View Full Version : rusteek the great

02-22-2007, 12:19 AM
basically, we're feuding, I was dragging a body from stronghold and...

Rusteek leaps from hiding to attack!
Rusteek swings a sickle-hilt mottled greyish falchion at you!
In the nick of time, you interpose your mithril flail between yourself and the blow!
>cman surge
stance off
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel incredibly stronger.
>You are now in an offensive stance.
>mstr rust
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing a superior mithril flail at Rusteek!
Rusteek barely dodges the attack!
You swing a superior mithril flail at Rusteek!
Rusteek moves at the last moment to evade the attack!
You swing a superior mithril flail at Rusteek!
AS: +437 vs DS: +166 with AvD: +54 + d100 roll: +60 = +385
... and hit for 49 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen punctures stomach!
He is stunned!

Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
[Thanatoph, Upper Landing]
Set before a massive stone stronghold is a landing shaped like a crescent moon.
Also here: a stunned Rusteek, the body of Smoothaise (prone)
Obvious paths: none

>kick rusteek
...wait 1 seconds.
>kick rusteek
You attempt to kick Rusteek!
MB: 285 vs MB: 91 = 194 -- Gain advantage!
Movement is a blur! Outflanked opponent.
THT 73, d100 roll: 89, modified: 283
and hits for 157 points of damage!

* Rusteek drops dead at your feet!

02-22-2007, 01:28 AM

02-22-2007, 08:18 PM
nice finish. you could have used your weapon to put him down but went with the kick. its demeaning but extremely effective.

02-22-2007, 10:45 PM
just for you drakam:

You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
All of a sudden, Rusteek rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet!
You swing a superior mithril flail at Rusteek!
AS: +428 vs DS: +98 with AvD: +54 + d100 roll: +68 = +452
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Hard hit shatters shield arm.
He is stunned!
You swing a superior mithril flail at Rusteek!
AS: +428 vs DS: +75 with AvD: +54 + d100 roll: +71 = +478
... and hit for 53 points of damage!
Crack to the head swells eye shut.
You swing a superior mithril flail at Rusteek!
AS: +428 vs DS: +65 with AvD: +54 + d100 roll: +52 = +469
... and hit for 52 points of damage!
Blast to hand reduces it to pulp!

* Rusteek drops dead at your feet!

02-23-2007, 12:08 PM
Too bad after you killed him those few times, then he retaliates by killing you ONCE, you warn interact him. That's pussy

02-23-2007, 03:53 PM
yea only because all my stuff was in the jail box and his boyfriend and him were following me around. not losing all my shit to a prick like him, and what is it with you and Jamus sucking his fucking cock? you two are the only reason he ever lives through anything

02-23-2007, 04:33 PM
ROFL @ Warn Interact.

02-23-2007, 06:37 PM
yea only because all my stuff was in the jail box and his boyfriend and him were following me around. not losing all my shit to a prick like him, and what is it with you and Jamus sucking his fucking cock? you two are the only reason he ever lives through anything

They aren't the only one who believes it was pussy. Really.. bragging about killing someone and then warn interacting them is a bullshit move.. period.

02-23-2007, 07:37 PM
not saying it wasn't a pussy move, just saying that I'm not risking losing all my shit over you people thinking I'm a pussy, I can live with it

02-23-2007, 07:57 PM
yea only because all my stuff was in the jail box and his boyfriend and him were following me around. not losing all my shit to a prick like him, and what is it with you and Jamus sucking his fucking cock? you two are the only reason he ever lives through anything

Seems they do this to everyone they have a problem with. In short, Rusteek stole from Revon. Revon killed Rusteek. Jamus killed Revon for Rusteek. Revon kills Jamus and Rusteek. Jamus and Rusteek follow Revon around EVERYWHERE and constantly try to kill him over and over and over again. They're tactics get pretty old after a while.

Also, its too bad Krayton hangs out with them. He is the only one Revon actually has some respect for. But other than that, Jamus and Rusteek are pretty much an annoying couple. Rusteek starts trouble only because he knows Jamus will be there to wipe his ass.

