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  1. Barack W. Bush?
  2. Black Hole found in Dallas, TX
  3. Sex Offender Castration
  4. MIKAEL GORBACHOV tribute song?!?
  5. For those who like polls: Bush and Obama tied
  6. McCain's VP prospects start to refine image
  7. An argument against Obama's tax plan
  8. Fiar Doctrine hypocrisy
  9. Cynthia McKinney for President!
  10. Obama & Teacher's Unions
  11. McCain's Cabinet
  12. The Costs of Pulling Out of Iraq
  13. President Bush to Lift Executive Ban on Offshore Drilling
  14. New Yorker Cover
  15. Bush Says Drill, Drill, Drill — and Oil Drops $9!
  16. Oil Compromise under Pelosi's Nose
  17. Divine Curse on the White House
  18. Current Obama VP buzz
  19. Scraping by on billions a day
  20. Al Gore's Carbon Footprint
  21. Carbon Offsets: Government Warns of Fraud Risk
  22. More nails in McCain's coffin
  23. Obama's 'civilian national security force'
  24. Iraq Needs a New Prime Minister
  25. Dear Ashliana-
  26. Obama's Foreign Policy
  27. Hot Muslims
  28. McCain to Steal Obama's Thunder?
  29. PETA Fights Military Medical Training
  30. Chuck Grassley in Trouble in Iowa
  31. Media's guilt plays well for Obama and McCain
  32. Barack wants to pay you to have babies
  33. Interfering with the Federal Reserve
  34. He ventured forth to bring light to the world
  35. Obama in Europe
  36. 'Time' Publishes Definitive Obama Puff Piece
  37. Bruce Wayne who??
  38. PC Politics match game
  39. I love McCain but I think it just was never meant to be
  40. Minimum wage hiked to $6.55
  41. Grand Spectacles and Frenzied Crowds
  42. Prayer
  43. Karl Rove Attacked in Iowa
  44. Raising Income Taxes
  45. Why I hate Politicians & Congress
  46. Obamanomics Is a Recipe for Recession
  47. Longest serving senator, Alaskan Republican, indicted on multiple corruption charges.
  48. Democrats & Republicans Switch Sides
  49. Hillary for VP?
  50. McCain's desperate borrowing from the Rove/Bush Playbook
  51. More Predatory Lending Victims
  52. What do you dislike about your candidate?
  53. Superdelegates For Sale
  54. Obama gets my vote!
  55. Obama Is Too Skinny
  56. Human Cockfighting
  57. Awesome
  58. Bates: No such thing as "executive privilege"
  59. WSJ: Wal-Mart Warns of Democratic Win
  60. Obama's Flipping Burgers
  61. Are you an idiot if you don't vote
  62. I've found ClydeR's secret stash of knowledge!
  63. House apologizes for slavery, 'Jim Crow' injustices
  64. The Bradley Effect
  65. PBS Lies About the Bible
  66. The Return of Sampson
  67. Obama panders to Ohio and Florida
  68. Obama proposes tapping nation's oil reserves to help drive down gasoline prices
  69. The Nonpuzzle of the Close Election Polls
  70. Clinton Says, 'I Am Not a Racist'
  71. Is Voting Irrational?
  72. Does Voting Enjoy Anal Sex?
  73. Drill Drill Drill Is Working
  74. Paris for President?
  75. DrugDealerCindy.com
  76. Why so quiet?
  77. I am denouncing Ron Suskind, formerly of the Wall Street Journal
  78. Bob Barr - Libertarian?
  79. On interstate competition and business unfriendly atmospheres
  80. Big donors are the key to Obama's record haul
  81. Obama overexposed?
  82. I think I'm changing my vote
  83. Bruce Ivins -- Anthrax
  84. Sentence for Osama's Driver
  85. PolitiFact's "Flip-O-Meter"!
  86. Is Obama the Antichrist?
  87. Campaign Donation Bundlers
  88. Obama Wants a Stronger Dollar
  89. Because Everybody Knows About McCain: Someting of a History
  90. McCain and Obama Name Favorite Superheros
  91. Edwards Admits It
  92. An Endowed Chair: McCain's Campaign Finance Reform
  93. McCain's camp vets Lieberman as VP
  94. Doomsday Device
  95. I've made my Presidential decision
  96. Edwards' Cover-up Cost Clinton the Nomination
  97. McCain Gets Tough with Russia
  98. Pelosi open to vote on offshore drilling
  99. Beijing Olympics: China's Sham Face to the World
  100. Most US Firms Avoid Federal Taxes
  101. Bad Political Jokes
  102. Barack Obama - No Socialist Aspirations Here
  103. Iraq minister: US troops will pull out in three years unde deal
  104. Obama Backs off Tax Increases
  105. Clinton's name will be put in nomination at convention
  106. A Return to the Cold War?
  107. Platform Differences between Republicans and Democrats
  108. How the 44th President and the 38th Governor of California, Saved America
  109. First Serious Crisis Since Cold War?
  110. North Texas school district will let teachers carry guns
  111. Missile shield accord draws Russian fire
  112. Kerry for VP?
  113. Obama Aging Fast
  114. Huckabee Supporters Upset with McCain
  115. DNC Secret Jail
  116. McCain Gains on Obama
  117. Beware the Cone of Silence
  118. Obama Disrespectful of Clarence Thomas?
  119. Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race
  120. Obama's Taxes are about "fairness"
  121. Obama VP Poll
  122. Toby Keith Praises Obama, Says He's A Democrat
  123. Obama is Losing
  124. US makes missle deal with Poland
  125. Clinton applies pressure...
  126. More Elitist Remarks from Obama
  127. Why Obama Has To Get Mad To Win
  128. Democrats Complimenting McCain
  129. 5th Amendment : Talking to the police by Professor James Duane.
