View Full Version : Mekthros go BOOM!
08-04-2004, 05:36 AM
Kylinarr gestures at Mekthros.
CS: +468 - TD: +404 + CvA: +12 + d100: +33 - -5 == +114
Warding failed!
Kylinarr blasts Mekthros for 18 points of damage.
... 70 points of damage!
Chest decompresses violently and explodes in a shower of bone and lung!
* Mekthros drops dead at your feet!
Mekthros seems slightly different.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Mekthros's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
Mekthros seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Mekthros appears somehow different.
Mekthros glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Mekthros returns to normal color.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Mekthros.
The opalescent aura fades from around Mekthros.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Mekthros.
The white light leaves Mekthros.
The very powerful look leaves Mekthros.
The deep blue glow leaves Mekthros.
Mekthros seems a bit less imposing.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Mekthros.
The air about Mekthros stops shimmering.
A golden aura fades from Mekthros.
The light blue glow leaves Mekthros.
Mekthros loses some awareness.
Mekthros becomes solid again.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Mekthros suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The powerful look leaves Mekthros.
The dim aura fades from around Mekthros.
Mekthros appears less secure.
The air calms down around Mekthros.
Mekthros seems hesitant.
Mekthros appears less confident.
The ghostly voice of Mekthros says, "Oh, I figured dear Kylinarr deserved something for his hard evening struggle."
You say, "I hardly would call it a struggle."
You say, "At least he did not wear every spell known to elanthia."
Mekthros says, "Every spell in Elanthia would not have saved him, I imagine."
You say, "It certainly did not save you."
... What an eventful evening in Solhaven. First Maige shows up and tortures some locals, including yours truly... Then Mekthros goes at it with Kylinarr!
Shameful! And yes... I am fine after being beat up by Maige. :lol:
08-04-2004, 07:34 AM
08-04-2004, 07:37 AM
Bugger...I had to leave for school an I missed it
Cool spells though...
He would have been walking around like a christmas tree :lol:
08-04-2004, 09:56 AM
Cant call the man stupid. Who else gets in more fights where those spells would make a difference than Mekthros and Co.?
All that power is there for the taking. The real fools are those that do not seize it.
08-04-2004, 12:35 PM
If he had 406 on, he just might have lived through that. :lol:
08-04-2004, 07:32 PM
Huh, I wonder why he didnt put that one up. Its one he can cast on his own.
08-04-2004, 07:39 PM
Kylinarr is an idiot.
08-04-2004, 09:30 PM
What the fuck level is Mekthros now? I swear he was like level 30 or something last summer.
Then again Menos was level 35 or something not long ago and he's like 77 now...people need to stop hunting, it annoys me when they catch up to me.
08-04-2004, 09:44 PM
Mid-Upper 60s.
08-04-2004, 10:17 PM
Awww the fact that Mekthros turned Kylinarr to kitty food twice before that attack was not mentioned however.
How sad. :cry: I love watcing Kylinarr get toe-asted. And Mekthros didn't have 406 up because Kylinarr dispelled him once before he attacked.
P.S. When I met Menos IG last year, he was 23 trains. I hate people who love to hunt all the time.
08-04-2004, 10:29 PM
I hunted Vereri's with Mekthros a year and a half ago. From like, october 2002-January 2003. I remember Chadj and him hunting before and after christmas. In that time, he gained something like, 8 levels. Whatever it was, it was huge heh. Chadj gained 1, Mekthros gained 8. :(. It was mad harsh :(
08-04-2004, 10:37 PM
And in the case of Mekthros, he Rps as much as he hunts.
08-04-2004, 10:40 PM
All Soulpieced and I do in game anymore is hunt, so it's not like I'm not guilty of it. I just don't like people catching up. It's weird to see Grabbs at like level 75 or whatever he's at now.
08-04-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
And in the case of Mekthros, he Rps as much as he hunts.
LOL. He's fucking terrible at RP.
Let's see, he RP's a Bad guy type when spelled to the gills and in a town like Haven. In Illistim, he stays lowkey and keeps his mouth shut. Great RP there!
When Mistomeer killed one of his DA buddies, he IM'd me, cussing me out, and then got his buddy Wulfhen, who Mistomeer had absolutely no interaction with previously to try to kill Mistomeer. So yeah, his RP is great.
The game is the game, IM'ing someone to cuss them out over it is actually fairly sad.
Getting a friend to attack on your behalf for no IG reason is also pretty bad RP.
If you're going to RP a bad guy type, then you should do it all the time, not just when you're spelled to the gills in a town that isn't full of capped characters.
08-04-2004, 10:47 PM
If you're going to RP a [stupid] bad guy type, then you should do it all the time, not just when you're spelled to the gills in a town that isn't full of capped characters.
There, that's better. Only a retard would provoke those he knows can pwn him easily.