02-23-2007, 08:22 PM
lol I feel the same way, Krayton's aright with me, even after he killed me for taking out Rusteek, since I don't know EN I was basically screwed out there

02-24-2007, 06:34 AM
I think it's awesome that everyone involved in these conflicts is someone I consider a friend. Except allen. Hopefully I get to sit back and watch.

02-24-2007, 01:08 PM
Eh, I didn't say I had a problem with anyone... I just thought it was funny that you W.I.ed him after he only killed you once.

I remember someone did that to Krayton. When I retaliated with Krayton by cman cutthroating him (not even killing), he cried all over PsiNet then proceeded to warn harass me. If you can't take the heat, get the funk out of the kitchen. :)

02-24-2007, 01:48 PM
You people seem to miss the point. Yeah Mykill warn interacted Rusteek.

But only because Rusteek had the nerve to kill Mykill right after he got out of jail, while he was naked - no armor or anything, and almost caused him to lose his gear to boot, as there was a time limit on picking up the gear from the constable. I don't recall what the time limit was, but they gave it in seconds so it gave the impression it was going to be soon.

Mykill had already been trapped inside a building, and I couldn't figure out how to get him out as I have never been there myself. I don't know how he got put into that room after being released from jail. It wasn't the one I was brought out to after my jail time for murder.

Wound up being the portcullis was the way out. Only he could not get through the portcullis. Mykill had to have Khaladon escort him through. Took him a while to figure out the actual way out was blocked somehow.

So, you have Mykill in a town he is unfamiliar with, doesn't really know how to get around, and then he gets trapped after being let out of jail. He knows Jamus and Rusteek are both stalking him, trying to find him etc.. Waiting in the courtroom(which may be why he was placed in another room upon being released.) Anyhow Rusteek wound up finding him and killing him while he was naked, trying to go get his gear.

Seems reasonable to me that you tell someone to FUCK off, while your gear is in limbo. From the way Mykill talked to me though I doubt he would have a problem letting Rusteek re-engage in this little feud now that he is in the Landing.

02-24-2007, 01:51 PM
lions and tigers and e-drama oh my!

02-24-2007, 01:52 PM
Yeah, sorry, but I'm on Mykill's side here too. If someone was doing that shit to one of my characters, I'd lock their assholes down so tight they couldn't shit for a week.

02-24-2007, 02:59 PM
actually, this is pretty funny, he was begging me to break the WI when I was still in EN, I was at the dais, he walked in, put his gear away, removed his armor and put it in his cloak, trying to egg me on. had it been in landing I'd of opted to break it, but the funny thing is, 5 minutes later he went hunting, and forgot to put his armor back on and died within a minute :)

02-24-2007, 03:02 PM
He probably took his armor off to pick... And it's not really that uncommon for a locksmith to forget to put their armor back on after they were picking boxes.

02-24-2007, 03:12 PM
yea well, was still funny

02-25-2007, 01:57 AM
Well I heard I was the topic of conversation so I guess I might as well show up eh?

Three Kills

One Kill and he's been WARNED

As for not having your stuff etc, when you warned me. Yeap, you had nothing as I stalked you while you wandered around a three room place and couldn't find an exit. I then watched you speak with Khaladon who stated you had 3000 seconds or something to get your stuff... I was a pathetic loser for killing you when you had no equipment, but you killed me and bragged about it when I was picking on the dais (kneeling with box in hand in Offensive)... Did you expect nothing to occur? Was I going to just hang out? You griefed me, I griefed you. End of story.

My first death was a a fluke (as I was stunned from hitting a sorcerer other than you from their 712, Krayton remember that one? Didn't you own like four people immediately after that?), my second was my sloppiness and your reaction (PAT ON THE BACK), and the third one was well done on your part. But bragging about killing isn't really my thing. I die all the time.

