the minority population over there and you are simultaneously saying you care about minorities being oppressed but oh yeah if you care about the white minority being oppressed in South Africa then you are just a racist Nazi anti-semite.

This is because you have no mind of your own. You have no political beliefs. You are just a bought and paid for stooge for the far left rage machine and you prove it every fucking day with your mindless, racist posting.

Yes, they are doing things like that. How do you suggest they solve the issue of land ownership post colonization and post apartheid? They could raise the purchase price they pay to white farmers. That's one way. What else?

Are you ready to address trump tweeting out policy based on a fox news piece based on a white supremacist talking point? Do you also say the U.S. State Departments response was unbelievable?

08-23-2018, 02:59 PM
Yes, they are doing things like that. How do you suggest they solve the issue of land ownership post colonization and post apartheid? They could raise the purchase price they pay to white farmers. That's one way. What else?

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. You are now actually attempting to defend them oppressing a minority population.

How do we "solve" the issue of so many damn Jews in this country having so much wealth? Perhaps we can, I don't know, round them all up, take their shit and distribute it among the population. Sounds good right, Hitler Jr?

08-23-2018, 03:01 PM
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. You are now actually attempting to defend them oppressing a minority population.

How do we "solve" the issue of so many damn Jews in this country having so much wealth? Perhaps we can, I don't know, round them all up, take their shit and distribute it among the population. Sounds good right, Hitler Jr?

I asked you a fair question. Will you answer it?

08-23-2018, 03:01 PM
Or distribute it back to native peoples and only from families who can here before 2000?

08-23-2018, 03:15 PM
I asked you a fair question. Will you answer it?

A "fair" question of how to "solve" the issue of land ownership?

What makes you think this is an issue that needs "solving", much less by government force via giving land owners pennies on the dollar and later on forcibly taking the land without giving a single cent in compensation?

This is what REAL oppression looks like, cwolff. I know this must be a confusing time for you because you're so used to the Democrat idea of "oppression" of someone not using your preferred pronouns. But this is real institutionalized oppression based on someone's skin color, and you're sitting here saying dumb shit like "Well...how about they just give them more money?"

The fuck? How about you criticize the government for taking their land by force? How about you criticize the government for drawing up plans to later take their land by force and not give any compensation? How about you criticize the government for targeting their own citizens based on the color of their skin? Or are you too afraid that might make you look like a white supremacist Nazi?

08-23-2018, 03:18 PM
Yes. I asked you a fair question. How do you solve the problem? I already suggested one way is to pay more for the land and I see you missed that and are still accusing me of "forcibly taking the land without...blah blah blah"

I guess we should start here: Is there a land ownership problem with S. Africans in S. Africa?

08-23-2018, 03:21 PM
Yes. I asked you a fair question. How do you solve the problem? I already suggested one way is to pay more for the land and I see you missed that and are still accusing me of "forcibly taking the land without...blah blah blah"

I guess we should start here: Is there a land ownership problem with S. Africans in S. Africa?

No we should start with what is your position on a government forcibly taking land from a minority population?

08-23-2018, 03:26 PM
No we should start with what is your position on a government forcibly taking land from a minority population?

Come on dude. Man up for a minute, put on your big boy pants and have one mature conversation. Can you do that?

Some Rogue
08-23-2018, 03:28 PM
No we should start with what is your position on a government forcibly taking land from a minority population?

Do you want to start with when the Dutch did that to the South Africans or do we just want to start looking at this year when the S. Africans started doing it?

08-23-2018, 03:28 PM
Come on dude. Man up for a minute, put on your big boy pants and have one mature conversation. Can you do that?

Why can't you just answer my simple question? Is it because you're sounding an awful lot like Hitler at the moment?

I don't even think time4fun is going to touch this with a 10 foot pole because she might be racist, but she's not quite THIS racist. You are in a league of your own on this one, cwolff. Congrats.

08-23-2018, 03:29 PM
Do you want to start with when the Dutch did that to the South Africans or do we just want to start looking at this year when the S. Africans started doing it?

Oh wow I spoke too soon, cwolff. Looks like you have some company after all. Hitler and Hitler Jr together at last.

Some Rogue
08-23-2018, 03:33 PM
LMAO, dude are you off your meds? I dont even comment on your bullshit in these threads but you only seem to be concerned when whitey is being kept down, Mein Fuhrer.

I've never been hostile to you but daddy Trump's woes got you down?

08-23-2018, 03:35 PM
Why can't you just answer my simple question? Is it because you're sounding an awful lot like Hitler at the moment?

I don't even think time4fun is going to touch this with a 10 foot pole because she might be racist, but she's not quite THIS racist. You are in a league of your own on this one, cwolff. Congrats.

I'll give you a couple reasons. I asked you a question that would help illuminate your position not to trap you in "gotcha". You're question is framed in very limited way. In fact, it's a false dilemma fallacy.
If you want to have a discussion rephrase your question.

And I am still wondering, what solutions or ideas do you have to solve the land ownership problem in S. Africa? This isn't a trap although I may disagree with you. Just asking a question

Some Rogue
08-23-2018, 03:36 PM

08-23-2018, 03:39 PM
LMAO, dude are you off your meds? I dont even comment on your bullshit in these threads but you only seem to be concerned when whitey is being kept down, Mein Fuhrer.

I've never been hostile to you but daddy Trump's woes got you down?

You can feel free to answer my simple question too; how do you feel about a government forcibly seizing property from a minority population? It really isn't a hard question.

08-23-2018, 03:41 PM
I'll give you a couple reasons. I asked you a question that would help illuminate your position not to trap you in "gotcha". You're question is framed in very limited way. In fact, it's a false dilemma fallacy.
If you want to have a discussion rephrase your question.

Do you even know what a "false dilemma" fallacy is?

It's where someone sets up a question as if there is only two choices but there might be more choices. I literally just asked what you think about a government forcibly taking land from a minority population. That is simply asking for your input, I am not only giving you two possible answers. I'm glad you know the names of some fallacies, but at least try to use them properly next time.

08-23-2018, 03:44 PM
LMAO, dude are you off your meds? I dont even comment on your bullshit in these threads but you only seem to be concerned when whitey is being kept down, Mein Fuhrer.

I've never been hostile to you but daddy Trump's woes got you down?

I also don't give a single shit if you've "been hostile to me." If you are deflecting away from modern day injustices being directed against a minority population with "But...but remember this one time in history...!" Then you're just as disgusting as cwolff.

It really is simple. Say what the South African government is doing is disgusting.

Here is me being a normal human who is capable of being consistent: I thought the South African government during apartheid was wrong and I think the South African government of today is wrong.

Look at that! Consistency. Let's see if either one of you can be consistent and call out the modern day South African government too.

08-23-2018, 03:46 PM
Do you even know what a "false dilemma" fallacy is?

It's where someone sets up a question as if there is only two choices but there might be more choices. I literally just asked what you think about a government forcibly taking land from a minority population. That is simply asking for your input, I am not only giving you two possible answers. I'm glad you know the names of some fallacies, but at least try to use them properly next time. Thanks.

Your question has only a black/white answer but it's a highly complicated issue and you also haven't referenced S. African history or present day circumstances. The wording of your question also has loaded implications. You use words like "forcibly" and "minority". No matter how you protest, yours is not an honest question.

