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  1. Log of people getting extremely pissed off at me. (10 replies)
  2. wooops (1 replies)
  3. Flimbo vs. Draccor - Throwdown at the Playground! (9 replies)
  4. An Amazing Killing spree......not really......heh. (60 replies)
  5. The most epic of FAIL (22 replies)
  6. Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder Duels (14 replies)
  7. Quick Garotte Question (2 replies)
  8. AND I was holding a mandolin (0 replies)
  9. Looking for someone to PVP RP with.. (4 replies)
  10. Sunfist rank 10 help (13 replies)
  11. 2011 Dame Wanton Memorial Tournament (0 replies)
  12. funny lnet challenge to the illustrious Deron (14 replies)
  13. Skeevve pwned (2 replies)
  14. Poooor Vivaldi (31 replies)
  15. Helden Hall Monthly Pit Fights (4 replies)
  16. GS3 CLASSICS: Me masturbating (10 replies)
  17. GS3 CLASSICS: SHUT THE FUCK UP (20 replies)
  18. GS3 CLASSICS: Joshie owns some fag for attempting to sell a mystery note (5 replies)
  19. GS3 CLASSICS: Jenovadeath spells up a newb and it backfires. (16 replies)
  21. GS3 CLASSICS: Ok I promise this one owns.. (23 replies)
  22. GS3 CLASSICS: Fun in the test server! (3 replies)
  23. GS3 CLASSICS: Ruthless murder of Xenosphere by Jaeden (3 replies)
  24. GS3 CLASSICS: 8/7/2000 Level 134 Omnirus owned by level 41 Zentalin (24 replies)
  28. Paying 10k to someone if I can cut off a leg and arm. (34 replies)
  29. Funny log of a duel I didn't expect but won (22 replies)
  30. To bad my companion got the final blow. (14 replies)
  31. Duelling Contest (4 replies)
  32. Sorcerer hunting, no Beserk. (11 replies)
  33. Kills (1 replies)
  34. Wizard Archers (2 replies)
  35. Grimswarm Deaths! (1 replies)
  36. Pure Deaths Only! (24 replies)
  37. Mistros the Magnificent (12 replies)
  38. Geosain (7 replies)
  39. Who is foxye (11 replies)
  40. post your lowest end roll crit kill (234 replies)
  41. Scrumples vs. Michaelous 2 (24 replies)
  42. Teras Survivor Free-For-All (38 replies)
  43. DUELS ONLY! (68 replies)
  44. Scrumples vs Michaelous (29 replies)
  45. GS3 deaths, duels, and invasions (8 replies)
  46. Old Logs. (13 replies)
  47. Some people... (22 replies)
  48. Cats have nine lives in GS too... (7 replies)
  49. GLADIATOR GAMES!! (17 replies)
  50. rusteek the great (72 replies)
  51. Boris The Animate Vr. Liannonuel The Halfbreed (11 replies)
  52. Sylvarraend Mayhem, Mayhem, Mayhem! (35 replies)
  53. Boulder Duels (19 replies)
  54. Eliaku Vs. Shalla (19 replies)
  55. Not a death but... (0 replies)
  56. Way to rat. (23 replies)
  57. Kranar vs Blades (44 replies)
  58. Don't mock dwarves. (0 replies)
  59. Kythe vs. Kronious, anti-climactic. (6 replies)
  60. The Boulder, October 9th 2002, ~7:00 PM EST (6 replies)
  61. Mass Attacks in town (6 replies)
  62. Some halflings are nasty... (4 replies)
  63. Clips of you dying (7 replies)
  64. all in a day's work (20 replies)
  65. Yngvar lolz (4 replies)
  66. Suave coulda been a contenda (20 replies)
  67. Strongest PVP Profession (77 replies)
  68. Michaelous (long) (13 replies)
  69. Fucked Grammar (36 replies)
  70. Suavementasious (136 replies)
  71. Termite Extermination (7 replies)
  72. Comedy in TC (50 replies)
  73. phelony slamming (27 replies)
  74. Kyudo slamming (15 replies)
  75. Box on counter.. hall of justice. (5 replies)
  76. Kapera (63 replies)
  77. Me again... (17 replies)
  78. Domas believed empaths aren't God! (39 replies)
  79. kapera and eliaku, not the smartest bunch of people (14 replies)
  80. Hardest hitter in the lands, warning dont mess with this (26 replies)
