View Full Version : Kerry for VP?

08-17-2008, 02:11 PM
Kerry For Vice President?

Jon Keller BOSTON (WBZ) ― Barack Obama has yet to name a vice presidential nominee and some are wondering if he might turn to Massachusetts to round out the ticket.

John Kerry for vice president?

Don't dismiss the notion just yet.

Some political insiders are telling WBZ it could happen.

So why would Obama reach out to Kerry as his choice?

Kerry brings more money and name recognition to the table than any other name on the Obama list so far. Americans do tend to love a comeback kid and this would be the most amazing political comeback since Richard Nixon came back from the dead forty years ago.

"I'm not looking for any new job, I'm running for re-election," Kerry told WBZ last week.

Asked about the V.P. buzz, his press secretary told WBZ in a statement Thursday night:

"If I was bi-lingual, I'd say no in multiple languages. The only job John Kerry is running for, contemplating, or considering is the one he already has."

If you're laughing off the idea of Kerry back on the national ticket again, I don't blame you. While he came close four years ago, his campaign was widely derided as, to put it politely, clumsy.

But consider some reasons why Obama might now turn to Kerry as a running mate.

Polls show many voters question Obama's foreign policy credentials to be a wartime president. As a decorated veteran and longtime member of the senate foreign relations committee, Kerry could fill that gap.

Obama suffers from being a new face on the political scene, but Kerry - warts and all - is well known to the voters, and in 2004, he did draw more votes than any democrat ever has.

And judging from a new anti-smear web site funded by Kerry's political action committee, Kerry would eagerly assume the role of attack dog... Allowing a nominee who prefers to float above the fray to minimize the amount of political hardball he has to play.

One other note: the vice presidential nominee will address the convention on Wednesday night, August 27.

The theme set for that evening - a salute to America's veterans.

The Obama campaign says we shouldn't read anything into that. We'll soon see if they're blowing smoke on that one.


God.. just when I thought the Dumbercrats couldn't possibly get any dumber. That would be so awesome though..

08-17-2008, 02:15 PM
John Kerry is awesome. I voted for him once, and I'd vote for him multiple times if I could this time around.


08-17-2008, 03:49 PM
John Kerry is horrible. I voted against him once, and I'd vote against him multiple times if I could this time around.

08-17-2008, 03:50 PM
There are many people more likely than John Kerry.

I'm actually hoping for Sebelius.

Sean of the Thread
08-17-2008, 04:17 PM
Anyone with a 26,000 square foot air conditioner has my vote.

08-17-2008, 10:04 PM
I would LOL if Kerry got the VP nod.

08-17-2008, 10:09 PM
That would like instantly throw pie in the face of all the people who are attacking McCain for marrying the rich girl.

Speaking of... the Sept 08 playboy had an opinion piece infering that John McCain married Cindy for her money. This is a smart, tall, blond, hot chick (in her day), who has got to be fun to be around (she drives racecars and shit).

08-17-2008, 10:23 PM
I’ve heard speculation that Obama is going to name is VP this week. The convention is a week from tomorrow. Tuesday or Wednesday.

08-17-2008, 10:30 PM
I would LOL if Kerry got the VP nod.

That would make this presidential election worth watching... Watching that Blue Blood fall on his face a second time... would be priceless

08-18-2008, 06:43 PM
Joe Biden is now being touted as the top candidate for VP?

JOE Biden?


Joe Plagiarism Biden? What could he possibly bring to the ticket to help? So much for his "Hope and Change" message.

Dumb move imo.

08-18-2008, 07:25 PM
I really hope both candidates surprise me on VP choice. The mentioned and discarded choices all seem better than those remaining.

08-19-2008, 08:38 AM
Ya, Biden instantly negates all of Obama's "McCain has been in Washington too long" attacked.

Obama's pick is basically a vote, and if he votes for the long time washington insider how can he ask the rest of america not to?

IMO Obama's best pick is richardson.

08-19-2008, 11:11 AM
LOL, I knew a girl who left law school to go work for Joe Biden, when he wanted to be President. I LOLed at the time, now she might work for the VP? Crazy.

08-19-2008, 11:16 AM
Nah, cause at the convention, the Clintons are gonna steal the nomination with some kind of showing of awesomeness.


08-19-2008, 11:21 AM
Nah, cause at the convention, the Clintons are gonna steal the nomination with some kind of showing of awesomeness.

