View Full Version : Funny log of a duel I didn't expect but won

02-27-2009, 12:38 AM
You say, "A crier announced in town two skantily clad ladies would be fighting in a mud pit to become the next concubine of Briars."
Briars says, "Gather round gather round."
>'is this true
You say, "Is this true."
Briars says, "Yes it is."
Briars says, "Have a seat."
>'Ok very cool
You say, "Ok very cool."
You sit down.
You say, "Seated."
Melindria says, "Oh my."
Belnia just arrived.
Belnia just went south.
Briars exclaims, "Although there IS a line for concubines...these two are going to cut right to the front!"
Kesirina cracks her knuckles!
Briars nods.
Kesirina twists slightly, cracking her spine. She looks much better.
Kesirina twists her head slightly, cracking her neck. She looks relieved.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is sitting, Lady Melindria
Obvious paths: south
You say, "Interesting."
Melindria rolls her eyes.
Briars nods to Melindria.
Melindria says, "Silly empath."
Briars says, "Careful don't want those eyes to get lost in there."
Briars says, "Ok girls...let's keep that anger going."
* Helati just bit the dust!
Briars applauds.
Kesirina grins.
Briars nods to Kesirina.
Belnia just arrived.
Kesirina says, "I'm not a really angry person."
You notice Melindria slip into a hiding place.
The voice of Melindria says, "Yeah you are."
Kesirina searches around for a moment.
>think Two ladies will mud wrestle in the Hearthstone Courtyard for Briar's hand.. you don't want to miss this
You reach out and run your fingers across the necklace, and darkness streams across its surface...

You feel your mind open up to the world around you.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
[General]: "Two ladies will mud wrestle in the Hearthstone Courtyard for Briar's hand.. you don't want to miss this."
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Briars blinks.
You hear someone laugh.
Kesirina searches around for a moment.
Your SIGN OF STAUNCHING is no longer effective.
Kesirina sighs.
Cadsreel just arrived.
Briars takes a drink from his sylvan brandy.
Cadsreel glances at you.
Cadsreel asks, "Who are ye?"
Briars says, "Well looks like the audience is here Cadsreel."
The voice of Melindria says, "Run run or you'll be well done."
Briars says, "Audience member."
* Daeffodill just bit the dust!
Briars points at you.
You notice Cadsreel reach into your spidersilk cloak and remove a star ruby!
You turn quickly and grab Cadsreel's wrist, causing him to drop the ruby back in your cloak!
You hear very soft footsteps.
>'I'm a promoter
You say, "I'm a promoter."

