View Full Version : Palin booed for mentioning Hillary Clinton

08-31-2008, 12:43 AM

WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) – This might not be the best way to reach out to those disillusioned Hillary Clinton supporters.

In just her second appearance on the campaign trail with John McCain, newly-minted GOP running mate Sarah Palin was showered with boos on Saturday for attempting to praise Clinton’s trail-blazing bid to become the first female president.

As she did at in her debut speech in Ohio yesterday, Palin appealed to the women in the crowd here in Pennsylvania with a political shout-out to Geraldine Ferraro, who preceded Palin as the first women to be tapped as a vice presidential candidate.

But in contrast with the mild reception that greeted her comments at the Ohio event, when Palin praised Clinton here for showing “determination and grace in her presidential campaign,” the Alaska governor was met with a noisy mix of boos, groans and grumbles around the minor league ballpark where the “Road to the Convention Rally” was held.

Palin quickly recovered, promising the audience that female candidates weren’t yet finished, and that she and McCain were on their way to victory in November.


This is going well.

08-31-2008, 12:49 AM
How much more patronizing could this pick get?

Her speech writers should quit with the plea to Hillary supporters. The first time was enough. Women aren't dumb -- the more often they hear it, the more hollow it will seem.

08-31-2008, 01:38 AM
How much more patronizing could this pick get?

Her speech writers should quit with the plea to Hillary supporters. The first time was enough. Women aren't dumb -- the more often they hear it, the more hollow it will seem.

Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. She needs to stop practically flashing the crowd Girls Gone Wild style and screaming "LOOK, I'VE GOT TITS" and give the women (and the men, for that matter) in the crowd some substance, or else this is going to be an epic failure of a choice.

I wanted to think at first that McCain put more thought into this choice than just thinking she'd draw in all the moderate Hillary supporters, but I'm beginning to doubt it.

08-31-2008, 05:54 AM
Women aren't dumb

Citation plz.

08-31-2008, 09:25 AM
Women aren't dumb -- Maybe, but my impression was that Palin was targetting Hillary supporters.

08-31-2008, 09:27 AM
Citation plz.


08-31-2008, 10:57 AM
Maybe, but my impression was that Palin was targetting Hillary supporters.


08-31-2008, 11:19 AM
The partisanship surrounding her nomination is truly astounding.

Newsflash, hardcore republicans who attend presidential rallies do not like Clinton. Likewise, Obama has gotten boos and grumbles before when praising McCain's military service. It was not considering for a news story.

08-31-2008, 11:22 AM
Yea. Totally. Your unknown VEEP pick getting booed her second time out of the box isn't a bad sign or anything.

It's not like you were bashing your opponent a week ago for not having the judgement to pick a good person or anything..wait..fuck.


08-31-2008, 12:00 PM
They were booing Clinton, not Palin.

08-31-2008, 12:00 PM

3 threads started in the past month by Daniel and 2 of them are about Palin. Is this where we can expect Bigworm to hop in and call you obsessed?

Looks like McCain made a savvy pick if the D team is this much up in arms. ;)

08-31-2008, 12:01 PM

3 threads started in the past month by Daniel and 2 of them are about Palin. Is this where we can expect Bigworm to hop in and call you obsessed?

Looks like McCain made a savvy pick if the D team is this much up in arms. ;)

That's astounding logic.

08-31-2008, 12:03 PM
That's astounding logic.

I created it at the requisite level of comprehension for the target of the post.

08-31-2008, 12:06 PM
<waiting for Daniel's search for how many posts I've made of Hillary Clinton over some random time period> response...

08-31-2008, 12:10 PM
Why would you be doing that? I've never used post creations as a way to prove anything. That would be you and PB. You really ought to stop projecting. It just makes you look silly and\or like a lying SOB.

08-31-2008, 12:12 PM
Least I'm not a bigger douchebag. ;)

08-31-2008, 12:15 PM
You're a poopyhead

08-31-2008, 12:22 PM
Women aren't dumb --


08-31-2008, 12:42 PM
They were booing Clinton, not Palin.

Exactly. Had to watch the speech in context to understand this instead of reading some post-speech liberal analysis of it that was all wrong.

08-31-2008, 01:07 PM
Yea. Totally. Your unknown VEEP pick getting booed her second time out of the box isn't a bad sign or anything.
It would be if they were booing her. If they were booing Clinton, well gee that would be entirely different context now wouldn't it? Daniel, really this sort of manipulative interpretation should be beneath you.

08-31-2008, 01:13 PM
It would be if they were booing her. If they were booing Clinton, well gee that would be entirely different context now wouldn't it? Daniel, really this sort of manipulative interpretation should be beneath you.

I should have been clearer. The problem is not that they were booing Hillary Clinton, which I hoped would have came through in the context, but rather the response she was getting for doing the job she was brought out to do.