That would be the greatest event in the history of US Politics.. and as such would earn my currently uncommitted vote.

08-19-2008, 11:22 AM
Thanks for proving that the R in Republican stands for "Realism".

08-19-2008, 11:24 AM
Hmm, that's not a bad idea. I think someone should organize a nationwide deal this week for "Citizens planning on voting for McCain that will vote for Hillary Clinton if the DNC gives her the nod".

The whole prospect cracks my shit up.

08-19-2008, 11:28 AM
Thanks for proving that the R in Republican stands for "Realism".

Thanks for proving that the D in Daniel stands for you are a dumb fucking retard.

08-19-2008, 11:32 AM

08-19-2008, 12:16 PM
If Obama wants to shake things up, he should surprise us with a Republican VP, like Chuck Hagel or even Mike Hucakbee.

08-19-2008, 12:47 PM
Huckabee roflmao. I sometimes wonder if ClydeR isn't Mike Huckabee IRL.

08-19-2008, 12:47 PM
Ya, Biden instantly negates all of Obama's "McCain has been in Washington too long" attacked.

Obama's pick is basically a vote, and if he votes for the long time washington insider how can he ask the rest of america not to?

IMO Obama's best pick is richardson.

First of all the VP nod has almost no effect on the outcome of the election. Do you really think it was Dick Cheney and Al Gore that got the last two presidents elected?

Secondly I agree that Richardson would be an excellent pick for VP but I can't see Obama doing it at this point, thought I would be surprised if Richardson didn't have a cabinet post if Obama is elected.

08-19-2008, 12:59 PM
First of all the VP nod has almost no effect on the outcome of the election. Do you really think it was Dick Cheney and Al Gore that got the last two presidents elected?

Secondly I agree that Richardson would be an excellent pick for VP but I can't see Obama doing it at this point, thought I would be surprised if Richardson didn't have a cabinet post if Obama is elected.

I think the VP pick will have a big influence for the Republican race (for undecided or moderate voters anyway). With McCain being 900 years old, you have to consider that there is a decent chance he may die or become incapacitated while in office.

It's not as big of a deal for Obama IMO, unless you think there's a high likelihood he'd be assassinated by the wackos.

08-19-2008, 01:04 PM
I think the VP pick will have a big influence for the Republican race (for undecided or moderate voters anyway). With McCain being 900 years old, you have to consider that there is a decent chance he may die or become incapacitated while in office.

It's not as big of a deal for Obama IMO, unless you think there's a high likelihood he'd be assassinated by the wackos.

McCain is in good health for his age. I don't think it's realistic to think he's going to die. I mean sure...he could.

I also think its silly when I keep hearing republicans say they won't vote for him if he picks someone like Lieberman or another pro-choice candidate. So what are they going to do, throw their vote away to Barr, or not vote at all? Way to ensure that Obama is president. Perhaps I'm not principled enough to not vote for the "lesser of two evils" in a race between only two realistic possibilities.

08-19-2008, 01:29 PM
It's not as big of a deal for Obama IMO, unless you think there's a high likelihood he'd be assassinated by the wackos.

I think that's a pretty good eventuality. Just look at Khariz. He's already got the bomb shelter and everything.

08-19-2008, 01:29 PM
First of all the VP nod has almost no effect on the outcome of the election. Do you really think it was Dick Cheney and Al Gore that got the last two presidents elected?

Secondly I agree that Richardson would be an excellent pick for VP but I can't see Obama doing it at this point, thought I would be surprised if Richardson didn't have a cabinet post if Obama is elected.

Adding Hillary to Obama's ticket would energize the Republican party to vote against her 100x more than it would add to the DNC ticket. I know almost 10 people myself that are apathetic towards McCain and very likely not to vote at all; however, all have stated that if Hillary were to find a way to either join or replace Obama they would vote McCain in a heartbeat.

I cant think of any VP candidate for McCain that would do the same thing for the DNC.

08-19-2008, 01:30 PM
Dick Cheney?

08-19-2008, 01:35 PM
I think VP choice matters a lot... McCain because he's older than Reagan and Obama because he might get shot.

08-19-2008, 01:35 PM
Dick Cheney?


There's always Dan Qualye... the only living VP to not have subsequently received a nomination for president.

08-19-2008, 01:43 PM

There's always Dan Qualye... the only living VP to not have subsequently received a nomination for president.

