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01-31-2018, 02:34 PM
This is shaping up to be an exciting midterm election. Every day it seems another Republican is announcing that they're retiring or not running for re-election, the latest being Trey Gowdy. I'm sure ClydeR can correct me but I believe the last time we saw a mass party migration like this was in 94' when a bunch of Democrats left and Republicans won big time.

03-06-2018, 07:13 AM
Another Republican Senator has announced he's retiring this year, Thad Cochran of Mississippi.

03-06-2018, 07:31 AM
Draining the swamp.

03-06-2018, 08:54 AM
Another Republican Senator has announced he's retiring this year, Thad Cochran of Mississippi.

No one cares.

03-06-2018, 11:15 AM
This is shaping up to be an exciting midterm election. Every day it seems another Republican is announcing that they're retiring or not running for re-election, the latest being Trey Gowdy. I'm sure ClydeR can correct me but I believe the last time we saw a mass party migration like this was in 94' when a bunch of Democrats left and Republicans won big time.


03-15-2018, 10:37 AM
Big win for Dems in Philly with Conor Lamb winning. Trump won that district by 20 points in 2016.

03-15-2018, 12:25 PM
Big win for Dems in Philly with Conor Lamb winning. Trump won that district by 20 points in 2016.

Not really.

He ran on tax cuts, 2nd amendment, pro-life and anti-Nancy Pelosi.

Sounds like a Republican won.

03-15-2018, 12:49 PM
He ran on tax cuts, 2nd amendment, pro-life and anti-Nancy Pelosi.

I'm not sure it's fair to say Lamb ran "ran on tax cuts." If anything, he ran against tax cuts. He opposed the 2017 tax bill, which he said would mostly benefit the wealthy. He certainly did not run on abortion. He tried to avoid that issue when possible, but it wasn't always possible, and he was forced on a few occasions to say that while he personally opposes abortion, he believes the law should stay as it is now. He definitely ran on the Second Amendment, as you said. He opposed Nancy Pelosi, as you said.

Trump on March 12, the day before the special election..


Trump on March 14, the day after the special election..

“The young man last night that ran, he said, ‘Oh, I’m like Trump. Second Amendment, everything. I love the tax cuts, everything.’ He ran on that basis,” Trump said. “He ran on a campaign that said very nice things about me. I said, ‘Is he a Republican? He sounds like a Republican to me.’”

More... (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/03/trump-on-the-lamb/555668/)

03-15-2018, 01:06 PM
Republicans spent over $9 million on this race. This is a HUGE lose for the R's. D's will take the House this fall.

03-15-2018, 03:13 PM
I'm not sure it's fair to say Lamb ran "ran on tax cuts." If anything, he ran against tax cuts. He opposed the 2017 tax bill, which he said would mostly benefit the wealthy. He certainly did not run on abortion. He tried to avoid that issue when possible, but it wasn't always possible, and he was forced on a few occasions to say that while he personally opposes abortion, he believes the law should stay as it is now. He definitely ran on the Second Amendment, as you said. He opposed Nancy Pelosi, as you said.

Trump on March 12, the day before the special election..


Trump on March 14, the day after the special election..

You can't say this enough. We are not dealing with rational people. Nothing that can't be spun for these guys. Basically we're dealing with the Mormon philosophy, "Lying for the Lord."

03-15-2018, 03:49 PM
You can't say this enough. We are not dealing with rational people. Nothing that can't be spun for these guys. Basically we're dealing with the Mormon philosophy, "Lying for the Lord."

This level of spin is fucking hilarious. You can smell the desperation coming off Paul Ryan.

03-26-2018, 12:20 AM
Yet another Republican House member announcing he's not running for reelection.


04-11-2018, 11:48 AM
Paul Ryan isn't seeking election, just like I predicted.

Dennis Ross is also retiring, another Republican house member.

04-11-2018, 12:07 PM
Paul Ryan isn't seeking election, just like I predicted.

Dennis Ross is also retiring, another Republican house member.

Good. Ryan needs to get out. So does McConnell.

I think you’ll get folks rallying around Trump. Ryan/McConnell are blocking progress. Removing Ryan is actually positive IMO.

04-11-2018, 12:11 PM
Paul Ryan isn't seeking election, just like I predicted.

lol you're retarded

04-11-2018, 01:45 PM
Paul Ryan isn't seeking election, just like I predicted.

Dennis Ross is also retiring, another Republican house member.

You predicted.. you mean after he said he wasn't?

You have the prediction savvy as Nate Silver leading up to the 2016 election... he fucking NAILED it at 3am of election night.

04-11-2018, 01:58 PM
Yes, predicted, as in I said this last year. Do try and keep up.

04-11-2018, 02:38 PM
Yes, predicted, as in I said this last year. Do try and keep up.

Quote where you said Paul Ryan would be retiring a year ago and not just yesterday when it was announced.

Because if this is true, this would be something we should make an entire thread about titled "Androidpk had a political prediction come true on 4/11/18"

04-11-2018, 02:44 PM
You're more than welcome to dig through my posts.

04-11-2018, 03:05 PM
You're more than welcome to dig through my posts.

So... you didn't.

That's what I thought.

I had a spot all set for your very first accomplishment ever on my fridge too.

04-11-2018, 03:32 PM
So... you didn't.

That's what I thought.

I had a spot all set for your very first accomplishment ever on my fridge too.

Sorry dude, not everything is about you.

04-11-2018, 04:05 PM
Sorry dude, not everything is about you.

But this wasn't about me at all.. this was all about you and your very first accurate prediction.

Sorry dude, I guess you didn't.

04-11-2018, 04:16 PM
My first accurate prediction? Like when the news about Roy Moore started coming out and I said he was going to lose? Or when I said Trump was going to beat Hillary in the general election before the general election even started? Your "notice me sensei" attempts are cute though.

04-11-2018, 06:00 PM
The hilarious part is that last year PB and Methais repeatedly jeered whenever I pointed out that the midterms were inevitably going to be brutal for Republicans.

It begs the question- have ANY of the conservative trolls made any valid predictions? With the exception of Tgo, I don't believe even they thought Trump would win the election. And they've been consistently wrong on virtually every issue since that I can recall.

Like painfully, amateurishly, and embarrassingly wrong.

04-11-2018, 06:07 PM
The hilarious part is that last year PB and Methais repeatedly jeered whenever I pointed out that the midterms were inevitably going to be brutal for Republicans.

It begs the question- have ANY of the conservative trolls made any valid predictions? With the exception of Tgo, I don't believe even they thought Trump would win the election. And they've been consistently wrong on virtually every issue since that I can recall.

Like painfully, amateurishly, and embarrassingly wrong.

We can actually visit the President election of 2016. Let's see which of us called it closer:

Your prediction:

Clinton: 352
Trump: 186


My prediction:

Clinton: 265
Trump: 273


And your first post quoting my prediction:

Barring any huge upsets in the traditionally blue states- of which there's really no evidence- this election is over for Trump.

You'll have to forgive me if I don't accept your predictions for anything. You're record is as stellar as Android4fun's

Like painfully, amateurishly, and embarrassingly wrong.

04-11-2018, 06:11 PM
Also in your prediction, you claimed the Senate would go D51:R49 and I predicted R51 ; D49.

I was right, you were painfully, amateurishly and embarrassingly wrong.

Also, tgo01 didn't predict a Trump win in that thread unless he did later on :(

04-11-2018, 06:12 PM
You mean except for my predictions about:

The end result and reasoning of the Clinton Email investigation
The end result of Comey's firing
The significance of Trump's Russian ties
The blue wave that would come in 2018
That the Courts would largely rule against the Muslim Ban because it was blatantly unconstitutional
That Trump was under investigation after firing Comey
That the Russia investigation would turn up actual evidence against Trump (You don't get to be a subject without evidence)
Oh, and my favorite, that Trump's Presidency would be chaotic and authoritarian

I was dead wrong about the election results in 2016. Apparently you were right.

That means we're mirror images of each other: I've been right every time but one, and you've been wrong every time but one!

We're the peanut butter and jelly of antagonistic political prognostication :wubsmiley:

04-11-2018, 06:14 PM
My first accurate prediction? Like when the news about Roy Moore started coming out and I said he was going to lose? Or when I said Trump was going to beat Hillary in the general election before the general election even started? Your "notice me sensei" attempts are cute though.

No one would consider you a "sensei".. unless you can achieve that status on someone's couch.

Sorry :(

04-11-2018, 06:15 PM
I was dead wrong about the election results in 2016. Apparently you were right.

This was the only intelligent thing you posted in that post worth quoting.

You were dead wrong.. but glad you attempted to somehow play like you were right and I was wrong.

Bizzaro World.

04-11-2018, 06:25 PM
The hilarious part is that last year PB and Methais repeatedly jeered whenever I pointed out that the midterms were inevitably going to be brutal for Republicans.

they actually think the republicans are going to gain seats in the house.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

04-11-2018, 06:29 PM
they actually think the republicans are going to gain seats in the house.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Omg, that's just precious!

04-11-2018, 06:32 PM
This was the only intelligent thing you posted in that post worth quoting.

You were dead wrong.. but glad you attempted to somehow play like you were right and I was wrong.

Bizzaro World.

You have the most amusing ways of acknowledging I'm right.

Wasn't worth quoting? Again, just precious

04-11-2018, 06:32 PM
Of course, when that doesn't come to pass, they'll just claim they were trolling for the lulz.

04-11-2018, 06:38 PM
Of course, when that doesn't come to pass, they'll just claim they were trolling for the lulz.

Or just refuse to acknowledge the fact when brought up in posts later. They have this fascinating way of indulging in extreme cognitive dissonance in these situations.

They actually can't acknowledge facts that counter their narrative, such as it is. I don't actually think it's entirely intentional. I think they are genuinely and compulsively discarding disruptive information.

04-11-2018, 06:57 PM
they actually think the republicans are going to gain seats in the house.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is this you trying to tell me what I believe.. or is there a quote of me saying this.

As usual, you're as wrong as your bff, time4fun.

04-11-2018, 06:59 PM
Or just refuse to acknowledge the fact when brought up in posts later. They have this fascinating way of indulging in extreme cognitive dissonance in these situations.

They actually can't acknowledge facts that counter their narrative, such as it is. I don't actually think it's entirely intentional. I think they are genuinely and compulsively discarding disruptive information.

I gave you facts, specific quotes that illustrated you were wrong and I was right.

If you have a quote where I stated that the Republicans would gain House seats in 2018, I would love to read it.

Until then, you and Androidpk are doing what you both do so well: Pretending.

04-11-2018, 06:59 PM
Is this you trying to tell me what I believe.. or is there a quote of me saying this.

As usual, you're as wrong as your bff, time4fun.

This is me repeating what you have said on more than one occasion.

04-11-2018, 07:05 PM
This is me repeating what you have said on more than one occasion.

Really? More than one occasion?

It shouldn't be a problem then to actually quote me saying that my prediction will be the Republicans gaining seats in 2018 mid-term elections.

Spoiler Alert: It's probably in the same thread you made your famous "Paul Ryan will be retiring" prediction.

You can try





www.checkinthecouchcushionswhereyoukeepeverything. net

04-11-2018, 07:06 PM
I had to check the first one to make sure that wasn't a legit website....

04-11-2018, 07:10 PM
Dance puppet

04-11-2018, 07:12 PM
Dance puppet

"Just kidding guys!"

Backlash did it so much better.

You are even bad at this.

04-11-2018, 07:16 PM


04-11-2018, 07:37 PM
https://i.iheart.com/v3/re/new_assets/58ae6d1f2a5cb417fbb46898?ops=max%28750%2C0%29%2Cqu ality%2880%29


04-11-2018, 08:15 PM
I love how you think that's supposed to be an insult.

04-11-2018, 08:35 PM
I love how you think that's supposed to be an insult.

For normal people, it is.

For you.. living on someone else's couch is a lifestyle.

04-11-2018, 09:32 PM
How can it be a lifestyle if I've never slept on anyone's couch?

04-11-2018, 09:39 PM
How can it be a lifestyle if I've never slept on anyone's couch?


04-11-2018, 09:41 PM
No, I'm curious. Name all the time's I've ever slept on someone's couch. You know so much about my life right? Surely you can give one time.