08-04-2004, 10:48 PM
Saying Mekthros is bad at RPing is like saying Soulscape is bad at being stupid.
[Edited on 8-5-04 by Zentoph]
08-04-2004, 11:09 PM
<<Saying Mekthros is bad at RPing is like saying Soulscape is bad at being stupid. >>
Mekthros is rather good.
08-04-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Fallen
And in the case of Mekthros, he Rps as much as he hunts.
LOL. He's fucking terrible at RP.
Let's see, he RP's a Bad guy type when spelled to the gills and in a town like Haven. In Illistim, he stays lowkey and keeps his mouth shut. Great RP there!
When Mistomeer killed one of his DA buddies, he IM'd me, cussing me out, and then got his buddy Wulfhen, who Mistomeer had absolutely no interaction with previously to try to kill Mistomeer. So yeah, his RP is great.
The game is the game, IM'ing someone to cuss them out over it is actually fairly sad.
Getting a friend to attack on your behalf for no IG reason is also pretty bad RP.
If you're going to RP a bad guy type, then you should do it all the time, not just when you're spelled to the gills in a town that isn't full of capped characters.
Mekthros is an amazing RPer. I have had the honor of spending the better part of a year getting to know him and watching him as a character. He is witty, concise and never breaks the image of a cold, ruthless Faendryl.
And when I read your accusation, Mistomeer, I asked Mekthros what happened. And when he showed me the conversation I found it pretty strange that the only one cussing anyone out was you.
The situation was pretty different than you stated as well, apparently you chased someone 20 levels under you to their hunting ground just to kill them. And if Wulfhen attacked you in relation to that(which I'm sure he didn't even need that as a reason seeing as how Mistomeer is considered a resistance character) then it was because members of the DA attack the people who attack them.
He IMed you because your reasoning for attacking the other DA member had little to do from his perspective at the time from IG situations.
As far as the whole he is big and bad in Solhaven, he is, but he also goes head to head with people like Calean, Kylinarr and Allanor all the time. No matter where he happens to be. The reasoning behind him not attacking people during his stays in Illistim is probably because he only goes after people involved in the GSS, and none of them are in Ta'Illistim. When they do go off to Ta'Illistim they probably want a break from it, like me. I just want to sit back and hunt for a day and forget Dramahaven for ten minutes.
So while I can understand why you might not like Mekthros, there is no need to exaggerate or hold back truths about your story concerning his abilities to RP, because most know that he RP's consistantly.
08-05-2004, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
What the fuck level is Mekthros now? I swear he was like level 30 or something last summer.
Then again Menos was level 35 or something not long ago and he's like 77 now...people need to stop hunting, it annoys me when they catch up to me.
Vrannar was in his 20s hunting in Zul last summer. He said on the boards he's 86 now. A good guy but...ugh.
Why do people care that others gain levels quickly again?
- Arkans
PS: Three years and level 68. Pretty average if you ask me.
08-05-2004, 01:47 AM
Sheeit, so the guy doesn't RP in Illistim? Why the fuck bother? And so he doesn't mouth off to folks can slap him down hard? you're saying it's shitty RP not to want to get pwned?
Actually as much as the guy RPs and robohunts too he must got no life. So don't worry Mistomeer, someday soon he'll get a lady, or get a new job, or something.
08-05-2004, 01:53 AM
Please tell me you're not really that stupid and are being sarcastic.
08-05-2004, 02:48 AM
Mekthros and Wulfhen are examples of characters that make this game worth playing. I dont expect everyone to like them, especially considering how jaded some of the posters here can be.
They are DA members, they will do whatever it takes to win. Anyone who expects them to fight fair deserves a quick trip through an open void.
08-05-2004, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
Mekthros is an amazing RPer. I have had the honor of spending the better part of a year getting to know him and watching him as a character. He is witty, concise and never breaks the image of a cold, ruthless Faendryl.
And when I read your accusation, Mistomeer, I asked Mekthros what happened. And when he showed me the conversation I found it pretty strange that the only one cussing anyone out was you.
The situation was pretty different than you stated as well, apparently you chased someone 20 levels under you to their hunting ground just to kill them. And if Wulfhen attacked you in relation to that(which I'm sure he didn't even need that as a reason seeing as how Mistomeer is considered a resistance character) then it was because members of the DA attack the people who attack them.
He IMed you because your reasoning for attacking the other DA member had little to do from his perspective at the time from IG situations.
As far as the whole he is big and bad in Solhaven, he is, but he also goes head to head with people like Calean, Kylinarr and Allanor all the time. No matter where he happens to be. The reasoning behind him not attacking people during his stays in Illistim is probably because he only goes after people involved in the GSS, and none of them are in Ta'Illistim. When they do go off to Ta'Illistim they probably want a break from it, like me. I just want to sit back and hunt for a day and forget Dramahaven for ten minutes.
