View Full Version : The Night the Lights Went Out in D.C.

11-03-2017, 09:27 AM

Eleven terrifying minutes of total silence.

This is the way the world ends: not with a bang but a deleted Twitter account.

At least, so it appeared for 11 minutes Thursday evening, when visitors to President Trump’s personal account, @realDonaldTrump, were informed that there was no such thing.

More... (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/02/us/politics/trump-twitter-deleted.html)

11-03-2017, 10:45 AM
Tax cuts benefiting those who pay the most taxes who knew? In other news, water is wet, the Democratic National Committee is corrupt and the Clintons have been laundering money for a long time.

11-03-2017, 11:56 AM
Top 20% income earners pay 95% of all the taxes.

Holy shit, do you mean that the 80% left over that pay 5% of all the taxes don't get back as much as the ones who pay 95%?????? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!!!!!!!

Math... how does it work?

11-03-2017, 12:10 PM
How much wealth do the top 20% have? Like 80%? And they need a tax cut why exactly?

11-03-2017, 12:43 PM
How much wealth do the top 20% have? Like 80%? And they need a tax cut why exactly?

What do you propose? We should give tax cuts only to those who don't pay taxes?

11-03-2017, 12:45 PM
I don't have a proposal, it's not an easy question. I just know that the wealth disparity in this country is growing at a tremendous rate and it isn't sustainable. No good can come out of this.

11-03-2017, 01:10 PM
I don't have a proposal, it's not an easy question. I just know that the wealth disparity in this country is growing at a tremendous rate and it isn't sustainable. No good can come out of this.

I don't disagree.

I also know that the number of people who just left the work force and pay no federal taxes at all (in before troll boy makes his point of "but they pay payroll, sales and other taxes!".... derp derp derp) has been increasing and that isn't sustainable either.

11-03-2017, 03:37 PM
The problem isn't with the people leaving the work force.

11-03-2017, 05:03 PM
Alright let me try to explain this to you like you are twelve, try to follow along.

First, get rid of this politically derived shit about 20% paying 84/90/95% of all taxes I really don't care about the the top 20, what I'm interested in is the top tenth of one percent who accounts for 15% of all income and owns close to 90% of America. These guys are making 10,20,50,100 million + year, they end up contributing less than 10% in taxes every year.

The people between 50% ~ 99.9% are holding the lion's share they contribute almost 90% of ALL taxes based on almost 75% of total income. Giving these guys an escalating tax cut (no brackets) makes sense, and can legit help the economy like so many "conservatives" love to espouse. Problem is these guys apart from possibly the top .9% aren't getting a tax cut at least not proportional to the super rich above them.

One thing to note here is if you did some quick calculations you can extrapolate that the bottom 50% of Americans live off of an astounding 10% of the total income in America. Seen another way for every 2 Americans you bump into 1 of them is living off 1/9th of all total income while the other is living off 8/9ths of all total income in the US.

Income inequality being a problem is a massive understatement. Even someone like Louis XVI of France the "Sun King" would be concerned about this kind of disparity in wealth. It's completely insane, and elites will continue to shout that everything is OK as they distract you with the latest Marvel Thor movie or whatever.

When you post stupid stuff like this, I see this:


11-03-2017, 08:37 PM
Well I tried. I guess it's back to... duh are you da gay???!!!!111

What is it with you liberal retards.. if someone disagrees with you, they are gay?

So inclusive of you!

11-03-2017, 11:54 PM
Alright let me try to explain this to you like you are twelve, try to follow along.

First, get rid of this politically derived shit about 20% paying 84/90/95% of all taxes I really don't care about the the top 20, what I'm interested in is the top tenth of one percent who accounts for 15% of all income and owns close to 90% of America. These guys are making 10,20,50,100 million + year, they end up contributing less than 10% in taxes every year.

The people between 50% ~ 99.9% are holding the lion's share they contribute almost 90% of ALL taxes based on almost 75% of total income. Giving these guys an escalating tax cut (no brackets) makes sense, and can legit help the economy like so many "conservatives" love to espouse. Problem is these guys apart from possibly the top .9% aren't getting a tax cut at least not proportional to the super rich above them.

One thing to note here is if you did some quick calculations you can extrapolate that the bottom 50% of Americans live off of an astounding 10% of the total income in America. Seen another way for every 2 Americans you bump into 1 of them is living off 1/9th of all total income while the other is living off 8/9ths of all total income in the US.

Income inequality being a problem is a massive understatement. Even someone like Louis XVI of France the "Sun King" would be concerned about this kind of disparity in wealth. It's completely insane, and elites will continue to shout that everything is OK as they distract you with the latest Marvel Thor movie or whatever.