04-12-2018, 07:44 AM
No, I'm curious. Name all the time's I've ever slept on someone's couch. You know so much about my life right? Surely you can give one time.

https://i.iheart.com/v3/re/new_assets/58ae6d1f2a5cb417fbb46898?ops=max%28750%2C0%29%2Cqu ality%2880%29

04-12-2018, 10:48 AM
So you can't.


04-12-2018, 01:06 PM
Did some playful editing with the material Seth Abramson put out for this. Would conservatives be okay if something like this came out after the 2012 election? Would a special counsel investigation still be called a witch hunt?


1. Steele Dossier intel says Sergei Lavrov ran a blackmail/money laundering scheme in which Obama got money, blackmail forbearance, and—later—election assistance in exchange for a pro-Russia policy and other perks. Obama then leaked classified intel to Lavrov in the Oval Office.

2. Obama aided his daughter in covering up a clandestine meeting with Kremlin agents—designed to transmit stolen Mitt Romney material from Russia to Obama, by drafting a false statement and forcing Malia to sign it under her own name. Obama knew Malia would be called to testify on the meeting.

3. According to both Emin Agalarov and his father Aras, Obama signed a letter-of-intent to build Obama Tower Moscow using Putin's real estate developer, banker, and permits man in October 2010. Obama has lied about this deal from Day 1.

4. Obama held a secret meeting with Putin at an international conference, during which he discussed sanctions with the Russian strongman. His administration had no intention of acknowledging or admitting the meeting until a journalist happened to find out about it accidentally.

5. Obama admitted discussing U.S.-Russia relations with Putin in Moscow in 2012—then, later on, retracted the claim, saying he "spoke to top officials" but "couldn't say more." His fixer, Cohen, sent a witness to the call to Stormy Daniels' lawyer to kill the story.

6. An eyewitness to the judging process of the 2002 Miss Universe pageant in Puerto Rico has told Special Counsel Bob Mueller that Obama directly and unambiguously attempted to rig the pageant so that Miss Russia would win. Miss Russia was Putin's mistress at the time. She won.

7. Through clandestine negotiations conducted by Holder— lied about before Congress, under oath, by Holder - Obama agreed to unilaterally drop Russia sanctions while he knew from briefings Russia was attacking America. His secret plan was discovered by the DoS post-inauguration.

8. During the presidential campaign, Obama directed his fixer, Cohen, to negotiate a new Obama Tower Moscow deal with the Russians—including direct contact with the Kremlin—and the negotiations went on for months. He lied about this deal (as he did with the 2010 one) from Day 1.

9. Steele's dossier says Obama agreed with the Kremlin in mid-2012—in a meeting with the Kremlin we know Carter Page had, then lied about—to not impose sanctions on Russia.

Despite a 517-5 vote in Congress to impose sanctions, Obama has refused—in violation of the law—to do so.

10. Steele's dossier also says Russian oligarchs systematically overpaid for Obama properties to help develop him as a Russian asset—a claim bolstered by Obama business partner and ex-Russian mobster Felix Sater. Obama lied under oath—Perjury—to hide his relationship with Sater.

11. After George Papadopoulos told Obama — to his face, on March 31, 2012—the Kremlin had authorized him to negotiate a clandestine mid-campaign Obama-Putin meeting, instead of firing him Obama moved him to his Russia policy team and let him edit his first foreign policy speech.

12. During the same meeting Papadopoulos told Obama that he was a Kremlin agent, Obama ordered J.D. Gordon, a top member of his national security team, to change the DNC platform in July to benefit Putin on the Crimea issue. He issued his order after learning about Putin's offer.

13. After learning his Campaign Manager was an unregistered foreign agent who'd colluded illegally with pro-Putin oligarchs, Obama kept using him as a secret advisor for at least 6 months, while publicly claiming Manafort—who lived in Obama Tower—was basically a stranger to him.

14 (addendum). These protocol breaches are a pattern: in April '12, Obama invited the Russian ambassador to be a front-row VIP at a speech in which Obama promised Russia "a good deal" on sanctions. The invite was a protocol breach; the Obama-Kislyak VIP event beforehand was also.

15. After learning that Russia was committing cyberwarfare against the United States, and after saying that Putin watches carefully what he—Obama—says on television, Obama invited Russian hackers to continue committing crimes against the U.S. and said they'd be "richly rewarded."

16. Our intel community agrees Russia interfered with our election to a) sow chaos, and b) do so without getting caught. Despite being told in an August 2012 briefing Russia was attacking us, Obama has denied Russia did so, sows chaos on the issue, and refuses to criticize Putin.

17. While acting under color of authority from his father-in-law, Kushner smuggled Russia's ambassador into Obama's house (Obama Tower) through a back door in December 2012 to discuss establishing a secret Obama-Putin channel using a secure Russian facility—which plan is illegal.

18. Russia's main interest, now—in the matter of its cyber-crimes—is that Congress not find out what it did, with whom, or when. Obama illegally—without asserting executive privilege—directed key Congressional witnesses to refuse to answer Congressional inquiries on the subject.

19. Malia told her dad about her contacts with Kremlin client WikiLeaks, and indeed as soon as WikiLeaks contacted Malia saying it supported Obama's campaign, Obama began inserting praise of WikiLeaks into every stump speech in a transparent attempt to reward and encourage leaks.

19 (addendum). Trump's first effusive, out-of-nowhere praise of WikiLeaks as a noble organization that should be widely supported, and which would be releasing great campaign information, came just 15 minutes—that's not a typo—after WikiLeaks contacted his son for the first time.

20. Bannon says it was accepted in the White House that Malia also told her dad of her meeting with Kremlin agents at Obama Tower and *on the day it happened*—a day Obama was meeting with all U.S. participants in the meeting on the *very same subject* as the meeting (Mitt Romney dirt).

21. (Surely you knew there were more than 20?) After Russia's stateside crimewave, it had no ability to stop *investigation* of its crimes—but Obama did. Obama brought in Holder — he says — to kill the probe, then fired Comey to try to kill it, then used Pelosi to try to kill it.

22. After Russia committed what intelligence experts refer to—in the context of U.S. history—as a "cyber Pearl Harbor," Obama publicly proposed, as a serious policy proposal, that the U.S. intelligence community cooperate with the Kremlin on an important topic: cyber-security

23. After learning Flynn was secretly and illegally negotiating U.S.-Russia policy in 2012, Obama first did nothing, then fired him for another reason, then tried to rehire him, then fired the man prosecuting him, then told him to "stay strong," then said he did nothing wrong.

24. Obama awarded the 2012 Miss Universe pageant to Russia — over 19 other nations—within hours of Russia offering him $20 million and the opportunity to meet Putin (which he immediately tweeted excitedly about). The other 19 nations were given no chance to match Russia's offer.

25. After learning the Agalarovs were Kremlin agents — recipients of an award from Putin; authorized to act as Putin's messengers; no-bid developers for the Kremlin—Obama and his daughter Malia developed a close friendship with Aras and Emin and stayed in touch throughout the campaign.

26. Though he knew of Manafort's ties to the Kremlin via pro-Putin oligarchs, and though Manafort offered—in-context, a huge red flag for criminal intent—to work for free, Obama hired him and his equally conflicted partner Gates as Campaign Manager and Deputy Campaign Manager.

27. Papadopoulos told Greek media he met Obama *after* meeting Kremlin agent Mifsud but *before* Obama named him to the NatSec team. Obama denies it. If true, Obama knew Papadopoulos had met Russians when he chose him to be the one NatSec team member he personally vouched for.

27. (addendum). Papadopoulos' claim is bolstered by his accuracy in describing his campaign role—versus Obama's deceit on the same topic—and that eyewitnesses say that when Papadopoulos told Obama he was aiding the Kremlin on March 31, 2012, Obama didn't react or shut him down.

28. If you've been reading this feed a long time, you know how much evidence there is—including Obama's own words—bolstering the claim the Kremlin is blackmailing him over conduct at the Ritz Moscow. Obama's lies on this topic constitute collusion with the Kremlin's narrative.

Wow. PB is totally right about you living on couch. You have wayyyyyyy too much time on your hands.

04-12-2018, 01:10 PM
Yep, 2 minutes to swap around a few words is totally way too much time. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll adjust accordingly.

04-12-2018, 01:24 PM
Yep, 2 minutes to swap around a few words is totally way too much time. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll adjust accordingly.


04-12-2018, 03:37 PM
they actually think the republicans are going to gain seats in the house.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hope they do just so we can laugh at you having more meltdowns. I don’t remember mentioning anything about it either way though, but feel free to quote me if I did.

I was dead wrong about the election results in 2016. Apparently you were right.

Even when proven wrong she still can’t come out and just admit that PB was right without trying to subtly cast some doubt on it. What’s life like being so uppity and full of yourself all the time?

You have the most amusing ways of acknowledging I'm right.

Wasn't worth quoting? Again, just precious

See what I mean?

04-12-2018, 03:53 PM
I hope they do just so we can laugh at you having more meltdowns. I don’t remember mentioning anything about it either way though, but feel free to quote me if I did.

Now's the time to clear the air. Do you think R's will keep the house? Gain seats?

04-12-2018, 05:10 PM
So you can't.


You're more than welcome to dig through diethx's posts.

04-12-2018, 05:15 PM
Now's the time to clear the air. Do you think R's will keep the house? Gain seats?

So... you couldn't find any posts where either Methais and I said they would.

Once you actually admit you just made that shit up, we can move forward to actually having a discussion on it.

We'll wait..

04-12-2018, 05:17 PM
You're more than welcome to dig through diethx's posts.

Diethx never said that, thx for playing though.

04-12-2018, 05:17 PM
So... you couldn't find any posts where either Methais and I said they would.

Once you actually admit you just made that shit up, we can move forward to actually having a discussion on it.

We'll wait..

The irony of you claiming that people make shit up. :lol2:

04-12-2018, 06:00 PM
Diethx never said that, thx for playing though.

Prove it.

So you never, ever, fell asleep on her couch?


04-12-2018, 06:07 PM
Prove it.

So you never, ever, fell asleep on her couch?


The couch was in the living room. My bed was in my bedroom. Sure I sat on the couch sometimes when we ate dinner or watched tv, but I never once slept on it.

04-12-2018, 06:24 PM
Now's the time to clear the air. Do you think R's will keep the house? Gain seats?

I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Whoever holds the majority after probably won't hold it by many seats. If dems do take the House, I seriously doubt it will be a
shellacking like the 2010 midterms were. If that's what you're hoping for, you're probably going to be pretty disappointed.

Either way, the midterms are still 7 months away, which gives both parties plenty of time to fuck up any advantage they might have at any point in time before the election.

That's the thing though. I acknowledge that I don't know what's going to happen. You, time4cunt, and soywolff seem to think it's already in the bag and that the House is gonna be like 435-0. Which isn't really any different than how she acted about the 2016 election, right up until she became more scared politically than she's ever been in her lifetime.

Speaking of, perhaps she'll tell us about all the bad and scary things that Trump caused to happen to her since he got elected. I doubt she will though, since nothing bad has happened to her due to Trump winning, and she was just being a drama queen like always.

You should also keep in mind that the DNC's platform still currently consists of "We hate Trump and no one should have guns!" and pretty much nothing else.

04-12-2018, 06:33 PM
I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Whoever holds the majority after probably won't hold it by many seats. If dems do take the House, I seriously doubt it will be a
shellacking like the 2010 midterms were. If that's what you're hoping for, you're probably going to be pretty disappointed.

Either way, the midterms are still 7 months away, which gives both parties plenty of time to fuck up any advantage they might have at any point in time before the election.

That's the thing though. I acknowledge that I don't know what's going to happen. You, time4cunt, and soywolff seem to think it's already in the bag and that the House is gonna be like 435-0. Which isn't really any different than how she acted about the 2016 election, right up until she became more scared politically than she's ever been in her lifetime.

Speaking of, perhaps she'll tell us about all the bad and scary things that Trump caused to happen to her since he got elected. I doubt she will though, since nothing bad has happened to her due to Trump winning, and she was just being a drama queen like always.

You should also keep in mind that the DNC's platform still currently consists of "We hate Trump and no one should have guns!" and pretty much nothing else.

Which part of this post did you not get?

So... you couldn't find any posts where either Methais and I said they would.

Once you actually admit you just made that shit up, we can move forward to actually having a discussion on it.