If you wanna keep running your mouth lemme know, break the warn and I'll make you look like an idiot, otherwise. Shut up. You clearly chose not to break the warn, you don't want the conflict to continue so please just let it go... KTHX

02-25-2007, 02:24 AM
As I sit here thinking to myself is this guy really challenging when Rusteek was going to kill him?

You killed him at a time that was inconvienient to Rusteek.

Should he have waited around for a time that was good for you? I mean you were nice enough to come all the way from the landing to kill him on the dais... Maybe he should have been nice too!

If you would rather that be the case let me know and I'll be happy to arrange for your death when the time is just right for you...

And Krayton actually killed you that time along with like two others when you came into rescue someone else and/or were just being nosy... I don't remember which it was. So it's ok for you to get involved with other peoples problems, but GOD FORBID someone gets involved in yours... Just a thought.

Don't mind me I just play a simple minded halfling, who has the last kill in a series of deaths. In boxing the person to win the last match is known as the champ. The guy who loses is well probably in jail or something...

02-25-2007, 02:41 AM
Seems they do this to everyone they have a problem with. In short, Rusteek stole from Revon. Revon killed Rusteek. Jamus killed Revon for Rusteek. Revon kills Jamus and Rusteek. Jamus and Rusteek follow Revon around EVERYWHERE and constantly try to kill him over and over and over again. They're tactics get pretty old after a while.

Also, its too bad Krayton hangs out with them. He is the only one Revon actually has some respect for. But other than that, Jamus and Rusteek are pretty much an annoying couple. Rusteek starts trouble only because he knows Jamus will be there to wipe his ass.

Actually You've killed Rusteek a ton of times for stealing. That actually never bothers me. However, Jamus became involved when you killed Rusteek for accusing you of assault on the dais after you slept him (I think it was a sleep but it could have been something else that was accusable) with SHOWAL'S RAT because that in and of itself is hilarious. You stated something to the effect of well I'll give you a reason to accuse me etc. Thats where that came from.

FEEL FREE TO KILL RUSTEEK the next time he steals from you... I know you already will enjoy it!

As long as pickpocketing exists I'll always be able to replace the deed...

02-25-2007, 02:50 AM
So you ambushing him while dragging a dead body... was convenient for him? I see.

02-25-2007, 03:04 AM
No, it wasn't convienient for him... That's the point!
I'm sorry Maselon, if you are unable to sense sarcasm.

Obviously Mykill takes this as a game and does not want to be involved in situations he doesn't find thrilling. So I will respect the warn until he decides he needs to kill Rusteek to show how cool he is. He did make this thread afterall, so I suspect that shouldn't be that long...

As long as people are going to talk about me involving other people, Hey Mykill, who's the Ghostcri character you had locate me?

Maselon, you have any idea who Ghostcri is? Oh Right you see his name everytime you log on...

02-25-2007, 03:05 AM

02-25-2007, 04:02 AM
I know what sarcasm is. My point was you started the 'inconvenient' stuff, by attacking him while he was trying to help another player. I am sorry if you missed that.

Mykill asked me for help. He wouldnt have had to if he hadnt been banned from Psinet. I don't know why mykill was banned from Psinet, but he asked me to use it to locate you once 116 didnt work since you were in hiding - so I did. I didn't get involved beyond that.

And he made this thread before he warn interacted you. Krayton is the one who brought it back and complained about the warn interact.

02-25-2007, 08:46 AM

And he made this thread before he warn interacted you. Krayton is the one who brought it back and complained about the warn interact.

I wasn't complaining, but ok?

02-25-2007, 08:56 AM
I know what sarcasm is.


Americans are amateurs at the ancient art of sarcasm.


ROFL @ this thread.

02-25-2007, 12:13 PM
Mykill asked me for help. He wouldnt have had to if he hadnt been banned from Psinet. I don't know why mykill was banned from Psinet, but he asked me to use it to locate you once 116 didnt work since you were in hiding - so I did. I didn't get involved beyond that.