Um, why would Qualye have run for president? Bush the first only served one term and thus Qualye was his VP nominate when he lost.

08-19-2008, 01:44 PM
Adding Hillary to Obama's ticket would energize the Republican party to vote against her 100x more than it would add to the DNC ticket. I know almost 10 people myself that are apathetic towards McCain and very likely not to vote at all; however, all have stated that if Hillary were to find a way to either join or replace Obama they would vote McCain in a heartbeat.

I cant think of any VP candidate for McCain that would do the same thing for the DNC.

I know that the R-team is frothing at the mouth obsessed with Hillary, but its not going to happen. You guys can stop shitting yourselves now.

08-19-2008, 01:48 PM
Um, why would Qualye have run for president? Bush the first only served one term and thus Qualye was his VP nominate when he lost.

It was a joke. I figured he'd be at least as repulsive as Cheney as a potential VP.

08-19-2008, 01:59 PM
I know that the R-team is frothing at the mouth obsessed with Hillary, but its not going to happen. You guys can stop shitting yourselves now.

If you're meaning that I'm obsessed with Hillary then you've completely missed the point of my post.

I'd say that there is a hate/distrust factor for Hillary that even exceeds Bill. That aside - its not that most Republicans I know are frothing at the mouth to have Hillary on the ticket. My post was more designed to reiterate what would happen, IMO, if she were to get the nod or find a way to oust Obama at the last minute.

Frothing at the mouth or no - you have to be stupid to completely disregard or discount any possiblity of a Hillary shennanagin. She's as obsessed with power in asmuch as R-Team is obsessed with her. If not moreso. ;)

08-19-2008, 02:27 PM
Adding Hillary to Obama's ticket would energize the Republican party to vote against her 100x more than it would add to the DNC ticket. I know almost 10 people myself that are apathetic towards McCain and very likely not to vote at all; however, all have stated that if Hillary were to find a way to either join or replace Obama they would vote McCain in a heartbeat.

I cant think of any VP candidate for McCain that would do the same thing for the DNC.

I disagree. I think putting Hillary on the ticket would solidify a very fractured Democrat party and give Obama a landslide victory.

08-19-2008, 02:29 PM

Is it because he's half black.. or that he's just a wacko socialist?

08-19-2008, 02:32 PM
It's because he's black.

08-19-2008, 02:37 PM
Of course.


08-19-2008, 02:40 PM
Is it because he's half black..

It's because he's black.

It's because there are a lot of bigoted people in this country.

Fear the melanin!*

I admit it, I originally typed melatonin. I R dumb

08-19-2008, 03:08 PM
It's because there are a lot of bigoted people in this country.

Fear the melanin!*

I admit it, I originally typed melatonin. I R dumb

Actually, if your going to buy into the typical Daniel type bullshit that somehow Obama being black makes him a bigger target than a white man as President.. then you would also have to buy into the statistical probability that he would be shot by a black man.. not a racist white guy.

08-19-2008, 03:46 PM
Biden/Ridge would be epic stupid. Thus it is quite possible.

08-19-2008, 03:56 PM
Actually, if your going to buy into the typical Daniel type bullshit that somehow Obama being black makes him a bigger target than a white man as President.. then you would also have to buy into the statistical probability that he would be shot by a black man.. not a racist white guy.

Yes, because as we know: There is no racism in America.

(except for Jesse Jackson and Rev. Wright)

08-19-2008, 04:02 PM
Actually, if your going to buy into the typical Daniel type bullshit that somehow Obama being black makes him a bigger target than a white man as President.. then you would also have to buy into the statistical probability that he would be shot by a black man.. not a racist white guy.

I only see Obama being a bigger target than a white guy as crazy-white-dude-from-Idaho may decide he has to make a point.

I think as president, Obama would be far enough removed from your "standard" murder to make most statistics on "standard" murders irrelevant.

08-19-2008, 05:49 PM
I disagree. I think putting Hillary on the ticket would solidify a very fractured Democrat party and give Obama a landslide victory.

I disagree. There are a lot of democrats that hate Hillary as well. For example, I would absolutely not vote for Obama if he chooses Hillary as his VP, especially since Obama is obviously going to get assassinated.

08-19-2008, 05:51 PM
Actually, if your going to buy into the typical Daniel type bullshit that somehow Obama being black makes him a bigger target than a white man as President.. then you would also have to buy into the statistical probability that he would be shot by a black man.. not a racist white guy.