My question to you is honest and it's open ended enough for you to clarify your answers. It's not a trap and there's no "gotcha".

What are you ideas to solve the land ownership problem in S. Africa? Have you any?

08-23-2018, 03:49 PM
The wording of your question also has loaded implications. You use words like "forcibly" and "minority". No matter how you protest, yours is not an honest question.

Oh my mistake, am I using too many facts for you to be able to engage in an honest discussion?

You might have a point if the South African government were targeting ALL farm owners, regardless of race. Then the whites just happen to get caught up in the mix. But no, they are specifically targeting whites, which are the minority population. Therefore my use of the word "minority" is spot on. Just because you can't argue against facts doesn't mean my question is asked in bad faith.

08-23-2018, 03:49 PM
Your question has only a black/white answer but it's a highly complicated issue and you also haven't referenced S. African history or present day circumstances. The wording of your question also has loaded implications. You use words like "forcibly" and "minority". No matter how you protest, yours is not an honest question.

My question to you is honest and it's open ended enough for you to clarify your answers. It's not a trap and there's no "gotcha".

What are you ideas to solve the land ownership problem in S. Africa? Have you any?

Dreaven's two main attacks on here are a. arguing in bad faith and b. structuring 'gotcha' questions.

I honestly don't know you bother engaging.

08-23-2018, 03:51 PM
Dreaven's two main attacks on here are a. arguing in bad faith and b. structuring 'gotcha' questions.

I honestly don't know you bother engaging.

A third person defending the South African government. My mistake, cwolff. There are more racists on this board than I realize, and it's not the usual Androidpk/time4fun combo.

08-23-2018, 03:52 PM
Dreaven's two main attacks on here are a. arguing in bad faith and b. structuring 'gotcha' questions.

I honestly don't know you bother engaging.

Ya, you're right. I won't engage him anymore.

08-23-2018, 03:53 PM
Ya, you're right. I won't engage him anymore.

Good thing peam came along and gave you an easy out on this one, Hitler Jr ;)

08-23-2018, 04:56 PM
President Trump’s lawyer said Thursday that US citizens would stage a revolution against their own government if the commander-in-chief were to be impeached.

“You could only impeach him for political reasons and the American people would revolt against that,” Rudy Giuliani told Sky News while in the UK for a golf outing.

08-23-2018, 05:23 PM
President Trump’s lawyer said Thursday that US citizens would stage a revolution against their own government if the commander-in-chief were to be impeached.

“You could only impeach him for political reasons and the American people would revolt against that,” Rudy Giuliani told Sky News while in the UK for a golf outing.

They're a little desperate. Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. Rudy talking revolt and trump talking economic catastrophe.

08-23-2018, 05:42 PM
They're a little desperate. Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. Rudy talking revolt and trump talking economic catastrophe.

US government subjugates the black population in the form of slavery:
Tgo01: This is bad and should never have happened.
cwolff: This is bad and should never have happened.

US government subjugates the Native American population by forcing them on reservations.
Tgo01: This is bad and should never have happened.
cwolff: This is bad and should never have happened.

US government subjugates the black population via Jim Crow laws.
Tgo01: This is bad and should have never happened.
cwolff: This is bad and should never have happened.

US government subjugates the Japanese American population by placing them in concentration camps.
Tgo01: This is bad and should have never happened.
cwolff: This is bad and should never have happened.

German government subjugates the Jewish population by placing them in concentration camps and murdering them.
Tgo01: This is bad and should have never happened.
cwolff: This is bad and should have never happened.

South African government subjugates the black population via apartheid.
Tgo01: This is bad and should have never happened:
cwolff: This is bad and should have never happened.

South African government subjugates the white population via land seizures.
Tgo01: This is bad and shouldn't happen.
cwolff: Well...it's complicated...

08-23-2018, 06:11 PM
White Guilt is the new "in" thing that all the sheep are doing.

Just look at the hipster Backlash's signature.

08-23-2018, 06:14 PM
White Guilt is the new "in" thing that all the sheep are doing.

Just look at the hipster Backlash's signature.

Yup. cwolff can't even bring himself to say a black government subjugating a white minority population is bad. This also proves the theory that the left will shit on whatever Trump endorses.

"Trump doesn't think a government should take land away from people based on their skin color and leave them without a home or a means to support themselves? What a mother fucker! I LOVE when a government does that! It's complicated!"

08-23-2018, 06:17 PM
Yup. cwolff can't even bring himself to say a black government subjugating a white minority population is bad. This also proves the theory that the left will shit on whatever Trump endorses.

"Trump doesn't think a government should take land away from people based on their skin color and leave them without a home or a means to support themselves? What a mother fucker! I LOVE when a government does that! It's complicated!"

I think it's beyond Trump to be honest.

The new left is very anti-white, anti-male, anti-hetro, anti-Israeli and pro-Muslim, pro-Illegal aliens, pro-anycoloraslongasit'snotwhite

Everything to them is geared towards voting blocks and grouping people into vicitimization classes.

08-23-2018, 06:39 PM
They're a little desperate. Throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. Rudy talking revolt and trump talking economic catastrophe.

They're trying to scare the GOP base by talking about impeachment. Notice Democrats are largely silent on the issue, but Republicans are going to talk about it nonstop until the elections... Unless another big shoe drops. They're rapidly hitting that moment where impeachment talk is going to motivate more Democrats and Independents than Republicans.

08-23-2018, 06:46 PM
They're trying to scare the GOP base by talking about impeachment. Notice Democrats are largely silent on the issue, but Republicans are going to talk about it nonstop until the elections... Unless another big shoe drops. They're rapidly hitting that moment where impeachment talk is going to motivate more Democrats and Independents than Republicans.

See I knew even time4fun wouldn't touch the South African discussion. That's gotta be pretty embarrassing when time4fun is more reasonable than you.

08-23-2018, 06:49 PM
They're trying to scare the GOP base by talking about impeachment. Notice Democrats are largely silent on the issue, but Republicans are going to talk about it nonstop until the elections... Unless another big shoe drops. They're rapidly hitting that moment where impeachment talk is going to motivate more Democrats and Independents than Republicans.

They'll play the fear factor with Mollie Tibbets too.

"If Mollie Tibbetts is a household name by October, Democrats will be in deep trouble. If we can be blocked by Manafort-Cohen, etc., then GOP could lose [the House] badly." that from Newt

08-23-2018, 07:15 PM
They'll play the fear factor with Mollie Tibbets too.

that from Newt

Less about fear and more about actually enforcing existing laws.

Notice how the Democrats are largely silent about open borders.. even though that is essentially what their policies are driving towards?


08-24-2018, 11:50 AM
crywolff should lead by example with his hatred of white people and reverse Michael Jackson himself

08-26-2018, 04:31 PM
So Julius Malema, whose signature tune used to be a song that contained the words "Kill the white farmers", now has this to say about what the South African government is doing:

"Through land expropriation, we are forcing white people to share the land which was gained through a crime against the humanity of black and African people."

He also warned Trump to stay out of South Africa's domestic affairs, something the government often said to critics during apartheid.

So there we have it, a politician in the South African parliament stating flat out that they want to force white people to "share" their land.

