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  1. hand crossbow at cap (1 replies)
  2. trick arrows or signal arrows (1 replies)
  3. Ranged Questions (2 replies)
  4. Ranged AS issue (maybe) (8 replies)
  5. New CMAN DISLODGE (10 replies)
  6. Identify this bow? (6 replies)
  7. TWC Hand Crossbow (16 replies)
  8. Bolt fletching script (1 replies)
  9. Question about Brawling (4 replies)
  10. Crossbow vs Bow? (9 replies)
  11. End Game Bow - Sighting? (27 replies)
  12. Lost Arrows (0 replies)
  13. permablessed arrow bundles (13 replies)
  14. Ranged weapons and upgrades (1 replies)
  15. Help! (7 replies)
  16. tips for archery (6 replies)
  17. Self ammo VS regular arrows (15 replies)
  18. WTFBBQ?! (7 replies)
  19. Open Archery (10 replies)
  20. Flaring Types sold at EG (0 replies)
  21. The Feather and Bow (2 replies)
  22. Finally mastered! (1 replies)
  23. Sancted arrows (0 replies)
  24. Wand bow? (3 replies)
  25. Bolt DS (0 replies)
  26. Do enhancives for perception or ambush boost AS? (4 replies)
  27. E-Bladed Bows (1 replies)
  28. Open aiming and ambush (11 replies)
  29. E-bladed arrows only give +4 bonus? (2 replies)
  30. Monk Archer? (13 replies)
  31. Trouble calculating my ranged AS (5 replies)
  32. Fletching question (4 replies)
  33. Two Weapon Combat and Archery (2 replies)
  34. Average number of fletching per feather (3 replies)
  35. You archers are doing it all wrong! (7 replies)
  36. Where to spend extra points? (7 replies)
  37. Snipidy Snipe (19 replies)
  38. Archer Empath (3 replies)
  39. Rolling a Sniper (3 replies)
  40. How to Join Artisan for Fletching?? (22 replies)
  41. Ranger/Archery questions and discussion (3 replies)
  42. sharpened tips versus actual arrowheads (3 replies)
  43. Question about using some equipment - tools for fletching (1 replies)
  44. fletching glue bug, or container bug? (5 replies)
  45. tips / techniques / cmans for open archer ranger (16 replies)
  46. Worry about breeze no more! (4 replies)
  47. What class would make the best archer (21 replies)
  48. Post your builds (23 replies)
  49. My script for tracking arrows "arrowtracker" (4 replies)
  50. Sammu (5 replies)
  51. Not seeing faewood +20 bonus on arrows (10 replies)
  52. Sniper ranger enhancives (7 replies)
  53. Arrow bundling (1 replies)
  54. Arrows having no effect (1 replies)
  55. Non-missle in off hand (2 replies)
  56. DS Pushdown shooting from hiding (32 replies)
  57. Sighted Crossbow? - Loresung (0 replies)
  58. Archery Suggestion and Help (17 replies)
  59. Eblade Arrow Flare Question (2 replies)
  60. how far would you take a bow enchant (11 replies)
  61. dealing with ebladed arrows (2 replies)
  62. can wand bows be player enchanted? (1 replies)
  63. Any bows for sale? (6 replies)
  64. is it common practice? (10 replies)
  65. Wand Bows (10 replies)
  66. Ranged vs. Demons (4 replies)
  67. Crossbow script (8 replies)
  68. Gathering Arrow Question (3 replies)
  69. Fletching Questions (4 replies)
  70. Blessable master fletched arrows (2 replies)
  71. quick question (18 replies)
  72. Sephwir, what's the big deal? (4 replies)
  73. Level 99 archer (13 replies)
  74. Hunting levels 58-mid to upper 60s (0 replies)
  75. Archery Tag! (6 replies)
  76. Dumb question (10 replies)
  77. Stupid (7 replies)
  78. 106 Question (4 replies)
  79. Exceptionally sighted bows (13 replies)
