View Full Version : Trump's Boyscouts speech whines go here

07-25-2017, 03:38 AM
Figured I'd anticipate the massive butthurt and get a thread going about this.

Please post all of the reasons Trump is a national disgrace because of his speech before the Boyscouts here.

07-25-2017, 05:30 AM

07-25-2017, 09:52 AM
I guess Tgo watched to speech.

Cute offensive/defensive strategy for what you clearly understood to be a humiliating speech.

Your acknowledgement is enough.

07-25-2017, 09:55 AM
I guess Tgo watched to speech.

Actually I didn't. I just saw all of the butthurt going around online and figured it was just a matter of time before someone on the PC bitched about a speech to the Boyscouts. And who would have guessed time4fun of all people would be the one to bitch?

07-25-2017, 10:03 AM
I guess Tgo watched to speech.

Cute offensive/defensive strategy for what you clearly understood to be a humiliating speech.

Your acknowledgement is enough.

This is hate speech. You should be banned.

07-25-2017, 10:05 AM
Of course you didn't. Too risky for your perception of Trump.

Did you catch the part where The Boyscouts of America had to release a statement afterwards clarifying that they aren't a partisan organization and don't share Trump's views?

Like I said. Humiliating speech.

07-25-2017, 10:09 AM
Of course you didn't. Too risky for your perception of Trump.

Did you catch the part where The Boyscouts of America had to release a statement afterwards clarifying that they aren't a partisan organization and don't share Trump's views?

Like I said. Humiliating speech.

Absolutely humiliating. Former scouts couldn't message fast enough that this was not OK with them.

trump is self sabotaging right before our eyes. I think that's his comfort zone. We'll have to legislate mental health evaluations for POTUS candidates after this is all said and done.

07-25-2017, 10:10 AM
Did you catch the part where The Boyscouts of America had to release a statement afterwards clarifying that they aren't a partisan organization and don't share Trump's views?

That's the best you got, huh? An organization required not to engage in politics decided to cover their own ass by stating they aren't engaging in politics by not taking a stand on a politician's view points.

You got Trump right where you want him! Between this and Democrats picking up 300 seats in the House Trump will be impeached and in prison in no time!

07-25-2017, 10:10 AM
For 80 years, American presidents have been speaking to the National Scout Jamboree, a gathering of tens of thousands of youngsters from around the world eager to absorb the ideas of service, citizenship and global diplomacy.

In keeping with the Scouts’ traditions, all eight presidents and surrogates who have represented them have stayed far, far away from partisan politics.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the occasion to talk about good citizenship. Harry S. Truman extolled fellowship: “When you work and live together, and exchange ideas around the campfire, you get to know what the other fellow is like,” he said.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower invoked the “bonds of common purpose and common ideals.” And President George H.W. Bush spoke of “serving others.”

For a brief moment at this year’s jamboree in West Virgina, President Donald Trump indicated that he would follow that tradition — sort of.

“Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts?” he said.

Then, standing before all 40,000 of them, he bragged about the “record” crowd size, bashed President Barack Obama, criticized the “fake media” and trashed Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. In the lengthy 35-minute speech, the president threatened to fire his health and human services secretary if he couldn’t persuade members of Congress to vote for the Republican health-care bill.


07-25-2017, 10:11 AM
Absolutely humiliating. Former scouts couldn't message fast enough that this was not OK with them.

Of course they were, because they are partisan hacks who can't stand the thought of Trump giving a speech when they would have been literally jacking themselves off if Obama over bothered to get around to attending a Boyscouts' jamboree.

07-25-2017, 10:13 AM

There's the butthurt I was looking for!

07-25-2017, 10:38 AM
There's the butthurt I was looking for!

I'm glad you can find some pleasure in these children being used for another chance for Trump to stroke his ego and spread the idea that the media can't be trusted unless it's saying good things about him, I guess?

