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Pages : [1] 2

  1. Simu is officially monetizing spell ups now (51 replies)
  2. sweet refreshing butter (3 replies)
  3. Querthose the scenery-chewer (0 replies)
  4. Highest valued critter found weapon ever? (7 replies)
  5. Standard GS let down (5 replies)
  6. Something for Chris in Billing. (3 replies)
  7. Mana pulse and spell up (2 replies)
  8. The In-Game Thanks and Shout Out Thread (4 replies)
  9. Landing Board (0 replies)
  10. Thread for cybering in (17 replies)
  11. My current funny project (21 replies)
  12. Random funny GS moments (18 replies)
  13. A new high........at least for me (6 replies)
  14. Seomanthe and the Drunken Sylph (8 replies)
  15. A ridiculous shield I found had to share (8 replies)
  16. I believe in Wyrom pic thread! (32 replies)
  17. I got a chuckle from this: (5 replies)
  18. Flimbo Meltdown (We're Toxic) (109 replies)
  19. Build Your Own Critter! [Dragon Edition] (7 replies)
  20. Dreaven Melt Down (615 replies)
  21. Wyrom Find on One Epic Knight (159 replies)
  22. Wesley/Flimbo meltdown (24 replies)
  23. GM Kudos (13 replies)
  24. GM Appreciation Thread (25 replies)
  25. Old School FTW! (6 replies)
  26. Computer Gaming World's 1991 & 1993 articles on GSIII (13 replies)
  27. Oblivion (2 replies)
  28. Thank you (7 replies)
  29. Leafiara's late-starting Advent calendar of love and life lessons (29 replies)
  30. Sareyna, Telum, Kittai (21 replies)
  31. behold, gemstone 4k! (2 replies)
  32. Nazagor & his alt army (7 replies)
  33. A night with Zaoloo (9 replies)
  34. Strongturtle (0 replies)
  35. The raping of Astare (4 replies)
  36. Kudos Community! (0 replies)
  37. Excellent FWI Transport Messaging (3 replies)
  38. Sand Devil Kill (1 replies)
  39. The Brawl (4 replies)
  40. The Box Song by Ylena (8 replies)
  41. obese drunken chinchilla love (4 replies)
  42. Thorns Kills Teclys (11 replies)
  43. Bronnwyn kills Thorns (32 replies)
  44. I just called Kithus retarded on the officials. (9 replies)
  45. You gather the remaining 25380 coins from inside your fel strongbox (7 replies)
  46. Fun With Flares Pt 2 (21 replies)
  47. Thank You :) (2 replies)
  48. Landing Constable Quotes Judge Dredd - Part of what I love about Gemstone (4 replies)
  49. Post of the year candidates (6 replies)
  50. Favorite GS memories (97 replies)
  51. Duskruin WTF (9 replies)
  52. Farain and Vermin's wheel of pink (13 replies)
  53. Gingie / Subeta/ Bait (56 replies)
  54. Another Night, Another Adventure (39 replies)
  55. Great Snobs? (17 replies)
  56. Rescued (again) (0 replies)
  57. Random Acts of Kindness (4 replies)
  58. Ernesta (8 replies)
  59. Why Forcing Interaction Ruined Gemstone (42 replies)
  60. Scripting vs. Roleplaying? (187 replies)
  61. Why Lich Ruined Gemstone (109 replies)
  62. Show your artwork contest submissions (57 replies)
  63. Wyrom, Aiza, and Valyrka (10 replies)
  64. Officer Openings! (Twilight Hall) (0 replies)
  65. Serendipity (13 replies)
  66. Hilarious AM conversation (54 replies)
  67. What The Hedgehog Says (4 replies)
  68. They Do Exist (REAL GEM!) (5 replies)
  69. Spellburst? No. SpellBOOM. (0 replies)
  70. What is the your most valuable GSIV item? (36 replies)
  71. Landing Thought Net (2 replies)
  72. Best way to log back in? (7 replies)
  73. Web (118) Re-Release Event (3 replies)
  74. Speaking of Nostalgia... (1 replies)
  75. Nostalgia, or the list of people we need to blame. (2 replies)
  76. Buy Diamond Engagement Rings from Velvetcase Online shopping Store!! (0 replies)
  77. executioners stance (12 replies)
