View Full Version : GemStone Gems
- Skillz
- Official: Harry Potter Policy!
- sonic flares = nasty
- Illistim, the great Zodin Meteor storm fiasco!
- Why sonic flares win at life.
- Executioner Ambush @ My Base
- The Rolton Slayer!
- posting on the officials?
- Lovebirds!
- RP and Death in Icemule (LONG!)
- RP and Death in Icemule (LONG!)
- Uber animate...
- X-Post: Best Golden Kobold Ever
- Rocksand fun
- Gemstone Pranks
- A n'ayanad crystal
- Best Bounty EVAR
- Edgeleaf needs some time off his hands
- certainly something new.
- Fun with Lacheis
- Kyrandos and Cronuss fun
- Where are they now?
- Michaelous is Randil?
- Kamajen's Magic Shoppe - Illistim
- Oh the joys of cleaning out the mailbox
- My First Boxfound
- Who says the Official Boards are Too Uptight??
- Windows Mobile/Pocket PC Telnet Client Help
- Foxs (Long)
- Painfully accurate observation by Xolean
- funny xpost from officials
- Ramladu
- Chaos on Teras
- Trallihn
- Gems?
- Medicunt Gems
- NPC Facepalm!
- Teras...
- VICTORY IS MINE!!...Thanks to all of you.
- Since I haven't found ONE enhancive!
- No Rickroll for me :(
- I hate GS.
- Fickunts
- ..."Parts."
- Rathmond MAing PvP at it's finest
- Oh.. The revisit of the "It's MY WOUND!" Empaths..
- Log: Got my armor enhanced! Yay team!
- Thanks, Zuie!!
- Because there are so many "GMs SUCK" threads.
- beautiful and sweet words
- Awesome.
- Who says Feedback never responds?
- How to cook roast beef
- Jennafire...
- Something wonderful happened...
- The perfect spikestar
- Grimswarm Delight
- Solhaven..
- Good finds in old folders
- Sylvan stronger then a giantman
- A thanks to a GM
- Love healing..
- Failed at warparty hunting
- Amazing warcamp survivals
- This is just wrong
- Flower girl
- Seeker dances
- missed mass spells:
- Rapidfire 616 in a Warcamp
- Rapidfire 616 in a Warcamp, Take 2
- Kaedra
- Great places of Elanthia
- Bliza <3
- Droit ballista and GS physics
- Oh, aster opals, how I love thee...
- Best button evar?
- I can ride my bike with no handlebars
- The Luck of Tsin continues!
- Someone got out of his airship on the wrong side of the glacier...
- Just for the hell of it...
- Illoke Frat Boys
- I lose
- Andraste
- Gemstone down?
- I just got run over by a reindeer.
- +40 to all stats!
- Former GMs
- Thanks, Raggler
- My rolton bladder
- Dwarves say the darndest things.
- Methais is sometimes subtle
- GM Naionna's Whacking Stick
- GS ePeen Waggling Thread
- 1000 AS
- dead game host
- Tamuz
- Humiliating death
- Dodge the meteor, by Listis
- Shadowsilk...REVOKED!
- Coinner found bound by Kaedra, limbed, then killed by spelled up Roltons
- Lost In The Woods
- Personal Invasions
- Illistim gates ftw
- Grimswarm Troll Ranger's Fury
- post your fav tattoo
- 330 works!
- A Real Gem!
- Just an old snippet
- That's no bench...
- Maraene
- Boddiker gets owned - repeatedly
- When during the pregnancy can you start to produce milk?
- +5 DEX gift box vest
- Orb Gems
- Keeping it positive
- things that made you lol today?
- Comedic Timing
- Some GM is winning
- Worst Timing EVER
- Heirloom initials
- Thandiwe PWNing Someone on the Officials
- Best story ever
- Foxs goes Splat
- This list is hard to keep up with
- LOL Welfidia
- Honey bun invasion
- Gib
- Screwing around
- Farmer pwn
- Throgg Posts
- My globe
- karselyn
- Woops, explody.
- YaY easy bounties!
- Box Found - Piece of History?
- a white water lily
- For OTF Hunters!
- For GSIV Marketplace Trolls
- Ta'Vaalor Ferry
- Andraste
- Bad Friends...
- Bounty
- Dying
- CoL
- a fond farwell
- Being a jerk
- 2011 Dame Wanton Memorial Tournament
- How long does it take for sorcerer envy to set in?
- Mass Death
- Animals getting ready for teh cyberz
- Gotta love the impure coraesine!
- MSPaint Gemstone Creatures
- PC PM Gem
- blue balled
- Fleur's parting gift
- EG Costume Contest
- What happened in Asael's lair.
- Romance, betrayal, sorrow, and ultimately comedy.
- Afk gems
- Voaris Iasha Weapon Messaging
- If girls want to be cats you should be
- pass script check, get RPA, profit
- On a shop sign:
- The Brief Life and Times of Beetkins, the Halfling Monk
- Griping Spirit Servant
- Izzea
- Wyrom
- executioners stance
- Buy Diamond Engagement Rings from Velvetcase Online shopping Store!!
- Nostalgia, or the list of people we need to blame.
- Speaking of Nostalgia...
- Web (118) Re-Release Event
- Best way to log back in?
- Landing Thought Net
- What is the your most valuable GSIV item?
- Spellburst? No. SpellBOOM.
- They Do Exist (REAL GEM!)
- What The Hedgehog Says
- Hilarious AM conversation
- Serendipity
- Officer Openings! (Twilight Hall)
- Wyrom, Aiza, and Valyrka
- Show your artwork contest submissions
- Why Lich Ruined Gemstone
- Scripting vs. Roleplaying?
- Why Forcing Interaction Ruined Gemstone
- Ernesta
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Rescued (again)
- Great Snobs?
- Another Night, Another Adventure
- Gingie / Subeta/ Bait
- Farain and Vermin's wheel of pink
- Duskruin WTF
- Favorite GS memories
- Post of the year candidates
- Landing Constable Quotes Judge Dredd - Part of what I love about Gemstone
- Thank You :)
- Fun With Flares Pt 2
- You gather the remaining 25380 coins from inside your fel strongbox
- I just called Kithus retarded on the officials.
- Bronnwyn kills Thorns
- Thorns Kills Teclys
- obese drunken chinchilla love
- The Box Song by Ylena
- The Brawl
- Sand Devil Kill
- Excellent FWI Transport Messaging
- Kudos Community!
- The raping of Astare
- Strongturtle
- A night with Zaoloo
- Nazagor & his alt army
- behold, gemstone 4k!
- Sareyna, Telum, Kittai
- Leafiara's late-starting Advent calendar of love and life lessons
- Thank you
- Oblivion
- Computer Gaming World's 1991 & 1993 articles on GSIII
- Old School FTW!
- GM Appreciation Thread
- GM Kudos
- Wesley/Flimbo meltdown
- Wyrom Find on One Epic Knight
- Dreaven Melt Down
- Build Your Own Critter! [Dragon Edition]
- Flimbo Meltdown (We're Toxic)
- I got a chuckle from this:
- I believe in Wyrom pic thread!
- A ridiculous shield I found had to share
- Seomanthe and the Drunken Sylph
- A new least for me
- Random funny GS moments
- My current funny project
- Thread for cybering in
- Landing Board
- The In-Game Thanks and Shout Out Thread
- Mana pulse and spell up
- Something for Chris in Billing.
- Standard GS let down
- Highest valued critter found weapon ever?
- Querthose the scenery-chewer
- sweet refreshing butter
- Simu is officially monetizing spell ups now
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