Some of you here tonight might even have camped out in this yard when Mike was the governor of Indiana, but the scouting was very, very important.
And by the way, where are our Indiana scouts tonight?
I wonder if the television cameras will follow you? They don't doing that when they see these massive crowds. They don't like doing that.

I'm waving to people back there so small I can't even see them. Man, this is a lot of people. Turn those cameras back there, please. That is so incredible.
By the way, what do you think the chances are that this incredible massive crowd, record setting, is going to be shown on television tonight? One percent or zero?
The fake media will say, "President Trump spoke" -- you know what is -- "President Trump spoke before a small crowd of Boy Scouts today." That's some -- that is some crowd. Fake media. Fake news.

07-25-2017, 10:44 AM
I'm glad you can find some pleasure in these children being used for another chance for Trump to stroke his ego and spread the idea that the media can't be trusted unless it's saying good things about him, I guess?

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5b/5b84d016522e06d2970fdc693074872a5f61f5a6cd1fec5a4f dbbfd40b2fe0a3.jpg

07-25-2017, 10:45 AM
I like how he's still talking about crowd sizes. That thing really got into his head.

07-25-2017, 10:47 AM
http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5b/5b84d016522e06d2970fdc693074872a5f61f5a6cd1fec5a4f dbbfd40b2fe0a3.jpg

You're a joke. You are by the far the dumbest motherfucker to ever post on this site. We've had some dumb motherfuckers, but you are the king.

07-25-2017, 10:48 AM
You're a joke. You are by the far the dumbest motherfucker to ever post on this site. We've had some dumb motherfuckers, but you are the king.

I hereby request SHAFT be banned from the forums for hate speech.

If you all had any decency and patriotism you would join me in demanding fixing this grave injustice.

07-25-2017, 10:52 AM
time4dung is a joke. She is by the far the dumbest motherfucker to ever post on this site. We've had some dumb motherfuckers, but she is the queen.


07-25-2017, 10:53 AM

07-25-2017, 10:54 AM
You're a joke. You are by the far the dumbest motherfucker to ever post on this site. We've had some dumb motherfuckers, but you are the king.

No chance he tops Hello

07-25-2017, 10:55 AM
I like how he's still talking about crowd sizes. That thing really got into his head.

Hahaha, no kidding. I hadn't thought of that but he can't get over talking about crowd size.

The American Psychoanalytic Association has lifted their Goldwater rule. I'm interested to see shrinks on TV discussing their perceptions of trumps erratic behavior.

07-25-2017, 11:22 AM
No chance he tops Hello

A couple of days ago, Tgo was complaining about Democrats filibustering virtually every Trump nominee. (The filibuster for non-SCOTUS nominees was removed in 2013)

Prior to that, he was arguing that the Donald Trump Jr Email's reference to a "Russian government attorney" and "Russian and its government's support for Mr Trump" didn't mean that the lawyer worked for the Russian government, nor that the Russian government was supporting Mr Trump. (I'm not being glib here- he really argued that)

Shaft is actually right. I mean, at least Tgo does usually try (which puts him ahead of the very questionable pack he runs with here). He'll cite (questionable) sources and repeat arguments he's heard elsewhere. But I've never seen anyone who spends this much time talking about politics demonstrate so little comprehension of the subject matter.

07-25-2017, 11:24 AM
A couple of days ago, Tgo was complaining about Democrats filibustering virtually every Trump nominee. (The filibuster for non-SCOTUS nominees was removed in 2013)

Prior to that, he was arguing that the Donald Trump Jr Email's reference to a "Russian government attorney" and "Russian and its government's support for Mr Trump" didn't mean that the lawyer worked for the Russian government, nor that the Russian government was supporting Mr Trump. (I'm not being glib here- he really argued that)

Shaft is actually right. I mean, at least Tgo does usually try (which puts him ahead of the very questionable pack he runs with here). He'll cite (questionable) sources and repeat arguments he's heard elsewhere. But I've never seen anyone who spends this much time talking about politics demonstrate so little comprehension of the subject matter.