We'll wait..

Thanks for stabbing me in the back.



04-12-2018, 06:36 PM
Which part of this post did you not get?

Thanks for stabbing me in the back.


As an asian, this hate speech makes me fear for my safety. I would think that you, being a fellow asian yourself, would be above such hate speech. :(

TLDR: Reported to Necro's mom

04-12-2018, 06:38 PM
As an asian, this hate speech makes me fear for my safety. I would think that you, being a fellow asian yourself, would be above such hate speech. :(

TLDR: Reported to Necro's mom


04-12-2018, 06:48 PM
I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Whoever holds the majority after probably won't hold it by many seats. If dems do take the House, I seriously doubt it will be a
shellacking like the 2010 midterms were. If that's what you're hoping for, you're probably going to be pretty disappointed.

Either way, the midterms are still 7 months away, which gives both parties plenty of time to fuck up any advantage they might have at any point in time before the election.

That's the thing though. I acknowledge that I don't know what's going to happen. You, time4cunt, and soywolff seem to think it's already in the bag and that the House is gonna be like 435-0. Which isn't really any different than how she acted about the 2016 election, right up until she became more scared politically than she's ever been in her lifetime.

Speaking of, perhaps she'll tell us about all the bad and scary things that Trump caused to happen to her since he got elected. I doubt she will though, since nothing bad has happened to her due to Trump winning, and she was just being a drama queen like always.

You should also keep in mind that the DNC's platform still currently consists of "We hate Trump and no one should have guns!" and pretty much nothing else.

No, I don't think it's in the bag. Nothing is guaranteed, especially in politics.

04-12-2018, 06:58 PM
I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Whoever holds the majority after probably won't hold it by many seats. If dems do take the House, I seriously doubt it will be a
shellacking like the 2010 midterms were. If that's what you're hoping for, you're probably going to be pretty disappointed.

Either way, the midterms are still 7 months away, which gives both parties plenty of time to fuck up any advantage they might have at any point in time before the election.

That's the thing though. I acknowledge that I don't know what's going to happen. You, time4cunt, and soywolff seem to think it's already in the bag and that the House is gonna be like 435-0. Which isn't really any different than how she acted about the 2016 election, right up until she became more scared politically than she's ever been in her lifetime.

Speaking of, perhaps she'll tell us about all the bad and scary things that Trump caused to happen to her since he got elected. I doubt she will though, since nothing bad has happened to her due to Trump winning, and she was just being a drama queen like always.

You should also keep in mind that the DNC's platform still currently consists of "We hate Trump and no one should have guns!" and pretty much nothing else.

She’s always quick to brag how great things are. Total hypocrite.

04-12-2018, 07:01 PM
I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Whoever holds the majority after probably won't hold it by many seats. If dems do take the House, I seriously doubt it will be a
shellacking like the 2010 midterms were. If that's what you're hoping for, you're probably going to be pretty disappointed.

Either way, the midterms are still 7 months away, which gives both parties plenty of time to fuck up any advantage they might have at any point in time before the election.

That's the thing though. I acknowledge that I don't know what's going to happen. You, time4cunt, and soywolff seem to think it's already in the bag and that the House is gonna be like 435-0. Which isn't really any different than how she acted about the 2016 election, right up until she became more scared politically than she's ever been in her lifetime.

Speaking of, perhaps she'll tell us about all the bad and scary things that Trump caused to happen to her since he got elected. I doubt she will though, since nothing bad has happened to her due to Trump winning, and she was just being a drama queen like always.

You should also keep in mind that the DNC's platform still currently consists of "We hate Trump and no one should have guns!" and pretty much nothing else.

$100 bucks says the Democrats take over Congress, Mueller hits us with a laundry list of Trump crimes, and Trump is impeached and never finishes his term.

04-12-2018, 07:03 PM
She’s always quick to brag how great things are. Total hypocrite.
Avatar had me LOL

04-12-2018, 07:05 PM
I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Whoever holds the majority after probably won't hold it by many seats. If dems do take the House, I seriously doubt it will be a
shellacking like the 2010 midterms were. If that's what you're hoping for, you're probably going to be pretty disappointed.

Either way, the midterms are still 7 months away, which gives both parties plenty of time to fuck up any advantage they might have at any point in time before the election.

That's the thing though. I acknowledge that I don't know what's going to happen. You, time4cunt, and soywolff seem to think it's already in the bag and that the House is gonna be like 435-0. Which isn't really any different than how she acted about the 2016 election, right up until she became more scared politically than she's ever been in her lifetime.

Speaking of, perhaps she'll tell us about all the bad and scary things that Trump caused to happen to her since he got elected. I doubt she will though, since nothing bad has happened to her due to Trump winning, and she was just being a drama queen like always.

You should also keep in mind that the DNC's platform still currently consists of "We hate Trump and no one should have guns!" and pretty much nothing else.

It's pretty magic to see you go from 13 to 40 to 12 so quickly. I'll respond to 40 year old you.

I've never said it was a lock. But partisan politics has its ebbs and flows. At some point you will just have to accept that I was able to correctly predict the electoral shift left we've seen over the last year in almost 100 special elections. And it wasn't because I'm psychic or a political genius- this country has its own political physics. The shift is as predictable as the shift to the right in 2010.

But directionality and degree are two different things. I've said for over a year now that we would see a shift left, but I never claimed it would result in Dems taking the House or Senate. It's likely that the GOP will lose the House. But it's also likely that they will keep it. There are structural variables in play that I have been talking about for years (gerrymandering, voter Suppression, and the population clustering that has come to define the political left). And there are very some variables at play right now that are so rare as to be borderline unique.

Finally, the impact that Trump's policies have on my life and the lives of my family is hardly a political anamoly. There are a LOT of families like mine. And even more social circles with similar concerns. If you had spent less time jeering at that fact- you might have seen this shift coming.

Food for thought.

04-12-2018, 07:08 PM
Avatar had me LOL

I had to make the avatar great again. YUGE improvement!!!

04-12-2018, 07:08 PM
$100 bucks says the Democrats take over Congress, Mueller hits us with a laundry list of Trump crimes, and Trump is impeached and never finishes his term.

This would be the best possible outcome. Sure we'd have Pence but he would effectively be a castrated lame duck.

04-12-2018, 07:14 PM
It's pretty magic to see you go from 13 to 40 to 12 so quickly. I'll respond to 40 year old you.

I've never said it was a lock. But partisan politics has its ebbs and flows. At some point you will just have to accept that I was able to correctly predict the electoral shift left we've seen over the last year in almost 100 special elections. And it wasn't because I'm psychic or a political genius- this country has its own political physics. The shift is as predictable as the shift to the right in 2010.

But directionality and degree are two different things. I've said for over a year now that we would see a shift left, but I never claimed it would result in Dems taking the House or Senate. It's likely that the GOP will lose the House. But it's also likely that they will keep it. There are structural variables in play that I have been talking about for years (gerrymandering, voter Suppression, and the population clustering that has come to define the political left). And there are very some variables at play right now that are so rare as to be borderline unique.

Finally, the impact that Trump's policies have on my life and the lives of my family is hardly a political anamoly. There are a LOT of families like mine. And even more social circles with similar concerns. If you had spent less time jeering at that fact- you might have seen this shift coming.

Food for thought.

Methais, let me translate this for you. She’s like super smart and thinks you’re super dumb.

If she is right, it will be because she is super smart.

If she is wrong, it won’t be because she was wrong but rather she was right all along but someone/something <insert excuse aimed at conservatives here>.

So really, she is right in both situations and she could never ever ever be wrong. Hillary should have won because she won the popular vote. Hence she was right alllllll along.

04-12-2018, 07:18 PM
$100 bucks says the Democrats take over Congress, Mueller hits us with a laundry list of Trump crimes, and Trump is impeached and never finishes his term.


04-12-2018, 07:19 PM
$100 bucks says the Democrats take over Congress, Mueller hits us with a laundry list of Trump crimes, and Trump is impeached and never finishes his term.

And that the golden showers story is true. LOL

04-12-2018, 07:20 PM
And that the golden showers story is true. LOL

Sounds like you speak from experience.

04-12-2018, 07:26 PM
And that the golden showers story is true. LOL

Definitely true! LMAO


04-12-2018, 07:37 PM
Definitely true! LMAO



04-12-2018, 07:45 PM
Definitely true! LMAO


Interestingly enough- the pee tape story has shown up in two separate dossiers compiled from two different sets of sources. (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/30/trump-russia-collusion-fbi-cody-shearer-memo)

And not only is that kind of kompromat so common in Russian asset recruitment as to border on cliche, but Trump's security guard Keith Schiller testified that Russia DID in fact offer Trump prostitutes during the trip referenced in the dossiers. (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-bodyguard-testifies-russian-offered-trump-women-was-turned-down-n819386)

He also testified that Trump turned them down- which would be the first story of Trump turning down a bunch of beautiful women that we've heard.

04-12-2018, 07:48 PM
Interestingly enough- the pee tape story has shown up in two separate dossiers compiled from two different sets of sources. (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/30/trump-russia-collusion-fbi-cody-shearer-memo)

And not only is that kind of kompromat so common in Russian asset recruitment as to border on cliche, but Trump's security guard Keith Schiller testified that Russia DID in fact offer Trump prostitutes during the trip referenced in the dossiers. (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-bodyguard-testifies-russian-offered-trump-women-was-turned-down-n819386)

He also testified that Trump turned them down- which would be the first story of Trump turning down a bunch of beautiful women that we've heard.

tl;dr - time4fun just google searches in an attempt to sound smart.

04-12-2018, 07:49 PM
tl;dr - time4fun just google searches in an attempt to sound smart.

Still better than your spammy bullshit fake ass memes.

04-12-2018, 07:51 PM
Now WaPo is reporting Cohen recorded conversations and the FBI seized them. lol

04-12-2018, 07:53 PM

Michael "S'all good man" Cohen

04-12-2018, 07:55 PM
Still better than your spammy bullshit fake ass memes.

At least you acknowledge that is what she does.


04-12-2018, 08:00 PM

Michael "S'all good man" Cohen

Too bad Cohen isn’t even on Saul’s level. This Avenatti guy is running circles around Cohen and Trump.

04-12-2018, 08:03 PM

04-12-2018, 08:06 PM
It's pretty magic to see you go from 13 to 40 to 12 so quickly. I'll respond to 40 year old you.

It's pretty standard to see you go from wishing to speak to the manager, to nothing else ever. I'll respond to would like to speak to the manager you.

I've never said it was a lock. But partisan politics has its ebbs and flows. At some point you will just have to accept that I was able to correctly predict the electoral shift left we've seen over the last year in almost 100 special elections. And it wasn't because I'm psychic or a political genius- this country has its own political physics. The shift is as predictable as the shift to the right in 2010.

But directionality and degree are two different things. I've said for over a year now that we would see a shift left, but I never claimed it would result in Dems taking the House or Senate. It's likely that the GOP will lose the House. But it's also likely that they will keep it. There are structural variables in play that I have been talking about for years (gerrymandering, voter Suppression, and the population clustering that has come to define the political left). And there are very some variables at play right now that are so rare as to be borderline unique.

Finally, the impact that Trump's policies have on my life and the lives of my family is hardly a political anamoly. There are a LOT of families like mine. And even more social circles with similar concerns. If you had spent less time jeering at that fact- you might have seen this shift coming.

Food for thought.

That's an awfully fun, fancy way to say that it's not uncommon for Congress to shift away from the incumbent party in midterm elections.

Democrats would be much more likely to take the House if they had more to offer than "We hate Trump and guns!" but unfortunately for you they don't.

04-12-2018, 08:07 PM
Still better than your spammy bullshit fake ass memes.

Plus I did just recently start following this in the last week or two. And I don't pay much attention to it.

So it makes sense that I would have to go learn about this stuff on the fly.

Oh wait.

04-12-2018, 08:09 PM
Too bad Cohen isn’t even on Saul’s level. This Avenatti guy is running circles around Cohen and Trump.

And he's having fun doing it!

04-12-2018, 08:09 PM
Plus I did just recently start following this in the last week or two. And I don't pay much attention to it.

So it makes sense that I would have to go learn about this stuff on the fly.

Oh wait.

Yeah don't listen to these trolls.