  80. Crit Weighting on Bows (13 replies)
  81. Capped Range AS (24 replies)
  82. gathering your arrows (13 replies)
  83. quick question (11 replies)
  84. encumbrance and ammo management (crosspostin' like a bawse) (0 replies)
  85. What would this arrow do? (6 replies)
  86. Wand Bow Arrows and Magical Beasts (0 replies)
  87. Arrowhead Bundle Issue (3 replies)
  88. Oak for fletching (1 replies)
  89. Artisan Faire Bowstrings (8 replies)
  90. Question on Armor for Archery (2 replies)
  91. Arrowheads from spitfire (24 replies)
  92. Faewood Arrows (5 replies)
  93. Combat maneuver (5 replies)
  94. Multi Opponent Combat (13 replies)
  95. Crossbow question (1 replies)
  96. Rogue vs. Ranger? (32 replies)
  97. Good Idea? (4 replies)
  98. Double plasma flares? (6 replies)
  99. Feathers and fletching (2 replies)
  100. Wand Bow vs. Ipantor Bow (5 replies)
  101. Acid Vials give acid flares to arrows? (25 replies)
  102. Need a bow assessed... (1 replies)
  103. wand bow mechanics (6 replies)
  104. Opinions on sighting. (7 replies)
  105. Fletching help (4 replies)
  106. Thrown Weapon limits? (17 replies)
  107. fletching help (4 replies)
  108. strange (2 replies)
  109. In Need! (6 replies)
  110. Thought about Crossbows? (5 replies)
  111. yay plasma! (4 replies)
  112. 60+ Train Hunting Ground (17 replies)
  113. Ammo, bundling, and how to manage it all. (12 replies)
  114. Brawling and Archery (5 replies)
  115. Fletchings and Blessings (1 replies)
  116. When does ambush training pay off? (14 replies)
  117. Roundtime problem? (7 replies)
  118. AS Question? (17 replies)
  119. Preception and Attack strength (11 replies)
  120. Longbow vs. Composite vs. Short bow (Crit kills) (9 replies)
  121. 5x bow & 5x arrows (10 replies)
  122. Player Points and Bows (18 replies)
  123. Master Fletcher (4 replies)
  124. Archery & Mages (0 replies)
  125. "The Art of the Bow" - GSIV Archery Guide (2 replies)
  126. "The Art of the Bow" - GSIV Archery Guide (154 replies)
  127. Ambush v Perception (23 replies)
  128. Archery vs. Sunfist Camps (14 replies)
  129. Open vs. Sniping (20 replies)
  130. Speed Crossbow (of DOOM!) (17 replies)
  131. What spells/monsters can disarm a bow? (6 replies)
  132. Archery Scripts HELP (4 replies)
  133. I love these arrows! (24 replies)
  134. Archery Gear (40 replies)
  135. Foraging for wood (6 replies)
  136. Triton arrows (2 replies)
  137. Arrows (4 replies)
  138. Fletching feathers (11 replies)
  139. Archery (2 replies)
  140. Another new archer, rogue version (27 replies)
  141. New archer (19 replies)
  142. Quickstrike? (15 replies)
  143. Does 404 help with archery? (6 replies)
  144. Fletching question (8 replies)
  145. Arrows (11 replies)
  146. Cursed arrows (3 replies)
  147. Need someone to assess a crossbow (2 replies)
  148. Fletching Exp Logs (10 replies)
  149. Arrows and Warrior Sheaths (22 replies)
  150. ambushing (11 replies)
  151. gathering arrows (5 replies)
  152. Natural Weighting on Materials (6 replies)
  153. Ranged/Thrown hybrid. (3 replies)
  154. Cman + Archery (21 replies)
  155. E-crossbows (20 replies)
  156. Wand-Loading Bows (8 replies)
  157. 2009 Goals - Archery (41 replies)
  158. archery scripts (1 replies)
  159. Some General Archery Questions (8 replies)
  160. Simple q (8 replies)
  161. mastering Fletching Script (4 replies)