stfu retard

07-25-2017, 11:38 AM
A couple of days ago, Tgo was complaining about Democrats filibustering virtually every Trump nominee. (The filibuster for non-SCOTUS nominees was removed in 2013)

Prior to that, he was arguing that the Donald Trump Jr Email's reference to a "Russian government attorney" and "Russian and its government's support for Mr Trump" didn't mean that the lawyer worked for the Russian government, nor that the Russian government was supporting Mr Trump. (I'm not being glib here- he really argued that)

Shaft is actually right. I mean, at least Tgo does usually try (which puts him ahead of the very questionable pack he runs with here). He'll cite (questionable) sources and repeat arguments he's heard elsewhere. But I've never seen anyone who spends this much time talking about politics demonstrate so little comprehension of the subject matter.

There you go projecting and gaslighting again.

It should be pretty telling that you supposedly care so much about people "making an argument" and citing sources, yet you cheer on SHAFT, a man who hasn't been able to craft an argument about Trump to date, and all he does is say Trump is an idiot and everyone is an idiot for supporting him.

But everyone is used to your two faced bullshit gaslighting ways.

07-25-2017, 11:45 AM
There you go projecting and gaslighting again.

It should be pretty telling that you supposedly care so much about people "making an argument" and citing sources, yet you cheer on SHAFT, a man who hasn't been able to craft an argument about Trump to date, and all he does is say Trump is an idiot and everyone is an idiot for supporting him.

But everyone is used to your two faced bullshit gaslighting ways.

You did a grand job proving T4F's point. Don't get bogged down in big words you don't understand like "gaslighting" and "projecting".

07-25-2017, 11:46 AM
You did a grand job proving T4F's point. Don't get bogged down in big words you don't understand like "gaslighting" and "projecting".

C'mon, you're just gaslighting again!

07-25-2017, 11:47 AM
Sometimes I use words I don't understand so I can sound more photosynthesis

We've noticed.

07-25-2017, 11:47 AM

07-25-2017, 11:48 AM
You did a grand job proving T4F's point. Don't get bogged down in big words you don't understand like "gaslighting" and "projecting".

Wait, she had a point? Care to pull your head out of her ass long enough to explain it to me in stupid terms?

07-25-2017, 12:19 PM
Looked to me like the the crowd was having a good time. Of course it doesn't surprise me that the alt-left would be upset about this, they have managed to abort their future.

07-25-2017, 12:28 PM
Looked to me like the the crowd was having a good time. Of course it doesn't surprise me that the alt-left would be upset about this, they have managed to abort their future.

They are already calling the Boy Scouts Nazis and comparing them to Hitler's Youth.

07-25-2017, 12:36 PM
I wonder what it's like to have an insatiable need to be outraged over something all the time.

07-25-2017, 12:40 PM
They are already calling the Boy Scouts Nazis and comparing them to Hitler's Youth.

Oh ya. The comparison's are alarming. It lacked the touch of a Leni Riefenstahl but one couldn't watch this and not recall Hitler youth propoganda.

07-25-2017, 12:45 PM
Oh ya. The comparison's are alarming. It lacked the touch of a Leni Riefenstahl but one couldn't watch this and not recall Hitler youth propoganda.

Wait, she had a point? Care to pull your head out of her ass long enough to explain it to me in stupid terms?

You did a grand job proving my point that time4fun had no point. Don't get bogged down by her big words that she looks up in a thesaurus before posting.

07-25-2017, 12:46 PM
I guess Tgo watched to speech.

Cute offensive/defensive strategy for what you clearly understood to be a humiliating speech.

Your acknowledgement is enough.

Stop going to Tgos profile and stalking him every time he posts!!!!11one.

This is hate speech. PC is SO unwelcoming to new players. A ban is in order.