You hear the faint thoughts of Jaganoth echo in your mind:
[General]: "First ye wanna charge people to watch, now ye wanna pay us?!"
Astranged offers Belnia a Wehnimer's promissory note.
Kesirina stands up.
Cadsreel grunts.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Astranged, Cadsreel, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina
Obvious paths: south
Briars blinks.
>l cad
You see Cadsreel Kydaro.
He appears to be a Giantman.
He appears to be old. He has tired steel grey eyes and fair skin. He has short, steel grey hair streaked with silver. He has stooped shoulders.
He has a black-and-blue right eye.
He is holding a stein of rich dwarven ale in his left hand.
He is wearing some brigandine armor, a stark black vultite buckler slung over his shoulder, a black leather wrist sheath, a crystal amulet, a black velvet beret, a feather-shaped charm, a turquoise-bound linen Adventurer's Guild badge, a black eyepatch, a jewelled engagement ring, a wrist sheath, a fiery scarlet satchel slung over his other shoulder, a black veniom-worked satchel, a white popcorn kernel-shaped cloak clasp, a sleek shadowy crystal pendant, a shadowy black stalking cloak, a simple purple sash embroidered with small violets, a silver lockpick case, a salt-stained leather plunder bag, a well-worn locksmith pouch clasped with an old key, some reinforced black leather pants, and some soft black leather boots.
Cadsreel takes a drink from his rich dwarven ale.
You snicker.
Cadsreel leans on you.
Cadsreel hiccups!
Kesirina says, "You'd better not be kidding sis."
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Briars says, "More promoters are needed."
Cadsreel nods to Briars.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Astranged, Cadsreel, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina
Obvious paths: south
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Cadsreel asks, "Mud wrestlin doh?"
>cman surg
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel a great deal stronger.
>sign of swords
sign of deflection
You grip your glaes falchion with renewed vigor!
>sign warding
sign defending
You feel magical energies distort and flow around you.
>Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>amb cads r l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Cadsreel!
AS: +422 vs DS: +215 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +30 = +269
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
Right leg ripped from socket at the knee!
Cadsreel screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You snicker.
Briars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Astranged, a stunned Cadsreel who is lying down, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina
Obvious paths: south
Briars gestures at Cadsreel.
The glazed look leaves Cadsreel.
Ragesh deftly removes the pure white falchion from his frog.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
You sit down.
The voice of Melindria says, "Never said I wasn't."
Ragesh carefully surveys his surroundings.
Belnia accepts Astranged's promissory note.
Belnia put a Wehnimer's promissory note in her tapestry-weave satchel.
>'keep it
You say, "Keep it."
Ragesh carefully hangs his falchion from his frog.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Astranged, Cadsreel who is lying down, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina
Obvious paths: south
Cadsreel says, "En all fer an ale."
Briars exclaims, "What the hell was that about!"
Belnia begins to do her best to bandage Cadsreel's wounded right leg.
Cadsreel mutters under his breath.
Kesirina meditates over Cadsreel.
Kesirina screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
Kesirina takes Cadsreel's right leg damage.
Kesirina meditates over Cadsreel.
Kesirina takes all of Cadsreel's blood loss.
The dim aura fades from around Astranged.
Kesirina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kesirina concentrates.
Kesirina's right leg looks better.
>close cloak
Sensing your intent, a swarm of tiny spiders suddenly appears from beneath the folds of your spidersilk cloak and seals the opening in the cloak with their silk.
>'he took my ruby.
You say, "He took my ruby."
You snicker.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Astranged, Cadsreel who is lying down, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Cadsreel says, "Actually, I's dinnae."
Speaking to you, Ragesh says, "You have injured my companion. I demand challenge."
Cadsreel glances at you.
Kesirina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kesirina concentrates.
Kesirina's right leg looks better.
>l rag
You see Ragesh the Scoundrel.
He appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
He is average height and appears to have come of age. He has mischievous amber eyes and fair skin. He has raggedly cut, tangled dark brown hair. He has a narrow face and slightly pointed ears.
He has a livid black tattoo spelling out the word 'THIEF' over the back of his left hand.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a wide-brimmed black leather hat, a gleaming vaalorn aventail, a simple black suede jerkin, a black leather longcoat, a twisted gold ring, a black leather frog with a gold-hilted pure white falchion hanging from it, a black leather satchel secured by a tarnished silver grapple, some tailored dark suede trousers, and a pair of cuffed black leather boots.
You say, "Ok."
Cadsreel says, "Check yer bag."
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You notice Astranged moving stealthily south.
Ragesh beams!
Ragesh deftly removes the pure white falchion from his frog.
>l in pou
In the black silk gem pouch you see a twisted gold ring, a small gold ring, a bright gold ring, a braided gold ring, a narrow gold ring, a white flask, an oval-cut pink dreamstone band, a shiny gold ring, a filigreed copper barrette and an inlaid gold ring.
Cadsreel glances at Ragesh.

You hear the faint thoughts of Briars echo in your mind:
[General]: "Exactly! That's business."
Cadsreel groans.
>close pou
You close an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Kesirina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kesirina concentrates.
Kesirina's right leg looks better.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel who is lying down, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
>rem shi
You sling a Mularos crested tower shield off from over your shoulder.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel who is lying down, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
>sign warding
sign defending
Repeating the sign has no effect!
>Repeating the sign has no effect!
>sign of swords
sign of deflection
Repeating the sign has no effect!
>Repeating the sign has no effect!
Cadsreel rubs Kesirina.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel who is lying down, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
You feel fully energetic again.
>'i don't think I have any spells
You say, "I don't think I have any spells."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel who is lying down, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Ragesh steps forward and challenges you to a duel of pain (or worse) for violating his honor!
You have the option of using CHALLENGE ACCEPT or CHALLENGE REFUSE.
Belnia just went south.
* Corienne just bit the dust!
>challenge accept

To accept or refuse an issued Challenge, a request to stop, or a plea for mercy:

ACCEPT: Accepts a challenge and begins the duel, or ends the
duel if answering a stop/mercy request
REFUSE: Refuses a challenge or stop/mercy request