Am I reading this right? You PsiNet located him for mykill because mykill was banned from PsiNet? Do you realize what an asshole move that was? You shouldn't have gotten involved at all.. much less using an OOC way to locate someone involved in an IC conflict.

02-25-2007, 12:29 PM
I wasn't complaining, but ok?
You came over here just to call him a pussy for doing it, so I would say thats complaining.

Am I reading this right? You PsiNet located him for mykill because mykill was banned from PsiNet? Do you realize what an asshole move that was? You shouldn't have gotten involved at all.. much less using an OOC way to locate someone involved in an IC conflict.

Yes you read it right. Though at the time I was locating, I didn't know it was a conflict. He just contacted me via AIM and asked me to locate him since he couldn't. The first time I located was with 116, and it worked. After that he was hiding - so I used psinet. After that, he turned off his Psinet locate, and only turned it back on long enough to use it against me. Though he had no real reason to locate me since I wasn't in the supposed conflict. This was in the landing, before it even moved to Illistim.

Anyways its no worse than Rusteek asking Jamus to tell him who all my characters were by looking at my IP address.

I un-installed PsiNet btw. Jamus is a fuck up for revealing information like that to people.

02-25-2007, 12:33 PM
Oh I think your mistaken. He wasn't banned from PSINET.

I used the feature called PSINET HATE which doesn't allow certain people to view your skills and or locate for obvious reasons. Mykill had been locating me so I used this, I mean if he's going to kill a stealthy Rogue why let him know exactly where I was.

Unfortunately, Mykill has since located me with another account of his, A character named Barm? (I think that was the name). After calling him out on that, (I asked Jamus who Barm was because I was suspicious that it was Mykill abusing the feature, and Jamus was able to say he was 100% sure it was done from the same computer that Mykill is played on.), He actually moved to having SOMEONE else locate me with this feature, which in turn was Maselon/Ghostcri/WHOEVER else (again this was confirmed by Jamus).

I've since had to completely turn off the locatable feature since Mykill has obviously shown his inability to follow rules or stay even remotely in character...

02-25-2007, 01:03 PM
Nothing done on Psinet is in character.

02-25-2007, 02:26 PM
Oh geez @ this thread.

Also, What is Rusteek's relation with krayton and Jamus?

Edit: Also have Rusteek's explanation, so no need to reply to this post.

02-25-2007, 02:42 PM
This thread is so sad, it's hilarious.

02-25-2007, 02:47 PM
I'm not involved in it at all... I just made the comment that it was pretty lame that Rusteek got warn interacted after he retaliated.

02-25-2007, 02:54 PM
Oh, okay. :)

02-25-2007, 03:15 PM
Oh I think your mistaken. He wasn't banned from PSINET.

I used the feature called PSINET HATE which doesn't allow certain people to view your skills and or locate for obvious reasons. Mykill had been locating me so I used this, I mean if he's going to kill a stealthy Rogue why let him know exactly where I was.

Unfortunately, Mykill has since located me with another account of his, A character named Barm? (I think that was the name). After calling him out on that, (I asked Jamus who Barm was because I was suspicious that it was Mykill abusing the feature, and Jamus was able to say he was 100% sure it was done from the same computer that Mykill is played on.), He actually moved to having SOMEONE else locate me with this feature, which in turn was Maselon/Ghostcri/WHOEVER else (again this was confirmed by Jamus).

I've since had to completely turn off the locatable feature since Mykill has obviously shown his inability to follow rules or stay even remotely in character...

I find anyone willing to engage in such multiple kill antics and yet still complain about someone else being ooc humorous.

And people wonder why Simu is not a huge fan of PSINET.

02-25-2007, 03:53 PM
And people wonder why Simu is not a huge fan of PSINET.

Because this never happened before Psinet...:roll:

02-25-2007, 09:13 PM
lol this is great

02-25-2007, 09:23 PM

...(I asked Jamus who Barm was because I was suspicious that it was Mykill abusing the feature, and Jamus was able to say he was 100% sure it was done from the same computer that Mykill is played on...

