View Full Version : New Yorker Cover

07-14-2008, 05:04 PM
The New Yorker is releasing a cover showing BO+wife in a negative light. The McCain campaign has already come out against it. Tucker Bounds said for Senator McCain, "We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it’s tasteless and offensive."


07-14-2008, 05:08 PM
It's ridiculous enough that they probably expected people to recognize it as the obvious satire that it is, but they were seriously overestimating the intelligence of much of the American populace.

07-14-2008, 05:15 PM
It's a carefully planted conspiracy by the Obama campaign so that people think that the Far Right was behind the Cover and then rally to Obama.

07-14-2008, 05:33 PM
The New Yorker doesn't care about black people.

Sean of the Thread
07-14-2008, 05:51 PM
The New Yorker doesn't care about black people.

You should know.

Oh and his wife looks a lot like Cynthia McKinney in that picture.

07-14-2008, 07:15 PM
If Obama hates being caricaturized he should drop out and concede now. I mean honestly, so the media has been in love with him so far, but if you win eventually, you will be ridiculed, and teased, and sent up on SNL. Fuck, Bush has probably gotten that worse than anyone I recall, even extending to his wife and kids, and you don't see him bitching.

07-14-2008, 08:24 PM
I actually think the media has been very kind to Bush. He has the lowest approval rating of any president in history, and I very rarely see him mocked. But these days, I see Clinton mocked pretty often.

Wait till Bush gets out of office--you'll see the jokes fly.

07-14-2008, 09:09 PM
If Obama hates being caricaturized he should drop out and concede now. I mean honestly, so the media has been in love with him so far, but if you win eventually, you will be ridiculed, and teased, and sent up on SNL. Fuck, Bush has probably gotten that worse than anyone I recall, even extending to his wife and kids, and you don't see him bitching.

I'll concede your point he needs to be less sensitive (he's starting to come across as a big crybaby to me, good thing McCain has decided being a moderate won't win so I don't have to worry about voting for a grounded, reasonable candidate), but come on. If the New Yorker cover was a pic of McCain standing over a pile of dead Vietnamese babies with a Hitler mustache with a drink in one hand and two women in the other the right would be crying foul, too. The cover was a bit much.

07-14-2008, 10:58 PM
The cover utterly failed as satire. Hell, even one of the National Review's writers said that could be an exact same cover on the National Review.

07-15-2008, 12:32 AM
I thought it was hilarious.

Great... satire.

07-15-2008, 12:46 AM
If Obama hates being caricaturized he should drop out and concede now. I mean honestly, so the media has been in love with him so far, but if you win eventually, you will be ridiculed, and teased, and sent up on SNL. Fuck, Bush has probably gotten that worse than anyone I recall, even extending to his wife and kids, and you don't see him bitching.

You wish.

07-15-2008, 01:39 AM
Definitely a good move in McCain's camp to say that the cover was total bullshit.

Also, it's a common fact that the average American doesn't know what the fuck satire is. The New Yorker should have known that, and my guess probably did.

07-15-2008, 02:38 AM
I actually think the media has been very kind to Bush. He has the lowest approval rating of any president in history, and I very rarely see him mocked.
You mean like whole television series like That's My Bush (http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/thats_my_bush/index.jhtml) or Lil' Bush (http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/lil_bush/index.jhtml?kw=lilbush)? Or how about Keith Olbermann's daily count of the day mission accomplished was declared in Iraq for "news" media mocking?

I am no fan of GW, but I have never seen a president that had whole television shows dedicated to lampooning him weekly, and named after him, while he was still in office.

07-15-2008, 02:49 AM
The New Yorker succeeded...in selling more magazines. It makes me laugh that people call that cover a misstep by the publisher.

Anyway this reminds me, has anyone checked out the cover prices of magazines lately? It's fucking insane.

I was leafing through a Newsweek recently while waiting in a checkout and there was very little in the way of content that can't easily be found online or in the daily paper in more depth. 6 buck cover price. I put that down and picked up another magazine on back health by a well known doctor, flipped through it and it was pretty much just common sense crap...$19.95 fucking dollars.