If you are being challenged for theft or murder and are guilty of the crime,
you will not be able to refuse the challenge. You can ask for mercy during
the challenge, and if your opponent agrees, you will hand over all the coins
in your pockets to end the duel. Type CHALLENGE THEFT for more information.
Ragesh says, "That's okay I sold my armor."
The voice of Melindria says, "Hmmm."
Cadsreel sits up.
Ragesh says, "I have armory breastplate on."
Ragesh snickers.
>challenge ragesh accept
You accept Ragesh's challenge!
Belnia just arrived.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Belnia, Cadsreel who is sitting, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
You say, "Die."
Cadsreel works his fingers under his black velvet beret and scratches his head.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Belnia, Cadsreel who is sitting, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
* Durathain just bit the dust!
You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
>l rag
You see Ragesh the Scoundrel.
He appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
He is average height and appears to have come of age. He has mischievous amber eyes and fair skin. He has raggedly cut, tangled dark brown hair. He has a narrow face and slightly pointed ears.
He has a livid black tattoo spelling out the word 'THIEF' over the back of his left hand.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a pure white falchion with an enruned golden hilt in his right hand.
He is wearing a wide-brimmed black leather hat, a gleaming vaalorn aventail, a simple black suede jerkin, a black leather longcoat, a twisted gold ring, a black leather frog, a black leather satchel secured by a tarnished silver grapple, some tailored dark suede trousers, and a pair of cuffed black leather boots.
>stance neu
You are now in a neutral stance.
Cadsreel takes a drink from his rich dwarven ale.
>sweep rag
[Roll result: -44 (open d100: 20) Penalties: 16]
You crouch and sweep a leg at Ragesh, but miss!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You laugh out loud!
The voice of Melindria asks, "Ain't gonna do no good without a leg, sis?"
>fame rages
Briars asks, "What happened to the -women- fighting?"
Ragesh has his fame disabled.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Belnia, Cadsreel who is sitting, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
You say, "Eek."
Ragesh leaps from hiding to attack!
Ragesh swings a gold-hilted pure white falchion at you!
AS: +426 vs DS: +296 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +37 = +188
... and hits for 11 points of damage!
Blow nicks your left hand.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Belnia, Cadsreel who is sitting, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Jaganoth just arrived.
Ragesh snickers.
>amb rag r l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +277 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +48 = +210
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Deep, bloody slash to Ragesh's right thigh!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You ask, "Gotcha?"
Cadsreel stands up.
Jaganoth hoots.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Cadsreel put a stein of rich dwarven ale in his stalking cloak.
Briars says, "No no."
>amb rag l l
...wait 1 seconds.
amb rag l l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +206 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +4 = +237
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Deft slash to Ragesh's left leg digs deep!
Bone is chipped!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Your internal strength fully recovers from your most recent attempt to tap into it.
You snicker.
Briars says, "Those are NOT the women."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Jaganoth, Belnia, Cadsreel, Lord Briars who is sitting, a stunned Ragesh who is lying down, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Briars gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
You feel fully energetic again.
Briars gestures at Ragesh.
The glazed look leaves Ragesh.
Ragesh says, "Nae. TO pain."
>stance def
...wait 1 seconds.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Ragesh says, "Don't unstun."
>'is that it?
You ask, "Is that it?"
Kesirina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kesirina concentrates.
Kesirina's right leg looks better.
Ragesh snickers at Briars.
Ragesh struggles to stand, but fails.
Vivaldi just arrived.
Cadsreel pulls Ragesh to his feet.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Cadsreel, Lord Briars who is sitting, Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Briars traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Briars gestures at Ragesh.
CS: +377 - TD: +243 + CvA: -11 + d100: +18 - -5 == +146
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is heavily stunned!
Jaganoth says, "Oh."
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>stance off
Vivaldi yawns.
...wait 3 seconds.
Briars says, "There."

