View Full Version : What you think? Training plan

08-08-2007, 10:22 AM
this is for a lvl 74 giantman cleric. Since i only really played a rogue in my recent years here, i know only the basics of playing a cleric. What you all think of this plan for an Archer cleric. Think it will be effective in OTF/rift ?

1x range
1x ambush
1x harness power
1x cleric spells
2x perception
.5x MIU and Arcane
35 armor (brig)
25 PT
30 spirit mana control
45 MnS (will continue training in after Mjs to 45)
28 Mjs (will bring to 45 to match)
40 Spiritual Lore Religion
25 Spiritual Lore Summoning
30 climb/swim

with a 10x bow/arrows, 307, 211, 215 and society my AS will be around 390ish i think. and with 117 460ish. I think this would work good if i was to bind or use some other attack spell first, then kill it with an arrow. That is if my cleric CS isn't too low. Any thoughts? advice? would be much appretiated.

08-08-2007, 04:00 PM

08-08-2007, 04:09 PM
I've seen only one cleric with that training plan and that was a LONG time ago. I forgot his name and although he was annoying his tactics did work. He would fog to me already kneeling and with 117 and just shoot me in the eye. His name started with a P. Like Pudsomething. Anyone remember?

08-08-2007, 05:35 PM
He would fog to me already kneeling and with 117 and just shoot me in the eye.

:rofl: That's hilarious. Not that I really care if he was killing your or anyone specifically, just picturing this really happen.

08-08-2007, 08:56 PM
Pudgee most likely.

he was a crazy/funny/asshole type person

He had a main guy, an older wizard or something. I forget who that was for some reason. The guy hated me.

He did that type of thing though.