07-25-2017, 12:47 PM
Oh ya. The comparison's are alarming. It lacked the touch of a Leni Riefenstahl but one couldn't watch this and not recall Hitler youth propoganda.

This is hate speech, plz ban.

07-25-2017, 12:48 PM

Holy shit! This is horrible! They ARE Nazis! Thanks for opening my eyes, cwolff, time4fun, and SHAFT! I sure hope he gets IMPEACHED for all of this hate speech!

07-25-2017, 12:54 PM
Holy shit! This is horrible! They ARE Nazis! Thanks for opening my eyes, cwolff, time4fun, and SHAFT! I sure hope he gets IMPEACHED for all of this hate speech!

You're right brother. I mean, we've not descended into full blown NAZI style nationalism, but our POTUS has definitely got his hands on the "Dictator for Dummies" handbook.

07-25-2017, 12:57 PM
You're right brother. I mean, we've not descended into full blown NAZI style nationalism, but our POTUS has definitely got his hands on the "Dictator for Dummies" handbook.

Know what's funny? Obummer is still the worst president we've ever had. :)

07-25-2017, 12:59 PM
You're right brother. I mean, we've not descended into full blown NAZI style nationalism, but our POTUS has definitely got his hands on the "Dictator for Dummies" handbook.

Trump is literally the worst dictator in the history of the world. Imagine him on Twitter, practically begging the senate to repeal Obamacare.

I mean shit! A real dictator would have dragged out all of the naysayers, had them all shot, and replaced with complacent yes men. WTF, Trump?

Trump; do you even Stalin, bro?

07-25-2017, 01:10 PM
Trump is literally the worst dictator in the history of the world. Imagine him on Twitter, practically begging the senate to repeal Obamacare.

I mean shit! A real dictator would have dragged out all of the naysayers, had them all shot, and replaced with complacent yes men. WTF, Trump?

Trump; do you even Stalin, bro?

True that. He's got a few screws loose and our nation is still strong. That's kind of fucking up his authoritarian tendencies.

Look what this libtard wrote last night:


Replying to @BillKristol
Trump's Boy Scout speech had the feel of a third world authoritarian's youth rally.
7:37 PM - 24 Jul 2017

Oh, I know I know. You'll never ever admit that trumps fucked up. Even when he goes down, you'll say that "you were never a trump guy". I have no hope of changing your mind. I do wish you'd be a bit more rational though.

07-25-2017, 01:21 PM
Oh, I know I know. You'll never ever admit that trumps fucked up. Even when he goes down, you'll say that "you were never a trump guy". I have no hope of changing your mind. I do wish you'd be a bit more rational though.

There were some parts of his speech that made me cringe. But once again, rather than just focusing on the cringe worthy parts and giving Trump shit, the left is blowing shit out of proportion and saying he was "indoctrinating" our country's youth, compared the Boy Scouts to Nazis and Hitler's Youth, and a bunch of other outrageous shit.

I guess Democrats just can't help themselves these days. They have all lost their mind since Trump's historic victory.



Trump! Trump! Trump!

07-25-2017, 01:22 PM
the left is blowing shit out of proportion and saying he was "indoctrinating" our country's youth, compared the Boy Scouts to Nazis and Hitler's Youth, and a bunch of other outrageous shit.

Is this just hyperbole -- where is this being done? Serious question, not a "gotcha." I haven't seen anything like that in any of the coverage I've seen.

Edit: Apparently it's Newsweek reporting a tweet of some other guy I've never heard of who writes for "The Elite Daily," some other thing I've never heard of. Don't you just love 21st century journalism?

07-25-2017, 01:34 PM
Is this just hyperbole -- where is this being done? Serious question, not a "gotcha." I haven't seen anything like that in any of the coverage I've seen.

Edit: Apparently it's Newsweek reporting a tweet of some other guy I've never heard of who writes for "The Elite Daily," some other thing I've never heard of. Don't you just love 21st century journalism?