  81. Naseer vs Sabreon (25 replies)
  82. Come on now (5 replies)
  83. The antics of Chadj (55 replies)
  84. Hi Chadj! (7 replies)
  85. Revenge is best served cold (0 replies)
  86. Kreek/Alfador (18 replies)
  87. Fun miniature duel in RR (1 replies)
  88. How to get killed really fucking fast (92 replies)
  89. HOLY SHIT FUCKING PWNED!!! (58 replies)
  90. Hide and go Kill. (27 replies)
  91. Misc Ranger Moments (4 replies)
  92. Some guy (0 replies)
  93. Don't point, don't talk Smack (39 replies)
  94. Fun Duel with Shisshio (16 replies)
  95. I liked this. . (5 replies)
  96. Don't fuck wit clerics (9 replies)
  97. Do it for Sharky! (2 replies)
  98. Crylone - PWNED (31 replies)
  99. The Fall of Jenovadeath. (250 replies)
  100. Garvane and the Mirror (3 replies)
  101. Chestnut ferret > Fox (7 replies)
  102. Good ownage and decent RP in Vaalor (26 replies)
  103. Quite a duel at the statue (49 replies)
  104. Duels? (26 replies)
  105. Deaths (5060 replies)
  106. duel.. (26 replies)
  107. Duels? (15 replies)
  108. Friendless (8 replies)
  109. The Fall of Darwar (6 replies)
  110. Moridinn/Mondain (1 replies)
  111. Thalior served (old log) (1 replies)
  112. Dueling organization (2 replies)
  113. Let it be known - I can take a bard half my level (4 replies)
  114. I R PWNT BY ARTHA :( (6 replies)
  115. This is a duel I gues..... (13 replies)
  116. OH SHIT I KILLED A CHRISTMAS TREE!!!11 (48 replies)
  117. some dummy (15 replies)
  118. Inyk, OWNED11!! (28 replies)
  119. sent ownage (11 replies)
  120. somethin to laugh about...or not (14 replies)
  121. was waiting for the countdown.. (4 replies)
  122. poor poor Spir (101 replies)
  123. meth vs reminion (43 replies)
  124. Teeoncy Schmeeoncy (85 replies)
  125. Prytan and I (and PickPocket Log Analyzer Info) (42 replies)
  126. Boulder Appreciation Topic (167 replies)
  127. snivels and michaelous, so smart (73 replies)
  128. Michael attacks again... (21 replies)
  129. The Hunt (1 replies)
  130. Snowy Vs Navsh (subtitle: Why Sorcerers are stupid) (28 replies)
  131. Dhuul, suck a cock (28 replies)
  132. Tsin's Slaves (50 replies)
  133. Another old duel (8 replies)
  134. Old duel (0 replies)
  135. Ahhh the good old days (0 replies)
  136. Warclaidhm: Retard. (47 replies)
  137. He asked me too! (0 replies)
  138. Why I like the fact that River's Rest has no clerics. (5 replies)
  139. A daily dose of FUCKING PWNED!!111 (18 replies)
  140. Showal da biatch, (21 replies)
  141. Fattybear alert. (8 replies)
  142. Anticor vs Othorion (16 replies)
  143. The Fall of Jenovadeath (Including the Fall of My Bank Account) (28 replies)
  144. Michaelous (4 replies)
  145. The fall of Celtic. (40 replies)
  146. The fall of Belnia. (21 replies)
  147. Bob owned by halfling empath (4 replies)
  148. The fall of Naseer. (2 replies)
  149. Waedon vs Sorvey (Fair Duel) (11 replies)
  150. Pwnage (9 replies)
  151. Ahh, the fun, and the joy.. AND Shay PWNED (27 replies)
  152. TAYRE, WARCLAIDHM, AND THE GREAT DUEL!!! (Oh and Wilvar) (8 replies)
  153. Valanth vs Lyshia (young casters) (12 replies)
  154. Shumpster kills (?) Chiv (20 replies)
  155. Stay.. PWZNILLED (25 replies)
  156. Qahaar vs. Quishd (3 replies)
  157. Tayre pwned from rooms away (33 replies)
  158. Nodyre vs. Quildor (12 replies)
  159. Kaladriel kills himself (9 replies)
  160. I am sure you know these names.... (0 replies)
  161. Snowdrop Deaths. (116 replies)
  162. Fucking Edit This You Wanker! (AKA Klaive bites the big one...twice) (60 replies)
  163. The Duel (28 replies)
  164. hehe (13 replies)
  165. * Reltov drops dead at your feet (63 replies)