04-12-2018, 08:13 PM
Yeah don't listen to these trolls.

They have their uses.

04-12-2018, 08:16 PM
It's pretty magic to see you go from 13 to 40 to 12 so quickly. I'll respond to 40 year old you.

I've never said it was a lock. But partisan politics has its ebbs and flows. At some point you will just have to accept that I was able to correctly predict the electoral shift left we've seen over the last year in almost 100 special elections. And it wasn't because I'm psychic or a political genius- this country has its own political physics. The shift is as predictable as the shift to the right in 2010.

But directionality and degree are two different things. I've said for over a year now that we would see a shift left, but I never claimed it would result in Dems taking the House or Senate. It's likely that the GOP will lose the House. But it's also likely that they will keep it. There are structural variables in play that I have been talking about for years (gerrymandering, voter Suppression, and the population clustering that has come to define the political left). And there are very some variables at play right now that are so rare as to be borderline unique.

Finally, the impact that Trump's policies have on my life and the lives of my family is hardly a political anamoly. There are a LOT of families like mine. And even more social circles with similar concerns. If you had spent less time jeering at that fact- you might have seen this shift coming.

Food for thought.


04-12-2018, 08:20 PM
Still better than your spammy bullshit fake ass memes.

Can you give me an example of a fake meme? I'm for real curious.

04-12-2018, 08:21 PM
Can you give me an example of a fake meme? I'm for real curious.


04-12-2018, 08:23 PM


04-12-2018, 08:24 PM
"penis penis everywhere. penis over here, penis over there, everywhere except your underwear" - James A. Garfield, September 17, 1882 - Methais

This is different. I do think he's been practicing his insults like I've asked so that's some growth at least.

04-12-2018, 08:24 PM
"penis penis everywhere. penis over here, penis over there, everywhere except your underwear" - James A. Garfield, September 17, 1882 - Methais

This is different. I do think he's been practicing his insults like I've asked so that's some growth at least.

I got the exact same rep, also from James A. Garfield.

04-12-2018, 08:27 PM
"penis penis everywhere. penis over here, penis over there, everywhere except your underwear" - James A. Garfield, September 17, 1882 - Methais


04-12-2018, 08:28 PM
"penis penis everywhere. penis over here, penis over there, everywhere except your underwear" - James A. Garfield, September 17, 1882 - Methais

This is different. I do think he's been practicing his insults like I've asked so that's some growth at least.


04-12-2018, 08:29 PM
It's pretty standard to see you go from wishing to speak to the manager, to nothing else ever. I'll respond to would like to speak to the manager you.

That's an awfully fun, fancy way to say that it's not uncommon for Congress to shift away from the incumbent party in midterm elections.

Democrats would be much more likely to take the House if they had more to offer than "We hate Trump and guns!" but unfortunately for you they don't.

Yes my dear, but when I used almost that exact sentence word for word last year, you refused to believe it.

I'm trying a new approach. Looks like it worked!

04-12-2018, 08:31 PM
Yes my dear, but when I used almost that exact sentence word for word last year, you refused to believe it.

I'm trying a new approach. Looks like it worked!


04-12-2018, 08:32 PM
Yes my dear, but when I used almost that exact sentence word for word last year, you refused to believe it.

I'm trying a new approach. Looks like it worked!

And you wonder why people call you a dumb cunt.

It might be because of your constant cuntiness.. and that you are really, really dumb.

04-12-2018, 08:42 PM
Yes my dear, but when I used almost that exact sentence word for word last year, you refused to believe it.

I'm trying a new approach. Looks like it worked!

So what was my actual response last year? Feel free to quote it.

04-12-2018, 08:45 PM
And you wonder why people call you a dumb cunt.

It might be because of your constant cuntiness.. and that you are really, really dumb.

Wow. What a tough guy. Calling women you disagree with politically 'dumb cunt' on the internet.

04-12-2018, 08:47 PM
So what was my actual response last year? Feel free to quote it.

Isn't that stalking?

04-12-2018, 09:42 PM
Wow. What a tough guy. Calling women you disagree with politically 'dumb cunt' on the internet.

It's also deeply ironic and amusing

04-12-2018, 09:50 PM
Wow. What a tough guy. Calling women you disagree with politically 'dumb cunt' on the internet.


04-12-2018, 09:53 PM
google searcheseesh

04-12-2018, 10:06 PM
Wow. What a tough guy. Calling women you disagree with politically 'dumb cunt' on the internet.

What does it matter if she claims she is a woman or not?

Pretty sexist of you. You believe women are weak and can't stand up for themselves?


04-12-2018, 11:07 PM
I just realized- you actually think you're being clever.

OMG that's adorable

04-12-2018, 11:54 PM
What does it matter if she claims she is a woman or not?

Pretty sexist of you. You believe women are weak and can't stand up for themselves?


Thats not how hashtags work.

04-13-2018, 12:00 AM
Thats not how hashtags work.

Don't tell Trump :)

04-13-2018, 07:11 AM
Thats not how hashtags work.

You sure?

#BackIsRetarded has been working for years.

04-13-2018, 08:25 AM
Wow. What a tough guy. Calling women you disagree with politically 'dumb cunt' on the internet.

She's still not gonna bang you dude.

Thats not how hashtags work.

It is now.

#Backisatarddontworryscrolotsoftardsarelivingreall ykickasslivesmyfirstwifewastardednowshesapilot

04-13-2018, 02:19 PM
Posted this before because of Cohen's connection to GOP. Have to re-up for the new character in this reality show.

WASHINGTON – Today Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and RNC Finance Chairman Steve Wynn announced additional members of the RNC’s Finance leadership team:
“I am delighted to announce the addition of these longtime friends of the Party and supporters of this administration to our Finance leadership team,” said Chairwoman McDaniel. “Elliott Broidy, Michael Cohen, and Louis DeJoy will serve as National Deputy Finance Chairmen, and Brian Ballard, Bob Grand, Gordon Sondland, Geoff Verhoff, and Ron Weiser will serve as Regional Vice-Chairmen. Together this team will employ their extraordinary talent and understanding of Americans across the country to maintain and build upon our unprecedented fundraising success.”

05-02-2018, 10:57 AM
Okay, so there's been this stark difference between the Generic Ballot and the results we've been seeing in Special Elections. The Generic Ballot has been hovering around 6-8 points for the Dems, but we're seeing an average of a 17 point shift left (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/arizona-8-special-election-result/)in the Special Elections. The weird thing is that the generic ballot and Special Election data with a large n are both generally good predictors of election results. (Provided the special elections aren't too far away from said election)

This has been commented on by a few folks like Cook and Silver, but there hasn't been a lot of concrete explanation. I usually pour over the Morning Consult crosstabs (because I'm a dork), but today was the first time I looked at the rural/suburban/urban subs.

It looks like Suburban Voters are currently +12 for the Democrats (https://morningconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/180444_crosstabs_POLITICO_v1_DK-2-1.pdf)(Silver handicaps MC as 3 points to the right, so that's up to a 15 point advantage...though that's not exactly how handicapping works for subs). That would explain what we're seeing. The Special Elections have largely been in regions with large suburban areas (plus, typically, large rural areas). Between Trump's approval rating softening a bit with rural voters (though still very strong), the increased energy on the left, and the dramatic shift for Suburban voters- that 17 point shift left starts to make sense.

I know this isn't the most mindblowing revelation, but it does help when trying to figure out which way the winds are actually blowing for the midterms.

05-02-2018, 11:04 AM
I'm a dork

I award you One. Self. Awareness. and 1 Captain Harris.

Congratulations sweetheart, you finally did it!



05-02-2018, 02:16 PM
Okay, so there's been this stark difference between the Generic Ballot and the results we've been seeing in Special Elections. The Generic Ballot has been hovering around 6-8 points for the Dems, but we're seeing an average of a 17 point shift left (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/arizona-8-special-election-result/)in the Special Elections. The weird thing is that the generic ballot and Special Election data with a large n are both generally good predictors of election results. (Provided the special elections aren't too far away from said election)

This has been commented on by a few folks like Cook and Silver, but there hasn't been a lot of concrete explanation. I usually pour over the Morning Consult crosstabs (because I'm a dork), but today was the first time I looked at the rural/suburban/urban subs.

It looks like Suburban Voters are currently +12 for the Democrats (https://morningconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/180444_crosstabs_POLITICO_v1_DK-2-1.pdf)(Silver handicaps MC as 3 points to the right, so that's up to a 15 point advantage...though that's not exactly how handicapping works for subs). That would explain what we're seeing. The Special Elections have largely been in regions with large suburban areas (plus, typically, large rural areas). Between Trump's approval rating softening a bit with rural voters (though still very strong), the increased energy on the left, and the dramatic shift for Suburban voters- that 17 point shift left starts to make sense.

I know this isn't the most mindblowing revelation, but it does help when trying to figure out which way the winds are actually blowing for the midterms.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue to get all your polling data from 538... because Silver was spot fucking on last election night... around 3am when he finally said Trump had a 51% chance of winning.

05-02-2018, 03:56 PM
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue to get all your polling data from 538... because Silver was spot fucking on last election night... around 3am when he finally said Trump had a 51% chance of winning.

All she does is vomits “sources” and thinks she is super smart for doing so.

05-02-2018, 04:34 PM
All she does is vomits “sources” and thinks she is super smart for doing so.

She probably legitimately believes that the more she posts here on the PC about how much she hates Trump and makes a new post/thread every time Trump farts, the more likely Trump is to go down in flames, as if she matters and is making a difference.

Just do this:


I can't imagine what it's like spending all day every day obsessing over Trump. Must be pretty fucking miserable.

05-02-2018, 06:57 PM
Trump reaches 53% approval rating in new Gallup polling (NOT Rasmussen). Just giving credit where credit is due; I’m beginning to suspect this blue wave might not be as big as people expect.


There is nothing to suggest that the midterms will be anything but a triumph for trumpism. The democrats, centrists and never trumpers are all waiting for Mueller to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like the Lone Ranger and save the day. Meanwhile they just react to trumps bullshit, try to fact check his lies and basically treat the threat like normal politics. All our eggs are in the Mueller basket and that only works if he brings in scathing findings AND congress musters up any will to do a thing.

All the AR15s in the world won't be enough to keep the dictator from taking over.

05-02-2018, 07:07 PM
There is nothing to suggest that the midterms will be anything but a triumph for trumpism. The democrats, centrists and never trumpers are all waiting for Mueller to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like the Lone Ranger and save the day. Meanwhile they just react to trumps bullshit, try to fact check his lies and basically treat the threat like normal politics. All our eggs are in the Mueller basket and that only works if he brings in scathing findings AND congress musters up any will to do a thing.

All the AR15s in the world won't be enough to keep the dictator from taking over.

You're pretty damned retarded, seriously. Not kidding.

05-02-2018, 07:11 PM
There is nothing to suggest that the midterms will be anything but a triumph for trumpism. The democrats, centrists and never trumpers are all waiting for Mueller to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like the Lone Ranger and save the day. Meanwhile they just react to trumps bullshit, try to fact check his lies and basically treat the threat like normal politics. All our eggs are in the Mueller basket and that only works if he brings in scathing findings AND congress musters up any will to do a thing.

All the AR15s in the world won't be enough to keep the dictator from taking over.

Describe how, exactly, Trump is a dictator.

05-02-2018, 07:13 PM
There is nothing to suggest that the midterms will be anything but a triumph for trumpism. The democrats, centrists and never trumpers are all waiting for Mueller to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like the Lone Ranger and save the day. Meanwhile they just react to trumps bullshit, try to fact check his lies and basically treat the threat like normal politics. All our eggs are in the Mueller basket and that only works if he brings in scathing findings AND congress musters up any will to do a thing.

All the AR15s in the world won't be enough to keep the dictator from taking over.


Thank you for proving how utterly emotional butthurt you really are.

05-02-2018, 07:16 PM

05-02-2018, 07:22 PM
Describe how, exactly, Trump is a dictator.


Thank you for proving how utterly emotional butthurt you really are.

These things take a little bit of time Gelly. Don't you know your history? We are in the early stages of a malignancy. It's possible to cut it out before it spreads and grows but each day that passes with no treatment the disease gets stonger and the body politic gets weaker.

I am distraught Fortybox by the trump presidency, the capitulation of the GOP and the possible end to our nation as a republic. So ya, that shit depresses me.