I wonder when cwolff is going to grow some balls and call out this racist move.

08-26-2018, 04:35 PM
I wonder when cwolff is going to grow some balls and call out this racist move.

As soon as you call out Trump for being blatantly racist.

08-26-2018, 04:36 PM
As soon as you call out Trump for being blatantly racist.

Amazing, I didn't even see cwolff's lips move once.

08-26-2018, 04:42 PM
I don't have a crystal ball or anything, but I bet his kill the white farmer government theme song idea is about as well thought out as his claim that the Democrat party wants open borders because Keith Ellison.

So Julius Malema, whose signature tune used to be a song that contained the words "Kill the white farmers", now has this to say about what the South African government is doing:

"Through land expropriation, we are forcing white people to share the land which was gained through a crime against the humanity of black and African people."

He also warned Trump to stay out of South Africa's domestic affairs, something the government often said to critics during apartheid.

So there we have it, a politician in the South African parliament stating flat out that they want to force white people to "share" their land.

I wonder when cwolff is going to grow some balls and call out this racist move.

Trolls gonna troll

Keep promoting the #whitepower Tg you racist little wanker. While you're here though you should answer some of these questions you been dodging:

1) Why would it be awesome for Trump to pardon Manafort?
2) What solutions, if any, have you thought of for S. Africa's land ownership issues?

bonus question: How old ARE you?

08-26-2018, 04:43 PM
As soon as you call out Trump for being blatantly racist.

Since Trump took office blacks have historical unemployment rates and increasing small business ownership.

08-26-2018, 04:46 PM
Trolls gonna troll

Keep promoting the #whitepower Tg you racist little wanker. While you're here though you should answer some of these questions you been dodging:

1) Why would it be awesome for Trump to pardon Manafort?
2) What solutions, if any, have you thought of for S. Africa's land ownership issues?

bonus question: How old ARE you?

Isn't cwolff so adorable?

South African politician: Kill da white farmers! KILL DEM! Oh also yes, we are totally targeting white farmers because we want that land for black people.
cwolff: I see nothing wrong here. It's "complicated."

Trump says football players should kneel for anthem.

If I had a million lifetimes of a million years each I could never think of something quite as dumb as this. But yet you managed to do so in your short time on earth here.

08-26-2018, 04:46 PM
Since Trump took office blacks have historical unemployment rates and increasing small business ownership.

LOL, That's great. Now you're trolling the alt-righties but they probably won't get it or look at the chart because it's a thumbnail.

08-26-2018, 04:47 PM
Since Trump took office blacks have historical unemployment rates and increasing small business ownership.

That's part of the KKK's plan though.

08-26-2018, 04:49 PM
Isn't cwolff so adorable?

South African politician: Kill da white farmers! KILL DEM! Oh also yes, we are totally targeting white farmers because we want that land for black people.
cwolff: I see nothing wrong here. It's "complicated."

Trump says football players should kneel for anthem.

If I had a million lifetimes of a million years each I could never think of something quite as dumb as this. But yet you managed to do so in your short time on earth here.

Well you did in a much shorter span than 1 million years. Can you quote where trump said football players should kneel for the anthem? That's unamerican. I think players should kneel or not kneel depending on their own personal feelings about protesting police brutality in light of the controversy.

As for S. Africa, you're right about it being complicated. It really is and I've asked you to provide some ideas or solutions to the problem. Do you have any?

08-26-2018, 04:57 PM
Well you did in a much shorter span than 1 million years. Can you quote where trump said football players should kneel for the anthem? That's unamerican. I think players should kneel or not kneel depending on their own personal feelings about protesting police brutality in light of the controversy.

You're really going for the typo win here? Congrats, cwolff! You got me!

As for S. Africa, you're right about it being complicated.

Awesome logic there. Was it "complicated" when Roosevelt rounded up Japanese Americans and sent them to concentration camps?

08-26-2018, 05:01 PM
You're really going for the typo win here? Congrats, cwolff! You got me!

Awesome logic there. Was it "complicated" when Roosevelt rounded up Japanese Americans and sent them to concentration camps?

Look Tg, you're the one trying get a "gotcha" but you fucked up didn't you? Just chill the hell out with that shit would you?

I've asked you since I first posted trumps stupid fake news S. Africa tweet what solutions you might have about the problem. I've asked politely but you still keep at this game of "gotcha!". It's stupid. Are you able to have a conversation without all that crazy talk?

08-26-2018, 05:11 PM
Look Tg, you're the one trying get a "gotcha" but you fucked up didn't you? Just chill the hell out with that shit would you?

Look how easy it is, cwolff!

It was fucked up what Roosevelt did to Japanese Americans.

It was fucked up what the South African government did during apartheid.

It's fucked up what the South African government is trying to do now.

Is this really so hard? Or is the truth you're just a racist little Hitler in training so you can't bring yourself to speak the truth?

08-26-2018, 05:24 PM
I've asked you since I first posted trumps stupid fake news S. Africa tweet what solutions you might have about the problem. I've asked politely but you still keep at this game of "gotcha!". It's stupid. Are you able to have a conversation without all that crazy talk?

He's not actually concerned about that situation, he's doing his same ole "gotcha" conversations where he constantly shifts the goal posts before falling back to the same tired old ad hominem attacks.

08-26-2018, 05:32 PM
LOL, That's great. Now you're trolling the alt-righties but they probably won't get it or look at the chart because it's a thumbnail.


08-26-2018, 05:53 PM
He's not actually concerned about that situation, he's doing his same ole "gotcha" conversations where he constantly shifts the goal posts before falling back to the same tired old ad hominem attacks.

Ya, it's sad but true. Poor little guy gets all worked up and there's simply no reasoning with him.

08-26-2018, 06:16 PM
Ya, it's sad but true. Poor little guy gets all worked up and there's simply no reasoning with him.

In case you forgot how this conversation came about, YOU were the one who brought up the South African farmers because Trump is a white supremacist for mentioning it ;)

It's okay, cwolff. I realize you need people like pk and peam to give you an easy out of an uncomfortable situation where you have proven yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a raging racist.

Maybe someday you will learn that all racism is bad no matter who is committing it.

08-26-2018, 06:23 PM
Trump tweeted a racist conspiracy theory he picked up from Tucker Carlson and you're defending it because you're a white supremacist I guess. WTF dude. Get a grip.

08-27-2018, 09:58 AM
LOL, That's great. Now you're trolling the alt-righties but they probably won't get it or look at the chart because it's a thumbnail.

You can click a thumbnail to view it in full size.

Example #57894309 of soywolff having no clue how to use basic forum features.

In before he accuses someone of stalking him ALL OVER THE FORUMS again.

08-27-2018, 01:03 PM
You can click a thumbnail to view it in full size.

Example #57894309 of soywolff having no clue how to use basic forum features.

In before he accuses someone of stalking him ALL OVER THE FORUMS again.

What is it with these people accusing other forum members of stalking by simply using forum features.

Hit reply and you’re stalking apparently. Can you imagine what the work environment for these folks must be like?

08-27-2018, 01:10 PM
What is it with these people accusing other forum members of stalking by simply using forum features.

Hit reply and you’re stalking apparently. Can you imagine what the work environment for these folks must be like?