I'm not racist, but black people commit all the crime.

Except for the stuff that the illegal immigrants do.

08-19-2008, 07:04 PM
Biden/Ridge would be epic stupid. Thus it is quite possible.

Ridge is out.

I still think it's going to be Biden though.

08-19-2008, 07:10 PM
Yes, because as we know: There is no racism in America.

(except for Jesse Jackson and Rev. Wright)

Yes, because as we know: Anything that is bad must be traced back to racism in order for you to victimize all blacks.

08-19-2008, 07:12 PM
I disagree. There are a lot of democrats that hate Hillary as well. For example, I would absolutely not vote for Obama if he chooses Hillary as his VP, especially since Obama is obviously going to get assassinated.

According to most polls, you are in the minority. Clinton is the most desired VP candidate of anyone mentioned.

08-19-2008, 08:11 PM
I think VP choice matters a lot... McCain because he's older than Reagan and Obama because he might get shot.
Why would Obama be more likely to be shot? Is it because he grew up in Hawaii?

08-19-2008, 08:12 PM
No... because unless you're a white Republican you recognize that there are still a lot of people that dislike black people in the country... many to a violent level.

EVEN WERE HE WHITE... he's got some of the same qualities that Kennedy had. That'd attract crazies too.

Khariz is theoretically rational and he thinks Obama is going to turn the country Marxist. It isn't that far a stretch.

08-19-2008, 08:15 PM
By the way, 4 US presidents have been assassinated, 3 were republicans, 1 was a democrat, and I don't think JFK would find that much in common with today's democrats. Of course there was RFK, a candidate who was shot, but there was also Reagan, a president who was shot and survived.

It is quite frankly racist and inflammatory to spread propaganda that if Obama is elected whitey is going to shoot him because hes got dark skin. Every president faces threat of assassination, it comes with the office, not the skin color.

08-19-2008, 08:17 PM
Right... because if someone does shoot him it totally wouldn't be racist...

You're a white Republican so the only racism is from Jackson and Sharpton. It's okay. Move on.

08-19-2008, 08:18 PM
No... because unless you're a white Republican you recognize that there are still a lot of people that dislike black people in the country... many to a violent level.

EVEN WERE HE WHITE... he's got some of the same qualities that Kennedy had. That'd attract crazies too.

Khariz is theoretically rational and he thinks Obama is going to turn the country Marxist. It isn't that far a stretch.
You're right, I remember just last week there was a lynching of a poor negro fella down by the docks...

The last time I saw any kind of violent hate crime in the news it was against muslims and it was in the fall of 2001. Before that it was against homosexuals in the late 90s I guess.

08-19-2008, 08:21 PM
Right... because if someone does shoot him it totally wouldn't be racist...

You're a white Republican so the only racism is from Jackson and Sharpton. It's okay. Move on.
I feel sorry for you, walking through life being all paranoid.

It is attitudes like yours why Obama is losing among white males big time. Playing the race card every time something negative happens is not an endearing quality.

08-19-2008, 08:21 PM
I'm sorry. Given your status I doubt you pay much attention to the news. Having actually spent time in the South I more than understand the potency of supremacy in America. The 'unexplained' burning of black churches, post Jena attitudes in the Deep South, and actual supremacist acts take on a real potency when you've observed the climate that produces them and attitudes like yours that want to sweep them under the rug.

Do you even know what Christian identity means? Do you understand the potential upshot of people already legitimately preaching that Obama is the Antichrist arisen?

I don't think I'm the willfully blind one.

08-19-2008, 08:27 PM
Right us white folk live up on the hill and instead of TV we hire negros by the dozen for a penny each to act out the popular shows of the day, while we light our cigars with 5 dollar bills and use oil to flush our toilets. Then when the wives ain't looking, we play hanky panky with those cute little negro lasses.

Really Warriorbird, which century do you live in? You're like a rebel without a cause.

What is it, at the end of The Princess Bride (white person movie, you may not get the reference. In fact, I don't think there is a single chocolate face in it, must be a racist producer!). Inigo Montoya says "You know, it's very strange -- I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it's over, I don't know what to do with the rest of my life."

That is you, you and people like Jackson or Sharpton, playing the race card is all you know and when it is no longer needed or society changes you don't change with it and don't know how to do anything but to cry racism.

08-19-2008, 08:28 PM
and oh... ps... Death Race looks retarded.