05-02-2018, 07:27 PM
These things take a little bit of time Gelly. Don't you know your history? We are in the early stages of a malignancy. It's possible to cut it out before it spreads and grows but each day that passes with no treatment the disease gets stonger and the body politic gets weaker.

I am distraught Fortybox by the trump presidency, the capitulation of the GOP and the possible end to our nation as a republic. So ya, that shit depresses me.

No, tell me. Exactly how is he a dictator? Don't say "One day he will be!" Tell me how he is one. You called him one, tell me how he is going to take over.

05-02-2018, 07:37 PM
No, tell me. Exactly how is he a dictator? Don't say "One day he will be!" Tell me how he is one. You called him one, tell me how he is going to take over.

He's taking over right now. It's happening before your very eyes. We are all frogs in a pot and the heat is slowly being turned up. He went from crazy outsider to the leader of that party to president checked by congress and "adults in the room". Here's an example:

"What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president," he said.
The comment went viral almost instantly. Why? Because Graham was at one time among those who labeled Trump a "kook" not fit for office.
"I think he's a kook," Graham said in February 2016. "I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office."

He's pressing a relentless grinding attack on the foundations of our nation and he's winning.

05-02-2018, 07:40 PM
These things take a little bit of time Gelly. Don't you know your history? We are in the early stages of a malignancy. It's possible to cut it out before it spreads and grows but each day that passes with no treatment the disease gets stonger and the body politic gets weaker.

I am distraught Fortybox by the trump presidency, the capitulation of the GOP and the possible end to our nation as a republic. So ya, that shit depresses me.

Stop being a drama queen.

05-02-2018, 07:41 PM
He's taking over right now. It's happening before your very eyes. We are all frogs in a pot and the heat is slowly being turned up. He went from crazy outsider to the leader of that party to president checked by congress and "adults in the room". Here's an example:

"What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president," he said.
The comment went viral almost instantly. Why? Because Graham was at one time among those who labeled Trump a "kook" not fit for office.
"I think he's a kook," Graham said in February 2016. "I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office."

He's pressing a relentless grinding attack on the foundations of our nation and he's winning.

So, because someone is calling him a kook, he is on the path to taking full control over every faucet of the Government for the rest of his life?

05-02-2018, 07:43 PM
So, because someone is calling him a kook, he is on the path to taking full control over every faucet of the Government for the rest of his life?

No gelly, no of course not. You know this because I wrote "Here's an example". Why do you do that? It's like your practicing for the special ed debate team.

05-02-2018, 07:45 PM
No gelly, no of course not. You know this because I wrote "Here's an example". Why do you do that? It's like your practicing for the special ed debate team.

If I was practicing for a special ed debate, you'd make the perfect person to practice against.

Give a logical example.

05-02-2018, 07:49 PM
So, because someone is calling him a kook, he is on the path to taking full control over every faucet of the Government for the rest of his life?

No silly. He is a dictator for exercising his right to free speech. He is taking over by being elected President.

Why can't you see this??

05-02-2018, 07:49 PM
He's taking over right now. It's happening before your very eyes. We are all frogs in a pot and the heat is slowly being turned up. He went from crazy outsider to the leader of that party to president checked by congress and "adults in the room". Here's an example:

"What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president," he said.
The comment went viral almost instantly. Why? Because Graham was at one time among those who labeled Trump a "kook" not fit for office.
"I think he's a kook," Graham said in February 2016. "I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office."

He's pressing a relentless grinding attack on the foundations of our nation and he's winning.

Nothing answer. He is a bad president that has little self control and the filter from his brain to his mouth seems to be broken. He has ideas you don't like, that doesn't make him a dictator. I don't think you actually think he is or will be one. I think you want him to try to become one though. The Democrats will swoop in and save the day like something out of a fairy tale. Hes not a dictator and he won't serve past 2 terms if that. He'll run the country for a few more years at least and that'll be it.


05-02-2018, 07:54 PM
No, tell me. Exactly how is he a dictator? Don't say "One day he will be!" Tell me how he is one. You called him one, tell me how he is going to take over.

He's not a dictator- he doesn't have the legal authority to be a dictator. But he is an authoritarian at heart.

He has attacked the free press- borrowing a dictator's language and calling them "the enemy of the people". He has regularly labeled any negative press as "fake news", his DoJ has removed references to the responsibility to uphold the freedom of the press from their guidelines, and during his rallies he would rile his supporters up and encourage them to harass the press in attendance.

He has attacked the rule of law. He has fired several people who were overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he tried to fire the Special Counsel who is now overseeing that investigation- twice. He has also attacked the AG repeatedly for recusing himself from an investigation that DoJ guidelines clearly stated he couldn't be in charge of, and he has attacked the Deputy AG- the one person who is able to protect the Special Counsel. He has fired and defamed every major DoJ witness to the Comey firing. He has decided that it's inappropriate for him to be investigated simply because he doesn't want to be, and he has done everything in his power to keep it that way.

He has attacked his own Department of Justice because they are investigating him- spreading conspiracy theories that the FBI and DoJ are out to get him for political reasons. He has also tried to inspire witch hunts against Democrats in the DoJ- which is a classic authoritarian move: removing anyone from government who isn't a member of your own party (which is illegal, by the way). He has directed the DoJ to go after his political opponents- which is something that only happens in authoritarian regimes. He actually interviewed his US Attorney nominees for the two districts with jurisdiction over his campaign and businesses- something that is not done.

He has also called for the jailing of private US citizens- something that is not in the purview of the Executive. It can't be overstated how disturbing that is.

And all the while he has repeatedly praised dictators while defaming democratic leaders of allied nations.

We're adults here, so we don't need to sit around and pretend these things aren't happening. And you're welcome to agree with the behaviors, but this is right out of the authoritarian playbook. And I don't care how you feel about Donald Trump personally- stop and think about how you would feel about it if the next person to do all of this were a Democrat. Would it still feel appropriate and defensible?

05-02-2018, 07:58 PM
I couldn't care less if he is authoritarian. As long as he stays within the context of his Presidential power, it doesn't really matter what leadership style he invokes.

05-02-2018, 08:02 PM
He's not a dictator- he doesn't have the legal authority to be a dictator. But he is an authoritarian at heart.

He has attacked the free press- borrowing a dictator's language and calling them "the enemy of the people". He has regularly labeled any negative press as "fake news", his DoJ has removed references to the responsibility to uphold the freedom of the press from their guidelines, and during his rallies he would rile his supporters up and encourage them to harass the press in attendance.

He has attacked the rule of law. He has fired several people who were overseeing investigations into him and his campaign, and he tried to fire the Special Counsel who is now overseeing that investigation- twice. He has also attacked the AG repeatedly for recusing himself from an investigation that DoJ guidelines clearly stated he couldn't be in charge of, and he has attacked the Deputy AG- the one person who is able to protect the Special Counsel. He has fired and defamed every major DoJ witness to the Comey firing. He has decided that it's inappropriate for him to be investigated simply because he doesn't want to be, and he has done everything in his power to keep it that way.

He has attacked his own Department of Justice because they are investigating him- spreading conspiracy theories that the FBI and DoJ are out to get him for political reasons. He has also tried to inspire witch hunts against Democrats in the DoJ- which is a classic authoritarian move: removing anyone from government who isn't a member of your own party (which is illegal, by the way). He has directed the DoJ to go after his political opponents- which is something that only happens in authoritarian regimes. He actually interviewed his US Attorney nominees for the two districts with jurisdiction over his campaign and businesses- something that is not done.

He has also called for the jailing of private US citizens- something that is not in the purview of the Executive. It can't be overstated how disturbing that is.

And all the while he has repeatedly praised dictators while defaming democratic leaders of allied nations.

We're adults here, so we don't need to sit around and pretend these things aren't happening. And you're welcome to agree with the behaviors, but this is right out of the authoritarian playbook. And I don't care how you feel about Donald Trump personally- stop and think about how you would feel about it if the next person to do all of this were a Democrat. Would it still feel appropriate and defensible?

So basically you think he is a big meanie head and he should be removed because you don't agree with what he says.

I think Obama is a complete and utter moron but I didn't spend 8 years moaning, complaining and thinking he was such a big meanie head that he should be impeached. I exercised my vote and my side won. You just want to throw a big temper tantrum because you didn't get your way.

Perhaps your time would be better spent convincing people to vote democrat this upcoming midterm cycle than to rant and rave on a forum where you have little impact.

05-02-2018, 08:02 PM
No silly. He is a dictator for exercising his right to free speech. He is taking over by being elected President.

Why can't you see this??

Nothing answer. He is a bad president that has little self control and the filter from his brain to his mouth seems to be broken. He has ideas you don't like, that doesn't make him a dictator. I don't think you actually think he is or will be one. I think you want him to try to become one though. The Democrats will swoop in and save the day like something out of a fairy tale. Hes not a dictator and he won't serve past 2 terms if that. He'll run the country for a few more years at least and that'll be it.

There is substance to what you say. Maybe he'll just do his 1 or 2 terms and walk away. I won't bet on that and I won't bet on the checks and balances or institutions to do their jobs.

Many of our political discussions involve some slippery slope theory and this is exactly what's going on now. Look at how far he's come since 2015: Weirdo outsider kook not to be taken seriously to an actual contender to the primary winner to the Presidency but protected from his worst impulses by "adults" to today where he's vanquished the adults and running things his way: which is to say on a whim.

There is nothing to suggest that he will voluntarily restrain himself in his reach for power

05-02-2018, 08:04 PM
There is substance to what you say. Maybe he'll just do his 1 or 2 terms and walk away. I won't bet on that and I won't bet on the checks and balances or institutions to do their jobs.

Many of our political discussions involve some slippery slope theory and this is exactly what's going on now. Look at how far he's come since 2015: Weirdo outsider kook not to be taken seriously to an actual contender to the primary winner to the Presidency but protected from his worst impulses by "adults" to today where he's vanquished the adults and running things his way: which is to say on a whim.

There is nothing to suggest that he will voluntarily restrain himself in his reach for power

He doesn't have to voluntarily restrain himself. We have 2 other branches of Government that restrain him. When his time is up, it is up.

But yeah, these 240 year old institutions are just going to crumble because of Donald Trump. They weathered DC being burned down, a Civil War, a great depression, two world wars... But Donald Trump is what will end it.

05-02-2018, 08:05 PM
There is substance to what you say. Maybe he'll just do his 1 or 2 terms and walk away. I won't bet on that and I won't bet on the checks and balances or institutions to do their jobs.

Many of our political discussions involve some slippery slope theory and this is exactly what's going on now. Look at how far he's come since 2015: Weirdo outsider kook not to be taken seriously to an actual contender to the primary winner to the Presidency but protected from his worst impulses by "adults" to today where he's vanquished the adults and running things his way: which is to say on a whim.

There is nothing to suggest that he will voluntarily restrain himself in his reach for power

So even you don't trust the government but you want a bunch more government programs?


05-02-2018, 08:07 PM
There is substance to what you say. Maybe he'll just do his 1 or 2 terms and walk away. I won't bet on that and I won't bet on the checks and balances or institutions to do their jobs.

Many of our political discussions involve some slippery slope theory and this is exactly what's going on now. Look at how far he's come since 2015: Weirdo outsider kook not to be taken seriously to an actual contender to the primary winner to the Presidency but protected from his worst impulses by "adults" to today where he's vanquished the adults and running things his way: which is to say on a whim.

There is nothing to suggest that he will voluntarily restrain himself in his reach for power

Stop being a moron. You're acting like someone from the right who thought Obama was the anti-Christ.

05-02-2018, 08:07 PM
You just want to throw a big temper tantrum because you didn't get your way.

I'm pleased with the election outcome and I'm still glad there is a special counsel looking into what happened.

05-02-2018, 08:10 PM
He doesn't have to voluntarily restrain himself. We have 2 other branches of Government that restrain him. When his time is up, it is up.

You're basically arguing that it's totally okay for the Executive Branch to be corrupt because we have two other branches of government that might not be.

But that's not okay. Yes there's a checks and balance system- though the Legislature is failing on that front- but that doesn't mean we should be running around with a corrupt branch of government.