Don't be daft. WTF

08-27-2018, 08:46 PM
What is it with these people accusing other forum members of stalking by simply using forum features.

Hit reply and you’re stalking apparently. Can you imagine what the work environment for these folks must be like?

They work?

08-27-2018, 09:42 PM
Don't be daft. WTF

Why am I being daft? She literally accused me of stalking her anonymous internet persona on PC because I replied to her posts. She also alluded that I did so by visiting her public profile to find her posts to respond to...

I kid you not. She is NOT the type of person you want as a coworker, neighbor or person behind you in the line at Chipotle. You'd find yourself in legal trouble soon enough.

08-27-2018, 09:44 PM
They work?


08-27-2018, 09:48 PM
Why am I being daft? She literally accused me of stalking her anonymous internet persona on PC because I replied to her posts. She also alluded that I did so by visiting her public profile to find her posts to respond to...

I kid you not. She is NOT the type of person you want as a coworker, neighbor or person behind you in the line at Chipotle. You'd find yourself in legal trouble soon enough.

Because your boys are stalkers. It's just what they do. I've not seen you stalking though and actually haven't seen you post very much at all here except for the past few days.

08-27-2018, 09:55 PM
Because your boys are stalkers. It's just what they do. I've not seen you stalking though and actually haven't seen you post very much at all here except for the past few days.

LOL - please tell me how you're being stalked? You're an anonymous poster on a message board with complete control over what messages you see. If there was a stalker on this board, it would be PK.

I've been away playing p1999 Classic Everquest. But I made sure to keep my Gemstone IV subscription open so that, according to T4F, I can still post on these boards.

08-27-2018, 10:08 PM
LOL - please tell me how you're being stalked? You're an anonymous poster on a message board with complete control over what messages you see. If there was a stalker on this board, it would be PK.

I've been away playing p1999 Classic Everquest. But I made sure to keep my Gemstone IV subscription open so that, according to T4F, I can still post on these boards.

Oh ya, no one's come to my house or anything. I'm talking about here on the PC. These fucks stalk all day, talking shit and trolling. It's no secret. And that's what T4F was probably talking about and I think you know that but are making it into something bigger.

08-27-2018, 10:20 PM
Oh ya, no one's come to my house or anything. I'm talking about here on the PC. These fucks stalk all day, talking shit and trolling. It's no secret. And that's what T4F was probably talking about and I think you know that but are making it into something bigger.

You have one of the highest post counts in the past 7 days...

You're at about 31 posts a day compared to Parkbandit's 10, Methais 24 and T4F 21 and PK 25.

08-27-2018, 10:24 PM
You have one of the highest post counts in the past 7 days...

You're at about 31 posts a day compared to Parkbandit's 10, Methais 24 and T4F 21 and PK 25.

Yes. I believe that. And none of those posts are stalking.

08-27-2018, 10:40 PM
Oh ya, no one's come to my house or anything. I'm talking about here on the PC. These fucks stalk all day, talking shit and trolling. It's no secret. And that's what T4F was probably talking about and I think you know that but are making it into something bigger.

I literally never made that argument. But yes, he's actually the creepiest of the bunch. The obsession level was really sad and screamed unstable.

These boys don't handle their frustrations well. Obvious observation is obvious.

08-27-2018, 10:50 PM
I literally never made that argument. But yes, he's actually the creepiest of the bunch. The obsession level was really sad and screamed unstable.

These boys don't handle their frustrations well. Obvious observation is obvious.


08-27-2018, 10:57 PM
I literally never made that argument. But yes, he's actually the creepiest of the bunch. The obsession level was really sad and screamed unstable.

These boys don't handle their frustrations well. Obvious observation is obvious.

Not sure how you got dragged into this actually. I think it was from the everquest sentence at the top of this page.

08-27-2018, 11:03 PM
Not sure how you got dragged into this actually. I think it was from the everquest sentence at the top of this page.

Yeah, he brings me up in conversations that have nothing to do with me as a way to prove he's not stalkerish.

Creepy and not that bright ;)

08-27-2018, 11:14 PM
Yeah, he brings me up in conversations that have nothing to do with me as a way to prove he's not stalkerish.

Creepy and not that bright ;)

For the most part I think the alt righties do is as a type of defense mechanism. They usually can't make a rational defense against what we post but they're also emotionally invested and renders them incapable of simply ignoring us. Because of that they resort to little jokes, insults and nicknames. Then they all snicker and giggle together. It's a symptom of tribalism. Sort of a call and response knee jerk reaction. Like sheep that bleat to let the other sheep know they're still in the herd.

08-28-2018, 06:19 AM
Yeah, he brings me up in conversations that have nothing to do with me as a way to prove he's not stalkerish.

Creepy and not that bright ;)

For the most part I think the alt righties do is as a type of defense mechanism. They usually can't make a rational defense against what we post but they're also emotionally invested and renders them incapable of simply ignoring us. Because of that they resort to little jokes, insults and nicknames. Then they all snicker and giggle together. It's a symptom of tribalism. Sort of a call and response knee jerk reaction. Like sheep that bleat to let the other sheep know they're still in the herd.

You're both retarded. No one takes you seriously because of this. Thus, no one spends actual time posting arguments with you. Except tgo.

08-28-2018, 08:33 AM
Donald Trump has accused Google of rigging its search results to make him look bad.

People who search for the latest news about the president are in fact being shown intentionally damaging stories, he claimed.

Mr Trump even suggested that the search giant could be prosecuted for not showing enough positive stories.


08-28-2018, 08:55 AM
Donald Trump has accused Google of rigging its search results to make him look bad.

People who search for the latest news about the president are in fact being shown intentionally damaging stories, he claimed.

Mr Trump even suggested that the search giant could be prosecuted for not showing enough positive stories.


I've never seen anyone who was so pathologically incapable of taking responsibility for anything.

EVERYTHING is always someone else's fault, someone else's responsibility. I'm starting to think he actually believes his own conspiracy stories.

Also his disdain for the First Amendment is vile.

08-28-2018, 08:59 AM
Also his disdain for the First Amendment is vile.

If he could he would happily jail people that criticize him. There's a reason why he praises people like Putin and Erdogan.

08-28-2018, 09:45 AM
If he could he would happily jail people that criticize him. There's a reason why he praises people like Putin and Erdogan.

And yet his constant praise for dictators and liberal use of the authoritarian playbook make his followers feel free.

The 2016 election marked an inflection point in conservative politics where white racial anxiety fermented back into disdain for democracy. Just as it did during the Jim Crow era.

In some ways we're fortunate that the messanger this time was so heavily flawed and corrupt. A squeaky clean demogague is much harder to fight.

08-28-2018, 09:58 AM
Why am I being daft? She literally accused me of stalking her anonymous internet persona on PC because I replied to her posts. She also alluded that I did so by visiting her public profile to find her posts to respond to...

I kid you not. She is NOT the type of person you want as a coworker, neighbor or person behind you in the line at Chipotle. You'd find yourself in legal trouble soon enough.

time4fun: Good morning Bob

Bob: Good morning

time4fun: omg stop stalking me

Bob: But this is my desk where I work every day. We just happen to sit next to each other.