  78. Wyrom (77 replies)
  79. Izzea (9 replies)
  80. Griping Spirit Servant (3 replies)
  81. The Brief Life and Times of Beetkins, the Halfling Monk (35 replies)
  82. On a shop sign: (2 replies)
  83. pass script check, get RPA, profit (3 replies)
  84. If girls want to be cats you should be (19 replies)
  85. Voaris Iasha Weapon Messaging (0 replies)
  86. Afk gems (9 replies)
  87. Romance, betrayal, sorrow, and ultimately comedy. (30 replies)
  88. What happened in Asael's lair. (7 replies)
  89. EG Costume Contest (0 replies)
  90. Fleur's parting gift (18 replies)
  91. blue balled (2 replies)
  92. PC PM Gem (12 replies)
  93. MSPaint Gemstone Creatures (8 replies)
  94. Gotta love the impure coraesine! (3 replies)
  95. Animals getting ready for teh cyberz (2 replies)
  96. Mass Death (1 replies)
  97. How long does it take for sorcerer envy to set in? (5 replies)
  98. 2011 Dame Wanton Memorial Tournament (24 replies)
  99. Being a jerk (7 replies)
  100. a fond farwell (18 replies)
  101. Gemstone FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-Moments (128 replies)
  102. CoL (0 replies)
  103. Dying (3 replies)
  104. Bounty (0 replies)
  105. Bad Friends... (0 replies)
  106. Andraste (1 replies)
  107. Ta'Vaalor Ferry (2 replies)
  108. For GSIV Marketplace Trolls (4 replies)
  109. For OTF Hunters! (7 replies)
  110. a white water lily (2 replies)
  111. Box Found - Piece of History? (14 replies)
  112. YaY easy bounties! (2 replies)
  113. Woops, explody. (21 replies)
  114. karselyn (1 replies)
  115. My globe (2 replies)
  116. Throgg Posts (108 replies)
  117. Farmer pwn (2 replies)
  118. Screwing around (5 replies)
  119. Gib (25 replies)
  120. Honey bun invasion (7 replies)
  121. LOL Welfidia (20 replies)
  122. This list is hard to keep up with (10 replies)
  123. Foxs goes Splat (9 replies)
  124. Best story ever (7 replies)
  125. Thandiwe PWNing Someone on the Officials (7 replies)
  126. Heirloom initials (11 replies)
  127. Worst Timing EVER (16 replies)
  128. Some GM is winning (12 replies)
  129. PWNT BAELOG (50 replies)
  130. Comedic Timing (0 replies)
  131. things that made you lol today? (10 replies)
  132. Keeping it positive (66 replies)
  133. Orb Gems (1 replies)
  134. +5 DEX gift box vest (17 replies)
  135. When during the pregnancy can you start to produce milk? (9 replies)
  136. Boddiker gets owned - repeatedly (57 replies)
  137. Maraene (3 replies)
  138. That's no bench... (2 replies)
  139. Just an old snippet (1 replies)
  140. A Real Gem! (50 replies)
  141. 330 works! (9 replies)
  142. post your fav tattoo (25 replies)
  143. Grimswarm Troll Ranger's Fury (5 replies)
  144. Illistim gates ftw (0 replies)
  145. LOL (29 replies)
  146. Personal Invasions (26 replies)
  147. Lost In The Woods (1 replies)
  148. Coinner found bound by Kaedra, limbed, then killed by spelled up Roltons (54 replies)
  149. Shadowsilk...REVOKED! (25 replies)
  150. Dodge the meteor, by Listis (11 replies)
  151. Humiliating death (11 replies)
  152. Tamuz (1 replies)
  153. dead game host (2 replies)
  154. 1000 AS (118 replies)
  155. GS ePeen Waggling Thread (24 replies)
  156. GM Naionna's Whacking Stick (3 replies)
  157. Methais is sometimes subtle (12 replies)
  158. Dwarves say the darndest things. (10 replies)
  159. My rolton bladder (13 replies)
  160. Thanks, Raggler (10 replies)
  161. Former GMs (53 replies)
  162. +40 to all stats! (12 replies)
  163. I just got run over by a reindeer. (4 replies)
  164. Gemstone down? (28 replies)
  165. Andraste (31 replies)
  166. I lose (27 replies)
  167. Illoke Frat Boys (5 replies)