The repeated attacks on the DoJ and the repeated attempts to fire the Special Prosecutor are perversions of justice. Calling for the jailing of private citizens and ordering the DoJ to go after political opponents are also perversions of the role of the Executive.

Making it acceptable for Presidents to determine whether or not they should be investigated is deeply problematic. Cheering a President on as they dangle Pardons in order to keep his friends and colleagues immune from legal consequences for their actions is deeply problematic.

Even if you think Trump is completely innocent of all wrongdoing, there has to be some part of you that recognizes how dangerous it is for our country to set these kinds of precedents.

05-02-2018, 08:12 PM
He doesn't have to voluntarily restrain himself. We have 2 other branches of Government that restrain him. When his time is up, it is up.

But yeah, these 240 year old institutions are just going to crumble because of Donald Trump. They weathered DC being burned down, a Civil War, a great depression, two world wars... But Donald Trump is what will end it.

Wait.. you think Congress actually restrains him? :lol2:

05-02-2018, 08:13 PM
I'm pleased with the election outcome and I'm still glad there is a special counsel looking into what happened.

It's Game of Thrones. May the most cunning team win.

05-02-2018, 08:13 PM
You're basically arguing that it's totally okay for the Executive Branch to be corrupt because we have two other branches of government that might not be.

But that's not okay. Yes there's a checks and balance system- though the Legislature is failing on that front- but that doesn't mean we should be running around with a corrupt branch of government.

The repeated attacks on the DoJ and the repeated attempts to fire the Special Prosecutor are perversions of justice. Calling for the jailing of private citizens and ordering the DoJ to go after political opponents are also perversions of the role of the Executive.

Making it acceptable for Presidents to determine whether or not they should be investigated is deeply problematic. Cheering a President on as they dangle Pardons in order to keep his friends and colleagues immune from legal consequences for their actions is deeply problematic.

Even if you think Trump is completely innocent of all wrongdoing, there has to be some part of you that recognizes how dangerous it is for our country to set these kinds of precedents.

Are there processes in place to combat that?

05-02-2018, 08:13 PM
You're basically arguing that it's totally okay for the Executive Branch to be corrupt because we have two other branches of government that might not be.

But that's not okay. Yes there's a checks and balance system- though the Legislature is failing on that front- but that doesn't mean we should be running around with a corrupt branch of government.

The repeated attacks on the DoJ and the repeated attempts to fire the Special Prosecutor are perversions of justice. Calling for the jailing of private citizens and ordering the DoJ to go after political opponents are also perversions of the role of the Executive.

Making it acceptable for Presidents to determine whether or not they should be investigated is deeply problematic. Even if you think Trump is completely innocent of all wrongdoing, there has to be some part of you that recognizes how dangerous it is for our country to set these kinds of precedents.

No I'm not. That wasn't even a response to you, that was a response to cwolff's constant state of fear. Corruption is something that would fall under "being restrained" by one of the other branches.

Wait.. you think Congress actually restrains him? :lol2:

The Judicial branch has been doing a pretty good job at blocking his shit.

05-02-2018, 08:15 PM
Are there processes in place to combat that?

That's the equivalent of arguing that it's okay if people rob banks because we have police who can arrest them. Only in this case, the bank robber is the Police Officer's boss's boss's boss.

05-02-2018, 08:15 PM
So even you don't trust the government but you want a bunch more government programs?

Da fuq? Don't be daft.

He doesn't have to voluntarily restrain himself. We have 2 other branches of Government that restrain him. When his time is up, it is up.

But yeah, these 240 year old institutions are just going to crumble because of Donald Trump. They weathered DC being burned down, a Civil War, a great depression, two world wars... But Donald Trump is what will end it.

It may come to that. Perhaps we have to have a big ass war every once in a while to center people on what it means to be an American. Then a generation or two passes and we have to do the whole thing again.

05-02-2018, 08:16 PM
Da fuq? Don't be daft.

It may come to that. Perhaps we have to have a big ass war every once in a while to center people on what it means to be an American. Then a generation or two passes and we have to do the whole thing again.

Won't be under Trump. He is making the world a more peaceful place right now. Didn't you hear? He is the front runner for the Nobel Peace Prize according to one London betting agency. 2-1 odds, put your money in now.

05-02-2018, 08:19 PM
Won't be under Trump. He is making the world a more peaceful place right now. Didn't you hear? He is the front runner for the Nobel Peace Prize according to one London betting agency. 2-1 odds, put your money in now.

Yet he is going to actually do something about N. Korea.

05-02-2018, 08:24 PM
That's the equivalent of arguing that it's okay if people rob banks because we have police who can arrest them. Only in this case, the bank robber is the Police Officer's boss's boss's boss.

No, its not. It's a look at reality. Power corrupts even the best of people. I'm not saying that its ok to break the law, just that there are processes in place if someone does.

What I am saying is that its bad when someone robs a bank but I don't need to be freaked out and get an ulcer because there are processes that handle that in place.

05-02-2018, 08:25 PM
The Judicial branch has been doing a pretty good job at blocking his shit.


05-02-2018, 08:27 PM
Da fuq? Don't be daft.

Given your statement, how does that not make sense?

05-02-2018, 08:27 PM
What I am saying is that its bad when someone robs a bank but I don't need to be freaked out and get an ulcer because there are processes that handle that in place.

This. I don't like Trump and I don't care for his behavior one bit, but I'm not too worried. Congress may be abdicating their responsibility but the DOJ is doing a fine job and I have faith in the FBI.

05-02-2018, 08:28 PM
He's taking over right now. It's happening before your very eyes. We are all frogs in a pot and the heat is slowly being turned up. He went from crazy outsider to the leader of that party to president checked by congress and "adults in the room". Here's an example:

"What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president," he said.
The comment went viral almost instantly. Why? Because Graham was at one time among those who labeled Trump a "kook" not fit for office.
"I think he's a kook," Graham said in February 2016. "I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office."

He's pressing a relentless grinding attack on the foundations of our nation and he's winning.

I'm beginning to see similarities in the way you and necro post. This could easily have been a necro post. Confirmed: cloaff is MacGyver. Also, again, you're uber retarded.

Eta: @kranar pls ban

05-02-2018, 08:31 PM
I'm beginning to see similarities in the way you and necro post. This could easily have been a necro post. Confirmed: cloaff is MacGyver. Also, again, you're uber retarded.

I was going to say it seems more like time4dumb logic.

Confirmed: cwolff = time4fun

Reported for false confirmation.

05-02-2018, 08:33 PM
Given your statement, how does that not make sense?

It's such a childish remark. Simple and black and white.

I like our government. I appreciate how well it's taking care of things and at the same time I recognize that it's not perfection and it's only as good as the people we elect. I don't take for granted that it'll last.

05-02-2018, 08:35 PM
It's such a childish remark. Simple and black and white.

I like our government. I appreciate how well it's taking care of things and at the same time I recognize that it's not perfection and it's only as good as the people we elect. I don't take for granted that it'll last.

Hah, it won't last forever no, but Donald fucking Trump certainly won't be the guy to bring it down.

05-02-2018, 08:36 PM
That's the equivalent of arguing that it's okay if people rob banks because we have police who can arrest them. Only in this case, the bank robber is the Police Officer's boss's boss's boss.

Here in reality, it's really not like that at all. Thought you'd like to know. Not sure you've ever been here.

05-02-2018, 08:42 PM
Here in reality, it's really not like that at all. Thought you'd like to know. Not sure you've ever been here.



05-02-2018, 08:51 PM
It's such a childish remark. Simple and black and white.

I like our government. I appreciate how well it's taking care of things and at the same time I recognize that it's not perfection and it's only as good as the people we elect. I don't take for granted that it'll last.

You are literally making the argument for why we need the 2nd amendment as it is.

05-02-2018, 08:59 PM
This. I don't like Trump and I don't care for his behavior one bit, but I'm not too worried. Congress may be abdicating their responsibility but the DOJ is doing a fine job and I have faith in the FBI.

Normally I would agree with you, but in this instance he could fire Mueller and Rosenstein or get Sessions to quit and install someone else who could functionally shut this all down. And this isn't a situation where someone lied under oath about their side romps.

This is a situation where the President very well may have colluded with a foreign government to meddle in our elections, and that same person is currently inviting them to do it again by refusing to take any actions to protect our next election and refusing to hold the foreign government accountable. Meanwhile it has global consequences for us and our allies.

So the stakes here are pretty high. I would argue that this isn't your typical Presidential scandal.

05-02-2018, 09:07 PM
Normally I would agree with you, but in this instance he could fire Mueller and Rosenstein or get Sessions to quit and install someone else who could functionally shut this all down. And this isn't a situation where someone lied under oath about their side romps.

This is a situation where the President very well may have colluded with a foreign government to meddle in our elections, and that same person is currently inviting them to do it again by refusing to take any actions to protect our next election and refusing to hold the foreign government accountable. Meanwhile it has global consequences for us and our allies.

So the stakes here are pretty high. I would argue that this isn't your typical Presidential scandal.


05-02-2018, 09:20 PM
Normally I would agree with you, but in this instance he could fire Mueller and Rosenstein or get Sessions to quit and install someone else who could functionally shut this all down. And this isn't a situation where someone lied under oath about their side romps.

This is a situation where the President very well may have colluded with a foreign government to meddle in our elections, and that same person is currently inviting them to do it again by refusing to take any actions to protect our next election and refusing to hold the foreign government accountable. Meanwhile it has global consequences for us and our allies.

So the stakes here are pretty high. I would argue that this isn't your typical Presidential scandal.

The stakes are high but I have faith in the institution, the people that work for it, and the American people.

05-02-2018, 09:26 PM
There is nothing to suggest that the midterms will be anything but a triumph for trumpism. The democrats, centrists and never trumpers are all waiting for Mueller to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like the Lone Ranger and save the day. Meanwhile they just react to trumps bullshit, try to fact check his lies and basically treat the threat like normal politics. All our eggs are in the Mueller basket and that only works if he brings in scathing findings AND congress musters up any will to do a thing.

All the AR15s in the world won't be enough to keep the dictator from taking over.

He's taking over right now. It's happening before your very eyes. We are all frogs in a pot and the heat is slowly being turned up. He went from crazy outsider to the leader of that party to president checked by congress and "adults in the room". Here's an example:

"What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president," he said.
The comment went viral almost instantly. Why? Because Graham was at one time among those who labeled Trump a "kook" not fit for office.
"I think he's a kook," Graham said in February 2016. "I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office."

He's pressing a relentless grinding attack on the foundations of our nation and he's winning.

That's the equivalent of arguing that it's okay if people rob banks because we have police who can arrest them. Only in this case, the bank robber is the Police Officer's boss's boss's boss.

Are you two stupid fucks still having trouble understanding why no one takes you seriously and everyone thinks you’re retarded beyond fuckall?

Serious question, I’m legit not trolling when I ask this.

EDIT: And also why Trump’s numbers are going up. Because even normal people from your own party are realizing that extreme dipshits like you are becoming its platform.

05-02-2018, 09:33 PM
Although, you have to see what’s happening though.. if Mueller actually had any physical evidence of collusion he wouldn’t need direct access to Trump. This is a gambit to try and ensnare Trump in some lie that he can then use to build on. I really think Mueller has absolutely nothing but a bunch of circumstantial evidence and hearsay by a few corrupt underlings...

That is not how this works, they're always going to try and interview the subject.

05-02-2018, 09:33 PM
The stakes are high but I have faith in the institution, the people that work for it, and the American people.

I genuinely hope your optimism is well placed

05-02-2018, 09:45 PM
These things take a little bit of time Gelly. Don't you know your history? We are in the early stages of a malignancy. It's possible to cut it out before it spreads and grows but each day that passes with no treatment the disease gets stonger and the body politic gets weaker.

I am distraught Fortybox by the trump presidency, the capitulation of the GOP and the possible end to our nation as a republic. So ya, that shit depresses me.

You need to take a step away dude. If it's depressing you, you're putting to much energy into something that's giving you a negative return. My guess is that it's because you are trying to control something you have no real control over, instead use that energy to go out and make the changes to things you can control. It's really not that hard, especially if you focus on the things that make you happy. For example, I love playing baseball (or did when I was a kid) and I played up until my jr. year in high school. Later in life I started coaching baseball, it was some of the best couple years of my life. It was really easy to get involved as well, every year there was a shortage of coaches. Trust me, the voting booths will be there in November.