So while I can understand why you might not like Mekthros, there is no need to exaggerate or hold back truths about your story concerning his abilities to RP, because most know that he RP's consistantly.
Hold back truths? Angelrise has been preaching the death and destruction of Haven for the past year, long before Mekthros has involved. Me killing her was completely within reason.
Wulfhen in Illistim attacking someone he has never met IG 30 minutes after I killed Angelrise is completely OOC. There is no way possible, IG, that he could have known about the events that transpired as I left for Illistim when Angelrise was dead in Shan. He didn't see it, and there's no way she beat me to Illistim to relay the events.
He IM'd me whining about it. Going off about it. I had already talked to Angelrise about it. He wasn't even fuckin there when I killed her, but he felt the need to IM me about it? I blocked him on AIM. I don't IM people whining about how they play the game, they're completely seperate. I didn't even have his AIM previously and never gave him mine. He obviously sought it out just to IM me and try and handle IG events.
You're actually going to bring up killing someone younger when Mekthros picks on people half his train all the time? Heh. Angelrise was around and a part of the DA long before Mekthros. She had just threatened Mistomeer with death before she got killed. And that is enough reason, but if that was the only reason you'd have to ignore all her threats over the past year or so.
Again, it's like I said, Angelrise and Mistomeer have much more history than Mekthros. If he doesn't understand something, rather than going off on me about AIM about it, he should handle it IG or ask Angelrise. He obviously asked who killed her, he could have also asked why.
Things that are bad RP:
Using AIM, etc. to handle IG issues.
IM'ing people and telling them to attack someone for you.
Inconsistent RP. He can come up with any excuse he wants for not playing his character the same when he's in a town full of capped characters as he does when he's in a town full of characters half his age, but it's still an excuse.
He needs to learn to handle IG issues, IG.
08-05-2004, 07:47 AM
Wulfhen in Illistim attacking someone he has never met IG 30 minutes after I killed Angelrise is completely OOC. There is no way possible, IG, that he could have known about the events that transpired as I left for Illistim when Angelrise was dead in Shan. He didn't see it, and there's no way she beat me to Illistim to relay the events.
If you can run from Shan to Illistim in 30 minutes, there's no reason she can't either. I've said this more than once, I fail to see how you can't grasp it. It's really not that hard.
Inconsistent RP. He can come up with any excuse he wants for not playing his character the same when he's in a town full of capped characters as he does when he's in a town full of characters half his age, but it's still an excuse.
Are you stupid? If you say No, but would provoke people who could easily and frequently pwn you, you are incorrect.
08-05-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Artha
If you can run from Shan to Illistim in 30 minutes, there's no reason she can't either. I've said this more than once, I fail to see how you can't grasp it. It's really not that hard.
Don't be stupid. If I can run from Illistim, with her dead in Shan, and get attacked as soon as I get there, and never see her on the way there, then it's impossible.
She would have had to beat me there, explain the entire situation to Wulfhen, and at some point in the journey, that would mean passing me. She didn't pass me on the trail from Landing to Haven, she didn't pass me on the trail to Nations.
Not only did I never once see her in Nations, or on the trail, but the second I get there I get symbol of sighted from Wulfhen. If I'm stupid, explain to me how I can leave someone dead in Shan, run to the landing, ring to the dock, and go straight for Nations, without ever seeing them on the trail, and they can beat me there. I know of two shortcuts to Nations. One is ringing to the dock, the other uses Voln Fog, and I don't THINK she's Voln, but she would have still had to catch up to me at the ferry to get ahead.
Regardless, it's still against policy. You can't involve other characters (friends, relatives, other characters of yours) in a conflict in which they have no part.
Are you stupid? If you say No, but would provoke people who could easily and frequently pwn you, you are incorrect.
You're a stupid fuck if you think that picking on people half your age and not saying a word to people twice your age makes you a consistent RP'er. It's like if you go to rats, pick a fight with every noob you can, because you RP a bad guy, but not RPing a bad guy around anyone that can PWN you. You can call that good RP, I call it being a pussy. At least people like Edine would be consistent in his actions. I saw him get F'd up at the Dais by OTF hunters on several occasions.
We can just agree to disagree if you want. I think IM'ing people to kill for you and inconsistent behavior is mutually exclusive with Good RP. But there's no way possible that someone who was dead in Shan, beat me to Nations by walking without passing me. The trail is pretty much the same for everyone.
08-05-2004, 01:36 PM
Unless they were invisible or sneaking when they did pass you and you couldnt see them. Or they passed you on the carts.
There are possibilities
08-05-2004, 02:36 PM
You're a stupid fuck if you think that picking on people half your age and not saying a word to people twice your age makes you a consistent RP'er. >>
One of the most important skills a villainous killer can possess is how to deal with those who are more powerful than you. Its going to happen unless you wait to start roleplaying once you hit the cap.