  130. Obama's Falter: A UK View
  131. Let Economies Cure Themselves
  132. Obama/Bayh bumper stickers being printed
  133. It's Biden
  134. It Won't Be Romney
  135. Who is going to be McCain's VP?
  136. Christians Plan Protest at Democrat Convention
  137. Auto Bailout?
  138. I've chosen. McCain. Sign up here.
  139. Obama’s Birth Certificate – CHANGE you can believe in.
  140. Behind the scenes.. all's not "Unity"
  141. Hallmark Boycott
  142. Is Gan full of shit?
  143. Investigators Look Into Possible Plot To Kill Obama
  144. Obama: Free Speech is only for those who agree with me
  145. Lilly Ledbetter
  146. Is Daniel's...
  147. Hillary and the DNC tonight.
  148. Was Gan ever even possibly going to vote for Obama?
  149. Let's have more polls!
  150. Protests at/near DNC Convention
  151. DNC Convention, Protests at/near
  152. Pro Choice Republicans
  153. Kerry DNC Speech
  154. Liberals crack down on Freedom of Speech
  155. Putin accuses U.S. of orchestrating Georgian war
  156. DNC Convention Wrap
  157. Is Obama Really That Dumb?
  158. Is Obama Really That Dumb?
  159. The Perfect Stranger
  160. Official: Palin is the Pick
  161. Palin a Potential Disaster
  162. I've made my pick for president
  163. Palin as a Man
  164. If the election were held today
  165. No Attacks From Palin/McCain
  166. McCain and Palin Visit the Troops
  167. Obama's Brilliant Foreign Policy
  168. Another CNN take on Palin
  169. Palin booed for mentioning Hillary Clinton
  170. Sarah Palin: What we know now [at present]
  171. McCain fucked up. Bad
  172. Comparing Palin vs Obama
  173. Politicization of Gustav
  174. Sarah Palin's Daughter's Pregnancy
  175. Hate Cheney, Love Biden
  176. Alaskan Independence Party
  177. Another Sarah Palin Thread
  178. RNC Convention
  179. Palin...yet again
  180. Thompson = Schwarzenegger
  181. Palin Withdrawal - Place Your Bets
  182. Small Towns
  183. Palin Hail Mary -- Incomplete Pass
  184. John McCain Is Buggin The F%^k Out
  185. Amy Goodman Arrested at RNC
  186. Did Lieberman lie?
  187. A Chat with Anne Kilkenny...
  188. Sarah Palin's Speech
  189. What kind of voter are you?
  190. Palin: Another super-religiously motivated Bush?
  191. Barack Obama is Such a Hypocrite
  192. More About McCain's Secret Plan
  193. O’Reilly vs. Obama
  194. Daily Show Clip: Rofflehouse
  195. Country First
  196. John McCain's Speech
  197. And Kilpatrick goes to jail
  198. Voter education links
  199. Oprah denies Palin for show appearance.
  200. Partisanship at its best
  201. How Money & Lobbyists Fuck Up Our Healthcare
  202. I know why McCain thinks the economy is fine . . .
  203. The Best F#&king News Team Ever: Small Town Values
  204. kinda creepy
  205. Palin's Faith
  206. "My Muslim Faith"
  207. Holy Convention Bounce Batman
  208. Hilararious You Tube Videos
  209. Bush to announce Iraq troop reduction
  210. U.S. plans $7 billion missile-defense sale to UAE
  211. Third-Party Candidates in Pennsylvania
  212. The beginning of the end for the (proper) English Language?
  213. Media Attacks a Christian Candidate
  214. Lipstick, or Chauvinist Pig?
  215. McCain Women's Clinic
  216. The Shelf Project
  217. Media Attacking Palin About Wasilla Rape Policy
  218. Two-party 'charade' must end, Ron Paul says
  219. S.C. Dem chair: Palin primary qualification is she hasn't had an abortion
  220. White House Claims Bin Laden Was Not The ‘Mastermind’
  221. Autumn Angst: Dems fret about Obama
  222. Patriot Day
  223. Conservative or Liberal Reading Trends
  224. Obama says Sarah Palin can't hunt belled to fried left arm shots only
  225. Healthcare: Comparing the plans
  226. Dumbercrats get dumberer...
  227. Elitism?
  228. It Boggles the Mind...McCain (WCHS TV)
  229. Anyone want to try defending this?
  230. Shameful Republican attack on Barack Obama's experience
  231. Michael Vick condemners unite?
  232. Democrats on Capitol Hill fear Obama fallout
  233. Biden living up to his gaffe-prone reputation
  234. New Ad Connects Palin to AKIP
  235. Alaska lawmakers vote to subpoena Todd Palin
  236. My Speech
  237. Message to ClydeR, Gan, sst, PB, and sorta CRB
  238. Oops...
  239. Palin's "Small Town" Politics
  240. Rove: McCain going too far.
  241. The Ladies of the View Rake McCain Over the Coals
  242. Obama Fundraising Deception
  243. Armey: 'Bubba vote' to hurt Obama
  244. Palin's Iraq Trip
  245. Politics Rage Vid
  246. Lehman Brothers
  247. Protecting Children from Video Games
  248. The U.N. Is Poised to Rewrite Morality
  249. Ralph Nader - To Be, Or Not To Be
  250. Why do you vote the way you do?