You hear the faint thoughts of Colleal echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Any locksmiths capable of doing minotaur boxes around?"
stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>amb rag r arm
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +236 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +39 = +242
... and hit for 13 points of damage!
Gash to Ragesh's left eyebrow.
That's going to be quite a shiner!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
>'i aimed arm
You say, "I aimed arm."
You laugh out loud!
...wait 1 seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>amb rag r arm
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +263 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +100 = +276
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Powerful slash just cracks Ragesh's weapon arm!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You say, "Heh."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Cadsreel, Lord Briars who is sitting, a stunned Ragesh, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Jaganoth says, "I was going to say.."
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Vivaldi works his fingers under his wide-brimmed hat and scratches his head.
Cadsreel grabs Ragesh and drags him south.
Briars nods to Jaganoth.
>'it's over right?
You ask, "It's over right?"
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Kesirina shakes her head.
Briars says, "They are rather ugly."
Briars says, "No no."
Kesirina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kesirina concentrates.
Kesirina's right leg looks better.
Briars says, "All right girls."
You sit down.
Briars exclaims, "The crowd is here!"
You hear someone snicker.
>'i think i won
You say, "I think i won."
Briars applauds.
Briars nods to Jaganoth.
You say, "Heh."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Vivaldi just closed a multipocketed doeskin fishing vest.
Ragesh just arrived.
Jaganoth touches one finger to his lips.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Cadsreel just arrived.
Ragesh frowns.
Vivaldi rubs his silvery vaalorn star, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly.
Vivaldi gets an odd look on his face.
Kesirina asks, "Are we really doing this?"
Ragesh says, "Don't drag me he is fighting."

You hear the faint thoughts of Tykeara echo in your mind:
[General]: "Free colors in the park."
>say rag I won right
You say, "Rag I won right."
Cadsreel works his fingers under his black velvet beret and scratches his head.
The voice of Melindria exclaims, "Yes!"
Briars says, "Ok..."
Ragesh seems a bit weaker than before.
Ragesh says, "No."
Briars exclaims, "Yes!"
Kesirina says, "I'm so gonna lose."
Ragesh says, "It is to pain."
>'wot pain
You say, "Wot pain."
Ragesh smiles at you.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Briars says, "And remember the clothing part."

You hear the faint thoughts of Lydrift echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Selling a full suit of invar platemail etched with ancient dwarven runes. Has a loresong, +2, somewhat damage padded (permanent). 650k flat, think to me."
Vivaldi opens his canvas longcoat with a flourish, tossing its ends back over his shoulders with abandon.
Vivaldi removes a wooden toothpick from in his canvas longcoat.
Vivaldi closes his canvas longcoat with a flourish, causing its hem to swirl about his ankles.
Kesirina says, "She's way stronger than I."
>'you felt pain budd
Vivaldi idly picks his teeth with his wooden toothpick.
You say, "You felt pain budd."
Ragesh says, "When I am low on health."
Briars exclaims, "That's fine!"
Briars says, "Try wrestling."
Ragesh says, "It will announce when you have won."
The voice of Melindria says, "Bah, come on..."
Briars says, "Mud."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south

You hear the faint thoughts of Lydrift echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Selling a vaalorn hilted invar claidhmore. +2, hits magical creatures. 5mil flat."
Kesirina appears to be focusing her thoughts while chanting softly...
Kesirina concentrates.
Kesirina looks a little better.
>'who will
You say, "Who will."
Briars says, "Where's the mud Cadsreel."
Cadsreel glances at Vivaldi.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
The powerful look leaves Ragesh.
Ragesh pulls you to your feet.
Vivaldi shrugs at Cadsreel.
Ragesh says, "Stand and fight."
Vivaldi says, "I dunno."
You yawn.
You seem to be in one piece.

Maximum Health Points: 187
Remaining Health Points: 184
You are feeling pretty good.

Maximum Spirit Points: 9
Remaining Spirit Points: 9

Maximum Stamina Points: 98
Remaining Stamina Points: 98

Ragesh snickers.
>cman smas
Kesirina says, "Alright I will if I can spellup."
You focus your mind on the shadows and gird your body for stealth.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
Cadsreel says, "Well dat's more yer area Farmer."
USAGE: CMAN [option] {args} or
CMAN <skill> {target}

LEARN {skill} - Trade in Combat Maneuver Learning points for maneuver training
UNLEARN {skill} - Trade maneuvers known to you for Combat Maneuver learning points
LIST - Lists potential maneuvers available for you to train in
LIST PROFESSION - Lists maneuvers available to your profession
You may also specify the profession you wish to view
LIST ALL - Lists all released maneuvers
INFO - Displays your current maneuver training info
HELP {skill} - Lists information about the selected maneuver

Note: All {skill} references above require use of the skill mnemonic.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
>cman info
Deron, your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Shadow Mastery smastery 5
Shield Bash sbash 1
Specialization II wspec2 5
Coup de Grace coupdegrace 1
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Combat Toughness toughness 3
Truehand truehand 2
Surge of Strength surge 5

Cadsreel says, "Mud...dirt... plants."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south
The voice of Melindria says, "That's the only way you'll win."
Vivaldi asks, "Wha? Fightin'?"
Vivaldi says, "Oh."
You feel at full magical power again.
You feel fully energetic again.