08-19-2008, 08:30 PM
Suggesting that Obama might get shot by a white supremacist is being pragmatic... not playing the race card.

Suggesting that Obama would lose solely because he is black would be 'playing the race card.'

Given that you don't believe hate crime or racism has occurred in years... I'm not sure you're even qualified to enter this discussion. How many black people live in your area?

If we're going for cheap 'image on the web' based insults... have you looked at your website lately for fuck's sake?

08-19-2008, 08:33 PM
I'm sitting in Montgomery, Alabama right now.

I think Barack Obama could be shot by a white supremecist. There's a Klan chapter in my hometown. I've seen them at their meetings in the woods. I've also been personal witness to a lot of Real Redneck hatred of blacks.


08-20-2008, 08:16 AM
Right... because if someone does shoot him it totally wouldn't be racist...

You're a white Republican so the only racism is from Jackson and Sharpton. It's okay. Move on.

Riiiight... because if someone does shoot him it totally would be racist...

You're a dumb fucking retard so when you are out of debate points (which is usually pretty early in any thread.. right behind Daniel), you fall back to racism.

08-20-2008, 08:20 AM
Suggesting that Obama might get shot by a white supremacist is being pragmatic... not playing the race card.

Suggesting that Obama would lose solely because he is black would be 'playing the race card.'

Given that you don't believe hate crime or racism has occurred in years... I'm not sure you're even qualified to enter this discussion. How many black people live in your area?

When did crb actually claim this.. or is this once again you making shit up... trying to step in for Daniel?

And making the outlandish claim that Obama is going to be shot because he is black is clearly playing the race card. Please try to stop being so fucking retarded today.

08-20-2008, 11:25 AM
You know guys...um...this time I'm on WB's side.

Due to the fact that white supremecists exist, and in large numbers in some places (like here, where I live), I don't see why it's NOT pragmatic to at least entertain the thought of Obama being shot. The contrast to other presidential assassinations/assassination attempts is less applicable particularly *because* of race here.

The point is that we really don't know how the extreme anti-black fringe groups in the country will react to their president being a black man. There are some areas in my county and adjacent counties where, if you are black, and you approach the wrong front door, you should expect to be shot on sight. These same lunatics will be the people that could attempt to assassinate Obama.

I just don't see how it's playing the race card when all he is doing is observing facts and accounting for one possible conclusion based on said facts.

08-20-2008, 10:57 PM
Riiiight... because if someone does shoot him it totally would be racist...

You're a dumb fucking retard so when you are out of debate points (which is usually pretty early in any thread.. right behind Daniel), you fall back to racism.

So you're saying if Obama were elected then happened to be assassinated it would be just because and any other possibility is racist? His election year does would not end in 0, by the way.

You can't be that stupid.

08-20-2008, 10:59 PM
Might someday be != going to be.

Simple logic lesson for you there PB.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
08-20-2008, 11:12 PM


08-21-2008, 07:20 AM
So you're saying if Obama were elected then happened to be assassinated it would be just because and any other possibility is racist? His election year does would not end in 0, by the way.

You can't be that stupid.

No, I'm saying that all Presidents run the risk of being assassinated and to state that Obama will probably be killed only because he is black is playing the race card.

Sorry it confused you so. I'll use pictures next time for you.

08-21-2008, 07:21 AM
Might someday be != going to be.

Simple logic lesson for you there PB.

You giving a logic lesson is a joke. Maybe you should stick to calling people racists... it's the only thing you are truly gifted at.

08-21-2008, 07:22 AM
You know guys...um...this time I'm on WB's side.

Due to the fact that white supremecists exist, and in large numbers in some places (like here, where I live), I don't see why it's NOT pragmatic to at least entertain the thought of Obama being shot. The contrast to other presidential assassinations/assassination attempts is less applicable particularly *because* of race here.

The point is that we really don't know how the extreme anti-black fringe groups in the country will react to their president being a black man. There are some areas in my county and adjacent counties where, if you are black, and you approach the wrong front door, you should expect to be shot on sight. These same lunatics will be the people that could attempt to assassinate Obama.

I just don't see how it's playing the race card when all he is doing is observing facts and accounting for one possible conclusion based on said facts.

Thankfully, there are no anti-white fringe groups in the country...

08-21-2008, 07:53 AM
You can't be that stupid.

Yea he can.

This is the same guy who said that someone hanging a noose from a tree in Mississippi had no racist connotations.

