View Full Version : armor and hiding

06-16-2005, 11:43 PM
now here's a dilema

I made two builds and one on the suggestion of another

my first build and currently used one is
2.5x perc (251 at 100)
2x ambush
2x dodge
2.9x hiding(291 hiding by 100)
and 45 armor(45 by lvl 44)for brig
.65x cm (65 by 100 30 surge 35 smastery)

but then on hearing of the powers of higher armor class I tweaked that a bit and made this build
2.5x perc (251 ranks at 100)
2x ambush
2x dodge
2.5x hiding(256 by 100)
130 armor(130 by lvl 64 roughtly 2x until 64)for full plate
.65x cm (65 by 100 30 surge 35 smastery)

and here one I heard from someone else
3x perc
3x dodge
0x hiding
0x ambushing
130 armor
26 cm(6 for surge(lvl2) 20 for wspec(lvl4))

i'm a giant rogue so surge adds +20 at max for a grand total of +60 so i can hide and aim with 3 sec on longbow

the last build only has 2 surge for +11 making my str +50 so I can aim with 3 sec in the open with longbow

I have
2x ranged
2.9x picklocks
2.6x disarm
2x pickpocketing
30 climbing and 20 swimming
4 minor elemental spells
24 arcane symbols
for all the builds

my thought in building the first build with 2.9x hiding and brig was I would be hidden all the time and thus bypassing my innate weakness against spells as an archer

my thoughts on building the second build was after looking at porcells build with 120 armor and all the praise I hear about plate armor but my fear is my hiding wont be enough to hide constantly from spell casters

my thought on building the third build was a discussion with dazmar and seeing his rantings on forget about hiding an archer is all about standing out there killing stuff real fast before they kill you thus the no hiding no ambush build,3x dodge 3x perc lowered cm since smastery wasnt needed and only needed lvl2 surge +10 more for a total of 50 str to aim open at 3rt

I want to hear your opinions I'm leaning towards the second build at the moment from my new found respect for higher class armor especially the plate ones

but as soon as the hiding changes roll in I think I will be going back into the first build and staying in fgb

[Edited on 6-17-2005 by Valgaav]

06-16-2005, 11:50 PM
35 ranks for brig, not 45.

06-17-2005, 02:18 AM
45 to train off MAvA penalties 35 to train off minor elemental penalties

06-17-2005, 02:22 AM
there is no such thing as MAvA

06-17-2005, 03:44 AM
well ok if you say so but on tsoran trainer spreadsheet theres MAvA penalty and it says it takes 45 ranks to train it off.

but other then that lets get back on topic,

what are you general opinions about the training plans I've set out

I'm leaning towards the second build with 256 hiding and 130 armor
i've modified it so that i only have 65 cmans,just taking the surge and smastery now put the rest into perception making perception 2.5x 251 ranks at 100

06-17-2005, 04:39 AM
MAvA hasn't existed since the guild skills went over to the CML system.

06-17-2005, 06:09 AM
I personally have my Rogue built up to snipe in brig and prefer it greatly that way. Im no giant so you can even get your RT's lower than me so I'd say it would be a very solid setup.

Then again Ive got a friend who swears by his plate for his archer but he also refuses to put up the coins for crit padded armor in the least.