07-15-2008, 10:04 AM
Definitely a good move in McCain's camp to say that the cover was total bullshit.

Also, it's a common fact that the average American doesn't know what the fuck satire is. The New Yorker should have known that, and my guess probably did.

The New Yorker has never, and likely never will, write or illustrate for the average American. Their circulation is purposefully small, as they like to think of themselves as highbrow.

Ultimately, it's a magazine cover and nothing more. The fact that's it's causing the uproar that it has is going to do exactly what the publishers wanted to do: create a stir. The New Yorker used to be able to do that all the time, in recent years less so. Good for them.

07-15-2008, 10:12 AM
I actually think the media has been very kind to Bush. He has the lowest approval rating of any president in history, and I very rarely see him mocked. But these days, I see Clinton mocked pretty often.

Wait till Bush gets out of office--you'll see the jokes fly.Well, I don't think any other President has ever had a sit-com cartoon written about him.

07-15-2008, 11:08 AM
Great Marketing.

How else would you ever see the New Yorker mentioned on Drudge?

And I agree with the highbrow nature someone above said about the NY.

Tea & Strumpets
07-15-2008, 11:50 AM
I actually think the media has been very kind to Bush. He has the lowest approval rating of any president in history, and I very rarely see him mocked. But these days, I see Clinton mocked pretty often.

Wait till Bush gets out of office--you'll see the jokes fly.

Wow, you have to be pretty biased (or have your head in the sand) to have that viewpoint. Even if you hate Bush, it's silly to ignore reality.

I love your last sentence that implies that people are afraid to make fun of George Bush and that the mockery will finally begin when he gets out of office. (insert tin foil hat)

I can't think of any president in my lifetime that's seen as much mockery and flat out insults as Bush. Bill Clinton took a lot of heat as well, but he loses points because people criticized him for getting blowjobs and being a womanizer.

07-15-2008, 12:17 PM
The New Yorker was that laminated paper stack that came with The Times...How 'bout "no". The New Yorker isn't an insert, it's a magazine with its own subscribers.

Stanley Burrell
07-15-2008, 12:20 PM
How 'bout "no". The New Yorker isn't an insert, it's a magazine with its own subscribers.

It was solicited by the NYTimes constantly; having grown up in New York, and seeing the dead tree stack every one or two weeks, I must argue against your fallacy.

The Times had no business soliciting that shit.

Edited for Clove: Obviously not everyday; or not obviously if I didn't clarify that. The New Yorker was randomly attached to the Sunday Times package for no other reason than scented perfume. Once I moved to suburbia and started getting subscriptions to the Hamden Chronicles and seeing how suburbia's infatuation was police logs gayed up with ninth degree window-tinting in the police log, I unilaterally decided I was a better judge at how actual newspapers operated than at least 99.5% of Connecticut natives. If I grew up reading the local feces I'd probably watch Fox News.

I read the suburban newspapers for a laugh. The Connecticut press is a seriously close Pulitzer Prize competition piece to the likes of The Times or The Washington Post. When you're from suburban Connecticut and know about newspaper circulation, knowing every intricate detail pertaining to mass media is obviously second fuckin' nature, broken-rolleyes-emoticon :rolleyes:

07-15-2008, 12:26 PM
It was solicited by the NYTimes constantly; having grown up in New York, and seeing the dead tree stack every one or two weeks, I must argue against your fallacy.

The Times had no business soliciting that shit.Glad you grew up in New York. Sad you can't read.

Stanley Burrell
07-15-2008, 12:40 PM
The New Yorker is only read by people on the waiting list at the dentist's office or the psychiatrist.

So it's pretty safe to assume 99% its subscriptions are peddled to schizophrenics with gingivitis throughout The U.S.

The New Yorker was that laminated paper stack that came with The Times and you always tried to find cologne strips to rub on your body before you'd go to work/school; and, if no one was looking, you'd get a few whiffs of the newest women's perfume.