Hilary supporters are not exactly going to be going over in droves as long as Palin's supporters are groaning and booing at the mention of her name. Also, her praise of Hillary Clinton, a person Republicans loathe is not going to buy her many votes with the right wing base that they also hope she'll bring in.

It's going to have to be either, or and her trying to pander to both at the same time is not working well.

08-31-2008, 02:44 PM
I should have been clearer. The problem is not that they were booing Hillary Clinton, which I hoped would have came through in the context, but rather the response she was getting for doing the job she was brought out to do.

Hilary supporters are not exactly going to be going over in droves as long as Palin's supporters are groaning and booing at the mention of her name. Also, her praise of Hillary Clinton, a person Republicans loathe is not going to buy her many votes with the right wing base that they also hope she'll bring in.

It's going to have to be either, or and her trying to pander to both at the same time is not working well.

Yea.. it must have been a simple communication error on the Internet's part when you posted :

Yea. Totally. Your unknown VEEP pick getting booed her second time out of the box isn't a bad sign or anything.

When you REALLY meant they were booing Clinton.


Seriously.. can't you for ONCE in your pathetic life come clean on being wrong?

08-31-2008, 03:27 PM
Seriously.. can't you for ONCE in your pathetic life come clean on being wrong?

Hey Pot, my name is Kettle. OMG we are both black!!!!! We have sooooo much in common!

08-31-2008, 03:27 PM
Did I not say I was not clear?

Which is why I explained further what I was talking about..

09-01-2008, 09:07 AM
Did I not say I was not clear?

Which is why I explained further what I was talking about..

You said you weren't clear.. which is bullshit.

You initiated this thread and called it "Palin booed for mentioning Hillary Clinton".. but it's obvious to most that Palin wasn't being booed.. the crowd was booing Hillary. Even your butt buddy pointed that out to you.

So instead of dropping it at that point, you blame a lack of communication or misunderstanding.. but that wasn't the case. Your claim that Palin was the target of the audience's displeasure was a load of crap.

But we're used to loads of crap when you post.. aren't we.

09-01-2008, 12:03 PM
That was the name of the article....

09-01-2008, 12:15 PM
That was the name of the article....

OOhh... well that explains everything then.

Oops, except for this comment:

Yea. Totally. Your unknown VEEP pick getting booed her second time out of the box isn't a bad sign or anything.

And your spectacular insight of "This is going well"

Blame the Internet though.. or a miscommunication.. there are some fools here who will still believe you.

Then again.. I wouldn't expect you to stand up and take responsibility.. that would be completely out of character for you.

09-01-2008, 02:26 PM
Awwww lookit the little doggie. Thinks he has a bone again.

09-01-2008, 02:49 PM
Searching for "obama speech clinton name booed" returns 504,000 hits on Google.

Several of the articles are about Obama supporters booing Hillary Clinton at Obama rallies.

Does this mean they were booing Obama? No.

Does this mean that all Hillary supporters will now support McCain because she was booed by Obama supporters. No.

The same goes for Palin. If she handles it with grace (perhaps even a "Now, now, now. I know we disagree with positions and policies, but her campaign was historic. We should applaud such historic breakthroughs of any citizen of this country we love!") then it can turn to her favor.

I do agree that she should not be bringing up Clinton every speech. Just state her own beliefs, be strong and show that she has what it takes to be VP and she will be fine.

09-01-2008, 05:02 PM
Searching for "obama speech clinton name booed" returns 504,000 hits on Google.

Several of the articles are about Obama supporters booing Hillary Clinton at Obama rallies.

Does this mean they were booing Obama? No.

Does this mean that all Hillary supporters will now support McCain because she was booed by Obama supporters. No.

The same goes for Palin. If she handles it with grace (perhaps even a "Now, now, now. I know we disagree with positions and policies, but her campaign was historic. We should applaud such historic breakthroughs of any citizen of this country we love!") then it can turn to her favor.

I do agree that she should not be bringing up Clinton every speech. Just state her own beliefs, be strong and show that she has what it takes to be VP and she will be fine.

I think the overwhelming difference is that Obama was campaigning against Hillary. It was competitive.

Palin is not campaigning against Hillary. She is invoking her name in a patronizing attempt to convince Hillary supports to "Vote for Vagina". It is not competitive, it is intended to be collaborative.

While Daniel was very wrong and they were not boo'ing Palin, this instance is important because it begins to shed light on just how incompetent this campaign is for picking Palin. Not only does she bring some serious baggage, she's not even achieving her intended purpose.

09-01-2008, 07:33 PM
Awwww lookit the little doggie. Thinks he has a bone again.

If I were collecting these "bones" from your posts, it would look like this:


But hey.. it must have been the Internet's fault.