Sean of the Thread
02-25-2007, 09:40 PM
Rusteek le DOUCHE

Sean of the Thread
02-25-2007, 09:41 PM
Anyways its no worse than Rusteek asking Jamus to tell him who all my characters were by looking at my IP address.

I un-installed PsiNet btw. Jamus is a fuck up for revealing information like that to people.

Jamus seriously did that shit?

02-25-2007, 09:55 PM
Jamus is a fuck up for revealing information like that to people.
You can't really do anything with an IP address except identify someone, what's the big deal?

edit: And I mean in the sense of Person A is Person A, not Person A is Jack Bauer who lives at 1301 Whatever St.

02-25-2007, 10:15 PM
well I took the bait, killed Rusteek, we both got a warning and can't interact, I get out of the mess.

Mykill - 4
Rusteek - 1

I win. :)

02-25-2007, 10:19 PM
Because this never happened before Psinet...:roll:

I was not very clear. My error.

I was saying that the silly repeated killings are totally ooc, not that it had anything to do with Psinet.

I was saying Jamus having the ability and worse, the willingness, to give out information that should only be available to Simu was an example of why Simu might not love it or Jamus.

Sean of the Thread
02-25-2007, 10:52 PM
You can't really do anything with an IP address except identify someone, what's the big deal?

edit: And I mean in the sense of Person A is Person A, not Person A is Jack Bauer who lives at 1301 Whatever St.

Personally I think it's bullshit. Private information.. not his to pass to friends.

*I have not read his eula nor do I care. Just saying it's classless imo.

02-25-2007, 11:24 PM
well I took the bait, killed Rusteek, we both got a warning and can't interact, I get out of the mess.

Mykill - 4
Rusteek - 1

I win. :)

Actually, you lose. You're the genius for breaking your own WI and, I assume, getting an official warn. And for the record, Rusteek didn't get a warning.

02-25-2007, 11:55 PM
find that hard to believe, doubt the GM would tell me he got one and not give it... WARNs mean shit anyway unless you're an idiot and stack a bunch of em

02-25-2007, 11:57 PM
< doubt the GM would tell me he got one and not give it... >

GM's do not tell you what other people's discipline is, since you are not the account holder. Sorry :(

If they did, you should e-mail feedback.

02-26-2007, 02:14 AM
According to the GM I spoke with I didn't do anything wrong... Nor did I recieve a warning...

02-26-2007, 08:17 AM
damn Stunseed's right, why would they tell me that then, well it's over and done with anyway, was fun while it lasted

02-26-2007, 10:55 AM
Anyways its no worse than Rusteek asking Jamus to tell him who all my characters were by looking at my IP address.

I un-installed PsiNet btw. Jamus is a fuck up for revealing information like that to people.

Did Jamus actually do that??

02-26-2007, 10:57 AM
You can't really do anything with an IP address except identify someone, what's the big deal?

edit: And I mean in the sense of Person A is Person A, not Person A is Jack Bauer who lives at 1301 Whatever St.

I'd rather not have Jamus broadcast who all my characters are, personally. If he's guilty of this, then he's seriously taken a plunge in my book.

02-26-2007, 11:41 AM
I'd rather not have Jamus broadcast who all my characters are, personally. If he's guilty of this, then he's seriously taken a plunge in my book.

I totally agree. This is seriously making me think of writing my own spell timer and telling PsiNet to fuck off.

02-26-2007, 12:17 PM
You guys know you can disable the online features of Psinet and keep everything else, right?

02-26-2007, 12:20 PM


I'm the first guy to dig Jamus for his random bs on OOC, but seriously, people.

02-26-2007, 12:42 PM
I invoke Godwin's Law. Latrinsorm loses the argument by rule.

02-26-2007, 12:53 PM
Well in Brian's defense he only informed me that Barm was the character of Mykill when I explained to him the situation. He is very private about most matters but when it came to someone going around the ignore features of his program he seemed to be willing help me prevent that.