You hear the faint thoughts of Briars echo in your mind:
[General]: "Hearthstone steps. Hurry up. Fight is about to start."
>'i thought i won
You say, "I thought i won."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, Ragesh, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina who is lying down
Obvious paths: south

You hear the faint thoughts of Lydrift echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Check out my shop for armor, weapons, enhansives, and more at 3 east Holly, a simple shop. Aidaen's Weaponry."
Kesirina says, "Maybe."
Vivaldi says, "Naw, ain't interested in mud."
Cadsreel pulls Kesirina to her feet.
Ragesh says, "No."
>stance neu
You are now in a neutral stance.

You hear the faint thoughts of Tykeara echo in your mind:
[General]: "Free colors, blurs and guards in the park!"
Vivaldi says, "Good soil, sure."
>sweep rag
[Roll result: 19 (open d100: 93) Penalties: 26]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Ragesh and connect!
You whack Ragesh's legs futilely! Ow! You fail to regain your footing.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Kesirina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kesirina gestures.
Kesirina's eyes narrow in concentration.
Briars groans.
You snicker.
Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Ragesh swings a gold-hilted pure white falchion at you!
You easily block the attack with your crested tower shield!
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Ragesh snickers.

You hear the faint thoughts of Skeevve echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Any other supporters of my gambling habit, and want spells, full spellup TTM 10k."
>stance off
...wait 1 seconds.
Kesirina gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kesirina gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Kesirina.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Briars says, "The women are supposed to fight."
>amb rag r l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +252 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +16 = +203
... and hit for 21 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to Ragesh's right knee!
Ragesh screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Kesirina traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Kesirina gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Kesirina.
Kesirina gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kesirina gestures.
Kesirina suddenly looks more powerful.
>'ok you insist....
You say, "Ok you insist...."
Vivaldi works his fingers under his wide-brimmed hat and scratches his head.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, a stunned Ragesh who is lying down, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina
Obvious paths: south
Kesirina gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kesirina gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Kesirina.
Cadsreel says, "Bugger."
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>amb rag neck
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +158 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +78 = +359
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Neck broken.
Ragesh twitches several times before dying.

* Ragesh drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Ragesh.
The deep blue glow leaves Ragesh.
Ragesh becomes solid again.
Ragesh seems a bit less imposing.
The bright luminescence fades from around Ragesh.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Ragesh suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Ragesh.
Ragesh returns to normal color.
Roundtime: 8 sec.

Satisfaction wells within you, induced by the slaying of Ragesh. The match is yours!
* Ragesh just bit the dust!
The ghostly voice of Ragesh says, "You have still nae won."
Kesirina removes a pure white zorchar-studded ball and chain from in her herb satchel.
Kesirina slings a laje-trimmed vultite aegis off from over her shoulder.
The ghostly voice of Ragesh says, "Now you have won."
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Cadsreel, the body of Ragesh who is lying down, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina
Obvious paths: south
>stance def
...wait 3 seconds.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
You say, "Ok.."
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Cadsreel sighs.
You sit down.
Dashinel just arrived.
Speaking to Ragesh, Vivaldi asks, "I miss somethin'?"
Cadsreel says, "Ferst Briars, now ye."
>'remember I didn't insist
You say, "Remember I didn't insist."
Kesirina says, "Oh god I can't believe I'm doing this."
The ghostly voice of Ragesh says, "I'm bored."
Cadsreel frowns at Ragesh.
Vivaldi glances between Ragesh and yourself.
Briars blinks.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently in the moonlight, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see the Melindria disk, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Dashinel, Cadsreel, the body of Ragesh who is lying down, Vivaldi, Jaganoth, Belnia, Lord Briars who is sitting, Kesirina
Obvious paths: south
Briars exclaims, "What was that about!"
The ghostly voice of Ragesh says, "Some guy is bringing me armor in like thirty minutes."
The voice of Melindria says, "I've got nothin better ta do."
Briars stands up.
Dashinel says, "The heck i miss."
You feel fully energetic again.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>'you're not wearin armor?
You ask, "You're not wearin armor?"
Cadsreel says, "A fight."
The ghostly voice of Ragesh says, "It was an epic battle."