  168. Just for the hell of it... (3 replies)
  169. Someone got out of his airship on the wrong side of the glacier... (8 replies)
  170. The Luck of Tsin continues! (8 replies)
  171. I can ride my bike with no handlebars (17 replies)
  172. Best button evar? (8 replies)
  173. EEEEEVILLLLL! (6 replies)
  174. Oh, aster opals, how I love thee... (2 replies)
  175. Droit ballista and GS physics (27 replies)
  176. Bliza <3 (2 replies)
  177. Great places of Elanthia (16 replies)
  178. Kaedra (133 replies)
  179. Rapidfire 616 in a Warcamp, Take 2 (30 replies)
  180. Rapidfire 616 in a Warcamp (0 replies)
  181. missed mass spells: (0 replies)
  182. Seeker dances (3 replies)
  183. Flower girl (1 replies)
  184. This is just wrong (9 replies)
  185. Amazing warcamp survivals (15 replies)
  186. Failed at warparty hunting (6 replies)
  187. Love healing.. (85 replies)
  188. A thanks to a GM (20 replies)
  189. Sylvan stronger then a giantman (11 replies)
  190. Good finds in old folders (1 replies)
  191. Solhaven.. (0 replies)
  192. Grimswarm Delight (18 replies)
  193. The perfect spikestar (2 replies)
  194. Something wonderful happened... (35 replies)
  195. Jennafire... (284 replies)
  196. How to cook roast beef (36 replies)
  197. Who says Feedback never responds? (8 replies)
  198. Awesome. (6 replies)
  199. beautiful and sweet words (5 replies)
  200. Because there are so many "GMs SUCK" threads. (28 replies)
  201. Thanks, Zuie!! (14 replies)
  202. Log: Got my armor enhanced! Yay team! (9 replies)
  203. Oh.. The revisit of the "It's MY WOUND!" Empaths.. (49 replies)
  204. Rathmond MAing PvP at it's finest (56 replies)
  205. ..."Parts." (0 replies)
  206. Fickunts (15 replies)
  207. I hate GS. (29 replies)
  208. No Rickroll for me :( (18 replies)
  209. Since I haven't found ONE enhancive! (11 replies)
  210. VICTORY IS MINE!!...Thanks to all of you. (44 replies)
  211. Teras... (4 replies)
  212. NPC Facepalm! (2 replies)
  213. Medicunt Gems (32 replies)
  214. Gems? (1 replies)
  215. Trallihn (1 replies)
  216. Chaos on Teras (27 replies)
  217. Ramladu (8 replies)
  218. funny xpost from officials (3 replies)
  219. Painfully accurate observation by Xolean (3 replies)
  220. Foxs (Long) (71 replies)
  221. Windows Mobile/Pocket PC Telnet Client Help (6 replies)
  222. Who says the Official Boards are Too Uptight?? (42 replies)
  223. My First Boxfound (62 replies)
  224. Oh the joys of cleaning out the mailbox (31 replies)
  225. Kamajen's Magic Shoppe - Illistim (2 replies)
  226. Michaelous is Randil? (8 replies)
  227. Where are they now? (27 replies)
  228. Kyrandos and Cronuss fun (41 replies)
  229. Fun with Lacheis (30 replies)
  230. certainly something new. (5 replies)
  231. Edgeleaf needs some time off his hands (28 replies)
  232. Best Bounty EVAR (27 replies)
  233. A n'ayanad crystal (4 replies)
  234. Gemstone Pranks (62 replies)
  235. Rocksand fun (71 replies)
  236. X-Post: Best Golden Kobold Ever (207 replies)
  237. Uber animate... (6 replies)
  238. RP and Death in Icemule (LONG!) (0 replies)
  239. RP and Death in Icemule (LONG!) (89 replies)
  240. Lovebirds! (18 replies)
  241. posting on the officials? (1 replies)
  242. The Rolton Slayer! (11 replies)
  243. Executioner Ambush @ My Base (3 replies)
  244. Why sonic flares win at life. (4 replies)
  245. Illistim, the great Zodin Meteor storm fiasco! (49 replies)
  246. sonic flares = nasty (2 replies)
  247. Official: Harry Potter Policy! (22 replies)
  248. Skillz (7 replies)
  249. Damn sancters... (31 replies)
  250. Gemsex Revealed (12 replies)