View Full Version : Do enhancives for perception or ambush boost AS?

01-28-2016, 08:53 PM
Reading from the wiki, perception and ambush are only useful up to 2x for your AS with ranged weapons. I didn't see this in the Art of the Bow.

Can anyone verify that enhancives putting you past 2x in perception or ambush are not beneficial to AS? Any bonuses I have would free up some TPs. Thanks!

02-24-2016, 01:32 PM
I'm a bit surprised no one could give me a quick and easy answer on this. In any case, I decided to stop being lazy and check it myself. Using enhancives to boost perception and ambush past 2x, my AS did go up as well. I am testing this as a ranger, so I'd be interested to know how this corresponds to a rogue who can 3x perception. Can a rogue only get a bonus from 2x plus enhancives or 3x plus enhancives? Basically, is there an imposed cap or not?

Just to knit pick, both the wiki and Art of the Bow guides are slightly wrong. The wiki has the ambush and perception bonus added together then truncated. Perception and ambush should be calculated separately and truncated before being added together. The wiki Art of the Bow guide needs to have truncation, though maybe it used to as there are an abundance of parenthesis floating in the equation.

02-24-2016, 03:22 PM
Perception does not provide a bonus past 2x, no matter the source. And yes, ambush does provide a bonus past 2x.

02-24-2016, 03:35 PM
Ahh, I didn't differentiate between perception and ambush in my testing. Thanks, though couldn't you have just said that a month ago? :D

02-24-2016, 03:37 PM
Didn't see it a month ago. =P