08-21-2008, 07:54 AM
Thankfully, there are no anti-white fringe groups in the country...

Yea. Those black racial supremecists really went out of their way to kill innocent white people for doing shit like going to school. How Jesse Jackson has survived under the patriot act is anyone's guess.

08-21-2008, 08:16 AM
Yea. Those black racial supremecists really went out of their way to kill innocent white people for doing shit like going to school. How Jesse Jackson has survived under the patriot act is anyone's guess.

Haha, who is busting out the hyperbole now.

But honestly...yeah. I mean...lemme make up some numbers here that, while not accurate, make the point:

If Obama is assassinated after becoming president, I'd say there's an 80% chance it's because he's black, and only a 20% chance because of some kind of particular issue/stance of his, or because someone is a lunatic.

If McCain is assassinated after becoming president, I'd say there's an 80% chance it's because someone is a luantic or because of a particular issue/stance of his, and 20% because he is white (and only this high, because McCain winning will naturally cause racial tensions that didn't exist before, because MANY Americans will assume that McCain was only elected because of the still existing racial prejudice in the country, meaning...black people are gonna be pissed off at white people and the emergence of additional black militants that do NOT behave themselves is likely).

So yeah...I'm agreeing that if Obama is assassinated it more than likely was mostly motivated by racial issues, and less likely to be motivated by things like him being a Marxist.

Vice versa for McCain.

08-21-2008, 08:47 AM
I'd say that's pretty fair.

08-21-2008, 08:57 AM
Yea he can.

This is the same guy who said that someone hanging a noose from a tree in Mississippi had no racist connotations.

Still doesn't beat most of your stupidity. See my sig for my favorite.

08-21-2008, 08:59 AM

08-21-2008, 09:01 AM
Haha, who is busting out the hyperbole now.

But honestly...yeah. I mean...lemme make up some numbers here that, while not accurate, make the point:

If Obama is assassinated after becoming president, I'd say there's an 80% chance it's because he's black, and only a 20% chance because of some kind of particular issue/stance of his, or because someone is a lunatic.

If McCain is assassinated after becoming president, I'd say there's an 80% chance it's because someone is a luantic or because of a particular issue/stance of his, and 20% because he is white (and only this high, because McCain winning will naturally cause racial tensions that didn't exist before, because MANY Americans will assume that McCain was only elected because of the still existing racial prejudice in the country, meaning...black people are gonna be pissed off at white people and the emergence of additional black militants that do NOT behave themselves is likely).

So yeah...I'm agreeing that if Obama is assassinated it more than likely was mostly motivated by racial issues, and less likely to be motivated by things like him being a Marxist.

Vice versa for McCain.

Now you are changing it to suit your purpose. It's not "IF", but "WHEN" Obama is assassinated. Here's the dumb quote from our resident master of dumb posts Daniel:

It's not as big of a deal for Obama IMO, unless you think there's a high likelihood he'd be assassinated by the wackos.

I think that's a pretty good eventuality. Just look at Khariz. He's already got the bomb shelter and everything.

08-21-2008, 09:02 AM

Perhaps your most brilliant post to date. I can honestly say that for once, I believe your post. I would be tired of people pointing out my stupidity too if I were you.

08-21-2008, 09:42 AM
Now you are changing it to suit your purpose. It's not "IF", but "WHEN" Obama is assassinated. Here's the dumb quote from our resident master of dumb posts Daniel:

Because you know...that post was 100% serious and I 100% expect Obama to be assassinated.

08-21-2008, 09:58 AM
Perhaps your most brilliant post to date. I can honestly say that for once, I believe your post. I would be tired of people pointing out my stupidity too if I were you.

I find this incredibly hard to believe. There probably isn't a day that goes by without you looking like a complete jackass, whereas you need to cling to some perceived misquote of mine like a distressed mother chimpanzie.

08-21-2008, 10:57 AM
Because you know...that post was 100% serious and I 100% expect Obama to be assassinated.

Is this where you say "Teh Internet R Serious Business" to weasel your way out of yet another stupid post?

08-21-2008, 10:59 AM
I find this incredibly hard to believe. There probably isn't a day that goes by without you looking like a complete jackass, whereas you need to cling to some perceived misquote of mine like a distressed mother chimpanzie.

It's probably that most of my posts are above your intellectual level.. so it's not that they are wrong, it's simply that you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand them.