Personally, if some idiot didnt know how to shut his mouth and keep his head on his shoulders I wouldnt consider him that much of a success. The whole argument of "I say what I want to everyone no matter who they are!" doesnt swing with me. It takes no skill to mouth off and get stunned out of your skull.
Sure, it does happen, as people will go off at the drop of a hat. You cant be afraid not to roleplay fully around those older than you at all times. You simply must Pick Your Battles.
08-05-2004, 03:44 PM
Well, it won't be fun when death penalty is implemented soon. :bleh:
08-05-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Unless they were invisible or sneaking when they did pass you and you couldnt see them. Or they passed you on the carts.
There are possibilities
Can't do things like get on carts or ferries invis. I actually started thinking about it, all this happened a while back, and I asked Angelrise about it, she didn't tell Wulfhen. So that's pretty much the end to it. I think her words were something along the lines of, "I didn't say anything to him, Mekthros probably did."
Picking your battles, being an inconsistent pussy. You call it what you want, I say if you RP a bad guy type, then you should stay in character at all times, if you want to be any good at it. There's not much skill involved in RP'ing the toughest guy in rats.
Regardless, I still believe that IM'ing friends and getting them to randomly attack someone that wronged you is terrible RP. It's against policy, and it's actually one of the major complaints that people here have towards other players. See the numerous character complaint threads that involve MA and friends.
Edited to add:
Yeah, I understand that starting fights with every capped character is dumb. But you need to understand that when Mekthros is in Haven, all he does is make threats and start fights. Whether he's in the North Market or on the Net, that's what he does. When he's in Illistim, he doesn't say a word to anyone. That's not just picking your battle, that's being a completely different character.
[Edited on 8-5-2004 by Mistomeer]
08-05-2004, 08:51 PM
Edited to add:
Yeah, I understand that starting fights with every capped character is dumb. But you need to understand that when Mekthros is in Haven, all he does is make threats and start fights. Whether he's in the North Market or on the Net, that's what he does. When he's in Illistim, he doesn't say a word to anyone. That's not just picking your battle, that's being a completely different character. >>>
Most likely because the man is hunting. If you dont see the logic in his actions I cant help you.
08-06-2004, 04:56 AM
Wulfhen could have found out by Alisaire's bird, the DA uses ranger companions to communicate a lot IG.
You can say whatever you like Mistomeer, but it's clear that we all see something very different and because of a personal issue you aren't willing to see what is so obvious to the rest of us.
I never think Mekthros's encounters in Solhaven have anything more to do with that of the Griffon Sword Saga and the participants in it. Don't paint him out to be some OOC bully because it simply isn't true.
08-06-2004, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
Wulfhen could have found out by Alisaire's bird, the DA uses ranger companions to communicate a lot IG.
You can say whatever you like Mistomeer, but it's clear that we all see something very different and because of a personal issue you aren't willing to see what is so obvious to the rest of us.
I never think Mekthros's encounters in Solhaven have anything more to do with that of the Griffon Sword Saga and the participants in it. Don't paint him out to be some OOC bully because it simply isn't true.
So, someone sent a Ranger companion from Haven to Nations to tell Wulfhen to kill me? Why don't you ask him how Wulfhen found out so quickly and why Wulfhen attacked. You ask him everything else. Face it, it was OOC. Even if Wulfhen found out by some IG method, which is highly unlikely, it was still against policy. So go give him a Golden Kobold for breaking policy with his excellent RP skills.
08-09-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
If he had 406 on, he just might have lived through that. :lol:
He did. It was the ONE spell which Kylinarr dispelled.
08-09-2004, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
Awww the fact that Mekthros turned Kylinarr to kitty food twice before that attack was not mentioned however.
How sad. :cry: I love watcing Kylinarr get toe-asted. And Mekthros didn't have 406 up because Kylinarr dispelled him once before he attacked.
P.S. When I met Menos IG last year, he was 23 trains. I hate people who love to hunt all the time.
ONLY reason Kylinarr got toasted twice was because the room was sanct' by Mekthros. So whilst Mekthros could attack Kylinarr - Kylinarr did not have the luxury of implosion (which by the way - I wasn't aware it worked in sanct rooms).. not to mention.. he would rub his little amulet and become invisible.
Sanct', Invisibility, Imposion = Kylinarr go Bye-Bye
every possible spell but 406 (- sanct) = Mekthros KABOOM
08-09-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Mersaydes
Kylinarr did not have the luxury of implosion (which by the way - I wasn't aware it worked in sanct rooms
It doesn't.
Originally posted by Maimara
Kylinarr is an idiot. :snicker: I wish I could disagree.
08-09-2004, 06:08 PM
WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight. I am being told that Mekthros is an amazing FAENDRYL role-player... Who happens to be part of DA. Okay. Let me sit down and think about this a moment...