02-27-2009, 12:56 AM
You notice Cadsreel reach into your spidersilk cloak and remove a star ruby!
You turn quickly and grab Cadsreel's wrist, causing him to drop the ruby back in your cloak!

>amb cads r l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Cadsreel!
AS: +422 vs DS: +215 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +30 = +269
... and hit for 46 points of damage!
Right leg ripped from socket at the knee!
Cadsreel screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You snicker.

>'keep it
You say, "Keep it."

Cadsreel says, "En all fer an ale."
Briars exclaims, "What the hell was that about!"

>'he took my ruby.
You say, "He took my ruby."
You snicker.

Cadsreel says, "Actually, I's dinnae."

Speaking to you, Ragesh says, "You have injured my companion. I demand challenge."

Cadsreel glances at you.

You say, "Ok."
Cadsreel says, "Check yer bag."

You say, "Rag I won right."

Ragesh says, "No."

Ragesh says, "It is to pain."
>'wot pain
You say, "Wot pain."

Ragesh says, "When I am low on health."

Ragesh says, "It will announce when you have won."

You say, "I thought i won."

Ragesh says, "No."

Sensing an impending attack, you manage to roll hard to the side, and then leap to your feet!
Ragesh swings a gold-hilted pure white falchion at you!
You easily block the attack with your crested tower shield!
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.

>amb rag r l
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +252 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +16 = +203
... and hit for 21 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to Ragesh's right knee!
Ragesh screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 8 sec.

You say, "Ok you insist...."

Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>amb rag neck
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a polished glaes falchion at Ragesh!
AS: +406 vs DS: +158 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +78 = +359
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Neck broken.
Ragesh twitches several times before dying.

* Ragesh drops dead at your feet!

The ghostly voice of Ragesh says, "Now you have won."

First... Man I hate thieves too, but just attacking them is such a lame way to fix the problem.

Second... You're not too bright are you? When you catch a thief, the ruby goes back into your bag.

He explains in very a very OOC and obvious way what "to pain" is, and you still ambush his neck and kill him... all it would have taken was a couple more hits to his limbs and you don't have to kill some guy who looks like he's trying to have a little fun!

02-27-2009, 01:00 AM
Do not make me track down Humperdinck to explain this!!!1

Here. This is almost as good:

Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): First things first, to the death.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): No. To the pain.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): It won't be the last. To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): And then my tongue I suppose, I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): I wasn't finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): And then my ears, I understand let's get on with it.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): WRONG. Your ears you keep and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): I think your bluffing.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): It's possible, Pig, I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. But, then again... perhaps I have the strength after all.
[slowly rises and points sword directly at the prince]
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): DROP... YOUR... SWORD!

02-27-2009, 01:07 AM
First... Man I hate thieves too, but just attacking them is such a lame way to fix the problem.

What should he have done? Put the thief over his knee and spanked his ass?

02-27-2009, 01:10 AM
Do not make me track down Humperdinck to explain this!!!1

Here. This is almost as good:

Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): First things first, to the death.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): No. To the pain.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): It won't be the last. To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): And then my tongue I suppose, I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): I wasn't finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): And then my ears, I understand let's get on with it.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): WRONG. Your ears you keep and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God! What is that thing," will echo in your perfect ears. That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.
Prince Humperdinck (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001697/): I think your bluffing.
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): It's possible, Pig, I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand. But, then again... perhaps I have the strength after all.
[slowly rises and points sword directly at the prince]
Wesley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000144/): DROP... YOUR... SWORD!

It would be similar, if after that conversation this happened:

Wesley leap from hiding to attack!
Wesley swing a polished glaes falchion at Prince Humperdink!
AS: +406 vs DS: +158 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +78 = +359
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Neck broken.
Prince Humperdink twitches several times before dying.

* Prince Humperdink drops dead at your feet!

Satisfaction wells within you, induced by the slaying of Prince Humperdink. The match is yours Wesley old chap!
* Prince Humperdink just bit the dust!
The ghostly voice of Prince Humperdink says, "But I dropped my sword already!."