05-02-2018, 09:58 PM
Conspiracy charges and obstruction charges are both crimes of intent. The interviews are important.

05-02-2018, 10:00 PM
Then why bait him like this? Just subpoena his ass. That would really trigger him to do something drastic like fire Rosenstein and get the ball rolling on a constitutional confrontation. The only reason he won’t is because he (Mueller) knows he’s out of ammo, it’s just he’s really spinning it hard that he’s got a full clip.

They aren't going to drop a subpoena on the POTUS without attempting to get him to come in willingly first. With that being said they're fully capable of writing up the obstruction report without talking to him. Also, if you have some inside scoop that Mueller has nothing feel free to share them.

05-02-2018, 10:07 PM
Conspiracy charges and obstruction charges are both crimes of intent. The interviews are important.


05-02-2018, 10:22 PM
These things take a little bit of time Gelly. Don't you know your history? We are in the early stages of a malignancy. It's possible to cut it out before it spreads and grows but each day that passes with no treatment the disease gets stonger and the body politic gets weaker.

I am distraught Fortybox by the trump presidency, the capitulation of the GOP and the possible end to our nation as a republic. So ya, that shit depresses me.

Don't worry dude, only 7 more years and you won't have to be depressed anymore. Well you probably will be for the next 8 years after that too, but let's just take it one step at a time for now.


05-02-2018, 10:24 PM
They aren't going to drop a subpoena on the POTUS without attempting to get him to come in willingly first. With that being said they're fully capable of writing up the obstruction report without talking to him. Also, if you have some inside scoop that Mueller has nothing feel free to share them.

he can definitely write that report- and may ultimately not need an interview. But for political reasons, the final report is probably too vulnerable without that interview. Otherwise, I feel like this report would be out already as its the best chance Mueller has to inoculate him and Rosenstein from interference.

But who knows- all of this is so outside the bounds of normalcy that it's just guess work at this point.

05-03-2018, 07:51 AM
There is nothing to suggest that the midterms will be anything but a triumph for trumpism. The democrats, centrists and never trumpers are all waiting for Mueller to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like the Lone Ranger and save the day. Meanwhile they just react to trumps bullshit, try to fact check his lies and basically treat the threat like normal politics. All our eggs are in the Mueller basket and that only works if he brings in scathing findings AND congress musters up any will to do a thing.

All the AR15s in the world won't be enough to keep the dictator from taking over.


Jesus..... drama much Queen?

05-03-2018, 07:51 AM
These things take a little bit of time Gelly. Don't you know your history? We are in the early stages of a malignancy. It's possible to cut it out before it spreads and grows but each day that passes with no treatment the disease gets stonger and the body politic gets weaker.

I am distraught Fortybox by the trump presidency, the capitulation of the GOP and the possible end to our nation as a republic. So ya, that shit depresses me.


05-03-2018, 07:52 AM
He's taking over right now. It's happening before your very eyes. We are all frogs in a pot and the heat is slowly being turned up. He went from crazy outsider to the leader of that party to president checked by congress and "adults in the room". Here's an example:

"What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president," he said.
The comment went viral almost instantly. Why? Because Graham was at one time among those who labeled Trump a "kook" not fit for office.
"I think he's a kook," Graham said in February 2016. "I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office."

He's pressing a relentless grinding attack on the foundations of our nation and he's winning.


05-03-2018, 07:54 AM
So basically you think he is a big meanie head and he should be removed because you don't agree with what he says.

I think Obama is a complete and utter moron but I didn't spend 8 years moaning, complaining and thinking he was such a big meanie head that he should be impeached. I exercised my vote and my side won. You just want to throw a big temper tantrum because you didn't get your way.

Perhaps your time would be better spent convincing people to vote democrat this upcoming midterm cycle than to rant and rave on a forum where you have little impact.

This could not be more true.

05-03-2018, 08:00 AM
this is my 5th post in a row because I must be upset.

Not time4fun/cwolff level of epic, dramatic upsetness... but I broke the 3 posts in a row rule and now it's clear I'm upset.

05-03-2018, 08:37 AM
How’s that core farming coming, meatball boy? You find any?


Nope, but still getting rich as fuck trying, even though I've been grinding the Confluence since before those cores were a thing and would still be hunting the place anyway.

It's so terrible, all these hundreds of million silvers I'm rolling around in while you're on here begging for someone to give you 5m because you suck at GS even with your shitty bought character.

Which reminds me, remember how last year you were talking about people who play GS being losers, just before buying your character and still sucking at the game?



PS: In b4 rekt

05-09-2018, 12:39 PM
Republican Rep Pittenger (NC) just became the first incumbent of either party to lose their primary this year and get forced out of Congress.

05-09-2018, 01:27 PM
Republican Rep Pittenger (NC) just became the first incumbent of either party to lose their primary this year and get forced out of Congress.

I don't know who that is, but pwnt

05-09-2018, 04:02 PM
I don't know who that is, but pwnt

Yeah, fuck North Carolina.

05-09-2018, 05:44 PM
Yeah, fuck North Carolina.


05-09-2018, 06:14 PM


05-09-2018, 07:19 PM

You're wrong, North and South Carlolina are the 51st and 52nd states.

05-09-2018, 08:03 PM


05-09-2018, 08:04 PM

They're both northern states anyways.

08-07-2018, 07:47 PM
Ohio's special elections results are rolling in.

08-07-2018, 08:10 PM
I had a spot all set for your very first accomplishment ever on my fridge too.

How high on the fridge? We talkin'... Freezer level?

08-07-2018, 11:18 PM

08-07-2018, 11:20 PM
A 0.9% win in a HEAVY R district and Trump is calling this a great victory.. :lol2:

08-07-2018, 11:27 PM
A 0.9% win in a HEAVY R district and Trump is calling this a great victory.. :lol2:

He's lying again too.
When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36.

Early votes aren't reported. They only report the party affiliation of the voters, not the vote tally. Trumps averaging

08-07-2018, 11:40 PM
A 0.9% win in a HEAVY R district and Trump is calling this a great victory.. :lol2:

Oh man! Wouldn't it suck if all current Republican seats were won by Republicans by JUST 0.9%? Oh shit. Imagine how humiliated Republicans would be if that happened!

He's lying again too.

Early votes aren't reported. They only report the party affiliation of the voters, not the vote tally. Trumps averaging


Polls have closed in Ohio in the special election for the 12th Congressional District. The Franklin County Board of Elections shows Democratic nominee Danny O’Connor with 80 percent of the early vote and Republican nominee Troy Balderson with 19 percent.

Are you saying the media is lying? Are you saying the media is the enemy of the American people? Shame! Shame! Shame!

08-07-2018, 11:46 PM
Oh man! Wouldn't it suck if all current Republican seats were won by Republicans by JUST 0.9%? Oh shit. Imagine how humiliated Republicans would be if that happened!

I'd die inside. Literally just fucking die. LOL

The rest of your post is not what I was saying. Trump claims that BEFORE he went to Ohio the Dem was winning but they don't report those votes before polls close on election day. See what I'm saying? Trump just lied about that. Made it right the fuck up. This is what trump said: When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36. That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better.

08-07-2018, 11:48 PM
See what I'm saying?

No. You said Trump lied about early voting because they don't report on early voting results, just the party affiliation of each voter. Which you may very well be right about, I don't know. My point is that this seems to be how people talk about early voting in Ohio because even the Washington Post (which should just rename themselves the "We Hate Trump Post") said O’Connor had 80% of the early vote. They didn't say 80% of the early votes were cast by Democrats.

08-07-2018, 11:53 PM
No. You said Trump lied about early voting because they don't report on early voting results, just the party affiliation of each voter. Which you may very well be right about, I don't know. My point is that this seems to be how people talk about early voting in Ohio because even the Washington Post (which should just rename themselves the "We Hate Trump Post") said O’Connor had 80% of the early vote. They didn't say 80% of the early votes were cast by Democrats.

And how did "after my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better" happen? The early votes got changed? People voted on Sunday? He's making shit up Tg. But that's what he does. Just makes shit up

EDIT: They could have voted on Sunday and Monday though their votes still were not reported.

08-08-2018, 01:58 AM
Democrats will get 1 of the house or the senate. If they get both... get your popcorn ready

08-08-2018, 02:00 AM
Democrats will get 1 of the house or the senate. If they get both... get your popcorn ready

Not much will change. The only change I see happening is Democrats will continue to obstruct Trump at every turn, the media and Democrats will cheer on said obstruction, and when Republicans remind them of how much they whined about Republican "obstruction" under Obama they will revert back to calling everyone a racist because they don't know how to react to facts anymore.

08-08-2018, 03:29 AM
Dems will have subpoena power and will be the head of all the committees. Thats what the country needs right now.

08-08-2018, 06:09 AM
Dems will have subpoena power and will be the head of all the committees. Thats what the country needs right now.

You're such a retard. Most retarded person here according to the rep system. Good job.

08-08-2018, 06:11 AM

No one cares.

eta: subpoena subpoena

08-08-2018, 07:51 AM
And how did "after my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better" happen? The early votes got changed? People voted on Sunday? He's making shit up Tg. But that's what he does. Just makes shit up

EDIT: They could have voted on Sunday and Monday though their votes still were not reported.

Yet his base is still stupid enough to actually believe him.

08-08-2018, 08:02 AM
Yet his base is still stupid enough to actually believe him.

Meh, you believed Bernie was actually running for president because he was promising free stuff. You're the definition of useful idiot.

08-08-2018, 08:20 AM
Look at this stupid Bernie bro :lol:

08-08-2018, 09:13 AM
Look at me the stupid bipolar Bernie bro :lol:


08-08-2018, 09:54 AM
Meh, you believed Bernie was actually running for president because he was promising free stuff. You're the definition of useful idiot.

Coming from someone who is rarely correct in anything he says, that's rich.

Coming from a white nationalist fool, that's even richer.

08-08-2018, 10:44 AM
Michigan is on track to elect the first Muslim woman to Congress.

These little points of light at a really dark and shameful time in our country are heartening.

08-08-2018, 11:20 AM


Russians did it. :lol:

08-08-2018, 12:01 PM


Russians did it. :lol:

Also, James Woods being James Woods:


08-08-2018, 12:56 PM
Dems will have subpoena power and will be the head of all the committees. Thats what the country needs right now.

So just more obstruction like I said?

08-08-2018, 12:58 PM
Cause only republicans are allowed to obstruct.

08-08-2018, 12:59 PM
Cause only republicans are allowed to obstruct.

Not much will change. The only change I see happening is Democrats will continue to obstruct Trump at every turn, the media and Democrats will cheer on said obstruction, and when Republicans remind them of how much they whined about Republican "obstruction" under Obama they will revert back to calling everyone a racist because they don't know how to react to facts anymore.

It's like I'm a psychic.

08-08-2018, 02:49 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38751313_10161369527215725_7764007755299422208_n.j pg?_nc_cat=1&oh=eed474645e564d25813bad6977a82d27&oe=5C0A00F9


08-08-2018, 02:52 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38751313_10161369527215725_7764007755299422208_n.j pg?_nc_cat=1&oh=eed474645e564d25813bad6977a82d27&oe=5C0A00F9


Why is Trump pointing at the only black man on the list? What a racist.

08-08-2018, 03:09 PM
Why is Trump pointing at the only black man on the list? What a racist.

He's saying "You may be surrounded by crackers but I got your back brother (Teresa)!"

08-08-2018, 03:42 PM
A 0.9% win in a HEAVY R district and Trump is calling this a great victory.. :lol2:

You've turned into one of those retards using the same logic as "But Hillary won by 3 million votes!"

Your transformation is now complete.

Now, to subpoena those IPs!!

08-08-2018, 03:44 PM
Coming from someone who is rarely correct in anything he says, that's rich.

PLEASE, read this book:


Not for me, because I find your lack of self awareness entertaining.. but for all the people forced to be around you.

08-08-2018, 04:10 PM
You've turned into one of those retards using the same logic as "But Hillary won by 3 million votes!"

Your transformation is now complete.

Now, to subpoena those IPs!!

He's moved on from that. His new plan is to dox me to Antifa. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?116627-Manafort&p=2044257#post2044257)

08-08-2018, 04:16 PM
He's moved on from that. His new plan is to dox me to Antifa. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?116627-Manafort&p=2044257#post2044257)

It's gonna work out GREAT for them.