07-15-2008, 12:41 PM
The New Yorker is still a stand-alone magazine with its own subscription base. Just because it was occasionally included with the New York Times doesn't automatically make it merely a newspapar insert.

New York is pretty fucking big. Quit assuming that you're the only one who's ever lived or stepped foot in it.

Stanley Burrell
07-15-2008, 12:41 PM
Glad you grew up in New York. Sad you can't read.


Stanley Burrell
07-15-2008, 12:42 PM
The New Yorker is still a stand-alone magazine with its own subscription base. Just because it was occasionally included with the New York Times doesn't automatically make it merely a newspapar insert.

Except for the fact that it was a newspaper attachment to Sunday Times subscriptions, you're fucking right.

Stanley Burrell
07-15-2008, 12:43 PM
Let's have an argument about this. Seriously.

07-15-2008, 01:22 PM
The only problem with Connecticut papers is Chris Elsberry.

07-15-2008, 02:03 PM
You mean like whole television series like That's My Bush (http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/thats_my_bush/index.jhtml) or Lil' Bush (http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/lil_bush/index.jhtml?kw=lilbush)? Or how about Keith Olbermann's daily count of the day mission accomplished was declared in Iraq for "news" media mocking?

I am no fan of GW, but I have never seen a president that had whole television shows dedicated to lampooning him weekly, and named after him, while he was still in office.

Wasn't That's My Bush cancelled within one season? In any case, I think that yes, he's been made fun of. But as much as he deserves, comparatively, versus Clinton?

Even if I don't care for him, I still respect President Bush--but given his approval ratings, and the easability of making fun of him (the stuttering, for the most part), I'm shocked that it isn't more common, is all I was saying.

Wow, you have to be pretty biased (or have your head in the sand) to have that viewpoint. Even if you hate Bush, it's silly to ignore reality.

I love your last sentence that implies that people are afraid to make fun of George Bush and that the mockery will finally begin when he gets out of office. (insert tin foil hat)

I can't think of any president in my lifetime that's seen as much mockery and flat out insults as Bush. Bill Clinton took a lot of heat as well, but he loses points because people criticized him for getting blowjobs and being a womanizer.

The point is not that he hasn't been criticized. I haven't said that. What I'm saying is that:

1) Given his approval ratings, and how divisive politics have been during his presidency, and
2) Given his propensity for stuttering

I'm surprised he isn't more made fun of. Thank you for stooping to the typical, reactionary attempt to label anything that you disagree with as crazy, crack-pot, homosexual, or communist. Clinton was the same--the real jokes didn't start flying until AFTER he left office. It's not a matter of fear--it's a matter of respect.

07-15-2008, 02:22 PM
This guy is probably mocked dozens of times a day in the national media. What else do you want? Hourly newsflashes?

Tea & Strumpets
07-15-2008, 03:46 PM
Thank you for stooping to the typical, reactionary attempt to label anything that you disagree with as crazy, crack-pot, homosexual, or communist. Clinton was the same--the real jokes didn't start flying until AFTER he left office. It's not a matter of fear--it's a matter of respect.

You might want to work on your reading comprehension if that's how you interpreted my reply, although to be fair I did think your crackpot comment was referring to fear instead of respect.

I still think you're a bit out of touch if you consider the media's treatment of Bush as "going easy" on him. I also didn't notice an outbreak of Clinton jokes after he left office.

07-15-2008, 03:49 PM
I was referring to the "tin-foil hat" remark. People like Clove use it regularly to denounce even mainstream opinions. The media has definitely been harder on Bush than they were on Clinton; mostly, in my opinion, because Bush has deserved it much more. But give it a few years and we'll see if there's any difference. Feel free to come back and rub it in my face if it doesn't come true.

07-15-2008, 03:53 PM
The New Yorker is KNOWN for its cryptic cartoons which no one gets. They're probably all shitting their pants in delight at the idea that lowbrows who live in Brooklyn or maybe even *GASP* the Bronx are offended by their cartoon, when they've perfected the art of taking offense themselves.


