View Full Version : Ranged Questions

08-29-2023, 01:59 AM
Just came back and noticed a bundle of arrows gives you unlimited shots, no more picking up arrows, etc. I also noticed my arrows no longer added to my ranged AS. I tried fletching some default 4x faewood arrows, also tried eblading. Am I missing something or do arrows not provide AS anymore? I tried a higher enchant bow and that raised it so I’m guessing I have to get a 10x now to have the max AS instead of just having a 6x bow and 4x arrows?

Another ranged question, I noticed in Nelemar my rogue can shoot a Greater water elemental and hit it, but when I shoot a GWE with by bard using the same bow/arrows it seems to be immune.

Any info on either item above would be greatly appreciated!

08-29-2023, 05:49 AM
arrows don't add to ranged as anymore

09-01-2023, 10:00 AM
All enchant is on the bow only now. While this makes it more difficult to achieve a 10x weapon as all the enchant has to be on the bow, bows in general have opened up considerably in terms of pathways to upgrades and improvements.

Master fletchers now can provide a +5 AvD to a limited number of shots within their quiver. Type FLETCH in game to view fletching options.