08-08-2018, 04:22 PM
It's gonna work out GREAT for them.

There are probably more legally owned guns just on my street than there are in most entire towns in California.

08-08-2018, 04:27 PM
There are probably more legally owned guns just on my street than there are in most entire towns in California.

Wouldn't doubt it, California is a Liberal shit-hole that's always catching fire, in the midst of failing to keep water around despite being next to the goddamn ocean or banning straws.

08-08-2018, 05:23 PM
He's moved on from that. His new plan is to dox me to Antifa. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?116627-Manafort&p=2044257#post2044257)

You better hide or else!


08-08-2018, 05:24 PM
Coming from someone who is rarely correct in anything he says, that's rich.

Coming from a white nationalist fool, that's even richer.

There's still only 2 genders.

08-08-2018, 05:24 PM
You better hide or else!



08-09-2018, 08:40 AM
Also, James Woods being James Woods:


This is a gross misrepresentation of both what voter ID laws do (hint- it's not simply making IDs required) and what the threats to our election integrity are.

I will say that it is VERY telling that Republicans have been railing about the need to secure our elections to get these laws passed but then did NOTHING about our elections being attacked by Russia.

The priority was never to protect our election integrity. It was- and is- "turnout control". i.e. An attack on our democracy from within.

And it's sick.

08-09-2018, 02:15 PM
This is a gross misrepresentation of both what voter ID laws do (hint- it's not simply making IDs required) and what the threats to our election integrity are.

I will say that it is VERY telling that Republicans have been railing about the need to secure our elections to get these laws passed but then did NOTHING about our elections being attacked by Russia.

The priority was never to protect our election integrity. It was- and is- "turnout control". i.e. An attack on our democracy from within.

And it's sick.

If Russians are responsible for the green party receiving votes then isn't a voter ID law a good way to combat that? What exactly are you suggesting? That we screen voters before they cast a vote to make sure they haven't been "influenced" by the Russians?

08-09-2018, 02:49 PM
If Russians are responsible for the green party receiving votes then isn't a voter ID law a good way to combat that? What exactly are you suggesting? That we screen voters before they cast a vote to make sure they haven't been "influenced" by the Russians?

No, voter ID laws don't combat that. She's suggesting that the president lead a robust defense against the attacks on our country which occurred in 2016. It's the most basic duty of his job.

08-09-2018, 02:53 PM
If Russians are responsible for the green party receiving votes then isn't a voter ID law a good way to combat that? What exactly are you suggesting? That we screen voters before they cast a vote to make sure they haven't been "influenced" by the Russians?

I'm more curious why she's taking the word of Alyssa Milano as gospel. Not that it's a surprise, but still.

08-09-2018, 02:58 PM
No, voter ID laws don't combat that. She's suggesting that the president lead a robust defense against the attacks on our country which occurred in 2016. It's the most basic duty of his job.

Just for the sake of argument let's say the loony tunes chick is correct and those votes for the green party were due to Russian "meddling." What is your suggestion on stopping this?

08-09-2018, 03:10 PM
Just for the sake of argument let's say the loony tunes chick is correct and those votes for the green party were due to Russian "meddling." What is your suggestion on stopping this?

Lead from the front and don't collude with Russia. Hell, not colluding would have been good enough probably. Then he isn't compromised by conflicting loyalties. He could be the Commander-in-Chief without fear of getting busted.

08-09-2018, 03:17 PM
Lead from the front and don't collude with Russia. Hell, not colluding would have been good enough probably. Then he isn't compromised by conflicting loyalties. He could be the Commander-in-Chief without fear of getting busted.


So in order to ensure Democrats aren't swayed by Russian influence on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc, to vote green party instead of the Democrat like they are supposed to, Trump should "stop colluding" with Russia? Did I get this right?

08-09-2018, 03:21 PM

So in order to ensure Democrats aren't swayed by Russian influence on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc, to vote green party instead of the Democrat like they are supposed to, Trump should "stop colluding" with Russia? Did I get this right?

No. What you're doing right now is attempting to frame my words in such a way that you can deflect from the argument at hand and attack minutiae which you've largely made up. I'm not going there with you.

08-09-2018, 03:25 PM
No. What you're doing right now is attempting to frame my words in such a way that you can deflect from the argument at hand and attack minutiae which you've largely made up. I'm not going there with you.

I said let's go ahead and say Alyssa Milano is right and that the green party votes would have went to the Democrat if it wasn't for that darn Russian meddling. I then asked what your solution is to make sure those pesky Russians don't meddle and ensure those Democrats remember to vote Democrat like good little boys and girls from now on, and your answer was Trump should stop colluding with Russia. This is exactly how the last few posts played out, why do you think I'm framing your words to deflect away from the argument?

08-09-2018, 03:46 PM
This is a gross misrepresentation of both what voter ID laws do (hint- it's not simply making IDs required) and what the threats to our election integrity are.

I will say that it is VERY telling that Republicans have been railing about the need to secure our elections to get these laws passed but then did NOTHING about our elections being attacked by Russia.

The priority was never to protect our election integrity. It was- and is- "turnout control". i.e. An attack on our democracy from within.

And it's sick.

If Russians are responsible for the green party receiving votes then isn't a voter ID law a good way to combat that? What exactly are you suggesting? That we screen voters before they cast a vote to make sure they haven't been "influenced" by the Russians?

No, voter ID laws don't combat that. She's suggesting that the president lead a robust defense against the attacks on our country which occurred in 2016. It's the most basic duty of his job.

Just for the sake of argument let's say the loony tunes chick is correct and those votes for the green party were due to Russian "meddling." What is your suggestion on stopping this?

Lead from the front and don't collude with Russia. Hell, not colluding would have been good enough probably. Then he isn't compromised by conflicting loyalties. He could be the Commander-in-Chief without fear of getting busted.


So in order to ensure Democrats aren't swayed by Russian influence on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc, to vote green party instead of the Democrat like they are supposed to, Trump should "stop colluding" with Russia? Did I get this right?

No. What you're doing right now is attempting to frame my words in such a way that you can deflect from the argument at hand and attack minutiae which you've largely made up. I'm not going there with you.

I said let's go ahead and say Alyssa Milano is right and that the green party votes would have went to the Democrat if it wasn't for that darn Russian meddling. I then asked what your solution is to make sure those pesky Russians don't meddle and ensure those Democrats remember to vote Democrat like good little boys and girls from now on, and your answer was Trump should stop colluding with Russia. This is exactly how the last few posts played out, why do you think I'm framing your words to deflect away from the argument?

I'll repost the conversation for you and highlight the moment where you deflect.

08-09-2018, 03:52 PM
I'll repost the conversation for you and highlight the moment where you deflect.

How is that a deflection? That post was in direct response to your previous post where you talk about Russian meddling. Then to avoid this whole "Were the green party votes the result of Russian meddling or not" I go ahead and give Alyssa Milano the benefit of the doubt and say sure, the green party votes were due to Russian meddling. So how do we make sure those green party voters, which apparently came from Democrat voters according to Alyssa Milano, aren't influenced by Russian meddling and they vote Democrat?

It seems you're the one deflecting at the moment. Why?

08-09-2018, 03:59 PM
How is that a deflection? That post was in direct response to your previous post where you talk about Russian meddling. Then to avoid this whole "Were the green party votes the result of Russian meddling or not" I go ahead and give Alyssa Milano the benefit of the doubt and say sure, the green party votes were due to Russian meddling. So how do we make sure those green party voters, which apparently came from Democrat voters according to Alyssa Milano, aren't influenced by Russian meddling and they vote Democrat?

It seems you're the one deflecting at the moment. Why?

I answered your question. You don't have to like it, but I answered it and I'm not going down this rabbit hole with you today. Good Day Sir!


08-09-2018, 04:01 PM
I answered your question. You don't have to like it, but I answered it and I'm not going down this rabbit hole with you today. Good Day Sir!


Okay great. So your answer to the question of how we stop Russians from meddling and prevent them from convincing Democrats to vote green party instead of Democrat is for Trump to stop colluding with Russia.

Strange answer but okay.

08-09-2018, 04:33 PM
I'll repost the conversation for you and highlight the moment where you deflect.

TGO: Ok let's pretend it was Russians. What do we do to stop it?

soywolff: Well what you don't do is collude with Russians!

This is why we're always laughing at you.

If it was Russia's fault that the republican won the election, then why would they be giving votes to a green party candidate instead of the actual republican they supposedly colluded for?

08-09-2018, 04:42 PM
TGO: Ok let's pretend it was Russians. What do we do to stop it?

soywolff: Well what you don't do is collude with Russians!

This is why we're always laughing at you.

If it was Russia's fault that the republican won the election, then why would they be giving votes to a green party candidate instead of the actual republican they supposedly colluded for?

Brutal, but true.

08-09-2018, 05:16 PM
Brutal, but true.

Not brutal, not true. Tg was incapable of responding to my criticism of the point he attempted to make about voter ID stopping Russian interference. At that point he attempted to divert the conversation and frame the debate in a way that allows him to nitpick or score some imaginary points tangential to my argument. I gave him an answer, the best answer I was willing to give to respect his question but not get sucked into some b.s. argument. That's all there is to that.

Astray, I'm surprised at you. We spent many posts the other day where you accused me of all kinds of tricks but you seem incapable of recognizing flaws in the logic/arguments that the right wing PC posters make. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you've let me down.

08-09-2018, 05:26 PM
You are so detached from logic you never had the benefit of the doubt. You've always been an incredibly dense turd in the political folder.

08-09-2018, 05:28 PM
Not brutal, not true. Tg was incapable of responding to my criticism of the point he attempted to make about voter ID stopping Russian interference.

The whole conversation was about Alyssa Milano's tweet. James Woods, mostly joking, said her tweet advocated for voter ID. I, also mostly jokingly, agreed and asked if voter ID isn't going to prevent Russian meddling which resulted in Democrats voting for the Green Party candidate then what would? Your answer was Trump should stop colluding with Russia.

08-09-2018, 05:29 PM
You are so detached from logic you never had the benefit of the doubt. You've always been an incredibly dense turd in the political folder.

Ya ya ya. Great comeback genius. You should work in an Apple store.

08-09-2018, 05:30 PM
You are so detached from logic you never had the benefit of the doubt. You've always been an incredibly dense turd in the political folder.

This is correct.

08-09-2018, 05:31 PM
The whole conversation was about Alyssa Milano's tweet. James Woods, mostly joking, said her tweet advocated for voter ID. I, also mostly jokingly, agreed and asked if voter ID isn't going to prevent Russian meddling which resulted in Democrats voting for the Green Party candidate then what would? Your answer was Trump should stop colluding with Russia.

Stop colluding! Just stop! Uh... did I say with who yet? RUSSIA! STOP IT PRESIDENT TRUMP!

08-09-2018, 05:32 PM
The whole conversation was about Alyssa Milano's tweet. James Woods, mostly joking, said her tweet advocated for voter ID. I, also mostly jokingly, agreed and asked if voter ID isn't going to prevent Russian meddling which resulted in Democrats voting for the Green Party candidate then what would? Your answer was Trump should stop colluding with Russia.

Ahh, I see. Now it was all a joke. FFS, it's like you guys have a playbook you consult. Half the time you get stomped in an argument you say, "It was a joke".

I answered your question. You want to stop Russian interference? Get a president who doesn't deny it, call it a hoax, patronize putin and demonize Law Enforcement/Intel community for doing their jobs in service to the USA.

08-09-2018, 05:32 PM
Ya ya ya. Great comeback genius. You should work in an Apple store.

Damn. That zinger. How will I ever recover? What was your point? Oh right, something vapid and weak. Like your arguments.

08-09-2018, 05:35 PM
Ahh, I see. Now it was all a joke. FFS, it's like you guys have a playbook you consult. Half the time you get stomped in an argument you say, "It was a joke".

I answered your question. You want to stop Russian interference? Get a president who doesn't deny it, call it a hoax, patronize putin and demonize Law Enforcement/Intel community for doing their jobs in service to the USA.

You're retarded.

08-09-2018, 05:36 PM
Ahh, I see. Now it was all a joke.

Of course it was a joke. You really think James Woods thought Alyssa Milano wanted voter ID laws?