08-28-2018, 10:02 AM
Oh ya, no one's come to my house or anything. I'm talking about here on the PC. These fucks stalk all day, talking shit and trolling. It's no secret. And that's what T4F was probably talking about and I think you know that but are making it into something bigger.

Seriously, learn how the fuck forums work and stop being such a fucking ignorant pussy. Good god you're such a fucking drama queen.

Otherwise any thread in existence that you idiots have posted in that I posted in first = you idiots stalking me

Stop stalking me, retards.

Resist stalker supremacy.

08-28-2018, 10:19 AM
You're both retarded. No one takes you seriously because of this. Thus, no one spends actual time posting arguments with you. Except tgo.

This x942738926478239. No one here has any interest (except Tgo for some reason, maybe he's a masochist) in trying to have a conversation with 3 completely unhinged far left self flagellating idiots who lack any ability at all to be reasoned with or consider even for a moment that they and their dailykos articles could ever be wrong about anything at all in even the slightest way, all while telling other people how they feel and what their opinions are too, along with 48320427 labels they pulled out of their flaccid assholes anytime someone calls out their bullshit for being bullshit.

It's like trying to have a normal conversation with a toddler who's throwing a tantrum. It's a waste of time, so your stupidity becomes our entertainment instead and then you cry about no one taking you seriously and throw out even more labels as a result.

This is nothing that hasn't been explained a million times already. You dumbasses are just so far up your own asses that you'll never have any amount of self awareness to realize this and apparently think the more you cry on here and make 500 new threads every time Trump farts, the higher the chance Trump will be impeached. Because you think you're important and make a difference. Or some delusional shit like that when in reality you're just a few scrubs that can't get over an election and will desperately latch onto anything that you can delude yourselves into believing it'll soothe your butthurt.

TLDR: You're retarded and Trump's not getting impeached and we look forward to being entertaining by several more years of your crying

08-28-2018, 10:20 AM
Oh ya, no one's come to my house or anything. I'm talking about here on the PC. These fucks stalk all day, talking shit and trolling. It's no secret. And that's what T4F was probably talking about and I think you know that but are making it into something bigger.

Literally, you are the current title belt holder for being the biggest retard on these forums. It's not stalking.. it's just that everyone wants to make fun of how fucking stupid you are.

Don't take offense to it. Wear that belt with honor like Backlash used to.

08-28-2018, 10:22 AM
I literally never made that argument. But yes, he's actually the creepiest of the bunch. The obsession level was really sad and screamed unstable.

These boys don't handle their frustrations well. Obvious observation is obvious.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGJDALezd6RZ2lssNUSPq6N_VBkN_Lg vn10Bj4ZpyIZy8-4OxL

Seriously.... get a clue. Key words for you to not use:

Dumb Cunt.

08-28-2018, 10:27 AM
I've never seen anyone who was so pathologically incapable of taking responsibility for anything.

EVERYTHING is always someone else's fault, someone else's responsibility. I'm starting to think he actually believes his own conspiracy stories.

This is from the biggest Hillary Clinton cheerleader..... come on.

I mean, you STILL believe the election was rigged against her by Trump colluding with RUSSIA!!!

Jesus, buy a clue please.

Also his disdain for the First Amendment is vile.

I know right!? I mean, even the Twitter founder has admitted that there is clearly a left bias and one of their greatest challenges is to not use that bias when making decisions who to shadow ban.. but it still happens all the time.


But, you would know better than he since you have a PhD in what... social media management? Or wait.. you were one of the founders of social media and just don't want to hype it.. that sounds better. You should go with that one.

08-28-2018, 10:29 AM
And yet his constant praise for dictators and liberal use of the authoritarian playbook make his followers feel free.

The 2016 election marked an inflection point in conservative politics where white racial anxiety fermented back into disdain for democracy. Just as it did during the Jim Crow era.

In some ways we're fortunate that the messanger this time was so heavily flawed and corrupt. A squeaky clean demogague is much harder to fight.

I thought the 2016 election was all about sexism??? You realize that Obama wasn't running.. right?

Also weird how Obama won a national election easily twice.. given how racist every white male is... so strange your poor white girl couldn't win one.

You should stick with sexism.

Some Rogue
08-28-2018, 10:34 AM
Donald Trump has accused Google of rigging its search results to make him look bad.

People who search for the latest news about the president are in fact being shown intentionally damaging stories, he claimed.

Mr Trump even suggested that the search giant could be prosecuted for not showing enough positive stories.


it's ok. Grandpa is just yelling at the clouds again.

08-28-2018, 10:38 AM
I thought the 2016 election was all about sexism??? You realize that Obama wasn't running.. right?

Also weird how Obama won a national election easily twice.. given how racist every white male is... so strange your poor white girl couldn't win one.

You should stick with sexism.

The scary thing is that you're the one who made up that argument and pretended that's what someone else said.

And now you actually believe they said it.

You continue to unravel the mystery of how you are so consistently wrong but feel so consistently right.

08-28-2018, 10:40 AM
Um. What does Twitter have to do with the First Amendment?

08-28-2018, 10:53 AM
Um. What does Twitter have to do with the First Amendment?

Absolutely nothing.

08-28-2018, 11:05 AM
The scary thing is that you're the one who made up that argument and pretended that's what someone else said.

And now you actually believe they said it.

You continue to unravel the mystery of how you are so consistently wrong but feel so consistently right.

Really? I'm the one who brought up sexism in 2016??

You've reached cwolff level of retardation now. Here.. don't believe me.. believe your hero:

SexismIn the CNN interview on Sunday, Clinton said she didn't openly tout her feminist accomplishments during the 2016 election because of the misogyny that's "endemic" to America.
"I was the beneficiary of these radical changes in, you know, women's rights and opportunities that began in the '60s and continue, and that I could have and maybe should have tried harder to tell that story," she said. "I never thought there would be that receptive an audience."

Clinton first spoke out about misogyny's role in the election at a May Women for Women event (https://mic.com/articles/176016/hillary-clinton-blames-fbi-russian-hackers-and-misogyny-for-her-election-loss#.GytKZOMhC), saying simply, "Yes, I do believe it played a role" when asked directly about it. Since then, she's becoming increasingly outspoken on this point in particular, touching on it multiple times in her new book, What Happened. In the memoir, she writes that "sexism and misogyny (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/hillary-clinton-blames-defeat-happened-article-1.3487646)" helped Trump, a "flagrantly sexist candidate," clinch his presidential win.

08-28-2018, 11:06 AM
Um. What does Twitter have to do with the First Amendment?

If you have to ask that retarded question.. we have bigger issues to tackle.

08-28-2018, 03:58 PM
Protesters in South Africa Chant "White Man You Must Die" (https://twitter.com/Infidel_Yvonne/status/1032806347258060800?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1032806347258060800&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fkprcradio.iheart.com%2Ffeatu red%2Fthe-pursuit-of-happiness%2Fcontent%2F2018-08-28-protesters-in-south-africa-chant-white-man-you-must-die%2F)



Actual clip is from January based on the Youtube date, but either way soywolff must have a raging boner and is bukkaking himself

08-28-2018, 04:45 PM
Silly Methais. You're a white supremacist, racist Nazi if you point out the racism expressed by black South Africans.