I really fail to understand how it is not fair to let people keep the money they earn and stop giving money to people that do not earn it so as to enslave them more to the state? It is not about compassion or caring, it's about jealousy and slavery. Why do you want to continue enslaving people to the state by giving them welfare?

11-04-2017, 07:20 AM
I really fail to understand how it is not fair to let people keep the money they earn and stop giving money to people that do not earn it so as to enslave them more to the state? It is not about compassion or caring, it's about jealousy and slavery. Why do you want to continue enslaving people to the state by giving them welfare?

Now last time I checked, slavery involved making people work and not giving them money for it. Wouldn't not working and getting money for it be the opposite?

And also, what exactly do you mean when you say earn?

11-04-2017, 09:38 AM
That's the thing, I don't know how old you are, but this isn't the 50's,60's,70's if it were I would agree with you. 50 million dollar salary for a CEO of a 70 year old machinery company? really? let's compare this exact same company (which hasn't changed in 70 years ... since fucking WW2) to a company in Japan, (600k$) or a company in "Socialist Europe" (750k$).
Then compare that to a crucial skilled worker, say a Neurosurgeon, making 400k a year. It's cartoonishly fucked up.

Listen, I want someone making 400k in a critical job paying 0% taxes, let him keep every cent he earns (truly earned); but right now some shit head in his underwear making 100's of millions of dollars from moving money around is paying less % taxes than someone in that critical job role. The government is saying "Hey, good job gambler you owe me less money good work gambling! Useless Neurosurgeon! You think saving 100's of lives is useful?! fuck you! you pay 35% taxes" Does that make sense to you?


11-04-2017, 10:01 AM
Then compare that to a crucial skilled worker, say a Neurosurgeon, making 400k a year.

Can't pass this one up --- is there a strategy in place to tax the neurosurgeons out of work so that he can't help folks think straight?


--- Clunk

11-04-2017, 10:55 AM
That's the thing, I don't know how old you are, but this isn't the 50's,60's,70's if it were I would agree with you. 50 million dollar salary for a CEO of a 70 year old machinery company? really? let's compare this exact same company (which hasn't changed in 70 years ... since fucking WW2) to a company in Japan, (600k$) or a company in "Socialist Europe" (750k$).
Then compare that to a crucial skilled worker, say a Neurosurgeon, making 400k a year. It's cartoonishly fucked up.

Listen, I want someone making 400k in a critical job paying 0% taxes, let him keep every cent he earns (truly earned); but right now some shit head in his underwear making 100's of millions of dollars from moving money around is paying less % taxes than someone in that critical job role. The government is saying "Hey, good job gambler you owe me less money good work gambling! Useless Neurosurgeon! You think saving 100's of lives is useful?! fuck you! you pay 35% taxes" Does that make sense to you?

I promise I will get back to you on how retarded this whole argument is, how it is jealousy driven and envy politics and how you have no fucking clue how much value a CEO adds or takes away from a company and how far reaching their impact is. Also, how you are wanting to control how people spend their money and how it actually IS about slavery but you are simply too dense to see it. Right now, I am going to enjoy my Saturday off.

One hint though, go look up the definition of slave and enslave and read the whole thing. It might enlighten you a little.

11-04-2017, 11:14 AM
Haha, nice.

It's PB and Rocktard though, no amount of surgery can help them.


11-04-2017, 11:14 AM
Yup, it's all about jealousy and envy.. :jerkit:

11-04-2017, 11:16 AM
Yup, it's all about jealousy and envy.. :jerkit:

Maybe not all.. but some certainly is.

Why do you care if Mr. Jones is making 500 million dollars, working for ABCD Corporation?

11-04-2017, 11:32 AM
Maybe not all.. but some certainly is.

Why do you care if Mr. Jones is making 500 million dollars, working for ABCD Corporation?


11-04-2017, 02:47 PM
It can't be jealousy or envy, because that kind of money is beyond my level of jealousy envy. I don't want 5 airplanes and 3 200 foot yachts, it's moronic and I would have no idea what to do with these things. Frankly, I wouldn't give a shit either, enjoy your planes and boats and Manhattan condos, no problem... BUT

..when this massive cartoonishly fucked up levels of income disparity creates massive bubbles which inevitably pops and fucks over not the fuckers who are gambling but working class people in W. VA, Poughkeepsie, Alabama, Louisiana .. "flyover country" who all spiked in drug use, suicides, homelessness after 08' or even worse triggers World Wars killing hundreds of millions of people, YES, now we have a problem.

People have no clue how deeply our financial sector/side affects every fucking aspect of life, perhaps everything except breathing. They just assume , "oh well, that's not gonna affect me.hur hur" No you dumb white nigger, it WILL affect you AND your family.