I'm with you Ash. I've been watching CNN and MSNBC all day. They're not freaking out over it. It's notable and it's a story but that's about it. Maybe Fox and all those bullshit channels/sources are telling TG that the news is freaking out.

07-25-2017, 01:36 PM
Is this just hyperbole -- where is this being done? Serious question, not a "gotcha." I haven't seen anything like that in any of the coverage I've seen.

Edit: Apparently it's Newsweek reporting a tweet of some other guy I've never heard of who writes for "The Elite Daily," some other thing I've never heard of. Don't you just love 21st century journalism?

Well here's a guy who claims he was a special assistant to Obama:


A brain dead Hollywood "star":


This the guy you're talking about who said Obama's CIA chief called it a Hitler Youth rally:


Some crazy free lance "journalist":


And etc etc etc etc etc. And that's just the ones comparing the Boy Scouts to Nazis. I mean is it really necessary to attack the fucking CHILDREN at this rally?

Never mind the endless whines and cries from people attacking Trump over stupid petty shit in the speech.

07-25-2017, 01:37 PM
I'm with you Ash. I've been watching CNN and MSNBC all day...


07-25-2017, 01:41 PM
Well here's a guy who claims he was a special assistant to Obama:


A brain dead Hollywood "star":


This the guy you're talking about who said Obama's CIA chief called it a Hitler Youth rally:


Some crazy free lance "journalist":


And etc etc etc etc etc. And that's just the ones comparing the Boy Scouts to Nazis. I mean is it really necessary to attack the fucking CHILDREN at this rally?

Never mind the endless whines and cries from people attacking Trump over stupid petty shit in the speech.

Yes, the comparison to Hitler youth rallies is valid. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings but I feel like I addressed that just a few posts ago.

What trump did deserves attack and those recriminations aren't petty. trump fucked up an 80 year tradition and took a shit on everything BSA is supposed to be teaching. That's why he's getting called out for it.

07-25-2017, 01:42 PM
I'm with you Ash. I've been watching CNN and MSNBC all day. They're not freaking out over it. It's notable and it's a story but that's about it.

Do you have MSNBC on mute or something?

These are our children!


And here is your favorite, blackmail news, coming up with a list of the "29 most cringe-worthy lines" from his speech:


But hey! Let's not bring silly things like facts into this butthurt thread.

07-25-2017, 01:44 PM
Yes, the comparison to Hitler youth rallies is valid.

Holy shit. I honestly didn't think anyone could be more crazy than time4fun, yet here you are.

But don't get your hopes too high now! If time4fun comes along and compares this to a Hitler Youth rally then she can reclaim her title.

I also love how you act all shocked in your dick stroking of Ashliana; "I'm SO with you, Ashliana! Clearly Tgo01 is exaggerating here."

And then you go ahead and call it a Hitler Youth rally yourself.

Okay, come on, cwolff. You're just trolling us because you're trying to get close to time4fun because she has a OHB you have your eye on, right?

07-25-2017, 01:46 PM
Do you have MSNBC on mute or something?

These are our children!


And here is your favorite, blackmail news, coming up with a list of the "29 most cringe-worthy lines" from his speech:


But hey! Let's not bring silly things like facts into this butthurt thread.

What's wrong with criticizing his speech in this manner? They're not being hysterical or freaking out.

07-25-2017, 01:48 PM
What's wrong with criticizing his speech in this manner? They're not being hysterical or freaking out.

They're not being hysterical?!

My good God, man. That is literally the definition of being hysterical.

You're not you when you're hungry. You need a truck load of Snickers bars right now.

07-25-2017, 01:51 PM
Holy shit. I honestly didn't think anyone could be more crazy than time4fun, yet here you are.

But don't get your hopes too high now! If time4fun comes along and compares this to a Hitler Youth rally then she can reclaim her title.