I didn't know he was a Faendryl because he stays invisible the entire time unless he is attacking people who are half his train in Solhaven. But that is besides the point. Last time I checked, the Faendryl did not worship the Arkati. In fact, they thought they were flawed beings. Most Faendryl would never even become involved in matter that have anything to do with the Arkati. I believe this is the general belief. To technically that would make Mekthros a "tainted" Faendryl.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-09-2004, 06:20 PM
I think people in the DA take themselves a little to seriously, ditto on the goodie side. But then, I also think implode is a game wreaking spell. Call me crazy.
08-09-2004, 06:25 PM
I actually agree with Mistomeer when it comes to roleplaying. He roleplays evilly for a cause.. and it's not to be a melicous killer. He actually stands for something : DA. If you feel as though you cannot stand by your cause by sheer intellect - and have to resort to violence to prove yourself.. then you are a poor role-player. When I role-played Cheslica... I stood up to who ever - big or small. It did wear me down.. but I focused on intellect. I would claim I am superior and say why... Not make a claim and kill people to prove it.
Honestly - If you provoke people properly - you only fight on an intellectual level - not physical. Not everyone twice his age is just going to kill him for having different ideals. And honestly - I don't see why he has no problem giving it but not taking it.
He can stand for an evil cause - he can die for an evil cause. Though the true battles are fought with ideas... Something which he obviously feels inadqute about since he cannot voice himself to everyone.
In my eyes - that is poor RP.
08-09-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
Originally posted by Mersaydes
Kylinarr did not have the luxury of implosion (which by the way - I wasn't aware it worked in sanct rooms
It doesn't.
well the room was sanct' and I know that Mek was the one who would cast it.
08-09-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Mersaydes
well the room was sanct' and I know that Mek was the one who would cast it.
And what room would that be?
08-10-2004, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by Mersaydes
WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight. I am being told that Mekthros is an amazing FAENDRYL role-player... Who happens to be part of DA. Okay. Let me sit down and think about this a moment...
I didn't know he was a Faendryl because he stays invisible the entire time unless he is attacking people who are half his train in Solhaven. But that is besides the point. Last time I checked, the Faendryl did not worship the Arkati. In fact, they thought they were flawed beings. Most Faendryl would never even become involved in matter that have anything to do with the Arkati. I believe this is the general belief. To technically that would make Mekthros a "tainted" Faendryl.
Wow. You are right. It is terrible RP for someone to step away from what is written into the documentation. I mean...far be it from any of the players to have their characters be somewhat different than what is laid out in front of them.
Oh no---that is actually an EXCELLENT idea. Think of how boring GS would be if everyone followed the same patterns.
And as far as him attack characters half his trains, only if they get in the way of something GSS concerned or abuse an act to touch him. If you don't like the way he roleplays or how he interacts with people he seek to interact with him(because he is invisble due to a banishment) then just ignore him and don't get involved with him. Easy as pie.
And yes, there is no disagreeing with the Kylinarr comment.
08-10-2004, 05:27 AM
Originally posted by Mersaydes
I actually agree with Mistomeer when it comes to roleplaying. He roleplays evilly for a cause.. and it's not to be a melicous killer. He actually stands for something : DA. If you feel as though you cannot stand by your cause by sheer intellect - and have to resort to violence to prove yourself.. then you are a poor role-player. When I role-played Cheslica... I stood up to who ever - big or small. It did wear me down.. but I focused on intellect. I would claim I am superior and say why... Not make a claim and kill people to prove it.
Honestly - If you provoke people properly - you only fight on an intellectual level - not physical. Not everyone twice his age is just going to kill him for having different ideals. And honestly - I don't see why he has no problem giving it but not taking it.
He can stand for an evil cause - he can die for an evil cause. Though the true battles are fought with ideas... Something which he obviously feels inadqute about since he cannot voice himself to everyone.
In my eyes - that is poor RP.
It is fairly well known that there is a great deal of violence used on both sides of the GSS in Solhaven. I understand that it serves it's purpose and I have been caught in the crossfire as well. If this wasn't known to you--perhaps because you are a new player, which might very well be from what you have mentioned about sancts and spells or you just didn't know--either way I am truly sorry. The Griffon Sword Saga is a very ugly, ongoing war. These characters supported by the four avatars are EVIL. They will demonstrate that with their power...
I have never ever seen Mekthros been reckless with his casting except once. And this was not that time. I think there is a lot to be said for the fact that Mekthros can willingly challenge Kylinarr who is at least several levels over his head.
Finally, if you want to see more of his excellent role play, perhaps you should come into Solhaven and just observe. Then perhaps you will see why most people rave about Mekthros.
