View Full Version : Trouble calculating my ranged AS

05-28-2015, 12:20 AM
Will ambush help my ranged AS firing from the open and not aiming? I dropped it when I switched from sniping to open archer but I think I made a mistake.

Also, I've been trying to figure out exactly how my current ranged AS is being calculated so I can see how much AS I'm missing out on by not having ambush. I tried using the below formula and read the wiki page but I'm having issues figuring out how perception ties in. My dex bonus is 17, my ranged bonus is 256 (at lvl 76), my perception ranks are 234, and my ambush ranks are 0. I'm using a 0x bow and arrow to test. For the life of me I do not come up with the 311 AS. Any help is much appreciated.


Ranged AS: DEX Bonus + Bow/Arrow Enchant (+50 max) + Ranged Skill + (((Ambush ranks – 40)/4) + ((Perception ranks – 40)/4)) + Spell effects (211, 215, Warcry, 1606, 425, etc.)

05-28-2015, 01:13 AM
Something not stated is that perception is capped at (level +1) *2, any ranks beyond that aren't adding anything. If you were 2x in ambush you'd have lost 28-29 AS, and only were only 1x it would have been about 18.

05-28-2015, 01:25 AM
Something not stated is that perception is capped at (level +1) *2, any ranks beyond that aren't adding anything. If you were 2x in ambush you'd have lost 28-29 AS, and only were only 1x it would have been about 18.

Is the person asking about this a rogue? Because only rogues can 3x perception, I think, making it superfluous to non-rogues, unless you wanted to spend enhancive slots on perception for some fucking weird reason...

SO LATE to this thread, and I probably should read back but I'm bored...are we talking only about the AS bonus from perception? I think the benefit to aiming is uncapped.

05-28-2015, 01:42 AM
Ah ok thanks so much. I didn't think to subtract the extra 40 because I didn't have any ambush ranks. Yes, my guy is a rogue and triples perception. I had read that the perception bonus benefit was capped at 2x but it seems like it's taking all 234 perception ranks into account (3x). However, maybe that is because I have no ambush ranks. Maybe it would only take into account 156 perception ranks (2x) if I also had 156 ambush ranks (2x)!?

05-28-2015, 02:05 AM
Well I'm definitely an idiot. I went to use my fixskills, checked my cmans and saw that I had +10 AS from wspec1. So the original formula seems to work now if you take into account what Jeril is saying and only use 154 perception ranks in the calc... 10 + 17 + 256 + (trunc((154-40)/4)) = 311

05-28-2015, 04:09 AM
Well I'm definitely an idiot. I went to use my fixskills, checked my cmans and saw that I had +10 AS from wspec1. So the original formula seems to work now if you take into account what Jeril is saying and only use 154 perception ranks in the calc... 10 + 17 + 256 + (trunc((154-40)/4)) = 311

Good deal.

I'll remove my posts so as not to spread incorrect information.