Lets not forget that I attempted to prevent Mykill from getting any information in the manners that are readily available to anyone who uses the program. Once he went around these methods I inquired as to who these random locates (I believe there were a total of three random character locates) were since the responses from characters like Barm were comical in nature.

This is also the same person that once this was done and he couldn't locate me with psinet he spam 116'ed me with a second character to the point where the GMs felt it was at a level of harassement that he was warned.

We're not talkng about your regular schmuck. We're talking about someone who couldn't let something go and was doing whatever he could to annoy me. He couldn't even be smart enough to stop spam locating me while I was with a game host!

Well you guys can banter about this and that but I'm pretty sure Brian would have done the same for anyone...

02-26-2007, 01:08 PM
Well you guys can banter about this and that but I'm pretty sure Brian would have done the same for anyone...

He'd tell someone who someone else's characters were?

This isn't the first time he's done this that I'm aware.

And Artha, turning it off after using it even once doesn't exactly erase any of his logs now does it?

Very disappointed.

02-26-2007, 01:13 PM
I invoke Godwin's Law. Latrinsorm loses the argument by rule.But wouldn't that mean Jamus is Hitler? Are we stuck in a recursive invocation?

02-26-2007, 01:24 PM
Well you guys can banter about this and that but I'm pretty sure Brian would have done the same for anyone...

But you see, that is exactly what would concern me most.

02-26-2007, 02:13 PM
He'd tell someone who someone else's characters were?

This isn't the first time he's done this that I'm aware.

So he told someone who their chars were.. whoopdy fucking do. Why is it such a big secret? If they hadn't been such a troublemaker and weren't harassing rusteek by using other chars to locate him repeatedly.. then it wouldn't have happened. Personally I don't give a shit if people know who all my chars are.. and niether should anyone else. Unless of course you like to be an ass and us other chars to pull bullshit like this.

02-26-2007, 02:46 PM
But wouldn't that mean Jamus is Hitler? Are we stuck in a recursive invocation?

no no, Godwin's law does not imply the validity of the argument. Whether or not Jamus IS hitler has no bearing on the invocation of Godwin's Law.

Glad I could clear that up.

02-26-2007, 02:47 PM
Enough people mentioned this thread to me that I decided it warranted a response.

With very, very, very few exceptions, I keep out of peoples' MAing business. Frankly, I don't care who you play. I have denied countless requests from random people wanting to know who such and such is. It's not my policy to honor such requests. It's not your business- and it's dubious whether its mine, either. I try not to look unless I need to for some reason.

A number of people who have lost their PsiNet keys can tell you that before I will even consider restoring it, I will ask you to name obscure characters you've logged in before; this information is private and nobody but I can see it, and only when I explicitly make that request of the server.

There have been a few exceptions to this rule. If you are minding your own business and keeping your characters separate and secret, it is certainly not my position to 'out' you. If you, however, are using alternate characters to harass someone on PsiNet after your victim has attempted to block you through the functions I provide, I'm significantly less likely to respect your privacy.

How sneaky is it, exactly, when you locate people from another account?

Another example of when I have breached this privacy would be Seany Digital, whom I outed several times, and whose IP log were delivered to Khaladon to aid in their investigation.

I protect GHs and GMs and players who RP with the elite and PVP with a different character. There are a few people on PsiNet who lead 'double lives,' using different characters to house different personas, in and out of character. It is not my stance that I have the right to divulge any of that information.

But when you make a nuisance of yourself and harass someone beyond what the functions I provide can handle, I may just get involved.

These are extreme exceptions to the rules I live by.

I did not divulge a list of characters to Rusteek or anyone else. I did not give out an IP address at any time-- I don't even record anything but the most recent one.

In Mykill's case, I confirmed the identity of an apparently random character who located Rusteek after Mykill had been blocked.

In Maselon's case, I made a grievous error; When Rusteek asked me if a character that located him was also Mykill, (a question I would have answered without remorse, since Mykill was repeatedly circumventing the controls in place,) I said, "No, Maselon." It was foolish and accidental, and atypical. It's not something I can undo, but I apologize nonetheless.