  162. Acid/Poison Arrow Making? (13 replies)
  163. Fixin my archer (28 replies)
  164. Weighted/Sighted woods (3 replies)
  165. Blue Griffin Feathers (1 replies)
  166. How's my training looking? (5 replies)
  167. Few AS questions (2 replies)
  168. Fletching Guide (24 replies)
  169. Aiming (10 replies)
  170. AS question (11 replies)
  171. Flaring metal arrowheads/caps (0 replies)
  172. Bows & Arrows (15 replies)
  173. ambush (3 replies)
  174. Archer Skills & Stats (1 replies)
  175. Stat placement (3 replies)
  176. AS help (10 replies)
  177. Weird bow (6 replies)
  178. Archer Training Questions (17 replies)
  179. Archery and group buffs (5 replies)
  180. Fixskilling to archery (2 replies)
  181. Best archer race/class combo (1 replies)
  182. What race/profession makes the best archers? (50 replies)
  183. Sighted Bows (1 replies)
  184. What you think? Training plan (4 replies)
  185. cleric archer? (9 replies)
  186. Crossbow (3 replies)
  187. arrow caps (2 replies)
  188. Bonding to a bow. (2 replies)
  189. Archery Help (18 replies)
  190. Bow + Wand = flare (6 replies)
  191. ranged RT help (2 replies)
  192. Archery DS and Ambush (16 replies)
  193. Bow Base? (3 replies)
  194. Ranger Archer (4 replies)
  195. Open Aiming (9 replies)
  196. Returning archer (4 replies)
  197. Proper 411 bundling (7 replies)
  198. Aiming? (5 replies)
  199. found a bow... (12 replies)
  200. help needed with a rogue (6 replies)
  201. Fletching (5 replies)
  202. Three second eye shots (14 replies)
  203. Cman (13 replies)
  204. OTF archers (112 replies)
  205. wizard archery (0 replies)
  206. crossbow/longbow (6 replies)
  207. Level 23 Sniping (1 replies)
  208. Retraining my archer. need help (0 replies)
  209. Composite Bow in OTF? (5 replies)
  210. Archery Attack Strength (34 replies)
  211. Fletching Services (0 replies)
  212. Sylvarraend? (14 replies)
  213. backroom access (11 replies)
  214. crossbow or bow? (17 replies)
  215. A little help (16 replies)
  216. Archery & CMans (14 replies)
  217. Arrowhead/Enchant Questions (6 replies)
  218. Problems with Ebladed Arrows (9 replies)
  219. Parry DS (1 replies)
  220. Ranged weapons and sanctify spell. (2 replies)
  221. shooting from open? (3 replies)
  222. Bow/AI crystal question (2 replies)
  223. 5x or 4x arrows.. (1 replies)
  224. Rogue archer training (7 replies)
  225. Mfire Questions (5 replies)
  226. What to hunt? Ranger 38 trains (10 replies)
  227. Dwarven archer. (19 replies)
  228. Bows and ds (5 replies)
  229. Poison Elemental Bows (ATTN: Drew and Amber) (24 replies)
  230. New bows? (9 replies)
  231. sighted? (3 replies)
  232. Fletching Updated! (27 replies)
  233. Artisean titles per ranks (5 replies)
  234. Rogue Archer (1 replies)
  235. Looking for advice. (0 replies)
  236. The Elemental Bow Thread (7 replies)
  237. Over here too! (2 replies)
  238. armor and hiding (6 replies)
  239. Archery, Brawling and Defense (5 replies)
  240. Arrow's Flares (0 replies)
  241. Arcane Symbols Training (9 replies)
  242. archery question, ambush or perception? (18 replies)
  243. My mesille heavy crossbow from WD raffle (8 replies)
  244. archer armor (7 replies)
  245. Bow Vs. Crossbow ??? (4 replies)
  246. My new rogue come May (14 replies)
  248. Interesting archer training... (5 replies)
  249. Training & Stats (2 replies)
  250. Eblading/Blessing Arrows (5 replies)