02-27-2009, 01:12 AM
What should he have done? Put the thief over his knee and spanked his ass?

The thief obviously wasn't running off like 90% of thieves do when they get caught. He seemed like he wanted to RP it out instead of resorting straight to violence.

02-27-2009, 02:21 AM
So, violence can't be part of RP?

02-27-2009, 02:34 AM
So, violence can't be part of RP?

Putting words in my mouth much?

If you ask a GM? Pretty much no, unless the challenge verb is used it's considered harassment I think. And as the OP has proven, not many people understand the challenge verb, and 95% of people that "RP violence" just kill anyone that annoys them.

And if anyone considers anything the OP did as Roleplaying... Well, I'm surprised he/she didn't say "lol" outloud, myself.

As an aside, stop instigating!

02-27-2009, 02:38 AM
What should he have done? Put the thief over his knee and spanked his ass?

To get a better answer to this question, the log could be read again...

If you are being challenged for theft or murder and are guilty of the crime,
you will not be able to refuse the challenge. You can ask for mercy during
the challenge, and if your opponent agrees, you will hand over all the coins
in your pockets to end the duel. Type CHALLENGE THEFT for more information.

If they really want to resort directly to violence... you pretty much get a free out of jail card right there.

02-27-2009, 03:04 AM
Call me a romantic but I keep hoping for the next death log to be motivated by insults that genuinely strike at the core of one's insecurities, that insult is added to injury/death and that I'm only one post away from the revenge log. People are so..nice..lately.

02-27-2009, 05:37 AM

02-27-2009, 05:38 AM
Miscast and I do hate properly.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-27-2009, 08:57 AM
Ragesh wasn't trying. He didn't even have a shield out.

02-27-2009, 09:35 AM
Ragesh wasn't trying. He didn't even have a shield out.

Right that's a valid excuse.

02-27-2009, 09:49 AM
If you ask a GM? Pretty much no, unless the challenge verb is used it's considered harassment I think. And as the OP has proven, not many people understand the challenge verb, and 95% of people that "RP violence" just kill anyone that annoys them.Not really. Pickpocketing in itself is considered consent to CvC. So it's within the "victim's" right to retaliate, which would include killing him, for trying.

02-27-2009, 11:39 AM
notice the log.. i played around the first time but he wanted more so I kicked his butt.. it's his fault for not using a weapon

as for the thief it has been common Elanthian ettiquite to at least LEG a thief if they try to steal from you sincerely.. and I think the guy really was trying to steal from me so he got owned.. and no I don't care what "policy" says just like if you catch someone in your house stealing it's "law" to call the cops but I hit them with the biggest object I had near me and if I knocked them out they would awaken to being tied up and flogged with a stick


02-27-2009, 03:32 PM
Putting words in my mouth much?

If you ask a GM? Pretty much no, unless the challenge verb is used it's considered harassment I think. And as the OP has proven, not many people understand the challenge verb, and 95% of people that "RP violence" just kill anyone that annoys them.

And if anyone considers anything the OP did as Roleplaying... Well, I'm surprised he/she didn't say "lol" outloud, myself.

As an aside, stop instigating!

I'm not putting words in your mouth, i'm disputing the words that came out of your mouth because I disagree with them. He didn't just kill anyone that annoyed him, he legged someone for trying to steal (which like CT said, is an invitation for CvC any day of the week). If he wanted to just kill him for it he would've been well within his right, however he didn't. So basically, he didn't do anything you suggested he did.

And what exactly am I instigating?

02-27-2009, 05:10 PM
You hear the faint thoughts of Ragesh echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Selling a heavily crit padded gleaming vaalorn aventail."
The appearance of great calm leaves Deleyli as she looks up and glances around.

Deleyli just opened an ebon velvet pelisse quilted with intricate whitework.
Deleyli just opened a sturdy dark leather gem pouch.
Deleyli just closed an ebon velvet pelisse quilted with intricate whitework.
Deleyli just closed a sturdy dark leather gem pouch.
Suddenly, Firemizar appears in the room holding onto a ring he has just placed on his finger.
Beldonn just arrived.
Moriendi kneels and begins to meditate.
Firemizar asks, "Any healing please?"
The Mamu disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
A swarm of hairy spiders erupt from the folds of your spidersilk cloak and forms a pattern.
The appearance of great calm leaves Moriendi as he looks up and glances around.