08-10-2004, 05:45 AM
Heh. So many people in GemStone take what is written about the cultural history of their character and toss it out the window, and rather effectively RP making a "break" from long-standing traditions. It's fun to see when it's done well. I don't see what the BFD is.... not everyone is a Faendryl Nazi.
08-10-2004, 06:03 AM
This is Mekthros's player.
I don't post here, and this won't establish a trend, but I felt a response to this drawn-out thread was appropriate, since it is about me and was brought to my attention by a few friends of mine a day or so ago. I'll try to take these in the order in which they were posted.
>>The game is the game, IM'ing someone to cuss them out over it is actually fairly sad.
This is largely negligible, but here's our entire conversation. Note who was cursing and who wasn't.
Session Start (AIM - Mekthros:Mistomeer): Sat Jun 12 15:19:54 2004
[15:19:57] Mekthros: You've an issue?
[15:19:59] Mekthros: State it.
[15:20:02] Mistomeer: lol
[15:20:15] Mistomeer: You sound mad, lol
[15:20:24] Mekthros: So explain to me why you killed off a character 20 levels below you while they were hunting.
[15:20:31] Mekthros: And without apparent warning.
[15:20:37] Mistomeer: Who, Angelrise?
[15:20:40] Mekthros: Yes.
[15:21:35] Mistomeer: She cast first, trying to web someone with shan in the room works for an attack in my book, also, I don't have to explain a thing to you.
[15:21:51] Mekthros: Listen skippy. I'm going to be real clear about this.
[15:21:54] Mistomeer: LOL
[15:21:56] Mistomeer: Hey
[15:21:58] Mistomeer: Fuck off
[15:22:01] *** Mistomeer signed off at Sat Jun 12 15:22:01 2004.
Session Close (Mistomeer): Sat Jun 12 15:22:39 2004
>>In Illistim, he stays lowkey and keeps his mouth shut.
It's true that I tend not to be as interactive there. I come to Illistim to be left alone and escape quest drama, not create more of it. There are exceptions (see the following paragraphs), but this is true a majority of the time I go to the Nations.
If this "vacation sans quest" I've given isn't one you consider legitimate reason for maintaining a low-key profile, I'd also ask why I should bother people that I've no quarrel with. I barely know any of the Ta'Illistim regulars, almost none of them are even remotely involved in the GSS, and they likely haven't a clue who I am.
>>Don't be stupid. If I can run from Illistim, with her dead in Shan, and get attacked as soon as I get there, and never see her on the way there, then it's impossible.
When Mistomeer killed Angelrise, she told Mekthros about it, who was in Solhaven. I checked three areas for Mistomeer: Landing, Solhaven, and Trace. Mistomeer was not in any of those three areas based on the messaging of the locates, which indicated he was not hidden, invisible, or in a non-locate zone.
At this point, I assumed he had gone to the Nations and had an avian Animal Companion message Wulfhen, who was in Ta'Illistim. The individual who owned the companion informed him of the situation and asked him to act as he saw fit given the fact that Mistomeer had attacked and killed a DA member 20 levels under him in Solhaven. I then immediately departed for Illistim. You know Wulfhen's response.
The end result was your warn interacting him. And I have no issue with this (neither does he, I'm sure), but I do believe you should be prepared to finish what you begin. Mistomeer did take out a member of the Sheruvian Order without her having done a single point of damage to him. Other individuals in the Alliance are not likely going to be too happy about this.
We aren't House Dreadnaught, or whatever that organization is called where PKing runs rampant and they'll all claim to bring you down if you touch one of them, but we do tend to look out for one another.
>>Regardless, it's still against policy. You can't involve other characters (friends, relatives, other characters of yours) in a conflict in which they have no part.
You might have mentioned that Mistomeer brought a level 100 cleric friend of his into the fray to assist him against Wulfhen in Ta'Illistim. And this is is perfectly alright, so long as you don't claim that you yourself aren't guilty of this thing you'd call against policy. Friends assisting friends is fine by me, so long as it doesn't get out of hand.
>>You're a stupid fuck if you think that picking on people half your age and not saying a word to people twice your age makes you a consistent RP'er.
I'm inclined to agree, which is why I felt Mistomeer's killing Angelrise was inappropriate. It doesn't take much effort to immediately Bane a level 40 cleric when she tries to web you, now does it? Generally if I'm fighting with characters more than several levels below me, I'll use non-lethal magic -- quite frankly, binding her would have shown a bit more tact. There are exceptions, but I'll generally only make them with characters whose players I know well enough to gauge extreme reactions as acceptable.
Now, if we're talking about my own CvC decisions, I wouldn't call challenging such individuals as Calean, Kadesha, Kylinarr, Perigourd, and Kinshack shying away from conflict with higher-level individuals. I have, in fact, been in CvC with these guys quite a few times (such as during the V'tullian occupation, when Mekthros fought on the side of Zerroth's soldiers). I think they'll all tell you I don't limit my hostile interactions to those I can easily ward/kill/injure/whatever. Several of them are at or near the level cap.