08-28-2018, 05:01 PM
In a closed-door meeting with evangelical leaders Monday night, President Donald Trump repeated his debunked claim that he had gotten "rid of" a law forbidding churches and charitable organizations from endorsing political candidates, according to recorded excerpts reviewed by NBC News.

In fact, the law remains on the books, after efforts to kill it in Congress last year failed.

But Trump cited this alleged accomplishment as one in a series of gains he has made for his conservative Christian supporters, as he warned, "You're one election away from losing everything that you've got," and said their opponents were "violent people" who would overturn these gains "violently."


08-28-2018, 05:08 PM
Evan McMullin on the Evangelical trump phenomenon.

I don’t believe there is another leader in modern history that has done more damage to faith in America than President Trump. By coopting much of the faith community as a willing political ally, even in his depravity, he has likely helped turn countless Americans away from God.

08-28-2018, 05:13 PM
If that's true then good.

08-28-2018, 06:00 PM
Silly Methais. You're a white supremacist, racist Nazi if you point out the racism expressed by black South Africans.


08-28-2018, 06:06 PM
Evan McMullin on the Evangelical trump phenomenon.

I don’t believe there is another leader in modern history that has done more damage to faith in America than President Trump. By coopting much of the faith community as a willing political ally, even in his depravity, he has likely helped turn countless Americans away from God.

Love that the left now is concerned about religion.

I would think you would be overjoyed.

Personally, I don't care.

08-28-2018, 06:18 PM
Donald Trump’s attorney Rudolph Giuliani caused a diplomatic commotion on Tuesday by complaining to the president of Romania about his country’s efforts to tackle corruption and calling for an amnesty for some convicted criminals.

In a letter to Romanian president Klaus Iohannis, which was published by Mediafax, Giuliani sharply criticised what he called “excesses made in the name of ‘law enforcement’” by Romania’s national anti-corruption directorate. The agency, he said, had used unfair tactics against suspects and intimidated judges and lawyers.

“An amnesty should be given to those who have been prosecuted and convicted through the excesses,” Giuliani said, claiming “many innocent people” had been jailed.

The state department moved to distance itself from Giuliani’s intervention. Asked if the US agreed with his remarks, a spokesman said: “Romania until recently has shown considerable progress in combating corruption and building effective rule of law. We encourage Romanians to continue on this path.”

And the train wreck continues..

08-28-2018, 06:19 PM
Why is Rudy sending letters to the President of Romania?

08-28-2018, 06:23 PM
No idea though I wouldn't be surprised if it's because Putin has Romania in his crosshairs and they have a hand to play in the corruption that's being brought to justice.

08-28-2018, 06:38 PM
No idea though I wouldn't be surprised if it's because Putin has Romania in his crosshairs and they have a hand to play in the corruption that's being brought to justice.


08-28-2018, 07:15 PM

Yeah, totally has nothing to do with Putin threatening Romania in recent years.

08-28-2018, 07:55 PM
time4fun: Good morning Bob

Bob: Good morning

time4fun: omg stop stalking me

Bob: But this is my desk where I work every day. We just happen to sit next to each other.


This is funny and sad at the same time because it's so true.

Maybe this is how she is getting the funds to drop thousands on text items?

08-28-2018, 08:24 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRGJDALezd6RZ2lssNUSPq6N_VBkN_Lg vn10Bj4ZpyIZy8-4OxL

Seriously.... get a clue. Key words for you to not use:

Dumb Cunt.

BTW she did make that argument. She stated that I 1) clicked on her profile to go to her persona page to identify specific threads she was posting in (which is not true) and 2) that I...wait for it...replied to her posts. This was equivalent to stalking.

I mean seriously, how do you have a conversation with someone like this? I can laugh because this is an anonymous environment and so therefore entertaining but I absolutely cannot imagine being around someone like this in RL. Imagine what work or being her neighbor would be like. You'd be in legal hell the rest of your life.

08-28-2018, 08:31 PM
Love that the left now is concerned about religion.

I would think you would be overjoyed.

Personally, I don't care.

Some of us are quite religious brianiac. Religion has played a significant role in progressive political mobilization in this country.

You know there's this thing called night school. It's not too late to get an education.

08-28-2018, 08:36 PM
Love that the left now is concerned about religion.

I would think you would be overjoyed.

Personally, I don't care.

The left is concerned about removing or at the very least altering religion to neutral status. Eventual end state is total and complete subjugation to a governmental power.

08-28-2018, 10:44 PM
"This November 6 election is very much a referendum on not only me, it's a referendum on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment. It's a referendum on so much," Trump told the assemblage of pastors and other Christian leaders gathered in the State Dining Room, according to a recording from people in the room.

Talk about fear mongering..

08-28-2018, 11:08 PM
Talk about fear mongering..


Russians hacked our elections.
Russians control Trump.
Russians are hiding under your bed.
Russians are the reason you can't get laid.
Russians are why your car is leaking oil.

08-28-2018, 11:09 PM
"This November 6 election is very much a referendum on not only me, it's a referendum on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment. It's a referendum on so much," Trump told the assemblage of pastors and other Christian leaders gathered in the State Dining Room, according to a recording from people in the room.

Talk about fear mongering..

Yeah, because nobody else makes passionate pleas to their base...

"If I hear anybody saying their vote does not matter, that it doesn't matter who we elect -- read up on your history. It matters. We've got to get people to vote."

"I will consider it a personal insult -- an insult to my legacy -- if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote."

Yeah, no manipulation or fear mongering there. And Trump is portrayed as the dictator.

Give it a rest PK

08-29-2018, 08:23 AM
Yeah, because nobody else makes passionate pleas to their base...

Yeah, no manipulation or fear mongering there. And Trump is portrayed as the dictator.

Give it a rest PK

Androidpk has been holding "BOTH" Parties accountable since July 2017...

08-29-2018, 09:37 AM
So Rudy is getting paid by a global consulting firm to lobby for an unnamed client because he can influence Trump, even though what he's advocating for goes against current foreign policy. One of the person's he's calling for leniency against attempted to rig voting in 2012 and another was involved in real estate fraud... Sounds familiar. Is Rudy registered as a foreign agency? And why is the Presidents personal lawyer getting involved in this sort of stuff without disclosing it?

08-29-2018, 09:40 AM
So Rudy is getting paid by a global consulting firm to lobby for an unnamed client because he can influence Trump, even though what he's advocating for goes against current foreign policy. One of the person's he's calling for leniency against attempted to rig voting in 2012 and another was involved in real estate fraud... Sounds familiar. Is Rudy registered as a foreign agency? And why is the Presidents personal lawyer getting involved in this sort of stuff without disclosing it?

Wait, Rudy admitted these things? Do you have an article?

08-29-2018, 09:42 AM

08-29-2018, 09:50 AM
Erm PK, this is clearly fake news.

Trump drained the swamp. You'd know that if Google weren't manipulating search results to hurt Trump and his freedom fighting followers.

08-29-2018, 10:03 AM
Trump is going to have to get involved, maybe break up Google or even just seize control of the company himself.

08-29-2018, 10:24 AM
Other facepalm-y news:. Daily Caller has created a fact checking org. And it's putting social media companies in an uncomfortable position.