Moriendi nods to Firemizar.
Ihston just arrived.
Moriendi meditates over Firemizar.
Moriendi takes Firemizar's right leg damage.
Moriendi meditates over Firemizar.
Moriendi takes Firemizar's nervous system damage.
Moriendi meditates over Firemizar.
Moriendi takes all of Firemizar's blood loss.
Ihston just handed Deleyli some coins.
Moriendi appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Moriendi concentrates.
Moriendi looks a lot better.
Ihston smiles.
Beldonn removes a crystal amulet from in a weathered wooden trunk.
Deleyli smiles.
Deleyli just opened an ebon velvet pelisse quilted with intricate whitework.
Deleyli just opened a sturdy dark leather gem pouch.
Great Lord Drung's group just arrived.
Beldonn put a crystal amulet in his blue spidersilk satchel.
Deleyli removes a pink rhodochrosite stone from in her leather gem pouch.
Deleyli just closed an ebon velvet pelisse quilted with intricate whitework.
Deleyli just closed a sturdy dark leather gem pouch.
Moriendi murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Moriendi concentrates.
Moriendi's right leg looks better.
Beldonn just closed a wispy blue spidersilk satchel.

You hear the faint thoughts of Ihston echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "Just need one now..."
Lyoko's group just arrived.
A cloud wolf saunters in.
Deleyli offers Ihston a pink rhodochrosite stone.
Ihston accepts Deleyli's rhodochrosite stone.
Deleyli winks at Ihston.
Firemizar asks, "Any empaths on duty this evening?"
Lyoko gives Miaehia a friendly hug.
Great Lord Drung's group just went southwest.
Ihston smiles.
Ihston waves to Deleyli.
Lyoko's group just went northwest.
Great Lord Drung's group just arrived.
Deleyli waves to Ihston.

[Leaving rest mode.]

Deleyli gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Deleyli gestures at Linoge.
Linoge suddenly looks more powerful.
Speaking in Guildspeak to Firemizar, Moriendi says something you don't understand.
Moriendi winks.
Beldonn just went southwest.
Deleyli traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Ihston just went west.
Deleyli gestures at Linoge.
A dim aura surrounds Linoge.
A cloud wolf scrambles out of sight.

You hear the faint thoughts of Ragesh echo in your mind:
[Merchant]: "I have your gem outside the north gate."
Speaking to Firemizar, Moriendi says, "Already got ya."
Linoge removes an elegant elven-crafted war claidhmore from in his black leather back-sheaths.
Deleyli gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Deleyli gestures at Linoge.
A deep blue glow surrounds Linoge.
Linoge carefully examines his elven-crafted claidhmore.
>think is that the aventail you wore when i chopped your neck last night?

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
[General]: "Is that the aventail you wore when i chopped your neck last night?"
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Firemizar blinks.
Deleyli gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Deleyli gestures at Linoge.
A deep blue glow surrounds Linoge.
Moriendi murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Moriendi concentrates.
Moriendi's right leg looks better.
Deleyli gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Firemizar says, "That was fast."
Linoge shows Deleyli his elven-crafted claidhmore.
>think eeeeeeeeek
Deleyli gestures at Linoge.
A light blue glow surrounds Linoge.

You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
[General]: "Eeeeeeeeek."
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Firemizar chuckles.
Linoge raises his elven-crafted claidhmore in triumph!
Deleyli gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Deleyli gestures at Linoge.
A light blue glow surrounds Linoge.
Moriendi grins.
Linoge put an elegant elven-crafted war claidhmore in his black leather back-sheaths.
Deleyli drools at Linoge!
Moriendi murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Moriendi concentrates.
Moriendi's nervous system looks better.
Firemizar removes a fire opal from in his golden yellow pack.

You hear the faint thoughts of Ragesh echo in your mind:
[General]: "I don't recall if I had it on."



02-27-2009, 05:24 PM
... please stop talking. You're making my head hurt.

You're misguided gloating over a fight where you ignored the rules of the challenge against an opponent who cared so little for your skills that he didn't even bother to prepare himself. You demonstrated your lack of role-playing ability and your general lack of decency. Congrats.

02-27-2009, 06:02 PM

02-27-2009, 07:35 PM
Seriously, learn to edit a log for readability.

07-12-2010, 09:56 AM
pretty cool

07-12-2010, 10:19 AM
wow you fucking rock necromancer bumping all these threads :P