On the same token, I'm going to be intelligent about CvC -- if Calean or Kadesha is sitting there invisible, I'm certainly less likely to attempt anything that might bring a +500 CS Mekkie's way, as that would only result in being swiftly stunned or killed. Throwing oneself to one's death in a vainglorious attempt at proving some point is, in fact, often pointless.
>>But you need to understand that when Mekthros is in Haven, all he does is make threats and start fights.
I also have a tendency to have conversations -- about a wide variety of things -- with many of the Resistance characters that I'm likely to be fighting off later that evening. You might ask Eiadh, or Subarashi, or Raelee, or Kairyu, Calean, Railien, Jaynah, Eiliythia, Rebeya... pick a decent roleplayer in Solhaven, really -- I've likely talked to them as much as I've fought with them.
I've not seen Mistomeer at more than three or four of these, and they happen almost daily. Those events that Mistomeer has been at have been heavily CvC oriented -- for instance, when he was killed in the warehouse recently during the release of Eryael's three girls. So, I suppose I can understand where you might get this perspective. I'd simply recommend being around more often.
>>Kylinarr did not have the luxury of implosion (which by the way - I wasn't aware it worked in sanct rooms
He has the luxury of being 40 levels above Mekthros. I don't presume he'd need implosion -- he quite obviously did not, as e-strike worked quite well. Implosion does not work in a sanctuary and the room was not sanctified at the times that Kylinarr was vaporized.
>>To technically that would make Mekthros a "tainted" Faendryl.
I suppose it would, on some subjective level. He's certainly not typical of the race.
>>And honestly - I don't see why he has no problem giving it but not taking it.
I've read your posts on this RP ethic, and they seem to be largely an echo of Mistomeer's own. And for the most part, I'm inclined to agree with your general conclusions about what makes a decent roleplayer.
However, I certainly wouldn't call intentionally walking into a non-sanctified room, standing there, folding my arms, and waiting for Kylinarr to take a shot at me (which succeeded) an inability to challenge higher-level characters. I felt I owed him a chance at retribution instead of walking off after having killed him twice earlier that evening, and so I gave him one.
As for you (Mersaydes), personally, I've had one interaction with Mersaydes and not a single one with Cheslica. I've little idea who either are, and I've certainly not seen them at more than one of the last two dozen CvC encounters I've had in Solhaven. It'd appear your conclusions are drawn based on, at best, two encounters, dispute that as you may.
While it's fine and well to draw a conclusion based on that limited information, I wouldn't go presenting it as an accurate one. Call it as you see it if you want, but seeing something other than a single instance or two would likely be useful. I'd suggest sticking around Solhaven during late night hours (> 10 PM CST).
Things are not as simple and straightforward as you'd present them to be when it comes to how this character of mine plays out. If you've further issues, you know how to reach me.
-Mekthros's player.
08-10-2004, 06:15 AM
Good post.
08-10-2004, 06:30 AM
WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight. I am being told that Mekthros is an amazing FAENDRYL role-player... Who happens to be part of DA. Okay. Let me sit down and think about this a moment...
Didn't you do a Faendryl Gypsy dance? Please, please, please show me where Faendryl Gypsies are mentioned in the docs.
08-10-2004, 06:37 AM
Or the fact that proper and snooty Faendryls would dress kind of like... tramps.
08-10-2004, 01:18 PM
Well said Mekthros, though I personally believe you needn't bother to come here and defend yourself. It is obvious that the facts were skewed and you don't instantly vaporize everyone who disagrees with you.
As for the issue of a Faendryl worshiping Arkati, in this case I have absolutely no problem with the practice. I am usually the first to harp on those that simply toss their cultures to the side in their roleplay. I will also be the first to congratulate those that find a way to include their culture in their roleplay while deviating from the normalized stereotypes.
If you want a proper example of playing outside the box in terms of culture, you havent any need to look much farther than this thread.
08-10-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
Originally posted by Mersaydes
I actually agree with Mistomeer when it comes to roleplaying. He roleplays evilly for a cause.. and it's not to be a melicous killer. He actually stands for something : DA. If you feel as though you cannot stand by your cause by sheer intellect - and have to resort to violence to prove yourself.. then you are a poor role-player. When I role-played Cheslica... I stood up to who ever - big or small. It did wear me down.. but I focused on intellect. I would claim I am superior and say why... Not make a claim and kill people to prove it.
Honestly - If you provoke people properly - you only fight on an intellectual level - not physical. Not everyone twice his age is just going to kill him for having different ideals. And honestly - I don't see why he has no problem giving it but not taking it.
He can stand for an evil cause - he can die for an evil cause. Though the true battles are fought with ideas... Something which he obviously feels inadqute about since he cannot voice himself to everyone.