  166. Eh. (25 replies)
  167. FUCKING PWNED! (15 replies)
  168. Mekthros go BOOM! (59 replies)
  169. Thanks for everything, Arkans (11 replies)
  170. PWNed (21 replies)
  171. 5 months? (9 replies)
  172. I Challenge Thou To A Duel! (21 replies)
  173. Qahaar almost pwned. (34 replies)
  174. Tijay..the not so mighty. Part Deux (16 replies)
  175. The price of a priceless moment (49 replies)
  176. I'm a dickface (12 replies)
  177. Scion Missed (13 replies)
  178. I believe the term is 'Pwn3d' (95 replies)
  179. Revenge+Retardation=amusement+warn (63 replies)
  180. Aone vs Teras (25 replies)
  181. best use I have found for my new CML skill (11 replies)
  182. Eiadh Dies (24 replies)
  183. some lame ass GM (67 replies)
  184. more random killing (4 replies)
  185. challenges (0 replies)
  186. Meteor Swarm ownz (18 replies)
  187. Little fight, 39 cleric vs 27 ranger (1 replies)
  188. PLEASE (9 replies)
  189. Yean croaking. (9 replies)
  190. Edaarin wins. (8 replies)
  191. Thoranios 1 - Reltov 0 (actually lots...but not on this case) (4 replies)
  192. Sorry Edine. (14 replies)
  193. Omens - 1 Reltov - 0. (5 replies)
  194. Othorion = looooooser (8 replies)
  195. Rasko Pwned (14 replies)
  196. Barumples > Snerts (16 replies)
  197. Just because you guys love this (5 replies)
  198. First time I ever broke the law for murder (6 replies)
  199. If you're Dwai don't be AFK (27 replies)
  200. Sock Cucker! (9 replies)
  201. Dwai\Sean gets his. (29 replies)
  202. Edine's a Dickhead. (7 replies)
  203. Dont Fuck with Omens Family (59 replies)
  204. Spawned (12 replies)
  205. One-legged midgets (31 replies)
  206. . (3 replies)
  207. Hammerhead Pwned. Again ! (76 replies)
  208. PWND! PWND! PWND! ::cackle:: (14 replies)
  209. ... (1 replies)
  210. What is this ? 5 today ? (4 replies)
  211. Omens gets killed with his Own arm. (29 replies)
  212. wtf, how many people does it take to rape me? (16 replies)
  213. Dun do dat (4 replies)
  214. "plink" (0 replies)
  215. never afk hunt and leave your group open...especially after ya got a pissed sylvan after ya (70 replies)
  216. Prytan Kills Four, Gets Killed by Four (3 replies)
  217. To Hulkein ... (11 replies)
  218. Killing Rarr..again (29 replies)
  219. * Teeoncy just bit the dust! - Old log especially for Chica (22 replies)
  220. Salimus Kills Self (7 replies)
  221. A Grate Deul (16 replies)
  222. Too easy... (12 replies)
  223. Kranar vs. Blades (8 replies)
  224. Another Foxs bites the dust! (44 replies)
  225. Vif dies in park (13 replies)
  226. Duel. (11 replies)
  227. Stupid rogue (32 replies)
  228. Anyone have logs? (0 replies)
  229. i pwned j00 all (13 replies)
  230. Oops! (1 replies)
  231. "cleaning up" and "taking names" (7 replies)
  232. reason to kill someone (55 replies)
  233. Farend getting pwned by Me (3 replies)
  234. Me killing "newbies" (3 replies)
  235. I hate killin people on accident. (11 replies)
  236. Bah I killed my friend. (1 replies)
  237. The voice of Naseer asks, "Now do you understand the power of the Champion?" (44 replies)
  238. 1106'ed (6 replies)
  239. The ghostly voice of Reminion says, "I think you won." (38 replies)
  240. Dangit, another younger guy (0 replies)
  241. Me vs someone younger (i feal bad now) (4 replies)
  242. Zimrahn vs Moxxa (4 replies)
  243. duel to 50 rounds of stuns! (0 replies)
  244. Ollldd Boulder night (9 replies)
  245. Best PvP (43 replies)
  246. Reltov Reltov Reltov (1 replies)
  247. I killed Lord Kai! (11 replies)
  248. Drag (0 replies)
  249. Inyk splats someone (9 replies)
  250. khordan (21 replies)