I also love how you act all shocked in your dick stroking of Ashliana; "I'm SO with you, Ashliana! Clearly Tgo01 is exaggerating here."

And then you go ahead and call it a Hitler Youth rally yourself.

Okay, come on, cwolff. You're just trolling us because you're trying to get close to time4fun because she has a OHB you have your eye on, right?

I'm trying to engage with you in a mature manner. Why are you carrying on like this. You're kind of freaking out, twisting my words and spinning the truth. I'd prefer you to not do that, but to each his own I guess.

07-25-2017, 01:53 PM
I'm trying to engage with you in a mature manner.

You think it's "mature" to compare this at all to a Hitler Youth rally?

Maybe in Crazy Land that's "mature" but here in the real world that is crazy talk that only deserves mocking.

It's like if I tried to have a "mature" conversation with you by stating "Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. That's just the way it is. It sucks for you if you don't see it but it's true. Now let's talk politics."

You wouldn't think that was mature, right? Welcome to the other side.

07-25-2017, 01:57 PM
You think it's "mature" to compare this at all to a Hitler Youth rally?

Maybe in Crazy Land that's "mature" but here in the real world that is crazy talk that only deserves mocking.

It's like if I tried to have a "mature" conversation with you by stating "Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. That's just the way it is. It sucks for you if you don't see it but it's true. Now let's talk politics."

You wouldn't think that was mature, right? Welcome to the other side.

Meh, not at all...of course. trumps authoritarian ideas and tendencies easily lend themselves to comparisons with other dictators. That's why we learn history after all. So we can recognize when there's repetition.

Obama was born in Hawaii so whatever you're saying there to try to do your Us. v. Them false equivalency bullshit doesn't hold up.

07-25-2017, 02:29 PM
Meh, not at all...of course. trumps authoritarian ideas and tendencies easily lend themselves to comparisons with other dictators. That's why we learn history after all. So we can recognize when there's repetition.


Obama was born in Hawaii so whatever you're saying there to try to do your Us. v. Them false equivalency bullshit doesn't hold up.

And Trump isn't an authoritarian dictator giving Hitler like Youth rallies.

07-25-2017, 02:32 PM
Only because he's feckless and incompetent it's not for lack of trying on his part :roll:

07-25-2017, 04:10 PM
It probably would have been best if Trump were teaching the 40,000 kids how to have anal sex, then it would have been acceptable by the alt-left.

07-25-2017, 04:11 PM
It probably would have been best if Trump were teaching the 40,000 kids how to have anal sex, then it would have been acceptable by the alt-left.

Who's the alt-left? I can't tell if you're trying to be all cute and snarky or if you're distinguishing between the "left" and an extreme liberal branch of the left.

07-25-2017, 04:20 PM
Who's the alt-left? I can't tell if you're trying to be all cute and snarky or if you're distinguishing between the "left" and an extreme liberal branch of the left.

I consider anyone that believes the Government is the best land owner to be alt-left, that's one example. Another would be anyone that suddenly compares the annual Boy Scout jamboree to the Hitler youth even though this is the 80th annual gathering.

You're a full blown communist, your thought that Government makes the best land owner totally confirms this.

07-25-2017, 06:56 PM
I wonder what it's like to have an insatiable need to be outraged over something all the time.I would also like to hear more about this, Terry. What compelled you at three in the morning to be outraged at all the things you imagined people saying?

07-25-2017, 06:58 PM
Meh, not at all...of course. trumps authoritarian ideas and tendencies easily lend themselves to comparisons with other dictators. That's why we learn history after all. So we can recognize when there's repetition.

Obama was born in Hawaii so whatever you're saying there to try to do your Us. v. Them false equivalency bullshit doesn't hold up.

So you consider Trump to be a dictator?

07-25-2017, 11:50 PM
So you consider Trump to be a dictator?

He considers him to be an authoritarian dictator who literally holds Hitler Youth style rallies.