In my eyes - that is poor RP.
It is fairly well known that there is a great deal of violence used on both sides of the GSS in Solhaven. I understand that it serves it's purpose and I have been caught in the crossfire as well. If this wasn't known to you--perhaps because you are a new player, which might very well be from what you have mentioned about sancts and spells or you just didn't know--either way I am truly sorry. The Griffon Sword Saga is a very ugly, ongoing war. These characters supported by the four avatars are EVIL. They will demonstrate that with their power...
I have never ever seen Mekthros been reckless with his casting except once. And this was not that time. I think there is a lot to be said for the fact that Mekthros can willingly challenge Kylinarr who is at least several levels over his head.
Finally, if you want to see more of his excellent role play, perhaps you should come into Solhaven and just observe. Then perhaps you will see why most people rave about Mekthros.
I currently reside in Solhaven and see Mekthros quite often. Mostly - I see people resolving conflicts peacefully. Execpt on the part of the DA. If I did not live in Solhaven, it would be rather difficult to be attacked my Maige. No?
Furthermore, just because my character is a new character does not mean I am a new player. Not that it is important - But I have played Gemstone for about seven or eight years. And I feel as though I am quite accomplished and know most of the general population. My cast of characters goes from a 136 train rogue, 2 60 train sorcerers, a 50 train warrior (all pre gsIV) and various simply titled characters. But, unfortunately - I am not even aware of the character you play. I have been in the cross fire of the conflict numerous times before as well. I still firmly believe that Mek's praise isn't deserved. My encounters with him have been very - unspectacular.
08-10-2004, 03:22 PM
Futhermore - The arguement about trains is... well... :deadhorse:
I personally think that train have little consquence to the way someone role-plays - especially if they have a chosen cause. Mek has no problem attacking younger role-players or threatening them. I do believe that immediately after he imploded Kylinarr the first time he did say something along the lines, "who else wants some"... which obviously shows that Mek was not interested in an intellectual conflict between serveral disagreeing individuals but rather a physical conflict between those who disagree with him.
Of course, I ignored his plead for violence for I was rather busy challenging the followers for a Luukos follower.
08-10-2004, 05:37 PM
< Furthermore, just because my character is a new character does not mean I am a new player. Not that it is important - But I have played Gemstone for about seven or eight years....>
Another "I've been playing forever so long I must be right" post, why does that not surprise me? :lol:
And I think Mekthros does a great job of roleplaying.
08-10-2004, 05:48 PM
Is there anyone who hasn't been around for 7-8 years?
08-10-2004, 06:04 PM
I havent.
I havent been around Mekthros much either.
What I have seen was pretty cool.
He tried to cast at Snowy once but she was quick and hid.
She was being mouthy though so thats how it goes.
The times I have seen Mekthros he has been consistent.
08-10-2004, 10:53 PM
I've been around for a pathetic three years and two months. :bleh:
08-25-2004, 04:37 AM
Just to throw in my two cents, sorry for it being delayed as I have only recently joined this forum.
But I admire any and everyone who stands up for themself, even to those well beyond their level.
I find it very cowardly for someone to resolve a verbal conflict with unprovoked physical actions. I don't give a rats ass who the hell it is, if you're downtalking me and thinking you're badass because you can 'pwn' me, I'm gonna flip my tongue right back at you and make you feel worse than the last rolton killed by someone 50 trains over it. Anyone can bury another person 10 feet underground, it takes guts and self-respect to stand up for yourself, no matter the level of the other person. As long as you can handle the scenario in a relatively 'civilized' manner (as in, you're not perpetually throwing insults back and forth at each other), kuudos to you.
The only time I have ever killed someone was because he was belittling a friend of mine I had brought to a new area to assist with healing. I don't remember the entire story of what happened, other than I believe she 'vultured' the guys wounds, but he was being excrutiatingly rude, so I came to her defense. It got to the point where I told him to cut the insults or I'll cut out his tongue. He continued to insult both of us, then decided to hail boulders down on me - at which point I felt it my right to defend myself and decapitate him (we were just about the same level).
In any case, I admired his ability to remain constant in defending himself, though I found it extremely poor sport of him to tell everyone in the room he was fogged to, my name and that I CvCed him without reason.
You can say it wasn't my fight to get involved with; but, I dont' know about you, if you're offending one of my friends, I'm not going to sit around with an obvlivious look on my face as you persistantly insult someone I care about.
Sorry for the, most likely off-topic post, but as I said ... wanted to get my two cents out.
08-25-2004, 04:43 AM
Quite delayed.
08-25-2004, 04:47 AM
Originally posted by Chadj
Quite delayed.
Yup, I know. Oh well.
08-25-2004, 04:48 AM
Very oh well.
Good 2 cents too I suppose.
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