My grief is limited, because Maselon WAS involving himself in the continued circumvention of the PsiNet controls in locating Rusteek for Mykill. It was a lapse on my part, and I can do no better than to accept responsibility for that.

Additional questions can be addressed to me at jamus at psinfinity dot net. I don't often read these boards and may miss replies.


02-26-2007, 03:16 PM
So he told someone who their chars were.. whoopdy fucking do. Why is it such a big secret? If they hadn't been such a troublemaker and weren't harassing rusteek by using other chars to locate him repeatedly.. then it wouldn't have happened. Personally I don't give a shit if people know who all my chars are.. and niether should anyone else. Unless of course you like to be an ass and us other chars to pull bullshit like this.

I have to disagree with you hear.

I keep any/all of my characters extremely seperated and I would be very angry if that information was leaked out. Admit it or not; people treat you differently when they know who the player is.

Who I play/Where I play them from IS private and should be kept that way.

Stanley Burrell
02-26-2007, 03:17 PM
With very, very, very few exceptions, I keep out of peoples' MAing business. Frankly, I don't care who you play. I have denied countless requests from random people wanting to know who such and such is. It's not my policy to honor such requests. It's not your business- and it's dubious whether its mine, either. I try not to look unless I need to for some reason.

So you "needed" to look into my character dats with "reason" to randomly announce what a horrible name another character on my account had on open OOC?

Gotcha. :banghead:

(That doesn't even begin to do justice concerning seperate security concerns mentioned in the last PsiNet debacle thread here.)

I will tell you, Jamus, that I find it pretty amusing that any GM (not someone with a PsiNet title stating so) I've spoken to hasn't had anything positive to say about the security of PsiNet when I've mentioned it.

Good Job :thumbup:

02-26-2007, 03:29 PM
So he told someone who their chars were.. whoopdy fucking do. Why is it such a big secret?

The why is none of our business. No one is required to explain themselves to me, you or anyone else as to why they keep chars separate.

Even though it should not be up to Jamus to make such a decision, if you use his program, it is within his power to do so.

Simu does not advise against using Psinet out of malice but to try to avoid situations such as this.

As long as you are comfortable knowing that you not only give up all rights to privacy in your gameplay to Jamus but that you don't really know how safe your information is should he decide he dislikes you enough for whatever reason then by all means do continue to use his program.

I certainly never would again.

02-26-2007, 03:45 PM
It would be a problem because it would ruin my RP with many groups. I am specifically thinking of two of my characters, one of which is a DE who runs in certain hoity-toity circles, and who has witnessed, and participated in the racial baiting of another character of mine (at the time not present).

It's hilarious when people gossip about you (as Character A) to you (as Character B).


02-26-2007, 03:54 PM
I have to agree with Skirmy.

Also, if you have PSInet installed obviously charactar security is not your primary concern. It would be like handing me a folder full of your nudies and asking me not to look or put them on the internet.

02-27-2007, 05:13 AM
I completey agree with Skirmisher. Though I appreciate Jamus' input into this discussion as well.

02-27-2007, 09:51 AM
We're not talkng about your regular schmuck. We're talking about someone who couldn't let something go and was doing whatever he could to annoy me.

I'll say this and I'm done - I should of logged the 20+ times you thought to me on PSINET something similar to this: 'YOU FUCKING PUSSY, UNWARN ME SO I CAN KILL YOU, STUPID PSINET POLICY ABUSER'

You were the one that wouldn't let it go, and in fact annoyed ME so much to the point where I said fuck it, broke the WARN, killed you and took the official warning. This is the last time I'll be posting on this thread.

02-27-2007, 11:37 AM
Suck Jamus's dick like Rusteek and he'll tell you who my characters are!

02-27-2007, 02:53 PM
I completey agree with Skirmisher.

fucking cats & dogs living together. I'm buying a lottery ticket tonight cuz something's up.