08-29-2018, 10:28 AM
Look at this circle jerk

08-29-2018, 10:35 AM
Trump is going to have to get involved, maybe break up Google or even just seize control of the company himself.

It's all in the name of freedom. If he doesn't force them to start prioritizing positive press coverage of him, the Marxists will take over and will start trying to control the media!

08-29-2018, 12:08 PM
Trump fired McGahn via a tweet. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 30 hours of testimony to the OSC and telling Trump not to pardon Manafort.

08-29-2018, 12:09 PM
Trump fired McGahn via a tweet. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 30 hours of testimony to the OSC and telling Trump not to pardon Manafort.

Did he really?

08-29-2018, 12:16 PM

08-29-2018, 12:23 PM
Look at this circle jerk

No shit. I think everyone has finally had enough of these three retards, between the three of them they account for about 90% of the posts to the politics folder these days. I think when they post something the only thought going through their mind is "I sure hope Androidpk/time4fun/cwolff likes this post!"

08-29-2018, 12:49 PM
No shit. I think everyone has finally had enough of these three retards, between the three of them they account for about 90% of the posts to the politics folder these days. I think when they post something the only thought going through their mind is "I sure hope Androidpk/time4fun/cwolff likes this post!"


08-29-2018, 02:12 PM
No shit. I think everyone has finally had enough of these three retards, between the three of them they account for about 90% of the posts to the politics folder these days. I think when they post something the only thought going through their mind is "I sure hope Androidpk/time4fun/cwolff likes this post!"

It was fun for the past 18 months.... but now it's turning into some strange daily circle ass sucking fest where PK hopes he's going to tap some ass. It's getting vomit provoking.

Some Rogue
08-29-2018, 03:08 PM
No shit. I think everyone has finally had enough of these three retards, between the three of them they account for about 90% of the posts to the politics folder these days. I think when they post something the only thought going through their mind is "I sure hope Androidpk/time4fun/cwolff likes this post!"

POT meet PB/Tardbringer/Shitbox/Rocktard

08-29-2018, 03:09 PM
POT meet PB/Tardbringer/Shitbox/Rocktard

There there, Some Rogue. Keep up this good work and the trio will soon enough make it a quartet!

Some Rogue
08-29-2018, 04:46 PM
There there, Some Rogue. Keep up this good work and the trio will soon enough make it a quartet!

Just because I point out you do the same thing you are accusing them of doesn't make me a part of their group. But you're probably not smart enough to see the difference.

08-29-2018, 05:03 PM
Just because I point out you do the same thing you are accusing them of doesn't make me a part of their group. But you're probably not smart enough to see the difference.

Maybe I'm just forgetting, but I don't recall Tgo starting a billion threads every time Obama farted or ate a steak in a way he disapproves of or whatever just to cry about the same shit in every thread and labeling everyone who doesn't blindly agree with them a Nazi. Meanwhile idiots like crywolff think people like Roseanne are alt-right Nazis now and if you disagree with him you're also a Nazi.

These 3 idiots though probably have dozens of threads crying about Trump, all of which are just the same ball of fail, and then they tell other people to stay on topic.

It really is hilariously amazing to witness, and their arrogance renders them incapable of understanding why no one bothers to seriously engage them or do much other than troll them, which turns into claims of "I'm being stalked!"

It's like Clark Griswold's one year membership to the Jelly of the Month club, but for every year.


08-29-2018, 05:18 PM
Just because I point out you do the same thing you are accusing them of doesn't make me a part of their group. But you're probably not smart enough to see the difference.

Thread: Things that made you Facepalm today (Political Version)

Shut up you silly faggot. -- Some Rogue

Now now, Some Rogue. time4fun and Androidpk don't approve of homophobic slurs, you're going to have to do better!

08-29-2018, 05:24 PM
Now now, Some Rogue. time4fun and Androidpk don't approve of homophobic slurs, you're going to have to do better!

What a racist!

08-29-2018, 05:54 PM
No shit. I think everyone has finally had enough of these three retards, between the three of them they account for about 90% of the posts to the politics folder these days. I think when they post something the only thought going through their mind is "I sure hope Androidpk/time4fun/cwolff likes this post!"

We account for 90% of political posts in the politics folder. You all add half a dozen troll posts to everything we write so these threads are needlessly long.

Just use your ignore feature and we will never bother you again. You do have options, so don't act as if you're forced to be here.

08-29-2018, 06:18 PM
We account for 90% of political posts in the politics folder. You all add half a dozen troll posts to everything we write so these threads are needlessly long.

Just use your ignore feature and we will never bother you again. You do have options, so don't act as if you're forced to be here.

Oh good, the "Great news! white people are dying off." guy is still playing troll hunter.

08-29-2018, 06:21 PM
We account for 90% of political posts in the politics folder.

He admits it!

08-30-2018, 08:40 AM
We account for 90% of political posts in the politics folder. You all add half a dozen troll posts to everything we write so these threads are needlessly long.

Just use your ignore feature and we will never bother you again. You do have options, so don't act as if you're forced to be here.

Your stupidity is entertaining though. Keep entertaining us with your extreme stupidity while sporting your pussy hat proudly, captain soycunt.

08-30-2018, 10:12 AM
Your stupidity is entertaining though. Keep entertaining us with your extreme stupidity while sporting your pussy hat proudly, captain soycunt.

This is correct.

08-30-2018, 10:50 AM
Your stupidity is entertaining though. Keep entertaining us with your extreme stupidity while sporting your pussy hat proudly, captain soycunt.

I am not running for office and I endorse this message.

08-30-2018, 12:20 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40298087_2212158165668753_8599526263289282560_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&oh=3aa60bd05b290db606b6b226f9f790df&oe=5C3083E2

08-30-2018, 01:08 PM
Robert D. Chain, a 68-year-old from California, began calling the Globe the day of the announcement, according to U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling's office.

Chain continued to call employees of the newspaper, threatening to kill them for more than a week, prosecutors said, placing 14 threatening phone calls to Globe employees.

His communication was reported to Boston police after he threatened to shoot employees in the head "later today, at 4 o'clock" on the day the editorial was published, the U.S. Attorney's office said.

In his last call he calls the press the enemy of the people.. wonder where he got that from?

08-30-2018, 01:29 PM
In his last call he calls the press the enemy of the people.. wonder where he got that from?

So are we going to skip the part that says the police weren't doing anything until AFTER he threatened to shoot somebody? Why the fuck wouldn't you report the first handful of times he's calling and threatening you? Somebody has to actively be telling your employer that they are going to SHOOT people before the police care?


08-30-2018, 01:41 PM
So are we going to skip the part that says the police weren't doing anything until AFTER he threatened to shoot somebody? Why the fuck wouldn't you report the first handful of times he's calling and threatening you? Somebody has to actively be telling your employer that they are going to SHOOT people before the police care?


that's your takeaway from this? that the victims are at fault for not reporting sooner and not the POTUS who's been instigating violence against journalists across the country? why am I not surprised..

08-30-2018, 01:47 PM
In his last call he calls the press the enemy of the people.. wonder where he got that from?

From the actions of the press.

08-30-2018, 01:58 PM
In his last call he calls the press the enemy of the people.. wonder where he got that from?