I'll try using pictures with you.

And perceived misquote of yours? :rofl: So you actually still think that the US military accounts for 60% of the total US energy and THAT is the reason why we opted out of the Kyote? Then when called out, you say "oops, I meant something totally different"

Comedy Gold man. The only way this thread could get better is to have your little pal Keller troll in as usual to help you out.

08-21-2008, 11:09 AM
It's probably that most of my posts are above your intellectual level.. so it's not that they are wrong, it's simply that you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand them.

I'll try using pictures with you.

And perceived misquote of yours? :rofl: So you actually still think that the US military accounts for 60% of the total US energy and THAT is the reason why we opted out of the Kyote? Then when called out, you say "oops, I meant something totally different"

Comedy Gold man. The only way this thread could get better is to have your little pal Keller troll in as usual to help you out.


I'm not going to explain it again. Obviously your superior intellect is not helping you follow the link in your signature and go to the congressional testimony I was referencing.

08-21-2008, 11:10 AM
Is this where you say "Teh Internet R Serious Business" to weasel your way out of yet another stupid post?

This is where I say you're a retard for trying to take my obviously hyperbolic statement as anything other than that.

I'm pretty sure Khariz isn't building bomb shelters. I may be wrong though.

08-21-2008, 11:58 AM
I'd say that every President runs a risk of being assassinated based on issues/stances by some whacko left/right group (depending on where the President stands).

I'd say Obama would have a higher risk of assassination on top of that, because of the racial issue. McCain doesn't have such a risk from extremist minority militants because EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT has been a white man, and, even if they don't like it, they can't say McCain is somehow the representation of white evil and previous Presidents weren't. Except in crazy situations like Khariz mentioned with backlash from Obama being defeated. I personally think if Obama does get defeated, the black community will just shrug and think to themselves, "too good to be true...", and become more apathetic, not necessarily hostile, towards the system.

08-21-2008, 12:03 PM
Maybe Obama should just take Hillary as VP so that the assassination attempts (outside of the White House*) would have to think twice about now having Hillary as president.

*Hillary would probably try it herself.


08-21-2008, 12:06 PM
Hillary would never try it....

...she'd make sure she was out of the country when a hired gun guns him down, and then have a friend at the FBI "accidently" get in a shoot out with the guy and kill him.


08-21-2008, 12:07 PM
I'm pretty sure Khariz isn't building bomb shelters. I may be wrong though.

I assure you that I am most certainly not building bomb shelters. And I will tell you something else that you may find shocking:

If Barack Obama is elected president of the United States of America, I will do anything in my power to ensure that he is not assassinated, including taking the bullet for him if I can.

I believe in our country and what our system stands for, even if I think people as individuals are foolish for electing the man. I disagree with what I *think* his positions are, but if he's my president, I've got his back regarding his life. I can politically disagree with the man without wishing any harm on him or his own.

08-21-2008, 12:43 PM
awwwww! How cute!

Mike misses me.

08-21-2008, 12:46 PM
I assure you that I am most certainly not building bomb shelters. And I will tell you something else that you may find shocking:

If Barack Obama is elected president of the United States of America, I will do anything in my power to ensure that he is not assassinated, including taking the bullet for him if I can.

I believe in our country and what our system stands for, even if I think people as individuals are foolish for electing the man. I disagree with what I *think* his positions are, but if he's my president, I've got his back regarding his life. I can politically disagree with the man without wishing any harm on him or his own.

That's a really logical position. I mean, I don't give a fuck if the next President is a mass murderer, he's America's president, I got got his back.

08-21-2008, 12:47 PM
That's a really logical position. I mean, I don't give a fuck if the next President is a mass murderer, he's America's president, I got got his back.

You think we would elect a mass murderer? When that happens, I'll see if I feel the need to rethink my position.

08-21-2008, 12:56 PM
It can be said that our current president is a mass murderer... depending on your views of the 'war on terror.'

08-21-2008, 01:49 PM
It can be said that our current president is a mass murderer... depending on your views of the 'war on terror.'


I see what you did there.

Well played.

PS - He's also a big fat LIAR!

08-21-2008, 01:51 PM
And an Oilmonger.

And Dick Cheney is Darth Vader.

08-21-2008, 03:35 PM
And an Oilmonger.

And Dick Cheney is Darth Vader.

Don't be ridiculous.

Dick Cheney is the Penguin.