07-15-2008, 03:53 PM
The media has bigger fish to fry these days with Obama and McCain. With as much ridicule as Bush gets, I don't think it's going to completely go away, but I don't forsee it getting worse when he's gone. There will be too many sighs of relief done in unison to hear anything else for a while.

07-15-2008, 04:03 PM
Wasn't That's My Bush cancelled within one season?
I tried watching it. It sucked (in my opinion). Bad writing and mediocre acting can have that affect on a TV series.

In any case, I think that yes, he's been made fun of. But as much as he deserves, comparatively, versus Clinton?
While I agree that Clinton's oral sex versus Bush's Supreme Court selection, unneeded war, inability to pronounce words in his own language and other flaws do in no way match up, I do believe both presidents have been made fun of, and hopefully will still be made light of for their flaws (both perceived and real) into our history.

Even if I don't care for him, I still respect President Bush-
I respect the office of the presidency, but I do not respect GW. The first time I saw him speak it was as if a glowing tattoo of "inept" was on his forehead. Sadly, my assessment of him proved correct.

-but given his approval ratings, and the easability of making fun of him (the stuttering, for the most part), I'm shocked that it isn't more common, is all I was saying.

Several comedians have him pretty well down. He even seems to be a decent sport about it.

Correspondents' Dinner (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfpP27gEVUU&feature=related)

And during the two TV series dedicated to lampooning him I do not remember the White House ever coming out and disparaging the shows.

I think that is one of the things some people like about him, that he can take a joke.

07-15-2008, 04:05 PM
I was referring to the "tin-foil hat" remark. People like Clove use it regularly to denounce even mainstream opinions. The media has definitely been harder on Bush than they were on Clinton; mostly, in my opinion, because Bush has deserved it much more. But give it a few years and we'll see if there's any difference. Feel free to come back and rub it in my face if it doesn't come true.I think this is Tea & Strumpet's first use of tin-foil hat and I know I don't don't use it regularly (I can't speak for people like me). I guess, so far, people have only been using tin-foil hat when they're talking about your hair-brained opinions?

Sean of the Thread
07-15-2008, 04:20 PM
I actually think the media has been very kind to Bush. He has the lowest approval rating of any president in history,


07-15-2008, 08:28 PM
I think this is Tea & Strumpet's first use of tin-foil hat and I know I don't don't use it regularly (I can't speak for people like me). I guess, so far, people have only been using tin-foil hat when they're talking about your hair-brained opinions?

No, they've used it when, like you, you either fail to comprehend what I'm saying, or are simply ignorant. I addressed your argument the last time, and you had absolutely no ground to stand on.


Woah, there! Don't give yourself another heart attack. Being a bitter troll tends to raise your blood pressure.

07-15-2008, 08:55 PM
No, they've used it when, like you, you either fail to comprehend what I'm saying, or are simply ignorant. I addressed your argument the last time, and you had absolutely no ground to stand on.Keep telling yourself that psycho.

07-15-2008, 08:56 PM
Keep telling yourself that psycho.

As a psychotic liberal, I want the government to give me a free ride. Where's my dole?

07-15-2008, 09:05 PM
It's ridiculous enough that they probably expected people to recognize it as the obvious satire that it is, but they were seriously overestimating the intelligence of much of the American populace.

QFT. First post even.

Some people need to relax a bit and redevelop their sense of humor.

07-15-2008, 11:19 PM
The New Yorker succeeded...in selling more magazines. It makes me laugh that people call that cover a misstep by the publisher.

Anyway this reminds me, has anyone checked out the cover prices of magazines lately? It's fucking insane.

I was leafing through a Newsweek recently while waiting in a checkout and there was very little in the way of content that can't easily be found online or in the daily paper in more depth. 6 buck cover price. I put that down and picked up another magazine on back health by a well known doctor, flipped through it and it was pretty much just common sense crap...$19.95 fucking dollars.


/felt that rant.

$6 for a Newsweek is outrageous.

$25 for an import... not so much.