Bernie supporter literally targets and murders Republicans at a charity baseball game.
Androidpk: Not Bernie's fault...
Man threatens employees at a newspaper.
Androidpk: OMG OMG OMG! We need to impeach Trump to save lives!

08-30-2018, 02:12 PM
Yeah, I'm a little more concerned with the President of the United States engaging in dictator language by attacking the free press for not covering him the way he wants to AND inspiring violence in others as a result.

Can we at least agree that both of these things are completely inappropriate and unAmerican?

08-30-2018, 02:13 PM
that's your takeaway from this? that the victims are at fault for not reporting sooner and not the POTUS who's been instigating violence against journalists across the country? why am I not surprised..

My takeaway is if the police had been notified sooner, they could have caught him BEFORE he felt the need for gun violence was necessary. That's not victim blaming. I also said nothing on the stance the President has taken regarding the press.

Isn't it up to the employer to actually fucking do something BEFORE it hits a level you aren't comfortable with? Not 13 more threats? Where is the accountability on that? Thinking on it, wouldn't you be reaching out to the police yourself? Or do we just need to see where this story develops before we start contacting the authorities?

08-30-2018, 02:16 PM
Yeah, I'm a little more concerned with the President of the United States engaging in dictator language by attacking the free press for not covering him the way he wants to AND inspiring violence in others as a result.

Can we at least agree that both of these things are completely inappropriate and unAmerican?

No and this is why the left lost.

You just don’t get it and you are part of the problem. If you want to investigate collusion all you need to do is look at the media.

08-30-2018, 02:21 PM
Bernie supporter literally targets and murders Republicans at a charity baseball game.
Androidpk: Not Bernie's fault...
Man threatens employees at a newspaper.
Androidpk: OMG OMG OMG! We need to impeach Trump to save lives!

Predictable whataboutism is predictable. Anything to deflect from having to face reality with Trump's dangerous, un-American behavior. You wouldn't act this way if Maxine Waters called Fox News enemies of the US.

08-30-2018, 02:22 PM
BTW - free press does not mean freedom from criticism. Most of the media is left leaning and they should be called out for the propaganda.

Thankfully America is voting against watching these cesspools and sorry excuses for journalism as the ratings indicate.

08-30-2018, 02:25 PM
Calling journalists enemies of the people isn't just criticism, it's an invitation for violence.

08-30-2018, 02:27 PM
Yeah, I'm a little more concerned with the President of the United States engaging in dictator language by attacking the free press for not covering him the way he wants to AND inspiring violence in others as a result.

Can we at least agree that both of these things are completely inappropriate and unAmerican?

You think a dictator just whines about the press?

I wonder what the press in Germany in the 30's would think about your legit mental retardation.

08-30-2018, 02:27 PM
Predictable whataboutism is predictable. Anything to deflect from having to face reality with Trump's dangerous, un-American behavior. You wouldn't act this way if Maxine Waters called Fox News enemies of the US.

Predictable pk not willing to hold both sides accountable even though he claims he does ;)

Calling journalists enemies of the people isn't just criticism, it's an invitation for violence.

Androidpk: Trump can criticize the press all he wants!!! As long as he does it in a manner of which I approve. Way to continue to hold both sides accountable.

08-30-2018, 02:29 PM
Calling journalists enemies of the people isn't just criticism, it's an invitation for violence.

No, it's not. You're validating violence to make someone seem worse when they couldn't predict the possibility of violence, regardless of statement.

08-30-2018, 02:35 PM
You think a dictator just whines about the press?

I wonder what the press in Germany in the 30's would think about your legit mental retardation.

Here is what it comes down to. The left lost after they were like 99.9999999% confident they would win. The individual who won plays a completely different ballgame than prior right leaning administrations.

As a result, the left is in full assault mode and will do anything to destroy the current administration. The irony here is that it is the left that is being violent and encouraging violence.

08-30-2018, 02:37 PM
No, it's not. You're validating violence to make someone seem worse when they couldn't predict the possibility of violence, regardless of statement.

Yes, it is, it's literally the same dangerous language used by authoritarians.

08-30-2018, 02:38 PM
The left is being violent? That's why it's the right that are out murdering people?

08-30-2018, 02:42 PM
The left is being violent? That's why it's the right that are out murdering people?

Bernie supporter at ballgame? I just mentioned this. It's almost as if you're a...PARTISAN HACK! Say it ain't so, pk!

08-30-2018, 02:44 PM
Bernie supporter at ballgame? I just mentioned this. It's almost as if you're a...PARTISAN HACK! Say it ain't so, pk!

You really ought to take a break from the PC again before you have another episode.

08-30-2018, 02:49 PM
Yes, it is, it's literally the same dangerous language used by authoritarians.

You are fixating on a word that literally does not validate violence. You are looking for an excuse for violence to be committed so you can turn and go "See, this was inevitable when you call people your enemy." As if there weren't some form of checks and balances that were enacted immediately because of arbitrary reasoning. In any other substance I'd call it bullshit.

If someone threatens you numerous times and you only act when a gun becomes involved? That's some fucked company you keep.

08-30-2018, 02:51 PM
You really ought to take a break from the PC again before you have another episode.

True, I might start cyber stalking people, threatening to get them fired, and firing off subpoenas.

08-30-2018, 02:53 PM
In his last call he calls the press the enemy of the people.. wonder where he got that from?

No idea, Trump only said fake news media is the enemy of the people, not "the press."

Calling journalists enemies of the people isn't just criticism, it's an invitation for violence.

Post a clip where Trump specifically says "journalists" are enemies of the people.

The left is being violent? That's why it's the right that are out murdering people?

Who specifically has been murdering who that you're referring to?

08-30-2018, 02:56 PM
Who specifically has been murdering who that you're referring to?

I think he's referring to when those guys ran that girl over in Charlottesville? Even though it's been witnessed numerous times that the left associated group Antifa can and has been caught numerous times on camera clubbing and macing people.

08-30-2018, 03:07 PM
I think he's referring to when those guys ran that girl over in Charlottesville? Even though it's been witnessed numerous times that the left associated group Antifa can and has been caught numerous times on camera clubbing and macing people.

wait, seriously? he's talking about right-wing terrorism.

Since Sept 12, 2001 73% of violent, extremists incidents resulting in death in the US were caused by right-wing extremist groups. (https://www.gao.gov/assets/690/683984.pdf) That's from the GAO, btw.

Since September 12, 2001, the number of fatalities caused by domestic
violent extremists has ranged from 1 to 49 in a given year. As shown in
figure 2, fatalities resulting from attacks by far right wing violet extremists
have exceeded those caused by radical Islamist violent extremists in 10
of the 15 years, and were the same in 3 of the years since September 12,
2001. Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since
September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were
responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists
were responsible for 23 (27 percent).

When we say that the right has lost its mind- this is what we're talking about.

08-30-2018, 03:10 PM
wait, seriously? he's talking about right-wing terrorism.

Yes, because I hadn't known such a large scope was being directly referenced in such a glib post.

When we say that the right has lost its mind- this is what we're talking about.

I'm not gonna open a can of worms, I'll let someone else do that. I don't have a motor to the boat I use for fishing so I haven't gone fishing forever and I don't want to let dead worms go and pretend I did something good.

I need to go fishing.